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COMPOSITION OF FORCES: It is the process of finding the resultant or single force, which will
have the same effect as the number of forces.

DEFINITION OF RESULTANT: It is possible to find a single force which will have the same effect
as that of a number of forces acting on a body. Such a force is called resultant force.


All the forces lying in a single plane & line of action of all the forces passing through a single
point such forces are called coplanar concurrent forces and the process of finding the resultant
force of these coplanar concurrent forces are known as composition of coplanar concurrent
force system.

Here F1, F2, F3, F4 & F5 are the five forces lying in single plane
& passing through single point. Therefore these forces are
coplanar concurrent forces.
In a coplanar concurrent force system, we can calculate the magnitude and direction of the
resultant. The position, However cannot be determining because all forces are meeting at a
common point.

Thus, The magnitude of resultant,


Direction of resultant

θ= tan-1(∑Fy / ∑F x)

The steps to solve problems in the coplanar concurrent force system are, therefore as follows:

Calculate the algebraic sum of all the forces acting in the x-direction (i.e ∑Fx) and also in the y-
direction (i.e ∑Fy)

1. Determine the magnitude of the resultant using the formula, R=√∑Fx2+∑Fx2.

2. Determine the direction of the resultant using the formula, θ= tan -1(∑Fy / ∑Fx).


The law states that “If two forces acting simultaneously on a body at a point are represented in
magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of parallelogram, their resultant is
represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram which passes
through the point of intersection of two sides representing the forces”
According to this law, If P1 and P2 are the two forces acting on a body as shown in figure (A).
The resultant force can be obtained by constructing a parallelogram PQRS as shown in figure
(B). In which the sides PQ and PS represent the forces P 1 and P2 respectively (in magnitude &
direction). Then the diagonal PR represents the resultant R F in magnitude and direction.

Principle of resolved parts:

The resolution of forces is exactly the opposite process of composition of forces. It is the
process of finding the number of component forces which will have the same effect on the
body as the given single force.

Exactly the opposite process of composition can be employed to get the resolved component of
a given force.

1. Angle is given with respect to X- axis

2.Angle is given with respect to Y-axis

A force of 200N is acting at a point making an angle of 40° with the horizontal shown in figure.
Determine the components of this force along the X and Y directions.

Solution:- Component along the X-direction

Fx = P COS θ

= 200 COS 40°

= 153.21N

Component along the Y- axis

Fy= P COS θ

= 200 COS 40°

= 128.56N
2. A force of F1= 1200N is acting vertically on an incline shown in figure. Find its components
along X and Y axis.

Solution:- The angle θ is

θ = tan-1 (¾)


The angle made by the given force with X- axis is

(90-θ) =53.13° as shown in figure.

Fx= -1200 COS 53.13°

= -720N

Fy= -1200 SIN 53.13°

= -960N
3. A force 200N is acting on a block as shown in figure. Find the component of force along
horizontal and vertical axis.

The angle made by the given force with

horizontal is 60°

Horizontal component,

Fx = -200 Cos 60°

= -100N

Vertical component,

Fy= -200 Sin 60°

4. Find the resultant of the coplanar concurrent force system shown in figure.


∑Fx= 300 Cos0°+400Cos 60°-300Cos40°

= 300+200-229.81


∑Fx= 400 Sin60°+300 Sin40°-200 Sin90°



R=√∑Fx2+∑F y2

=√(270.19) 2+(339.25)2



=tan-1(339.25/270.19) = 51.47°
5. The 26kN force is the resultant of two forces one of which is as shown in figure. Determine
the other force.

Solution:- Let the other force be of magnitude F with X and Y components F x and Fy respectively.

For 10 kN force:- Cos θ= 4/5 , Sin θ= 3/5

X- Component is 10Cos = 10*4/5

=8 kN

And Y-component is 10sin θ= 10*3/5

=6 kN

For resultant force:-

Cos θ =5/13, Sin θ=12/13


X-component is 26*5/13 = 10kN = Rx and Y-component is 26*12/13 =24 kN =Ry

Rx = ∑Fx F =√∑Fx2+∑F y2
10 = 8+ Fx =√2 2 +182

∑Fx = 2kN F =18.11kN

Ry = ∑Fy θ=tan-1(∑Fy/∑Fx)

24 = 6+ Fy =tan-1(18/2)

∑Fy = 18kN θ= 83.66°

6. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant for the system of forces shown in


For 100N force , makes an angle ‘α1’with X-axis

 α1=tan =53.13°

For 80N force, makes an angle ‘α2’with X-axis

 α2=tan =26.57°

∑Fx= +100Cos53.13°-80 Cos26.57°-140Cos30°


= -51.37N

 ∑Fx= 51.37N(←)

∑Fy= +100 Sin53.13°+80 Sin26.57°-140 Sin30°

-120 Sin60°-200 Sin45°

= -199.56N

 ∑Fy= 199.56N(↓)

R= (51.37) + (199.56)

R= 206.07N

θ = tan .

θ = 75.56°

7). Four coplanar forces acting at a point are shown in figure. One of the forces is unknown and
its magnitude is shown by ‘P’. the resultant has a magnitude of 500N and is acting along the X-
axis. Determine the unknown force P and its inclination with the X-axis.

We know that, ∑F x= Rx

∑Fy= Ry

Resolving forces along the X-direction,

∑Fx= Rx=Rcosθ=R

∑Fx= 500N


-Pcosθ = 791.59N

Pcosθ = -791.59N---------(1)


∑Fy= Ry= 0



Squaring both equation (1) and (2), then adding

P2cos2θ+P2sin2θ = (-791.59)2+(308.58)2

P2= 7,21,836.34

P = 849.61N
Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) gives,

=tanθ= .

θ = tan .

θ = 21.29°

8). Three forces acting at a point are shown in figure. The direction of 400N force may vary, but
the angle between them is always 60°. Determine the value of ‘θ’ for which the resultant of the
three forces is directed parallel to XX.



sinθ+sin(60+θ) =

sin(60+θ) +sinθ = -1.061

2sin cos = -1.061

[∵ sinA +sinB= 2sin cos ]

2sin(30+θ)cos30 = -1.061

Sin(30+θ) = -0.613

30+θ = -37.78°

θ = -67.78°

Which is equal to 360°-67.78°

= 292.22°

9) Two cables which have known tensions T1=2kN and T2=4kN are attached at the point B of a
mast AB. A third cable BC is used as a guy wire and is attached at B. determine the required
tension in cable BC, so that the resultant of the forces exerted by the three cables will be
vertical. Also find the magnitude of the resultant.

As resultant force is vertical,

Rx= ∑F x =0


As T1=2kN and T2=4kN


Ry= ∑F y =R

R= -T1sin10°-T2sin40°-TBCsin40°

= -2sin10°-4sin40°-6.57sin40°

= -7.14kN

 Ry = 7.14kN (↓)

10) A truck is to be pulled along a straight road as shown in figure.

(i) If the force applied along rope A is 5kN inclined at 20°, so that vehicle moves along
the road?

(ii) If force of 4kN is applied in rope B at what angle rope B should be inclined so that
the vehicle is pulled along the road?


If the vehicle is pulled along the road, the resultant force acting on it will be along the

Taking X-axis along the road,


(i) 5sin30°-FBsin 20°=0


(ii) Let α be the angle made by rope B with X-axis



α = 38.68°

Composition of coplanar non concurrent force system:

Forces lie in a single plane and line of action of all the forces do not pass through a single point.
Such system of forces is called coplanar non concurrent force system. And the process of
finding the resultant force of these coplanar non concurrent forces are known as composition
of coplanar non concurrent force system.

Here F1, F2,F3 & F4 are the four forces lying in single plane and line of action of these forces do
not pass through single point. Therefore these forces are coplanar non concurrent forces.

In a coplanar non concurrent force system, we can calculate the magnitude, direction and
position of the resultant force as follows:

Magnitude of resultant, R= ∑ +∑

Direction of resultant, θ=tan ∑

Position of resultant: the position of the resultant means the calculation of d, or x and y
intercepts as shown in figure.
Rd=algebraic sum of moments of number of forces

about that

point ‘o’



x-intercept: x= ∑

y-intercept: y= ∑

Varignon’s principle of moments:

“The algebraic sum of the moments of a system of coplanar forces about a moment centre in
their plane is equal to the moment of their resultant force about the same moment centre.”

To prove that,

P1d1+P2d2 =Rd
Proof: ‘B’ is a moment centre, join AB and consider it as Y-axis. And draw X-axis at right angles
to it at ‘A’.

Resultant ‘R’ makes an angle ‘θ’ with X-axis and noting that same angle formed by
perpendicular to ‘R’ from ‘B’. i.e. ABC =θ

Similarly force ‘P1’ makes an angle ‘θ1’ with X-axis and noting that same angle formed by
perpendicular to ‘P1’ from ‘B’. i.e. ABD =θ1

Similarly force ‘P2’ makes an angle ‘θ2’ with X-axis and noting that same angle formed by
perpendicular to ‘P2’ from ‘B’.

i.e. ABE =θ2

Take R.H.S.

∵ In triangle ABC
Rd=R.ABcos cos θ =
d = AB cos θ



Rx----- component of R in X-direction

Take L.H.S.


∵ In triangle ABD
P1d1=P1.AB cos θ1 Cos θ1 =
d1 = AB cos θ1

=AB. P1 cos θ1

P1x----- component of P1 in X-direction

∵ In triangle ABE
P2d2=P2.AB cos θ2 Cos θ2 =
d2 = AB cos θ2

=AB. P2 cos θ2


P2x----- component of P2 in X-direction

Add Equation (2) and (3)

P1d1+P2d2 = AB.P1x +AB.P2x

= AB(P1x+ P2x)

= AB.Rx-------------(4)

Since the sum of X- components of individual forces P1 and P2 is equal to the X- component of
resultant ‘R’.

From equation (1) and (4) it can be concluded as

P1d1+P2d2 = Rd

 ∑M = Rd

Hence, theorem is proved.


1) Determine the magnitude, x-intercept and y-intercept of the resultant of force system
acting on the lamina shown in figure.

(All square of size 100mm x 100mm)


tanα= 100/200

α= tan (0.5)

α= 26.57°

∑fx= +400+600 cos26.57°

= +936.63N

∑fy= +200-600 sin26.57°

= -68.37N

= 68.37N↓

Type equation here.R= ∑ +∑

= (936.63) + (68.37)

= 939.12N

θ=tan ∑
=tan .

= 4.17°

∑MO= [(400x400)+(600sin26.57°x200)+(600cos26.57°x100)]

= 2,67,338.22


, , .
= .

d= 284.67 mm


= . °

=3,914.82 mm


= . °

=285.43 mm

2) Four forces act on a 700mm x 375mm plate

a) Find the resultant of these forces.

b) Locate the point where the line of action of the resultant intersects the edge AB

c) of the plate.

The angle for 500N force with horizontal is tan =36.87° and for 340N force the angle is

tan =61.93°



= -1000N

Rx =1000N(←)



= 1200N

Ry =1200N(↑)

R= +

= (1000) + (1200)
= 1562.05N




Taking moment about point ‘A’

∑MA= -340sin61.93°x700+760x375



, .
= .

d= 48.01mm


= . °


The point where line of action of resultant intersects AB lies at a distance of 62.50mm to the
left of ‘A’.
3) Determine the magnitude, direction of the resultant force for the force system shown in
figure. Locate the resultant force with respect to point ‘D’.


The angle of 5kN force with the horizontal is tan =26.57°



= -0.472kN

Rx =0.472kN(←)


= -6-5sin26.57°

= -8.236kN

= 8.236kN(↓)

R= +

= (0.472) + (8.236)
= 8.25kN


=tan .


∑MD= 4x1.2-5sin26.57°x2-8-6x1



= .

d= 1.657m

x= ∑

= .


y= ∑

= .
4) Find magnitude and direction and distance of resultant from the point ‘A’ for the system of
forces shown in figure.

Solution:- Magnitude of resultant,

R= ∑ +∑

∑ = 45 sin30°+60sin60°-75cos45°

= 21.428kN

∑ = 45 sin30°+60sin60°-75cos45°

= -62.004kN

R= (21.428) + (−62.004)

R = 65.60kN

θ = tan (62.004/21.428)

= 70.94°

 Position of resultant with respect to point ‘A

∑MA = 75cos45°x3-60cos60°x2+45sin30°x3+45cos30°x2+100


X- intercept = ∑

= .

= 0.425m

Y- intercept = ∑
Distance of resultant is 0.425m

= .
from right to ‘A’

= 1.229m

5) Determine the forces P, F & T required to keep the frame in equilibrium

∑MA = 0,


2T= -450+200

2T= -250


∑H = 0,

=100-(-125)+P cos60°+F cos20°= -225

P+1.879F= -450

 P=-450-1.879F----(1)

∑V =0,

=150-50+P sin 60°-F sin 20° = 0

P sin 60°-F sin 20° =-100--------(2)

Substitute eqn (1) in eqn (2)

(-450-1.879F) sin 60°-F sin 20° =-100

-389.711-1.627F-0.342F = -100

-1.969F = 289.711

F = -147.136

Substitute ‘F’ in eqn. (1)

P = -450-1.879(-147.136)

P = -173.531N
6) The forces acting on 1m length of dam are shown in figure. Determine the resultant force
acting on the dam. Calculate the point of intersection of the resultant with the base.

∑ = 50-30cos 30°

= 24.02 kN

∑ = -120-30sin 30°

= -135kN

R= ∑ +∑

= (24.02) + (−135)

= 137.12kN

θ = tan ∑
= tan .
y=1.25xsin 60° = 1.083m

θ = 79.91° cos60° =x/1.25

x =1.25xcos60° = 0.625m

∑MO= 50x2+120x2-30cos30° x1.083+30sin30°x5.375

= 392.49kN-m

d = ∑MO/R =2.862m

x=d/sinθ = 2.91m

The point of intersection of the resultant with the base is 2.91m from point ‘o’

7) Determine the resultant of the forces acting on lamina as shown in figure. Locate its x-
intercept from point ‘O’

α 1= tan = 45°

α 2= 45°

∑ = 80cos45°+60cos45°+80


∑ =-80sin45°+60sin45°+40

R= (178.99) + (25.86)

R= 180.85 N

θ= tan .

∑MO= +80x400+80cos45x400


d = ∑M O/R

, .
= .
= 302.06mm

x= = 302.06/sin8.22°

= 2112.69mm

y= =302.06/cos8.22°

= 305.20mm

8) Determine the equivalent system of force and couple at ‘A’ for the system of loading as
shown in figure. Also find the position of resultant?
Rx=∑fx =500-200cos30°

= 326.79N

Ry=∑fy = -200sin30°-100


R= +

R= (326.79) + (−200)

R = 383.13N

θ= tan

= tan .

θ = 31.47°

∑MA = 200sin30x2+100+100x4+500x2

∑MA = 1700N-m

d =

= .

= 4.44m

x= = 4.44/sin31.47°

= 8.50m

y= = 4.44/cos31.47° = 5.21m

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