Unit 1- 4th PPT (Beams)

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A body said to be in a state of static equilibrium if it is at rest under the action of



The equilibrant of a system of forces is that single force which can nullify the effect of
the system of forces acting on the body to keep it in equilibrium.


Condition1: ∑Fx=0 i.e., the algebraic sum of x-component of all the forces should be

Condition2: ∑Fy=0 i.e., the algebraic sum of y-component of all the forces should be


Condition1: ∑Fx=0 i.e., the algebraic sum of x-component of all the forces should be

Condition2: ∑Fy=0 i.e., the algebraic sum of y-component of all the forces should be

Condition2: ∑M=0 i.e., the algebraic sum of moment of all the forces about any point
should be zero.


Free Body Diagram of a body or a part of the body is the diagram which shows all the
forces acting on the body keeping it in equilibrium including the reactions at the restrain and
self weight.
Example 1: Consider a spherical ball tied to a rope and it is in connect with smooth surface(
assuming that surface is frictionless).

For analysis of equilibrium conditions it is necessary to isolate the body under consideration
from the other bodies in contact and draw all forces(applied forces, self weight and reactions
from other bodies in contact) acting on body.

Example 2:
Note: Point to be remember

 Self weight always acting vertical downwards

 Reaction always acting perpendicular to the plane under consideration
 Tension in string always acting away from the body.


“If three coplanar concurrent forces are in equilibrium then each force is directly proportional
to the sine of angle between the other two forces”


F1, F2 and F3 are three coplanar concurrent forces in equilibrium. By converse of law of triangle
of forces they can be represented by the sides of triangles both in magnitude and direction.

Fig: Three concurrent forces

Applying, sine rule to the triangle of forces.

F1 F2 F3
= = = constant
sin (180 − α) sin (180 − β) sin (180 − γ)

F1 F2 F3
= = = constant
sinα sinβ sinγ

Note: 1. Lami’s theorem is only applicable to system of three concurrent coplanar forces.

2. All three forces shall be acting towards (or away) from the particle or body. If the
forces do not satisfy the condition, then the direction of forces can be changed taking a
negative sign to satisfy the condition or principle of transmissibility can be used for
those forces, which require to be shifted to meet the condition.


1. A sphere weighing 100 N is tied to a smooth wall by a string as shown in fig below. Find the
tension T in the string and the reaction R from the wall.
Solution: Free body diagram of the sphere is shown in Fig.(b). Fig(c) also shows all the forces
acting away from the centre of the ball, which is permissible as per the law of transmissibility of
forces. Solution is obtained by applying Lami’s theorem

T R 100
= =
sin90 sin (180 − 15) sin (90 + 15)

Considering two terms at a time the unknowns are computed

T 100
sin90 sin (75)

R 100
sin90 sin (75)

T=103.5N, R=26.8N


The above problem may be solved by using equations of equilibrium also. Taking
horizontal direction as x-axis and vertical direction as y-axis, we get

∑Fy=0→; Tcos 15-100=0


∑Fx=0↑; R-Tsin15=0


2. A spherical ball of weight 75 N is attached to a string and is suspended from the ceiling as
shown in Figure below. Find the tension in the string, if a horizontal F is applied to the ball as
shown in Fig. Determine the angle the string makes with the vertical and also the tension in
the string if F=150 N.


i) When the ball is hanging from the ceiling (Fig a), the tension in the string is equal to the
weight of the ball i.e., T=W=75 N.

ii) Free body diagram of ball is shown (Fig d) when a horizontal force F is applied. Magnitude of
tensile force and inclination θ of string with vertical can be computed using the method of
components and equilibrium condition.

→+ve ∑Fx =0; -T sinθ + 150 = 0 -- (1)

↑+ve ∑Fy =0; T cosθ - 75 = 0 -- (2)

Equations (1) and (2) can be simplified as T sinθ = 150;

T cos θ = 75

Dividing first equation by the second equation;

= 2; Tanθ=2; θ = Tan-12= 63.430

value of θ in (1) the value of T is computed as T=167.7N

Alternatively, using Lami’s theorem, the solution can also be obtained as

T 150 75
= =
sin90 sin (180 − θ) sin (90 + θ)

T*sin(180-θ)=150; T*sinθ=150

T*sin(90+θ)=75; T*cosθ=75

These two equations are similar to equations (2) and (1) and hence the solution leads to the
same result i.e θ = 63.430 and T = 167.7 N

3. Figure shows a lamp of weight 150N being fixed using two strings. Determine the tension in
the strings.

T1 and T2 are the tension in string AC and BC, respectively. The FBD at C is as shown in figure

Applying Lami’s theorem

T1 150 T2
= =
sin150 sin (100) sin (110)

T1 = ∗ sin150
sin (100)

T1 = 76.15N

T2 = ∗ sin110
sin (100)

T2 = 143,13N

4. In the figure, the portion BC of the string is horizontal and the pulley is frictionless.
Determine the tension in different parts of the string. Also find W1 and W2.



Since the pulley is frictionless T3=T4=100N

Applying Lami’s theorem at point ‘C’

W2 100 T2
= =
sin (135) sin (90) sin (135)

T2 = W2 = ∗ sin135
sin (90)

T2=W2= 70.7N

Applying Lami’s theorem at point ‘B’

W1 70.7 T1
= =
sin (120) sin (150) sin (90)

W1 = ∗ sin120
sin (150)


T1 = ∗ sin90
sin (150)

T1= 141.4N
5. Determine the reactions at contact points for the system shown in Fig.

Solution: The free body diagram of ball 1 and 2 is shown in Fig.(c) and Fig.(d) From triangle ABC
the inclination of AB with AC (θ) , is computed as
cos = AB/AC , where AC= 90-20-30 = 40mm. and
AB = 50 mm. θ = 36.870
Equations of equilibrium is applied to Free Body Diagram of Ball1 as
→ +ve ∑Fx =0; RR –RQ cosθ =0 --(1)
↑ +ve ∑Fy =0; RS-100- RQ sinθ =0 --(2)

Equations of equilibrium is also applied to Free Body Diagram of Ball2 as

→ +ve ∑Fx =0; RQ cosθ - RP =0 --(3)
↑ +ve ∑Fy =0; RQ sinθ-300=0 --(4)

From equation (4) RQ= .


Substituting this in equation (3), the value of RD is computed as RP = 500 cos 36.87 = 400 N
Substituting the value of RQ in (1) and (2);
RR = 500 cos36.87 = 400 N→;
RS = 100+ 500 sin 36.87 =400 N↑.

6. Two identical cylinders each weighing 2kN are supported by vertical and inclined plane as
shown in Fig. 26 a. Assuming smooth surfaces determine the reactions at A, B and C

Free body diagram of cylinder 1 and cylinder 2 is shown in Fig (b) and (c). The solution is
obtained by considering first the free body diagram of cylinder 2.

Lami’s theorem is applied on this as there are three forces in equilibrium

RA RD −2
= =
sin60 sin 30 sin 270

RA=1.73 KN; RD=1 KN

Lami’s theorem cannot be applied on the free body diagram of cylinder 1, as there are four
forces acting on this cylinder. Hence the solution is obtained using the method of components
and equilibrium condition.

→ +ve ∑Fx =0; RC-RBcos60-RDcos30 =0 --(1)

↑ +ve ∑Fy =0; -2+RBsin60-RDsin30 =0 --(2)

Substituting value of RD in (2) , the magnitude of RB is computed as

RB = (2 + 1 sin30)/sin60 = 2.88 kN

Magnitude of RC is computed by substituting RD and RB in EQ(1)

RC= 2.88 cos60+ 1 cos30 =2.31 kN

7. Five guy wires tied at a point and are pulled in radial directions, equally spaced from one
another. If the magnitude of pulls on three consecutive wires is 50 kN, 70 kN and 60 kN
determine the magnitude of pulls on two other wires.

Solution: The forces in guy wires taken in the order is shown in Figure below.
The given force system is in equilibrium. The equations of equilibrium is applied to find T1 and
→ +ve ∑Fx =0; 50+70cos72-60cos36-T1cos36+T2cos72 =0 --(1)

↑ +ve ∑Fy =0; 70sin72+60sin36-T1sin36-T2sin72 =0 --(2)

They are simplified as



Solving (1a) and (2a); T1=56.18 kN and T2=72.31 kN

8. A string AB, BC and CD are attached to two fixed point A and D. They have equal weights of
1kN knotted to it at B and C as shown in Fig. 29. Find the tension in the portion AB, BC and CD
of the strings, also find the inclination of BC with vertical.

Solution: Let TAB, TBC and TCD be the tensile forces in the string AB, BC and CD respectively.

The forces acting at B and C is shown in Fig below.

Lami’s theorem is applied on the free body diagram at B and C.

= = (1)

= = (2)

Following expressions are obtained after simplifying equation (1)

TAB = ( )

TBC = ( )

TBC = ( )

TCD = ( )

Value of θ is obtained by equating (4) and (5), therefore θ = 59.950 The force is strings are
obtained by substituting this value in (3), (4) and (6)

TAB=1.73 KN; TBC= 1 KN and TCD = 1 KN


In case of rigid bodies, to prevent motion (i.e., translation and rotations) the body is held by
various support, these supports induces reaction due to applied force on the bodies. This
reactions are called support reaction.

A beam is a horizontal structural member or element, which is in equilibrium under the action
of a non-concurrent force system. The system of force is developed due to the applied loads or
forces acting on the beam and also due to the support reactions developed at the supports for
the beam. For the beam to be in equilibrium, the reactions developed at the supports that
should be equal and opposite to the applied loads.

In a beam, one dimension (length) is considerably larger than the other two dimensions
(breath & depth). The smaller dimensions are usually neglected and as such a beam is
represented as a line for theoretical purposes or for analysis.


Supports are structures which prevent the beam or the body from moving and help to maintain
equilibrium. A beam can have different types of supports as follows. The support reactions
developed at each support are represented as follows.

1) Simple support: This is a support where a beam rests freely on a support. The beam is free to
move only horizontally and also can rotate about the support. In such a support one reaction,
which is perpendicular to the plane of support, is developed.
2) Roller support: This is a support in which a beam rests on rollers, which are frictionless. At
such a support, the beam is free to move horizontally and as well rotate about the support.
Here one reaction which is perpendicular to the plane of rollers is developed.

3) Hinged support: This is a support in which the beam is attached to a support by means of a
hinge or pin. The beam is not free to move in any direction but can rotate about the support. In
such a support a horizontal reaction and a vertical reaction will develop.

4) Fixed support: This is a support which prevents the beam from moving in any direction and
also prevents rotation of the beam. In such a support a horizontal reaction, vertical reaction
and a Fixed End Moment are developed to keep the beam in equilibrium.

Depending upon the supports over which a beam can rest (at its two ends), beams can be
classified as follows.

1) Simply supported beam.

A beam is said to be simply supported when both ends of the beam rest on simple supports.
Such a beam can carry or resist vertical loads only.

2) Beam with one end hinged & other on rollers.

It is a beam where one end of the beam is hinged to a support and the other end rests on a
roller support. Such a beam can carry any type of loads.
3) Hinged Beam

It is a beam which is hinged to supports at both ends. Such a beam can carry loads is any

4) Over hanging beam

It is a beam which projects beyond the supports. A beam can have over hanging portions on
one side or on both sides.
5) Cantilever Beams

It is a beam, with one end fixed and other and free. Such a beam can carry loads in any

6) Propped cantilever

It is a beam which has a fixed support at one end and a simple support at the other end.
7) Continuous beam

It is a beam which rests over a series of supports at more than two points.


Statically Determinate Beams: Statically determinate structures are those structures which can
be analyzed by using simply conditions of equilibrium alone.

The support reactions in case of simply supported beams, beam with one end hinged and other
on rollers, over hanging beams, and cantilever beams, can be determined by conditions of
equilibrium only (Σ Fx = 0, ΣFy = 0, ΣM = 0). As such, such beams are known as Statically
Determinate Beams.

Statically Indeterminate Beams: Statically indeterminate structures are those structures which
cannot be analyzed by using simply conditions of equilibrium alone. In beams such as Hinged
Beams, Propped Cantilever and Continuous Beams the support reactions cannot be determined
El em en t s o f C i v i l En g i n e er i n g a n d En g i n e er i n g M ec h a n i c s

using conditions of equilibrium only. They need additional special conditions for analysis and as
such beams are known as Statically Indeterminate Beams.

Types of loads:

The various types of loads that can act over a beam can e listed as follows.

1) Point load or Concentrated load: If a load acts over a very small length of the beam, it is
assumed to act at the midpoint of the loaded length and such a loading is termed as Point load
or Concentrated load.

2) Uniformly distributed load (UDL): If a beam is loaded in such a manner that each unit length
of the beam carries the same intensity of loading, then such a loading is called UDL.

A UDL cannot be considered in the same manner for applying conditions of equilibrium on the
beam. The UDL should be replaced by an equivalent point load or total load acting through the
midpoint of the loaded length.

The magnitude of the point load or total load is equal to the product of the intensity of loading
and the loaded length (distance).
Example 1).

Example 2).

Note: Converting UDL(w/m) into equivalent point load(W).

Example 1).
Example 2).

3) Uniformly varying load (UVL): If a beam is loaded in such a manner, that the intensity of
loading varies linearly or uniformly over each unit distance of the beam, then such a load is
termed as UVL.

In applying conditions of equilibrium, a given UVL should be replaced by an equivalent point

load or total load acting through the centroid of the loading diagram (right angle triangle). The
magnitude of the equivalent point load or total load is equal to the area of the loading diagram.

The above Figure shows converting UVL to equivalent point load.

4) External moment: A beam can also be subjected to external moments at certain points as
shown in figure. These moments should be considered while calculating the algebraic sum of
moments of forces about a point on the beam.

Note : A beam can also be subject to a load as shown in figure below.


1) Determine the reactions at the supports for the beam shown in figure.


Let the reactions developed at support A be HA, VA and reaction developed at support B be RB as
shown in the figure below.

By applying conditions of equilibrium, we obtain HA, VA and RB

→ +ve; ∑Fx=0; + HA=0

↑ +ve; ∑Fy=0; VA+ RB-10=0

VA+ RB=10 (1)

+ve: ∑MA=0; +5- RB*2+10*3=0


Substituting in (1)


VA= -7.5KN

Since HA is zero, therefore VA= RA= -7.5KN

2) Determine the reactions developed in the cantilever beam shown in figure below.

Solution: Let the reactions developed at fixed support A be H A, VA and MA as shown in figure
→ +ve; ∑Fx=0; (Summation of all horizontal forces is zero)

+ HA-20cos60=0

+ HA=10KN

↑ +ve; ∑Fy=0; (Summation of all vertical forces is zero)


VA= 52.32KN

+ve: ∑MA=0; (Summation of all moments about a point is zero)



Note: UDL is treated as a load 10*2KN acting at its center of gravity which is at 1m from A.

3) Determine the reaction developed in the simply supported beam in figure below.

Solution: Let RA and RB be the reactions developed at the simply supported ends A and B. The
uniformly varying load may be split into a uniformly distributed load of 20KN/m intensity and a
triangular load of intensity zero at point C and intensity 60-20= 40KN/m at B.

+ve: ∑MB=0;


RA= 44.44KN

↑ +ve; ∑Fy=0;

RA+ RB-20*4-(1/2)*4*40=0

RB= 80+80-44.44 (since RA = 44.44KN)

RB= 115.56KN

4) Find the magnitude and direction of reactions at supports A and B in the beam AB shown in

The reaction RB will be at right angles to the inclined support, i.e. at 90-30=600 to horizontal as
shown in the figure below. Let the components of reactions at A be VA and HA.


+ve: ∑MA=0;


RB = 100.45KN, at 600 to horizontal as shown in figure.

→ +ve; ∑Fx=0;

+ HA+60cos60-80cos75+50cos60-RBcos60 = 0


+ HA=15.93KN

↑ +ve; ∑Fy=0;


i.e., VA= 85.54KN

RB=√Ha + Vb
RB= 87.02KN

a= tan-1(85.54/15.93) = 79.450 as shown in figure.

5) A beam 20 m long supported on two intermediate supports, 12m apart, carries a UDL of
6KN/m and two concentrated loads of 30 KN at left end A and 50 KN at the right end B as
shown in figure. How far away should the first support C be located from the end A so that
the reactions at both the supports are equal.


Let the support C be at a distance x metres from end A.

Now, it is given that Rc=RD

↑ +ve; ∑Fy=0;

Rc +RD-30-6*20-50=0

i.e., 2 Rc= 30+120+50, since Rc = RD

Rc = 100KN, RD= 100KN

+ve: ∑MA=0; gives

Rc*x +RD(12+x)-6*20*10-50*20=0

100x + 100(12+x) – 1000=0, since Rc = RD=100KN


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