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Re achow> ~The white eovder Seemed from CMg0) Jon’ h ble Iw weder, but & Syn arrouw . veru Sole S Uissnlves to form O% abaodine 201" = Svlfor Vovele Uscoves iw “ ra acidic sol” of svolfrove Se” , ~ gating oe mixtre of Bp ond G2 will eis: = Soyces OF COr OBuering loads of fossil aac © Chopring, down loads of trees t eres Less photosynthesis? r_ Grreek Greenhouse gases- Con CHa \a20 (ar goo) ar methens CCHS @ Faem omimedr produce ~ Sourtes . ‘e : . Lee’ methane doring Lepohon , © ge orc Ly celecse methane wher decompore wet wicroorgene ms- _ metoh t acid > oct + Br | - K reach exploswety with WCl te produce KCl and He Mg, wovld prodoce lots of bubbles \n a reacKon/ wilh acd. Re — Reactions become less violewe down ee = There'll be feser bubbles wth wn Man aa \n aA creachon w/ acid. Tofatin ~cerrPe vrvethes won't reeek at oh ol aud. saat Neubin — Mosk recchve melodie woold produce He most x Weak in ' . wires" “Cecchon wl acid 5 nest terme 1% = Fair feeb re compare mares a. ceachy ity Same. JSOr en mass end Some gurfece ore —Merads reach vw] WO produce metol Wydco- xides ond Wr — Onhy Yas mort reachve metcbs CK Ns U, Ca) wold reeck in water, Ma WU reeck slightly while 2n; | Fe, and Co won'h cecck ckek. ed ceackve meta can Usplace less reachve oner- ne proce which meters ere ~Cortesion t> wl substences slouly voroten dovn by reackny Vn Heer environmen . _ Roshng - | \ron * eoter MIA 4 werer te produce Hyaretes \ron ny oxide om FY oF fe -> Fet 4307 oO rxske > 210" [_ fF NF oxidsabow redaycher a redox reachbon lock oxidaliow and veduchon are . . Faling place iw & Same reachon. x , = Cabeium - Leg Baling eter cemove> 0 tude chionide wih remove Vopou C From ae ott. Lu From Ae a layer Ae chy Ge o4) nes OL. From or b As solve nko wet surfece of We sy de He OMY eae enviconmenk. \n corrornon wes mete Wor corr pot expoes Yo S$ only ae odes oberorees \% Fore ror and Wen - we cen erevenk \ron From roskng b&b ‘ : eceventOn 6, ond Wid Grom a 3 4 + Poank \k - Works ~ Csuch ship») FOL of greose ly - necessary VF te object heo oving pork (bicycle chain) - ven fr & big pieces of fevcling Ure \ron (Gamer 5 : method ll omy woken s ‘ + Electroplaing - Using clecholysis he cove” Pe tron Ta o Hin loqer OF andthar mekeal . chee meter fe \econ Y erever —Adding & more Fea sacniMedck method . nk lb From cushing V2 cored Se, chen tre ologec exposed to ar, Ws wild be oxidised \pwolead of iron tee more reachve ([Aloninvin ond rine) ~ Gedvansine is an example that veo bobs bacnver method and seeriWcia melkhod . Cookna he | obyeck ak anc Cvarries method) and ever er scratcad, anc LU reack wl ony and Wor Gon' Uerine 13 Fe) (sceriB'ci ct melon) VE vine — We wv Gnd mets oF mekalo orides In Pree Except unreactive metals such o> gels pwVickh WE Qnd o> Pure melo Urheg - too unrecch ve fo ceack Bik the Orin He wiry, - Mekong Removing OL From metcl oxide to fem form ' Pure metal is reduchon , Te mest common reack Pre meter OAS Wl Coron mero and Carbon Vox'de . A Par meta reduces, toy 2 1S to yo grodoce pore The corbon oxidiser, 4 A metots less reackve than Corkon can be obtained in tHe» Woy + om - Electrolas) From SIS Can be wed s ck are Wore ier medals aa vreostive, Pran Corb ° onder ow. Buk, ibis More expensive oath, egies Voady oF en 3Y° F ener -o res are mete cick compounds phat we coq ealrack our metol from. ey Fe, Os . We cen redoce Feids by reechrg Ve wo / Cabon, o> ibs leh Cer Vk In Reachvity serien, Be Fe, 02 Ane 3 hFe * 3COr and ceduchon tabes place aw oadahon we cath it redox - Dhe ak Mae Some Kre, . Ceacon | gackon- lo? of reckrorn senor reauchon- 9 - Ca + FeSoy > “A504 4k Fe (displecenent oa £ Cas Fes Cath a Fe Clone eat) lorie hod F ey ay Loxidabow) fo acd Ca-2e- cet ye" 9 Fe Creduch — Met ob ace sovekbg \ngoloble in H20 . Those Tofa atin a Laselke reach wie HO 4p form OUCRNe solh lonketvang OW Jor. Neubi soluble In Hd, acidic Sol”, ~Non-metah oxides are gonery and react iH usher + form On conferring W* 0m: ~ Meked oxides are urvoly bboaic oxides, Hog reo ui acids to give golt? - oridic onder : © None met oh oxides ore ued ceack wits acrdte sol oblige | lover bo give sobt> - - CO, cen be obroined ey - J > Reachor ermeen dilute Wybro cherie ced ond codvr caroorere re form of madble ches Con Phy chen’ , 7 Com cow ve plretned When amerak gorvoonakes oe neared strongly ‘ \ mokok oxides ui carbon (& > Reachng — carwow ‘ kerr rs couly> adoonote> porod onde? 7 weak G) © Cv0,* COrG) 2g CoC? a j = Cake\um carlboncke doen't decon pore ows | $ Vis a cornme cen inpor tan , veaked syrow\7 i peecWow wecore its used fo convert limestone 4 (caldiom carbonate) te gyrcteh me Ceoives oxide). : og } 4 eB BSE EECA STU SG ase , Gide Af aim s2aw eg. Ca C03 (s) > Co Op yt Corts — Nitrogen No very unreachve | So if we remove Oi From ale, ond pub a Mame in tee ie Contelne . uns motty walro gen, STU extinguish + Or b> needed Gr Wings je coun boerr- =\¢ yee \gnte ce Are of Ha Cie cM explode: ~ Meteh orides-t Acid 2 Seth * woker Merok Wwydre xldes + Adda Sat * wearer - Mobal coroner +Pcid> FY Werer + CO, = Merch * acid 2 gait > Ha ~ Metal carbonoké ee onde + COr he = Met oride * W,0 > alueline sol” — Now met oxide & H.0% echdic 30l” - Metal + cold weer > Meteh Wydro am > Merah oxide * Br xvde + Ha - Metal * ste _ Acid + Albahi/Beree 9 Sel + Hid - Acide MUssodete in WO Rom Wt yore, Alba- Vig disodste in Wo be give OUT \ons- T ofatin Neubin - —_— oh OK ido Bonen Cts . Neviralise acids —— mer ak dronide _— ammonia Us) = Soluble mekel cacbonate + Wi0 > prodyce OH tors = Metals \elou Hin He reachivita series don't react with dilote acids: = MASIA— motek + ecid > Sath + Hycl roger _Qoses are substances Hak combine with He htm a Tw ee acid Yo rm Later: ' = Dad nevlratinchon ceachone need oat for We reachon to stork - j Csolubled+o 5 = Metoh oxide + = . . oa > Merel hydroxide Cathal de - ——- beer = Ney gt Ha > NBA cap + CM ED A ALL Wl exntdes are soluble + cebcium oride tammows, —| colorless sol” Neow + Hel 2 Nach + H,0 | - 1,0 ahooyp Q) > -— Carbonokes end ~ reac’ with ddste acids \n 4 cold jd moot of the others need ty be , he ated . 4 » —We add extra solid mat od Yo We ccid dering Wan : , reechon to mote sere clk Ht add hor been y woed vp: Na, Kk and AY deselves Xm W210 $0 ree ee Ee teens it , ac we vrxe Wem iw eee anneal : : Sony eure Ne or Al cen’h be ved Tn ; — : ib \s. feo reachve - chen reachon » verte . poweres oF trem Oe © BA ordeal wateor der [ew okay + —¥eakng dry ommeonion salts loreaks Hem ; apart, — A predpitalbon veacbon V2 & reactor Vnok pred SS Uces predgitake . w p e ™ Ts make an insoluble salt, mix hoo soluble salk sol”. CU-E- ak wittckes are soloble,- alt K,Nea are soluble) —Titrahen fr colb of soluble substances, Precipits- Won for We els of \wolvble substancen, ~ Pg-\Be-181 > — Hotegers displace alemenk lower down Vas. rp from « Hele selb, reackwity Vedown He gre: ~metah Teold water D metal droxide + hydro n - etal + Steam —> metal oxide e hydro e Tofatin ‘Neubin o Ee meters belon Uy, in tHe RS doesn't react wl poker or stewn, 50 con be ured for hot vet and cold piper. -~ Motes oloove Wi in Ha BS reach ol acdy to form a selt and Hy. A. amd Av dow react u/ simple dilute - Cov, : are too reechve bo acids 7K, No, and Ca safety add fo ecide Gx can ony be ved | Ve very Llote. | — AL meteh oxides ore insolvble When He bore doen't Uoolve ongmore site add (uiile on neekns) ib means acid her ween nevteebred . - Inseluble bore + acid > soluble satt ~ Chlorine jy Porsonoy> Any experimrenk oil Ik eco -weer & maak ,~Do ik in a fume cupboard ~ Aeron (=) charged lor , CoROM- U4) chorged lone -We we piatrom [wichome wire For cohen mats, ‘ terting CElome reek, We web Ha wire oi \ho 7 50 some gals stich Ww We wire, 666 GROOT f 2» _Merhone \s natoeel ges Tofatin “ofc ON ae mayor com ponent oF Neubin

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