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*When some particles can pass through the membrane and other cannot, it is calles 'partially permeable'.

When the membrane can control the movement of subtances across it, we know it as 'selectively permeable'.
When the all the particles can pass across the membrane, it is 'freely permeable'.

> ethanol+CO2+energy
> lactate+CO2
The cells in the developing embryo becomes specialized for particular tasks under the
control of the genes, this is know as differentiation.
8. A membrane called 'envelop' may develop around the virus particle, but it does not make it itself. Inste
stolen from the surface membrane of the host cell.

9. The tobacco mosaic virus interferes with the ability of the tobacco pl
8. A membrane called 'envelop' may develop around the virus particle, but it does not make it itself. Inst
stolen from the surface membrane of the host cell.

9. The tobacco mosaic virus interferes with the ability of the

8. A membrane called 'envelop' may develop around the virus particle, but it does not make it itself. Instead, it is
stolen from the surface membrane of the host cell.

9. The tobacco mosaic virus interferes with the ability of the tobacco plant to make chloroplasts, causing mottled
patches to develop on the leaves.
Nicotine causes the smokers to crave more cigarettes when they give up smoking. One way to stop it is by vaping or using nicotine chewing gums. They
provide the smoker a source of nicotine without the harmful tar from cigarette smoke. They are absorbed by the body, and reduces the craving for cigarettes.
* Carbohydrates are also used in making proteins and DNA. The building blocks of lipids are fatty acids and gycerol. When there is not enough protein in the
diet, protein deficiency disease such as kwashiorkor is common among the people in poorer countries. Proteins are also polymers, and are made of 20
different sub-units called amino acids.
*Calcium is used for making teeths and bones. Phosphorous is used for making teeths and bones, it also a part of ATP and DNA. Sodium and Chlorine are
used in body fluids, e.g. blood. Magnesium is used for making bones, and is found inside cells. Iron is a part of haemoglobin, it helps carry oxygen
Vitamin A

Vitamin d

I Dietary fibre- Souce- Cellulose from the plant cells that we eat.
I It helps the food to move through the digestive system by
I giving our gut muscles something to push against as the food
I moves through the intestine/digestive system. Too much
I dietary fibre will cause diarrhea, too little causes constipation.
*We need water to maintain osmosis correctly in the cells. It provides a solvent for the food
molecules and enzymes. It is an important component of blood plasma.

(Biuret solution turns from blue to purple/

lilac upon adding it to the sample.)

I Ethanol is added to the sample of oil in a test tube, and then shaken.
I Cold water is then added, if there is lipid present, then a cloudy emulsion
I will form on top.

It contains mainly of dietery fib

It contains mainly of dietery fibre

It contains maily of the dietary fibre.

It contains mainly of dietery fibre

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