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MLT-006 1st Semester, Final-term Examination (Computer Skills)

Roll no.____________ Name_____________________
Total time Allowed: 120 minutes Total Marks: 70

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s): (70 Marks)

1. A computer is a ____________ device that manipulates information?
(b) Electro mechanical
(c) Mechanical
(d) Mechatronic

2. There are __________ primary components of a computer?

(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Six

3. Printer is a ________ device?

(a) Input
(b) Polarised
(c) Input/output
(d) Output

4. Screen/Monitor is a ________device?
(a) Input
(b) Polarised
(c) Input/output
(d) Output

5. Arithmetic and logic unit is a part of _________?

(b) Ram
(c) Rom
(d) Storage

6. USB stands for ___________?

(a)Uniform Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial Bus
(c) Union Series Bus
(d) Unity Serial Bus
7. Modem is a _______ device?
(b) Communication
(c) Primary
(d) Secondary

8. RAM stands for ________?

(a) Random Access Memory
(b) Read Access Memory
(c) Redundant Access Memory
(d) None

9. ROM stands for_________?

(a) Read Only Memory
(b) Read over Memory
(c) Redundant Output Memory
(d) None

10. A USB flash drive, sometimes called ______ drive?

(a) Thumb
(b) Finger
(c) Hard
(d) Central

11. There are ______ types of ROM

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Six

12. There are ______ types of RAM?

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Six

13. Decimal to Binary conversion for (93)10 is_______?

(a) 11100
(b) 00111
(c) 11111
(d) None

14. Binary to Decimal conversion for (11101)2 is ________?

(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 60
(d) None

15. Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion for (1600)10 is_______?

(a) 1EA
(b) 1E2
(c) 1ED
(d) None

16. IC stands for________?

(a)Integer Circuit
(b) Integrated Circuit
(c) Injected Circuit

(d) Information Circuit

17. RAM is a _______ Memory?

(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) None

18. _______is a software, which makes a computer to actually work.

(a) Operating System
(b) System Software
(c) Application Software
(d) None

19. _______is a technique to execute number of programs simultaneously by a single processor.

(a) Multiprogramming
(b) Multitasking
(c) Multipiping
(d) Multithreading

20. ______ is a program that interacts directly with the user for certain type of work.
(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

21. Single user Single task is an example of ________?

(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

22.____________ is an example of Open Source Operating system?

(a) Linux
(b) Android
(c) Window
(d) Mac OS

23. ____________ is an example of Close Source Operating system?

(a) Linux
(b) Android
(c) Window
(d) Mac OS

24. Machine Language is an example of _______ Language?

(a) Low level
(b) Medium level
(c) High level
(d) None

25. English-like and easy to learn language is ________Language?

(a) Low level
(b) Medium level

(c) High level

(d) None

26. Three major categories of program languages are _______?

(a) Machine Language
(b) Assembly Language
(c) High level Language
(d) All

27. The instructions are in the form of _______?

(a) Binary
(b) Decimal
(c) Hexadecimal
(d) Octal

28. OLX is an example of ________ business in e-commerce?

(a) B2B
(b) B2C
(c) C2C
(d) C2B

29. Single-user Multi-task is an example of ________?

(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

30. Multi -user Multi-task is an example of ________?

(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

31. The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called binary digits or _____?
(b) Bits
(c) Kilobyte
(d) Nibble

32. 1024MB is equal to ________?

(a) 1GagaByte
(b) 1TeraByte
(c) 1KiloByte
(d) 1PetaByte

33. Ctrl+P is used for ________?

(b) Photo
(c) Picture
(d) Scan

34. Ctrl+H is used for _________ in web browser?


(b) Recent activity

(c) Web pages
(d) New tabs

35. Ctrl+Alt+Delet is used for _________?

(a) Task manager
(b) Desktop manager
(c) Theme
(d) Task bar

36. Excel file has default extension called __________?

(a) .Xlsx
(b) .xlx
(c) .doc
(d) .Ppt

37. PowerPoint file has default extension called _______?

(b) .xlx
(c) .doc
(d) .Ppt

38. Word file has default extension called _______?

(c) .docx
(d) .Ppt

39. PDF stands for _____?

(a) Portable Document Format
(b) Pre Document Format
(c) Paper Document Format
(d) None

40. A string of eight 0’s and 1’s is called ________?

(b) Bits
(c) Kilobyte
(d) Megabyte

41. Apple Laptop uses which operating system _______?

(a) Linux
(b) Android
(c) Window
(d) Mac OS

42. Which of the following is correct email address _______?

(a) abc@edu@pk
(b) abc@gmail+com

43. F5 shortcut key is used for __________?


(a) Refresh
(b) Undo
(c) Redo
(d) Help

44. F2 shortcut key is used for __________?

(a) Refresh
(b) Undo
(c) Redo
(d) Help

45. Ctrl+Z shortcut key is used for __________?

(a) Refresh
(b) Undo
(c) Redo
(d) Help

46. Ctrl+X shortcut key is used for __________?

(a) Refresh
(b) Undo
(c) Redo
(d) Cut

47. Ctrl+C shortcut key is used for __________?

(a) Refresh
(b) Undo
(c) Copy
(d) Cut

48. Ctrl+V shortcut key is used for __________?

(a) Refresh
(b) Past
(c) Copy
(d) Cut

49. Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion for (123)10 is_______?

(a) 1EA
(b) 1E2
(c) 1ED
(d) None

50. Vacuum tubes were used in ______ generation?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

51. Transistors were used in _____ generation?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

52. IC’s were used in ______________generation?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

53. Micro-chips were used in ______________generation?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

54. Artificial Intelligence is actually ______ generation?

(a) Fifth
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

55. Machine Language is an example of _______ Language?

(a) Low level
(b) Medium level
(c) High level
(d) None

56. English-like and easy to learn language is ________Language?

(a) Low level
(b) Medium level
(c) High level
(d) None

57. _______language is purely in the form of 0’s & 1’s and not easily understandable for user?
(a) Machine Language
(b) Assembly Language
(c) High level Language
(d) All

58. The instructions are in the form of _______?

(a) Binary
(b) Decimal
(c) Hexadecimal
(d) Octal

59. is an example of ________ business in E-Commerce?

(a) C2B
(b) B2C
(c) C2C
(d) B2B

60. Mobile is a _______ device?

(b) Communication
(c) Primary
(d) Secondary

61. Decimal to Binary conversion for (23)10 is_______?

(a) 11100
(b) 00111
(c) 11111
(d) None

62. Binary to Decimal conversion for (1111)2 is ________?

(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 60
(d) None

63. Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion for (116)10 is_______?

(a) 1EA
(b) 1E2
(c) 1ED
(d) None

64. Shopping Mall is an example of ________ business in e-commerce?

(a) B2B
(b) B2C
(c) C2C
(d) C2B

65. Java is an example of _______ Language?

(a) Low level
(b) Medium level
(c) High level
(d) None

66. Single-user Multi-task is an example of ________?

(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

67. Multi -user Multi-task is an example of ________?

(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

68. ______ is a program that interacts directly with the System for certain type of work.
(a) Application Software
(b) System Software
(c) Operating Software
(d) None

69. Mouse is a ________ device?

(a) Input
(b) Polarised
(c) Input/output

(d) Output

70. Keyboard is a ________device?

(a) Input
(b) Polarised
(c) Input/output
(d) Output

Answer Keys:

1 a

2 d

3 d

4 d

5 a

6 b

7 b

8 A

9 A

10 A

11 B

12 A

13 D

14 D

15 D

16 B

17 A

18 A

19 A

20 A

21 C

22 A

23 C

24 A

25 C

26 D

27 A

28 C

29 C

30 C

31 B

32 A

33 A

34 A

35 A

36 A

37 D

38 C

39 A

40 A

41 D

42 C

43 A

44 D

45 B

46 D

47 C

48 B

49 D

50 A

51 B

52 C

53 D

54 A

55 A

56 C

57 A

58 A

59 D

60 B

61 D

62 D

63 D

64 B

65 C

66 C

67 C

68 B

69 A

70 A

Attempt all questions. Chose the best answers

1. MS OFFICE is Application software
A. True B. False
2. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for….
A. Spellings suggestions B. Synonyms and Antonyms words
3. Selecting text means, selecting?
A. A word C. Whole document
B. An entire sentence D. Any of the above
4. Using Find commands in word, we can search?
A. Characters C. Symbols
B. Formats D. All of the above
5. In MS-Word, for what does ruler helps?
A. To set Tabs C. To change page margins
B. To set indents D. All of the above
6. What is the function of Ctrl+B in MS-Word?
A. It converts selected text into the next larger C. It makes the selected text bold
size of the same font. D. It applies the italic formatting to the
B. It adds a line break to the document selected text
7. Why header and footer are used in MS-Word?
A. To enhance the overall appearance of the C. To make large document more readable
documents D. To allow headers and footers to appear on
B. To mark the starting of the page document when it is printed.
8. The minimum number of rows and columns a Word Table can have is
A. Zero C. 2 Rows and 2 Columns
B. 2 Rows and 1 Column D. 1 Row and 1 Column
9. Which of the following in not a valid version of MS Office?
A. Office 2003 C. Office 2007
B. Office Vista D. None of these
10. Borders can be applied to…….
A. Cells C. Paragraph
B. Texts D. All of the above
11. Portrait and Landscape are
A. Page orientation C. Page size
B. Page layout D. All of the above
12. Which of the following is not a font style?
A. Bold C. Regular
B. Italics D. Superscript
13. What happens when you click on Insert>>Picture>>Clip Art?
A. It insert a clip art picture in to the document C. It opens clipart taskbar
B. It lets you choose clipart to insert into D. None of the above

14. From which menu you can insert Headers and Footers?
A. Format menu C. Tools menu
B. View Menu D. Insert menu
15. After typing Headers text, how can you quickly enter footer text?
A. Click on switch between header and footer C. Both of the above
the type the text D. None of the above
B. Press page down key and type the text
16. When inserting page number in footer, it appeared 1, but you wish to show “a”, how can you do this?
A. From insert menu choose page number and C. Click on page number format tool and
specify necessary setting specify required setting
B. From format menu choose bullets and D. All of the above
numbering and configure necessary setting
17. Autocorrect was originally designed to replace_____________ words as your type.
A. Grammatically incorrect C. Misspelled
B. Short, repetitive D. None of the above
18. The Ribbon holds all the information about different tasks.
A. True B. False
19. To get to the shape dialog box, click on the __________ menu and choose shapes.
A. Tools C. Insert
B. Table D. Format
20. Which of the following symbols sets should be most likely to contain a mathematical symbol such as a degree
sign, greater than or equal to, or a Greek letter?
A. Symbol C. Webdings
B. Windings D. None of the above
21. Ctrl+C
A. Copy the selected text C. Print the selected text
B. Cut the selected texts D. Paste the selected text
22. Ctrl+Z
A. Undo the last action C. Add the new page
B. Redo the last action D. Paste the contents from the clipboard
23. Ctrl+B
A. Search the selected text C. Bold the selected text
B. Paste the selected text D. Open the specified file
24. Ctrl+A
A. Exit the Application C. Clear All
B. Select All D. Align Center
25. Insert Tab, the Tab allows you to insert a variety of items into a document which includes?
A. Pictures C. Headers and footers
B. Clip Arts, Tables D. All of the above
26. Page layout Tab, This Tab has commands to adjust page elements such as …………..
A. Margins, orientations C. Page background
B. Inserting columns D. All of the above
27. View Tab, this Tab allows you to change the view of your documents to a?
A. Different to page documents C. Print layout
B. Zoom D. All of the above

28. How to create new document?

A. File Tab>>Available Templates>>New>>Blank Document>>Create
B. File Tab>> New>>available Templates>> Blank Document>>Create
C. File Tab>> Create >>available Templates>> Blank Document>>New
29. Keep source formatting. This option preserves the look of the original text?
A. True B. False
30. Keep text only: This option preserves the look of the original text and it maintains a link to the source file an
updates the pasted text with any changes that are made to the source file?
A. True B. False
31. Use destination style: this option formats the text to match the style that’s applied where the text is pasted.
A. True B. False
32. The Quick Access Toolbar holds a variety of commands; it is located in the top _________ of the document?
A. Right B. Left
33. The format copy feature allows you to quickly copy a format that you have applied to the text already in your
A. True B. False
34. Bulleted or Number list located at?
A. Home Tab, in the paragraph group C. Page layout Tab, in the paragraph group
B. Insert Tab, in the paragraph group
35. From where we insert shapes?
A. Home Tab C. Review Tab
B. Insert Tab D. None of these
36. PowerPoint 2010 is a ______________ software.
A. Presentation C. Email
B. Document D. None of these
37. Power point 2010 allows you to create dynamic slide presentations that can include?
A. Animations C. Image and videos
B. Narrations D. All of the above
38. How to open an existing presentation?
A. File Tab>>backstage view>>open>>desired presentation>>open
B. File Tab>> open>>backstage view>>desired presentation>>open
C. File Tab>>desired presentation>> open>> backstage view>>open
39. From where you will change the title slide to title and content slide?
A. Insert Tab>>slides group>>layout C. Slides show>>slides group>>layout
B. Home Tab>>slides group>>layout
40. A slide view commands contains?
A. Normal view D. Slide show view
B. Slide sorter view E. All of the above
C. Reading view
41. Normal view: this is the default view where you create and edit your slides. You can also move your slides Tab
in the panel of the left?
A. True B. False
42. Reading view: in this view, miniature slides are arranged on the screen. You can drag and drop reorder them
and to see more slides at one time?slides to easily
A. True B. False

43. You can organize your slides into ________ to make your presentation easier to navigate?
A. Sections C. Slides
B. Parts D. None of these
44. Notes pane is located at the __________ of the screen?
A. Bottom C. Left
B. Top D. Right
45. For slides presentation press directly?
A. F2 C. F7
B. F1 D. F5
46. Find and Replace is another technique that can be used to edit text?
A. True B. False
47. Find and Replace allows to search ________ of your slides for a specific word or phrase?
A. All C. end ones only
B. Starts ones only

48. How to change vertical text alignment?

A. Home Tab>>Paragraph Group>>Align Text
B. Insert Tab>>Paragraph Group>>Align Text
C. View Tab>>Paragraph Group>>Align Text
49. A theme is predefined combination of colors, fonts and effects that can be applied to your presentation.
A. True B. False
50. You can also select the insert Clip Art from the command in a _______ to insert clip art.
A. Place holder C. Bottom Tab
B. Slide Tab
51. How to insert screenshots of a window?
A. Insert Tab>>images Group>>Screenshot. C. Review Tab>>images Group>>Screenshot.
B. Home Tab>>images Group>>Screenshot.
52. Transitions are motion effects that when in slides show view add movements to your slides as you advance from
one slide to another?
A. True B. False
53. How to modify the duration in transitions of slides?
A. Transition Tab>>Timing group>>Duration field
B. Home Tab>>Timing group>>Duration field
C. Animation Tab>>Timing group>>Duration field
54. Dynamic content: strong transition that affect only the content, such as text or images?
A. True B. False
55. Align text left: align all the selected text to the right margin?
A. True B. False
56. Justify: Aligns text equally on both sides to the right and left margins; used by many newspapers and
A. True B. False
57. How to insert slide number?
A. Insert Tab>>Text group>>Slide Number
B. Home Tab>>Text group>>Slide Number
C. Review Tab>>Text group>>Slide Number

58.How to change the case of sentence or word?

A. Insert Tab>>Text group>>Slide Number
B. Home Tab>>Text group>>Slide Number
C. Review Tab>>Images group>>Slide Number
A. Exit Application C. Under line
B. Select All D. Align Center
A. Italic style to words C. Underline
B. Select All D. Align Center
61.What is internet?
A. A single network C. Interconnection of local area networks
B. A vast collection of different networks D. None of the mentioned
62.DOS is____________?
A. Hardware C. Operating system
B. Application software D. Storage device
63.BIOS stands for
A. Basic In Out system C. Basic inner outer system
B. Basic input output system D. None of these
64.You should save your computer from?
A. Viruses C. Hardware
B. Software D. All of the above
65.World wide web is being standard by
A. Worldwide corporation C. Worldwide consortium
B. W3C D. World wide web standard
66.A Microsoft windows is a (n) _________?
A. Operating system D. Database program
B. Graphic program E. All
C. Word processing
67.For seeing the output, you use
A. Monitor C. Mouse
B. Keyboard D. Joystick
68.The unit of storage used to represent a character is a?
A. Bit C. Word
B. Byte D. Kilobyte
69.The capacity of communication channel is measured in
A. Bandwidth C. Baud rate
B. Bit capacity D. Data flow
70.Operating system manages
A. Memory
B. Processor
C. I/O devices
D. All of the above

1. A key on the keyboard erases a letter on the right side of the cursor.
a. Caps lock
b. Del
c. Shift
d. Backspace
2. Which one of below is a browser
a. Internet explorer
b. Fire Fox
c. Google Chrome
d. All of the above
3. Ctrl + S is used to_____________________
a. To save
b. To cut
c. Pasting
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is an operating system
a. MS Office
b. MS Excel
c. Windows 8.1
d. All of the above
5. Which device provides us hard copy of document
a. Scanner
b. Printer
c. Keyboard
d. None of the above
6. Which one of below is application software
a. MS Word
b. MS Excel
c. Power Point
d. All of the above
7. “@” is used for________________________
a. Email
b. Website
c. URL
d. All of the above
8. F5 key in power point is used for_____________________
a. Printing
b. Designing
c. Slide show
d. Animation
9. Application to access internet is_________________

a. MS Word
b. MS Excel
c. Google chrome
d. All of the above
10. If we need to write an application on urgent piece of work then which application software will be
a. MS Excel
b. MS Word
c. Notepad
d. All of the above
11. Which one is a search engine
12. Mouse controls the movement of _____________________
a. Cursor
b. Pointer
c. light
d. Air
13. URL stands for_______________
a. Uniform resource locator
b. Uniform real locator
c. Universal reason locator
d. Uniform rare locator
14. F1, F2, F3 keys fall in the category of which of the following
a. Control keys
b. Numerical keys
c. Alphabetical keys
d. None of the above
15. Ctrl + C_______
a. To copy
b. To paste
c. To repeat
d. None of the above
16. Which is the most effective source of virus to your PC?
a. Head phone
b. Charger
c. USB
d. DVD
17. Ctrl + X is used to _____________________
a. Cut

b. Paste
c. Undo
d. Redo
18. www stands for ___________________
a. world word web
b. world wide web
c. world wild web
d. none of the above
19. Scanner is ____________________ device.
a. Out put
b. Storage
c. Input
d. All of the above
20. Command to print a document is _________________
a. Ctrl + O
b. Ctrl + P
c. Ctrl + J
d. None of the above
21. A key on the keyboard that helps in switching the letter case e.g “a” to “A” and vice versa.
a. Tab
b. Ctrl
c. Shift
d. None of the above
22. Which application is usually used in accounting?
a. Power point
b. MS Excel
c. Photoshop
d. MS Word
23. Ctrl + E command in MS word is to __________________________ the text.
a. Exit
b. Centralize
c. Eliminate
d. Open
24. Hardware that provides soft copy of document from hard from is called____________________.
a. Fax machine
b. Input device
c. Scanner
d. Printer
25. 2 × 3 table means ___________________

a. 3 columns and 2 rows

b. 2 columns and 3 rows
c. 2 rows and 3 columns

d. 3 rows and 2 columns

26. To install the printer and scanner on the computer we need_________________________
a. Network
b. Device driver
c. Internet
d. None of the above
27. Ctrl + enter command is used to ________________________
a. Clear the page
b. Hide the ribbon
c. Page break
d. None of the above
28. USB stands for_____________________________
a. Uniform serial bus
b. United serial bus
c. Universal serial bus
d. Unlimited serial bus
29. Which software do not belong to MS office suit?
a. Power point
b. Excel
c. Word
d. Adobe reader
30. We have the following page Orientations
a. Portrait
b. Landscape
c. Plain
d. None of the above
31. Wi-Fi stands for_____________________________
a. Wireless field
b. Wireless fidelity
c. Wireless figure
d. None of the above
32. How many bits are in a byte____________________________
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
33. What key is pressed to put the cursor to next line?
a. Alt
b. Ctrl
c. Enter
d. Shift

34. Command to redo is__________________________ d. On alternate page

a. Ctrl +Y 43. Ctrl +Z is shortcut of
b. Ctrl + L a. Re-do
c. Ctrl + R b. Undo
d. Ctrl + P c. Quit
35. CC stands for d. Delete
a. Cannot copy 44. Header and footer commands are available in which
b. Code copy tab?
c. Clean copy a. Home
d. Carbon copy b. Layout
36. Which one is font style? c. Insert
a. Bold d. View
b. Regular 45. Software is a collection of
c. Italic a. Data
d. Superscript b. Information
37. Which of the following is not the type of page c. Instructions
margin? d. Program
a. Top 46. In MS word border option is available in
b. Left a. Home
c. Centre b. View
d. Right c. Page layout
38. Correct extension for MS word 2007 files. d. Insert
a. .exe 47. Landscape is a
b. .xlsx a. Home
c. .pptx b. View
d. .docx c. Page layout
39. Function key for renaming a file. d. Insert tab
a. F7 48. Crtl + D is used for
b. F2 a. Open Deal box
c. F6 b. Font dialog box
d. F5 c. Save as dialog box
40. Shortcut to minimize/ maximize a ribbon d. Save dialog box
a. Shift + F1 49. Ctrl + S is for
b. Ctrl + F1 a. To delete a file
c. Alt + F1 b. To copy
d. ESC + F1 c. To cut
41. Minimum number of rows and columns in MS word d. To save
is 50. Ctrl + V
a. 1 into 1 a. To paste
b. 2 into 2 b. To copy
c. 3 into 1 c. To delete
d. 2 into 3 d. None of the above
42. On which page header and footer is printed by 51. Title bar show
a. Shows the status
a. On first page
b. Shows the table
b. On last page
c. Shows the name of document
c. On every page

d. Shows word count d. Highlight the text

52. Ctrl + C 61. Which software is used for accounting?
a. To paste a. Power point
b. To copy b. MS word
c. To delete c. Paint
d. All of the above d. MS Excel
53. F1 is used for? 62. Operating system is _______________ Software.
a. To print a. DBMS
b. Exit b. System
c. ROM
c. Help
d. Application
d. Language change 63. Ctrl + Z
54. Which one of below is browser? a. Redo
a. Google chrome b. Undo
b. Fire fox c. Quit
c. Internet explorer d. Delete
d. All of given 64. brain of computer is
55. Which one of below is operating system? ____________________________
a. Windows XP a. RAM
b. Windows 8 b. ROM
c. Windows 7 c. Processor
d. All of the given d. Hard Disk
56. Which application is used for presentation? 65. In computer keyboard is used for.
a. MS word a. Screen
b. MS excel b. Charging
c. Power point c. Output
d. All of the given d. Input
57. Which one of given below is search engine? 66. Slide show is a term used in
a. Google a. MS word
b. Notepad b. MS Excel
c. Spreadsheet c. Power Point
d. None of the above d. All of the above
58. Ctrl + A 67. $, #, % is __________________ keys on keyboard?
a. To print a. Numerical
b. To delete b. Alphabetic
c. Select all c. Symbolic
d. None of above d. Control
59. Scanner is 68. Which key is used to write the words in capitals?
a. Input device a. CTRL
b. Output device b. TAB
c. Processing device c. Caps Lock
d. Storage device d. Enter
60. Ctrl + B 69. Which key is used to erase the word
a. Underline the text a. Enter
b. Bold the text b. Backspace
c. Italicized the text c. End

d. Shift 107. The basic operations performed by a computer

70. Bullets are in which group? are
a. Font a. Arithmetic operation
b. Styles b. Logical operation
c. Paragraph c. Storage and relative
d. Editing d. All the above
71. Ctrl + J (Justify) is in which group? 108. The brain of any computer system is
a. Font a. ALU
b. Styles b. Memory
c. Paragraph c. CPU
d. Editing d. Control unit
72. “@” is used in 109. Valid program to access internet is called
a. Email address a. MS access
b. Website b. MS word
c. URL c. Internet explorer
d. USB d. None of the above
73. Combining 2 cells in MS Excel is called 110. Which of the following is the product of
a. Splitting Microsoft?
b. Merging a. Firefox
c. Wrapping b. Adobe reader
d. All of the above c. Foxit
74. Dividing a cell into 2 in MS Excel is called? d. Internet explorer
a. Splitting 111. The bar at the top of the document that contains
b. Merging the name of the documents is called?
c. Wrapping a. Scroll bar
d. All of the above b. View bar
104. Which symbol is used to sum up the numbers in c. Title bar
MS Excel? d. Navigation bar
a. ∑ 112. MS word is software?
b. & a. Device driver
c. # b. Application
d. Ω c. System
105. F5 key is used in Power point for : d. All of the above
a. Printing 113. The term Gigabyte refers to?
b. Slideshow a. 1024 bytes
c. Designing b. 1024 Kilobytes
d. Transition c. 1024 Megabytes
d. 1024 Gigabytes
106. RAM stands
114. The easiest way to make multimedia’s
_ presentations is in
a. Read access memory a. MS Word
b. Real access memory b. MS Excel
c. Random access memory c. Power Point
d. Read access memory d. None of the above
115. DOS OS is made by which company?
a. Apple

b. Microsoft
c. Intel
d. Compaq a. ALU
116. Which of the following statement is wrong? b. RAM
a. Windows XP is an operating system c. FAN
b. Linux is owned and sold by Microsoft d. Calculator
c. Photoshop is graphical design tool by Adobe 124. Which one is browser?
d. Linux is free and open source a. MS word
117. Ctrl + E___________ the text b. Google chrome
a. To Eliminate c. Adobe Photoshop
b. To Erase d. Notepad
c. To Centre 125. Extension for MS word 2007 is:
d. To cut a. DOC
118. Which one of the given is the most powerful b. DOS
computer? c. DOX
a. Mini d. DOCX
b. Micro 126. Who is the owner of Microsoft Company?
c. Desktop a. Bill gates
d. Mainframe b. Steve jobs
119. When light goes data remains written, which type c. Charles Babbage
d. Tomas Addison
of memory it is?
127. In MS word 2 × 3 table means
a. RAM
b. Flash Memory
a. 3 columns and 2 rows
c. Cache
d. Register b. 2 columns and 3 rows
120. IC’s were used in generation c. 2 rows and 3 columns
a. Third d. 3 rows and 2 columns
b. First 128. Anti-virus is a/an___________________software.
c. Second a. Useless
d. Fifth b. Application
121. Short cut for inserting date in MS word 2007. c. System
a. Ctrl + D d. OS
b. Ctrl + Alt + D 129. In MS word 2007 bold, italic and underline, option
c. Ctrl + T + D falls in which group?
d. Alt + Shift + D a. Clipboard
122. Which one printer is impact printer?
b. Paragraph
a. Laser Jet
c. Font
b. Dot matrix
c. Ink jet d. Style
d. Thermal printer 130. In power point 2007 F5 key is used
123. Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication for_____________
a. Print preview
b. Slide share
c. Slide show
d. Hiding ribbon
131. Function key F2 is used for.
a. Help
b. Decreasing Light
c. Increasing volume
d. Renaming file or folder

132. Ctrl + H command is used for______________ d. Parting

a. Hiding a word 141. Paragraph group in MS word is in __________
b. Replacing a paragraph tab:
c. Replacing a word a. Insert
d. Finding heading
b. Page layout
133. From which Tab we can add a Picture to our MS
c. References
Word document_____________
d. Home
a. View Tab
b. Review Tab 142. The kind of printer that is used in ATM is
c. Home Tab
a. Dot matrix printer
d. Insert Tab
b. Laser Printer
134. The shortcut to Redo an affect
c. Thermal Printer
a. Ctrl + R
d. Ink jet printer
b. Ctrl + Y 143. All the data in the computer is in
c. Ctrl + Z ____________________________form.
d. None of the above a. Raw
135. What is the base10 representation of binary b. Information
number (10111) = (?) c. Binary
a. 23 d. Decimal
b. 50 144. There are how many bits in a byte?
c. 24 a. 4
d. 89 b. 2
136. DOS stands for? c. 6
a. DOS Operating system d. 8
b. Desktop Operating system
c. Disk Operating system
d. Desk operating system
137. The term 1 Megabyte refers to?
a. 1 KiloByte
b. 1000 Kilo Bit
c. 1000,000 byte
d. None
138. There are how many bits in a byte?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16.
139. Device Driver is ____________________Software.
a. Database
c. System
d. Application
140. Ctrl + P
a. Porting
b. Pairing
c. Printing

b. Device setting
Paper computer skill c. Turn off the system
1. Identify false statement d. All of above
a. You can find deleted files in recycle bin 9. Once text has been cut to the clipboard, you can
b. You can restore any files in recycle bin if you …..that text into another document
ever need a. Paste
c. You can increase free space of disk by sending b. Copy
files in recycle bin c. Transfer
d. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle d. None of the above
Bin to clean it at once. 10. The primary purpose of an operating system is:
2. . If the displayed system time and date is wrong, a. To make the most efficient use of the
you can reset it using computer hardware
a. Write b. To allow people to use the computer,
b. Calendar c. To keep systems programmers employed
c. Write file d. To make computers easier to use.
d. Control panel 11. What is the default file extension for all Word
3. A Microsoft Windows is ….. a(n) documents?
Operating system a. .txts
b. Graphic program b. .word
c. Word Processing c. .docs
d. Database program d. .docx
4. Which is not application software? 12. What is the default font size of a new Word
a. Windows NT document based on Normal template in Word 2010?
b. Page Maker a. 10 pt
c. WinWord XP b. 11pt
d. Photoshop c. 14 pt
5. Which is the latest version of MS Windows? d. None of above
a. Windows 2007 13. When you click on File menu in Word 2010, it
b. Windows 8.1 opens
c. Windows 2008 a. File menu
d. Windows 10 b. File Commands
6. Which of the following is not an operating c. Backstage View
system? d. File Ribbon
a. DOS 14. Ctrl + O
b. Linux a. Save Document
c. Windows b. Print Document
d. Oracle c. Close Document
7. A …. is a named location on a disk where files are d. Open Document
stored 15. To undo the last work, press …..
a. Folder a. Ctrl+U
b. Pod b. Ctrl+Y
c. Version c. Ctrl+Z
d. None of the above d. Ctrl+W
8. In Windows, start button is used to 16. Which key deletes the character to the right of
a. Run applications the cursor?

a. End a. Blank Presentation

b. Backspace b. From Existing Presentation
c. Home c. From Design Template
d. Delete d. All of above
17. To erase a character to the right of the insertion 25. Which command will you use in PowerPoint if you
point, press the _____ key. need to change the color of different objects without
a. cancel changing content?
b. backspace a. Design Template
c. delete b. Color Scheme
d. either b or c c. Font Color
18. How to use Format Painter multiple times d. Object Color
a. By Click on Lock Format Painter Icon 26. What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply
b. By Double Click on the Format Painter Icon motion effects to different objects of a slide?
c. By Selecting Edit -> Format Painter -> a. Slide Transition
Multiple Use b. Slide Design
d. Format Painter cannot be use multiple times c. Animation Objects
19. You cannot close MS Word application by d. Animation Scheme
a. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu 27. Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current
b. Press Alt+F4 presentation?
c. Click X button on title bar a. Ctrl+N
d. From File menu choose Close submenu b. Ctrl+M
20. Which of the following option is not available in c. Ctrl+S
Insert >> Picture ? d. All of above
a. Chart
b. Word Art
c. Clip Art
d. Graph
21. Which tab is not available on left panel when you
open a presentation? 28. From which menu you can access Picture, Test Box,
a. Outline Chart etc?
b. Slides a. File
c. Notes b. Edit
d. All of above are available c. Insert
22. Which of the following section does not exist in a d. View
slide layout? 29. Which of the following should you use if you want
a. Titles all the slides in the presentation to have the same
b. Lists ‘look’?
c. Charts a. the slide layout option
d. Animations b. add a slide option
23. PowerPoint presentations are widely used as c. outline view
a. note outlines for teachers d. a presentation design template
b. project presentations by students 30. To exit the PowerPoint
c. communication of planning a. click the application minimize button
d. All of above b. click the document close button
24. A new presentation can be created from

c. double click the applications control menu a. experience

icon b. extra professional
d. double click the document control menu icon c. extra enhances
31. Each excel file is called a workbook because d. None
a. It can contain text and data 39. CD-ROM is a
b. It can be modified A) Semiconductor memory
c. It can contain many sheets including B) Memory registers
worksheets and chart sheets C) Magnetic memory
d. You have to work hard to create it D) None of above
32. If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then 40. The brain of any computer system is
realize that you don’t want your entry placed into a cell, A) ALU
you: B) Memory
a. Press the Erase key C) CPU
b. Press Esc D) Control unit
c. Press the Enter button 41. A storage area used to store data to a compensate
d. Press the Edit Formula button for the difference in speed at which the different units
33. You can edit a cell by can handle data is
a. Clicking the formula button A) Memory
b. Double clicking the cell to edit it in-place B) Buffer
c. Selecting Edit>Edit Cell from the menu C) Accumulator
d. None of above D) Address
34. Right clicking something in Excel: 42. Which of the following storage devices can store
a. Deletes the object maximum amount of data?
b. Nothing the right mouse button is there for A) Floppy Disk
left handed people B) Hard Disk
c. Opens a shortcut menu listing everything C) Compact Disk
you can do to the object D) Magneto Optic Disk
d. Selects the object 43. Software in computer
35. Which of the following is not a worksheet design A) Enhances the capabilities of the hardware
criterion? machine
a. Efficiency B) Increase the speed of central processing unit
b. Auditability C) Both of above
c. Description D) None of above
d. Clarity 44. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
36. Internet is known as A) Sorting
a. network of networks B) Classifying
b. connection C) Reproducing
c. connectivity D) Summarizing
d. none of these. 45. Which is considered a direct entry input device?
37. Microsoft windows XP was launched in A) Optical scanner
a. 2001 B) Mouse and digitizer
b. 2003 C) Light pen
c. 2005 D) All of the above
d. None of the above. 46. Properly arranged data is called
38. XP stands for A) Field

B) Words 55. Web cam is an

C) Information A) Input unit device
D) File B) Output unit device
47. Which of the following is used as a primary storage C) Processing device
device? D) Input and Output device
A) Magnetic drum 56. Which of the following is a read only memory
B) Hard Disks storage device?
C) Floppy A) Floppy Disk
D) All of above B) CD-ROM
48. A byte consists of C) Hard Disk
A) One bit D) None of these
B) Four bits 57. The computer size was very large in
C) Eight bits A) First Generation
D) Sixteen bits B) Second Generation
49. Which of the following require large computers C) Third Generation
memory? D) Fourth Generation
A) Imaging 58. What is the path from which data flow in a
B) Graphics computer system is known as
C) Voice A) Car
D) All of Above B) Bus
50. Which one is the largest space? C) Truck
A) Kilobyte D) Road
B) Petabyte 59. Which of the following is not a form of data?
C) Terabyte A) Numbers and characters
D) Gigabyte B) Images
51. Which is the largest computer? C) Sound
A) Mainframe Computer D) None of above
B) Mini Computers 60. Which operation is not performed by computer?
C) Micro Computers A) Inputting
D) Super Computers B) Processing
52. The full form of ALU is C) Controlling
A) Arithmetic Logic Unit D) Understanding
B) Array Logic Unit 61. The word compute is derived from the word
C) Application Logic Unit ______.
D) None of above a.Compute
53. Primary memory stores b. Compulata
A) Data alone c. Calculus
B) Programs alone d. None.
C) Results alone 62. CUP stands for:-
D) All of these a.Central Processing Unit
54. WAN stands for b. Capable Programming unit
A) Wap Area Network c. Calculation Processing Unit
B) Wide Area Network d. none
C) Wide Array Net 63. _______ is an output device.
D) Wireless Area Network a.Monitor

b. Keyboard 1 1 1
c. Mouse
d. None. 2 D 2 D 4 B 6 A
64. 1MB= 2 2 2
3 A 2 D 4 A 6 A
b. 1022KB
3 3 3
c. 1024KB
d. None 4 A 2 D 4 A 6 C
65. The file extension is a name through which a 4 4 4
computer _______ a file.
a.Recognize 5 D 2 C 4 B 6 A
b. arrange 5 5 5
c. process
6 D 2 C 4 C 6 A
d. None
6 6 6
66. Everything which we put in computer is called
___________--. 7 A 2 B 4 B 6 A
a.Data 7 7 7
b. Solution
c. Processing 8 D 2 C 4 C 6 A
d. None 8 8 8
67. Binary language consist of two _____________ 0
9 A 2 A 4 B 6 A
and 1.
9 9 9
b. words 1 A 3 B 5 B 7 A
c. data 0 0 0 0
d. NoneS
68. System software is also known as 1 D 3 A 5 D
_________________. 1 1 1
a.Operating system
1 B 3 B 5 A
b. App
2 2 2
c. instructions
d. None 1 C 3 B 5 D
69. Application software in the modern terminology is 3 3 3
also called ______________.
a.App 1 D 3 C 5 B
b. App soft 4 4 4
c. Same
1 C 3 D 5 A
d. None
5 5 5
70. CPU is commonly called ___________.
a.Processor 1 D 3 A 5 B
b. RAM 6 6 6
c. HDD
d. None 1 C 3 A 5 A
1 C 2 C 4 A 6 C 7 7 7

1 A 3 A 5 B
8 8 8

1 D 3 C 5 A
9 9 9

2 D 4 C 6 D
0 0 0

b. Device setting
Paper computer skill c. Turn off the system
1. Identify false statement d. All of above
a. You can find deleted files in recycle bin 9. Once text has been cut to the clipboard, you can
b. You can restore any files in recycle bin if you …..that text into another document
ever need a. Paste
c. You can increase free space of disk by b. Copy
sending files in recycle bin c. Transfer
d. You can right click and choose Empty Recycle d. None of the above
Bin to clean it at once. 10. The primary purpose of an operating system is:
2. . If the displayed system time and date is wrong, a. To make the most efficient use of the
you can reset it using computer hardware
a. Write b. To allow people to use the computer,
b. Calendar c. To keep systems programmers employed
c. Write file d. To make computers easier to use.
d. Control panel 11. What is the default file extension for all Word
3. A Microsoft Windows is ….. a(n) documents?
a. Operating system a. .txts
b. Graphic program b. .word
c. Word Processing c. .docs
d. Database program d. .docx
4. Which is not application software? 12. What is the default font size of a new Word
a. Windows NT document based on Normal template in Word 2010?
b. Page Maker a. 10 pt
c. WinWord XP b. 11pt
d. Photoshop c. 14 pt
5. Which is the latest version of MS Windows? d. None of above
a. Windows 2007 13. When you click on File menu in Word 2010, it
b. Windows 8.1 opens
c. Windows 2008 a. File menu
d. Windows 10 b. File Commands
6. Which of the following is not an operating c. Backstage View
system? d. File Ribbon
a. DOS 14. Ctrl + O
b. Linux a. Save Document
c. Windows b. Print Document
d. Oracle c. Close Document
7. A …. is a named location on a disk where files are d. Open Document
stored 15. To undo the last work, press …..
a. Folder a. Ctrl+U
b. Pod b. Ctrl+Y
c. Version c. Ctrl+Z
d. None of the above d. Ctrl+W
8. In Windows, start button is used to 16. Which key deletes the character to the right of
a. Run applications the cursor?

a. End a. Blank Presentation

b. Backspace b. From Existing Presentation
c. Home c. From Design Template
d. Delete d. All of above
17. To erase a character to the right of the insertion 25. Which command will you use in PowerPoint if you
point, press the _____ key. need to change the color of different objects without
a. cancel changing content?
b. backspace a. Design Template
c. delete b. Color Scheme
d. either b or c c. Font Color
18. How to use Format Painter multiple times d. Object Color
a. By Click on Lock Format Painter Icon 26. What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply
b. By Double Click on the Format Painter Icon motion effects to different objects of a slide?
c. By Selecting Edit -> Format Painter -> a. Slide Transition
Multiple Use b. Slide Design
d. Format Painter cannot be use multiple times c. Animation Objects
19. You cannot close MS Word application by d. Animation Scheme
a. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu 27. Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current
b. Press Alt+F4 presentation?
c. Click X button on title bar a. Ctrl+N
d. From File menu choose Close submenu b. Ctrl+M
20. Which of the following option is not available in c. Ctrl+S
Insert >> Picture ? d. All of above
a. Chart
b. Word Art
c. Clip Art
d. Graph
21. Which tab is not available on left panel when you
open a presentation? 28. From which menu you can access Picture, Test Box,
a. Outline Chart etc?
b. Slides a. File
c. Notes b. Edit
d. All of above are available c. Insert
22. Which of the following section does not exist in a d. View
slide layout? 29. Which of the following should you use if you want
a. Titles all the slides in the presentation to have the same
b. Lists ‘look’?
c. Charts a. the slide layout option
d. Animations b. add a slide option
23. PowerPoint presentations are widely used as c. outline view
a. note outlines for teachers d. a presentation design template
b. project presentations by students 30. To exit the PowerPoint
c. communication of planning a. click the application minimize button
d. All of above b. click the document close button
24. A new presentation can be created from

c. double click the applications control menu a. experience

icon b. extra professional
d. double click the document control menu icon c. extra enhances
31. Each excel file is called a workbook because d. None
a. It can contain text and data 39. CD-ROM is a
b. It can be modified A) Semiconductor memory
c. It can contain many sheets including B) Memory registers
worksheets and chart sheets C) Magnetic memory
d. You have to work hard to create it D) None of above
32. If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then 40. The brain of any computer system is
realize that you don’t want your entry placed into a cell, A) ALU
you: B) Memory
a. Press the Erase key C) CPU
b. Press Esc D) Control unit
c. Press the Enter button 41. A storage area used to store data to a compensate
d. Press the Edit Formula button for the difference in speed at which the different units
33. You can edit a cell by can handle data is
a. Clicking the formula button A) Memory
b. Double clicking the cell to edit it in-place B) Buffer
c. Selecting Edit>Edit Cell from the menu C) Accumulator
d. None of above D) Address
34. Right clicking something in Excel: 42. Which of the following storage devices can store
a. Deletes the object maximum amount of data?
b. Nothing the right mouse button is there for A) Floppy Disk
left handed people B) Hard Disk
c. Opens a shortcut menu listing everything C) Compact Disk
you can do to the object D) Magneto Optic Disk
d. Selects the object 43. Software in computer
35. Which of the following is not a worksheet design A) Enhances the capabilities of the hardware
criterion? machine
a. Efficiency B) Increase the speed of central processing unit
b. Auditability C) Both of above
c. Description D) None of above
d. Clarity 44. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
36. Internet is known as A) Sorting
a. network of networks B) Classifying
b. connection C) Reproducing
c. connectivity D) Summarizing
d. none of these. 45. Which is considered a direct entry input device?
37. Microsoft windows XP was launched in A) Optical scanner
a. 2001 B) Mouse and digitizer
b. 2003 C) Light pen
c. 2005 D) All of the above
d. None of the above. 46. Properly arranged data is called
38. XP stands for A) Field

B) Words 55. Web cam is an

C) Information A) Input unit device
D) File B) Output unit device
47. Which of the following is used as a primary storage C) Processing device
device? D) Input and Output device
A) Magnetic drum 56. Which of the following is a read only memory
B) Hard Disks storage device?
C) Floppy A) Floppy Disk
D) All of above B) CD-ROM
48. A byte consists of C) Hard Disk
A) One bit D) None of these
B) Four bits 57. The computer size was very large in
C) Eight bits A) First Generation
D) Sixteen bits B) Second Generation
49. Which of the following require large computers C) Third Generation
memory? D) Fourth Generation
A) Imaging 58. What is the path from which data flow in a
B) Graphics computer system is known as
C) Voice A) Car
D) All of Above B) Bus
50. Which one is the largest space? C) Truck
A) Kilobyte D) Road
B) Petabyte 59. Which of the following is not a form of data?
C) Terabyte A) Numbers and characters
D) Gigabyte B) Images
51. Which is the largest computer? C) Sound
A) Mainframe Computer D) None of above
B) Mini Computers 60. Which operation is not performed by computer?
C) Micro Computers A) Inputting
D) Super Computers B) Processing
52. The full form of ALU is C) Controlling
A) Arithmetic Logic Unit D) Understanding
B) Array Logic Unit 61. The word compute is derived from the word
C) Application Logic Unit ______.
D) None of above a.Compute
53. Primary memory stores b. Compulata
A) Data alone c. Calculus
B) Programs alone d. None.
C) Results alone 62. CUP stands for:-
D) All of these a.Central Processing Unit
54. WAN stands for b. Capable Programming unit
A) Wap Area Network c. Calculation Processing Unit
B) Wide Area Network d. none
C) Wide Array Net 63. _______ is an output device.
D) Wireless Area Network a.Monitor

b. Keyboard 1 1 1
c. Mouse
d. None. 2 D 2 D 4 B 6 A
64. 1MB= 2 2 2
3 A 2 D 4 A 6 A
b. 1022KB
3 3 3
c. 1024KB
d. None 4 A 2 D 4 A 6 C
65. The file extension is a name through which a 4 4 4
computer _______ a file.
a.Recognize 5 D 2 C 4 B 6 A
b. arrange 5 5 5
c. process
6 D 2 C 4 C 6 A
d. None
6 6 6
66. Everything which we put in computer is called
___________--. 7 A 2 B 4 B 6 A
a.Data 7 7 7
b. Solution
c. Processing 8 D 2 C 4 C 6 A
d. None 8 8 8
67. Binary language consist of two _____________ 0
9 A 2 A 4 B 6 A
and 1.
9 9 9
b. words 1 A 3 B 5 B 7 A
c. data 0 0 0 0
d. None
68. System software is also known as 1 D 3 A 5 D
_________________. 1 1 1
a.Operating system
1 B 3 B 5 A
b. App
2 2 2
c. instructions
d. None 1 C 3 B 5 D
69. Application software in the modern terminology is 3 3 3
also called ______________.
a.App 1 D 3 C 5 B
b. App soft 4 4 4
c. Same
1 C 3 D 5 A
d. None
5 5 5
70. CPU is commonly called ___________.
a.Processor 1 D 3 A 5 B
b. RAM 6 6 6
c. HDD
d. None 1 C 3 A 5 A
1 C 2 C 4 A 6 C 7 7 7

1 A 3 A 5 B
8 8 8

1 D 3 C 5 A
9 9 9

2 D 4 C 6 D
0 0 0

Microsoft Office

1. How much space in minimum must be provided between c. a style

columns? d. a boilerplate
a. 0" 9. Ctrl + Z
b. 0.5" a. Undo the last Action
c. 1" b. Redo the last Action
d. 1.5" c. Add the new page
2. What is the smallest width of a column? d. Paste the contents from clipboard
a. 0" 10. What does Ctrl + = key effect?
b. 0.5" a. Superscript
c. 1" b. Subscript
d. 1.5" c. All Caps
3 What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size d. Shadow
tool on formatting toolbar? 11. How can you make the selected character superscripted
a. 8 and 72 a. Ctrl + =
b. 8 and 64 b. Ctrl + Shift + =
c. 12 and 72 c. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + =
d. None of above d. None of above
4. The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word 12. When typing in a word field manually, what must you press to insert the
document is code’s braces?
a. 1 and 1 a. Ctrl + F6
b. 2 and 1 b. Ctrl + F9
c. 2 and 2 c. Alt + F11
d. None of above d. Shift + F12
5. What is the default file extension for all Word documents? 13. What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box?
a. .txts a. F12
b. .word b. Shift F12
c. .docs c. Alt + F12
d. .docx d. Ctrl + F12
6. The file type _____ indicates the file is a Word document. 14. What is the shortcut key to split a table?
a. .msw a. Ctrl + Alt + Enter
b. .wor b. Ctrl + Shift + Enter
c. .wrd c. Alt + Shift + Enter
d. .doc d. Alt + Space + Enter
7. Pressing F8 key for three times selects 15. Which key is used to increase left indent?
a. a word a. Ctrl+I
b. a sentence b. Ctrl+M
c. a paragraph c. Alt+I
d. entire document d. F10
8. What do you call ‘a collection of character and paragraph 16. Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior?
formatting commands’? a. Fixed Column Width
a. the defaults b. AutoFit to Contents
b. a template

c. Autofit to Window 24. After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text?
d. Autofit to Column a. Press PageDown key and type the text for footer
17. When you click on File menu in Word 2010, it opens b. Click on Switch between Heeder & Footer then type the text
a. File menu c. Both of above
b. File Commands d. None of above
c. Backstage View 25. To move the cursor page to page of document
d. File Ribbon a. Ctrl+PgDn
18. Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment b. Ctrl+PgUp
a. Decimal Alignment c. Both of above
b. Center Alignment d. None of above
c. Bar Alignment 26. You can jump to the next column by
d. Justify Alignment a. Clicking with your mouse on the next column
19. Why the document you created at home displays with a different font at b. Press Alt + Down-arrow
school? c. Both of above
a. Because you have a different printer at school than at home d. None of Above
b. Because you have a different monitor at school than at home 27. Which of the following enables you to paste data multiple times?
c. Because the font you used at home is not installed on your school computer a. Windows Clipboard
d. Because the version of Windows is different b. Office Clipboard
c. Both Windows & Office Clipboard
d. None of the all
20. Ctrl + B 28. You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at
a. Search the selected text the cursor position. How can you break column?
b. Paste the selected text a. Pressing Ctrl+Enter
c. Bold the selected text b. Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter
d. Open the specified file c. Break command from Insert menu
21. If the number of columns is selected 1 and the line between check box is d. Both b and c
marked, where is the line drawn? 29. Ctrl + A
a. in the left margin a. Align Right
b. in the right margin b. Select All
c. both in left and right margin c. Change font
d. None of Above d. Save document
22. A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after 30. Which of the following is not on Home ribbon?
certain interval is available on a. Columns
a. Save tab on Options dialog box b. Font color
b. Save As dialog box c. Change Style
c. Both of above d. Font
d. None of above 31. Ctrl + E
23. Which of the following is not a type of page margin? a. Exit Application
a. Left b. Select All
b. Right c. Clear All
c. Center d. Align Center
d. Top

32. How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point a. Ctrl + F
every time? b. Alt + Ctrl + F
a. By pressing Ctrl + ] c. Ctrl + D
b. By pressing Ctrl + [ d. Ctrl + Shift + D
c. By pressing Ctrl + } 40. What is the shortcut key to "Center Align" the selected text?
d. By pressing Ctrl + { a. Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + E
33. What is the default font used in MS Word 2007 document? c. Ctrl + F
a. Times New Roman d. None of above
b. Arial 41. What is the shortcut key for Spelling Check in document?
c. Calibri a. F7
d. Preeti b. Shift + F7
34. Word includes a series of predefined graphics called _____ that can be c. Ctrl + F7
inserted into a Word document. d. Alt + F7
a. clip art 42. What is the shortcut key to Update Formula in a table?
b. hyperlinks a. F9
c. captions b. Alt + F9
d. bookmark c. Ctrl + F9
35. When inserting Page number in footer it appeared 1 but you wish to d. Shift + F9
show a. How can you do that? 43. What is the shortcut key for "Font" dialog box?
a. From format menu choose bullets and Numbering and configure a. Ctrl + F
necessary setting b. Ctrl + D
b. From Insert menu choose Page Number and specify necessary c. Ctrl + G
setting d. None of the above
c. Click on Page Number Format tool and specify required setting 44. What is the shortcut key for "Find and Replace" dialog box?
d. All of above a. Ctrl + F
36. How do you close a word document without closing Word window? b. Ctrl + R
a. Click on the Close button on the title bar c. Ctrl + H
b. Click on Xminimize button on the title bar d. Ctrl + Shift + F
c. Click on the Close command on Office menu 45. What is the shortcut key to "Insert Hyperlink" in a document?
d. Click Exit on the File menu a. Ctrl + H
37. To switch between insert mode and overtype mode. b. Ctrl + L
a. click Caption on the Insert menu c. Ctrl + K
b. double-click the OVR status indicator on the status bar d. None of above
c. click Text Box on the Insert menu 46. How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?
d. double-click the INS status indicator on the status bar a. Ctrl + S
38.. What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol? b. Ctrl + Shift + S
a. Alt+Ctrl+C c. Ctrl + P
b. Alt + C d. Ctrl + Shift + P
c. Ctrl + C 47. What is the shortcut key for "Subscript" the selected text?
d. Ctrl + Shift + C a. Ctrl + =
39. What is the short cut key to open Font dialog box? b. Ctrl + -

c. Ctrl + Shift + = b. Press Alt+F4

d. Ctrl + Shift + - c. Click X button on title bar
48. What is the shortcut key for "Superscript" the selected text? d. From File menu choose Close submenu
a. Ctrl + = 56. Which of the following option is not available in Insert >> Picture ?
b. Ctrl + - a. Chart
c. Ctrl + Shift + = b. Word Art
d. Ctrl + Shift + - c. Clip Art
d. Graph
49. What is the shortcut key to Close Active Document in Microsoft 57. Which option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MSWord?
Word? a. New
a. Ctrl + F4 b. Quit
b. Shift + F4 c. Close
c. Ctrl + Shift + F4 d. Exit
d. None of above 57. Ctrl + O
50. What is the shortcut key to show font dialog box? a. Save Document
a. Ctrl + D b. Print Document
b. Ctrl + Shift + F c. Close Document
c. Ctrl + Shift + P d. Open Document
d. All of the above 58. Which feature do you use to create a newspaper like document?
51. How to remove all character formats? a. Bullets & numbering
a. Shift + Spacebar b. Tables
b. Shift + Enter c. Columns
c. Ctrl + Spacebar d. Tab stops
d. Ctrl + Enter 59. A _____ contains buttons, boxes, and menus that allow tasks to be
52. What is the shortcut key to "Undo" the last action in a document? performed more quickly than using the menu bar.
a. Ctrl + X a. format bar
b. Ctrl + Y b. status bar
c. Ctrl + Z c. command bar
d. None of above d. toolbar
53. What should you do if you require to paste the same format in many 60. A letterhead should contain all of the following EXCEPT ____.
places? a. full street address
a. Click the Format painter and go on pasting in many places holding Alt Key b. logo
b. Double click the format painter then go on pasting in many places c. complete legal name of the company, group, or individual
c. Click the format painter then go on pasting to many places holding Ctrl Key d. None of the above
d. All of above 61. Which of the following is not available in Font Spacing?
54. Which would you choose to save a document with a new name? a. Normal
a. Press Ctrl+S b. Loosely
b. Click File, Save c. Condensed
c. Click Tools, Options, Save d. Expanded
d. Click File, Save As 62. To convert a hyperlink e-mail address to regular text, rightclick the e-
55. You cannot close MS Word application by mail address and then click _____ on the shortcut menu.
a. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu a. Edit Hyperlink

b. Select Hyperlink c. current relative location of the document portion displayed in the
c. Convert Hyperlink window
d. Remove Hyperlink d. rank of the word in which the insertion point is found
63. Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a document? 71. Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____.
a. Subdocuments a. current date
b. Bookmarks b. page number
c. Cross-references c. current time
d. Outlines d. all of the above
64. Each time the _____ key is pressed, the paragraph formatting in the 72. Text boundary can be displayed or hidden from
previous paragraph is carried forward to the next paragraph. a. Auto text option from Insert menu
a. enter b. Options from Tools menu
b. shift c. Customize from Tools menu
c. ctrl d. All of above
d. alt 73. _____ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted from a
65. Which key do you press to force a page break? document and must be inserted later.
a. CTRL+ALT a. Copy
b. CTRL+ break b. Paste
c. CTRL+ Enter c. Cut
d. none of the above d. Paste Special
66. To increase a paragraph indent, use the _____ shortcut keys. 74. Which would you choose to move selected text from one place to
a. ctrl+l another?
b. ctrl+e a. Move and Paste
c. ctrl+1 b. Copy and Paste
d. ctrl+m c. Cut and Paste
67. To move to the end of the document, press the _____ key(s). d. Delete and Paste
a. down arrow Please help MCQ Sets to spread the good materials over the Internet.
b. end Don't forget to Like, Tweet and G+ it's pages!
c. ctrl+down arrow 75. Ctrl + X
d. ctrl+end a. Close Document
68. Which key is used to select all the text in the document? b. Close Word Application
a. Ctrl+T c. Cut the Selected Contents
b. Ctrl+A d. Copy the Selected Contents
c. Ctrl+F 76. Which is not a data source component?
d. Ctrl+N a. mail merge toolbar
69. To undo the last work, press ….. b. header row
a. Ctrl+U c. data fields
b. Ctrl+Y d. data records
c. Ctrl+Z 77. In Word, the mailing list is known as the ____________.
d. Ctrl+W a. data sheet
70. The scroll box on the vertical scroll bar indicates the _____. b. source
a. position of the insertion point from the top of the page c. data source
b. distance of the insertion point from the left margin d. sheet

78. On the horizontal ruler, an upside down T indicates a _____ tab stop. 86. What is the extension of Word files?
a. left-aligned a. FIL
b. right-aligned b. DOT
c. decimal-aligned c. DOC
d. centered d. TXT
79. To erase a character to the right of the insertion point, press 87. To autofit the width of column
the _____ key. a. Double click the right border of column
a. cancel b. Double click the left border of column
b. backspace c. Double click the column header
c. delete d. All of above
d. either b or c 88. To open Columns dialog box quickly
80. Ctrl + D a. double click on the left margin area of ruler
a. Delete Dialog Box b. double click the space between area on ruler
b. Font Dialog Box c. double click the right margin in ruler
c. Delete All d. All of above
d. Do nothing 89. To cancel a job that is printing or one that is waiting to be printed _____.
81. Ctrl + Y a. click the Print button on the Standard toolbar
a. Undo the last Action b. click the printer icon on the taskbar
b. Repeat the last Action c. double-click the Print button on the Standard toolbar
c. Delete the last page d. double-click the printer icon on the taskbar
d. Delete the first page 90. Which of the following enables you to make multiple changes in a
document at once?
82. "Ctrl + Delete" is used to a. find command
a. Delete the word just after the cursor b. Replace command
b. Delete the word just before the cursor c. Drag and Drop
c. Delete the single letter just after the cursor d. copy command
d. Delete the single letter just before the cursor 91. Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?
83. "Ctrl + Backspace" is used to a. Copy and Paste
a. Delete the single letter just before the cursor b. Windows Clipboard
b. Delete the single letter just after the cursor c. Drag and Drop
c. Delete the word just before the cursor d. Auto Text
d. Delete the word just after the cursor 92. Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?
84. Auto text and Auto correct are ___________ tools. a. Copy and Paste
a. styling b. Windows Clipboard
b. editing c. Drag and Drop
c. designing d. Auto Text
d. none of the above 93. Which of the following operations moves text from clipboard?
85. In normal view, automatic page breaks _____. a. Copy
a. do not display b. Paste
b. display on the screen as a single dotted horizontal line c. Drag and Drop
c. display on the screen above the header and beneath the footer d. Cut
d. display on the screen as a line separated by the words Page Break

94. To select a group of words, _____. 102. Which command is used to establish a link between a source document
a. click the Group button on the Formatting toolbar and a destination document?
b. double-click anywhere within the group to be selected a. Tools, Link, Documents
c. drag the mouse pointer through the characters to be selected b. Tools, Link
d. right-click the first and last characters of the group to be selected c. Edit, Link
95. On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool? d. Edit, Paste Special
a. Standard toolbar 103. To select multiple cells, rows, or columns in a table that are not
b. Formatting toolbar adjacent to one another, select the first cell and then hold down the _____ key
c. Drawing Toolbar while selecting the next cell, row, or column.
d. Picture Toolbar a. alt
96. What must be used to control the layering of objects? b. shift
a. formatting toolbar c. enter
b. picture toolbar d. ctrl
c. drawing toolbar 104. The paragraph mark (¶) is a formatting mark that indicates where the
d. image toolbar _____ was pressed.
97. Where can you find the Draw Table tool button? a. tab key
a. Standard toolbar b. spacebar
b. Formatting toolbar c. enter key
c. Drawing toolbar d. shift key
d. Tables and Formatting toolbar 105. Which of the following option in File pull down menu is used to close a
98. Which toolbar has crop button? MS Word document?
a. Standard toolbar a. Quit
b. Formatting toolbar b. Close
c. Drawing toolbar c. Exit
d. Picture Toolbar d. New
99. Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors? 106. Which keystroke is used for updating a field?
a. Clipart a. F6
b. WordArt b. F9
c. Drop Cap c. F11
d. All of above d. F12
107. Pressing the _____ key instructs Word to replace an AutoText entry
100. Which of the following is not of the merge process? name with the stored AutoText entry.
a. Sort the data source records a. f1
b. Format a main document b. f2
c. Edit a data source c. f3
d. Merge the two files to print or create a new document d. f4
101. What would you do when you want to update the data in an embedded 108. Which of the following function key activates the speller?
worksheet range? a. F5
a. double click the worksheet range object b. F7
b. right click worksheet range object & choose format object c. F9
c. edit the data in the destination document d. Shift + F7
d. edit the data in the source document. 109. Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting

is required in more than one location d. Tools

a. Auto Text 116. Which menu in MSWord can be used to change character size and
b. Format Painter typeface?
c. Font dialog box a. View
d. None of the above b. Tools
110. Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same formatting c. Format
is required in more than one location? d. Data
a. Auto Text 117. From which menu you can insert Header and Footer?
b. Format Painter a. Insert Menu
c. Font dialog box b. View Menu
d. None of the above c. Format menu
111. There can be many ways to insert page number in a document. Which d. Tools Menu
of the following lets you insert page number 118. What is the tool in Word that copies only the format of selected text so
a. Page number from Insert menu that you can apply on other text?
b. Page Setup from file menu a. Copy
c. Footnote from Insert menu b. Paste
d. Both a & c c. Format Painter
112. The MLA style specifies that a superscript be used for a note reference d. Paste Special
mark to signal an explanatory note exists either at the bottom of the page as 119. Select a ______ to apply a predefined format to a Word 2007 table
a(n) _____. a. Table style
a. footnote or at the end of the document as a startnote b. Table format
b. headnote or at the end of the document as an endnote c. Format Style
c. footnote or at the end of the document as an endnote d. None of above
d. headnote or at the end of the document as a startnote 120. _____ are types of wizards and templates in the Resume Wizard dialog
113. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you box.
choose? a. Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated
a. Edit b. Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant
b. View c. Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic
c. Format d. Basic, Comprehensive, and Formatted
d. Tools 121. Changing the appearance of a document is called
114. Although it is not shown in normal view, to view a header, click _____ on a. Proofing
the menu bar and then click Header and Footer. b. Editing
a. View c. Formatting
b. Edit d. All of above
c. Format 122. Word stores all frames associated with a Web page in a single file
d. Tools called the _____.
a. authoring page
115. To change margin settings, click _____ on the menu bar and then point to b. text page
the Page Setup command. c. frames page
a. File d. hyperlink page
b. Edit
c. Format

123. You wished to justify text over the height of paper, which option will d. Decrease Left Margin
you choose 131. The keystrokes Ctrl + I is used to
a. Page Setup from File menu a. Increase font size
b. Paragraph from Format menu b. Inserts a line break
c. From formatting toolbar c. Indicate the text should be bold
d. Font from Format menu d. Applies italic format to selected text
124. If you need to hide some paragraphs, how can you do it?
a. From Paragraph dialog box 132. Ctrl + K
b. From Font dialog box a. Insert Page Humber
c. From Options Dialog box b. Insert Hyperlink
d. None of above c. Insert Header
125. To display more of the document on the screen in print layout view, the d. Insert Footer
_____ can be hidden. 133. Which of the following can NOT be used to create parallel style column?
a. white space at the top of the pages a. Format Tabs
b. white space at the bottom of the pages b. Table Insert Table
c. gray space between pages c. Insert Textbox
d. all of the above d. Format Columns
126. Which of the following is Page Orientation? 134. Which of the following is used to create newspaper style columns?
a. Landscape a. Format Tabs
b. Portrait b. Table Insert Table
c. Gutter c. Insert Textbox
d. Only A & B d. Format Columns
127. By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of 135. Which menu do you choose to create footer? (in MS Office 2007)
contents as __________ a. format, header and footer
a. bookmarks b. view, footer
b. cross-references c. insert, header and footer
c. hyperlinks d. view, header and footer
d. word-fields 136. Which menu do you choose to create header? (in MS Office 2007)
128. Footnotes, endnotes, and indexes are all inserted as __________ a. format, header and footer
a. bookmarks b. view, header
b. cross-references c. insert, header and footer
c. hyperlinks d. view, header and footer
d. word fields 137. What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply clicking in the
129. Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite? document?
a. Word Processor a. it appears near the insertion point
b. Database b. it is inserted in its default size
c. Image Editor c. is selected
d. File manager d. all of the above
130. Ctrl + L 138. Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line?
a. Left Align a. First Line Indent Marker
b. Left Indent b. Left Indent Marker
c. Increase Left Margin c. Hanging Indent Marker

d. Right Indent Marker d. None of the above

139. Which of the following typically appear at the end of document for 146. Gutter position can be set in following positions
citation of source? a. Left & Right
a. End notes b. Left & Top
b. Foot notes c. Left & Bottom
c. Header d. Left Only
d. Footer 147. The ____ indents all the lines of a paragraph except first line
140. MS Office provides help in many ways, which of these is one of them? a. First Line Indent Marker
a. What is this? b. Hanging Indent Marker
b. Office Assistant c. Left Indent Marker
c. Help menu d. Right Indent Marker
d. All of the above 148. A document in portrait orientation prints
140. To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, press the _____ a. the same characters per line with the same document in landscape
key. b. More characters per line than the same document in landscape
a. tab c. Less characters per line than the same document in landscape
b. backspace d. Smaller fonts in order to fit the same amount of characters per line with
c. home landscape
d. enter 149. A _____ is a formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the insertion
141. Which key deletes the character to the left of the cursor? point to the beginning of the next physical line.
a. End a. paragraph break character
b. Backspace b. nonbreaking space
c. Home c. line break character
d. Delete d. no breaking hyphen
142. Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor? 150. Which option enables automatic updates in destination documents?
a. End a. embedding
b. Backspace b. objects
c. Home c. links
d. Delete d. relationships
143. What happens when you click on Insert >> Picture >> Clip Art 151. Which of the following position is not available for fonts on MS Word?
a. It inserts a clipart picture into document a. Normal
b. It lets you choose clipart to insert into document b. Raised
c. It opens Clip Art task pane c. Lowered
d. None of above d. Centered
144. What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8? 152. Which corner of the Word window has the zoom control?
a. It activates extended selection a. upper-left
b. It activates the rectangular selection b. upper-right
c. It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is. c. lower-left
d. None of above d. lower-right
145. What is the use of "All Caps" feature in MS-Word? 153. When you point to the _____ corner of a table, the table move handle
a. It changes all selected text into Capital Letter appears.
b. It adds captions for selected Image a. upper-right
c. It shows all the image captions b. lower-left

c. lower-right a. Moves the cursor one word right

d. upper-left b. Moves the cursor end of the line
154. A word processor would most likely be used to do c. Moves the cursor end of the document
a. keep an account of money spent d. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down
b. do a computer search in media center 161. End Key
c. maintain an inventory a. Moves the cursor end of the line
d. type a biography b. Moves the cursor end of the document
155. What is gutter margin? c. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
a. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing d. Moves the cursor end of the screen
b. Margin that is added to right margin when printing 162. "Ctrl + PageDown" is used to
c. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing a. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down
d. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing b. Moves the cursor one Page Down
156. Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and c. Moves the cursor one Line Down
tools? d. Moves the cursor one Screen Down
a. Status bar 163. "Ctrl + Down Arrow" is used to
b. Tool bar a. Moves the cursor one paragraph down
c. Menu bar b. Moves the cursor one line down
d. Title bar c. Moves the cursor one page down
156. Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail d. Moves the cursor one screen down
merge operation? 164. Page Up Key
a. Main document a. Moves the cursor one line up
b. Data source b. Moves the cursor one screen up
c. Merge fields c. Moves the cursor one page up
d. Word fields d. Moves the cursor one paragraph up
157. When the Language bar is _____, it means that you do not see it on the 165. "Ctrl + Left Arrow" is used to
screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer. a. Moves the cursor beginning of the Line
a. restored b. Moves the cursor one word left
b. hidden c. Moves the cursor one paragraph up
c. minimized d. Moves the cursor one paragraph down
d. closed 166. Page Down Key
158. AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you a. Moves the cursor one line down
type. b. Moves the cursor one page down
a. short, repetitive c. Moves the cursor one screen down
b. grammatically incorrect d. Moves the cursor one paragraph down
c. misspelled 167. "Ctrl + PageUp" is used to
d. none of the above a. Moves the cursor one Page Up
159. Home Key b. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Up
a. Moves the cursor beginning of the document c. Moves the cursor one Screen Up
b. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph d. Moves the cursor one Line Up
c. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen 168. "Ctrl + Up Arrow" is used to
d. Moves the cursor beginning of the line a. Moves the cursor one page up
160. "Ctrl + Right Arrow" is used to b. Moves the cursor one line up

c. Moves the cursor one screen up b. Previous Page

d. Moves the cursor one paragraph up c. Odd Page
169. "Ctrl + Home" is used to d. Even Page
a. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document 178. By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed?
b. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Line a. on first page
c. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Paragraph b. on alternate page
d. All of the above c. on every page
170. "Ctrl + End" is used to d. none of the above
a. Moves the cursor to the end of Line 179. Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?
b. Moves the cursor to the end of Document a. On the left of horizontal scroll bar
c. Moves the cursor to the end of Paragraph b. On the right of horizontal scroll bar
d. None of the Above c. On the top of vertical scroll bar
171. Which of the following are word processing software? d. On the bottom of vertical scroll bar
a. WordPerfect 180. Ctrl + G
b. Easy Word a. Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab
c. MS Word b. Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab
d. All of above c. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab
172. Which file starts MS Word? d. Open Goto Dialog box
a. winword.exe 181. Ctrl + F
b. word.exe a. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find Tab
c. msword.exe b. Open Page Setup Dialog box with activating Layout Tab
d. word2003.exe c. Open Font Dialog Box with activating Font tab
173. Ctrl + N d. Open File Save as Dialog box
a. Save Document 182. Ctrl + H
b. Open Document a. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab
c. New Document b. Open Format Dialog box activating Insert Hyper Link tab
d. Close Document c. Open Insert Dialog box activating Insert Hyper Link Tab
174. To exit from the Resume Wizard and return to the document window d. Open Insert Hyper Link Dialog box
without creating a resume, click the _____ button in any panel in the Resume 183. Ctrl + P
Wizard dialog box. a. Open Paragraph Dialog Box
a. Cancel b. Open Page Format Dialog Box
b. Back c. Open Save Dialog Box
c. Next d. Open Print Dialog box
d. Finish

175. What are inserted as cross-reference in Word? 184. Ctrl + T

a. Placeholders a. Hanging Indent
b. Bookmarks b. Left Indent
c. Objects c. Open Tabs Dialog box
d. Word fields d. Terminate all opened Dialog box
176. Which of the following is not the Section Break Option? 186. With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the
a. Next Page printed page?

a. Normal punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print.
b. Print Layout a. Document
c. Outline b. Character
d. Web Layout c. Paragraph
187. Portrait and Landscape are d. Object
a. Page Orientation 196. The Word Count command on the Tools menu displays the number of
b. Paper Size words as well as the number of _____ in the current
c. Page Layout document.
d. All of above a. lines
188. To verify that the note text is positioned correctly on the page, switch to b. characters
_____ view or display the document in print preview. c. paragraphs
a. normal d. all of the above
b. print layout 197. Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text?
c. page layout a. Copy and Paste
d. page edit b. Cut and Paste
190. Which feature helps you to inserts the contents of the Clipboard as text c. Paste and Delete
without any formatting d. Paste and Cut
a. Paste Special 198. Ctrl + V
b. Format Painter a. Paste Texts in the beginning of Document
c. Page Setup b. Paste Images in the beginning of Document
d. Styles c. Paste Tables at the middle of Document
191. switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the: d. None of the above
a. header and footer toolbar 199. The _____, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters,
b. print layout view numbers, and special characters.
c. page setup dialog box a. font
d. none of the above b. font size
192. Where can you change the vertical alignment? c. point
a. Formatting toolbar d. paragraph formatting
b. Paragraph dialog box 200. Columns dialog box can be opened from
c. Page Setup dialog box a. Format menu Columns submenu
d. Standard toolbar b. Double click on column space in ruler
193. A _____ is a collection of predefined design elements and color schemes. c. Press Alt + O + C
a. feature d. All of above
b. hyperlink 201. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by
c. palette a. Press Shift + F7
d. theme b. Press Ctrl + F7
194. Change the _____ to create a document in wide format c. Press Alt+ F7
a. Page Orientation d. Press F7
b. Page margins 202. How can you break the current column and start a new column
c. Paper Style immediately?
d. Paper Source a. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
195. _____ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, b. Press Alt + Enter

c. Press Ctrl + Enter c. Reading View

d. Press Alt + Shift + Enter d. Print Preview
210. Ctrl + R
203. How can you disable extended selection mode?
a. Re-Open the last closed document
a. Press F8 again to disable
b. Re-Print the last printed page
b. Press Del to disable
c. Re-Apply the last paragraph formatting
c. Press Esc to disable
d. Right align the selected Paragraph
d. Press Enter to disable
212. Which of the following is not a font style?
204. To instruct Word to stop bulleting paragraphs, do any of the following
a. Bold
except _____.
b. Italics
a. press the enter key twice
c. Regular
b. click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar
d. Superscript
c. press the backspace key to remove the bullet
d. click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar
205. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes? 213. The other Col# are inactive when you’ve select 3 columns. How will you
a. Standard activate those boxes?
b. Formatting a. double click on spacing box
c. Print Preview b. double click on inactive Col#
c. Remove mark from Line between checkbox
d. None of these
d. Remove mark from Equal Column Width check box
206. to view headers and footers, you must switch to 214. From where you can access Save command?
a. normal view a. Home tab
b. print layout view b. Insert tab
c. print preview mode c. Review tab
d. both B and C d. None of above
207. Ctrl + C 215. How can you remove tab stop markers from ruler?
a. Double click the tab marker and choose Clear All
a. Copy the selected text
b. Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler
b. Cut the selected text c. Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove
c. Print the selected text d. All of above
d. Paste the selected text 216. Ctrl + M
208. Ctrl + Q a. New Document
a. Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space) b. Close Document
b. Close Word Application without saving Document c. Right Indent
d. Left Indent
c. Print Whole Document without confirmation
217. Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen?
d. Does nothing a. Tab stop box
209. Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in b. Left Indent
a. Web layout view c. Right Indent
b. Print Layout view d. Center Indent

219. In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for ….. d. Page Setup

a. Scenarios 227. If you need to double underline a word, how will you do that?
b. Size a. Go to Format menu and then Font option. Open Underline Style and choose
c. Save Double Underline
d. Spelling Check b. From Format menu choose Font option and then from Font tab open Underline
220. Ctrl + W Style and select Double Underline
a. Save and Print the Document c. Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on Font tab, open Underline Style
b. Save and Close Word Application and choose Double Underline
c. Save and Close document d. Click double underline tool on formatting toolbar
d. Without Save, Close Document 228. How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another
221. The key F12 opens a text?
a. Save As dialog box a. Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again.
b. Open dialog box b. Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place
c. Save dialog box c. Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text
d. Close dialog box d. All of above
222. Ctrl + I 229. Which of the following is not one of the three ‘Mail Merge Helper’
a. Italic steps?
b. Left Indent a. merge the two files
c. Save Document b. create the main document
d. Close Document c. set the mailing list parameters
223. Ctrl + S d. create the data source
a. Save Document with different name 230. To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the selection,scroll to
b. Save Document with same name the end of the selection, position the mouse pointer atthe end of the
c. Save Document and Close Word Application selection, hold down the _____ key, and then click(or drag through the text).
d. Save Document and Print whole Pages a. ctrl
224. If you will be displaying or printing your document on another b. alt
computer, you’ll want to make sure and select the_____________ option under c. shift
the ‘Save’ tab. d. tab
a. Embed Fonts 231. What is the shortcut-key for manual line break?
b. Embed True Type Fonts a. CTRL + Enter
c. Save True Type Fonts b. Alt + Enter
d. Save Fonts c. Shift + Enter
225. Ctrl + J d. Space + Enter
a. Align Justify 232. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MSWord?
b. Insert Hyperlink a. Down Cursor Key
c. Search b. Enter Key
d. Print c. Shift + Enter
226. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page d. Ctrl + Enter
formatting options? 233. What is the shortcut key to display field codes?
a. Page a. Alt + F9
b. Document b. Ctrl + F9
c. Section c. Shift + F9

d. Space + F9 241. When typing in Preeti font all the Ukars turn to something else? What's
234. To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the the cause?
ribbon, you display the KeyTips by pressing the _____________key? a. Autotext
a. Alt b. Autocorrect
b. Ctrl c. Speller
c. Shift+Enter d. Preeti font does not work with Word
d. Alt+Enter 243. What is placed to the left of horizontal scroll bar
235. Press _____ to create a line break, which advances the insertion point to a. Tab stop buttons
the beginning of the next physical line – ignoring any paragraph b. View buttons
formatting instructions. c. Split buttons
a. shift+enter d. Indicators
b. ctrl+enter 244. Insert Date, Format Page Number, and Insert AutoText are buttons on
c. shift+tab the _____ toolbar.
d. ctrl+tab a. Formatting
236. A word field may consist of an optional field instruction called a(n) b. Header and Footer
______ c. Standard
a. subdocument d. Edit
b. symbol 245. Which of the following do you use to change margins?
c. signal a. formatting toolbar
d. switch b. page setup dialog box
237. Essential business letter elements include the _____. c. Standard toolbar
a. date line and inside address d. paragraph dialog box
b. message 246. In order to email a Word document from withing MS Word
c. signature block a. Office button >> Send to >> Mail Recipient
d. all of the above b. Save the file as an email attachment
238. Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document? c. Start Outlook and attach the file while open in Word
a. Auto Format d. This is an impossible operation
b. Auto Correct 247. A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar
c. Smart Tags that provides categorized options is
d. Auto Text a. Menu bar
b. Tool Bar
239. It is possible to _______ a data source before performing a merge. c. Status Bar
a. create d. All of the above
b. modify 248. In Word 2007 the Zoom is placed on
c. sort a. View tab
d. all of the above b. Home tab
240. Word has Web authoring tools allow you to incorporate _____ on Web c. Status bar
pages. d. A & C both
a. bullets 249. The _____ is a short horizontal line indicating the conclusion of
b. hyperlinks a document.
c. sounds a. insertion point
d. all of the above b. end mark

c. status indicator d. All of above

d. scroll box
250. Small squares, called _____, on the selection rectangle that surrounds a 260. Which tab in Font dialog box contain options to apply font effects?
graphic can be used to change the dimensions of a. Font tab
the graphic. b. Character Spacing
a. scroll boxes c. Text Effects
b. sizing handles d. Standard Toolbar
c. status indicators 261. To save an existing document with a different file name, click _____.
d. move handles a. the Save button on the Standard toolbar
251. A _____ is not attached to an edge of the Word window; that is, it b. Save on the File menu
displays in the middle of the Word window and can be moved c. the Save As button on the Standard toolbar
anywhere in the window. d. Save As on the File menu
a. floating toolbar 262. When you point to a text entry in the Office Clipboard gallery in the
b. scroll bar Clipboard task pane, _____.
c. status toolbar a. the first several characters of text in the item display as a ScreenTip
d. menu bar b. the text entry is deleted from the Office Clipboard gallery
c. the text entry is pasted into the document at the location of the insertion point
254. The shortcut keys for the _____ character formatting are ctrl+ shift+ plus d. all of the above
sign. 263. What happens if you mark on Hidden check box of Font dialog box after
a. case of letters you select some text?
b. underline words, not spaces a. The text is deleted from document and you need to bring from Recycle Bin if
c. superscript required again.
d. all capital letters b. The text is hidden and you need to bring it by removing the check box if needed
255. Using Find command in Word, we can search? again
a. characters c. The text is deleted and cannot be returned back
b. formats d. The text is hidden and cannot be returned back
c. symbols 264. Which is true when you insert an excel worksheet into a word
d. All of the above document?
257. Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into areas? a. word is the destination document
a. frames b. excel is the destination document
b. theme c. the worksheet is the destination document
c. table of contents d. the document is the source document
d. none of the above 266. The _____ is a special toolbar that displays a series of names, each of
258. The ribbon in Word 2007 consists of a series of which represents a list of commands that can be used to perform tasks.
a. Gates a. scroll bar
b. Smaller ribbons b. status bar
c. Tabs c. title bar
d. Icons d. menu bar
259. Borders can be applied to 267. Dropcap means
a. cells a. All Caps
b. paragraph b. Small Caps
c. text c. Title case

d. None of above b. styles

268. Press the enter key in all of the following circumstances except _____. c. toolbars
a. to insert a blank line into a document d. tabs
b. when the insertion point reaches the right margin 277. To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the ______ menu and choose
c. to begin a new paragraph ‘Symbol’.
d. in response to certain Word commands a. Insert
269. Why Drop Caps are used in document? b. Format
a. To drop all the capital letters c. Tools
b. To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter d. Table
c. To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
d. None of above 278. To insert a drop cap in one of the paragraph you should access
270. In MS-Word, for what does ruler help? a. Insert Menu
a. to set tabs b. Format
b. to set indents c. Tools
c. to change page margins d. None of above
d. All of the above 279. To set an exception to an AutoCorrect rule, click _____ on the menu bar
271. What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document? and then click AutoCorrect Options to display the AutoCorrect dialog box.
a. to enhance the overall appearance of the document a. Format
b. to mark the starting and ending of page b. Edit
c. to make large document more readable c. Tools
d. to allow page headers and footers appear on document when printed d. View
273. What is the use of bookmarks in Microsoft Word? 280. How do you magnify your document?
a. To easily correct the spelling errors a. View, Zoom
b. To quickly jump to a specific location in the document b. Format, Font
c. To quickly jump to the ending of the document c. Tools, Options
d. To create a link within the document d. Tools, Customize
274. What is the use of Document Map? 281. Which would you choose to list Synonyms & Antonyms of a selected
a. to quickly format the document word?
b. to quickly print required page a. Tools, Spelling & Grammar
c. to quickly navigate the document b. Tools, Language
d. to quickly correct spelling mistakes c. Tools, Options
275. Which bar is usually located below that Title Bar that provides d. Insert, Cross-reference
categorized options? 282. Which would you choose to display the statistics about a document?
a. Menu bar a. tools, word count
b. Status Bar b. insert, statistics
c. Tool bar c. tools, spelling and grammar
d. Scroll bar d. tools, statistics
276. The formats defined by _____ include character formatting, such as the 283. Which is an Office feature that makes it easy to edit embedded objects?
font and font size; paragraph formatting, such as line spacing and text a. pasting
alignment; table formatting; and list b. visual editing
formatting. c. tools, update, links
a. options d. edit, links

285. If you want to keep track of different editions of a document which 293. What is the name of the feature that will allow you to take a step
features will you use? backward if you've made a mistake?
a. Editions a. Redo
b. Versions b. Cancel
c. Track Change c. Undo
d. All of above d. Backspace
286. Which feature is used for monitoring all document changes? 294. To read through a document you may
a. Edit Document a. Use the arrow key
b. Monitor Change b. Dragging the scroll box on the scroll bar
c. Track Change c. Use your ENTER key to go down line by line
d. Track all d. Only A & B
287. Which of the following line spacing is invalid? 295. Which of the following can you change using the page setup dialog box?
a. Single a. margins
b. Double b. page orientation
c. Triple c. vertical alignment
d. Multiple d. all of the above
288. How many margins sare there on a page? 296. The header and footer command are located on the ____ tab
a. Two (header and footer) a. Home
b. Four (top, bottom, right and left) b. Insert
c. Two (landscape and portrait) c. View
d. Four (center, top, left and bottom) d. Header
289. Which of the following is correct regarding Underline in MSWord? 297. The column command is located on the _____ tab.
a. Color of Underline can be change a. Insert
b. Style of Underline can be change b. Home
c. Underline can be set using by shortcut key c. View
d. All of the above d. Page Layout
290. On the works cited page, list works by each author’s last name and _____ 299. Which menu do you choose to shade words and paragraph?
the title of the work. a. format, borders and shading
a. italicize or underline b. insert, borders and shading
b. boldface or italicize c. view, shading
c. underline or boldface d. none of the above
d. enlarge or underline 301. Before creating a master document, you must switch to _________
291. Ctrl + U a. Normal View
a. Undelete the previously deleted text b. Outline View
b. Undo the last changes c. Web Layout View
c. Underline the document name d. Print Layout View
d. Underline the selected text 302. Before moving a subdocument to another location within a master
292. When a hyperlink is created, Word formats the Web address as _____. document, you must switch to _________
a. italicized and colored red a. Normal View
b. italicized and colored blue b. Outline View
c. underlined and colored red c. Web Layout View
d. underlined and colored blue d. Print Layout View

303. Which of the following can be used to navigate documents? d. None of the above
a. frames
b. hyperlinks
c. web toolbar
d. all of the above
306. Selecting text means, selecting?
a. a word
b. an entire sentence
c. whole document
d. any of the above
307. Which of the following is the latest version of MS Word?
a. Word 2016
b. Word 2007
c. Word 2010
d. Word 2011
308. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as
a. font styles
b. font effects
c. word art
d. text effects
309. Shimmer, Sparkle text, Blinking Background etc. are known as
a. font styles
b. font effects
c. word art
d. text effects

310. Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as

a. font styles
b. font effects
c. word art
d. text effects
311. The main elements of the _____ are the insertion point, end mark, mouse
pointer, rulers, scroll bars, and status bar.
a. Word toolbar
b. Formatting toolbar
c. Word document window
d. Graphics toolbar
312. MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches
the right edge of the screen and is called?
a. Carriage Return
b. Enter
c. Word Wrap

Computer MCQS

1.Wifi Stands For_____________? c. Electronic input device

A. Wireless Fidelity d. Optical output device
B. Wireless functioning 9. CD-ROM stands for
C. Wireless function
D. None of the above a. Compactable Read Only Memory
1. Who is the inventor of “Difference Engine”? b. Compact Data Read Only Memory
a. Allen Turing c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
b. Charles Babbage d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
c. Simur Cray 10. VGA is
d. Augusta Adaming
a. Video Graphics Array
2. Who is the father of Computer?
b. Visual Graphics Array
a. Allen Turing
b. Charles Babbage c. Volatile Graphics Array
c. Simur Cray d. Video Graphics Adapter
d. Augusta Adaming 11. IBM 1401 is
3. Who is the father of Computer science? a. First Generation Computer
a. Allen Turing b. Second Generation Computer
b. Charles Babbage
c. Third Generation Computer
c. Simur Cray
d. Augusta Adaming d . Fourth Generation Computer
4. Who is the father of personal computer? 12. MSI stands for
a. Edward Robert a. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
b. Allen Turing b. Medium System Integrated Circuits
c. Charles Babbage c. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
d. None of these d. Medium System Intelligent Circuit
5. A CPU contains
13. USB stands for ________?
a. a card reader and a printing device
A. Uniform Serial Bus
b. an analytical engine and a control unit B. Uniform System Bus
c. a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit C. Universal Serial Bus
d. an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader D. Universal System Bu
6. What type of resource is most likely to be a 14.A “URL” is a formatted text string used
shared common resource in a computer Network? by web browsers, email clients and other
a. Printers software to identify a network resource on
b. Speakers the Internet. It stands for
(A) Universal Resource Link
c. Floppy disk drives (B) Uniform Resource Locator
d. Keyboards (C) Unlimited Resource Locator
7. Which device is required for the Internet (D) Universal Reference Link
15-HTTP stands for:
a. Joystick
(A) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
b. Modem (B) Hyper Timed Text Protocol
c. CD Drive (C) Hopper Transfer Text Protocol
d. NIC Card (D) Hopper Text Timer Protocol
8. What is a light pen? 16-What type of connector is used to plug a
telephone line into a modem?
a. A Mechanical Input device
(A) COM1
b. Optical input device (B) RJ-45

(C) RJ-11 C. LAN

(D) RJ-10
17 .Search engines are used to D. FTP
24.Computer jargon, WWWW stands for
A. search video
A. world wide web worm
B. search documents
B. world wide wildlife web
C. download softwares
C. world wide women's web
D. all of these
18 . In computer, FTP stands for D. world wide women's week
25. In computer terminology IME stands
A. file transfer protocol
B. finding tele path
A. Infinite Memory Engine
C. finis tele program
B. Input Method Editor
D. file transfer process
C. Inside MicroSoft Excel
19. In web address,, http is the D. Immedia
A. URL 26. MICR stands for
B. domain name a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
C. protocol b. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
D. extension c. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
20.Computer that manages sending and d. None
receiving of emails is called 27. CAD stands for
A. mail server a. Computer aided design
B. web browser b. Computer algorithm for design
C. HTTP c. Computer application in design
D. Outlook d. Computer analogue design
21.Transferring information from 28. Junk e-mail is also called
computer to internet is called a. spam
A. downloading b. spoof
B. down seizing c. sniffer script
C. uploading d. spool
D. pasting 29. First page of Website is termed as
22. Services on internet includes a. Homepage
b. Index
A. world wide web
c. JAVA script
d. Bookmark
C. email
30. DOS stands for
D. all of these a. Disk Operating System
23..Collection of documents stored on a
b. Disk operating session
computer which is permanently connected
c. Digital Operating System
with internet around world is called
d. Digital Open system
A. telnet
31. Who is the chief of Microsoft
B. WWW a. Babbage

b. Bill Gates b. Output device

c. Bill Clinton c. Both a & b above
d. none of these d. None of these
32. VDU is also called 40. LAN stands for...............
a. Screen a. Limited Area Network
b. Monitor b. Logical Area Network
c. Both 1 & 2 c. Local Area Network
d. printer d. Large Area Network
33. provides process and memory management 41. _______ computers are also called personal
services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or computers
programs to run simultaneously A) Mainframe Computer
a. Multitasking B) Mini Computers
b. Multithreading C) Micro Computers
c. Multiprocessing D) Super Computers
d. Multicomputing 42. Which of the following is not input unit
34. A modem is connected to a device?
.a telephone line A) scanner
b. a keyboard B) camera
c. a printer C) plotter
d. a monitor D) digitizer
35 . Which of the following is not a storage 43. A byte consists of
medium? a. Hard disk A) One bit
b. Flash drive B) Four bits
c. DVD C) Eight bits
d. scanner D) Sixteen bits
36. Trackball is a........... 44. Modern Computers are very reliable but
a. Input device they are not
b. Output device A) Fast
c. Programming language B) Powerful
d. Software C) Infallible
37. computer is a medium sized computer D) Cheap
a. Micro
45. When was the first electro-mechanical
b. Mainframe computer developed?
c. Super A) 1880
d. Mini 200 B) 1990
38 computer are of large size C) 1944
a. Micro D) None of above
b. Mainframe
c. Super 46. Which of the following memory medium is
d. Mini not used as main
39. Touch Screen is............ memory system?
a. Input device A) Magnetic core

B) Semiconductor A) System Software

C) Magnetic tape B) Application Software
D) Both semiconductor and magnetic tape C) Utilities
D) None of the above
47. The first machine to successfully perform a 54. The advantage of COM are its __ and __
long series of arithmetic and logical A) Compact size; speed readability
operations was:
B) Compact size, speed
C) Readability; speed
B) Mark-I
D) Low cost; readability
C) Analytic Engine
55. The BIOS is the abbreviation of ________.
A) Basic Input Output System
48. Which one is the largest space?
B) Best Input Output System
A) kilobyte
C) Basic Input Output Symbol
B) petabyte
D) Base Input Output System
C) terabyte
56. Which printer is very commonly used for
D) gigabyte
desktop publishing?
49. The brain of any computer system is A) Laser printer
A) Control Unit B) Inkjet printer
B) Arithmetic Logic Unit C) Daisywheel printer
C) Central Processing Unit D) Dot matrix printer
D) Storage Unit 57. IBM 1401 is
50. Analog computer works on the supply of A) First Generation Computer
A) Continuous electrical pulses B) Second Generation Computer
B) Electrical pulses but not continuous C) Third Generation Computer
C) Magnetic strength D) Fourth Generation Computer
D) None of the above 58. Most of the first generation computers
51. What does DMA stand for? A) Special purpose computers
A) Distinct Memory Access B) General purpose computers
B) Direct Memory Access C) Both of above
C) Direct Module Access D) None of above
D) Direct Memory Allocation 59. Floppy disks typically in diameter
A) 3
B) 5.25
C) 8
52. Who invented Integrated Circuits? D) All of above
A) Jack Kilby 60. The output quality of a printer is
B) Robert Noyce measured by
C) Both of above A) Dot per inch
D) None of above B) Dot per sq. inch
53. Operating system, editors, and debuggers C) Dots printed per unit time
comes under? D) All of above

61. On a PC, how much memory is available to 68. Which is a semi conductor memory?
application software? A) Dynamic
A) 1024 KB B) Static
B) 760 KB C) Bubble
C) 640 KB D) Both a & b
D) 560 KB
62. In a computer _____ is capable to store 69. RJ45 UTP cable has ________ Cables.
single binary bit. A) 2 pair
A) Capacitor B) 3 pair
B) Flip flop C) 4 pair
C) Register D) 5 pair
D) Inductor 70. Which of the following is not a valid size of
63 What was the main disadvantage of a Floppy Disk?
vacuum tubes? A) 8?
A) They were larger in size B) 5 ¼?
B) They consumed a lot of electricity C) 3 ½?
C) They produced heat and often burned out D) 5 ½?
D) The operation cost was high 71. The earliest calculating devices are
64. Which is the largest computer? A) Abacus
A) Mainframe Computer B) Clock
B) Mini Computers C) Difference Engine
C) Micro Computers D) None of these
D) Super Computers 72. Word length of a Personal Computer is ___
65. Which of the following are the best units of A) 4 bits
data on an external storage device? B) 8 bits
A) Bits C) 16 bits
B) Bytes D) 64 bits
C) Hertz 73. Who invented vacuum tubes?
D) Clock cycles A) John Bardeen
66. The personal computer industry was B) William Shockley
started by C) Lee de Forest
A) IBM D) All of above
B) Apple 74. The central processing unit (CPU) consists
C) Compaq of
D) HCL A) Input, output and processing
67. Which is not a computer of first B) Control unit, primary storage, and secondary
generation? storage
A) ENIAC C) Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary
B) UNIVAC storage
C) IBM 360 D) Control unit, processing, and primary storage
D) IBM 1401 75. Which unit converts computer data into
human readable form?

A) Input unit C) ALU

B) Output unit D) Modem
C) ALU 83. EEPROM stands for
D) Control Unit A) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only
76. The full form of ALU is Memory
A) Arithmetic Logic Unit B) Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only
B) Array Logic Unit Memory
C) Application Logic Unit C) Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only
D) None of above Memory
77. What produces useful information out of D) None of the above
data? 84. Regarding data, computers are very good
A) Computer at
B) Processing A) store
C) Programming B) Processing
D) none of above C) retrieve
78. UNIVAC is D) All of above
A) Universal Automatic Computer 85. ABC is a
B) Universal Array Computer A) Special purpose computer
C) Unique Automatic Computer B) General purpose computer
D) Unvalued Automatic Computer C) All Purpose Computer
79. EBCDIC stands for D) None of abov
A) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
Code 86. The computer code for the interchange of
B) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code information between terminals is
C) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
D) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
80. A paper printout of a document is known
as D) All of above
A) Softcopy output 87. First generation computers used _________
B) Hardcopy output for memory
C) Permanent Output A) vacuum tubes
D) All of above B) silicon chips
81. IBM System/360 is C) magnetic drum
A) Mainframe Computer D) RAM
B) Mini Computers
C) Micro Computers 88. Which of the following memories allows
D) None of above simultaneous read and write operations?
82. Which part of the computer is used for A) ROM
calculating and comparing? B) RAM
A) Disk unit C) EPROM
B) Control unit D) None of above

89. EPROM can be used for B) 32 byte

A) Erasing the contents of ROM C) 4 byte
B) Reconstructing the contents of ROM D) 8 byte
C) Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM
D) Duplicating ROM 96. 1 nibble equals to
A) 1 bits
90. The Second Generation Computer was B) 2 bits
based on ________. C) 4 bits
A) Vacuum Tube D) 8 bits
B) Silicon Chips
C) Transistor 97. Web cam is an
D) Bio Chips A) input unit device
B) output unit device
91. ENIAC uses C) processing device
A) Decimal Numbering System D) Input and Output device
B) Octal Numbering System
C) Binary Numbering System 98. Bit stands for
D) Hexadecimal Numbering System A) Binary digits
B) bit of system
92. Primary memory stores C) a part of byte
A) Data alone D) All of above
B) Programs alone
C) Results alone 99. Perforated paper used as input of output
D) All of these media is known as
A) paper tapes
B) magnetic tape
C) punched papers tape
D) card punch
93. After copying the content how many times
can you paste?
A) 1
B) 16
C) 32 100. Which device can understand difference
D) Many between data & programs?
A) Input device
94. WAN stands for B) Output device
A) Wap Area Network C) Memory
B) Wide Area Network D) Microprocessor
C) Wide Array Net 101. Which of the following is a read only
D) Wireless Area Network memory storage device?
A) Floppy Disk
95. A 32 bit microprocessor has the word B) CD-ROM
length equal to C) Hard Disk
A) 2 byte
D) None of thes

102. Who is the inventor of ABC Computer? A) Machine language

A) John v. Atanasoff B) Assembly language
B) Clifford Berry C) Both of above
C) Both of above D) None of above
D) None of above 109. The computer size was very large in
103. Digital devices are A) First Generation
A) Digital Clock B) Second Generation
B) Automobile speed meter C) Third Generation
C) Clock with a dial and two hands D) Fourth Generation
D) All of them 110. Which unit holds data temporarily?
104. Which of the following is the largest unit? A) Input unit
A) data B) Secondary storage unit
B) field C) Output Unit
C) record D) Primary Memory Unit
D) database file 111. A name or number used to identify
105. The term ‘computer’ is derived from storage location devices?
A) Greek language A) A byte
B) Sanskrit language B) A record
C) Latin language C) An address
D) German language D) All of above
106. The most commonly used standard data 112. Hard disk is coated in both sides with
code to represent alphabetical, numerical and A) Magnetic metallic oxide
punctuation characters used in electronic B) Optical metallic oxide
data processing system is called C) Carbon layer
A) ASCII D) All of the above
B) EBCDIC 113. An input /output device at which data
C) BCD enters or leaves a computer system is
D) All of above A) Keyboard
106. A disadvantage of the laser printer is B) Terminal
A) It is quieter than an impact printer C) Printer
B) It is very slow D) Plotter
C) The output is of a lower quality 114. Microprocessors can be used to make
D) None of the above A) Computer
B) Digital systems
107. A hard copy would be prepared on a C) Calculators
A) Line printer D) All of the above
B) Dot matrix Printer
C) Typewriter terminal
D) All of the above 115. Which of the following is a secondary
108. Which of the following programming memory device?
language were used in first generation A) Keyboard
computers? B) Disk

C) ALU Interchange
D) All of the above D) American Standard Code for Interchange
116. The memory which is programmed at the Information
time it is manufactured
B) RAM 123. Hard disk is coated in both side with
C) PROM A) Magnetic metallic oxide
D) EPROM B) Optical metallic oxide
117. Which of the following is correct full form C) Carbon layer
of BCD? D) All of the above
A) Binary Coded Decimal 124. Raw facts and figures about any
B) Bit Coded Decimal particular topic are
C) Binary Coded Digit A) Information
D) Bit Coded Digit B) facts
118. One of the popular mass storage device is C) data
CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for? D) none of above
A) Compactable Read Only Memory 125. Memory is made up of
B) Compact Data Read Only Memory A) Set of wires
C) Compactable Disk Read Only Memory B) Set of circuits
D) Compact Disk Read Only Memory C) Large number
119. Main storage is also called 126. From which generation computers the
A) Accumulator printers were used?
B) Control Unit A) first
C) Register Unit B) second
D) Memory C) third
120. Which of the following memories must be D) fourth
refreshed many times per second? 127. Which of the following is the most
A) Static RAM powerful computers?
B) Dynamic RAM A) Mainframe Computer
C) EPROM B) Mini Computers
D) ROM C) Micro Computers
121. Memory unit is one part of D) Super Computers
A) Input device 128. Which of the printers used in conjunction
B) Control unit with computers uses dry ink powder?
C) Output device A) Daisy wheel printer
D) Central Processing Unit B) Line printer
122. ASCII stands for C) Laser printer
A) American Stable Code for International D) Thermal printer
Interchange 129. Which term is used to describe RAM?
B) American Standard Case for Institutional A) Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
Interchange B) Static RAM (SRAM)
C) American Standard Code for Information

C) Video RAM (VRAM) B) Array Logic Unit

D) All of the above C) Application Logic Unit
130. An application program that helps the D) None of above
user to change any number and immediately 137. An output device that uses words or
see the result of that change is messages recorded on a magnetic medium to
A) Desktop publishing program produce audio response is
B) Database A) Magnetic tape
C) Spreadsheet B) Voice response unit
D) All of above C) Voice recognition unit
D) Voice band
138. Which of the following memories needs
131. In analog computer A) SRAM
A) Input is first converted to digital form B) DRAM
B) Input is never converted to digital form C) ROM
C) Output is displayed in digital form D) All of above
D) All of the above 139. Which of the following is not purely
132. Second generation computers were output device?
developed during A) Screen
A) 1949 to 1955 B) Printer
B) 1956 to 1965 C) Speaker
C) 1965 to 1970 D) Plotter
D) 1970 to 1990 140. Which is not a computer classification?
133. When was the company named IBM? A) mainframe
A) 1914 B) maxframe
B) 1924 C) mini
C) 1975 D) notebook
D) None of above 142. The control unit of a microprocessor
134. Which of the following storage device can A) Stores data in the memory
store the largest amount of data? B) Accepts input data from keyboard
A) Hard Disks C) Performs arithmetic/logic function
B) Flash Disks D) None of above
C) Blu-Ray Disks 143. Which of the following is internal
D) DVDs memory?
135. Mostly which of the following device is A) Disks
used to carry user files? B) Pen Drives
A) Floppy Disk C) RAM
B) Hard Disk D) CDs
C) RAM 144. Which operation is not performed by
D) CDROM computer
136. ALU is A) Inputting
A) Arithmetic Logic Unit B) Processing

C) Controlling C) Z3
D) Understanding D) ABC
145. When did John Napier develop logarithm? 152. Which of the following is a storage
A) 1416 device?
B) 1614 A) Tape
C) 1641 B) Hard Disk
D) 1804 C) Floppy Disk
146. Which of the following terms is the most D) All of the above
closely related to main memory? 153. Why ABC computer is called so?
A) Non volatile A) Because it was developed by Atanasoff and
B) Permanent Berry
C) Control unit B) Because it was thought to be the first computer
D) Temporary so named with first alphabets of English
147. EBCDIC can code up to how many C) Both of above are the reason to name the
different characters? computer ABC
A) 256 D) None of above are true
B) 16 154. Central Processing Unit is combination of
C) 32 A) Control and storage
D) 64 B) Control and output unit
C) Arithmetic logic and input unit
D) Arithmetic logic and control unit
148. MICR stands for 155. IBM 1401 computer was
A) Magnetic Ink Character Reader A) Mainframe Computer
B) Magnetic Ink Code Reader B) Mini Computers
C) Magnetic Ink Cases Reader C) Micro Computers
D) None D) None of above
149. Number crunchier is the informal name 156. CD-ROM stands for
for A) Compac
A) Mini computer
B) Super computer table Read Only Memory
C) Microcomputer B) Compact Data Read Only Memory
D) Mainframe computer C) Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
150. Which technology is used in Compact D) Compact Disk Read Only Memory
disks? 157. Which of the following is not a class of
A) Mechanical computers based on size?
B) Electrical A) Mainframe Computers
C) Electro Magnetic B) Mini Computers
D) Laser C) Micro Computers
151. Which is the first electronic digital D) Super Computers
computer? 158. Which unit converts user data into
A) ENIAC machine readable form?
B) MARK I A) Input unit

B) Output unit B) Output

C) ALU C) Storage
D) Control Unit D) Input
159. Who invented EDSAC? 166. The processing speed of first generation
A) John v. Neumann computers was
B) J.P. Eckert and John Mauchley A) milliseconds
C) Maurice Wilkes B) microseconds
D) Howard Aiken C) nanoseconds
160. The Width of a processor’s data path is D) picoseconds
measured in bits. Which of the following are 167. Model 5100 was ______ in 1957.
common data paths? A) The first PC built by IBM
A) 8 bits B) The first PC built by Apple
B) 12 bits C) The first PC built by Motorola
C) 16 bits D) The first PC built by Intel
D) 32 bits 168 . VGA is
161. The original ASCII code used__bits of each A) Video Graphics Array
byte, reserving that last bit for error checking B) Visual Graphics Array
A) 5 C) Volatile Graphics Array
B) 6 D) Video Graphics Adapter
C) 7 169. A kind of scanner MICR is the short form
D) 8 of
162. MSI is the abbreviation of A) Magnetic Ink Character Reader
A) Medium Scale Integrated B) Magnetic Ink Code Reader
B) Medium System Integrated C) Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
C) Medium Scale Intelligent D) None
D) Medium System Intelligent 170. Which of the following is not a third
163. Fifth generation computer is also known generation computer?
as A) IBM 360
A) Knowledge information processing system B) IBM 1401
B) Very large scale integration (VLSI) C) PDP-8
C) Both of above D) HP2115
D) None of above 171. Which of the following disk is fixed disk?
164. Through which device the main A) Hard Disks
components of the computer communicate B) Flash Disks
with each other? C) Blu-Ray Disks
A) Keyboard D) DVDs
B) System Bus 172. Which of the following memory medium
C) Monitor is not used as main memory system?
D) Memory A) Magnetic core
165. What type of device is computer B) Semiconductor
keyboard? C) Magnetic tape
A) Memory D) Both a and b

173. Which is valid statement Interchange

A) 1 KB = 1024 Bytes D) American Standard Code for Interchange
B) 1 MB = 1024 Bytes Information
C) 1 KB = 1000 Bytes 180. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to
D) 1 MB = 1000 Bytes __________data?
174. Which of the following generation A) 680 KB
computers had expensive operation cost? B) 680 Bytes
A) First C) 680 MB
B) Second D) 680 GB
C) Third 181. Dot-matrix is a type of
D) Fourth A) Tape
175. Which was the computer conceived by B) Printer
Babbage? C) Disk
A) Analytical engine D) Bus
B) Arithmetic machine 182. Which is not consisted in a processor
C) Donald Knuth A) ALU
D) All of above B) CU
176. All modern computer operate on C) Memory
A) Information D) Registers
B) Floppies 183. Which of the following is input device?
C) Data A) scanner
D) Word B) speaker
177. Offline device is C) monitor
A) A device which is not connected to CPU D) projector
B) A device which is connected to CPU 184. The Third Generation Computer was
C) A direct access storage device made with ________.
D) An I/O device A) Vacuum Tube
178. Which one of the following input device is B) Discrete Components
user C) IC
programmable? D) Bio Chips
A) Dumb terminal 185. WAN is a most used abbreviation in
B) Smart terminal Networking, what is its full form?
C) VDT A) WAP Area Network
D) Intelligent terminal B) Wide Area Network
179. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular C) Wide Array of Network
character coding systems. What does ASCII D) Wireless Access Network
stand for? 186. Which of the following are the two main
A) American Stable Code for International components of the CPU?
Interchange A) Control Unit and Registers
B) American Standard Case for Institutional B) Registers and Main Memory
Interchange C) Control unit and ALU
C) American Standard Code for Information D) ALU and bus

187. A song being played on computer speaker C) Transfer method

is D) Density method
A) hard output 194. CAD stands for
B) soft output A) Computer aided design
C) both hard and soft output B) Computer algorithm for design
D) neither hard nor soft output C) Computer application in design
188. What is the name of the computer D) All of the above
terminal which gives paper printout? 195. What is a light pen?
A) Display screen A) Mechanical Input device
B) Soft copy terminal B) Optical input device
C) Hard copy terminal C) Electronic input device
D) Plotter D) Optical output device
189. Size of the primary memory of a PC 196. Which of the following is not a primary
ranges between storage device?
A) 2KB to 8KB A) Magnetic tape
B) 64KB & 256KB B) Magnetic disk
C) 256KB & 640KB C) Optical disk
D) None of these D) All of above
197. CPU speed of a personal computer is
A) 32 KIPS
190. Which of the following is used only for B) 100 KIPS
data entry and storage, and never for C) 1 MIPS
processing? D) None of these
A) Mouse 198. Which device is required for the Internet
B) Dumb terminal connection?
C) Micro computer A) Joystick
D) Dedicated data entry system B) Modem
191. The two basic types of record access C) CD Drive
methods are: D) NIC Card
A) Sequential and random 199. A/n _____ Device is any device that
B) Sequential and indexed provides information, which is sent to the CPU
C) Direct and immediate A) Input
D) Online and real time B) Output
192. Floppy disks are available in C) CPU
A) Single side single density D) Memory
B) Single side double density 200. Which is the type of memory for
C) Both of above information that does not change on your
D) None of above computer?
193. Which of the following is a way to access A) RAM
secondary memory? B) ROM
A) Random access memory C) ERAM
B) Action method D) RW / RAM

201. Which computer memory is used for

storing programs and data currently being
processed by the CPU?
A) Mass memory
B) Internal memory
C) Non-volatile memory
202. When was the transistors invented?
A) 1948
B) 1938
C) 1958
D) 1968
203. Networking such as LAN, MAN started
A) First generation
B) Second generation
C) Third generation
D) Fourth generation
204. Most important advantage of an IC is its
A) Easy replacement in case of circuit failure
B) Extremely high reliability
C) Reduced cost
D) Lower power consumption
205. UNIVAC was a first generation computer.
What is its full form?
A) Universal Automatic Computer
B) Universal Array Computer
C) Unique Automatic Computer
D) Unvalued Automatic Computer
206. Which of the following is not a type of
A) System Software
B) Application Software
C) Utility Software
D) Entertainment Software
207. Which of the following is not an output
A) Scanner
B) Printer
C) Flat Screen
D) Touch Screen

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