CAMS Combined Curriculum Advance Edition

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: APPLY PRINCIPLES OF

Duration of Unit:

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to apply principles of entrepreneurship and
management. It involves identification of concepts of entrepreneurship, developing
viable business ideas, choosing an appropriate business entry option, choosing an
appropriate source of business finance, operationalising a business and managing a

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify concepts of entrepreneurship
2. Develop viable business ideas
3. Choose an appropriate business entry option
4. Choose an appropriate source of business finance
5. Operationalize a business
6. Manage an organization

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Assessment
1. Identify concepts of .  Oral questioning
Entrepreneurship  Definitions of key terms  Written tests
 Entrepreneurship
 An entrepreneur
 Intrapreneurship
 Entrepreneurial culture
 Characteristics of
 Types of entrepreneurs

 Innovators
 Drone
 Fabian
 Imitating
 Researchers

 Types of entrepreneurship

 Small business
 Large company
 Scalable start-up
 Social entrepreneurship
 Innovative
 Hustler entrepreneurship
 Imitator entrepreneurship
 Researcher
 Buyer entrepreneurship

 Benefits of entrepreneurship
 Rationale for entrepreneurship
 The role of an entrepreneur in
 Challenges faced by
 Benefits experienced by
 Entrepreneur’s contribution to
the country
 Role of government in
promoting entrepreneurship

2. Develop viable  Methods of generating  Oral questioning

Business ideas business ideas  Written tests

 Focus groups
 Brainstorming
 Problem inventory analysis

 Sources of business ideas

 Evaluating business ideas
 Selecting a business incubator
 Definition of an incubator
 Factors to consider when
choosing an incubator

 Steps of testing a business

 Factors to consider when
choosing a business plan
 Qualities of a good business
 Components of a business

 Cover page
 Table of contents
 Executive summary
 Business description
 Market analysis
 Customer analysis
 Competition analysis
 Operations and
production plan
 Marketing plan
 Human resource plan
 Financial plan
 Appendix

3. Choose an  Business entry options  Practical

appropriate Business  Oral questioning
entry option  Sole proprietorship  Short tests to
 Buy an existing business assess
 Franchising a business underpinning
 Inheritance knowledge.
 Partnerships
 Joint ventures
 Companies

 Methods of choosing an
appropriate business entry

 Identify your target market

 Conduct market research
 Choose a market entry
 Create a business plan

 Factors to consider while

choosing a business entry

 Cost of Start-up
 Control vs. Responsibility
 Profits
 Taxation
 Entrepreneurial Ability
 Risk Tolerance
 Financing
 Continuity and

4. Choose an  Sources of business finance  Oral questioning

appropriate source of  Written tests
Business Finance  Personal finance and
bootstrapping methods
 Equity financing
 Partnerships and equity
 Venture capital
 Business angels
 Debt financing
 Microfinance institutions
 Cooperatives
 Crowd funding
 Informal sources

 Factors to consider in
choosing a source of finance
in business

 Risk
 Cost
 Control
 Long term versus short
term borrowing

5. Operationalize a  Factors to consider in  Oral questioning

Business choosing a business location  Written tests
 Accessibility
 Security
 Competition
 Business Rates
 Skill base in the area
 Potential for growth

 Statutory requirements

 Business Name or
Company Registration
 City Council Business
 Food/ Health Related
 Fire Safety Certificate

 Marketing mix

 Product
 Place
 Price
 Promotion
 Physical evidence
 People
 Processes

 Customer satisfaction

 Importance of customer

 Launch the business

 Conduct Testing
 Contact Influencers
 Get all staff involved
 Create a Schedule
 Identify Your Marketing

 Strategies for winning and

retaining customers
 Knowledge of the brand
 Target marketing
 Proactive engagement with
 Gifts and discounts
 Excellent customer service
 Customer surveys

6. Manage an  Definition of key terms  Oral questioning

Organization  Written tests
 Management
 Manager

 Role of managers
 Principal functions of

 Planning
 Organising
 Leading
 Controlling

 Levels of management

 Top level management

 Middle level management
 Lower level management

 Skills of effective managers

 Interpersonal skills
 Communication skills
 Conceptual skills
 Leadership skills
 Strategic thinking skills
 Delegation skills
 Problem solving and
decision making skills
 Office operations

 Office Operations
 Handling incoming and
outgoing mails
 Electronic mails, customer-
support system and calls
 Filing and retrieval of
 Automated filing systems
 Essentials of an efficient
filing system

 Managing people

 Leadership and
characteristics of leaders
 Hiring the right employees
 Job description and Job
 Employee motivation and
 Conflict management
 Health and safety issues

 Managing the stages of growth

 Idea generation stage:

 Start-up stage:
 Growth stage:
 Stabilization stage:
 Innovation stage
 Main challenges of growth

Suggested Methods of Delivery

 Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
 Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the
opportunity allows:
 Visiting entrepreneurs
 Enterprise visits.

Recommended Resources
1.Marketing plans
2.Business plans

Office phones

Materials and supplies

 CDs
 Journals
Reference materials
1. Kuratco, D. (2014). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process and Practice (9th
Edition).South- Western Cengage learning. ISBN 978-1-285-05175-8
2. Kuratco, D., Hodgetts. (2011). Entrepreneurship in the New Millenium. South
– Western Cengage Learning.
3. Williams, K. (2014). Management. A practical Introduction. McGraw- Hill, Irwin.


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply law and ethics in an organization

Duration of Unit:
Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to apply law and ethics in an organization.
Competencies include: demonstrating foundational concepts in business law and ethics,
illustrating the structure of court systems in Kenya, applying legal requirements in
establishing a business, addressing civil wrongs using law of torts, preparing
commercial contracts, applying partnership law in registering and administration of a
partnership business and applying property law in registering interest in property.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate foundational concepts in Business law and ethics
2. Illustrate the structure of court system in Kenya
3. Apply legal requirements in establishing a business
4. Address civil wrongs using law of Torts
5. Preparing a commercial contract and identifying the major laws regulating business
6. Apply partnership law in registering and administration of a partnership business
7. Apply property law in registering interest in property

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Assessment
1. Demonstrate ● Nature, purpose and ❑ Practical

foundational classification of law ❑ Oral

concepts in Business questioning
law and ethics ✔ Definition key ❑ Written tests
terms ❑ Assignments

❑ Examination

o Law
o The
jurisdiction of
❑ Assignments
the state ❑ Examination
o Enforcement
✔ Nature of law
✔ Purpose of law
✔ Classification of

o Administrative law
o Revenue law
o criminal law
o Civil law
o Common law
o Statutory law
o Constitution law
o Private and public

✔ Law and morality

✔ Sources of law
o The Constitution
of Kenya 2010
o Legislation
o Delegated
o Common law
and doctrines of
o African ❑ Assignments
customary law ❑ Examination

o Religious laws:
Islamic law and
Hindu law
o Judicial
✔ General rules of international
✔ Administrative law
o Meaning of
o Functions of
o Control of
legislative and
✔ Principles of natural justice
✔ Constitutional concepts
✔ Doctrine of separation of
powers and independence of
the judiciary
✔ Judicial control of the

● Foundations of Ethics
✔ Ethical norms
✔ theories morality ❑ Assignments
❑ Examination
✔ universal moral
✔ Ethical dilemmas and
unethical conduct
✔ Code of ethics
✔ Integrity
✔ Confidentiality
✔ Independence
✔ Conflict of Interest and
Related Party
✔ Whistle blowing and
relevant protection

● Solving disputes through

alternative dispute (ADR)
resolution mechanisms
✔ Nature of alternative
dispute resolution
✔ General principles of
ADR Negotiation
✔ Mediation
✔ Traditional dispute
resolution mechanisms
✔ Arbitration
● Linking ethics, laws and
✔ Legislative provisions on
ethical conduct
✔ The Constitution
✔ Public Officers Ethics
✔ Leadership and Integrity
✔ other legislative and
regulatory requirements
✔ Role of KASNEB,
professional bodies and
other regulatory bodies
in enforcing ethical
✔ Penalties and sanctions
for unethical conduct

● Emerging issues and trends

✔ Online commercial
✔ Impact of COVID-19
pandemic on commercial
✔ Online business
registration services
2. Illustrate the ● The court system ❑ Written tests
structure of court ✔ Establishment ❑ Observation
system in Kenya ❑ Report writing
✔ structure ❑ Practical
✔ composition ❑ Assignments

✔ jurisdiction of courts ❑ Examination

✔ Supreme Court
✔ Court of Appeal
✔ High Court
✔ Employment and Labour
Relations Court
✔ Environment and Land Court
✔ Magistrates Court
✔ Court Martial
✔ Kadhis’ Court
✔ Tribunals

3. Apply legal ● The law of persons ❑ Practical

requirements in ✔ Natural persons ❑ Oral questioning
establishing a ❑ Short tests to
✔ Nationality, citizenship and
business assess
domicile underpinning
✔ Artificial person knowledge.

✔ Unincorporated
✔ Incorporated associations

4. Address civil wrongs ● The law of tort Assignments

using law of Torts ✔ Nature of tort Examination

✔ Types of tort
o Negligence
o Vicarious liability
o Occupiers’
o Strict liability
✔ General defences of tort
✔ proving negligence
o duty
o breach of duty
o causation
o damages

✔ Defamation
✔ Limitation of actions

5. Preparing a ● The law of contract ❑ Practical

commercial contract ✔ Definition of contract exercises
and identifying the ❑ Oral questioning
✔ Classification of contracts
major laws
regulating business ✔ Essentials of a valid
❑ Assignments
✔ Terms of a contract
❑ Examination
✔ Vitiating elements of a
✔ Discharge of contract
✔ Remedies for breach of a
✔ Limitation of actions

● Sale of goods law

✔ Definitions:
o sale of goods
o property in goods
o consideration
o a contract of sale
o agreement to sell
o Nemo dat
✔ Nature of the contract
✔ Formalities of the contract
✔ Terms of the contract
✔ Implied terms by statute
✔ Lien remedy
✔ Personal remedy
✔ Real remedy

Suggested Methods of Delivery

● Interactive presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
● Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
● Supervised activities and projects in simulated environment
● Discussions & class activities including Group Work & debates based on case
studies that support legal theories learned in class
The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the
opportunity allows:
● Visiting professionals from law firms (lawyers specialising in commercial law)
● Court visits.

Recommended Resources
1.Monitoring tools
2. Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
3. Judicature Act, Revised Edition 2012 (2010).
4. Limited Liability Partnership Act, No. 42 of 2011.
5. Kadhis’ Court Act, Revised Edition 2012. (2010).
6. Kenya Citizenship & Immigration Act, 2011.
7. Companies Act, 2015.
8. Business Registration Service Act.
9. Hire Purchase Act, Revised Edition 2017.


Materials and supplies

● Digital instructional material including videos for court proceedings, e cases and
decided cases

Reference materials
1. Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
2. Judicature Act, Revised Edition 2012 (2010).
3. Environment and Land Court Act, Chapter 12 A, Revised Edition 2012 (2011).
4. Limited Liability Partnership Act, No. 42 of 2011.
5. Kadhis’ Court Act, Revised Edition 2012. (2010).
6. Kenya Citizenship & Immigration Act, 2011.
7. Companies Act, 2015.
8. Business Registration Service Act.
9. Hire Purchase Act, Revised Edition 2017.
10. Kariuki Muigua, Resolving Conflicts through Mediation in Kenya, Glenwood
Publishers, 2012.
11. Kariuki Muigua, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice, Glenwood
Publishers, 2015.
12. Laibuta Kibaya Imaana, Principles of Commercial Law, 2006.


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: apply ICT skills to manage organisational

Duration of Unit:

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate foundational concepts of ICT,
operate computer hardware, use appropriate computer software, connect to computer
networks and secure data in computer devices.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate foundational concepts of computers

2. Operate computer hardware

3. Use appropriate computer software

4. Connect to computer networks

5. Secure data in computer devices

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Suggested
Outcome Assessment Methods
● Definition of key terms ● Practical
1.Demonstrate ● Computer ● Oral
foundational ● Computing questioning
concepts of ● Computer system ● Written tests
computers ● Hardware
● Software
● Program
● Information communication
● Computer generations
✔ First generation
✔ Second generation
✔ Third generation
✔ Fourth generation
✔ Fifth generation
● Classification of computers
✔ Size
✔ Type
✔ Purpose

2. Operate ● Types of computer hardware ● Written tests

computer ✔ Input ● Observation
hardware ✔ Output ● Report
✔ Storage writing
✔ Process ● Practical
● Operating computer hardware
✔ Keyboard
✔ Mouse
✔ Printer
● Practical
3. Use ● Classification of computer software ● Oral questioning
appropriate com ✔ System software ● Short tests to
puter software ✔ Application software assess
✔ Utility program underpinning
✔ Computer knowledge.
● Functions of operating software
● Types of operating software
✔ Graphical user
✔ Command line
● Managing files using operating
✔ Creating folders and
✔ Create a file
✔ Delete file
✔ Copy and cut files
✔ Edit file
✔ Share file
✔ Print file
● Computer application software
✔ Word processing
o Features of word
o Formatting and editing
o Creating and formatting
✔ Spreadsheet
o Features of a spreadsheet
o Formatting and editing
o Formulas and functions;
sum , min, max, date and
o Insert Charts and graphs
✔ Presentation software
o Features of a presentation
o Typing and formatting text
in slide
o Slide show
o Printing a hand-outs
✔ Computerised accounting
o Capturing data
o Features of accounting
● Advantages and disadvantages of ● Practical
4Connect to computer network exercises
computer ● Types of computer network ● Oral
networks ✔ LAN questioning
✔ PAN ● Observation
● Network devices
✔ Hub
✔ Switch
✔ Router
✔ CAT 6 cable
● Creating user accounts
● Network resources
✔ Folders
✔ Files
✔ printers

● Data threats and controls ● Practical

5. Secure data in ✔ Distributed denial of service exercises
computer devices (DDoS) ● Oral questioning
✔ Man in the Middle (MitM) ● Observation
✔ Social engineering.
✔ Malware and spyware
✔ Password attacks
✔ Advanced persistent threats
● Computer control measures
✔ Education
✔ Legal responses
✔ Patches
✔ Backups
✔ Access controls
✔ Encryption
✔ Intrusion detection and computer
✔ Honeypots
✔ Intrusion prevention systems
✔ Backtracing
✔ Counterattacking

● Data backup and restoration

Suggested Methods of Delivery

· Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;

· Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;

· Supervised activities and projects in a computer laboratory;

The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the
opportunity allows:

· Visiting lecturer/expert from the ICT sector;

· Industrial visits.

Recommended Resources


1. CAT 6 cables

2. Switch

3. Hub

4. Router

5. Firewalls

6. Antivirus


● Computer
● Printer
Materials and supplies

● Digital instructional material including DVDs and CDs

Reference materials
Gralla, P. (n.d.). How the Internet Works. Que Publishing.

Nagpal, D. (n.d.). Computer Fundamentals. S Chand &


Norton's, P. (n.d.). Introduction to Computers. Career


Shelly, G. B. (n.d.). Introduction to Computers. Cengage

Learning; 8th edition .

Trymann, P. (n.d.). Principles of Computer Science .

McGraw-Hill Education.


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: SOLVING BUSINESS PROBLEMS USING BUSINESS

Duration of Unit: 200hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to solve business problems using business
mathematics. Competencies include: applying ratios, rates and proportions to compare various
scenarios, describing relationships using algebraic expressions and calculus, applying the
concepts of commercial mathematics to compute cost and revenue, using statistical concepts to
represent data and applying probability to anticipate potential business outcomes.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

7. Apply ratios, rates and proportions to compare various scenarios
8. Describe relationships using algebraic expressions and calculus
9. Apply the concepts of commercial mathematics to compute costs and revenues
10. Use statistical concepts to represent data
11. Apply probability to anticipate potential business outcomes

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Suggested Assessment
Learning Outcome Content
7. Apply ratios, rates and  Definition  Oral questioning
proportions for  Ratios  Written tests
comparison of  Rates
numerical values  Proportion
 Differentiate between ratio and
 Solve problems involving ratios,
rates and proportions
 conversion between fractions,
decimals, and percentages:
 a decimal to a fraction
 a fraction to a decimal
 a percentage to a fraction
or decimal
 a fraction or decimal to a
 Rounding off numbers
 Solve business using fractions,
decimals and percentages

8. Describe relationships  Algebraic expression  Written tests

using algebraic  The number line  Observation
expressions and  Known and unknowns (variables)  Practical
calculus  Algebraic terms and expressions
 Factorisation
 Simplification of algebraic
expressions using BODMAS
 Simplification of fractions

 Linear Equations and Inequalities

 Solving equations with one or

more variables
 Solving multi-operational
 Graphical solutions in two
 Graphical solutions for inequalities
in one unknown
 Graphical presentation of
inequalities in two unknowns

 Matrix Algebra
 Notations
 Operations
 Solving a 2*2 matrix

 Calculus
 Basic differentiation (general
polynomial rule)
 Stationary points/turning points
(minima and maxima)
 Basic integration (general
polynomial rule
 Solve problems using first order
differential calculus method and
general integration rule

9. Apply the concepts of  Buying and selling  Practical

commercial  Types of discounts  Oral questioning
mathematics to  Percentage profit and loss
 mark-ups
 margins
compute costs and  Simple interest and compound  Short tests to assess
revenues interest computation underpinning
 Basics of simple interest knowledge.
 Compound interest formulae
 Finding principal, rate and time
using simple interest formula
and compound interest rate
 Preparation of a loan
amortisation schedule

 Appreciation and depreciation

 Straight line method
 Declining balance method
 Sum of the year’s digits
 correctly apply values and
variables to any given formula
 Wages and salaries computation
 piecework
 hourly rate
 Commissions
 Basic income tax calculations
 gross and net pay
 Computation of personal income

 Foreign exchange rates

10. Use statistical  Data collection  Practical exercises
concepts to analyse  Definition  Oral questioning
and present data  Steps to data collection  Written tests
 Data collection methods

 Measures of central tendency

 Mean
 mode
 median
 Measures of dispersion
 Variance
 standard deviation
Presenting data using the following
 Tables
 charts and diagrams
 frequency distribution table
 contingency tables
 stem and leaf plot of data line
 bar charts
 pie charts
 pictograms
 Frequency curve- ogive, histogram
and polygons

11. Apply probability to  Foundation concepts of probability  Practical exercises

anticipate potential  sample space  Oral questioning
business outcomes  event  Short tests to assess
 experiment underpinned
 outcome
 Types of events
 Simple events
 Compound events
 Independent
 Dependent events
 Mutually exclusive events
 Mutually inclusive
 Explain rules/laws of probability
 Draw probability trees
 Solving business problems using

Suggested Methods of Delivery

 Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
 Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
 Supervised activities and projects in a workshop;
The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the opportunity allows:
 Visiting lecturer/trainer from the ICT sector;
 Industrial visits.

Recommended Resources
Financial calculators

Materials and supplies

 Digital instructional material including DVDs and CDs

Reference materials
Text books
Swift, L., & Piff, S. (2014). Quantitative methods: for business, management and finance.
Macmillan International Higher Education.
Jacques I. (2014). Mathematics for Economics and Business Ninth Edition, Pearson

Andre, F. (2004). Business mathematics and statistics. Thomson.

Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2006). Basic statistics for business & economics.
Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Garly Clendenen and Stanley A. Salzman Business Mathematics 13th Edition: Pearson
Taxation Act
Present value tables
Annuity tables

Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: PERFORM ELEMENTARY ACCOUNTING

Duration of Unit:

Unit Description

This unit specifies competencies required to perform elementary accounting functions. It

involves applying accounting concepts in accounting functions, recording business
transactions in books of accounts, accounting for assets and liabilities, correcting errors
arising from accounting records and preparing financial reports for different entities

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1.Apply the legal and conceptual framework in preparation of financial accounts

2.Account for revenues and expenses
3.Account for assets and liabilities
4.Correct errors in accounting records
5.Prepare financial statements for different business entities
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Assessment

1. Apply accounting ● Definition of key terms ● Practical

concepts in ✔ Accounting ● Oral questioning
accounting functions ✔ Accounting period ● Written tests
✔ Accrual basis of accounting
✔ Credit
✔ Debit
✔ Accruals
✔ Closing the books
● Introduction to Accounting
✔ Nature and purpose of
✔ The objective of financial
● The elements of financial
✔ Assets
✔ Liabilities
✔ Equity
✔ Revenues
✔ Expenses
● Accounting concepts (Principles)
✔ Accrual principle
✔ Conservatism principle
✔ Consistency principle
✔ Cost principle
✔ Economic entity principle
✔ Full disclosure principle
✔ Going concern principle
✔ Matching principle
● Types of accounts
✔ Real accounts
✔ Personal accounts
✔ Nominal accounts
● The accounting equation
● The users of accounting
(External users)

✔ creditors
✔ Investors
✔ Government
✔ trading partners
✔ regulatory agencies
✔ international standardization
✔ journalists
(Internal users)

✔ Owners
✔ Directors
✔ Managers
✔ employees

2. Record business ● The source documents ● Written tests

transactions in books ✔ Receipts ● Report writing
of accounts ✔ Bills ● Practical
✔ Invoices Exercises
✔ Statements
✔ Cheques
● The books of prime entry/original
● Journals
✔ Sales journal
✔ Purchases Journal
✔ Sales returns journal
✔ Purchases returns journal
✔ General journal
● cash books
✔ Single column cash book
✔ Double column cash book
✔ Triple column cash book
● petty cash book
● The ledger
✔ Definition of a ledger
● Types of ledgers
✔ Sales ledger
✔ Purchases ledger
✔ General ledger
● Use of ledger
● Concept of double entry
● The trial balance
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● The financial statements
● Statement of profit and loss
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Statement of financial position
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Manual accounting systems
Vs Computerized accounting
3. Account for assets ● Definition of an Asset, Liabilities, ● Practical Exercises
and liabilities Incomes and Expenses ● Oral questioning
● Property, plant and equipment ● Written tests.
(depreciation, acquisition,
disposal, excluding revaluations)
✔ Fixed asset schedule
● Accounting for current assets:
✔ Inventory
✔ Cash in hand,
✔ cash in bank,
✔ bank reconciliation statement
● Intangible assets
✔ softwares
✔ licenses)
● Trade receivables
✔ Definition
✔ Valuation
✔ Accounting for trade
✔ Debtors control account
● Trade payables
✔ Definition
✔ Accounting for trade payables
✔ Creditors Control account
● Accrued incomes/expenses and
prepaid incomes/expenses
✔ Definition of Accrued
incomes/expenses and
prepaid incomes/expenses
✔ Accounting for Accrued
incomes/expenses and
prepaid incomes/expenses
4. Correct errors arising ● Definition of error in accounting ● Practical exercises
from accounting records ● Oral questioning
records ● Causes of errors ● Written tests
● Types of errors
(Errors affecting trial balance)

✔ Error of casting
✔ Error of carrying forward
✔ Error of balancing
✔ Error of posting to the
correct account but with the
wrong amount
✔ Error of posting to the
correct account but wrong
✔ Error of posting to the
wrong side with the wrong
✔ Error of omitting to show an
account in the trial balance
✔ Error of partial omission
(Errors not affecting trial

✔ Error of complete omission

✔ Error of original entry
✔ Transposition errors
✔ Compensating errors
✔ Errors of principle
● Correction of errors.
✔ Suspense account
✔ journals
● Adjusted trial balance
5. Prepare financial ● Financial statements of a sole ● Practical exercises
statements for trader ● Oral questioning
different entities ● Statement of Profit or Loss ● Written tests.
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Statement of Financial Position
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Financial statements of a
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● The partnership deed/agreement
● The statement of profit or loss
and appropriation
● Partners' capital and current
● The statement of financial
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Financial statements of a
✔ Important concepts of a
company (types of share
capital, reserves, retained
profits and corporation tax)
● Statement of profit or loss
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Statement of changes in equity
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Statement of financial position
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
● Statement of Profit or Loss
✔ Definition
✔ Format
✔ Use
Suggested Methods of Delivery

● Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;

● Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
● Supervised activities in class; Group discussions
The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the
opportunity allows:

● Visiting lecturer/trainer from the Business sector;

● Industrial visits.

Recommended Resources

1.Accounting software

Materials and supplies

● Digital instructional material including DVDs and CDs

Reference materials

1.Glautier, M., Underdown, B., & Morris, D. (2011). Accounting: theory and practice
(8thed.). Harlow, England: Financial Times Press/Pearson Education Ltd.

2.Sangster, A. & Wood, F. (2012). Frank Wood’s Business Accounting Volume 1

(12thed.) Harlow, England: Financial Times Press/Pearson Education Ltd.

3.Wood, F & Robinson, S. (2013). Book-Keeping and Accounts (8thed.). Harlow,

England: Financial Times Press/Pearson Education Ltd.


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Compute tax obligations for individuals
and business entities

Duration of Unit:

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to compute tax obligations for individuals
and business entities. Competencies include: Applying taxation concepts and
regulations in determining tax obligations, determining tax liabilities for different sources
of income, computing investment allowances, accounting for value added tax in
business transactions and accounting for Miscellaneous charges.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the types of taxes
2. Apply the rules of taxation
3. Compute tax and prepare income tax returns for employed individuals
4. Compute tax and prepare income tax returns for small business establishments
5. Account for VAT and file returns
6. Compute miscellaneous levies and file their returns

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Assessment
1. Apply taxation ● Definitions ● Practical
concepts and ✔ Tax ● Oral questioning
regulations in ✔ Income tax ● Written tests
computing tax ✔ Value Added Tax
obligations ✔ Excise duty
✔ Customs duty
✔ Advance tax
✔ Instalment tax
✔ Capital gain tax
● Purposes of taxation
● Statutory deductions
✔ Pay As You
● Classification of taxes by
✔ Progressive
✔ Digressive
✔ Regressive
✔ Proportional
● Classification of taxes by
✔ Tax effect
✔ Tax impact
✔ Tax incidence
✔ Direct taxes
✔ Indirect taxes
● Tax shifting
✔ Forward shifting
✔ Backward shifting
✔ Factors that
determine the tax
● Principles of taxation
✔ Equity
✔ Economy
✔ Convenience
✔ Certainty
✔ Simplicity
✔ Elasticity
✔ Flexibility
✔ Productivity
✔ Diversity
● Tax evasion
✔ Ways of tax evasion
✔ Measures the
government can put
in place to prevent tax
● Tax avoidance
✔ Ways of tax
● Sources of taxable income
● Rules of taxing an income
● Residence
✔ Body corporates
✔ Individuals

2. Determine tax ● Employment income ● Written tests

liabilities for different ✔ Definitions ● Practical
sources of income ▪ Employment
▪ Employer
▪ Employee
✔ Taxable cash and
non-cash benefits
✔ Allowable deductions
against employment
✔ Non-taxable
employment benefits
✔ Computation of
taxable employment
income and tax
● Business income
✔ Definitions
▪ Trade
▪ Profession
▪ Vocation
▪ Adventure
▪ Concern
✔ Criteria of taxing a
business income
✔ Reasons why
accounting profit and
taxable profit are
✔ Format of
computation of
adjusted taxable
business income and
tax thereon
● Investment income
✔ Dividends
✔ Interests
✔ Capital gains
✔ Rental
✔ Royalty income
● Farming income
✔ Allowable farming
✔ Computing of the
adjusted taxable
✔ Hobby farming.

● Withholding tax
✔ Incomes subject to
withholding tax
✔ Withholding tax rates
✔ Advantages and
disadvantages of
withholding tax

3. Compute investment ● Machinery (25% p.a on ● Written tests

allowances reducing balance)
✔ Motor vehicles and
heavy earth moving
✔ Film equipment by a
local producer
✔ Computer software,
calculators, copiers
and duplicating
● Machinery (50% 1st year,
residue 25% P.A on reducing
✔ Manufacturing
✔ Hospital equipment
✔ Ships and aircraft
✔ Machinery used to
undertake operations
on prospecting rights
and exploration.
● Machinery (10%P.A on
reducing balance)
✔ Furniture and fittings
✔ Telecommunication
✔ Other machinery
● Buildings (50% 1st year,
residue 25%p.a)
✔ Hotel building
✔ Manufacturing
✔ Hospital buildings
✔ Petroleum or gas
storage facilities
● Buildings (10% P.A on
reducing balance)
✔ Educational / hostel
✔ Commercial building

4. Account for value ● Definitions ● Practical exercises

added tax (VAT) in ✔ Value Added Tax ● Oral questioning
business ✔ Input tax
transactions ✔ Output tax
✔ Supply
✔ Time of supply – tax
● Registration and deregistration
of business for VAT
● Rights of a VAT registered
● obligations of VAT registered
● Offences in relation to VAT
● Value of a supply- Value for
● Types of supplies
✔ Standard rate
✔ Zero rate
✔ Exempt
● VAT rates and computations
● Privileged persons and
● Changes that must notified to
the commissioner.
● VAT records
● VAT returns
● Remission, rebate and refund
of VAT

5. Account for ● Pseudo taxes

miscellaneous ✔ Stamp duty ● Oral questioning
charges and levies ✔ Airport tax ● Short tests to
✔ Catering levy assess
✔ Petroleum levy
● Levies and charges imposed
by the county government
✔ Property Rates
✔ Cess
✔ Entertainment taxes

Suggested Methods of Delivery

● Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
● Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
● Supervised activities – filing of returns;
The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the
opportunity allows:
● Visiting KRA/Tax consultancy firms for enquiries and training/trainer from the KRA

Recommended Resources

Materials and supplies

● Digital instructional materials

Reference materials
Revenue Authorities Circulars/Notices
Financial data/ transactions
Tax Procedures Act
Value Added Tax Act
Updated textbooks


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency:

Duration of Unit:

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to; identifying concepts of marketing,
positioning a product in the market, developing a marketing plan, managing customer
relationships and applying the concepts of business communication to manage
Summary of Learning Outcomes
● Identifying concepts of marketing
● Position a product in the market
● Develop a marketing plan
● Manage customer relationships
● Apply the concepts of business communication to manage organisation

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Assessment
1. Identify concepts ● Definition of key terms in marketing ● Written tests
of marketing ✔ Market ● Oral questioning
✔ Marketing
✔ Marketing research
 Importance of marketing
 Basic marketing concepts
✔ The production concept
✔ The product concept
✔ The selling concept
✔ The marketing concept
✔ The societal marketing concept
● The role of marketing in a business

● The marketing process

2. Position a product ● Key definition of terms ● Oral questioning

in the market ✔ Market segmentation ● Written tests
✔ Market target
✔ Market positioning
● Basis of market segmentation
✔ Geographic segmentation
✔ Behavioural segmentation
✔ Demographic segmentation
✔ Psychographic segmentation
● Process of market segmentation
● Importance of market segmentation
✔ Market targeting strategies
✔ Undifferentiated marketing
(mass marketing)
✔ Differentiated marketing
✔ Concentrated marketing (Niche
● Target market selection process
● Importance of target marketing to a
● Market positioning strategies
● Benefits of market segmentation
● 5P’s of marketing mix
● Market analysis of the product

3. Develop a ● Defining a marketing plan ● Oral questioning

marketing plan ● Importance of a marketing plan ● Written tests
● Characteristics of a good marketing
● Steps in preparing a marketing plan
● Components of a marketing plan
✔ Executive summary
✔ Business objectives
✔ The business
✔ The customers
✔ The competitors
✔ The product/service
✔ The distribution strategy
✔ The promotion strategy
✔ The pricing strategy
✔ The marketing budget
● Barriers to effective implementation
of marketing plans

4. Manage customer ● Key terms in customer relationships ● Oral questioning

relationships ✔ Customer loyalty ● Written tests
✔ Customer satisfaction
✔ Customer service
✔ Customer relations
● Strategies of attracting new
● Importance of customer retention
● Customer retention strategies
● Principles of effective customer
● Customer service training.
● Strategies of providing excellent
customer service
● Importance of customer service in
● Importance of customer feedback
● Methods of obtaining customer

✔ Email and customer contact

✔ Exploratory customer interviews
✔ Social media
✔ On-site activity (via analytics)
✔ Instant feedback from your

● Principles of effective complaints

● Procedure for handling customer
feedback and complaints
● Skills for effective complaints
● Listening to customers
● Dealing with difficult customers
● Methods of monitoring and
measuring customer satisfaction
● Benefits of customer satisfaction
● Ways of promoting customer loyalty
● Building long term relationships with

5. Apply the concepts A. Concepts of communication ● Oral questioning

of business ● Meaning of communication ● Written tests
communication to ● Purpose of communication ● Presentations
manage ● Elements of communication
organisation ● Stages of the communication
✔ Source
✔ Encoding
✔ Channel
✔ Decoding
✔ Feedback
● Principles of effective
● Formal and informal communication
✔ Flow of formal communication
● Forms of communication
✔ Oral communication
✔ Non-verbal communication
✔ Written communication
✔ Visual communication
✔ Audio-visual communication
● Advantages and disadvantages of
various forms of communication
● Effective listening
● Barriers to effective communication
● Overcoming barriers to effective
B. Apply writing skills in
● Steps in writing business
✔ Prewriting
✔ Drafting
✔ Revising
✔ Editing
● Rules of writing business
● Purposes of business documents
✔ Business letters
✔ Business reports
✔ Memorandum
✔ Reports
✔ E-mail
✔ Circulars
✔ Advertisements
✔ Notices
✔ E-mail
C. Conduct interviews
● Definition of key terms in interviews
✔ Interview
✔ Interviewer
✔ Interviewee
● Purpose of interviews
● Types of interviews
✔ Unstructured
✔ Semi-structured
✔ Structured
● Skills for effective interviewing
● Importance of non- verbal
communication in interviews
● Purpose of maintaining of interview
D. Apply presentation skills
● Definition of presentation
● Uses of presentation
● Presentation skills
 Elements of a presentation
● Methods of delivering a
✔ Manuscript

✔ Memorised

✔ Extemporaneous
✔ Impromtu

● Basic parts of a presentation

● Importance of Audience analysis in
✔ Use of visual aids in
E. Meetings
● Purpose of holding meetings in an
● Types of meetings
✔ Formal
✔ informal
● Stages of conducting formal
● Importance of agenda of the
● Role of the chairperson and the
secretary in a meeting
● Importance of minutes
● Online meetings
✔ Video conferencing
✔ Teleconferencing
✔ Webinar

Suggested Methods of Delivery

● Role play
● Group discussions
● Presentations by both students and trainer;
● Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
The delivery may also be supplemented and enhanced by the following, if the
opportunity allows:
● Visiting media houses

Recommended Resources
1.Text books
2.Newspapers and Journals

Mobile phones

Materials and supplies

● Digital instructional material including DVDs and CDs
● Modelled marketing plans and sample of business written documents

Reference materials
Thuo, J. K. (2008). Principles of Marketing: A skill building approach (2nd ed.). Nairobi :
Acrodile, 2008.
Brooks Jr, J. R. (2004). Marketing--an Introduction, Canadian Edition [by]
Armstrong, Kotler, Cunningham, Mitchell. Instructor's Resource CD-ROM
[electronic Resource]. Pearson Education Canada.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2015). Principles of marketing-global edition.

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