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ALPHA INSTITUTE (Beyond no limit)


Chapter# 1
Q#1: What type of the land is Arabia?
Ans: Arabia is the land of unparalleled charm and beauty. It has not deserts of sand dunes.
Q#2: Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic?
Ans: The Holy Quran was sent in Arabic because the Arabs spoke Arabic. Moreover, it is a language rich
in eloquence.
Q#3: For which ability were the Arabs famous?
Ans: The Arabs were famous for their good memory and eloquence. They had also great taste for
Q#4: What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool?
Ans: Mankind stood on the verge of chaos before the Rasool. Idol-worshipping, cruelty and injustice
prevailed everywhere.
Q#5: Why did the Rasool stay in the cave of Hira?
Ans: The Rasool stayed in the cave of Hira to spend his time in solitude ad meditation.
Q#6: What was the first revelation?
Ans: The first revelation was: “Read in the name of thy Lord Who created; created man from a clot (of
congealed blood): Read and thy Lord is most beautiful, who taught (the use of) the pen, taught man that
which he knew not.
Q#7: Why did the pagan Arabs threaten the Rasool uncle?
Ans: The pagan Arabs threated the Rasool uncle to restrain his nephew from preaching Allah’s message
because their dominance in the society was in danger due to this message.
Q#8: What did Hazrat Ayesha say about the life of the Rasool?
Ans: She said’ “His morals and character are an embodiment of the Holy Quran”.
Chapter# 2
Q#1: How will you define patriotism?
Ans: Patriotism means love and devotion to one’s country.
Q#2: Wha are the qualities of a patriot?
Ans: A patriot loves his country. He is always ready to sacrifice for it.
Q#3: As a citizen a Pakistan what are your duties towards your country?
Ans: As a citizen of Pakistan, we should be loyal to our country. We should work hard for to progress of
our country.
Q#4: What make us stay alert in the wake of a foreign invasion?
Ans: The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert in the wake of a foreign invasion.
Q#5: How will you elaborate Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad All Jinnah’s quote?
Ans: It includes in our hearts the spirit pf patriotism. It binds us into a strong and invincible nation.
Chapter# 3
Q#1: What is the most important function that media perform?
Ans: It provides us news and information of the events taking place in our country as well as round the
Q#2: What are the two major means of communication?
Ans: Print media and electronic media are the two major means of communication.
Q#3: How does media provide entertainment?
Ans: Media provides us entertainment through dramas, film, interesting news, stories, etc.
Q#4: What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
Ans: When media is allowed to play its role unchecked, is usually published and telecasts such news as
create thrill and undue excitement among the people.
Q#5: Give three reasons in support of your favorite TV programmed?
 It keeps us aware of the current affairs.
 It improves our political vision through the comments if various experts.
 It gives unprejudiced comments on current affairs.
Chapter# 4
Q#1: What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique?
Ans: When Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A), Hazrat Asma (R.A) expressed her
ignorance. This thing infuriated Abu Jehl and he slapped her face.
Q#2: Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafa worried?
Ans: Hazrat Abu Quhafa (R.A) was worried because he thought that Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) had taken
away all the wealth.
Q#3: How did Hazrat Asma console her grandfather?
Ans: She made her blind grandfather touch the pebbles and said that Hazrat Abu Bakar had left all the
wealth at home.
Q#4: Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair?
Ans Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A) was the son of Hazrat Asma.
Q#5: Which incident in the story shows Hazrat Asma’s love respect for the Rasool?
Ans: When the Rasool was about to migrate to Madinah, Hazrat Asma made necessary arrangements
and prepared food for his journey. This incident shows her love and respect for the Rasool.
Q#6: Which incident in the story tells about the generosity of Hazrat Asma?
Ans: When Hazrat Asma inherited a garden, she sold it and gave away all the money among the poor
and needy. This incident tells us about her generosity.
Q#7: What messages do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma?
Ans: The messages we get from the life of Hazrat Asma is that we should live a life of bravery, patience
and generosity.
Q#8: “Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us.” How?
Ans: Hazrat Asma’s life would always be a beacon of light for all of us because she led a life of bravery,
patience and generosity.
Chapter# 5
Q#1: What is the central idea of the poem?
Ans: The central idea of the poem is that the beauty of nature is the real and permanent source of spiritual
Q#2: What do the daffodils represent in the poem?
Ans: Daffodils represent nature and its eternal soothing effects in the human mind soul.
Q#3: What “wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet?
Ans: The memories of the scene give the wealth of pleasure to the poet.
Chapter# 6
Q#1: How much confidence did the Quaid-e-Aza have in his nation?
Ans: The Quaid-e-Azam had great confidence in his nation. He said that the Muslim were made of
sterling material.
Q#2: What was the Quaid’s concept of our nation?
Ans: The Quaid’s concept was that our nation has its own distinctive outlook in culture, civilization,
religion, etc.
Q#3: What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e- Azam?
Ans: In Quaid-e-Azam view the ideology of Pakistan was that he Muslim are an independent nation and
they cannot be merged into any other nation.
Q#4: What can be the possible solution to our present problem?
Ans: The possible solution to our present problems lies in following the Quaid’s motto: Faith, Unity and
Q#5: How can we become a strong nation?
Ans: We can become a strong nation by following the golden principles pf our great Quaid.
Chapter# 7
Q#1: Why was the Sultan Ahmad Masjid also known as Blue Masjid?
Ans: Sultan Ahmad Masjid is known as the Blue Masjid because of the blue tiles that embellish its interior.
Q#2: Who was appointed as the architect of the masjid?
Ans: The royal architect Sedefhar Mehmet Aga was appointed as the architect of the masjid.
Q#3: What was the purpose of hanging a heavy iron chain at the entrance of the court?
Ans: A heavy chain was hung at the entrance of the court so that the Sultan had to lower his head to
avoid the chain. Thus, the act was an expression of his humility before God.
Q#4: How does the interior of the masjid look?
Ans: The interior of the mosque looks very beautiful because of the blue tiles and decorations.
Q#5: Why do you think madrassah and the hospice were part of the masjid?
Ans: It was a custom at that time every masjid must include a tomb of its founder, a madrassah and a
hospice. So I think that Madrassah and hospice were the parts of the masjid.
Q#6: Who constructed Masjid Sophia?
Ans: The Masjid Sophia was originally constructed by Justinian the Great as a church. Later Mehmet II,
the sultan of the Ottoman Empire changed it into a masjid
Chapter# 8
Q#1: Who is the speaker in the poem?
Ans: The poet himself is the speaker in the poem.
Q#2: Whom does the speaker refer to in the first stanza of the poem?
Ans: The speaker refers to the owner of the woods in the first stanza of the poem.
Q#3: Why does the speaker stop on ‘the darkest evening of the year’?
Ans: The speaker stops on ‘the darkest evening of the year’ to enjoy the beauty of nature in the form of
Q#4: Why does the horse await the next move of his master?
Ans: The horse fears that they might suffer some mishap. Thus he waits impatiently
Q#5: The speaker in the poem is captivated by the beauty of nature. Why does not he stop for long to
enjoy nature’s beauty?
Ans: He does not stop for long and moves onward because he has to fulfil certain promises.
Review Ex# 1
Q#1: What do the daffodils represent in the poem?
Ans: Daffodils represent nature and its eternal soothing effects on the human mind and soul.
Q#2: How has the poet heighted the impact of the poem by using the figurative?
Q#3: What was the Quaid’s concept of our nation?
Ans: The Quaid’s concept was that our nation has its own distinctive outlook in culture, civilization,
religion, etc.
Q#4: How can we become a strong nation?
Ans: We can become a strong nation by following the golden principles of our great Quaid.
Q#5: What does love of our country demand from us?
Ans: The love of our country demands from us that we should get united and work hard for a bright
Q#7: Why was a separate royal room attached to the Sultan Ahmad Masjid?
Ans: A separate royal room was attached of the masjid for the exclusive use of the Sultan.
Q#8: Why does the horse impatiently await the next move of this master?
Ans: The horse fears that they might suffer some mishap. Thus he waits impatiently for the next move of
his master.
Chapter# 9
Q#1: Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to her?
Ans: The nurse asked Hira’s sister to come and talk to Hira because she thought that the voice of Hira’s
sister might activate the nearly dead neurons of Hira.
Q#2: Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor’s point of view?
Ans: The nurse disagreed with the doctor’s point of view because he was not hopeful about the
recovery of Hira.
Q#3: Why did the nurse ask herself the question “Could I be able to justify my stance before the senior
Ans: She asked herself his question to consider again her point of view about Hira’s recovery
Q#4: Describe some qualities of the nurse in the story?
Ans: The nurse is kind, caring and optimistic. She has strong will-power. She is committed to her
Q#5: Why did the nurse say, “Where there is a will there is a way”?
Ans: The nurse got her goal. Thus, she said,” Where there is will there is a way.” It means we are sure
succeed if we are committed to our goal.
Chapter# 10
Q#1: What are the causes of drug addiction?
Ans: Drug addiction is caused by genetic and environment factors.
Q#2: What are the effects of drug addiction?
Ans: The effect of drug addiction are very harmful. It destroys a person mentally, physically and financially.
Q#3: What important role do the rehabilitation centers play to control drug addiction?
Ans: Rehabilitation centers provide drug victims with complete treatment and guidance. They also help
them control the habit of drug addiction.
Q#4: What is the role of counseling is preventing drug addiction?
Ans: Proper counseling an important rule is preventing drug addiction. The sooner it is done, the better
it is done, it is for the victim.
Q#5: Why do families feel reluctant to take the drug victims to drug rehabilitation centers?
Ans: Families feel reluctant to take drug victims to drug rehabilitation centers for fear of being declared
an outcast.
Q#6: What are the responsibilities of the families to ensure complete recovery of the drug addicts?
Ans: To ensure complete recovery of such patient, families must watch and counsel them regular.
Chapter# 11
Q#1: How do you define noise pollution?
Ans: Any form of noise that disrupts the normal functioning of life is called noise pollution.
Q#2: How is transport a source of noise pollution?
Ans: Transport is a source of noise pollution due to excessive use of loud horns.
Q#3: How is construction work a cause of noise pollution?
Ans: Construction work is a cause of noise pollution due to the use of heavy transport and noise
producing machinery.
Q#4: How is use of technology causing noise pollution?
Ans: The use of technology like generator, loud speaker, music player is causing noise pollution because
of its irresponsible use.
Q#5: Why is noise dangerous for human health?
Ans: Noise is dangerous for human health because it disturbs our nervous system. It also damages our
Q#6: What kind of precautions may reduce noise coming from electronic device.
Ans: Volume of all electronic devices should be kept low while listening or watching. All noise producing
electronic devices should be used with a sense of responsibilities.
Chapter# 12
Q#1: Who was Helen Keller?
Ans: Helen Keller was an American lady. She was a great author Al though she was blind and deaf.
Summary# 1:
The poem has been written by William Wordsworth, a romantic poem. He is known as the
poet of nature because of his love for it. Most of his poems describe nature and its beauty.
In this poem, he shares with us his exciting experience of enjoyment at the sight of beautiful
Daffodils flowers. He states that once he was walking in the countryside. He suddenly came across a large
number of daffodils growing along the bank of a lake. The flowers were in the flood bloom.
The cool breeze was blowing. The daffodils were moving and dancing in the breeze. The sight
delighted and fascinated the poet and he looked at the flowers for a long time.
This sight left a lasting impression on his memory. As a result, whenever, he is alone and in a
sad mood, the same sight comes into his imagination. The poet's heart is filled with pleasure. This
experience has become a permanent source of pleasure for the poet.
Summary# 2:
Stooping by wood on a snow evening
The poem "Stopping by the Wood on a Snowy Evening" has been written by Robert Frost.
It tells the story of a man who is travelling to his hometown.
When he reaches the woods, he is enchanted by its natural beauty. He wonders whose
woods are these. He knows the owner lives in the nearby village.
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
His horse is thinking it strange to stop by the woods. There is no farmhouse in sight. His
horse gives a shake to the harness bells. There is a frozen lake and snowflakes to be seen.
Wind is passing through the trees. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. The traveler is
bound by time. He has to walk on as life is not the name of stay. He has to do many chores to keep the
life going on.
“Life goes on, and one should look ahead and not backward.”
The poet expresses that after the accomplishment of a lot of work, he can go to bed for
sleep. The poet has given us an important message in this poem. Life is the name of moving. No one can
stay forever on a fixed place. We all have to go to our destinations.

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