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ALPHA INSTITUTE (Beyond no limit)

Class 10th Chapter wise question answers and Summaries

Chapter# 1
Q#1: How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
Ans: People can seek light from the massage and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the
moral, spiritual and social areas of life.
Q#2: How did the Rasool set high and noble ideas for all mankind?
Ans: He has set very high and noble ideas through his practical example for all mankind to follow in
every field of life.
Q#3: How were people of Makkah convinced of the Rasool’s justice even before his Nabuwat?
Ans: As a young trader, he earned the good reputation of being an honest, fair and just business man.
He always had fair and just dealings with all people.
Q#4: What standard of justice did the Holy Prophet practice as head the state of Madinah?
Ans: As head of the state of Madinah, he decides all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective
of color, creed or race.
Q#5: What made non- Muslims bring their suits to the Rasool?
Ans: The Rasool was so well-known for this justice that even the Jews, who were his bitter enemies,
brought their suits to him.
Q#6: How does the Quran describe the personality of the Rasool?
Ans:” Indeed in the Rasool of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes
for (the meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.’’
Chapter# 2
Q#1. When the Chinese New Year start?
Ans: Somewhere between January 21st and February 20th.
Q#2. Why do Chinese families do through cleaning of their houses before New Year’s Day?
Ans: Doing this said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make the house ready to
accept good luck for the coming year and to make the house ready accept good luck for the coming
Q#3. Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year? Why?
Ans: Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death, however, wearing red is encouraged
as the colour is association with warding off bad spirits.
Q#4: What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans: Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the Chinese
word fu written on them, which means luck and happiness
Q#5: What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner?
Ans: It is typical for a Chinese family to make eight to nine dishes for the New Year’s Eve dinner because
in Chinese language the word ‘’eight’’ means ‘’prosperity’’ and the word ‘’nine’’ means long-lasting.
Q#6: What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
Ans: It is traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelops filled with money in order to
symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year.
Q#7: What is the importance of Chinese New Year for Chinese families?
Ans: Chinese New Year is a time when the family should come together in order to give thanks for the
year that has passed, and reinvigorate themselves for the coming year.
Chapter# 3
Q#1: What is the lesson taught in the first stanza?
Ans: The lesson taught in the first stanza is that if at first wo don’t succeed, we should keep on trying.
Q#2: What can we learn from failure?
Ans: We learn that if we fail, we should persist. We should face the failure manfully.
Q#3: How is failure not a disgrace?
Ans: Why is men learn from their failure. They try again and get success and become respectable. So,
failure is not a disgrace.
Q#4: How many times should we try and why?
Ans: We should always keep trying till we achieve our goal.
Q#5: What should we do if we find our task hard?
Ans: We should try to fulfill our task our task we achieve our goal.
Review Ex# 1
Q#1: Hazrat Muhammad is a perfect model and example for all mankind. Why
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad life is a perfect model and example for all the people who want to attain
goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life.
Q#2: Write a note on Chinese New Year celebrations?
Ans: The holiday is celebrated with big family gathering, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and
display of festival decorations- all focused on bringing good luck for the new year and celebrating the
coming of Spring.
Q#3: Why is trying again important of life?
Ans: Trying again is important in life because if we keep on trying, we will succeed in the end. Therefore,
we must not loss heart. Rather, we should keep on trying.
Q#4: What the First Aid process of cuts and scrapes?
Ans: Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don’t gently pressure with a clean
cloth or bandage. Hold the pressure continuously for 20 to 30 seconds and if possible, elevate the wound.
Chapter# 4
Q#1: You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why?
Ans: We should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage or dislodge the
clot that is forming and cause bleeding to resume.
Q#2: Why is it necessary to keep soap away from the wound?
Ans: It is necessary to keep soap away from the wound as the chemical in a soap may cause irritation
and itching.
Q#3: How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good is healing the wound?
Ans: An antibiotic cream or ointment is good healing the wound because its helps keep the wound
moist. They can help body’s natural healing process work fast.
Q#4: What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most bandages.
Ans: If you are allergic to adhesive material used in most bandages, switch to adhesive free dressing or
sterile gauze held in place with paper tape, gauze roll or a loosely applied elastic bandage.
Q#5: When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans: You need to see a doctor if the wound is not healing or you notice any redness, increasing pain,
drainage, warmth or swelling.
Q#6: What should your first aid kit consist of?
Ans: First aid box, Band aids, Elastic bandages, Gauze and adhesive material, Antiseptic wipes, Safety pin
and tweezer, Scissors, Latex gloves, Calamine lotion, Clinical thermometer, Analgesic tablets.
Chapter# 5
Q#1: What does the poem hear?
Ans: The poet hears the sweet noise of rain drops falling on the roof.
Q#2: What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Ans: The poet finds the sound of raindrops on the roof to be a peaceful sound.
Q#3: What will happen after the rain stop?
Ans: After a rain stops a wonderful light with fulfill each dark place.
Q#4: How does the sun come out after the rain?
Ans: After the rains stop the sun come out of the clouds and fill every dark place with its light.
Q#6: What make the scene lovely?
Ans: When the sunshine brightly after the rain, it makes the scene lovely.
Chapter# 6
Q#1: How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans: We can read newspaper at any time and at any place. So, it is a more convenient medium of news.
Q#2: How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?
Ans: T.V requires its viewers to be at a certain place and at a certain time in order to watch and listen to
the news. If a viewer has to leave his place, he gets restricted while watching T.V news.
Q#3: In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?
Ans: Watching news on TV is just like to have an entertainment. Everything is visual and auditory. Much
mastery of language is also not necessary. So, viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper.
Q#4: How do newspaper give us more in-depth coverage?
Ans: Newspaper give detailed news. They give expect views and analysis. So, newspaper give us more in-
depth coverage.
Q#5: Why do some people read more than on newspaper?
Ans: Some people read more than one newspaper to get different viewpoints about news and check for
its validity.
Q#6: How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Ans: Readers can give feedback to the newspaper articles by writing to the forum pages.
Q#7: Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Ans: Each medium has strength that the other does not. I like to read newspapers. I also like to watch
Chapter# 7
Q#1: What are some distinction of the writer?
Ans: The writer is very wise, intelligent, ambitious and handworkers. He thinks differently and acts.
Q#2: How has the writer spent his summer vacations?
Ans: He did different jobs during his summer vacation.
Q#3: What has the gained from his summer jobs experiences?
Ans: This helped him financially and made him understand the importance of independence and
Q#4: How are these experiences helpful to him in future?
Ans: These experiences made him ready to face challenges of future eagerly, confidently and bravely.
Q#5: What kind of student is the writer? Which of this quality impress you?
Ans: He is very wise, intelligent, ambitious and hard worker. He thinks differently and acts. All of his
qualities impressed me very much.
Chapter# 8
Q#1: How is wind describe in the first stanza?
Ans: The wind is described as a monster of destruction.
Q#2: With what wind is compared in the first stanza?
Ans: Wind is compared with a monster of destructions.
Q#3: What is wind doing to all man’s work?
Ans: The wind is racking all man’s work.
Q#4: How does the scene look like when wind is still?
Ans: When the wind stopes there is silence and bright blue sky groups.
Q#5: What comparison is made in the second stanza?
Ans: Sometimes, a natural phenomenon can cause destruction. E.g. rain can destruction by flooding
agricultural and populated areas.
Review Ex# 2
Q#3: What role can media play in bringing harmony in society?
Ans: Media can bring harmony in society by spreading the messages of peace and love.
Q#4: Co-curricular activities prepare students for future. How?
Ans: Co-curricular activities prepare students for future by building confidence in them.
Chapter# 9
Q#1: What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?
Ans: Some famous careers for the young people in the past becoming a doctor, a pilot or an engineering.
Q#2: Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds? Why?
Ans: Now a days non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds because these careers are
more rewarding in term of both respect and money.
Q#3: What is meant by the ‘’right profession’’?
Ans: The right profession means a rewarding profession that provides respect, money and mental
Q#4: Why is it important to consider the scope of any field?
Ans: We not only mean money from career but also mental peace and satisfactory. So, it is important to
consider the scope of any field before choosing a career.
Q#5: Is there any need to proper career counselling department? Why?
Ans: Yes, career counselling department helps students to select choose able career after determining
their personalities and observing is need.
Q#6: How can career counselors help the young people?
Ans: Career counselors can help the young people to select suitable careers after determine their
personalities and observing and analysis you interest.
Q#7: Which career do you want to opt for? Give reasons.
Ans: The profession of C.A, B.A and I, T has interesting me most because they are highly respected and
paid professions.
Chapter# 10
Q#1: How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
Ans: A book connects the reader and the writer by developing a connection as a bridge between the
readers’ real world and the world described upon the pages.
Q#2: In what way are book better then radio, TV and internet?
Ans: Books ae better than radio, TV and internet as they are also a form of technology that is spread
over the pages which we can read at our disposal to explore the complexities of life.
Q#3: “It’s a slow food in a world given over to fast food” Explain
Ans: The term slow food is metaphorically used for the books and fast food is used for the blogs, text
messages and e-book etc. where slow food better than fast food, the book reading is much better in
nourishing the mind as compared to the instantly available knowledge and information.
Q#4: Why should people be given more opportunity to read books?
Ans: People should be given more opportunity to read books because books are a shelter for those who
travel for the quest of the knowledge. They are the symbol of sustenance as man lives his life by
showing compassion and feeling for others.
Q#5: Which book has inspired you the most? Why?
Ans: ‘The Sun Also Rises’ has inspired me the most. It is a novel by Earnest Hemingway. The reason is
that gives me message of hope and optimism. I get much inspiration when I come across the lines like.
One generation goes, the other comes, the earth revolves and the sun also rises.
Chapter# 11
Q#1: Who looks after Pip after the death of this parents?
Ans: His sister looked after the pip after the death of this parents.
Q#2: Why was joe? How did he treat Pip?
Ans: His best friend was Joe, his sister husband. He was kind and warm-hearted. He loved Pip as if were
his own son.
Q#3: Why did Pip gave food and drink to the prisoner?
Ans: Pip gave food and drink to the prisoner because he was so kind and warm-hearted.
Q#4: What happened to the prisoner?
Ans: The man was recaptured by soldiers and taken away. But he never forgets Pip’s kindness.
Q#5: Why did the prisoner support Pip?
Ans: He wanted Pip to have the advantages of education and money although he was not a gentleman
Q#6: What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?
Ans: By law, all his money belonged to the government.
Q#7: Do you know a person who achieved success in life through his hard work?
Ans: Yes, I know many. One of them is Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan. He is a nuclear scientist of Pakistan. He
worked hard and through his hard lab work, he succeeded in making Pakistan a nuclear state.
Chapter# 12
Q#1: Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?
Ans: The developed countries are the most affected areas by the incessant growth in population.
Q#2: Why are the developing countries going to suffer more due to over population?
Ans: The developing countries are going to suffer more due to over population because food problems
are very severe in these countries. The per capita availability of food grains has been declining for the
past 25 years.
Q#3: What is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition?
Ans: The major cause of food shortages and malnutrition is the serve increase in population with
shortage of productive fertile land and decreased land productivity.
Q#4: How are water resources under great stress?
Ans: Water resources are under great stress because populous cities, states and countries require more
water from rivers and lakes to fulfil their need of fresh water to irrigate their crops and the major threat
is the overuse of surface and ground water resources.
Q#5: What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?
Ans: Fossil energy is utilized for agricultural purpose in fertilizer and irrigation to help maintain
productivity. Its depletion resulting in increased cost of the fuel to meet the demand of increasing
Q#6: What is the limitation of improved technology?
Ans: Improved technology cannot produce an unlimited flow of those vital natural resources that are
the raw materials for sustained agriculture production.
Q#7: How can sufficient food supply be made possible for the future generation?
Ans: Sufficient food supply can be made possible for the future generation by curtailing the growth in
human population and maintaining the integrity of biodiversity.
Q#8: What strategies should be adopted for safe future?
Ans: Strategies for safe future should be based on the conversation and careful management of land,
water, energy, and biological resources needed for food production. We should make efforts to keep the
population of the world under control.
Chapter# 13
Q#1: What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar Farooq?
Ans: The young man brought the case of their father’s murder to Hazrat Umar Farooq.
Q#2: Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?
Ans: The old man hurled a stone at a camel because the camel nipped a few leaves off the hanging
branch of a tree.
Q#3: Why did the villagers ask Hazrat Umar Farooq to delay the execution?
Ans: The villager asked Hazrat Umar Farooq to delay the execution because he wanted to appoint a
trustee to handover the gold of his brother which his father had left at his death.
Q#4: On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?
Ans: The criminal was allowed to leave on the condition of-provoking surety.
Q#5: On what Sahabas worried?
Ans: Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari (Ra) was to be killed in case the murdered did not come back. That’s why,
the Sahabah (Ra) were extremely worried about the safety (fate) of him (Ra).
Q#5: Why did the accusers forgive the villager?
Ans: The accusers forgave the villager for his faithfulness, honesty and truthfulness. His noble character
impressed the accusers. So, they took mercy and forgave the villager.
Summary# 1:
The Rain
This poem is written by William Henry Davies. In this poem, the poet describes the grand
seen of sun. The poet hears the rain felling on the trees. The sound appeals to the poet very much.
“Rain shows my pleasure
And water my soul”
The poet says that upper leaves are receiving a lot of rain water. First, but leaves on the
lower branches are getting it later drop by drop. He calls the upper leaves rich ones. They look fresher
than the lower leaves. The poet calls the lower leaves poor once. In the poem, the upper leave stands for
the rich and the lower leaves represent the poor.
“Water, water everywhere
But not a drop
Of water to drink”
In this way, the poet highlights the sharp contract that exist between the ways of living of
the poor and the rich. This difference is very painful.
The poet says that when the rain stops the sun will come majestically and illuminating
everything. Its light will spread everywhere equally. It will be a beautiful scene. Thus, the poet hope for
equality and evenness everywhere in the world.
“Life is like a rainbow
You need both sun
And rain to make
It colorful’’
Summary# 2:
This poem is written by “Doctor Hartman”. In this poem, the poet gives us thought
provoking ideas. She gives us a description of ab extremely strong wind. He says that wind is roaring like
a furious lion. It is destroying peoples belonging and building and everywhere completely. It is causing
great destruction in the valleys and values. The poet calls the wind of moisture of destruction.
The poet says that wind is not a destroyer at all. In fact, it is gentle and peaceful.
Everywhere is aware is peace fulness. It simply whispers through the leaves of trees and remains
Thus, through the example of wind. The poetess wants to make us release that man is in
reality, not a destroyer at all. He is very peace loving. He wants peace and believers in peaceful co-existing.
So, to established peace, we should try to know the factor which are leading people to become destroyer.
Moreover, we should make efforts to remove these factors.
Summary# 3:
Try Again
The poem ‘Try again’ has been written by William Edward Hickson.
“Try, Try again, and achieve your goal”
The poet says if at first you do not succeed try again. Don’t give up too easily, persistence
pays off in the end. Instead of quitting after your failure, you should learn from it. It takes time to learn,
to experiment and to succeed. We should not be frustrated because of failure. Failure is a good teacher.
It will lead you to success. Try again is the gate to success.
The poet stresses to work hard and do not give up just because the lesson is difficult. A hint
at the need to carry in every failure is to keep trying with full spirit. Failing one time must not be the cause
of losing heart. We should try again and again till we get what we want. Spider of King Bruce failed
countless times but kept trying and in the end, got what it wanted.
“Hard work is the key to success.”
Poet guides us that repeated tries are not shameful. It is rather a credit. Our focus in life
should not be on the people who failed but we should look on those who are successful. The key to
success is not losing heart even in unfavorable conditions too. In this way, the failure will be changed
into success indeed. No matter the road to success is filled with many difficulties. Still, our courage must
be bigger than our fear. It is said very well “Try try, you can fly”.

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