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Quarter 4 - Module 3
Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
in a Narrative

English – Grade 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 3: Distinguish Fact from Opinion in a Narrative
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education- Region III

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ma. Cezther Ann S. Ponce
Content/Language Editor: Maria Teresa C. Perez
Illustrator: Ma. Cezther Ann S. Ponce
Layout Artist: Ma. Cezther Ann S. Ponce
Content Evaluator: Rachelle Ann V. David
Language Evaluator: Leonardo S. Amarila
Layout Evaluator: Leonardo S. Amarila
Management Team: Gregorio C. Quinto

Rainelda M. Blanco
Agnes R. Bernardo
Glenda S. Constantino
Joannarie C. Garcia

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education--- Schools Division of Bulacan

Office Address: Curriculum Implementation Division

What I Need to Know
This module provides varied activities that will help you
identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother Tongue
or in Filipino. LC Code: EN4RC-IIi-36

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative ;
 express fact and opinion in a narrative ; and
 use simple sentence in expressing fact and opinion.

What I Know
Directions: Read each sentence below. Write FACT if it is true and
can be proven and write OPINION if it is a person thinks or feels. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

________1. Green is the prettiest color.

________2. A dog is a mammal.

________3. My father is a policeman.

________4. Pineapple tastes great.

________5. January is the worst month of the year.

________6. Tuesday comes after Monday.

________7. John is the best basketball player.

________8. Cheetahs can run faster than horses.

________9. Red shirt is better than pink shirts.

________10. Christmas is in December.

What’s In

Directions: Write F if it is Fiction and NF if it is Non-Fiction. Write

your answer on your answer sheet.

______1. Fairytales
______2. Biographies
______3. Documentary
______4. Newspaper
______5. Comic Books

Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
3 in a Narrative

What’s New
Directions: Read the selection and be ready to answer the
questions that will follow.

Grandma’s Special
by. Ma. Cezther Ann S. Ponce

Grandma’s coming! I yelled. Today will be a great day.

Grandma will visit us here in Bulacan. Finally, after two
months we will see each other again. I miss her so much, her
gray hair and soft hands, but what I miss the most is her
dishes. My Grandma makes the best cooks!
She cooks with love that’s why it became the
most delicious dish. Every time she visits us,
she always prepares delicious food and it makes our dinner table

Answer these questions:

1. Who is coming?
2. How many months they didn’t see each other?
3. Describe her Grandma.
4. Why is her Grandma makes the best cook?
5. Why do you think the title of the selection is “Grandma’s Special”?

What is It

A fact is a true statement. It is a thing or an event that really happened

or existed. It can be proven by means of observation and experience.

An opinion is a view or guess which may or may not be true. It is a

feeling or attitude. Clue words like think, believe, feel, must be, must,
probably, seems and often signal an opinion.

Here are some sentences from the selection, “Grandma’s Special.”

1. Grandma will visit us here in Bulacan.

2. Her gray hair and soft hands.
3. Grandma makes the best cooks!
4. It became the most delicious dish.

In the given examples above, the number 1 and 2 sentences can be

considered as fact and the number 3 and 4 is an example of opinion.
This is an example of
1. Grandma will visit us here in Bulacan. FACT, because it is a true
2. Her gray hair and soft hands. statement and its is a thing
and event that really
happened or existed.

This is an example of
3. Grandma makes the best cooks! OPINION, because it is
4. It became the most delicious dish. something you believe and
feel. It is a view or guess which
may and may not be true.

Another examples:

 I live in Sta. Barbara Baliwag, Bulacan.
 Sugar tastes sweet.
 Ms. Ponce is our English teacher.

 Ruth has the fluffiest cat.
 Potatoes taste better than carrots.
 Jumping makes you tall.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Directions: Is the sentence a fact or an opinion? If it is a fact,
encircle fact. If it is an opinion, encircle opinion. Write your answer
on your answer sheet.

FACT OPINION 1. Walking is the best form of exercise.

FACT OPINION 2. There are 12 months in a year.
FACT OPINION 3. Jose P. Rizal is our national hero.
FACT OPINION 4. Rabbit is cuter than hamsters.
FACT OPINION 5. Dogs have better sense of smell than
FACT OPINION 6. My mother has the best cook.
FACT OPINION 7. Summer is the best time of year.
FACT OPINION 8. Mayon Volcano is an active volcano.
FACT OPINION 9. Last night, my father bought a pizza.
FACT OPINION 10. English is the best subject!

Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Read the following passage:

Jazz went to the zoo with her parents. It took

them an hour to get there because of traffic. In the
zoo, she had fun looking at all animals. The
elephants were really cute. The lions and tigers
looked ferocious and wild. She even had a chance
to see the giraffe during feeding time. On the way
home, Jazz fell asleep.

Describe the sentence as being fact or opinion. Using red crayon,

color your answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. Jazz went to the zoo with her parents. FACT OPINION

2. The elephants were really cute. FACT OPINION

3. She saw the giraffe during feeding time. FACT OPINION

4. The lions and tigers looked ferocious FACT OPINION

and wild.

5. On the way home, Jazz fell asleep. FACT OPINION

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Read each statement and write it on the correct
column. Write your answer on your answer sheet.


1. Red apple tastes better than green apple.

2. My mother has a brown hair.
3. Yellow is a pretty color.
4. She has purple bag.
5. The monkey is funny and cute.
6. My cousin is 15 years old.
7. Snake loves to eat rats.
8. Rainy day is the best season.
9. My grandmother makes the best spaghetti.
10. Spiders are scary.

Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Put a (√) if the statement is a fact, and (X) if the
statement is an opinion. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

____1. Reading is hard.

____2. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
____3. I think French fries makes me healthy.
____4. There are seven days in a week.
____5. The number five is luckier than number seven.
____6. Chocolate cake tastes great.
____7. Water is necessary for plants to grow.
____8. A calculator is a too for performing math functions.
____9. Science is the most fun subject.
____10. Dancing on stage is a very scary thing to do.

Independent Activity 3
Directions: Identify whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.
Put a √ on the appropriate column.
Write your answer on your answer sheet.

Statement Fact Opinion

1. Your birthday comes only once a year.
2. There are 60 seconds in one minute.
3. Friday is the best day of the week.
4. Dogs are better than cats.
5. A car has four wheels.
6. Being a doctor is easy.
7. Roses are the most aromatic flower.
8. Swimming is a water sport.
9. Boracay is the best place for a vacation.
10. Valentine’s Day is in February.

Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Read the following passage. Identify which statements
are a fact and which are an opinion. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

My family went to zoo today. It was a bright and sunny

afternoon. We saw many animals. The best animal we saw was the
monkey. The monkey was joyous and I think it would be a good pet.
My sister watched the crocodile show. The cutest animal we saw was
the panda. We ate some snacks while we walked. The zoo is the best
place to visit with family. Today is the best day of my week!

Which sentences are Which sentences are

facts? opinion?

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write 3 sentences stating a fact and 3 sentences
stating an opinion. Write your answer on your answer sheet.


What I Can Do
Directions: Write one fact and one opinion for each topic. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

Ice Cream
Fact: There are different flavors of ice cream.
Opinion: My brother bought the creamiest ice cream I’ve
ever taste.

1. Candy

2. Tree

3. Dog

4. Shoes

5. House

Directions: Read each sentence below. Write Fact if it is true and

can be proven and write Opinion if it is a person thinks or feels.
Write your answer on your answer sheet.

______1. Sally has a pet cat named Chili.

______2. The week has been terrible.
______3. Ube ice cream is better than strawberry ice cream.
______4. One plus nine equals ten.
______5. Dogs are the most playful animal.
______6. Roses have thorny stems.
______7. Hippopotamus are the heaviest animal.
______8. My Aunt is the smartest person I know.
______9. Mosquitoes are insects.
______10. Learning is fun!

Additional Activities

Directions: Write a topic, draw a picture of it in the box and give 5

facts and 5 opinion about it.



For inquiries or feedback, please write:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email Address:


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