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Provrnce Language School

Academic Year 2023- 2024

Grade 10 End of Year Exam- 2 Hours
1.Choose the correct answer: 10 marks
1. The bird is clearly controlling its behavior and …………. it in detail
according to what the intruder does.
a. modifying b. increment c. soaring d. withstand
2. The …………… pitch has raised criticism that Russia will gain an advantage
in a key match because their players are more used to the surface.
a. atrocity b. complicity c. dislodge d. synthetic
3. His ankles and face looked puffy and swollen but there was no sign of
sunburn or skin …………...
a. glistering b. glittering c. blistering d. blizzarding
4. They stuck to their task, showed great ……………. and skill and put their
batsmen under consistent pressure.
a. occult b. fortitude c. stiff d. dispatch
5. We convinced ourselves we had been substituted in some way, so
………….. did it seem that we had emerged from these parents.
a. anomalous b. invigorate c. efficient d. opportune
6. There are two strategies to fix a dangling modifier. The first is to name the
………… of the sentence.
a. Object b. subject complement c. agent d. verb agreement.
7. Mr. Alli is the person ……………. I obtain much information.

a. Who b. whom c. from whom d. with whom

8. …………………. you say is unbelievable: the sun is not a planet.
a. That b. What c. Which d. In which
… …
9. Cats like humans can have allergies. They can even be
allergic to humans.
a. comma/comma b. semi colon/…... c. dash/ semi colon
d. comma/period
The cordless vacuum … of the least interesting of the household
appliances ... got its start as a moon drill.
a. comma/ dash b. dash/dash c. semi colon/ dash
d. dash/comma
2. Rewrite the following using the words in brackets:10 Marks
1. The seat number I’m sorry I forgot to tell you has been changed.
(use the correct punctuation)

2. In addition to money, he gave me a nice story to read. (Use: not only)


3. Children do better in their exams. Their diets contain high level of protein
(Use : whose )

4. Sama, our next-door neighbor, is a dinner lady in our boarding school.

(Use : who )

5. Looking straight at the student through his bifocals, the professor awaited
his answer.
(correct the misplaced modifier)

3. C) Reading Comprehension 5 Marks

The thrill of seeing the first hummingbird in my garden has never left me - the sight
of this unbelievably tiny creature with striking feathers flitting boldly from flower to
flower. To attract other birds, I began growing their favorite plants. Soon, more
hummingbirds began visiting my garden from May through late September, before
departing for countries with warmer climates. In 1998, the last one left on October
3 - or so I thought.

On October 21, I went outdoors for my early morning chores. Suddenly, I saw a
young male hummingbird. I couldn't believe my eyes as I thought these birds should
have migrated by then. I quickly looked around the garden as hummingbirds usually
need to feed once every ten to fifteen minutes and my garden was bare. This bird
would have nothing to eat so I hung out a feeder containing liquid nectar. However,
the bird didn't seem to know what to do with it and kept circling a particular spot.
Finally, I placed a trail of plants leading to my conservatory, a special room where I
grew my flowers. When the hummingbird came inside, I closed the door behind him
to keep him safe and then set up another feeder. The bird went from flower to flower
before he discovered the feeder. He liked the nectar and fed on it for the rest of the

Although I loved the idea of a hummingbird spending the winter in my conservatory,

I hesitated to take away his freedom. But I also didn't want him to die. So I called an
ornithologist, an expert on birds, for advice. He warned me that this bird was
probably not going to live and gave me three choices: I could keep the bird all winter,
or I could fatten him up and let him go after a few days, or I could find someone to
release him down south where it was warmer. I reasoned that if the bird had nothing
outside to eat that day, the next day wouldn't be any better. And sending him south
was not practical. However, I could provide suitable living conditions to keep him
warm in my conservatory. I named him Squeak because of his constant squeaky

Offering Squeak a balanced diet now became my main concern. Besides nectar,
hummingbirds need protein from insects. The ornithologist then suggested Nektar-
Plus. I kept two feeders of this complete diet going at all times. As hummingbirds
love to bathe, I also bought a small plastic bird bath for Squeak. But he had different
plans as bath time was always a game to him. He would rather slide around on the
wet leaves and get his entire body soaked. After bathing, he would fly around the
room to dry himself. Once when he became sick, I had to nurse him back to health.

As winter turned to spring, we strengthened our friendship. Hoping that he would

make my garden his territory, I gave him a special treat. I filled a feeder with a
particularly sweet solution and held it in my hand. After just one taste, Squeak loved
it. He began watching for me and waiting eagerly by the door handle for this treat.
By then, he would even allow me to stroke him. I began to spend more time with

In early May, the other hummingbirds returned and when Squeak spotted them
outside, he became excited, chattering and flying rapidly to and fro. One day, I saw
him and another hummingbird hovering beak to beak with the window between them
and I knew then what had to be done. As much as I loved having Squeak, I realized
that I had to let him go. That morning, as usual, Squeak had a shower after which I
opened the door in the conservatory. I then coaxed him with a treat in my hand. He
came over for a sip, then flew back inside. He did it again and again. Each time I
moved farther away and after much coaxing, he finally came all the way out to where
I was. He took a drink, then inspected a plant hanging on the porch. Suddenly he
lifted up, flew over the roof of the house - and was gone. My eyes filled with tears. I
was sorry for releasing him - yet I also knew it was for the best.

A|) Choose the correct answer:

1. From paragraph 1, what did the writer do to encourage more
hummingbirds into her garden?
a. The writer began to grow the hummingbirds’ favorite plants
b. The writer began to build new nests
c. The writer cut out some bushes
d. The writer planted some common plants
2. From paragraph 2, why was the writer surprised to see the
hummingbird ?
a. She thought all birds would have migrated together
b. She thought that it was lost
c. It was sick and couldn’t fly
d. The bird returned back because it was hungry
3. What did the writer put in the feeder for the bird?
a. She put some seeds for the birds
b. She spread some corn near the nest
c. She put some leaves with tiny sticks
d. She put some liquid nectar in the feeder

4. From paragraph 4, what evidence is there to show that Squeak

had fun during bath time?

5. Why was the writer sad about the bird?

4. Spelling: 8 marks
1. (…………………….) refers to a series of planned activities or efforts aimed at a
specific goal.
2. (…………………….) the practice of cultivating crops.
3. (…………………….) refers to something that can be seen.
4. (…………………….) mean to provide comfort to someone who is experiencing
5. (……………………...) the act of breathing rapidly and heavily
6. (……………………...) the time in a person’s life when they develop from a child into
an adult.
7. (……………………...) support by one person or group of people for another
8. (……………………...) to become red in the face, usually due to embarrassment.

5. Novel : Wuthering Heights: 10 Marks

Answer the following Questions:
1. Wuthering Heights dealt with many passionate themes. Illustrate
2 -The Conflict Between Nature and Culture has been manipulated
in the essence of the theme. Discuss
3. “Father wants us to be married.’ Comment
Childless Woman
By: Sylvia Plath
Uttering nothing but blood---
Taste it, dark red!
And my forest
My funeral,
And this hill and this
Gleaming with the mouths of corpses.

1. Paraphrase the above lines referring to the tone.

2. Identify figures of speech with explanation.
Writing: 12 Marks
Write on one of the following topics:
1. Is bilingual education beneficial for students in improving their
language skills and cultural awareness, or does it hinder
their progress?
2. Is space exploration a necessary pursuit for scientific advancement
and discovery?

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