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Airport Information For LGKO Printed on 11 Dec 2017 =" JEPPESEN Fone’ JeppView for Windows (c) JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2017, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED General Information Location: KOS GRC ICAONATA: LGKO / KGS LatlLong: N36* 47.68", £027" 05.47 Elevation: 412 ft Airport Use: Puble Daylight Savings: Observed UTC Conversion: -2:00 = UTC Magnetic Variation: 5.0° E. Fuel Types: Jet Ad Customs: Yes Airport Type: IFR Landing Fee: Yes Control Tower: Yes Jet Start Unit: No LLWS Alert: No Beacon: Yes Sunrise: 05142 Sunset: 1456 Z Runway Information Runway: 14 Length x Width: 7841 fx 148 ft Surface Type: asphalt TOZ-Elev: 412 ft Lighting: Edge, ALS. Part time Runway: 32 Length x Width: 7841 fx 148 ft Surface Type: asphalt TOZ-Elev: 373 ft Lighting: Edge, REIL, Part time Communication Information ATIS: 126950 Ippokratis Tower: 122.100 Ippokratis Tower: 25.780 Miltary Ippokratis Tower: 121.050 Ippokratis Apron Ground: 121.775 Kos Approach: 122.100 Kos Approach: 119.050 Ippokratis Radio: 298.900 Ippokratis Radio: 563.700 Scanned with CamScanner = — IPPOKRATIS 27 JAN IT. ‘Apt Elev M12! | AltSet: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: S000 1, DME required. ASIMI 1J [ASIM1J] GILOS 1H [GILOIH}, GILOS 1J [GILO1J] RWY 14 ARRIVALS ” NOT TO SCALE N36 70.4 E028 04.9 HOLDING OVER $ ag \ ae Ys %, 1s 10 Nse'a7.4 Ear 05.5, CHANGES. STARsravieed; general rave | errabished (© EFPESEN, 2005, 2017, ALL RIGHTS RESEINED Scanned with CamScanner ae See IPPOKRATIS 27JANIT faz cus] Apt Elev 126.950] 412" | AltSet:hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: S000" GILOS 1K [GILOIK], GILOS 1L [GILOIL] KOPAR 2K [KOPA2K], KOPAR 2L [KOPA2L] RWY 32 ARRIVALS KOS VOR KOPAR | 595, 14.0 Kos 4000 KoPar 2k, 2 HOLDING OVER kos Ni 4 "Sie Not To scALe © Scanned with CamScanner —"" JEPPESEN KOS, GREECE igKo/kas 2 AN 17 ans Aer Elev 126.950 412" | AISSer Na, Tans level: By ATC Trans al: Sooo KOPAR 2H [KOPA2H], KOPAR 2) [KOPA2J] LARKI 2H [LARK2H], USINI 2H [USIN2H] RWY 14 ARRIVALS HOLDING OVER KOS a 33 / 5 8 f Reg, Scanned with CamScanner Pret rm Jepeiw for Windows 50.0 on 11 Dee 217; Termin chart data ye 242017; No: Aer 14 Dec 2017, 0082 this chart may no longer be vad LGKO/KGS IPPOKRATIS, 126.950 KOS, GREECE HOLDING OVER KOS LARKI 2K [LARK2K], LARKI 2L [LARK2L] USINI 2K [USIN2K] RWY 32 ARRIVALS KOS VOR Se a, o Ve 20.7 Kos A\ 26 NM From LARKI " NOT TO SCALE Scanned with CamScanner LGKO/KGS V JEPPESEN KOS, GREEC Apt Elev 412" IPPOKRATIS 24 MAR 17 BE Tren By ATC Trans alt: 5000" 1. Meteorological minima for visual climb: Ceiling 3500" Ground visibility 10km GILOS 1A [GILOIA], GILOS 1C [GILO1C] GILOS 1D [GILO1D] DEPARTURES ai KOS VOR MAX 210 KT Bonk 15° Die.0Kos A MAX 210 KT Bank 15° © Rwy 32 visual departur EXPECT obstacles a: KOS R-165/01.6 of 554 KOS R-227/08.0 of 1401 N36 47.4 E27 05.5 KOS R KOS R. © Roy 14 visual departur EXPECT obstacles a KOS R-165/01.6 of 554°, KOS R-167/08.0 of 587" KOS R-227/08.0 of 1401) 142/D8.0 of 420" 160/013.0 of 2290", 12.0 Kos. pi7.oKos ‘At or above. A pi6.0Kos Lidl s000" Wf a a. $000 ‘These SIDs require minimum climb gradients S000 ot EOS 1A, 10; 273 per NM 48%) op to $00" =e GILos GiLOS 1¢: 1340" per NM (5.6%) up to 5000", ee God see RT] 75 [100 [150 [200 [250] 300 2 per hah [sa we [ae far [sof 807 40" | a5 se7 [ast [riz iaah 701 oT TOOTS GiLOs | 32 | Climb erraight ahead to 1000", turn UEFT, 154° tr k, Intercept KOS R202 fo 1A GILOS, join airways B-S4/M-601. time only): ure, Turn LEFT as soon as practicable, maintain \VMC and ewn terrain separation until intercepting KOS R-202 or passing 3500", whichever is later, intercept KOS R-202 and join SID. GILOS | 14 | Climb on KOS R-143 10 D12.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, along D140 KOS are, when 1¢ passing KOS R-194 turn LEFT, intercept KOS R:202 10 GILOS, join airways B-34/M-601 Visual Aime only): When accepting a visual departure, turn RIGHT as soon at practicable, maintain YMC and own terrain separation until intercepting KOS R-202 or passing 3500", whichaver is later, intercept KOS R-202 to GILOS, jain airways B-34/M-601 GiLOS | $2 | Climb on KOS R-323 10 D10.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, Intercept KOS R-355 inbound to KOS, turn RIGHT, KOS R-202 to GILOS, join airways 8-54/M-601 Scanned with CamScanner LGKO/KGS FV JEPPESEN KOS, GREECE kO/kGs 24 MAR 17 Bo elev | Wass level by ATC Trans alt: 5000" ABLES |. Meteorological minima for visual climb: 412 Caing 3500" Ground vistoity TOkm KOPAR 3A [KOPA3A], KOPAR 3B [KOPA3B] KOPAR 3C [KOPA3C] DEPARTURES aiemee MAX 210 KT j KOPAR “op A. ST KOS 109.0 KOS nse 7.4 toa 05.5 012.0 Kos © Rwy 14 visual departure: EXPECT obstacles at KOS R-142/08.0 of 420 KOS R-160/013.0 of 2290", KOS R-165/01.6 of 554", KOS R-167/08.0 of 587", KOS R-227/08.0 of 1401". These S1Ds require minimum climb gradients of KOPAR 3A: 298! per NM (4.9%) up to 6000" KOPAR 3B: 273' per NM (4.5%) up to 6000" KOPAR 3C:_340' per NM (5.6%) up to 6000" Gnd speed: | 75 ] 100 [150 | 200 [250 | 300 340" per NM | 425] 567 [051 [1134] 1418] 1701] 298" per NM | 372] 496 | 744 | 992 [1241] 1489] we 273 per NM | 342 | 456 | 604 | 911 [1139] 1367] NOT TO SCALE SID [RW] ROUTING. KOPAR] 32 | Climb straight ahead to 1000", turn LEFT, 227° track, Intercept KOS R-272 to 3A KOPAR, join airway H-59 or R-19. jure (By ATC, daytime only): When accepting a visual departure, turn LEFT as soon as practicable, maintain \VMC and own terrain separation until intercepting KOS R:272 or passing 3500 whichever is ater, intercept KOS R:272 and join SID. KOPAR | 14 | Climb on KOS R-143 10 07.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, 384° track, intercept RDS R-769 3B to KOPAR, join airway H-59 or R-19. Visual Departure (By ATC, daytime only): When accepting a visual departure, turn RIGHT as soon as practicable, maint MC and own terrain separation until intercepting RDS R-289 or passing 3500) whichever is later, intercept RDS R-289, join SID, KOPAR limb on KOS R-145 to D12.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, along D14.0 KOS are, when 3c passing KOS R-257 turn LEFT, intercept RDS R-289 10 KOPAR, join airway Scanned with CamScanner LOKU/ KOS re wes; ence IPPOKRATIS 24 MAR I7 oD Bu Trans level By ATC Trans alt= 5000" 1; Meteorological minima for visual climb: Ceiling 3500" Ground visibility 10km LARKI 3A [LARK3A], LARKI 3B [LARK3B] DEPARTURES SA. KOS VOR ALARKI ber NOT TO SCALE 21.5 KOS. LARKI na BinnKeE 020.7 Kos Taniiaal At or above 4000" “00, mM pis.oKos a ‘At 1000" © Fwy 14 visual departure: EXPECT obstacles at KOS R-142/08.0 of 420°, KOS R-160/013.0 of 229 KOS R-165/01.6 of 55: KOS R-167/08.0 of 56: KOS R-227/08.0 of 1401", These SIDs require minimum climb gradient e LARKI 3B 31D [RWY] ROUTING TARKI3A | 32 | Climb straight ahead to 1000", turn LEFT, 252° track, Intercept KOS R-297 10.D19.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, join airway H:59 to LARK TARKIS8 | 14 | Climb on KOS R-143 10 D7.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, intercept KOS R-185 Inbound te KOS, turn LEFT, KOS R-297 10 D18.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, join airway H-59 to LARKL Visual Departure (By ATC, daytime only) flute, turn RIGHT as soon as practicable, main: aration until intercepting KOS R-297 or passing intercept KOS R-297, join SID. CHANGES) WEA revive. ‘© EFPESEN, 2007, 2017, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Scanned with CamScanner Sy ROT IPPOKRATIS 24 MAR 17 Elev | Tans levels By ATC Trans alt: 5000" Ae Be 1. Meteorological minima for visual climb: 412 Coiling 3500" Ground visibility 10km RDS 3B [RDS3B] USINI 2A [USIN2A], USINI 2D [USIN2D] DEPARTURES EEO pio.oKos A USIN 2A, NOT TO SCALE 10> USINI _* ree Raat Bo Ye, 24.0 kos 4 094% © Rwy 32 visual departure: b25.3Kos 935.0 R274> EXPECT obstacles at: S000 5 caieeat [spo eo] ar arta seston ROUTING 14 [Climb on KOS R-143 fo D24.0 KOS, turn LEFT, join airways B-S4/M-GDI to RDS, '32 | Climb straight aheod to 1000", rurn LEFT, 154° track, intercept RDS R-289 inbound t in airway R19, laytime only): ‘When accepting a visual departure, turn LEFT as soon as practicable, main tain VMC and own terrain separation until intercepting RDS R-289 or passing 3500", whichever is later, intercept RDS R-269 to USINI. USINE 2D ‘Climb on KOS R-523 10 D10.0 KOS, turn RIGHT, intercept KOS R355 inbound 10 KOS, turn LEFT, KOS R-159 0 USINI, join airway R-19. (CHANGES: Nove ‘© HPPESEN, 2007, 2017” ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, RDS 58 USINE 2 Scanned with CamScanner > —"" JEPPESEN KOS, GREECE AE Alfoss slam IPPOKRATIS TaTS TIFPORRATIS Ground (APRON Tower 126.950 121.775 121.050__122.1 296 ‘CAUTION: Birds in vicinity of airport Landing aircraft with high ACN should back-track at the end of runways SaaS POSTE: Pilots are requested to use minimum Stan, Commmauaes ower faxing in and out of stands 1 N36 48.2 £077 05.3 pe 9 2, 3. N36 48.1 £027 05.3 Terminal | Rwy 14 right-hand circuit N36 48.1 £027 05.8 N36 48.0 £027 05.4 N36 48.0 £027 05.6 ‘AIS- MET tt OH Pete pos Meters sto 9,000 100 "ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION. USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND: Tiveshold | Glide Slope |_ TAKE-OFF TIRL_HIALSPAPI-L (angle 5.057) 32] HIRU REIL _PAPICL [angle 3.0" ETITTr) TAKE-OFF ED LP must be in F CUM [DAY only CLM (DAY only na ore ork (DAY only I 8 im fe si 400m 500m | Soom 1B Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Cl required below 300m, Scanned with CamScanner LGKO/KGS 37 JEPPESEN KOS, GREECE IPPOKRATIS enue 7 @-) VOR Rwy 14 SAE TO Aapreath TROT Tower scram : 126.950 119.950 122.1 | 121.050 122.1 121.775 tes ee a ee ce 109.0 146° | 3300720007} 920798) | wy aizt ‘isso ApcH: Climb on R-180 to 2400’, then turn RIGHT (MAX 200 KT) to VOR climbing to 4000’ and hold. Alt Set: Ra Rwy Elev: 15 hPa DME required Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000" bs “Noun o> WJ cL (IAF) 7 BATRI a @ max res Kt ea MHA 4000 ae isthe gf | a ’ Fw gs Fe 24,50 200 on: KOS One 0. 7.0 6.0 40 3.0 ACTHTUDE 2960 2610 270 170 1230" 2400/} KOS 7, 107.9 at | R-180 RET TOAAND Descent Angle TAA at VOR ‘STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 14 OFA, pak) 920" (508") Not authorized East of rwy won us. A im bs 920° 508") 1500m me 920" (508") 1600 ¢ 1020" (608") sve 1900m ve 2400m 1120° (708°) 3600m WNS OPS Scanned with CamScanner VW JEPPESEN KOS, GREECE ieko/Kes mamari7 3-2 VOR DME Rwy 32 TAT TOE Raper TORTS Tovar Taraad 126.950 119.950 122.1 121,050_122.1 121.775, Final Apeh Crs. 317° ‘Mandatory Alt 07.0 2500 2127") DA/MDA(H) 880/507") 200 KT) to VOR climbing to 4000’ and hold. Rwy Elev: 14 hPa ‘Trans level: By ATC ) 4 KOS OnE ‘issép ApcH: Climb on R-297 to 2400’, then turn LEFT (MAX Apt Elev 412° Ry 373° avo’ ¥ 5000" Trans alt: 5000" ALTITUDE oH 50" | Rwy 373° 1 peed KT 7] [TOOT TAO] Tad Tay 7 ot Angle 2.99") 370 | 476 | 529 Tat 84 ret 2400 a 1 R-297 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 32 CIRCLETO-TAND ora Not authorized East of rwy exwonn) 880" (507') ; as a 508") 1500m LS fm 1500m = 920" (5087) 160m sf 1020 (608") g ve 2400m 3? 11.20! 708") 3600m z Scanned with CamScanner ee —F JEPPESEN KOS, GREECE eeORKSS 2eMAK 17 aa NDB TATE aT Raa FRENTE Tar ead 126.950 119.950 122.1 121.050 122.1 121.775, | betr Final Minimum Alt MDA(H) ar) S20". NoFar | 1200/:785") | AP! Elev 412 3400" J 5000" | MISSED APCH: Turn LEFT onto 005° climbing to 2500’, then turn LEFT (MAX 200 KT) to Letr ng to 4000". Api Elev: 15 hPa. Trans alt: 5000 | _ MSAKOS Lctr caTCaD—= 178 MAX 105 KT 90 + ators | 2500" | ‘Airport » onto 005° [I chert ul Oro ‘STRAIGHT-IN LANDING ‘CIRCLE-TO-LAND- Not authorized East of rwy roy vis, 12007 (788°) 150m 12007 (7887) 1600m 1200’ (788) NOT AUTHORIZED Ns ops 1200° (788") Scanned with CamScanner

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