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PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 1. They are hard. 2. They are shiny when polished. 3, They are malleable i.e they can be beaten into different shapes. : 4, They are duetile i.e can be drawn into wires. 5. They are good conductors of heat hd eletr 6. They are sonorous. 7, They have high melting end boiling points. CONDUCTIVITY OF ELECTRICITY Metals conducts electricity because they are solids et room temperature therefore their “particles are closely packed which results in atoms losing their outershell electrons to~"- - their surrounding forming a ‘sea’ of electrons around positively charged ions. The electrons are said to be delocalized and they conduct electricity. e MALLEABILITY OF METALS Metals can be beaten into different shapes because their particles are closely packed and held by strong forces therefore when force is applied to them they just shift positions without breaking loose. REACTIVITY SERIES OF METALS Reactivity series is the arrangement of metals in order of deereasing reactivity. Most reactive metals easly form postive ions than less reactive ones. ’ K ‘most reactive Na : . Ca Ns Mg - 5 Al Carbon Za Fe Hydrogen cu Ag Au least reactive Scanned with CamScanner EXPERIMENTS TO SHOW ORDER OF REACTIVITY: 1. Displacement reactions fage B22 Reactive metals displace less reactive ones from their solutions. Metals which fall below a metal in the reactivity series are less reactive than the metal. e.g Reacting magnesium metal with copper (I1) sulphate solution. CuSO, (aq) + Mg) ——+ MgSO.(aq) + Cals) Joe asy During the reaction, magnesium metal dissolves, a brown substance is deposited in the 7 solution ‘and colour of the solution fades away until it be¢ome colourless. This is betause ~~ the magnesium metal diplaces the copper ions from the solution forming magnesium sulphate (colourless solution) and copper metal (brown substance). 2. Reactivity of metals water or steam. Most metals in the reactivity series react with either water or steam. .The vigor of the reaction decreases down the series. - METAL REACTIVITY. WATER/STEAM. PRODUCTS Potassium “| very reactive metal hydroxide 7 Sodium quite reactive | react with cold water | and hydrogen Calcium fairly reactive gas Magnesiun | slightly reactive Aluminium Zine only heated | react with steam ‘| metal oxide and Iron metals react hydrogen gas Copper z 5 z Silver No reaction Ree: ‘Ree % Gold = aaa Scanned with CamScanner '3. Reactivity of mictals with dilute HvdFochlorie acid.” ao Most of the metals in the reactivity series react with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a metal chloride (salt) and hydrogen gas. The vigor of the reaction’ decreases down the series. ~ Metal + dilute hydrochloric acid ———> Metal chloride + hydrogen gas j as ‘ dg Calcium + dilute hydrochloric acid ——> Calojum Chloride + hydrogen gas Ca(s) + 2HCl(eq) ——> (CaCh(eq) + MQ ~ POSITION OF CARBON IN THE REACTIVITY.SERIES~ = Carbon is more reactive than metals below it in the reactivity series therefore itreduces those metals from their compounds. _ eg Zincoxide + Carbon ——+ Zinc metal: + Carbon dioxide gas 2Zn0 (8s) + C(s) ——> 2Zn(s) + C03 (g) z POSITION OF HYDROGEN IN THE REACTIVITY SERIES Hydrogen is more reactive than metals below it in the reactivity series therefore it reduces the metals ion of those metals from their compounds. e.g Copper (II) oxide + Hydrogen gas ———» Copper metal + Water CuO). + Hh@) -——+ MM + HO® APPARENT UNREACTIVITY OF ALUMINIUM In the reactivity series aluminium is between magnésium and zine. It is a reactive metal but behaves like an unreactive metal,as aluminium sauce pans do not react with steam or acids in the food during cooking. This is because aluminium reacts with oxygen in air forming a layer of aluminium oxide which protects and prevent further reaction of the pa z : Soe Scanned with CamScanner ACTION OF HEAT ON. METAL COMPOUNDS 1. METAL HYDROXIDES / OXIDES Metal hydroxides of less reactive metals are decomposed by heat to a metal oxide and water (steam). Iron (I) hydroxide = ——> Iron (I) oxide + Water 2Fe (OH) 2(8) | ar nn 2FeO(S) +, 2H0(—) ss ea Metal oxides are decomposed by heat to metal and oxygen gas. e.g Copper (1) oxide ———» Coppermetal + Oxygen gas 2Cu(s) —— —- 2a® + 2) Hydroxides of more reactive metals like Potassium and Sodium are not decomposed by heat because they are strongly bonded to the other ion and their compounds are very stable. A lot of energy is required to break them. Test for Oxygen gas ‘Test: Use a glowing Splint. Result: Glowing Splint relights. 2. METAL CARBONATES ‘Metal carbonates are decomposed by heat to a metal oxide and carbon dioxide gas. e.g Calcium carbonate ee Calcium oxide + Carbon dioxide gas CaCO3 (s) pantie? CaO (s) + COz (g) Test for Carbon dioxide gas ‘Test: Bubble the gas in lime water. Result: Lime water turns milky. Carbonates of potassium and sodium metals are not decomposed by heat because they are strongly bonded to the carbonate ion.. 3 RCTLON: OF KEAT oN MeTAL NiTRATES : tyr K ond Na -ngccobe decomeose cm wities. t Os CaCN0g. ~ Cul), decompose to neko oxide es Loyy Pal IAN San FENN 4A ' Scanned with CamScanner piite ~~~“ EXTRAC CTION OF METALS ~ Saag oh Metals are extracted from their ores. The metic of extraction are related to the teactivity of the metals. Methods of extraction Electrolysis | Reduction of heated metal oxide by coke (carbon). [Fe eg Zn0(s) ——+ Zn(s) + O2(2) Cu : Thermal decomposition of the metal sulphide A ie CuS(s)_ ——+ Cu(s) + SO2(g) Au Physical means because it is found free on earth. ORES OF SOME METALS Metal Ore Chemical name of : the ore F Fomulze of compound Aluminium Bauxite ~ Aluminium oxide AbO3. 3H20 Copper Copper pyrites Copper iron sulphide | Cu Fe Sz Iron Haematite Iron (MI) oxide —| Fez O3 Zine Zinc Blende Zine Sulphide __.| ZnS. oo Pode Scanned with CamScanner E [ON OF IRON Iron is the second most abundant metal in the earth’s crust after aluminium. It isa fairly reactive metal therefore itis extracted from its ore by reducing its metal oxide with carbon monoxide. Iron ores are Haematite (Fe2Os) and Magnitite (Fe30,). ‘The main iron ore is Haematite, it is the one from which iron is extracted. The reduction of the iron ore is done in a steel tower lined with a heat resistant bricks. The tower is called the blast furnace because it is keep at very, temperatures. ‘The raw materials for extraction of iron are:- _ 1. Iron ore = Haematite (which is mainly iron (IM) oxide mixed with an impurity) 2. Limestone- Calcium carbonate. 3, Coke — Carbon ‘The raw material are mixed together to give a mixture called Charge. The charge is heated in the blast furnace and several reactions take place that lead to the production of —— eee caletune otide formed from “Hie dace limestone react pith maican dioxtde formine, slag © Carbon S © y (0s + GO +-CO, eat H! toa ahe lta Peni since wcfton slag ic los fence is oe fee eit ‘ row ratsrats Charge tian molten vei a text wrth 0: seis coke enc Separeted fo urther steel meh eel HPN, : ie hod o. Which kachon takes place tn the blast fionace" fe exobliormee tat 2 aE — Hot ok ESE: =: less deuser thar st ondltnici Oa Ee cai kon * Gplar why limefe ne i added * fF Doowe toe mejor opti fund in the +%plaw bow the Impurey e vernon ste Scanned with CamScanner iron ore? —Sincen dloxide- , S02 ‘The reactions are: 1. The coke reacts with oxygen in air giving carbon dioxide gas. C@ + O() —— + CO2(g) 2. The carbon dioxide reacts with more coke giving carbon monoxide gas. CO2(g) + Cis) ——— 2C0(g) 3, The carbon monoxide is the reducing agent and reduces the iron (IIT) oxide to iron _ metal and carbon dioxide gas. Fess) + 3CO (®) — > ~—s Fe) + 302) ‘The liquid or molten iron tickles to the bottom of the furnace because it hes ahigh density. 4, The limestone (Calcium carbonate) is decomposed by heat to Calcium Oxide and carbon dioxide gas. CaCO (s) SH, C20) + CH@ The Calcium oxide is used to remove impurities as it reacts with sand (Silicon dioxide) giving Slag (Calcium silicate). Ca (s) + Si02(s) ——+ — CaSi0;@) ‘The slag also tickles to the bottom of the furnace and float on top of the molten iron because it is less dense than iron. ‘The slag is used in apy road and buildings for foundations. The ion obtained is called “pig®or cast iron. It is hard and brittle therefore it has limited uses. It is used to make gas cylinders. To improve its quality and increase its uses it is converted to steel. 7 PRODUTION OF STEEL # Giplain haw steel 1 qprmed « The pig iron produced from the blast furnace contains 5% - 10% carbon and other impurities like sulphur, silicon and phosphorus, These impurities make the Iron hard and brittle. To improve the quality of the iron, the impurities are removed hence steel is produced. Steel is an alloy. The impurities are removed in’the basic oxygen furnace. DRAW THE DIAGRAM OF THE BASIC OXYGEN FURNACE on page 92 chemistry foryou. es SKIP g LE page ; MT pr Fem fr rope Scanned with CamScanner “Molten iron from the blast furnace i is polned| into the basic oxygen Shaanes -A water cooled pipe is introduced into the furnace and oxygen at'5-15 atmospheric pressure is blown onto the surface of the molten iron. The impurities are oxidized to their oxides. i.e - Carbon to carbon dioxide gas Sulphur to sulphur dioxide gas Silicon to solid silicon dioxide Phosphorus to sold phosphorus (V) oxide. The gaseous oxide escape into the atmosphere while the solid ones are reacted with calcium oxide to form slag which is then poured off the furnace. Samples of the molten iron are then checked for carbon content. When the required amount of carbon is reached, the blast is oxygen is stopped. If other types of steel.are required then up t0 30% scrap DIFFERENT TYPES OF STEEL iron is added along with other metals and all the carbon is burped off. Steel type __| Typical composition Properties Uses 1. Mild steel | 99.5% Iron, 0.5% Ithas lost most of _ | In making car Carbon its brittleness and it | bodies, building iseasily worked. _| bridges and ships. 2. Hard steel | 99% Iron, 1% Carbon _| Itis tough and For cutting tools, brittle. chisels and razor blades. 3. Manganese | 87% iron, Itis tough and In making drill bits steel 13% Manganese springy. and springs. 4.Stainless | 75% Iron, Itis tough and does _| In making cutlery, steel 18% chromium, not corrode. kitchen sinks, 7% nickel surgical instruments and chemical plants. 5.Tungsten | 95% Iron, 5% tungsten | It is tough andhard | In making edges of steel even at high high speed cutting temperatures. tools. ALLOYS i An alloy is a mixtire of metals or metals and non-metals.’ Alloys are metallic substances ‘hat have more useful properties than the original pure metals they are made from. Alloying metals improve their quality e.g. steel. Scanned with CamScanner Imag nahum taurcraft. conctruchron llamas =lees-Menee—-——- ~ Other common alloys ~ Copee>- Alloy Composition Use 1, Brass 65% Copper, 35% Zine - | In making jewelry, door handles, machine bearings and in electrical connections because it does | a not corrode easily and is =~ decorative. 2 3 90% Copper, 10% Tin In making medals, statues, o == ¢ machine castings and Sr machine parts because it is hard and decorative. 3. Duralumin 95% aluminium, In aircraft construction and 4% Copper, -| making bicycle parts 1% magnesium, manganese. | because it has a low density and iron and does not corrode. 4, Solder 70% Lead, 30% Tin In connecting electric wires because it has a low melting point and set easily. 5. Alnico Aluminium, Nickel, Cobalt | In making pérmanent magnets. USES OF SOME METALS ta neo at , 1eSist _ malleable , geod conductor of feat , F 1. Aluminium < Kien, fi! . corrosio ~ It is used in the manufacture of aircraft bodies because of its high strength and low density. : - It is also used for food containers because of its resistance corrosion. 2. Zine is used for galvanizing iron because it does not corrode easily. - In making outer casing of dry cells because it does not corrode easily. - In making brass because it is decorative. 3. Copper a ~ In making electrical wires, edakisgutensils, car radiators and ornaments. —peycellen| to electrical (conductivity f on- vlkought— iron gater Scanned with CamScanner

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