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XI Psychology: Case Based Questions

Ch- 1What is Psychology?

1.) Ramesh lives in city and belongs to a poor family He is not happy with the
policies of government and inclined towards some anti-social activities.
He needs counselling from _______________ psychologist to live a
positive life.

Ans: Social

2.) Pooja is a manager in a reputed Multinational company in a Chennai. She

is facing a lot of mental issues in an office. She should visit social
psychology. (True/ False)

3.) Praveen is a student of class XI and he thinks that he is weak in

studies as compared to others. He cannot perform well in any
field. How psychologist can help Praveen in solving this

Ans: In order to help Praveen, psychologist may use different method and
tactics. First of all psychologist must analyse the problem of Praveen.

4.) Varisha studies in senior secondary and wants to be a journalist. How the
knowledge of psychology would help her to become a professional
Ans: To become professional journalist, Varisha must have knowledge of
psychology. It is because with the help of psychological knowledge she
would capture the events in which people are more interested. In mass
communication industry, a journalist in reporting news must know the
reader's interests in the story.
Every person has a different taste and interest thus, being a journalist it is
needed that he/she must be acquainted about peoples' interests and demands.
As psychology studies behaviour, experience and mental processes of people
thus, its knowledge helps people and organisations to grow and become
5.) Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Jina is a counselling psychologist who deals with different kinds of patients who
suffer from different psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, eating
disorders and chronic substance abuse and so on. In counselling she deals with
causes, treatment and prevention of different these types of disorders. She works
hard to improve everyday functioning of such type of people and help them to
solve problems in daily living and cope more effectively with challenging
situations. In the same way Arina, one of her friends works as a clinical
psychologist. Arina's task does not differ much from Jina's, who is a counselling
psychologist. Although we can see that a counselling psychologist sometimes
deals with people who have less serious problems. In many cases, Jina works
with school and university students, advising them about personal problems and
career planning, like clinical psychologists, psychiatrists also study the causes,
treatment and prevention of psychological disorders. The difference between the
two is that a clinical psychologist has a degree in psychology, which includes
intensive training in treating people with psychological disorders. In contrast, a
psychiatrist has a medical degree with years of specialised training in the
treatment of psychological disorders.
One important distinction is that psychiatrists can prescribe medications and
give electroshock treatments whereas clinical psychological cannot.
(i) In the given case Jina deals with which type of patients?
(a) People suffer from anxiety
(b) People who are unemployed
(c) Heart patients
(d) All of the above
Ans (a) People suffer from anxiety

(ii) Which of the following defines the work of Jina?

(a) She deals with people who have less serious problems.
(b) She works with school and university students.
(c) She advises to students about their personal problems and career
(d) All of the above
Ans (d) All of the above

(iii) Which of the following is true about the given passage?

(a) The task of Jina is similar with Arina.
(b) Both Arina and Jina are clinical psychologists.
(c) The task of Jina is difficult than Arina.
(d) The task of Arina is much difficult than Jina.
Ans (a) The task of Jina is similar with Arina.

Ch-2 Methods of Enquiry in Psychology

1.) Rajan has been appointed as a new Hindi teacher in a school. In order to
develop rapport with a student’s he has understood behaviour of the
students. He will utilise __________ method for understanding their

(a) Correlational (b) Experimental

(c) Observational (d) Survey

2.) Anuj has conducted a research for knowing whether "the amount of study
time" is related to the "student's academic achievement". This is example
of which of the following research method?

(a) Correlational (b) Experimental

(c) Observational (d) Survey

3.) Ram is scientist in a renowned institute. In a An scientific research

enquiry, he first of all identifies a problem then proceeds by developing a
tentative answer of the problem, which is called hypothesis. (True/ False)

4.) Anand is a psychologist. He is primarily interested in knowing the factors

that are responsible for a particular behaviour. Thus, his goal is concerned
with identifying the determinants or antecedent conditions of the
behaviour. So that cause-effect relationship between two variables
(objects) or goal events of could be established. This is the ____________
psychological enquiry. (Ans: Explanation)

5.) Read the case and answer the questions the follow.
Mr. Dewey is n scholar of the discipline of psychology who mostly trust,
case doing his research work. With the help of studies, Mr. Dewey has
done many research papers to understand feelings, fantasies, hopes, fears,
traumatic experiences, parental upbringing of individuals that help to
understand a person's mind and behaviour. Generally, researchers focus on
cases which can provide critical information or new learning on less
understood phenomena. Case studies provide a narrative or detailed
descriptions of the events that take place in a person's life. A case study is
a valuable research tool in the field of clinical psychology and human
development. Mr. Dewey studied in psychology that Freud's insights that
led to the development of psycho-analytic theory emerged from his
observations and showed that meticulous records must be maintained on
individual cases. It has also seen that case studies have been conducted to
understand the pattern of socialisation of children. Case studies provide
detailed in-depth depictions of people's lives.

(i) According to Mr. Dewey which is the best method to conduct a research
works in psychology?
(a) Interview
(b) Observation
(c) Case study
(d) Survey

Ans (c) Case study

(ii) With the help of case studies what psychologists can understand about
(a) Their feelings
(b) Their parental upbringing
(c) Their traumatic experiences
(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above

(iii) Which of the following is true about case studies?

(a) It provides a narrative or detailed descriptions of the events
that take place in a person's life.

(b) It is a valuable research tool in the field of clinical

psychology and human development.
(c) It provides detailed in-depth depictions of people's lives.
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d) All of the above

6.) Arun wants to conduct a survey research and he opted interview technique
to complete his task. Why Arun has chosen interview technique? State its
Ans. The interview technique is best suited while conducting a survey research.
Arun has chosen this technique due to following significance.
 The interview method helps in obtaining in-depth
 It is flexible and adaptable to individual
situations and can often be used when no other
method is possible or adequate.
 It can be used even with children and non-literate
 However, interviews require time. Often getting
information from one person may take an hour or
more which may not be cost-effective.
7.) If Shyam want to know how a mother feels about the loss of her child
then he will utilise which method? Write the salient features of this

Ans: In order to know about the feeling of about the loss of her child then he
will utilise qualitative method. The salient features of this method are as
(i) Through this method one can understand the complex feeling and
behaviour of a person.
(ii) It is complementary to quantitative method.
(iii) Data obtained from this type of method cannot be converted into
scores or subjected to statistical analysis.

(iv) It can be applied to multiple situations.

(v) It is multidimensional in nature.
8.) Ramesh wants to construct a Questionnaire. Which types of
questions he has to frame to construct this activity? Explain in
Ramesh has to frame two types of questions to construct a
questionnaire. These are as follows:
 Open-ended Questions With open-ended questions, the
respondent is free to write whatever answer she/he considers
 Close-ended Questions In the closed ended type, the questions
and their probable answers are given and the respondent is
required to select the correct answer. Examples of closed-
ended questions require responses like Yes/No, True/False,
Multiple choice or using a rating scale. In case of rating scale, a
statement is given and the respondent is asked to give her/his
views on a 3-point (Agree, Undecided, Disagree), or 5-point
(Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly
Disagree) or 7-point, 9-point, 1l-point or 13-point scale.
In some cases, the participants are asked to rank a number of things in
a preferential order. The questionnaire is used for collecting
background and demographic information, information about past
behaviour, attitudes and opinions, knowledge about a particular topic
and expectations and aspirations of the persons.
9.) Mr. Ajay Shukla has conducted many psychological enquiries in context
with diverse subject. Identify some of the common limitation of the
psychological enquiries.

10.) Rajpriya is going to study relationship between poverty and

unemployment in her locality after the pandemic. She decided to use
experiment method for it. Define experiment method and explain
different type of variables.
Ans: Rajpriya is going to study relationship between poverty and unemployment
in her locality after the pandemic and she has decided to use experiment
method for it.
Experiments methods are generally conducted to establish cause-effect
relationship between two sets of events or variables in controlled settings.
It is a carefully regulated procedure in which changes are made in one
factor and its effect is studied on another factor, while keeping other
related factors constant.
Variable Any stimulus or event which varies, that is, it takes on
different values (or changes) and can be measured is a variable.
Independent Variable Independent variable is that variable which is
manipulated or altered or its strength varied by the researcher in the
experiment. It is the effect of this change in the variable which the
researcher wants to observe or note in the study.
Dependent Variable The variables on which the effect of independent
variable is observed is called dependent variable. Dependent variable
represents the phenomenon the researcher desires to explain.
Ch-4 Human Development

1.) Rituraj is hopping, running and jumping in lobby of his house. These skills
are included under
(a) Fine motor skills
(b) Gross motor skills
(c) Major motor skills
(d) Development motor skills
2.) Seema's parents give freedom to her and opportunities to do sports
activities like cycling, running etc and answer her questions in positive
way. By doing so they are creating a ____________ for the initiative taken
by her. (sense of support)
3.) Sonu develops hypothetical thinking in the age group of 11-15. It is
referred as Formal operational In the Piaget's Stages of Development.

4.) Jenna saw a newborn baby in a hospital who was doing some actions.
What are called these actions? Give some example of it.
Ans: The actions which newborn babies do are called as reflexes. These govern
the movement of newborns.
These are automatic, built-in responses to stimuli. They are
genetically-carried, survival mechanisms and are the building
blocks for subsequent motor development.
Some examples of reflexes are like coughing, blinking, and yawning.
These are present in the newborns and continue throughout their lives.

5.) Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Charles is a younger brother of Maria who ig an adolescent. He is in a bad

company of some delinquents and Maria wants to save him from them. To
make him realize his situation Maria told him about Delinquency and its
bad effects. She explains that delinquency is a socially unacceptable
behaviour, legal offences, criminal acts, and so on. Its examples are
truancy, running away from home, stealing or burglary or acts of
vandalism. Adolescents with delinquency and behavioural problems tend to
have a negative self-identity, decreased trust and low level of achievement.
Any young person whose conduct is characterised by antisocial behaviour
that is beyond parental control and subject to legal action is known ag
Juvenile delinquent (below 16 years of age for boys and 18 years for girls).
The juvenile who commits a crime also suffer effects like they may lose
their freedom while being placed on probation. They may Jose ground
academically as well.
Sometimes their repetitive criminal actions lead them into jail like an adult.
The delinquency may even have future consequences on the adolescent's
college and career choices. However, most delinquent children do not
remain delinquent forever. If Charles wants to overcome from this problem
he needs to change his peer group, become more aware of his social
responsibilities and develop feelings of self-worth, imitate positive
behaviour of the role models, break negative attitudes and overcome poor
self-concept. All these may collectively help in reduction of delinquent

(i) Which of the following constitutes a type of juvenile delinquency?

(a) Status offense
(b) Civil offense
(c) Criminal offense
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans (a) Status offense
(ii) Many child development experts, psychologists, sociologists,
and criminologists, agree that the child's __________often
exercises the greatest influence on his/her early life.
(a) friends
(b) family
(c) teachers
(d) religious leaders
Ans (b) family

(iii) Existing studies of juvenile delinquents have shown that

(a) Children who have been abused are more likely to
become involved in delinquent behaviour.

(b) Children who have been abused are equally as likely to

become involved in delinquent behaviour as children that were
not abused.
(c) Children who have been abused are less likely to become
involved in delinquent behaviour.
(d) There is no correlations between juvenile delinquency
and children who have been abused.
Ans (a) Children who have been abused are more likely to become involved in
delinquent behaviour.

6.) Jean has assigned a work to write about the effects of teratogens in
prenatal development. Write about it in brief.

Ans Teratogens are harmful for human body especially for foetus. Common
teratogens include drugs, radiations, and pollution. The effects of these are
as follows:

• Intake of drugs (marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc), alcohol,

tobacco, etc by women during pregnancy may have harmful
effects on the foetus and increase the frequency of congenital

• Radiations (such as X-rays) and certain chemicals near

industrial areas can cause permanent change in the genes.

• Environmental pollutants and toxic wastes like carbon

monoxide, mercury and lead are also sources of danger to the
unborn child.
7.) Mansi is doing a research work on old age people. She finds that there
are many challenges at this stage but the most common is dependency.
Why dependency mostly affects the old age people?
Ans: Dependency is the common issue/challenge found among old age people.
It is because old adults may depend on their children for financial support
and to overcome their loneliness (after children have moved out). This
might trigger-off feelings of hopelessness and depression in some people.
In old age feeling of loss of energy, and dwindling of health and
financial assets, lead to insecurity and dependency. The elderly tend to
look towards others to lean on and to care for them.
Indian culture favours dependency of elderly on their children, for old age
needs caring. In fact, parents in most oriental cultures rear their children
with the fond hope that they will care for them during old age,
It is important to give the elderly sense of security and belonging, a
feeling that people care for them (especially in the time of crisis) and
to remember that we all have to grow old one day.

Ch- 5 Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes.

1.) Read the case and answer the questions that follow.
Hanna is one of your classmates. You have often noticed that in majority
of class she plays Sudoku or doodles instead. However, her performance
is beyond par level. She tops the class. When asked about this, she
answered that it helps her to focus. Although it seems paradoxical, she
tells that doing puzzle or doodle helps her to distract from unnecessary
thing and focus on class work.
(i) Identify the attentional process that Hanna is exhibiting?
(a) Selective attention
(b) Divided attention
(c) Sustained attention
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b) Divided attention
(ii) Divided attention is possible when it is
(a) Taught (b) Automatic
(c) Selective (d) Sustained
Ans: (b) Automatic
(iii) Which of the following is/are a characteristic/s of automatic processing?
(a) It occurs without intention
(b) It takes place unconsciously
(c) It involves very little (or no) thought processes
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d) All of the above

2.) Read the case and answer the questions that follow.
The parents of a 7-year-old boy take him to the family practitioner because
they have become increasingly concerned about his behaviour not only in
school but also a home. In the first grade, he has been bored, disruptive,
fighting with classmates, and rude to his teacher. At home he cannot sit
still and meals have been very unpleasant. The lad himself wonders why
he is there. The parents have 2 older daughters who say their brother is a
"pain" and spoiled. There were no pregnancy or birth problems and the
child is on no medications.
The doctor decides more information is required before any treatment is
indicated. She wants careful observations of the child both at home and in
school, On observing the child for a certain period, she identified that the
child do not follow instructions, have difficulty in getting along with parents,
and is negatively viewed by his peers. He also had difficulties in reading or
learning basic subjects in schools in spite of the fact that there is no deficit in
his intelligence.
(i) Identify the disorder that the child is having.
(a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD)
(b) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(c) Seasonal affective disorder
(d) Dissociative disorder
Ans (a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
(ii) On the basis of observation, which of the following is/are
characteristics of this disorder?
(a) Impulsivity
(b) Excessive motor activity
(c) An inability to attend
(d) All of the above
Ans (d) All of the above

(iii) Identify the incorrect statement with respect to this disorder:

(a) This is a very common behavioural disorder found among
children of the primary school age.
(b) The disorder is more prevalent among girls than among
(c) There is no evidence for a biological basis of the disorder.
(d) Social-psychological factors (e.g., home environment,
family pathology) have been found to account for this
Ans (b) The disorder is more prevalent among girls than among boys.
(iv) Which of the following method/s can be used to treat this disorder?
(a) Use of drug called Ritalin
(b) Behavioural management programs
(c) Cognitive behavioural training
(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above

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