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Chuyên đề : So Sánh

- Tiếng anh có 6 loại so sánh:

+, So sánh bằng
+, So sánh hơm kém
+, So sánh hơn nhất
+, So sánh kép
+, So sánh gấp bội
+, So sánh tịnh tiến
- So sánh áp dụng với từ loại là trạng từ và tính từ
- Phân biệt tính từ ngắn, dài:

+, Tính từ ngắn là tính từ 1 âm tiết

2 âm tiết với endings

+, Tính từ dài là tính từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên

I. So sánh bằng

1. As+ adj/adv + as
Not so/as + adj/adv + as
Ex: This book is as heavy as that one
His car runs as fast as a race car (does)
He runs as quickly as he could
2. Các từ nhấn mạnh
Nearly, almost, just, every bit, exactly, not quite, nowhere near, nothing like
Ex: I’m not quite as tired as I was last week
I’m nowhere near as ambitious as my brother is
This shirt costs nearly as high as that one
The cope is every bit as identical as the origin
3. As + adj/adv + as + adj/adv
Ex: We should arrive as soon as possible
I’ll spend as much as necessary
You are as beautiful as ever

4. As much/many as + a number : khoảng

As little/few as + a number
Ex: There are as many as 40 students in this class
There are as few as 40 students in the school trip
Some of these fishes could weigh as much as 80 kilograms
Our destination can extend as little as 3 hours
5. As much + N( uncountable)
As many + N(countable)
Ex: She hasn’t got as much money as I think
There are as many customers as expected
You can borrow as many books as you want

6. As + adj + (a/an) + N + as
Not + so/as + adj + (a/an) +N + as
Not such +, a(n) + adj + N(countable) + as
+, adj +N(phrase) + as
+, adj + N(uncountable) +as
Ex: Despite her disability, she stills leads as normal a life as anyone
He is not so stupid a student as he used to be
He is not such a stupid student as he used to be
She is not such a beautiful woman as she was three years ago

7. (Almost/ Just) the same + N+ as

Ex: She gets the same salary as me
He is almost the same height as me
They have just the same employees as used to be


I. So… that, Such…that
1. So…that

So + adj/adv + that
So +adj + a(n) +N + that ( Danh từ số ít)
So much/little + Nu+ that
So many/ few + N(s) + that
Ex: She is so beautiful that he falls in love with her at first sight
She is so beautiful a girl that he falls in love with her at first sight
He ate so much food that he felt uncomfortable
He buys so few apples that it isn’t enough for our team
2. Such…that

Such + N phrase that

Such + a(n) + adj +N + that
Such + adj + N(countable) + that
Such + adj + N(uncountable) + that
( With the result that)

Ex: He is such a spoiled student that he was expelled from school

He is such spoiled a student that he was expelled from school
This bottle contains such pure water that many people believe to use
3. Inversion
3.1 So … that
❶ So + adj/adv + inversion that +….
Ex: So exciting was the opera that I can’t take my eyes off
So hard did she try that she could pass the exam
❷ So + much Nu + inversion + that
many Ns
little Nu
few Ns
Ex: So much information did he get that he could tell us anything
So many things do you have to do that you can feel depressed
So little sand does our country have that the …
So few qualifications do you have that you stand slim chance of getting this job
3.2 Such … that
❶ Such + N phrase + inversion + that
Ex: Such a beautiful girl was she that …
❷ Such + to be + S + that ( means: so much, so great)
Ex: Such was the popularity of film that the director was surprised
Such was her beauty that many boys fall in love
NOTE: So + adj/adv ---- Such + N phrase (trog câu ko có that) : Như vậy
I like / flowers such as/ rose, daisy and violet
/ such flowers as/
II. So sánh hơn

1. Short adj + er than

Short adv +er than
More+ long adj/adv + than

2. Từ nhấn mạnh ( đặt trước)

Far, rather
Much, so much, very much
A lot, a little, a bit
Any, no, even
Slightly, considerably
Ex: A water melon is much sweater than a melon
The journey is far longer than expected
I am 5 centermeters taller than she is
She is a lot richer than he is
This story is slightly shorter than the previous one

3. Vị trí tính từ ngắn và tính từ dài

Ex: His watch is nicer and more expensive than mine
→ Ngắn trước dài sau
She is kinder and nicer then her sister
→ Ngắn có thể đổi chỗ
She is more beautiful and intelligent than her sister
→ Dài chung more

4. Sự tương thích trong so sánh

That of ( singular noun)
Those of (plural noun)
Possessive pronoun ( mine, yours, hers)
Possessive case ( John’s, Marry’s,…)
Ex: The water of the Great Salt LAke is salter than that of oceans
Students of this school is more than those of my school
John’s machine works better than mine
His drawings are as perfect as his intructor’s

5. S + V + the comparative + of the two + N

Of the two + N, S + V + the comparative
Ex: Harley is the smarter of the two boys
Of the two boys, Harley is the smarter

6. Hidden comparative
Ex: It’s too noisy to work here, I’m going somewhere quiter ( than here)

7. Describe sth is more suitable or accurate than the other

Ex: He failed the exam. He was more lazy than stupid
It looks more like a hut than a hourse
She is more like a teacher than a student

8. Dùng ‘‘more/ the most’’ với ‘‘real/right/wrong/like’’

Ex: She is more like her mother than her father
The dress is more right than that in such a party
It’s more wrong to cheat than to lose
The painting shows more real representation than the photograph

9. (no) less than / (no) more than + Số lượng

Ex: On the first try, I only stayed for less than 3 minutes: chưa được 3 phút
no more than 3 minutes: max là ba phút
Here you are, I’ve been waiting for you for no less than 30 minutes

10. Less … than

Ex: I earn less money than she does
The injury turned out to be less serious than expected
III. So sánh hơn nhất

1. Short adj/adv +est

The most Long adj/adv

2. Từ nhấn mạnh:
Almost, by far
Much, quite
Nearly, easily, practically
Certainly, definitely, undoubtedly
Ex: She is by far the most beautiful girl in our school
He is nearly the most happiest man on earth
The dress is definitely the most expensive one I’ve ever seen

3. The prossessive
Phải đi với xác định
Ex: It’s the nicest dress in the shop
This is my nicest dress
This is Marry’s nicest dress
Everest is the world’s highest mount

4. Số thứ tự
This is the second tricked question for me
She’s the third tallest girl in my class

5. Dùng ‘‘to V’’ sau so sánh

Ex: She is the youngest ever to swim
She is the youngest to earn 3 medals

6. The least >< the most

Ex: That film is the least interesting of all
It’s the least difficult exercise my teacher has assigned
The least ( irregular adj--- little -> least)
Ex: I earn the least in my family

IV. So sánh gấp bội

1. Half/twice/three times/four times

Ex: This dress costs three times as expensive as yours
Petrol is twice as expensive as it was
Their house is four times as big as ours.
It was ten times more dificult than I expected.
2. Two times/ three times/ …/ eleven times + N
Ex: Jupiter is eleven times the size of the earth
His house is three times the age of my house

V. So sánh kép
The more + adj + S +V, the more + adj + S +V
The + adj + er + S +V, the adj + er+ S +V
Ex: The sooner you are, the better you’ll be
The harder you try, the more successful you’re
The less you study, the more ignorant you are

VI. So sánh tịnh tiến

Get + adj er and adj er
Get + more and more adj
Get + less and less adj
Ex: The earth is getting hotter and hotter

Câu bị động

I. Kiến thức chung

- Câu muốn chuyển được từ chủ động sang bị động thì động từ chính trong câu phải là ngoại động từ (+O),
nội động từ
=> Nội động từ ko thể chuyển thành bị động
=> Ngoại động từ được sử dụng
Ex: Nobody inhabits the island
<=> The island is not inhabited
Nobody lives on the island

- Có một số ngoại động từ không dùng trong thể bị động : become, fit, get=have, lack, resemble, suit

- by + agent/ doer ( tác nhân gây ra hành động)


with + sth

- Động từ trong câu bị động có dạng be + PII ( to be chia theo thì động từ của câu chủ động)

- Có 3 thì ko chia thể bị động:

+, Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
+, Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
+, Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn

- Có 1 số các động từ khi chuyển sang thể bị động sẽ dùng các giới từ (in,about,at,…)
Ex: The furniture was covered in dust
I was surprised at how he had done it

II. Các trường hợp đặc biệt

1. Model verb
• Model verbs: can/coul/may/might/must/used to + be PII
Ex: He must do it right now => It must be done right now

• Can/could/may/might/should/must + have been PII

Ex: They should have sent the letter
=> The letter should have been sent
NOTE: have to/ has to/ had to/ had better/ be likely to + be PII

2. With reporting verbs

Believe, claim, consider,estimate, find, know, predict, report, rumour, say, suppose, think, understand
 Present reference, the passive is followed by the present infinitive
Ex: People say that the prevention is better than cure
=> It is said that the prevention is better than cure
=> The prevention is said to be better than cure
 Past reference, the passive is followed by the past infinitive ( to have PII)
=> Nhấn mạnh Mđ sau xảy ra trước
Ex: People believe that she died of AIDS
=> It is believed that she died of AIDS
=> She is believed to have died of AIDS
 Nhấn mạnh đang xảy ra
Ex: People believe that she is living in London
=> She is believed to be living in London

3. Bị động của câu có 2 tân ngữ

- Tân ngữ trực tiếp chịu tác động trực tiếp của động từ ( thường là vật)
- Tân ngữ gián tiếp thường là người
Ex: They gave me a present
=> I was given a present
=> A present was given to me
We bought him a book
=> He was bought a book
=> A book was bought for him
Các động từ:
• bring, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, pay, promise, refuse, sell, send, show, tell + sb sth
Sth to sb
Ex: She offer me a plan => I was offered a plan by her
They bring some apples to me => Some apples are brought to me
• buy, get, make + sb sth / sth for sb
Ex: You should buy her some flowers => Some flowers should be bought for her
I can make a cake for them => A cake can be made for them
• explain st to sb / sb sth

4. Dùng tân ngữ + bổ ngữ

Verb: call, consider, choose, elect, keep, make, name, regard, see, select
Ex: The other students call her stupid
=> She is called stupid
They consider him as the smartest in the world
=> He is considered the smartest in the world
We elected Jim our class presentative
=> Jim was elected our class presentative

5. Từ mang nghĩa phủ định làm chủ ngữ

Ex: Nobody can repair this machine
=> This machine can’t be repaired

6. Động từ chỉ tri giác

• S + be + PII+ to V ( toàn bộ hành động)
Ex: I see him shout at the children
=> He is seen to shout at the children
• S + be + PII + Ving ( một phần hành động)
Ex: I saw the boy coming yesterday
=> The boy was seen coming yesterday

7. With ‘‘with’’ ( be made + to V)

Ex: They made me do it => I was made to do it

NOTE: Make myself Understood

~ make other people understand/hear/like/dislike/hate
Ex: He speaks English so fluently that he can make himself understood
She had to shout to make herself heard
In his three months in job, he made himself thoroughly disliked

❶ Make a good … = become …. (make good: become successful)

Ex: That wood make a good hiding place
She wants to make a good wife one day

❷ Be made of -> Material ( not change)

Ex: This table is made of wood

❸ Be made from -> Abosolute change of material

Ex: This wine is made from black berries

❹ Be made up of -> Parts

Ex: This bike is made up of 15 pieces of all size

❺ Make sth out of sth -> the process of making, changing

Ex: They made all the furniture out of oak
The Olympics can make sporting heroes out of previously little-known athletes.

❻ Make sth with sth -> mention one of materials used

Ex: The soup is good because she had made it with lots of garlic

8. With ‘‘Let’’ ( S + be + let + V)

Ex: They let me eat this cake => I was let eat this cake
They let us smoke there => We were allowed to smoke there
=> We were let smoke there
He let people ask any question => He let himself be asked any questions
She let people/them laugh at => She let herself laughed at

9. With ‘‘get’’

• Get thường có thể dùng thay cho be

Ex: I stopped working as I got tired
I got worried because he was two hours late
They are going to get married next two months

• Followed by such certain adj as:

‘‘ angry, anxious, bald, better, big, busy, chilly, cold, dark, dizzy, empty, fat, full, good, heavy, hot,
hungry, late, light, mad, nervous, old, rich, sick, sleepy, tall, thristy, warm, well, wet, worse’’
Ex: I am getting hungry now
She got angry when seeing his ill behaviour
When the sky got dark, he decided to take a shortcut

10. With ‘‘get/have’’ - causitive form

Have sb V sth/ Get sb to V sth
=> Have/get sth done (by sb)
• Describe a service performed for us by somebody else
Ex: I’ve just got/ had my car serviced
• Describe something unfortune that happens to somebody
Ex: We had our car broken into last night

11. Imperative sentence

Let + O + be + PII
Ex: Open the door, please => Let the door be opened, please
Don’t pick the flowers in the garden
=> The flowers in the garden mustn’t be picked
aren’t to be picked

12. With ‘‘need’’

❶ You need to clean the floor

=> The floor needs to be cleaned

❷ We need to punish criminals

=> Criminals need to be punished seriously
Punishing ( Ving chỉ đi với chủ ngữ chỉ vật)
❸ She need to clean the floor ( Model verb)
=> The floor need be cleaned

13. Other verbs

- ‘‘decide/ suggest/ agree/ arrange/ demand/ determine+ to do sth’’
Ex: They decided to sell the house
=> They decided that the house should be sold

- ‘‘advise/ beg/ order/ urge + sb + to be + sth’’

Ex: She advised me to sell the house
=> I was advised to sell the house
=> She advised that the house should be sold
- ‘‘advise/insist/recommend/suggest + doing sth’’
=> …… that sth should be done
Ex: They suggested opening a new school
=> They suggested that a new school should be opened

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