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Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear a restaurant manager talking about the cooks who work for him.
What does he say about them?
A They dislike cleaning tasks.
B They have a choice of jobs.
C They help to decide the menu.
2 You hear a woman talking about a new book.
What does she particularly like about the book?
A It is educational.
B It is well organised.
C It is enjoyable.
3 You hear the writer of a television soap opera being interviewed about the programme.
What will happen next in the story?
A Someone will make an important decision.
B Someone will go away unexpectedly.
C Someone will learn the truth at last.
4 You hear part of a radio interview.
Who is speaking?
A a taxi driver
B a porter
C a tourist guide
5 You hear a woman talking about how she keeps fit.
Why did she decide to take up line dancing?
A She thought the pace would suit her.
B She had heard about it on television.
C She wanted to try exercising to music.
6 You overhear a conversation in a restaurant.
What does the woman think about the food she has just eaten?
A It was expensive.
B It was delicious.
C It looked wonderful.
7 You turn on the radio and hear a man talking.
What is he talking about?
A drawing pictures
B writing fiction
C composing music
8 You overhear a student phoning her parents.
What is her opinion of the place she is living in while at college?
A She is not sure she will have enough room to study.
B She has difficulty in working because of the noise.
C She does not get on well with her room-mates.
Listening Part 2 You will hear an interview with Elizabeth Holmes about her experience working in
Volunteering in Africa
Elizabeth worked for a (9) ……………………………… before she went to Africa.
Elizabeth first found out about working as a volunteer from a (10) ……………………………… she
saw at the dentist’s.
The course in London that Elizabeth attended was called (11) ………………………………
Elizabeth’s job in Africa was to teach (12) ……………………………… how to market their goods.
On arrival in Africa, Elizabeth spent (13) ……………………………… doing a training course with
other volunteers.
Elizabeth used a (14) ……………………………… to travel short distances in Africa.
Elizabeth feels that she got on best with (15) ……………………………… in the area of Africa where
she lived.
Back in England, Elizabeth found that she was disturbed by the (16) ……………………………… in
the city.
At the moment, Elizabeth buys and sells (17) ……………………………… from Africa.
Nowadays, Elizabeth spends more time on her favourite pastime, which is (18)
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different employees talking about what makes a good boss.
For questions 19-23, choose which of the opinions (A-F) each speaker expresses.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A good boss should
A allow staff to take decisions.
B encourage staff to work in teams.
C listen to complaints from staff.
D give information on individual progress.
E have good qualifications.
F set an example of hard work.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with Trina Trevose, a pop singer who is only fifteen.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 When Trina went to the USA, she
A thought the records she made would be unsuccessful.
B knew her friends would be jealous of her.
C didn’t tell many people why she was going.
25 When Trina was in the USA, she wrote songs about
A her home.
B the weather.
C people she met.
26 Where was Trina performing when she was noticed by the record company?
A in London
B near her home
C in the USA
27 Why did Trina sing with David Pearson?
A He needed some help.
B She wrote a song for him.
C The record company asked her to.
28 Trina was asked to return to the USA to
A re-do some work.
B appear on TV again.
C record a new song.
29 Why isn’t Trina popular in Britain?
A Her kind of music isn’t popular in Britain.
B The company don’t want to sell her records in Britain.
C Her records haven’ been available in Britain.
30 How does Trina see her future?
A She will continue making records in the USA.
B She may make singing her career eventually.
C She wants to study music at college.
Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You overhear a woman talking to her husband on a mobile phone.
What is the background to the conversation?
A The family’s holiday may have to be cancelled.
B The woman wants to buy their son a computer.
C Their son has schoolwork to complete before the start of term.
2 You hear a phone-in programme on the radio.
Why has the man phoned?
A to complain about the traffic scheme
B to express his support for the traffic scheme
C to question the aims of the traffic scheme
3 On the radio, you hear a woman talking about her house.
What has she recently done?
A decided to move to another area
B solved a problem that she had
C made improvements to her house
4 You overhear two people discussing a friend.
What language does their friend usually speak at home?
A French
B English
C Italian
5 You hear a man talking about an activity holiday he went on as a child with his family.
How did he feel during the holiday?
A bored by the climbing.
B upset with his father
C disappointed with the rowing boat
6 You hear the beginning of a radio programme.
What is the programme going to be about?
A child development
B the environment
C a form of entertainment
7 You hear a man being interviewed about a new project he has set up.
What is the purpose of the project?
A to help people find accommodation in Scotland.
B to tell people where to stay in Australia
C to advise people how to set up a flat agency
8 You switch on the radio in the middle of a programme.
What kind of programme is it?
A an arts review
B an interview
C a quiz show

Listening Part 2
You will hear an announcement about an evening’s programme on Radio Pearl.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
7.30 pm ‘Art Review’: Student Art Exhibition
This evening’s programme is taking place at the (9) ……………………………… in London.
The exhibition is of work by students in the (10) ……………………………… year of their art course.
At the exhibition, you can see things as different as curtains and (11) ………………………………
Some of the works of art have been made using (12) ……………………………… technology.
8.00 pm Play: ‘The Vanishing Lady’
In the play, a young couple on a train think they hear the sound of someone using a (13)
A (14) ……………………………… tells the couple about an old lady whom he has seen.
After writing this play, the author, Porten, became a writer for (15) ………………………………
9.30 pm ‘Business Scenes’: Interview with Peter Field
Peter used to work for a (16) ………………………………
Peter says the material he uses for his boats is a particular kind of (17) ………………………………
Peter collects (18) ……………………………… as a hobby.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about the way they study.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) which of the opinions each speaker expresses.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A Music helps me concentrate when I’m studying.
B I study best in the morning when I can think clearly.
C I realise I study better when I’m outside in the open air.
D I find I can concentrate better when I study with a friend.
E It is much easier for me to study late at night.
F I prefer to study when I’m lying down.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear a girl called Tricia Simpkins talking at a public meeting about a plan to create a nature
reserve in the centre of a large city.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 How did Tricia once feel about the countryside?
A She preferred it to the city.
B She paid no attention to it.
C She wanted others to experience it.
25 Why did Tricia take part in a wildlife survey?
A She was required to do it.
B She preferred it to being in school.
C She was asked to do it by her neighbours.
26 What does Tricia say about the results of the survey?
A They were unsatisfactory.
B They were confusing.
C They were unexpected.
27 What does Tricia say about the problems created by trees?
A People exaggerate them.
B People ignore them.
C People accept them.
28 According to Tricia, what is wrong with the trees the council is planting?
A They are expensive to replace.
B They fail to attract wildlife.
C They are too small for the area.
29 What used to happen in the wasteland at the end of Tricia’s street?
A Dog owners used to go there.
B People used to leave rubbish there.
C Children used to play there.
30 What is Tricia’s suggestion for the new nature reserve?
A to allow the planting of trees
B to protect it from visitors.
C to let it go wild.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear some information about a country on a travel programme.
Where do most people spend the summer months?
A at the seaside
B in the capital city
C in the mountains
2 You hear part of a radio programme about chewing gun
What is the speaker doing?
A outlining its history
B describing why it has changed
C explaining its popularity
3 You hear part of a radio programme where listeners phone in with their opinions.
What does the man want to do?
A express his disappointment
B complain about his situation
C encourage other listeners
4 You hear a woman speaking on the radio about buying a painting for the first time.
What opinion is she expressing?
A A paining can be a worthwhile investment.
B Only buy a painting if you have room for it.
C Take your time when buying your first painting.
5 You hear a man being interviewed on the radio.
What does he say about his mother?
A She helped him become an artist.
B She persuaded him to do research.
C She wanted him to make money.
6 You hear part of an interview with a woman who is talking about her day.
What is her profession?
A a teacher
B a doctor
C a farmer
7 You hear a man talking on the radio about teaching beginners to surf in the sea.
What does the man say about beginners?
A They are very sensitive to criticism.
B They need to be given appropriate goals.
C They often start off with the wrong attitude.
8 You hear part of an interview with a crime novelist.
What point is he making about his novels?
A They are based on real-life crimes.
B They include accurate descriptions of life in the past.
C They vary in length depending on the historical period.
Listening Part 2
You will hear a man called Peter Welby, who makes small models of buildings, talking about his work.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
The Model Maker
Before becoming a model maker, Peter did a course in (9) ……………………………… at a college.
Peter compares his job to the type of work done by a (10) ………………………………
In Peter’s hardest job, he was given some (11) ……………………………… of the building to work
Peter’s most enjoyable job was making a model of a (12) ……………………………… for an
Most of Peter’s work is exported to (13) ……………… and ………………
Peter says his models look best when they have (14) ……………………………… directed onto them.
Peter’s model of Marney House measures (15) ……………………………… in height.
The Marney House model took a long time to make because it had so many (16)
……………………………… and roof tiles.
The roof tiles on the model of Marney House are made of (17) ………………………………
Peter uses watercolour paint to reproduce the effects of the weather and (18)
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about hotels they have recently stayed in with their children.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A Teenagers might not enjoy staying at this particular hotel.
B The hotel was quite expensive.
C A playground would have improved the facilities.
D The hotel needed to know if you wanted your children to eat early.
E There was no swimming pool available in the hotel.
F Children under ten were not allowed to stay at the hotel.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear a radio interview with a young tennis player, Alice Winters and her coach, Bruce Gray.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What does Bruce say about getting financial help?
A He is surprised by how hard it is to get any.
B He expects that they will get some soon.
C He thinks they can succeed without it.
25 What is Alice’s attitude towards training?
A She enjoys organising it herself.
B She wishes she had more time for other things.
C She sometimes finds it hard to make the effort.
26 What is Alice’s attitude towards her schoolwork?
A She is determined to do well in it.
B It is not the most important thing.
C She is confident of her ability.
27 How does Alice feel about competitions?
A The result is the most important thing.
B Losing weakens her confidence.
C She always expects to win.
28 According to Bruce, what makes Alice exceptional?
A her natural talent for the game
B the amount of effort she puts in
C the way she reacts to other players
29 How does Alice feel about becoming a professional player?
A She is looking forward to the glamorous lifestyle.
B She realises she may not be successful.
C She is worried about getting on with the other players.
30 How does Bruce describe Alice’s character?
A She’s a very sociable person.
B She tends to be rather moody.
C She is surprisingly mature.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear someone talking about women’s football.
What is she doing when she speaks?
A encouraging young girls to support a team
B suggesting how to attract young girls to the sport
C asking young girls to take the sport seriously
2 You hear a man talking on the radio about a bag made for use on walking trips.
How does this new bag differ from others?
A It has pockets on the side.
B You can take off the rain cover.
C There are some extra features.
3 On the radio, you hear a man discussing a cartoon film about dinosaurs.
What aspect of the film disappointed him?
A the design of the backgrounds
B the quality of the sound effects
C the size of the dinosaurs
4 You overhear a couple talking about keeping fit.
What do they agree about?
A the need to be more active
B the benefits of joining a gym
C the dangers of too much exercise
5 In a radio play, you hear a woman talking on the phone to a friend.
Where does the woman want her friend to meet her?
A on the beach
B at the bank
C in a shop
6 You hear a student talking to his friend about a meeting with his tutor.
What was the student’s purpose in meeting his tutor?
A to see if there was a part-time job available.
B to ask for financial assistance.
C to request more time to complete course work
7 You hear a man talking about learning how to paint landscapes.
What does he say about it?
A It proved easier than he had thought.
B It showed him he had some talent.
C It opened up opportunities for him.
8 You turn on the radio and hear a man talking.
What is he talking about?
A finding friendship
B solving problems
C helping others
Listening Part 2
You will hear an interview with a man called Richard Porter who is a maker of musical instruments
called organs.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Musical Instrument Maker
Richard’s first ambition was to be a (9) ………………………………
Richard makes organs which are used in (10) ……………………………… and churches worldwide.
It costs (11) £……………………………… to buy one of the organs which Richard makes.
According to Richard, personal (12) ……………………………… provide him with most of his
overseas clients.
Richard says that he is involved in (13) ……………………………… organs, as well as building and
selling them.
In terms of raw materials, only the (14) ……………………………… that Richard uses comes from
Richard’s new workshop will be in a building that was once used as a (15)
Richard will have to work in a (16) ……………………………… as well as in his new workshop.
The only thing that Richard will have to pay for in his new workshop is the (17)
The new workshop will be perfect for the instruments Richard makes because it is a (18)
……………………………… place.
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different cyclists talking about a long-distance race they took part in.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A I started the race but then decided not to continue.
B I had to change bicycles during the race.
C I felt uncomfortable on my bicycle throughout the race.
D I had done some serious physical training for the race.
E I think the organisers of the race were inefficient.
F I was satisfied with my performance in the race.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a TV presenter, Tanya Edwards, who is talking about her career and
her daughter called Maddy.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What does Tanya say about her first job in children’s TV?
A She had contacted the TV company earlier.
B It was difficult to get used to the instructions.
C Her previous experience was useful.
25 What does Tanya say about Paul Broadly, her first boss?
A He thought of nothing but his work.
B It was difficult to work with him.
C He was unwilling to share ideas about the work.
26 What does Tanya say about her parachute jump?
A She wishes she had never done it.
B It resulted in unexpected attention.
C Her boss was cross about what happened.
27 What does Tanya say about her daughter’s flute playing?
A She knew that Maddy had talent.
B She saw that Maddy liked an audience.
C She wanted Maddy to practise more.
28 How does Tanya feel when her daughter sings in public?
A responsible for Maddy’s success
B worried that something will go wrong
C aware of how the audience feels
29 Tanya says that Maddy finds modelling difficult because
A she finds it exhausting.
B you have to cope with criticism.
C people don’t respect models.
30 What is Tanya’s attitude to fame in general?
A You should enjoy it while it lasts.
B You should try and ignore it.
C You should accept its drawbacks.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear part of a radio play.
Where is the scene taking place?
A in the street
B in a bank
C in a police station
2 You overhear the beginning of a lecture
What subject are the students taking?
A medicine
B sport
C music
3 You overhear a conversation in a college.
Who is the young man?
A a new student
B a student in the middle of a course
C a former student
4 You hear a woman on the radio talking about a cookbook.
What does she regret?
A not looking after it
B not having kept it
C not using it properly
5 You hear someone talking about the day he met someone famous.
How did he feel after meeting Chris Turner?
A unimpressed with the footballer
B angry with his friend
C disappointed with himself
6 You hear a woman talking on the phone.
Why has she called?
A to request a meeting
B to offer assistance
C to apologise for her absence
7 You overhear an extract from a radio play.
What is the young woman’s relationship with the man?
A She’s a pupil of his.
B She’s a relative of his.
C She’s a patient of his.
8 You hear someone telling a story about a strange thing that happened in the mountains.
What point does the story prove?
A how strange things can be explained simply
B how easy it is to imagine things
C how you can be tricked by the silence
Listening Part 2
You will hear part of a talk about dolls.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
The first known dolls were found in (9) ……………………………… in ancient Egypt.
The earliest dolls in the museum date from the (10) ………………………………
Early European dolls were dressed like (11) ………………………………
On the 17th-century dolls, you can see details like the (12) ………………………………
17th-century dolls may cost as much as (13) ……………………………… each.
Collectors look for examples in perfect condition, with their (14) ………………………………
19th-century dolls had (15) ……………………………… and real hair.
If you can take off the doll’s hair, you may see the (16) ……………………………… underneath.
Before the 20th century, all dolls were (17) ………………………………, not babies.
From the 1930s, dolls were made of (18) ………………………………
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about why they decided to become nurses.
For questions 19-23, choose which of the reasons (A-F) each speaker is giving.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A It was a childhood dream.
B Teachers had recommended it.
C A friend had decided to do it.
D It offered a secure income.
E It is a family tradition.
F It is emotionally satisfying.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with someone who works in the film industry.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What does Alan say about his job title?
A It confuses a lot of people.
B It is just a name for the job.
C It encourages him to work hard.
25 Alan considers his job to be
A creative.
B managerial.
C administrative.
26 When he started in films, Alan
A immediately learnt new skills.
B did the same kind of work as before.
C had to change his working methods.
27 When Alan was working on his latest film,
A problems were caused by the weather.
B there were difficulties moving the equipment.
C he wished he was in the studio.
28 For Alan, the disadvantage of the job is
A the amount of responsibility.
B the criticism he receives.
C the effect on family life.
29 For a job like this, Alan recommends
A studying to be an electrician.
B getting a qualification in maths.
C doing a course in film production.
30 In thinking about the future, Alan wants to
A face different problems.
B work in other areas of production.
C continue doing the same job.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You overhear two people talking in a restaurant.
Where has the woman just come from?
A a supermarket
B a hospital
C a football match
2 You hear a man talking about a mobile phone he has bought.
What most attracted him to this phone?
A its size
B its reliability
C its price
3 You hear a man talking on the phone about buying a house.
What is the purpose of his call?
A to apologise
B to complain
C to obtain information
4 You hear a teenage girl talking about her hobby.
What is she talking about?
A a computer game
B a musical instrument
C a piece of sports equipment
5 On the news, you hear a story about a cat.
Where was the cat found?
A in a train carriage
B on the railway lines
C on a station platform
6 You hear a woman talking about how she gets ideas for her work.
Who is the woman?
A a novelist
B an artist
C a film-maker
7 You hear two people talking.
How does the woman feel?
A surprised
B satisfied
C relieved
8 You turn on the radio and hear a man speaking.
What are you listening to?
A a history programme
B a science-fiction story
C an advertisement
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 2
You will hear part of a radio programme about bags for walker.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Bags for walkers
Rod’s shop sells bags and other (9) ……………………………… equipment.
A backpack could spoil your holiday if it doesn’t (10) ………………………………
A 35-litre bag is good for (11) ………………………………
An upright bag is recommended for people who are going to (12) ………………………………
To protect breakable items choose a bag with a (13) ………………………………
A bag with (14) ……………………………… inside will allow you to separate your belongings.
External pockets can be used to carry tools that are (15) ……………………………… or dirty.
It is important that shoulder straps are (16) ………………………………
A horizontal bar will prevent shoulder straps from (17) ………………………………
Padded parts of the bag should have plenty of (18) ……………………………… so that sweat can
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different students who are studying away from home.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about their accommodation.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A I made a mistake there at first.
B I was able to settle into a new area.
C I had no choice in the matter.
D I have recommended it to others.
E There are more benefits than disadvantages.
F I would prefer to have more freedom.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 4
You will hear part of a radio interview in which Tina White, a magazine editor, talks about her life and
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 In her first column, Tina chose to write about people who
A were very well known.
B had interesting ideas.
C lived in luxury.
25 She took up journalism because of
A her family connections.
B her father’s support.
C her love for books.
26 Under her management, the magazine Female Focus
A reduced its losses.
B changed its image.
C made a profit.
27 She believes people are more likely to read an article if
A it has a good beginning.
B its content is challenging.
C it is mentioned on the cover.
28 When she started her present job five years ago, she
A organised her ideal team.
B had more time to read everything.
C lacked confidence in her staff.
29 Tina says that she would be worried if she
A was criticised by the public.
B lost the respect of colleagues.
C lost her job.
30 In the future, she would like to
A be a book editor.
B produce a film.
C write fiction.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You over hear a man talking about an experience he had at an airport.
What did he lose?
A his passport
B his wallet
C a piece of luggage
2 You hear an advertisement on the radio.
What is special about the Fretlight guitar?
A It plays recorded music.
B It teaches you how to play.
C It plugs into a computer.
3 You hear part of a radio programme.
What is the presenter talking about?
A food safety
B meal times
C healthy recipes
4 You hear two people discussing a type of pollution.
What do the speakers agree about?
A the best way to solve the problem
B how they feel about this type of pollution
C how they reacted to the solution they saw
5 You hear a conversation between a shop assistant and a customer about a compact disc.
What was the cause of the problem?
A The customer gave the wrong number.
B A mistake was made on the order form.
C The disc was incorrectly labelled.
6 You overhear a conversation at a football game.
What does the speaker say about his team?
A They’re better than usual.
B They’re as good as he expected.
C They tend to be unlucky.
7 You overhear a schoolgirl talking to her friend.
What does she think about her new teacher?
A He is clever.
B He is funny.
C He is interesting.
8 In a hotel you overhear a conversation.
Who is the woman?
A a tour guide
B a tourist
C a hotel receptionist
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 2
You will hear part of a radio interview with a swimming instructor.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Swimming instructor
Paul works at a hotel in the (9) ………………………………
He started his job in (10) ………………………………
He particularly likes meeting (11) ……………………………… there.
Paul isn’t interested in teaching (12) ………………………………
According to Paul, (13) ……………………………… of all adults can’t swim.
Paul’s students are afraid of going (14) ………………………………
His students have to put their faces into a salad bowl and (15) ……………………………… below the
The first thing they do in the pool is to (16) ……………………………… in the water with their faces
Paul thinks it’s essential to be (17) ……………………………… in the water.
Most people learn to swim after about (18) ………………………………
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 3
You will hear part of a radio programme called Morning Market. Five listeners have telephoned the
programme because they have something to sell.
For questions 19-23, choose which of the statements (A-F) matches the reason each of the people gives
for selling their possession.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A I didn’t enjoy using it.
B I made a mistake.
C It’s an unwanted prize.
D It takes up too much space.
E I’ve got something better.
F I have health problems.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a man who makes models for films and television.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 Matt got a job doing holiday relief work because he wanted
A to do part-time work.
B a career in photography.
C to work in television.
25 What did Matt find ‘interesting’ about the sixties?
A the fascination with space travel
B the increased number of comic books
C the advances in photography
26 Why were Matt’s models used on the news?
A They were better than pictures.
B Some equipment had been destroyed.
C The studio was trying new ideas.
27 Matt thinks he was successful at getting work in television because
A he had good experience
B he knew some of the staff.
C he was available at the right time.
28 Matt worked on Bright Star as
A part of a team.
B the producer.
C a design student.
29 Matt was invited on children’s television to
A tell stories about his design work.
B explain the purpose of space research.
C help children make models themselves.
30 Matt remembers Heart of Darkness because
A it was his favourite comedy.
B his work was recognised.
C a film was made of it.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You overhear some people talking at a party in a hotel.
Where did the people first meet each other?
A at school
B at work
C at a wedding
2 You overhear a conversation in a restaurant.
Why haven’t they seen each other lately?
A He has been too busy.
B He has been ill.
C He has been away.
3 You overhear someone talking about a concert.
How did she feel at the time?
A angry
B frightened
C disappointed
4 You hear a writer of children’s stories talking about books and compact discs.
What advantage does he think books have over compact discs?
A They may last for a longer time.
B They are easier to look after.
C They contain better quality material.
5 You hear a husband and wife talking about their summer holidays.
What problem do they have?
A They really hate flying anywhere.
B They can never think of anywhere to go.
C They never agree about what to do.
6 You hear a researcher being asked about her work.
What is she doing when she speaks?
A denying an accusation
B disproving a theory
C accepting a criticism
7 You overhear a woman talking to a friend on a train.
What does the woman think of the course she has attended?
A It has made her feel more confident.
B It has made her feel less confident.
C It hasn’t made much difference to how she feels.
8 You overhear a woman speaking on the radio.
What is she doing?
A complaining about something
B apologising for something
C explaining something
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 2
You will hear a radio report about dolphins.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Audio Player
Dolphins have been known to protect swimmers from sharks by getting into a (9)
Dolphins and humans have (10) ……………………………… of the same size.
Swimming with dolphins can help common problems like (11) ………………………………
Some people think dolphins are able to recognise human (12) ………………………………
Dolphins have been used to teach children to (13) ………………………………
Swimming with dolphins is used as a (14) ……………………………… in projects with children.
In one jaw, dolphins have as many as (15) ………………………………
Dolphins can maintain a fast pace in the water for (16) ……………………………… without stopping.
Dolphins make use of (17) ……………………………… to find fish.
Dolphins can be caught in (18) ……………………………… or damaged by pollution.
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about the head teacher or principal of their former secondary
school.For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker is saying.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A She favoured the talented students.
B She prepared us for the real world.
C She encouraged us to be imaginative.
D She was ahead of her time.
E She was concerned about the environment.
F She encouraged competitiveness.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a tour leader who works for an adventure company in Africa.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 Don says that most of his passengers
A are not students.
B are looking for jobs.
C work in conservation.

25 When Don first meets a group, he

A gives them blankets for the overnight trip.
B shows them where to sit on the truck.
C checks they have the right equipment.
26 Don remembers one trip when
A he failed to take enough food.
B someone made a mistake with the food.
C someone complained about the food.
27 Don oversees the domestic work because
A he doesn’t like to lose things.
B it has to be done within an hour.
C people complain if things are dirty.
28 If people argue, Don says that he
A prefers not to get involved.
B separates the people concerned.
C asks the group for a solution.
29 Don says that he sometimes
A needs to get to sleep early.
B has to camp in a noisy area.
C tells people when to go to bed.
30 What does Don say about getting up?
A He ignores any complaints about the time.
B He varies his schedule according to the group.
C He forces everyone to be quick about it.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You overhear a young man talking about his first job.
How did he feel in his first job?
A bored
B confused
C enthusiastic
2 You hear a radio announcement about a dance company.
What are listeners being invited to?
A a show
B a talk
C a party
3 You overhear a woman talking to a man about something that happened to her.
Who was she?
A a pedestrian
B a driver
C a passenger
4 You hear a woman talking on the radio about her work making wildlife films.
What is her main point?
A Being in the right place at the right time is a matter of luck.
B More time is spent planning than actually filming.
C It is worthwhile spending time preparing.
5 You hear part of a travel programme on the radio.
Where is the speaker?
A outside a café
B by the sea
C on a lake
6 You overhear a woman talking about a table-tennis table in a sports shop.
What does she want the shop assistant to do about her table-tennis table?
A provide her with a new one
B have it put together for her
C give her the money back
7 You hear part of an interview with a businesswoman.
What is her business?
A hiring out boats
B hiring out caravans
C building boats
8 You hear a man talking on the radio.
Who is talking?
A an actor
B a journalist
C a theatre-goer
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 2
You will hear a radio interview with Mike Reynolds, whose hobby is exploring underground places
such as caves.
Cavers explore underground places such as mines and (9) ……………………………… as well as
When cavers camp underground, they choose places which have (10) ……………… and
……………… available.
In the UK, the place Mike likes best for caving is (11) ………………………………
As a physical activity, Mike compares caving to (12) ………………………………
Cavers can pay as much as £20 for a suitable (13) ………………………………
Cavers can pay as much as £50 for the right kind of (14) ………………………………, which is worn
on the head.
Mike recommends buying expensive (15) ……………………………… to avoid having accidents.
Caving is a sport for people of (16) ……………………………… and backgrounds.
Some caves in Britain are called ‘places of (17) ………………………………’
The need for safety explains why people don’t organise caving (18) ………………………………

Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about their work on a cruise ship.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about their work.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A One aspect of my job is less interesting than others.
B My job involves planning for the unexpected.
C You have to be sociable to do my job.
D I don’t like routine in my working like.
E There’s not much work to do during the day.
F I provide passengers with a souvenir of their trip.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a man called Stan Leach who is talking about adventure sports.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 Stan says that the best thing about walking is that you can
A get fit by doing it.
B please yourself how you do it.
C do it on your own.
25 Stan’s opinion on scrambling is that
A people doing it may need to be accompanied.
B it is unsuitable for beginners.
C it is more exciting than walking.
26 What did Stan discover when he went climbing?
A It was not enjoyable.
B It was harder than he expected.
C It can be very frightening.
27 What does Stan say about mountain biking?
A Britain is not the best place for it.
B It is more expensive in Britain than elsewhere.
C It is best where there are lots of downhill slopes.
28 Stan’s advice on scuba diving is that
A most of the courses for it are good.
B it is easier than it seems.
C you should think carefully before trying it.
29 What is Stan’s view of skydiving?
A It is surprisingly popular.
B It is best when done in teams.
C Only certain types of people like it.
30 What does Stan say about canoeing?
A You can do it in conditions that suit you.
B It is best at certain times of the year.
C There are few places in Britain to do it.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear part of an interview in which a film director talks about his favourite movie.
Why does he like the film?
A It is very funny.
B It is very exciting.
C It is very romantic.
2 You hear a man talking about a sofa he bought.
What is he complaining about?
A He received the wrong sofa.
B The shop overcharged him for the sofa.
C The sofa was damaged.
3 You hear an actor talking about using different accents in his work.
What point is he making about actors?
A They need to study a wide variety of accents.
B They have to be able to control their use of accents.
C They should try to keep their original accents.
4 You hear part of an interview in which a man is talking about winning his first horse race.
What does he say about it?
A He found it rather disappointing.
B He didn’t have a chance to celebrate.
C He was too tired to care.
5 You hear a writer of musicals talking on the radio.
What is he trying to explain?
A why his aunt’s career was not very successful
B the difference between American and British musicals
C his reasons for becoming a writer of musicals
6 You hear the beginning of a lecture about ancient history.
What is the lecture going to be about?
A trade in arms and weapons
B trade in luxury household goods
C trade in works of art
7 You hear a man talking about travelling from London to France for his job.
What does he say about the train journey?
A He’s able to use it to his advantage.
B It’s a boring but necessary part of his job.
C He enjoys the social aspect of it.
8 You hear a woman in a shop talking about some lost photographs.
What does she think the shop should give her?
A some money
B a replacement film
C an apology

Listening Part 2
You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman who sailed round the world on her own.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Anna was employed by a (9) ……………………………… when she first started sailing.
The idea of sailing round the world came from a book called (10)
Anna spent some time (11) ……………………………… the boat before taking it out to sea.
Anna tested her boat on a trip which lasted for only (12) ……………………………… because
it was damaged.
Anna got the money she needed to make the trip from various (13)
……………………………… companies.
Anna’s worst problem during the trip was when she felt (14) ………………………………
because the boat was going so slowly.
Anna found the (15) ……………………………… in the Southern Ocean the most exciting
part of the trip.
On her return, Anna phoned the (16) ……………………………… to ask for a certificate.
Anna’s claim was doubted because she hadn’t been in contact with people on (17)
……………………………… during her trip.
Anna’s story was finally believed after her (18) ……………………………… had been
Listening Part 3
You will hear five young people talking about what makes a good teacher.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) which of the opinions each speaker expresses.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A A good teacher praises effort.
B A good teacher knows the subject well.
C A good teacher is strict.
D A good teacher is available outside the classroom.
E A good teacher is entertaining.
F A good teacher has experience.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear a radio interview about a mountain-climbing weekend.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 How did Douglas feel when he booked the weekend?
A sure that he would enjoy training for it
B uncertain if it was a good idea for him
C surprised that such activities were organised
25 Douglas expected that the experience would help him to
A meet people with similar interests
B improve his physical fitness.
C discover his psychological limits.
26 He was surprised that the other participants
A were there for reasons like his.
B were experienced climbers.
C were in better condition than him.
27 What did one of his friends say to him?
A He was making a mistake.
B Climbing was fashionable.
C She was envious of him.
28 What did the people plan at the end of the trip?
A to send each other postcards
B to take a different sort of trip together
C to go on another climbing trip together
29 In what way did Douglas change as a result of the trip?
A He developed more interest in people.
B He became more ambitious.
C He began to notice more things around him.
30 Douglas’s boots are still muddy because he wants them to
A remind him of what he has achieved.
B warn him not to do it again.
C show other people what he has done.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear a man talking to a group of people who are going on an expedition into the rainforest.
What does he advise them against?
A sleeping in places where insects are found
B using substances which attract insects
C bathing in areas where insects are common
2 You overhear two people talking about a school football competition.
What did the woman think of the event?
A She didn’t think anyone had enjoyed it.
B It managed to fulfill its aims.
C Not enough people had helped to set it up.
3 You hear a woman talking about her studies at the Beijing Opera School.
How did she feel when she first started her classes?
A worried about being much older than the other students
B disappointed because her dictionary was unhelpful
C annoyed by the lack of communication with her teacher
4 You hear a famous comedian talking on the radio about his early career.
Why is he telling this story?
A to show how lucky he was at the beginning
B to show the value of a good course
C to show that he has always been a good comedian
5 You hear someone talking on the phone.
Who is she talking to?
A someone at her office
B someone at a travel information centre
C a family member
6 You hear a novelist talking about how she writes.
How does she get her ideas for her novels?
A She bases her novels on personal experiences.
B Ideas come to her once she starts writing.
C She lets ideas develop gradually in her mind.
7 You hear a woman talking to a friend on the phone.
What is she doing?
A refusing an invitation
B denying an accusation
C apologising for a mistake
8 You hear a radio announcement about a future programme.
What kind of programme is it?
A a play about a child
B a reading from a children’s book.
C a holiday programme
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 2
You will hear an interview with a man who enjoys flying in a small aircraft called a microlight.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Before his retirement, Brian worked as a pilot for a company called (9)
……………………………… for a long time.
Brian feels like a bird when flying his microlight because he doesn’t have a (10)
……………………………… around him.
Brian disagrees with the suggestion that steering a microlight is like steering a (11)
Brian’s record-breaking flight ended in (12) ………………………………
Brian organised his flight in advance to avoid needing other people as (13)
……………………………… on the way.
Brian’s microlight was modified so that it could carry more (14) ………………………………
on board.
It took Brian (15) ……………………………… to plan the record-breaking flight.
Brian feels that flying over miles and miles of (16) ……………………………… was the most
dangerous part of the trip.
Brian describes his navigation systems as both (17) ……………………………… and easy to
Brian says that his main problem on the flight was the fact that he became very (18)
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about short courses they have attended.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about their course.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A I was encouraged by the teachers to continue developing my skill.

B I learnt something about the subject that I hadn’t expected.
C I preferred the social life to the course content.
D I intend doing a similar course again.
E I found out something about myself.
F I thought the course was good value for money.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear part of a radio interview with Martin Middleton, who makes wildlife programmes for
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What was the origin of Martin Middleton’s love of travel?
A living abroad in the 1960s
B something he read as a child
C a television film about Africa
25 When he visited Borneo, Martin
A had no fixed expectations.
B made a programme about life on the river.
C became more interested in filming old buildings.
26 Since the early 1960s, wildlife filming has become
A more relaxed.
B more creative.
C more organised.
27 Looking back, Martin regards his experience on the iceberg as
A slightly ridiculous.
B extremely dangerous.
C strangely depressing.
28 When he takes a holiday, Martin prefers to
A relax by the sea.
B stay in comfortable surroundings.
C travel for a particular reason.
29 Martin thought that the holiday-makers he saw in the Dominican Republic were
A risking their health.
B wasting opportunities.
C lacking entertainment.
30 What is Martin’s opinion of tourism?
A It should be discouraged.
B It can be a good thing.
C It is well managed.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 On a train, you overhear a woman phoning her office.
Why has she phoned?
A to check the time of an appointment
B to apologise for being late
C to find out where her diary is
2 You switch on the radio in the middle of a programme.
What kind of programme is it?
A a nature programme
B a cookery programme
C a news programme
3 You overhear a conversation between a watchmaker and a customer.
What does the watchmaker say about the watch?
A It is impossible to repair it.
B It is not worth repairing.
C He does not have the parts to repair it.
4 You overhear a woman talking about her new neighbours.
How does she feel?
A offended
B shocked
C suspicious
5 You hear a man talking about deep-sea diving.
Why does he like the sport?
A It suits his sociable nature.
B It contrasts with his normal lifestyle.
C It fulfils his need for a challenge in life.
6 You turn on the radio and hear a scientist being interviewed about violins.
What is the scientist doing?
A explaining how a violin works
B explaining how a violin is made
C explaining how a violin should be played
7 You hear part of a radio programme about CD-ROMs.
What is the speaker’s opinion of the CD-ROMs about Australia which she tried?
A Most of them are disappointing.
B You are better off with an ordinary guidebook.
C There is little difference between them.
8 You turn on the radio and hear a woman giving advice to business people.
What advice does she give about dealing with customers?
A Don’t let them force you to agree to something.
B Don’t be too sympathetic towards them.
C Don’t allow them to stay on the phone too long.
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 2
You will hear part of a radio programme in which a woman called Sylvia Short is interviewed about
her job.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Sylvia studied (9) ……………… and ……………… at university.

After university, Sylvia worked as a (10) ……………………………… in Italy.
The company which employs Sylvia is called (11) ………………………………
Sylvia worked for the company for (12) ……………………………… before becoming the manager’s
Part of Sylvia’s job is to organise the (13) ……………………………… in newspapers and magazines.
Sylvia often has to deal with strange questions from (14) ………………………………
Sylvia’s boss has a radio show on Fridays on the subject of (15) ………………………………
Sylvia has written about her (16) ……………………………… for a new book on Britain.
Sylvia says that in the future she would like to be a (17) ……………………………… on television.
Last year, Sylvia enjoyed attending a (18) ……………………………… in Australia.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people speaking on the subject of motorbikes.
For questions 19-23, choose the phrase (A-F) which best summarises what each speaker is talking
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A the perfect passenger
B a feeling of power
C a lengthy career
D the best way to learn
E a family business
F a break with routine
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5

Listening Part 4
You will hear part of a radio interview with Steve Thomas, a young chef who has his own cookery
series on television.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 On his TV programme, Steve likes to show audiences
A the process of cooking.
B amusing incidents.
C attractively presented dishes.
25 Steve was given his own TV series because
A he cooked for a TV company.
B he appeared on a TV programme.
C he had been recommended to a TV producer.
26 What made him take up cooking as a child?
A His parents expected him to help in their restaurant.
B He felt it was the best way of getting some money.
C His father wanted to teach him to cook.
27 How did Steve feel once he got to college?
A He still found academic work difficult.
B He regretted not studying harder at school.
C He was confident about his practical work.
28 What does Steve say about the cooks who work for him?
A He is sometimes unfair to them.
B He demands a lot from them.
C He trains them all himself.
29 Steve admires Ron Bell because
A he prepares traditional dishes.
B he writes excellent articles about food.
C he makes a point of using local produce.
30 How will Steve’s book be different from other books about cooking?
A the varieties of food it deals with
B the way that it is illustrated
C the sort of person it is aimed at

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
Audio Player
1 You hear a man talking on the radio about a new airport terminal.
Why does he compare the terminal to a factory?
A to criticise the way people are treated there
B to emphasise the enormous size of the building
C to describe its efficiency in processing passengers
2 You hear a man being interviewed for a job.
He left his previous job because
A he wanted to work in a smaller town.
B he did not get on with his boss.
C he thought his salary was too low.
3 You hear a woman talking about a city she enjoys visiting.
What does she like most about the city nowadays?
A its food
B its people
C its architecture
4 You hear a man and a woman talking about a hotel they have recently stayed at.
They agree that
A the location was convenient.
B the price of the room was reasonable.
C the meals were good.
5 You hear a woman talking about buying a clock on the Internet.
What does she say about it?
A The clock had been damaged when it arrived.
B The postage cost more than she had expected.
C The item cost her less than what it was worth.
6 You hear a bus driver talking about his job.
Which aspect of his work does he sometimes really dislike?
A driving in city traffic
B dealing with passengers
C starting work early
7 You hear a man talking on the radio about his early life.
What does he say about his school days?
A He regrets not studying harder.
B He remains friends with some classmates.
C He disliked some of his teachers.
8 You hear a man telling a woman about an art gallery he has visited.
The man says the art gallery
A was too crowded.
B had recently moved.
C had too few works on display.
Listening Part 2
You will hear a young woman called Amanda Murillo talking to a group of college students about
Taekwondo, the Korean martial art.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Taking up Taekwondo
Amanda says she was getting bored with going to (9) ……………………………… every week.
Amanda’s (10) ……………………………… advised her to take up Taekwondo.
At the Taekwondo club, Amanda was told that size and strength was less important than (11)
……………………………… .
Amanda was helped by the fact that she can keep her (12) ……………………………… quite well.
Amanda says she was more (13) ……………………………… than some of the male students.
Amanda explains that the students do some (14) ……………………………… exercises when they
have finished running.
Amanda was surprised to find how high she could (15) ……………………………… after the initial
Amanda always wears safety equipment on her (16) ………………………………, as well as on her
The only serious injury that Amanda has had was to her (17) ……………………………… .
The next colour belt that Amanda wants to get is (18) ……………………………… .

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people criticise the computer they use when travelling.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) the criticism each speaker makes of their computer.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A The sound quality is poor.
B The battery runs out too quickly.
C Some applications run slowly on it.
D The keyboard is difficult to use.
E The screen is too small.
F It looks unattractive.
G It is difficult to connect it to other devices.
H It is too heavy to carry easily.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 4
You will hear a student called Ahmet Kaya talking about his vacation job, which involves working at
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 Why did Ahmet decide to get a job working at night?
A The hours were shorter than for day work.
B It was the only job he was able to get.
C The pay was better than for day work.
25 What did Ahmet find hard to get used to at first?
A Going out to work when others were having fun.
B Not being able to sleep whenever he wanted to.
C Going to bed when everyone else was getting up.
26 What effect does Ahmet’s job have on his social life?
A He can’t see his girlfriend as often as he would like.
B It makes no difference to how often he sees his friends.
C At weekends he stays out all night without feeling sleepy.
27 Ahmet finds his working hours convenient because they enable him to
A enjoy doing exercise far more.
B travel on public transport when it is less crowded.
C make medical appointments in the mornings.
28 Ahmet believes that because he works nights he may be more likely to
A become bad-tempered.
B catch an illness.
C have an accident.
29 Owing to his working hours, Ahmet eats
A just after he finishes work.
B once during his shift.
C whenever he feels hungry.
30 What does Ahmet say about the customers who shop there at night?
A They know the police are watching them all the time.
B They are usually in less of a hurry than daytime customers.
C They buy the same kinds of things as daytime shoppers.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.

1 You hear two teenagers talking about a lost scarf.

Where does the girl think she lost it?
A on the bus
B in the street
C in a shop
2 You hear two people talking about a proposed new motorway.
What is the man worried about?
A the noise from fast-moving traffic
B the loss of local sports facilities
C the permanent harm to the countryside
3 You hear a radio announcer giving a traffic update.
Who is his advice for?
A People going shopping.
B People going to watch football.
C People going to a music festival.
4 You overhear a woman talking on the phone.
What does she want the other person to do?
A to meet her somewhere
B to give someone else a message
C to buy something for her
5 You hear two people talking about holidays.
What is the woman encouraging the man to do?
A visit particular countries
B go on an environmentally-friendly holiday
C travel with a large group of people
6 You hear an art critic talking about a famous painting.
Why does he think it is so popular?
A It reflects a common human experience.
B It is worth an enormous amount of money.
C It is a particularly brilliant work of art.
7 You overhear a salesman talking about his job.
How does he feel about it?
A keen to find work elsewhere
B worried that he might be replaced
C confident he will soon be promoted
8 You hear two people talking about a ferry ride to an island.
What does the man say about the experience?
A He felt rather ill when he was on board.
B The ship had limited facilities for passengers.
C The crossing was no longer than he had expected.
Listening Part 2
You will hear a businesswoman called Jessica Morton talking on the radio about a car journey she
made across a desert in Australia.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Crossing the desert
Jessica says she had to be in the town of Alice Springs by Thursday for a (9)
……………………………… .
Jessica discovered there was no train to Alice Springs on (10) ……………………………… in
The village of Glendambo was Jessica’s last chance to get petrol for (11) ………………………………
When Jessica saw a (12) ………………………………, she left the main road.
Jessica stopped the car when some (13) ……………………………… ran across in front of her.
Jessica tried putting some (14) ……………………………… under the wheels.
Jessica was shocked to find that her (15) ……………………………… didn’t work in the desert.
Jessica stopped using the (16) ……………………………… when the sun went down.
When Jessica reached the building, she regretted leaving her (17) ……………………………… .
Jessica found a way to get her own car moving when she looked at the (18)
……………………………… on another car.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which university students are talking about their next summer
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker wants to do during their vacation.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A start learning a language
B spend time with friends
C travel abroad
D do charity work
E read books
F earn some money
G learn to drive
H do more exercise
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5

Listening Part 4
You will hear a radio interview with a woman called Amelia Richards, whose job involves planning
people’s weddings.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 Amelia says that a wedding planner is not responsible for

A choosing the wedding dress.
B discussing fees with the photographer.
C advising on wedding customs.
25 Why, according to Amelia, do many couples employ a wedding planner?
A They don’t have enough time to plan it themselves.
B Their families often can’t agree on some of the details.
C It is cheaper than if they try to organise it themselves.
26 Amelia decided to become a wedding planner following her experience of
A working in the catering industry.
B organising her own wedding.
C helping to run charity events.
27 Amelia believes she is good at
A selecting the best-paid wedding planning jobs.
B planning more than one wedding at a time.
C managing to remain calm under pressure.
28 How is Amelia paid?
A She charges according to the number of hours she has worked.
B She receives a percentage of the total cost of the wedding.
C She gets a fixed fee for every kind of wedding.
29 What does Amelia dislike about her job?
A She has little time each year to take holidays.
B There is no guaranteed income from her work.
C She often has to work evenings and weekends.
30 Amelia says the best way to get work as a wedding planner is to show people
A pictures of events you have successfully organised.
B references from people who have used your services.
C your qualifications in wedding planning.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.

1 You hear a man talking about crime fiction.

What is his attitude to crime novels now?
A He thinks they are a useful distraction.
B He prefers to buy only one crime novel at a time.
C He finds them less memorable than other types of novel.
2 You hear two sports journalists talking about a tennis player who is retiring.
What do they agree about the tennis player?
A He will look for opportunities to work on TV.
B He is likely to start a new career as a coach.
C He was chosen to stop playing at the right time.
3 You hear an inventor talking about her work.
What does she say about inventions?
A They are the result of a lot of hard work.
B She enjoys encouraging others to create them.
C Ideas for them come to her at unexpected times.
4 You hear two friends discussing their plans for the weekend.
What is the man doing?
A persuading his friend to take up cycling
B recommending a new cycle route to his friend
C inviting his friend to accompany him on a cycle ride
5 You hear a woman talking about crossword puzzles.
How does she feel about doing them?
A relaxed while she is focused on a crossword
B excited if she can solve all the clues correctly
C satisfied that she is exercising her brain
6 You hear two colleagues talking about travelling to work.
What do they disagree on?
A that the time spent travelling is a waste of time
B that travelling to work is very expensive
C that it’s better to live outside the city and travel in to work
7 You hear a researcher talking about social media.
What point does he make about it?
A It’s easy to forget that social media is a recent development.
B The disadvantages of social media are often exaggerated.
C Friendships on social media cannot replace face-to-face contact.
8 You hear a woman telling a friend about her experience of using a life coach.
What has the woman decided to do differently?
A stop worrying about whether she achieves her goals
B set herself smaller goals that are easier to achieve
C reflect on which goals are most important to achieve

Listening Part 2
You will hear a talk by a woman called Kelly who ran a long-distance hiking route from the top to the
bottom of New Zealand.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Running the ‘Long Pathway’ – a 3,000km route in New Zealand
Kelly trained for running the Long Pathway near where her (9) ………………………………
Kelly took her (10) ……………………………… with her to New Zealand to provide practical
Kelly uses the word (11) ‘………………………………’ to describe the beaches she ran along.
The hardest day of the sun was when Kelly lost her (12) ……………………………… .
Kelly says she enjoyed running in the (13) ……………………………… most of all.
For part of the route, Kelly did a trip in a (14) ……………………………… for 128 kms.
Kelly was amazed by the (15) ……………………………… she saw.
Kelly used a ferry to cross from the North to the South Island because of the (16)
……………………………… on the day she was there.
Despite training well, Kelly had issues with her (17) ……………………………… near the end
of the race.
Kelly says she felt (18) ……………………………… when she finally got to the finish line.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about camping trips.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what opinion each speaker gives about the camping
trip they went on.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A It was more comfortable than I had thought.

B It made me want to go camping again.
C It bought the family closer together.
D It was easy for me to choose a good camp-site.
E It cost less than my usual holidays.
F It made me feel healthier.
G It brought back happy memories.
H It was a great way for me to relax.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Answer & Audioscript
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a man called Jamie Cole, who is talking about his experience of
writing his first recipe book.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 When Jamie was a recipe tester, he decided to write a recipe book because
A he was persuaded by a colleague that his book would do very well.
B he thought his own recipes were better than the ones he was testing.
C he knew he had a good understanding of what makes a successful recipe.
25 How did Jamie succeed in getting a book deal with a publisher?
A He found an agent who helped him.
B He had a useful contact in the business.
C He wrote to every publisher of food books.
26 What aspect of writing the book did Jamie find most challenging?
A having to spend so much time shopping for ingredients
B practising the same recipe many times in order to perfect it
C researching background information to include about his recipes
27 Jamie says he has been asked by the public
A whether the pictures in his book are real.
B whether he had help with writing the recipes.
C whether his recipe book has earnt him lots of money.
28 Why does Jamie think his recipe book is popular?
A He uses unusual flavour combinations in his recipes.
B His recipes are aimed at people with little time to cook.
C He has included recipes for cooks of different abilities.
29 What advice does Jamie give to people thinking of writing their first recipe book?
A focus on a particular style or type of cooking
B develop food preparation skills by taking courses
C get a job where you work in a kitchen every day
30 What is Jamie’s immediate priority for his career?
A planning a series of TV programmes about food
B travelling widely to gather ideas for future books
C starting a blog as a way to communicate with reader

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear two neighbours talking about a new statue in their town.
What does the woman say about it?
A She suspects many people won’t like it.
B She doesn’t understand what it represents.
C She is convinced it should be removed.
2 You hear a music teacher talking about his job.
He regrets that
A music is rarely considered to be an essential subject.
B there are so few advanced level music students.
C he cannot teach the music that he personally likes.
3 You hear two journalists talking about driverless cars.
What do they both think about them?
A Most drivers would be keen to try them out.
B More tests have to be done on their reliability.
C There will need to be many changes to driving laws.
4 You hear a doctor talking on the radio about colds.
She says many of her patients are unaware that
A antibiotics are ineffective at treating colds.
B healthy eating may help the symptoms of colds.
C there are things they can do to avoid colds.
5 You hear a brother and sister talking about a musical they have seen.
Why does the woman like the musical?
A It explores themes that are important to her.
B She feels sympathetic to its central character.
C The songs are entertaining and easy to remember.
6 You hear a woman talking about horse riding.
How has the woman benefited from going riding again?
A She now has a new group of friends.
B Riding has helped to improve her balance.
C It has enabled her to deal effectively with stress.
7 You hear a customer complaining in a department store.
What does she shop assistant agree to do?
A exchange the item for a different size
B offer a refund for the unsatisfactory item
C give him a credit to spend in the store
8 You hear a food critic talking about a chef called Peter Tinney.
What is she doing?
A describing Peter’s creative approach to cooking
B justifying why Peter deserves the award he has won
C defending Peter’s decision to close his restaurants
Listening Part 2
You will hear a cameraman called Chris Jones giving a talk about filming a wildlife documentary
Gabon Africa.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Filming African wildlife in Loango National Park, Gabon

Chris wanted to visit Gabon after seeing an unusual (9) …………………………… featuring some of
its animals.
When researching his trip, Chris says that a (10) …………………………… was most useful to him.
Chris’s boss advised him that he needed a (11) …………………………… visa for his trip.
A (12) …………………………… offered to be Chris’s local guide in Gabon.
Chris appreciated the ride by (13) …………………………… on his way to Loango National Park.
Chris’s guide explained that forest elephant visit the teach to get (14) …………………………… .
Chris was convinced that the buffalo looked like they were (15) …………………………… in the sea.
Chris didn’t manage to film any (16) …………………………… during his trip.
Chris uses the world (17) …………………………… to describe the people he stayed with.
Chris says the National Park has had difficulties in increasing (18) …………………………… .

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about their experiences of doing part-time
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) how each speaker says they benefited from doing a
part-time course.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A It helped me get promoted at work.
B It made me reconsider my priorities in life.
C It gave me a way to fill my time.
D It introduced me to like-minded people.
E It enabled me to relax after work.
F It allowed me to use my creativity.
G It provided the chance to gain a new qualification.
H It encouraged me to consider taking further courses.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a retired sportswoman called Gemma Porter, who now runs her own
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 Why did Gemma retire from sport?
A She had won all the major championships.
B She wanted to spend less time travelling for work.
C She was starting to get injured more often.
25 How did Gemma feel immediately after her retirement?
A She was dissatisfied at not training every day.
B Her financial situation was a concern to her.
C She missed her former competitors.
26 What did Gemma feel was a disadvantage for her when applying for jobs?
A She lacked formal qualifications.
B She wasn’t used to fixed working hours.
C She had never worked in an office.
27 Why did Gemma start a business helping retired sportspeople to find new careers?
A She still had many friends in the world of sport.
B No other recruitment companies offered this service.
C Her experience meant she could offer the best advice.
28 What motivated Gemma in the early days of her business?
A the determination to prove other people wrong
B the belief that she was doing something worthwhile
C the desire to gain a reputation as a business woman
29 Gemma says some sportspeople can have problems joining a company because
A they can be impatient with colleagues.
B they dislike receiving negative feedback.
C they object to have to follow company rules.
30 Gemma thinks companies will hire more retired sportspeople in the future because
A sportspeople are better at accepting change than other employees.
B both companies and sportspeople are focused on achieving goals.
C companies will only survive if they have staff who are competitive.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear a man talking about flying long distance.
What does he say about it?
A He still finds some trips challenging.
B He now keeps business trips short.
C He always travels in business class.
2 You hear a woman telling her friend about a jewellery-making course she did.
What does she say about it?
A It has given her the confidence to make jewellery to sell.
B Meeting the other participants added to her enjoyment.
C She liked the peaceful atmosphere of the sessions.
3 You hear a woman talking about moving home.
What will the woman do differently the next time she moves home?
A hire a professional company to help her move
B get rid of unwanted possessions before she moves
C research her new neighbourhood in advance of moving
4 You hear two film critics discussing a film starring an actor called Tania Fry.
They agree that
A Tania manages to find humour in the script.
B the film doesn’t allow Tania to show her acting ability.
C there should be more films for actors of Tania’s generation.
5 You hear a football referee talking about his job.
How does he deal with the pressure of his job?
A by taking regular exercise to keep himself fit
B by sharing his experiences with other referees
C by reminding himself that players argue with all referees
6 You hear two friends discussing a photography exhibition they have just been to.
How does the woman feel now?
A enthusiastic about improving her own photography skills
B motivated to find out more about the photographer
C inspired to visit the places shown in the photos
7 You hear a travel and tourism student talking about a project she is doing about pop-culture tourism.
What does she say about fans who travel to pop-culture destinations?
A They are often disappointed by their experience.
B They are unpopular with residents in these locations.
C They are dissatisfied that so few destinations are available.
8 You hear two friends discussing a local market.
Why does the man recommend the market to the woman?
A There aren’t too many shoppers there.
B The prices are generally competitive.
C It helps to support local producers.
Listening Part 2
You will hear a man called Pete talking about a cycling holiday in the UK that his company organises.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Cycling holiday in the UK
Pete calls the 15-day cycle trip (9) ‘……………………………’ level.
A wider range of dates is available to those who choose the (10) ‘……………………………’ option.
In terms of weather, cyclists experience less (11) …………………………… in the middle of the trip.
Pete’s company has won an award for its (12) …………………………… for the last three years.
Starting this year, the company is providing a greater choice of (13) …………………………… for
If you book this holiday, it is not necessary to buy (14) …………………………… .
Pete uses the word (15) …………………………… to describe the majority of the hills on this trip.
Through major cities, cyclists will need to use local (16) …………………………… .
Cyclists need to be in good condition as there are no (17) …………………………… on this trip.
All cyclists receive a (18) …………………………… at the end of the trip.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about learning to drive a car.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what advice each speaker gives.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A Ask others to recommend an instructor.
B Learn to drive in a small car.
C Save money by booking a series of lessons.
D Watch other people’s driving techniques.
E Accept that you may need a lot of lessons.
F Don’t start learning if you’re very nervous.
G Avoid taking lessons when there is heavy traffic.
H Be aware that learning continues even after the driving test.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5

Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a woman called Helena Best, who has been a contestant on three TV
quiz shows.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What does Helena say about being a contestant on the show Full Marks?
A She was frustrated at not remembering the correct answers.
B She was annoyed by some of the people in the audience.
C She was distracted by the studio lights and cameras.
25 When Helena appeared on Great Minds.
A she felt inferior to the other contestants.
B she was relieved that she had prepared well.
C she thought her questions were harder than other people’s.
26 What helped Helena to feel relaxed on Brainbox?
A competing in a team
B being given a suitable topic
C knowing the show was not live
27 What aspect of being a contestant did Helena particularly enjoy?
A chatting to the show’s host during the breaks
B being given expensive clothes to wear for filming
C being treated like a celebrity by the staff at the studio
28 What point does Helena make about applications to be on a quiz show?
A State if you’ve been a contestant on other shows.
B Be honest about your education and previous work.
C Make yourself sound interesting on your application.
29 Helena mentions that, because of the contract contestants are given, it’s important not to
A publish any of the questions online.
B give interviews to newspaper journalists.
C tell anyone in advance whether you’ve won.
30 Helena advises anyone who is going to take part in a quiz show to
A believe strongly in their own ability to win.
B enjoy the experience of being seen on television.
C watch as many episodes of the show as possible.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear a newsreader talking about his job.
He says that the most important thing about getting work as a newsreader is to
A practise your presentation skills.
B train to be a reporter first.
C be prepared to work unsociable hours.
2 You hear a man telling a friend about surfing.
What does he say?
A He still struggles to keep his balance.
B It was harder to learn than expected.
C He finds it less exciting to go surfing now.
3 You hear a nurse talking about healthy eating.
What is she doing as she talks?
A suggesting why some people have unhealthy diets
B describing typical health problems she sees in patients
C encouraging people to take responsibility for their health
4 You hear an advertisement for a game app.
Which feature of the game is being promoted?
A It is easy to play.
B It has multiple uses.
C It’s a way to make friends online.
5 You hear two friends talking about their hobby of fishing.
What do they agree?
A Catching fish is not the most important thing.
B No two fishing experiences are the same.
C It is hard to define the perfect fishing trip.
6 You hear two friends discussing how their town has changed recently.
Why does the woman regret the changes?
A There are more traffic jams than before.
B Public transport is now less convenient.
C Journeys by car have become more complicated.
7 You hear an announcement about a TV programme.
What is the subject of the documentary?
A how to solve people’s sleep problems
B why some of us have problems sleeping
C what happens in the brain when we sleep
8 You hear two teachers talking about children and reading.
What is the man’s attitude to children’s graphic novels?
A They help to motivate certain children to read.
B They can be used for teaching several subjects.
C They are unfairly criticised by his colleagues.

Listening Part 2
You will hear a geography student called Sam giving a talk about tea.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Sam learnt most about tea’s history from the (9) …………………………… he found online.
Sam gives the example of (10) …………………………… being added to tea, to show how tea-
drinking habits have changed.
Sam was surprised to learn that a tea plant is in fact a (11) …………………………… .
According to Sam, a high level of (12) …………………………… is essential for all tea plants.
Sam thinks that the best tea comes from leaves that are (13) …………………………… .
When making a cup of tea, Sam says the (14) …………………………… of the water is very
Sam recommends mixing (15) …………………………… into tea.
Sam says he would never try (16) ……………………………tea.
A relative of Sam’s drinks tea to help with her (17) …………………………… levels.
Sam’s ambition is to see a tea (18) …………………………… .

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about astronomy.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) why each speaker decided to get involved in
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A I was inspired by an educational visit.
B I was looking for an interest that would challenge me.
C Something I read made me curious about astronomy.
D It gave me the chance to be part of an online community.
E My friends were already interested in astronomy.
F I realised it was something I could do while travelling.
G Astronomy can help improve life on earth.
H A relative of mine was passionate about astronomy.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5

Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a woman called Natasha Green, who is talking about her job as an
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What made Natasha want to work as an archaeologist?
A Several of her relatives worked as archaeologists.
B She found something ancient that was very important.
C There were many archaeological sites where she grew up.
25 What does Natasha say about digging in the Sahara Desert?
A She finds the weather to be too challenging at times.
B She is frustrated that there are so many sites to explore.
C She feels jealous of friends spending their holidays relaxing.
26 When starting a new dig, Natasha believes it’s important to
A find out what remains have already been uncovered there.
B assemble the best team of archaeologists to take with her.
C be able to quickly interpret the remains that she finds there.
27 Natasha says she often meets people who are unaware that archaeologists need
A the ability to draw well.
B foreign language skills.
C a good knowledge of IT.
28 How does Natasha recommend that children can become involved in archaeology?
A by volunteering to help at a local dig
B by visiting a variety of ancient sites
C by reading widely about the subject
29 When asked what people should do if they find very old objects, Natasha
A urges people to handle them very carefully.
B expresses her anger at people who sell them.
C stresses that people should show them to an expert.
30 How does Natasha see the job of an archaeologist changing in the future?
A More time will be spent protecting sites.
B There will be fewer archaeological digs in cities.
C Remains will be identified without the need to dig.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear two TV critics talking about presenters of science programmes.
During the conversation, the woman makes the point that
A criticism of current presenters is hardly ever justified.
B presenters tend to lack a background in science.
C TV audiences prefer presenters who are celebrities.
2 You hear a psychologist talking about friendship.
He says his best friends are people who
A he works with.
B he went to school with.
C he shares leisure interests with.
3 You hear two friends talking about holidays.
Why does the woman choose to visit small islands on holiday?
A to explore places that are remote
B to escape from an urban environment
C to experience a unique culture
4 You hear a man telling his wife about a product review he has read online.
How does she respond to what he says?
A She questions the reliability of the review.
B She revises her opinion of the product.
C She is amused by the content of the review.
5 You hear a woman leaving a voicemail message.
Why is she late for her appointment?
A She was held up at work.
B She has been stuck in traffic.
C She lost track of time.
6 You hear two students discussing their project on public parks.
What advice does the man decide to follow?
A to focus on one particular park
B to investigate the benefits of public parks
C to look at how parks have changed over time
7 You hear a woman talking about growing up with lots of cousins.
How does the woman feel now?
A sorry that she hardly sees them
B envious of her cousins’ achievements
C convinced that it has influenced her as an adult
8 You hear a university student talking about his studies.
What does he say about his degree course?
A He think it’s easy to transfer to another programme.
B He feels it could improve his employment prospects.
C He will be based in the same place throughout his degree.

Listening Part 2
You will hear a man called Bradley promoting a food festival that takes place in his home town in the
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
The Great Cheese Festival, Wisconsin, USA
Bradley says the festival takes place during what’s known locally as (9) ‘……………………………’ .
The festival started because a cheese (10) …………………………… opened in another region of the
Every year the three-day festival starts with a special (11) …………………………… .
Bradley’s favourite part of the festival is the display of cheese (12) …………………………… .
This year there will be a cheese (13) …………………………… competition for all visitors.
Bradley particularly recommends the (14) …………………………… for younger children.
It is essential to get (15) …………………………… for the festival.
It’s possible to do (16) …………………………… in the mornings only.
The people from the community who organise the festival are all (17) …………………………… .
Money raised at this year’s festival will finance a (18) …………………………… in the town.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about buying clothes.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says is important to them when
buying clothes.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A I choose clothes I can wear to different occasions.
B I buy well-made clothes that will last a long time.
C I listen to other people’s recommendations.
D I look for clothes that are discounted in price.
E I am interested in keeping up with fashion.
F I prefer my clothes to be comfortable to wear.
G I like clothes that reflect my personality.
H I care about environmental issues regarding clothes.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5
Answer & Audioscript

Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a professor called Martin Hart and a housebuilder called Anna
Peterson who are talking about houses made out of blocks of straw.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 What does Martin Hart say about using straw in the construction of houses?
A Large amounts of straw are currently wasted every year.
B The straw used is not good enough quality to give to animals.
C Enough straw can be produced to build a high number of houses.
25 When developing the technology for building straw houses, Martin added bricks to the outside
A this meant the houses fitted with the surroundings.
B this helped to keep heat inside the houses.
C this made the walls of the houses much straighter.
26 What objection did Martin receive about the straw houses his team built?
A There were concerns about what would happen in a fire.
B People were worried about the carbon dioxide in the walls.
C The walls would not be able to support the weight of the building.
27 Anna Peterson decided to build a straw house for the first time because
A she thought they would become very popular.
B she was curious to experiment with new materials.
C she had clients who expressed an interest in straw houses.
28 When describing her current role in straw house projects, Anna explains that
A she works mainly with the site supervisors.
B she often assists with constructing the roof.
C she personally leads the team of carpenters.
29 The most important consideration for Anna in all her projects now is to
A choose natural materials.
B create unique homes.
C use simple designs.
30 When talking about the future, Anna expresses her desire to
A win an award for her work in building straw houses.
B carry out her plan for building straw houses at a reduced cost.
C teach others the techniques of building straw houses.

Listening Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations.
For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You hear a shop assistant talking about buying bicycles.
What advice does he give?
A Think about what kind of cycling you do.
B Get the best bicycle you can afford.
C Choose a bike with lots of gears.
2 You hear two friends talking about skiing holidays.
What did the woman do differently on her last skiing holiday?
A She booked her holiday a long time in advance.
B She chose an alternative style of accommodation.
C She made her own arrangements regarding a hotel.
3 You hear a woman leaving a voicemail message for a friend about a job interview.
Why is the woman pleased?
A She has been offered the job.
B She was less nervous than she expected.
C She felt she gave the right answers.
4 You hear two people on holiday in Morocco talking about a camel ride they’ve just done.
What surprised the man about the experience?
A the beauty of the scenery
B the helpfulness of the guide
C the nature of the animals.
5 You hear an IT expert talking about passwords.
She suggests that
A changing passwords regularly is advisable.
B there is an acceptable way to write a password down.
C people should avoid having the same password for different things.
6 You hear a guide on a tourist bus being asked about a tall building.
What does she say about the building?
A It offers the best views of the city.
B It’s worth visiting at different times of the day.
C It’s a popular meeting place for local residents.
7 You hear a local radio announcer giving a traffic report.
There are problems on the motorway because
A emergency services are working in the road.
B a broken-down lorry is blocking the road.
C current weather conditions are slowing traffic.
8 You hear a diving instructor talking to a woman who is learning to dive.
According to the instructor, how is the woman’s diving improving?
A She is handling the equipment well.
B She is learning to adjust her speed.
C She is controlling her nerves before a dive.

Listening Part 2
You will hear an art student called Ella giving a talk about the history of mirrors.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Ella started her project by studying ancient mirrors made of (9) …………………………… .
Ella says the Egyptian mirrors she saw had (10) …………………………… on them.
Ella was told that all the images on the ancient mirrors were related to the theme of (11)
…………………………… .
Ella says most early mirrors weren’t very large because of the (12) …………………………… of the
Ella read about a (13) …………………………… that contained a very big mirror.
Ella uses the world (14) …………………………… to describe the shape of early glass mirrors.
The main problem with glass mirrors was the quality of the (15) …………………………… in glass
During the Renaissance period, mirrors helped to start the (16) …………………………… style of art.
In the 1700s mirrors became a feature used in (17) …………………………… design.
Mirrors today are based on a technique that someone who worked as a (18) ……………………………
invented in Germany in the 1800s.

Listening Part 3
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about restaurants they’ve been to.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) why each speaker recommends the restaurant.
Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A The menu changes frequently.
B There is a lively atmosphere.
C The chef is starting to become well-know.
D It is located in a beautiful building.
E The standard of service is very good.
F It is possible to watch the chefs as they cook.
G Local dishes are served.
H The food is good value for money.
19 Speaker 1
20 Speaker 2
21 Speaker 3
22 Speaker 4
23 Speaker 5

Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a writer called Eddy Carlton, who is talking about his experience of
growing oranges in Spain.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24 Why did Eddy decide to buy the fruit farm in Spain?
A He needed to find a way to increase his income.
B He had wanted to live on a farm for several years.
C He happened to find it for sale during a research trip.
25 What did Eddy discover when he first moved into the farm?
A The trees weren’t in a healthy condition.
B The water supply to his farm wasn’t adequate.
C The weather wasn’t as good as he had expected.
26 What does Eddy say about the local people he met?
A They provided practical help on the farm.
B They advised him to change his working hours.
C They were happy to share their knowledge of fruit growing.
27 What does Eddy say about his writing career since he moved to Spain?
A He has found it easier to do his writing than before.
B The location has been the setting for many of his books.
C Writing has become less important to him than growing oranges.
28 What aspect of growing oranges does Eddy think could affect him?
A It’s expensive to pick the oranges by hand.
B People are starting to buy other types of fruit.
C Fewer young people want to work on the land.
29 What has Eddy recently discovered about the area he lives in?
A It used to be famous for a different type of industry.
B It contains many ancient ruins that are rarely visited.
C It has been a popular holiday destination for centuries.
30 What does Eddy hope to do in the future?
A increase the size of his farm
B persuade his children to take over the farm
C convert some farm buildings into holiday accommodation

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