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Chuyên đề: Viết lại câu

1. Đây là 1 trong những dạng bài khá phổ biến trong các bài thi HSG/ Chuyên Anh, đòi hỏi sự cẩn thận cao.
Với dạng bài này cần lưu ý
- Đề bài yêu cầu viết trong giới hạn bao nhiêu từ
- Câu viết lại phải giống nghĩa với câu gốc, ko được thiếu/ thừa thông tin
(biến đổi ít nhất có thể)

2. Một số dạng phổ biến:

- Từ trực tiếp -> gián tiếp (reported speech)
- Từ chủ động -> bị động (active - passive voice)

People believe that he stole the car

=> He is believed to steal the car

=> He is believed to have stolen the car

People believed that he had stolen the car

=> He was believed to have stolen the car

Nếu như hôm qua tôi đã làm btvn, thì bây giờ tôi đang không bị phạt

Vế điều kiện: quá khứ 3

Vế kết quả: hiện tại 2

If I had finished my homework yesterday, I would not be punished now

Had I finished my homework yesterday, I would not be punished now

Were I to finish my homework

- Câu điều kiện 1, 2, 3 - hỗn hợp (3-2)

- Đảo ngữ (No sooner…than… Hardly…when…; Under no circumstances; On no account,...)
- Sử dụng collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verbs…

Cần làm gì khi làm dạng này?

Ví dụ
Amanda has improved a lot this term (PROGRESS)
= Amanda _________________________

Bước 1: Xác định các collocations/ idioms/ phrasal verbs liên quan đến từ khóa => make progress = improve
Bước 2: Xác định chủ ngữ của câu + thì, để kết hợp với cấu trúc trên sao cho hợp nghĩa
=> Amanda has made progress
Bước 3: chú ý các thông tin “nhỏ nhặt” khác, nhưng đừng quên vì có thể sẽ bị trừ điểm nếu thiếu nhé (a lot,
this term)
Bước 4: nhớ soát lại xem đã chia đúng thì chưa, số từ có vượt quá giới hạn không, thông tin có giống như
câu gốc không,...

Làm sao để làm tốt dạng bài này?

1. Tích lũy từ vựng, cấu trúc trong quá trình học.
2. Làm thật nhiềuuuuuu ( Olympic 30/4, Vĩnh Bá, các đề ôn thi đại học, sách FCE, CAE,....)
+ be no concern / business of somebody's
be none of somebody's business: không liên quan gì đến ai
- It's no business of yours how much I earn a month.
- Who I go out with at the moment is none of your business.

+ have no intention of doing something: không có ý định làm gì

- We have no intention of applying for jobs at that company. The salary there is too low.

+ to be short of something: thiếu, không đủ

- I'm a bit short of cash at the moment.

A lack (n) of sth a lack of courage

Lack (v) sth He lacks the courage
Be lacking (adj) in sth

Be proud (adj) of
Take pride (n) in sth He takes pride in his cooking
Pride (v) oneself on sth He prides himself on his cooking

+ to be cut out for sb/sth // to be cut out to be sth: có tính cách, khả năng phù hợp
- She wasn't a great journalist. She was more cut out for television reporting.
- Why did he join the army? He's not really cut out to be a soldier.

+ It comes as no surprise to somebody that: ai đó chả ngạc nhiên gì về …

- It came as no surprise to us that he failed in the exam. He had never studied hard enough.

+ nowhere to be found: tìm đâu cũng không thấy

- They searched the house but the necklace was nowhere to be found.

+ be in the mood for sth/Ving // be in the mood to do sth: có hứng làm điều gì
- I'm in the mood for going out and having a good time.
- She said she wasn’t in the mood to sing

+ (do something) with a view to something / doing something: nhằm mục đích để
- He is painting and decorating the house with a view to selling it for a good price.

To V = so as to V = in order to V = with a view to Ving

+ make a dash for: lao về phía, chạy xô về hướng nào đó

- When seeing many strange people around, the deer made a dash for shelter.
- We jumped into the car and made a dash for the ferry.

+ fall into disrepute: bị mang tiếng xấu, tai tiếng

- Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen into disrepute.

+ take a risk in/by doing something: liều lĩnh làm gì

- If you want to become rich quickly, you should take a risk by investing your money in that company.

+ take it for granted that: đinh ninh chắc rằng, tin rằng điều gì sẽ xảy ra
- We took it for granted that there would be some rooms available at the hotel but we were wrong.
- He took it for granted that he would get the job, and so he was very surprised when he didn't.

+ as a last resort: chỗ bám víu cuối cùng (biện pháp cuối cùng)
- Nobody wanted to lend me the money. As a last resort I asked my brother-in-law, and luckily he was
able to help me.
Resort to sth

+ on the same terms as somebody/something: ngang hàng, bình đẳng

- A good teacher should treat all her pupils on the same terms.

+ In the same boat: cùng hội cùng thuyền

+ give sb/sth priority over sb/sth: cho ai/ cái gì quyền ưu tiên hơn ai/ cái gì
- It should be given priority over other matters at the moment.

Priority (n): sự ưu tiên

Prioritize (v): ưu tiên

+ in awe of something/somebody: kính sợ

- I lived in awe of my father until I was at least fifteen.
- When first working here, I was in awe of all the modern machines which were quite strange to me.

+ at one's disposal: có sẵn cho ai sử dụng theo ý muốn

- Students have a well-stocked library at their disposal.
- The firm put a secretary at my disposal.

1. She always has a good relationship with the children. GOT

= She has always got on well with the children

Get on well with sb / get along with sb = on good terms with sb

2. At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid. AWE

= At first I was a bit in awe of the new computer

3. There's no point in phoning Caroline - she's away. TIME

= Don’t waste your time phoning Caroline - she’s away

4. William decided that an actor's life was not for him. CUT
= William decided that he was not cut out to be an actor

5. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won't succeed. POINT
= There's no point in trying to get Tim to lend you his car

6. I fully intended to find out who is responsible for the graffiti. INTENTION
= I have every intention of finding out who is responsible for the graffiti

7. I only called the police when I had tried everything else. RESORT
Resort to Ving: sử dụng cái gì như biện pháp cuối cùng
As a last resort

= I only called the police as a last resort

= I resorted to calling the police

8. Women in this factory work under the same conditions as men. TERMS
= Women in this factory work on the same terms as men

9. I don't think he's likely to telephone this late at night. DOUBT

= I doubt if he’ll telephone this late at night
10. I assumed that you would ask for a reference. GRANTED
= I took it for granted that you would ask for a reference

11. Any correspondence from the London office must be dealt with before other matters. PRIORITY
= Any correspondence from the London office must be given priority over other matters

12. You'd feel better if you had a quiet holiday. DO

= A quiet holiday would do you good

13. As I intended to expand my shop, I made an offer for the premises next door. VIEW
= I made an offer for the premises next door with a view to expanding my shop

14. Jenny didn't feel like going to the party. MOOD

= Jenny wasn’t in the mood to go to the party

15. The prisoner was recaptured as he rushed towards the gate. DASH
= The prisoner was recaptured as he made a dash for the gate

16. Surely it was dangerous for you to hitch-hike all that way alone. RISK
= Surely you took a risk in hitch-hiking all that way alone

17. Mrs. Scott is proud of her cooking. PRIDES

= Mrs. Scott prides herself on her cooking

18. Gerald never had enough to live on until he married that rich businesswoman. SHORT
= Gerald was always short of money until he married that rich businesswoman.

19. The president arranged for me to use his chauffeur-driven car whenever I liked. DISPOSAL
= The president put his chauffeur-driven car at my disposal

20. Since the company's methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their good opinion of it
= Since the company's methods were exposed in a newspaper, it has fallen into disrepute

21. What Rachel does in her spare time doesn't concern me. BUSINESS
= What Rachel does in her spare time is none of my business./ no business of mine

Sth come to light

Bring sth to light
Have a bad opinion of sth: đánh giá thấp cái gì

Bài tập ứng dụng
1. The play __came in for__ quite a lot of criticism when it first opened
2. How exactly did you ___come by___ this painting? It's very like one that was reported stolen.
3. Give him time. He's sure to ___come around to___ our way of thinking in the end
4. I ___came into____ a small fortune when my uncle died but I managed to squander most of it, I'm
ashamed to say.
5. As soon as I opened the garden gate, the dog __came at__ us with teeth bared.
6. On the very first day of the holiday he ___came out___ in a rash.
7. In desperation we employed a private detective and he ___came up with__ some quite valuable evidence.
8. She ___came across__ as rather nervous at the interview but I don't think we should count that against
9. How did the problem __come about__ in the first place?
10. When I ___came around/ round__ after the accident, I couldn't remember what had happened.
11. Both the children ___came down with__ measles at the beginning of the summer and we had to postpone
our holiday.
12. We __came across__ some marvelous deserted beaches on our touring holiday in south west Ireland

Desert: hoang mạc

Dessert: món tráng miệng
Bài tập ứng dụng
1. I’ve been so busy that I just haven’t ___got round to___ answering your letter, I’m afraid
2. Frankly, I don’t know how he ____gets by____ on the small amount he earns
3. He nearly always managed to ___get out of______ doing the heavy work by pretending he had a bad back
4. Considering how little they’ve got in common, it’s surprising how well they __get on__ together (get along)
5. How’s your mother? Has she ____got over___ her operation yet? (pull through)
6. Did you phone your solicitor? No, I couldn’t ___get through___, the line was engaged
7. The job itself is well paid and interesting, but commuting to the City every day really _gets_ me __down__
8. It’s no use trying to ___get round___ him with charm. Once he’s made up his mind he never changes it
9. I can’t see quite what you’re ___getting at____. Could you be a bit more specific?
10. So, he’s finally been arrested for tax fraud. I’m surprised he managed to __get away with__ it for so long

1. Don’t let me _____put_____ you ____off______ going to see it. I mean, the film does have its good points
2. At the meeting someone ___put forward____ the idea that there should be a student representative on the
3. He did seem a bit short-tempered, I agree. I ____put______ it ____down________ to overwork
4. I’m just not prepared to ___put up with______ your inefficiency any longer. You’re fired!
5. Thank you. I’d love to stay for dinner, as long as it won’t ___put___ you ____out____ at all
6. We’ll just have to ____put______ the meeting ____off____ until everyone’s back from holiday
7. The part of the course I enjoyed least was philosophy. It wasn’t ___put across__ very well by the lecturer
8. If your sister can ____put______ me ______up____ it’ll save the cost of a hotel room for the night
9. She ___put___ it ___around_____ that she was thinking of leaving the company and, as a result, she
received several offers from rival organizations
10. He didn’t really hurt his leg, you know. He limped a bit, but he was only __putting___ it __on___ to get our
1. It looks as if the rain has ___set in___ for the rest of the day
2. If you could ___set out_____ your specific proposals in a letter, we will give them our attention
3. Don’t you dare come near my house or I’ll ____set___ the dog _____on_____ you!
4. Could you give me some advice, please? I’d like to know how to __set about____ claiming a tax allowance
5. If we ____set off___ at dawn, we should reach the coast by midday
6. The whole family ___set to___ energetically and by the end of the morning most of the weeds had been
cleared from the garden
7. It was just the funny way he spoke which ____set_____ me ___off___ laughing. I couldn’t help it
8. The government has ___set up___ a scheme to help small businesses with advice
9. Don’t ___set off_____ any fireworks too near the house, will you?
10. He originally ____set out___ to beat the land speed record, but weather conditions were unfavourable

1. He only ____took up___ golf because his doctor told he would have to get more exercise
2. When I first heard the announcement, I was too busy cooking to ___take______ it ____in_____ properly
3. Our local pub hasn’t had the same atmosphere since it was ____taken over___ by one of the big breweries
4. He’s a marvelous mimic. You should see the way he ___takes off___ the Prime Minister - it’s hilarious
5. The jacket fits you very well round the waist, sir, but if you feel it’s too long, we can easily arrange for it to be
__taken up__
6. My daughter’s not a bit like me. She seems to ____take after___ her father in the way she acts
7. Don’t let him ___take____ you ____in____ with his hard luck stories. The truth is that he’s never done an
honest day’s work in his life!
8. However keen you are to make a success of the business, it’s important not to ___take on____ more work
than you can reasonably manage
9. When our in-laws first met they ___took to____ each other immediately and they’ve been friends ever since

10. Thank you for that explanation of union views but there is one point I’d like to _____take___ you
___up____ on, if I may. Is it really true to say….?
11. Do you have trouble obtaining your copy of Teacher’s Weekly? Why not ___take out____ a regular
subscription and be sure of receiving each edition as soon as it’s published?
12. The problem with losing weight, I find, is that all your clothes need to be ___taken in____

* Phrasal verbs with BRING

Bring along - To take sb/sth with you: Can I bring a friend along to the party

Bring off - To succeed in doing sth difficult

It was an important event, and she's managed to bring it off wonderfully.

Bring round - To make sb conscious

- To bring sb/sth to sb’s house: Bring the family round one evening
- To persuade sb to agree to sth
He didn't like the plan at first, but we managed to bring him round

Bring forward - to introduce sth so that it can be seen or discussed

The police brought forward some new evidence in the case.
- to change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than planned
The elections were brought forward by three months.

Bring out - to produce sth; to publish sth

The band have just brought out their second album.

Bring back - to make someone think about something from the past
The photos brought back some wonderful memories.

Bring up - To vomit: bring up your lunch

- To mention a subject or start to talk about it: bring it up at the meeting

Bring about - to cause sth to happen

He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.

1. Seeing your brother again after all these years ___brings back/ brought back____ a lot of memories for me.
2. If you have time tonight, can you ___bring round____ that CD I lent you last week?
3. The punk movement in the Seventies ___brought about___ a big change in popular music.
4. It seemed an impossible shot to play, but Jenkins __brought__it __off__ and won the game in the last
5. She must have a terrible stomach infection. She ___has brought up____ everything she has eaten this
6. We will have to ___bring____ the party ____forward___ because John leaves for Australia on the 25th.
7. The boxer was knocked out but his doctor __brought___ him __round____with smelling salts.
8. If your uncle visits us tonight, don't ___bring up____ the subject of his wife! It's a very sore point.
9. The company are ____bringing out____ a new product in April and are expecting good sales to increase
10. A good, patient teacher will encourage and ___ bring along___ a shy student.

* Phrasal verbs with BREAK

Break into - to suddenly begin to do something
As the president's car drew up, the crowd broke into loud applause.

- to to get into a building or car using force, usually to steal something

We had our car broken into last week.

Break down - If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working

Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road.

- If a system, relationship, or discussion breaks down, it fails because there is a problem

or disagreement
Break out - If something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts
War broke out in 1914.
- break out in a rash, sweat, etc: to suddenly have red marks or sweat appear on your skin
- to escape from a place or a situation
Two inmates broke out of prison and are still at large.

Break even - to have no profit or loss at the end of a business activity

After paying for our travel costs, we barely (= only just) broke even.

Break up - end a relationship/ marriage

- to separate into smaller pieces
There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies.

Break in - to enter a building by force

Burglars had broken in while we were away.
- to interrupt when someone else is talking
As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, "That's a lie."
- If you break in a vehicle, you use it carefully and slowly for a short time when it is new, so
that you do not damage its engine.
- to wear new shoes or use new equipment for short periods to make them more
My new hiking boots will be great once I've broken them in.

1. When he saw the police behind him, he ___broke into_____ a run.

2. Bring your mobile phone just in case the car ___breaks down___ on the motorway.
3. War has ___broken out____ in the small African country of Gabon. All Europeans are advised to leave
4. If the expenses and income of a company are equal, the company ___breaks even____. If it earns more
money, it has made a profit.
5. Someone is __breaking into/ in__________! I heard a window smashing. Call the police!
6. When Prince Charles ____broke up_ with Princess Diana, nobody imagined he would marry again.
7. A general election was called after negotiations between the government and the opposition ___broke
8. After the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was ____broken up______.
9. In "Jurassic Park", there is panic and chaos when the carnivorous dinosaurs ___broke out____ of their
10. Go slowly in that new car for a few days. You need to ___break in___ the engine.

* Phrasal verbs with GIVE

Give off - to produce heat, light, a smell, or a gas
The forest fire gave off thick black smoke.

Give in - to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time
He nagged me so much for a new bike that eventually I gave in.

- to accept that you have been defeated and agree to stop competing or fighting
You'll never guess the answer - do you give in?

- to give a piece of written work or a document to someone to read, judge, or deal with
Have you given that essay in yet?

Give away - to give something to someone without asking for payment

The shop is giving away a sample to every customer.

- to tell people something secret, often without intending to

I won't give the game (= the information or plan) away

- to show someone's secret feelings

She thinks no one knows how much she likes him, but her face when I said he'd be there
really gave her away

Her face gave her away

Give up - to stop owning, using, or claiming something

They were forced to give up their home because they couldn't pay the mortgage.

- to stop doing something before you have finished it, usually because it is too difficult

- If you give up a habit, such as smoking, or something such as alcohol, you stop doing it
or using it

Give out - to give something to each of a number of people.

They're giving out free tickets to the circus.

- If a machine or part of your body gives out, it stops working

At the end of the race his legs gave out and he collapsed on the ground.
The batteries are likely to give out soon.

1. We wanted to keep Debbie's birthday party a secret, but Hank has a big mouth and __gave____ it
2. Your son is a wonderful student and even helps me __give out_______ worksheets to the whole class at
the start of every lesson.
3. I have to ___give up____ all fatty foods if I really want to lose weight.
4. Eventually, one of the wrestlers held the other one until he ___gave in____.
5. I found a box of some strange substance in the river. It ___gave off_____ a strange odor so I left it where it
was and called the police.
6. Hurry to that furniture shop on the high street - they are __giving away_____ a television with every sofa
7. If your husband loses his job, you will have to ____give up____ this house and move into an apartment.
8. At the end of the exam, __give__ your papers __in___ to Miss Grant, who will pass from desk to desk.

* Phrasal verbs with GO

Go on about - to talk about something for a long time, often in an annoying way
He used to go on about what a wonderful cook he was.

Go for - If something goes for a certain amount of money, it is sold for that amount
The painting is expected to go for at least a million dollars.
Because the shop's closing down, most of the stock is going for a song (= being sold
very cheaply).

- go for it: to do anything you have to in order to get something

"I'm thinking of applying for that job." "Go for it!"

Go over - to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way

Remember to go over your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it
in to me.

- to be received in a particular way

Do you think my speech went over OK?

Go through - to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation

I've been going through a bad patch recently.

- If a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved

The proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.
- to examine something that contains a collection of things carefully in order to organize
them or find something
Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing

- to do something in order to practise or as a test -> rehearse -> rehearsal

Why don't we go through the whole demonstration once more?

Go off - If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working

The lights went off in several villages because of the storm.

- If a bomb goes off, it explodes

The bomb went off at midday

- If a gun goes off, it fires

His gun went off accidentally. (cướp cò)

- If food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is too old
This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off?

- If a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly or make a loud noise
Didn't you hear your alarm clock going off this morning?

- to stop liking or being interested in someone or something

I went off beefburgers after I got food poisoning from a takeaway.

Go down with - to start to suffer from an infectious disease

Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.

1. Susan has ___gone down with___ the flu and can't accompany us to the theatre this evening. What a
2. Steve's dishonesty at the meeting has really made me ___go off____ him.
3. I want to ___go over_________ the solution again. I didn't really understand it.
4. The Hornets need to win their final match by two points to ___go through____ to the final.
5. A car bomb ___went off___ in Madrid this morning near the parliament. Nobody was injured.
6. If you keep ___going on____ about your damn new car anymore, I will stop listening to you. Change the
7. If you try to sell this on the open market, it could ___go for_____ around $5000.
8. If the President makes a speech about raising taxes, it won't _____go over_______ very well.
9. Something has ___gone off____ in this fridge. There's a terrible smell!
10. After the divorce, I ___went through____ a lot before finding my self-confidence again.

1. I really prefer just about anything ___to___ watching television
2. This year’s conference coincided ___with___ two other major conventions
3. Is it possible to insure my bike ___against___ theft?
4. The problem stems ___from____ the government’s lack of action
5. When I asked Jean, she hinted ____at___ the chance of a promotion for me
6. Being rich doesn’t count ____for____ much on a desert island
7. I pleaded ___with____ John to change his mind, but he wouldn’t listen
8. I can’t stand the way she is always boasting ___about__ her wealthy parents
9. My grandfather is always confusing Madonna ___with___ Maradona
10. Could you please refrain ___from___ smoking in the lecture hall
11. Dave’s pockets were crammed ___with___ empty chocolate wrappers
She is cramming ___for____ her history exam
12. Everyone tried to blame Janet __for___ the mistake
13. When I retired, I devoted myself ___to____ improving my golf
14. Tim was exempted ___from____ military service because of his bad heart
15. Mary specializes ___in____ designing theatres and concert halls
16. That creep! He is always trying to ingratiate himself ___with___ the boss!
17. The Prime Minister refused to elaborate ___on____ what he had said earlier
18. I’m afraid that the parking regulations apply ____to___ everyone, sir
19. On its first voyage, the Titanic met ___with____ disaster
20. I’m really not used ____to___ being treated like that!
21. I wish you’d stop arguing ____about___ politics all the time
22. Could you deal ___with____ this problem? I’m rather busy
23. The lights are designed to deter burglars ___from___ approaching the house
24. Your plan doesn’t allow __for____ changes in the weather
25. I would like to protest ___against/about___ your treatment of the staff
26. Damage to the building resulted ___from__ an unusually high wind
The fire resulted ___in___ damage to their property
27. We really marveled ___at___ Helen’s conjuring tricks
28. I am not really concerned ____about____ that side of the business
29. The Minister is also implicated ____in____ the scandal
30. The company is committed ___to____ raising salaries and improving conditions
31. Diane showed a complete disregard ___for____ her own safety
32. I was totally baffled ___by____ Tim’s behavior
33. For Romeo and Juliet, it was love __at__ first sight
34. They wouldn’t let me in the pub because I was ___under__ age
35. Our house has been ___on___ the market for months
36. You are perfectly capable ___of___ making your own bed, I would have thought!
37. We walked on tiptoe __for__ fear of being discovered
38. This is one of the exceptions __to___ the rule
39. I am surprised ___at___ you, forgetting your briefcase like that
40. We met at the hotel completely ___by__ coincidence
41. Helen had great admiration __for____ her history teacher
42. I’m afraid I’m not very good __with___ animals
43. The favorite dropped out of the race ___at__ the early stages
44. I was __under__ the impression that you liked Indian food
45. The minister stated that no real alternative __to___ the plan existed
46. This town is famous __for___ its hand-woven carpets
47. Your performance this term contrasts very favorably ___with___ last term’s
48. Many young people become addicted __to__ drugs through ignorance
49. Apparently a number of army officers were implicated ___in___ the plot
50. Carol doesn’t have a very good relationship ___with__ her mother
On good terms with sb
51. Her novel shot…to…the top of the bestseller list.
52. He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic…about…my problem.
53. Many companies have imposed curbs…on…smoking in the workplace.
54. He took a vow to abstain…from…alcohol.
55. She was recently divorced and feeling… at……a very low ebb.
56. They have always been very polite in their dealings…with…me.
57. It is important to have someone you can confide…in….
58. The letter was devoid……of……warmth and feeling.
59. You deserve credit…for……making him change his mind.
60. Anne was French…by…birth but lived most of her life in Italy.
regardless of due to in favour of in case of apart from
as for by means of instead of according to on behalf of
1. I think I'd rather have coffee……instead of……..tea.
2.…Regardless of..the danger, Paul ran back into the burning house.
3.…In case of…, smash the glass and push the emergency button.
4. Personally, I am……in favour of…..banning cigarettes completely.
5. I would like to thank you…on behalf of…..everybody who was rescued.
6.…Apart from = Except, nobody else knows that I have escaped.
7…As for..Steve, he believes that we should stay where we are.
8. Jim managed to climb the house…by means of…..the ladder he found.
9.……Due to …..the rain, the match was postponed.
10.…According to…..the timetable, the next train is due in two hours.

Underline and correct ten mistakes about prepositions in the following passage. Write the corrections in the
space given below.
Graduate Joblessness
Large numbers in young people who completed university and went out in search for a job last summer
are still outside of work. A rise of the number of graduates this year, together with cuts on graduate training
schemes, have resulted in record levels with graduate unemployment this year. What can you do to make sure
that you're not into this position when you finish your studies? Career advisors recommend working towards
nothing during the school holidays to get experience about the kind of work you want to do eventually. This
tactic may even result from a permanent position once the firm sees what you are capable in doing.
(adapted from Mastermind Use of English)
For example: 0. in → of

A large number of people

1. For -> of
2. Outside -> Out of work
3. Rise of -> in
4. Cuts on -> in
5. Levels of unemployment
6. Into -> in this position
7. Working towards -> for
8. Experience about -> in
9. Result from -> in
10. Capable in -> of

1. Peter always trusts me with his secrets (CONFIDE)
= Peter always confides in me

2. A true story forms the basis of Mary’s new novel (ON)

= Mary’s new novel is based on a true story

3. I don’t understand the reference of this phrase (TO)

= I don’t understand what this phrase refers to

4. There were a lot of people on the bus (PACKED)

= The bus was packed with a lot of people

5. You were in my dreams last night (ABOUT)

= I dreamt about you last night

6. Danny was asked to leave the school for bad behavior (FROM)
= Danny was expelled from school for bad behavior

Xuất viện: discharge from

7. This house brings home to mind! (REMINDS)

= This house reminds me of my home

8. Tina rewrote the French book in Spanish (FROM)

= Tina translated the book from French to Spanish

9. Christmas and roast turkey go together in my mind (WITH)

= I associate Christmas with roast turkey

10. I think a rest would do you good (FROM)

= I think you would benefit from a rest

-> benefit from: được lợi

11. When he has to face a crisis, Tony panics (FACED)

= Faced with a crisis, Tony panics

When he is faced with a crisis, Tony panics

=> Faced with a crisis, Tony panics
Tony panics when faced with a crisis

When he faces a crisis, Tony panics

12. Collecting stamps gives me a lot of pleasure (DERIVE)

= I derive a lot of pleasure from collecting stamps

13. The arrested man did not look the same as the wanted man (ANSWER)
= The arrested man did not answer to the description of the wanted man

14. The facts of the case were familiar to the lawyer (ACQUAINTED)
= The lawyer was acquainted with the facts of the case

15. The deaths of over fifty people were caused by the storm (RESULTED)
= The storm resulted in the deaths of over fifty people
= The deaths of over fifty people resulted from the storm

16. We have given winter equipment to all the soldiers (PROVIDED)

= All the soldiers have been provided with winter equipment

Provide sb with sth

=> sb is provided with sth

17. We can only make a guess about the real truth (GUESSED)
= The real truth can only be guessed at

18. You haven’t explained exactly how the money disappeared (ACCOUNTED)
= You haven’t accounted exactly for the disappearance of the money

19. One of our philosophers is supposed to have said this (ATTRIBUTED)

= This (saying) is attributed to one of our philosophers

Attribute A to B: cho rằng A được gây ra bởi B

Ascribe A to B
Put A down to B

20. Brian is good at looking after the sick (CARE) the poor the rich
= Brian is well able to care for the sick

21. Please send the letter as soon as possible (DELAY)

= Please send the letter without delay

22. You have to pay two months’ rent before you move in (ADVANCE)
= You have to pay two months’ rent in advance before you move in

23. We get on very well with our next-door neighbours (TERMS)

= We are on very good terms with our next-door neighbours

24. Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker (DEMAND)

= Pauline is in demand as an after-dinner speaker

25. I accidentally picked up the wrong suitcase at the airport (MISTAKE)

= I picked up the wrong suitcase at the airport by mistake

26. The whole team was in a happy mood (SPIRITS)

= The whole team was in high spirits

27. I realised I had said something wrong (CONSCIOUS)

= I was conscious of saying something wrong

28. You are not lucky today, I’m afraid (OUT)

= You are out of luck today, I’m afraid

29. You can’t get to the village in winter because of the snow (ACCESS)
= There is no access to the village in winter because of the snow

30. I don’t want us to have a quarrel (YOU) = argument

= I don’t want to quarrel with you

31. I think this word comes from ancient Greek (DERIVED)

= I think this word is derived from ancient Greek

Derive pleasure from listening to music

32. I like to spend a lot of time in the open air (DOORS)

= I like to spend a lot of time out of doors

33. I don’t think you mean what you say about helping me (EARNEST)
= I don’t think you are in earnest about helping me

34. Paul went to see the bank manager about getting a loan (VIEW)
= Paul went to see the bank manager with a view to getting a loan

35. This miserable weather isn’t funny any more! (JOKE)

= This miserable weather is beyond a joke!

36. It’s uncertain whether the band’s tour will take place (BALANCE)
= The band’s tour is in the balance


37. I wish I knew what to do about this problem (SOLUTION)

= I wish I knew the solution to this problem

38. You can walk to the station easily from the hotel (WITHIN)
= The station is within walking distance of the hotel

39. Karen received a medal for her services (RECOGNITION)

= Karen received a medal in recognition of her services

40. You have to pay your son’s debts as he is under age (LIABLE)
= You are liable for paying your son’s debts as he is under age

Responsible for = accountable for = be liable for sth

Hold sb responsible / accountable/ liable for sth

41. After trying twice, Ivan broke the record when he tried the third time.
= Ivan broke the record on/ at his third attempt

42. The meeting will probably be cancelled

= In all probability, the meeting will be cancelled

43. Considering your position, we won’t press charges (đâm đơn kiện)
= Under the circumstances, we won’t press charges

44. Eventually you will be able to walk quite normally

= In the end, you will be able to walk quite normally
= In time, you will be able to walk quite normally

45. The students are living temporarily in a caravan

= For the time being, the students are living in a caravan
46. I tend to discover the truth somehow or other (ANOTHER)
= In one way or another, I tend to discover the truth

47. The soldiers entered the castle while it was dark (COVER)
= Under the cover of darkness, the soldiers entered the castle

48. Speaking for my colleagues, I would like to thank you

= On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to thank you

49. I thought you had accepted

= I was under the impression that you had accepted

50. Everyone was exhausted apart from Sally

= With the exception of Sally, everyone was exhausted

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. I would never have __________ Jim of being the culprit (thủ phạm)
A. accused B. convicted C. suspected D. reminded

2. How did Sheila __________ to the news of her award?

A. react B. answer C. confess D. appeal

3. Someone has been __________ with the lock of the cash box
A. cluttering B. dealing C. tampering D. matching

4. Don’t worry about lunch. I’ll __________ to it

A. succeed B. apply C. devote D. see

Apply oneself to sth: He applied himself to his studies

Devote sth to sth
Dedicate sth to sth
Contribute to sth: góp phần cống hiến

5. More than two hundred police officers are __________ in the investigation
A. absorbed B. engrossed C. specialized D. involved

Be absorbed in sth = be engrossed in = be immersed in sth

6. The trouble with Jean is that she is __________ with sport!

A. obsessed B. packed C. matched D. dealt

7. Tony’s parents decided that he couldn’t be __________ with money

A. acquainted B. complied C. trusted D. met

42. Trust sb with sth: to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is
safe and reliable
I wouldn't trust him with my car.

=> be trusted with sth

He is not trusted with my car

8. Pauline and Helen __________ on our staying for lunch

A. congratulated B. insisted C. decided D. concentrated

Insist on
Persist in
Persistent offender

9. I am afraid that these regulations have to be __________ with

A. complied B. provided C. faced D. met

10. Our thoughts __________ on our four missing colleagues

A. based B. centred C. imposed D. depended

45. Centre around/ on sth: to have something as the main subject of discussion or interest
The discussion centred around reducing waste.

11. It was very good ________ you to help Dave with his homework
A. for B. to C. with D. of

12. Nothing ________ the ordinary every happens here

A. from B. out of C. about D. within

13. The union and the management are in ________ over working conditions
A. advance B. practice C. collaboration D. dispute
In disagreement about/ over sth

14. After running up the stairs I was quite ________ breath

A. out of B. from C. without D. beyond

15. I’m afraid that this incident could put your career here ________
A. beyond a joke B. in jeopardy C. in earnest D. at fault

16. We are ________ no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here
A. with B. to C. under D. at

17. It seems to be your boss who is ________ fault in this case

A. at B. under C. with D. for

At fault = be to blame = be responsible for

Blame sth on sb = blame sb for sth

18. It’s too late to phone Jill at work, at any ________

A. case B. time C. situation D. rate

19. Tina is an authority ________ Byzantine architecture

A. for B. on C. with D. in

Specialist in
Expert on = Authority on

20. I reckon Martin is ________ of a nervous breakdown

A. in charge B. under suspicion C. on the verge D. indicative

On the verge of tears

+ sell like hot cakes: bán đắt như tôm tươi

During the days when the temperature dropped under 10°C, electric heaters sold like hot cakes in the
Northern cities of Vietnam.
+ pull someone's leg: trêu chọc ai đó
I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg.

+ hit the roof: tức giận, giận dữ

The teacher hit the roof when she knew that more than ten students cheated in her test

+ hit the ceiling/ lose one’s temper/ see red/ fly off the handle/ blow a fuse

+ go for a song: bán giá rẻ, bán giá hạ

We don't want to continue our business any longer. All the goods will go for a song so that we can close at the
end of this month

+ look daggers at someone: giận dữ nhìn ai đó

He looked daggers at the security guard of the supermarket when this man asked him to open his bag.

+ hand in glove: sâu sát, chặt chẽ với

The environmentalists have been working hand in glove with the local government to prevent water pollution in
this beautiful lake.

+ have a bee in one's bonnet about something: đặt nặng chuyện gì

Vi du: My mother never buys red meat when she goes to market because she always has a bee in her bonnet
about it doing harm to the health.

+ splitting headache: nhức đầu như búa bổ

I drank too much beer at the party last night and now I have a splitting headache.

+ pay through the nose: trả giá rất cao, trả giá mắc để mua cái gì
My brother has just bought a flat in Ho Chi Minh City but he said that he had to pay through the nose for it.

+ look/ feel like death warmed up: như chết rồi, như ma chết trôi
You look like death warmed up. What time did you go home from the party last night?

+ get cold feet: mất hết can đảm, chùn bước, sờn lòng
At first, I was eager to go abroad to find a job but later I got cold feet.

+ jump the (traffic) lights = run a (red) light: vượt đèn đỏ

He was in a hurry and decided to jump the traffic lights. As a result, he was fined 120,000VND by the police.

+ fly off the handle: dễ nổi giận, dễ phát cáu

I can't stand his behavior. It is very easy for him to fly off the handle.

+ off the peg: may sẵn

Buying clothes off the peg is normally cheaper than having the tailor make them.

+ the apple of one's eye: người quý báu nhất của ai

His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye.

+ in sb’s good books

+ by the skin of one's teeth: 1 cách sát sao, suýt

I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school by the skin of my teeth.

+ beat about the bush: nói loanh quanh, vòng vo

Don't waste my time. Please stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.

+ bucket down: mưa xối xả, mưa như trút nước

We had no sooner set off for a picnic than it started to bucket down.

+ close shaves: những lần thoát hiểm trong gang tấc

When he was young, he was an excellent spy. He sometimes tells me about his close shaves before he retired
and moved to this city.

~ narrow escape: a situation in which you avoid danger although you very nearly do not
He had a very narrow escape from death when his aircraft came down in a storm.

+ drop a brick: lỡ lời/ làm gì đó khiến bạn cảm thấy xấu hổ

I found out that I had just dropped a brick when saying that I met her boyfriend at the restaurant because he
had told her that he went to an important meeting at the company.

+ blow one's trumpet: khoác lác, tự cao tự đại (boast, praise oneself greatly)
I really hate my boss because he keeps blowing his trumpet - saying that he is the number-one businessman
in the whole country.

+ pat sb/yourself on the back: to praise someone or yourself for doing something well
You can pat yourselves on the back for a job well done

+ sleep on it: suy nghĩ thêm về điều gì

You should sleep on it and give me your answer at the end of this month.

+ drop someone a line: viết thư cho ai

Remember to remind him to drop me a line when you come to Thailand to visit him

+ fight tooth and nail: đánh nhau dữ dội, cấu xé lẫn nhau
The two groups of bullies fought tooth and nail before the police came last night.

+ know like the back of one's hand: rõ như lòng bàn tay
He has been working at this museum for more than 30 years and knows it like the back of his hand.

= know sth inside out: know everything about a subject

+ down the drain: đổ sông đổ biển

I regret buying this second-hand car. It was a lot of money down the drain.

+ smell a rat: hoài nghi, linh cảm chuyện không ổn

He said nothing happened but I began to smell a rat when he kept beating about the bush.

+ the last straw: giọt nước tràn ly

The fact that the team lost the last match was the last straw. The coach was forced to resign.

+ get the hang of something: học được cách sử dụng, làm gì

A computer is something very strange to this old woman but she soon gets the hang of it.

+ have something on one's mind: bận tâm suy nghĩ điều gì (be preoccupied with sth)
Paul has a lot on his mind at the moment.
+ chip in: góp tiền
On Tet occasion this year, we had a meeting and decided to chip in to hold a party and invited all the teachers
who had taught us at high school.
+ get/have butterflies in one's stomach: cảm thấy bồn chồn, lo lắng
Every student has butterflies in their stomach before an important examination.

+ off one's head: điên, loạn trí

That young man must be off his head when driving his car so fast.

+ off the record: không chính thức, không được công bố

The information you've got is off the record, so be careful if you intend to use it for publication.

+) be one’s cup of tea: thứ mà ai thích

Listening to a piece of classical music is the first thing I do every day. Classical music is really my cup of tea

+) cut it fine: đến sát giờ

Luckily I cut it fine this morning. They were about to leave without me when I came

+) golden handshake: a payment made to an employee when they leave their job as a reward for very long or
good service
He is to leave with a golden handshake understood to total at least one year's salary.

Bài tập ứng dụng

1. Although she had never used a word-processor before, she soon got the...... of it.
A. feel B. touch C. swing D. hang

2. I caught the last bus by the skin of my…...

A. mouth B. leg C. neck D. teeth

3. 'What's wrong with Guy today? He's unusually quiet."

"He's got something on his ..... I expect."
A. brain B. mind C. thoughts D. brow

4. I really must go and lie down for a while; I've got a headache.
A. cutting B. splitting C. ringing D. cracking

5. The sky got very dark and soon it began to ……. down.
A. roar B. bath C. bucket D. pouring

6. My father …….. when he found out that I'd damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down

7. If you want a flat in the centre of the city you have to pay through the …….. for it.
A. teeth B. back of your head C. nose D. arm

8. Because the owner wanted a quick sale, the house went for ……. only £30,000.
A. loose change B. a song C. a loaf of bread D. a smile

9. Stop …….. about the bush, James! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving

10. You didn't think I was being serious, did you, Brian? It was a joke! I was pulling your ....... that's all !
A. thumb B. hair C. toe D. leg

11. I usually buy my clothes …….. It's cheaper than going to a dress maker.
A. off the peg B. on the house C. in public D. on the shelf

12. David's leaving on Friday. I suggest we all …..... and get him a going-away present £1 each should do.
A. dish out B. chip in C. pass the buck D. pay on the nail

13. She would do anything for her youngest son. He was the ……...of her eye.
A. plum B. centre C. star D. apple

14. I always get …….. in my stomach before visiting the dentist.

A. worms B. butterflies C. crabs D. hedgehogs

15. Those second-hand Walkmans are selling like …….. If you want one, you'd better buy one now before
they're all gone.
A. shooting stars B. fresh bread C. hot cakes D. wild oats

16. I haven't had an accident yet but I've had a number of …….. shaves.
A. narrow B. near C. close D. tiny

17. I didn't suspect anything at first, but when I noticed her going through the office drawers I began to smell….
A. a rat B. a pig C. a thief D. a culprit

18. Jane looked …….. at the shop assistant who had been rude to her,
A. arrows B. needles C. poison D. daggers

19. My father refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had in his bonnet about it causing cancer.
A. a bug B. a bee C. a bull D. an ant

20. You really dropped …….. the other day when you told Brian you'd seen his wife at the cinema. He thought
she was at her mother's.
A. a brick B. a stone C. a log D. a plank

21. The accident was caused by a taxi driver .... the traffic lights.
A. rushing B. missing C. jumping D. beating

22. Lend me £20, please, John. I'm ….. at the moment.

A. broke B. down the drain C. stuck up D. a bit thick

23. I can't stand Mr Bryant. He's always blowing his own ……. telling everyone how good he is at everything.
A balloon B. breath C. mind D. trumpet

24. The escaped prisoner fought …….. before he was finally overpowered.
A. head over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D. foot and mouth

25. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the …..
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue C. back of his hand D. hair on his head

26. I bought a computer last year, but I've had nothing but trouble with it.
As far as I'm concerned it was £800 down the …..
A. loo B. sink C. drain D. plughole

21. John will never buy you a drink - he's far too
A. tight-fisted B. pigheaded C. highly-strung D. easy-going

28. I've heard that argument before and quite frankly it just doesn't …..
A. face the music B. carry weight C. hit the nail on the head D. hold water

29. I was already fed up with the job, but when the boss walked into my office and told me he expected me to
work overtime that was the ……. I quit.
A. final curtain B. last straw C. end of the line D. last waltz

30. And that ....,Brian, is why I can't marry you!

A. in a flash B. on the dot C. off the cuff D. in a nutshell

31. In my opinion, anyone who would risk his life just to climb a mountain must be …….
A. off colour B. off his head C. the worse for wear D. long in the tooth

32. He worked at a car factory and usually .... at 7.30 every morning.
A. signed the pledge B. called the shots C. clocked in D. opened an account

33. You cut it ……..! Another minute and we'd have left without you.
A. fine B. short. C. close D. loose

34. Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she would drop them ……at least once a
A. a note B. a word C. the news D. a line

35. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I ..... and decided to stay in Britain.
A. pulled my finger out B. got cold feet C. called it a day D. held my horses

36. When the chairman retired he was given a ...... of £50,000.

A. consolation prize B. golden handshake C. blank cheque D. parting shot

37. Do you mind if I give you my decision tomorrow? I'd like to …….
A. read between the lines B. pass the buck C. sleep on it D. take it to heart

38. "What I've got to say to you now is strictly ......... and most certainly not for publication," said the
government official to the reporter.
A. beside the point B. for the time being C. by the way D. off the record

39. He has a quick temper and easily …… off the handle.

A. leaps. B. goes C. runs D. flies

40. I don't like turning down work, but I'll have to, I'm afraid. I've got far too much …..... at the moment.
A. up my sleeve B. on my plate C. on my mind D. in effect

41. You'd better not tease Samantha when she's tired. You know how …….. she gets.
A ratty B. sheepish C. catty D. tipsy

42. The police are working …….. with the Football Association in an effort to stamp out soccer violence.
A. hand over fist B. hand in hand C. hand in glove D. head over heels

43. I've never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they're not really my ……..
A piece of cake B. chip off the old block C. biscuit D. cup of tea

44. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like …….. It must have been quite a party last night!
A. a bear with a sore head B. death warmed up C. dead duck D. a wet blanket

Notes buổi 3
1. Given that + S + V: considering a particular thing
Given (the fact) that he's had six months to do this, he hasn't made much progress.

Given + noun
Given his age, he's a remarkably fast runner.

2. Keep in touch: to continue to talk to or write to someone (giữ liên lạc)

My ex-husband and I still keep in touch.

3. Go ahead: If an event goes ahead, it happens

The festival is now going ahead as planned.

4. Run/go like clockwork: to happen exactly as planned, without any trouble

The party went like clockwork.

5. Take sth for granted: to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it
You just take it for granted that people over a certain age can drive.

Go unacknowledged

6. go unanswered/unnoticed/unrewarded: to not be answered, noticed

All my letters went unanswered.
He hoped that his nervousness would go unnoticed.

7. Blame sb for sth: Đổ lỗi cho ai vì điều gì

Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence

Blame sth on sb: Đổ lỗi gì lên đầu ai

Hugh blames his lack of confidence on his mother.

Be to blame for sth = to be the reason for something bad that happens
The hot weather is partly to blame for the water shortage.

8. Turn down: từ chối

He turned down her offer/request.

9. Deny: to not allow someone to have or do something

I was denied the opportunity of learning French at school.

10. Pass up an opportunity: to fail to take advantage of an opportunity

I can't believe she passed up the chance to go to South America.

11. Grab (v): to take the opportunity to get, use, or enjoy something quickly
If you don't grab this opportunity, you might not get another one.

Grasp (v): If you grasp an opportunity, you take it eagerly

We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries.

12. Appeal to sb: interest or attract someone

I think what appeals to me about his painting is his use of colour.

13. Make use of: tận dụng

Try to make good use of your time.
14. Be reputed to be + adj = be well known for + noun

15. Go into liquidation: to close one's business by collecting assets and settling all debts
The company has gone into liquidation.

16. Pull through: to become well again after a serious illness, especially when you might have died
They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull through.

Notes buổi 4
1. Be set to do sth: To be ready, prepared, or about to do something.
I was set to get in the shower when the phone rang.

2. Call it a day: to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you have done
I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day.

3. Read between the lines: to try to understand sb’s real feelings or intentions from what they say or write
Reading between the lines, I'd say he isn't happy with the situation.

4. Pass the buck: to blame someone or make them responsible for a problem that you should deal with
She's always trying to pass the buck and I'm sick of it!

5. Take sth to heart: If you take criticism or advice to heart, you think about it seriously (it upsets you)
Don't take it to heart - he was only joking about your hair.

6. In recognition of: If you are given recognition, people show admiration and respect for your achievements:
He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of (= to show respect for) his years as club secretary.

7. Have sth on one’s plate: to have something, usually a large amount of important work, to deal with
She's got a lot on her plate - especially with two new projects starting this week.

Bite off more than you can chew: to try to do something that is too difficult for you
We bit off more than we could chew in our original reform proposals.

Be up to one’s neck/ eyes/ ears in sth: to be very busy

I'm up to my ears in work

8. A chip off the old block: someone who is very similar in character to their father or mother
My father was a comedian and I am a chip off the old block.

9. Not hold out much hope for Ving: không hy vọng

They didn't hold out much hope for being approved for a mortgage, given their credit history.

10. Cut down on: to eat or drink less of a particular thing, usually in order to improve your health
I’m trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat.

11. Show signs of recovery: cho thấy dấu hiệu hồi phục

12. Under the impression: to think or understand something

I was under the impression that you didn’t like him.

Make a good impression on sb: gây ấn tượng với ai

He made quite an impression on the girls at the tennis club.
Do a good impression of sb: copy sb's manner and speech, etc., especially in order to make people laugh
She does a really good impression of the president.

13. Make no difference to sb: to not change or improve a situation

It doesn’t make any difference now what he says – it’s too late for apologies.

14. Consist of = be comprised of

The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.
The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students.

15. No matter how adj/ adv + S + V = However adj/ adv + S + V = Adj/adv + as/ though + S + V
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t pass the exam
= However hard she tried, she couldn’t pass the exam
= Hard as she tried, she couldn’t pass the exam

16. Put off: to make someone dislike something or someone, or to discourage someone from doing something
You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people.

17. Deter sb from Ving: make someone less enthusiastic about doing something
High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.

18. Put A down to B: A được gây ra bởi B

I put the children's bad behaviour down to the fact that they were tired

= attribute A to B => A is attributed to B (bị động)

The success of the project can be attributed to the hard work of the team

Boil down to: If a situation or problem boils down to something, that is the main reason for it
The problem boils down to one thing - lack of money.

19. Put on a bold/ brave face: to behave as if a problem is not important or does not worry you
She seems all right but I think she’s just putting on a brave face

20. Coincide with: to happen at or near the same time:

I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's.

21. Insure sth against: to protect yourself against risk (mua bảo hiểm để bảo vệ khỏi…)
All our household goods are insured against accidental damage.

22. Stem from: to start or develop as the result of sth (bắt nguồn từ)
Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.

23. Hint at: to say or do something that shows what you think or want, usually in a way that is not direct
He's hinted at the possibility of moving to Canada.

24. Count for: to have value

If I fail the test after weeks of studying, all of that effort will count for nothing.

25. Plead with sb to do sth: to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something
He pleaded with the guards to be allowed to see his daughter.

26. Boast about: khoe khoang

Parents enjoy boasting about their children's achievements.
27. Refrain from: to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something
The sign on the wall said "Please refrain from smoking."

Abstain from: to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad
He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking

28. Be crammed with: very full of people or things

The docks were crammed with/crammed full of people trying to board the boats.

Cram for: to try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam

She’s cramming for her history exam

29. Blame sb for sth => Blame sth on sb => be to blame for sth

30. Devote (v): to give all of sth (time, effort, or love, or yourself) to sth you believe in or to a person
She devotes her life to music.

Dedicate (v): to give up wholly to; to devote to

He dedicated his life to good works.

Contribute (v): đóng góp, góp phần

Have you contributed (any money) to this charity?
His gambling contributed to his downfall.

31. Be exempted from: to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc.
Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase

32. Specialize in sth: to study or work on a particular subject or skill more than any others, so that you
become an expert in it
She hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.

A specialist in = an expert on = an authority on

She's a world authority on 19th-century Irish history.

33. Have sb do sth = get sb to do sth (tác động trực tiếp, nhờ vả ai, bắt ai làm gì)

Have sb doing sth (tác động gián tiếp)

The film had us crying (phim hay khiến chúng tôi khóc)
The teacher had the students listening attentively (giáo viên giảng hay -> khiến chúng tôi nghe chăm chú)

Notes buổi 5
1. Put up with = to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who
behaves unpleasantly (tolerate)
I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.

2. beyond/ out of reach = too expensive

The price of this hotel puts it out of reach for most people

3. Lose/ waste no time in Ving: do something quickly and without delay

As soon as she arrived back home, she lost no time in visiting all her old friends.
At once: immediately
You have to call him at once
All at once: suddenly and unexpectedly
All at once there was a loud crashing sound.

In the blink of an eye: extremely quickly (trong chớp mắt)

In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

At the drop of a hat: If you do sth at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately without stopping to think about it
People will file lawsuits at the drop of a hat these days.

On the double: very quickly and without any delay

I need a copy of the police report on the double.

4. Do wonders for sth: to cause improvements or have a very good effect >< do harm to sth
That new guy is great – he’s done wonders for the company.
Try to choose products that do the least harm to the environment

5. In contrast: so sánh 2 đối tượng có hành động ngược nhau

My cat often sleeps the whole day. In contrast, my dog is always energetic

On the contrary: cùng 1 đối tượng nhưng 2 nghĩa ngược nhau

Global warming has not disappeared. On the contrary, it is becoming worse.

6. In the event of sth: if sth happens

In the event of an emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling of the aircraft

7. Hold sb responsible/ accountable for sth

=> sb is held responsible/ accountable for sth (bị động)

8. Have nothing in common = bear no resemblance to

These prices bear no resemblance to (= are completely different from) the ones I saw printed in the newspaper

9. Cross one’s mind: If an idea crosses your mind, you think about it for a short time
It never crossed my mind (= I never thought) that she might be married.

Occur to (v): if something occurs to you, you suddenly think of it

It had never occurred to me that he might be lying

Dawn on: If a fact dawns on you, you become aware of it after a period of not being aware of it (chợt nhận ra)
It suddenly dawned on them that Mary had been lying.

10. Put in a good word for sb: to say positive things about someone
I really need a job and I was hoping you might put in a good word for me with your boss.

11. In all probability = In all likelihood = There is every likelihood that S + V: almost certainly
In all likelihood, everything will go to plan.

12. Ingratiate: to make someone like you by praising or trying to please them
He's always trying to ingratiate himself with his boss

13. Elaborate on: to add more information to or explain something that you have said
The congresswoman said she was resigning, but refused to elaborate on her reasons for doing so
14. Apply to: If something such as a rule or law applies to you, it involves you or is important to you
This law only applies to people over the age of eighteen.
Apply yourself: If you apply yourself to something, you work hard at it, directing your abilities and efforts in a
determined way so that you succeed
He was simply not applying himself to his studies.

15. Meet with: to experience sth, usually sth unpleasant

I heard she’d met with an accident / meet with difficulties

16. Argue with sb about sth: tranh cãi với ai về điều gì

I can’t argue with you about that (= I agree with you)
= You can say that again
= I couldn’t agree with you more

17. Allow for: consider sth when you are planning sth
You should allow for the plane being delayed

18. Protest (v): to show that you disagree with sth by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.
Lots of people protested about the new working hours.

19. Result in: to cause a particular situation to happen

The fire resulted in damage to their property.

Result from: If a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it is caused by it
His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness

20. Marvel at: to show or experience great surprise or admiration

I marvel at her patience with the children.
Tourists marvel at the panoramic view.

21. Be implicated in sth: sb is involved in a crime or partly responsible for sth bad that has happened
A lot of people were implicated in the scandal.

22. be committed to Ving: having promised to be involved in a plan of action

We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.

23. Convict sb of sth/Ving: to decide officially in a law court that sb is guilty of a crime
He has twice been convicted of robbery

Suspect sb of Ving: to think that sb has committed a crime or done sth wrong
The police suspect him of carrying out two bomb attacks.

Accuse sb of Ving: to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
He has been accused of robbery

24. Confess to Ving: to admit that you have done sth wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about
He confessed to sleeping/having slept through most of the movie.

Appeal to: to interest or attract someone

I think what appeals to me about his painting is his use of colour.

25. Tamper with: to touch or make changes to something that you should not
I could see immediately that the lock had been tampered with.
26. See to: to deal with a person or task that needs to be dealt with
Don't worry—I'll see to it.
27. Be absorbed in = be immersed in = be engrossed in: very interested in sth and not paying attention to
anything else:
Simon was so absorbed in his book that he didn't even notice me come in.
Clare and Phil were immersed in conversation in the corner.
She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven.

Notes buổi 6
1. Spend time Ving

2. Take sb for a sightseeing tour

Take sb for a ride: to trick someone, especially in order to get money from them
I’d just begun to realize he was taking me for a ride.

3. Notify sb of sth: to tell someone officially about something

Has everyone been notified of the decision?

4. Let it be known: to make certain that people know something

I let it be known that I was not happy about the decision that had been made.

5. Make it up to sb: to do something good for someone you have upset, in order to become friends with them
again (đền bù, bù đắp)
I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.

6. Make up for: to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for something bad with
something good (bồi thường, bù đắp)
No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.

7. Make amends for: to do sth to improve the situation after doing sth wrong, stupid (sửa đổi, bù đắp)
He gave her a present to make amends for his rudeness.

8. Give sb credit for Ving: to acknowledge and praise (sb for a good piece of work etc
He was given credit for completing the work so quickly.

9. Take one’s hat off to sb: If you say that you take your hat off to someone, you mean that you admire them
for an achievement (ngả mũ thán phục ai)

10. Hold sb in high esteem: tôn kính ngưỡng mộ ai

I've always held my father in high esteem for his hard work to provide for us.

11. Get nowhere: to make no progress (không đi tới đâu, ko có tiến triển gì)
You’ll get nowhere if you follow his instructions.

12. be banging your head against a brick wall: to do, say, or ask for something repeatedly but to be unable
to change a situation
I keep asking her not to park there, but it's like banging my head against a brick wall.

13. Come up with: to suggest or think of an idea or plan

She’s come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.

14. bear a resemblance to sb/sth: to be similar to someone or something else

The child bore a striking resemblance to his father.

15. Have a good command of: To be knowledgeable about or skilled in a particular area or thing
If you don't have a good command of the course material, then you won't do well on the exam.

be proficient in two languages

16. On no account: If something must on no account/not on any account be done, it must not be done at any
time or for any reason
Employees must on no account make personal phone calls from the office.

Under no circumstances: used to emphasize that something must definitely not happen
Under no circumstances will I allow you to go to a party on a school night.

At no time: used to say strongly that something never happened or should never happen
At no time did I claim responsibility for the accident—he's lying about that.

In no way: not at all

She added that she had in no way intended to offend anybody.

By no means: not at all

I’m by no means certain to win.

17. There is no question of: used to say that there is no possibility of something happening
There is no question of the project being postponed.
There's no question of agreeing to the demands.

18. Out of the question: to be an event that cannot possibly happen

A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year.

out of work: thất nghiệp

I’ve been out of work for the past six months

out of order: If sth that sb says or does is out of order, it is unpleasant or not suitable and it is likely to upset or
offend people
His behavior in the meeting was out of order

out of order: not operating because it is broken

I’m afraid we have to walk up the stairs - the elevator is out of order

out of luck: not having the success or good opportunities you wanted
The bike only comes in large sizes, so if you’re a short person, you are out of luck

out of the woods: not having a problem or difficulty any longer

The project has been given funding for another year, but it’s not out of the woods yet

out of the question: not possible or not allowed

The class ends at 2, and leaving before then is out of the question.

Out of the blue: If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected
One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving
Think out of the box: think in an original or creative way.
you have to give him credit for thinking outside the box

Out of bounds: If an area is out of bounds, people are not allowed to go there
The garden is open to the public, but the house is out of bounds

Out of the ordinary: unusual

I don’t consider her behavior at all out of the ordinary.

19. Keep sth under control: giữ kiểm soát

It seems that the disease is now under control.

20. On the verge of sth/ Ving

Jess seemed on the verge of tears.
Mountain gorillas are on the verge of extinction.
The show was on the verge of being canceled due to low ratings.

21. Sb has/ have yet to V: used to say that someone has not done something, or that something has not
happened when you think it should already have been done or have happened
The bank has yet to respond to our letter.

22. Know better than to do sth: to be wise or moral enough not to do something
Sure, she's only six, but she's old enough to know better than to run off without us.

I should have bought a new car rather than a 2-hand one

I should have known better than to buy a 2-hand car

23. See eye to eye with sb about sth: If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.

On the same wavelength : (of two or more people) to think in a similar way and to understand each other well
What makes the problem worse is that Howard and Tina are not on the same wavelength about how to deal
with it.

>< on a different wavelength

Be at odds with sb: in disagreement

The two brothers were always at odds.

24. come as a surprise/relief/blow etc (to sb): to make sb feel surprised, relieved, disappointed
The decision came as a great relief to us all.

Notes buổi 7
1. Attribute A to B: A được gây ra bởi B
Her success can be attributed to three main factors.

Ascribe A to B: to believe or say that something is caused by something else

What do you ascribe your phenomenal success to?

Put A down to B: to think that a problem or situation is caused by a particular thing

I put the children's bad behaviour down to the fact that they were tired.
2. Much as: although
Much as I would like to help you, I'm simply too busy at the moment.

3. It’s no good/ use Ving = There is no point in Ving

It’s no use crying over spilt milk

Spilt / spilled

4. When it comes to sth: When considering some particular person, thing, or action
There's nothing she doesn't know when it comes to computers.

5. Be no match for sb/sth: to be less powerful or effective than someone or something else
We are no match for the Japanese when it comes to making cameras.

6. Nowhere near: not at all : not nearly

I am nowhere near as ambitious as my brother is

7. On a par with: at the same level or standard as (someone or something else)

The new version of the software is on a par with the old one.

8. Opt for sth: to choose one thing or possibility rather than others
Mike opted for early retirement.

Opt to V
Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut.

9. Up to sb: used to say that someone is responsible for a particular duty

It’s up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers.

10. Drop out: to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have
completely finished
He dropped out of the race after two laps.

Drop out: to stop going to school before finishing the course of instruction
He dropped out of school when he was 16.

11. Bear a resemblance to: to be similar to someone or something else

The child bore a striking resemblance to his father.

12. not have the faintest idea:

"Is she going to stay?" "I haven't the faintest idea."
I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about!

13. Be in the dark: not informed about things that might be useful to know
“Do you know anything?” “No, I'm completely in the dark, like everyone else

14. Be at a loss: not knowing what to do

I’m at a loss to explain what happened.
I was so embarrassed that I was at a loss for words (= I didn’t know what to say).

15. Put sb off: to make someone not like someone or something, or not want to do something:
Jan was talking about her operation and it put me off my food.

16. Not in the least = not at all

16. Be proud of sth = take pride in sth = pride oneself on sth
If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job.
He prides himself on his loyalty to his friends.

17. Live up to: to be as good as something

The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations

>< Fall short of: to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing
August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.

18. Be subject (adj) to sth: to have or experience a particular thing, especially something unpleasant
In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression. Trầm cảm

Subject (v) sb to sth: to make someone or something experience an unpleasant or worrying thing
The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment.

19. Be taken in by: be deceived

I can't believe she was taken in by him.

20. can't make head nor tail of sth: to not be able to understand something
I can't make head nor tail of these instructions on the packet.

21. Hand sth down: to give sth to someone younger than you in the family because you want them to have it
or because you no longer need it
This necklace was handed down to my mother by my grandmother

22. Due to: because of

The bus was delayed due to heavy snow.

23. Shoot to number one/ to the top of the charts…: to suddenly become very successful in the popular
music charts
Westlife’s new album shot straight to the top of the charts.

24. Be sympathetic about: thông cảm, đồng tình

He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem.

25. Impose curbs on: a limit on something that is not wanted

You must try to put a curb on your bad temper/spending habits.

26. Take a vow to: a serious promise or decision

She took/made a vow never to lend money to anyone again.

27. Abstain from: to not do or have something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad
The church requires its members to abstain from smoking and drinking

Refrain from: to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something

The sign on the wall said "Please refrain from smoking."

28. At a low ebb: in a bad or weak state

I was recently divorced and feeling at a very low ebb.

29. Dealings with: activities involving other people, especially in business (giao dịch, buôn bán)
Have you had any dealings with their Paris office?

30. Confide in: to share your feelings and secrets with someone because you trust them not to tell other
She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her

31. Be devoid of: to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual

Their apartment is devoid of all comforts.

32. Credit for: praise or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened
I can't take all the credit for the show's success—it was a team effort.

to get/deserve/receive/take/claim the credit

33. By birth: If, for example, you are French by birth, you are French because your parents are French, or
because you were born in France.

34. Regardless of: without being influenced by any other events or conditions
I tell them the truth, regardless of what they want to hear.
This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience.

= irrespective of: without considering; not needing to allow for

This service should be available to everybody, irrespective of whether they can afford it

35. In favour of: in support of

I am in favour of a higher tax on cigarettes.

36. On behalf of: done for another person’s benefit or support, or because you are representing the interests
of that person: (thay mặt)
I’d like to say on behalf of the whole group that we wish you well in your new job.

37. Apart from = Except for

Apart from the salary, it's not a bad job.

38. As for: used to talk about how another person or thing is affected by something:
As for Louise, well, who cares what she thinks.
You can ask the others, but as for myself, I’ll be busy in the office.

39. By means of: using

We escaped by means of a secret tunnel.

40. Due to: brought about by

His success was due to hard work.

Owing to: because of

Owing to the snow, the football has been cancelled.

41. Be obsessed with: unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something
Why are people so obsessed with money?

42. Trust sb with sth: to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is
safe and reliable
I wouldn't trust him with my car.
=> be trusted with sth

43. Insist on: to keep doing something, even if it annoys other people, or people think it is not good for you
I don't know why you insist on talking about it.

Persist in: to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way
If he persists in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss.

44. Comply with: to act according to an order, set of rules, or request

There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.

45. Centre around/ on sth: to have something as the main subject of discussion or interest
The discussion centred around reducing waste.

46. Out of the ordinary: unusual

I don't think I did anything out of the ordinary.

47. In dispute over = in disagreement about/ over

The two countries are in dispute over the boundaries of their coastal waters

48. In close collaboration with each other: the situation of two or more people working together to create or
achieve the same thing
The two playwrights worked in close collaboration (with each other) on the script.
Hai nhà viết kịch đã hợp tác chặt chẽ (với nhau) trong việc viết kịch bản.

49. Out of breath: breathless (hết hơi)

I’m out of breath after climbing all these stairs.

50. Put sth in jeopardy: in danger of being damaged or destroyed

The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill.

At risk: in a dangerous situation

All houses within 100 metres of the seas are at risk of flooding.

In peril: in great danger, or something that is very dangerous

I never felt that my life was in peril.

Do sth at one’s peril: to do something that might be very dangerous for you
We underestimate the destructiveness of war at our peril.

On the line: at risk of failing or being harmed

Firefighters regularly put their lives on the line.

51. In earnest: seriously, not joking

I am in earnest when I say this.

Earnest (adj): showing determination, sincerity or strong feeling

He made an earnest attempt to improve his work.

52. At fault: wrong or to blame

She was at fault for the error.

53. Under no obligation: ko có nghĩa vụ, trách nhiệm

You are under no obligation to buy anything.

54. At any rate: whatever happens

Well, I'm not going home on foot, at any rate.

55. Specialist in = Expert on = Authority on

He is an authority on Roman history.

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