Mock Test 1

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Upper-Intermediate Level

Mock Test 1
Name: ______________________________________________________

Class: ______________________________________________________

Score: ______________________________________________________


Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level

1. Choose the option (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence:

1 Living on the __________ of the city means spending hours commuting to work every day.
A sides B outskirts C suburbs D outposts

2 The college decided to __________ the old library – most of the furniture was falling apart.
A renew B refurbish C regenerate D recondition

3 As a student, my father was very poor and had to get __________ on the little money his mother sent
him from the village.
A in B at C to D by

4 The actress was furious about the lies the newspaper had printed, so she decided to __________ them
for damages.
A sentence B charge C file D sue

5 Unfortunately, state schools don’t have much in the __________ of sports facilities compared to private
A way B case C means D part

6 Beware of __________ if you’re walking alone at night in the town centre – it’s quite dangerous.
A shoplifters B offenders C frauds D muggers

7 People are much more successful at what they do if they are interested and __________.
A motioned B moved C motivated D movable

8 They received a ten-year sentence for __________ armed robbery.

A making B doing C committing D practising

9 The sign at the entrance to the national park __________ visitors against camping due to the danger
posed by bears.
A cautioned B endangered C threatened D dared

10 Before the election, the politician agreed to take part in a live televised debate with the __________
A challenging B competitive C rival D mutual

2. Complete each sentence below with the appropriate preposition.

1 Before we start the meeting, I think I’d better fill you __________ on the changes we’ve made to the
2 Saturday is the day I tidy __________ the house and do most of the week’s shopping.

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
3 Many children in the village have dropped __________ of school to help their parents on the farm.
4 I still can’t get __________ my sister’s divorce – they seemed such a happy couple!
5 The shop owner warned the children that he wouldn’t let them get __________ with it next time they
tried to steal things form the shelves.
3. Read the text below. Some of the lines contain an extra, incorrect word. If there is an extra, incorrect
word in the line, write the word on the right of the line. If the line is correct, write 'OK'.
There is an example at the beginning.

A Holiday Job

0 Congratulations on getting over your teaching diploma. Your over

00 parents must be really proud of you. I've got some great news. ✔

1 one of my father's friends who has a small travel agency, and

2 she has been very kindly given me a holiday job. It was

3 difficult in the beginning because I tend to find it very hard to

4 get up in the morning. My boss is very keen on some punctuality,

5 and because I was often late I got into terrible trouble

6 at first. So I make sure of I'm always on time now. I have to

7 work very hard and, although the pay isn't much good, I'm

8 quite enjoying myself so far yet. The main thing I've learnt

9 to do is how to give up detailed information to customers over the

10 phone. Unfortunately, I also have to make the coffee and do other

11 boring things! Sometimes there's no-one except from me in the

12 office and it gets really busy. I intend to working until the end of

13 the month and then I'm going off on a short holiday by the

14 sea, where I just hope I'll manage to relax myself on the

15 beach before going back to college in next month.

4. Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in bold:

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
1 Construction companies take special safety measures when using ____________ EXPLODE
in the construction of tunnels.
2 The recent change in government has brought about serious economic STABLE
____________ in the country, which is worrying foreign investors.
3 Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious ____________ and should be OFFEND
punished accordingly.
4 I don’t usually get involved in arguments over politics, but Lucy’s ____________ PROVOKE
remarks really got me angry.
5 The lawyer asked for the case to be adjourned, so he could do more research INCRIMINAT
into the evidence which ____________ his client. ION

6 Cruelty to animals is ____________ condemned – yet nothing is done to stop it. UNIVERSE

7 I can still remember the ____________ I said before going to bed when I was a PRAY
8 My first glimpse of Chicago from a plane, with its huge skyscrapers reflecting the LAST
sunlight, really made a ____________ impression on me.
9 I think travelling to South America might be a great experience, but I still have my RESERVE
____________ about how safe the journey is.
10 In my opinion, Jake’s behaviour towards his brother is ____________ – he CONTEMPT
always tricks him into giving him all his money.
5. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the text below:

Department Stores

In 1846 an Irish immigrant in New York named Alexander Stewart opened a business called the Marble Dry-
Goods Palace. By doing so, he gave the world something completely new - the department store. Before
this, no-one (1) ________ tried to bring together such a wide range of goods (2) ________ a single roof.
The business did very (3) ________. It expanded rapidly and soon had (4) ________ staff of two thousand.
For Stewart even that was not enough, (5) ________. In 1862 he moved to an eight-storey building nearby,
(6) ________ he renamed A.T. Stewart's Cast Iron Palace. It was, (7) ________ for many years would
remain, the largest shop in the world.

Others followed Stewart's example and soon there were stores (8) ________ his in many major cities in the
United States. We don't (9) ________ when people started calling them department stores. The expression
wasn't used in print (10) ________ 1893, when it appeared in Harper's Magazine, but the way that it is used
there (11) ________ it clear that it was already widely understood.(12) ________ is certain is that
department stores completely changed the shopping experience for millions of people. They offered not
only an enormous range of goods, (13) ________ also levels of comfort, luxury and excitement previously

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
unknown to customers. Almost from the start they had restaurants, toilets and many (14) ________
facilities, so (15) ________ was no need to go elsewhere for anything.


1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap:

The London Tea Trade Centre is on the north bank of the River Thames. It is the centre of an industry of (1)
________ importance in the (2) ________ lives of the British. Tea is without (3) ________ the British
national drink: every man, woman and child over ten years of age has (4) ________ average over four cups
a day or some 1500 cups annually. Some thirty per cent of the world’s exports of tea makes its (5)
________ to London. Britain is (6) ________ the largest importer of tea in the world. Samples of the vast
amounts of tea brought into the country to (7) ________ the national thirst go to the London Tea Trade
Centre, where they are tasted by (8) ________ professional tea tasters before being sold at each week’s
tea sale. It is fascinating to see them at (9) ________. Over a hundred samples are (10) ________ in a line
on long tables. Teas are generally tasted with milk, (11) ________ that is how the majority in Britain drink
their tea. The tasters move down the line with surprising (12) ________, tasting each sample from a spoon
and deciding what is a (13) ________ price for each tea. The types of tea that are popular in Britain are (14)
________ inexpensive but they are of a very high quality. The best are delicate (15) ________ of numerous
teas from different sources and countries of origin.

1 high wide great large

2 common typical everyday usual

3 doubt dispute disbelief uncertainty

4 for by at on

5 route way direction journey

6 by far largely by much

7 satisfy match answer serve

8 effective skilled developed handy

9 action operation practice work

composed put up settled laid out

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
out of since so owing to

speed hurry rush dash

fine right fair deserved

1 comparative
roughly slightly approximately
4 ly

mixtures associations unions gatherings

2. For the questions below, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) according to the text:

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
Peter Moon and the Chocolate Factory
Journalist Liz Campbell fulfils a childhood dream of visiting a real-life chocolate factory.
From the outside, the building resembles a caramel square dusted with cocoa. As I walk through the
revolving doors, I am greeted with the pleasing aroma of smooth, sweet, rich chocolate that permeates
everything. Even in the reception area, where Peter Moon's wife Leona is busy with Easter orders, I can't
escape this potent scent.

If you want to appreciate this for yourself, then allow me to indulge you. Get a chocolate bar and, against all
your natural instincts, try to open the wrapper slowly. Then take a moment to savour the tantalising smell of
chocolate inside. Now picture yourself actually inside, confined within the four walls of the wrapper that is
shutting in the aroma with you. If the mere thought of that sounds good to you, what would it be like to
breathe in the aroma of this fine chocolate every single day? I ask Leona that very same question. "I'm so
used to the smell. I've worked here for so long I don't even notice it any more," Leona admits. To my mind,
that is an absolute tragedy. But she later confesses that she still eats a few pieces of chocolate every day.

I observe Leona as she expertly handles customers who are desperate to get their orders in on time. The
factory's chocolate has just been given the highest rating in a recent consumer report and needless to say,
the orders have been flooding in. The boom in business could explain her high spirits, which I must admit is
infectious, and I can't help feeling excited about being let into this hidden world.

At that moment, Peter Moon enters from a door at the back, dressed in a white hat and a heavy-duty rubber
apron. After polite introductions, he immediately launches into his favourite topic. "Did you know that
chocolate comes from the bean of the Theobroma Cacao tree, which means 'food of the gods'?" he asks.
"The Aztecs considered cacao to be man's inheritance from Quetzalcoatl, the god of the air. Cacao seeds
were made into a drink with the addition of maize and vanilla. The Spaniards observed its use and carried
back beans to Spain, where it rapidly became a drink for the wealthy." I can tell this man lives and breathes
what he does.

I follow Peter into the packing room, which is bursting with multicoloured cellophane and ribbons that are
waiting to decorate chocolate eggs arranged in lines. I watch as staff work, carefully wrapping Easter treats.
Over 60 staff are employed at the factory and, from appearances, I don't doubt their commitment. "My team
are extremely focused. Weare like a family here," Peter declares proudly. I couldn't agree more. I
immediately get the impression that this is no ordinary factory.

And then, as he and I enter the adjoining room, I try to pull myself together. I make a great effort to control
my excitement, reminding myself that the real purpose of my visit is to gather information to write an article.
A conveyor belt transports small cubes of sweet centres towards a chocolate waterfall, with the promise of
being enveloped in a thick, luxurious layer of chocolate. Moon picks up a tray of half-finished mini chocolate
eggs. Each egg is ready to be filled and brushed over with more chocolate to seal it. Coloured cocoa butter

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
will then be painted on to it to give it a shiny exterior. It is obvious that a significant amount of care and
attention goes into making Moon's chocolates, and each one is finished lovingly by hand.

"We use the freshest ingredients, which are free from artificial preservatives, and so our products only have
a shelf life of three weeks," explains Peter. By finding ingredients from all around the world, Peter is
responding to the growing trend of chocolate connoisseurs who hold tasting evenings with friends. They
enjoy trying to name the origins of the cocoa bean that the chocolate is made from, like those who
appreciate fine wine. As I leave, I learn that Peter, like his wife, also takes the opportunity to sample his
work. "I think it's important to test the products on a regular basis," he says smiling. And yes.. if you are
wondering, I did get to take some home!

1. What does the writer notice most when she enters the factory?
A how busy it is in the reception area
B the unusual appearance of the building
C the smell of chocolate in the building
D the way she is greeted by Leona Moon

2. The writer's description of unwrapping a chocolate bar is intended to make her readers
A appreciate the pleasure of eating chocolate.
B able to imagine her experience more clearly.
C understand how the factory workers feel.
D want to visit the chocolate factory themselves.

3. The writer thinks it is 'an absolute tragedy' that Leona

A is unaffected by the smell in the factory now.
B confesses to eating chocolate every day.
C says the smell is not as strong as it once was.
D doesn't even like the smell of chocolate.

4. What is the cause of the writer's enthusiasm as she watches Leona work?
A She is going to experience something that few people get the chance to.
B She is impressed by the way that Leona deals with the customers.
C She shares Leona's excitement about a recent consumer report.
D She is happy that Leona's business has just become very successful.

5. The writer's first impression of Peter Moon is that he

A is not dressed in the way she would have expected.

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
B can tell her a lot about the history of the Aztecs.
C doesn't really care about polite introductions.
D is interested in everything connected with his job.

6. What does the writer suggest about the staff at the factory?
A They seem to care deeply about their work.
B They don't seem to be working very hard.
C Many of them seem to be related to each other.
D They seem to get on very well with Peter Moon.

7. The writer says 'I try to pull myself together' to show that she
A feels as if she is in two places at the same time.
B is finding it difficult to stay calm and do her job.
C is tired of gathering information about the factory.
D can't remember the real purpose of her visit.

8. What do we learn about Peter Moon's chocolate in the last paragraph?

A It is growing in popularity all around the world.
B Its special ingredients make it taste like fine wine.
C It is regularly tested by chocolate connoisseurs.
D It must be eaten within three weeks after it is made.


1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given
but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. My two sons were becoming really spoilt, so I decided to be firm with them and not put up with such
behaviour any more.


My two sons were becoming really spoilt, so I decided to _____________________ and not put up with
such behaviour any more.

2. I wish my daughter would decide what to wear in the mornings – it takes her ages to get ready for school!


I wish my daughter would _____________________ about what to wear in the mornings – it takes her ages
to get ready for school!

Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level
3. I’m afraid we’ll need to employ a new secretary soon, as Mrs. Williams is about to retire.


I’m afraid we’ll need _____________________ a new secretary soon, as Mrs. Williams is about to retire.

4. As a student, I had to find an evening job to meet my expenses, as I didn’t want to ask my parents for


As a student, I had to find an evening job _____________________, as I didn’t want to ask my parents for

5. Sarah has a very high opinion of herself. She really thinks she is better than everyone else.


Sarah has a very high opinion of herself. She really thinks she _____________________ everyone else.

2. Write an essay (about 250 words) on the following topic:

Some people think schools should teach students to form good behavior in
addition to providing normal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?













Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level


























Nguyen Van Thang

Upper-Intermediate Level

Nguyen Van Thang

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