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Part 1: 1-5 từ, 15 từ

1. What is the weather like today?
The weather is very hot and I really like this kind of weather.
2. What is your favorite time of year?
My favorite time of year is spring because the weather is very nice.
3. What do you like to do in your free time? In the morning/in the evening/in the
afternoon/in the holiday
I like reading books and playing sports in my free time because it is
4. What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is football because it is very interesting.
5. Which place do you want to visit?
I want to visit Hanoi city because it is a beautiful place.
Part 2: 20-30 từ, 45 từ
Tell the last time you went to the museum.
The last time I went to the museum was yesterday. I like going to the museum
because it helps me to improve knowledge and learn about many things.
Part 3: 30-40 từ, 60 từ
Sam: Tell a museum you visited when you were a child.
Hello Sam, thank you for your nice question. When I were a child, I visited HCM
museum with my parents. I felt very excited and it was a fantastic and
unforgettable memories. I like visiting the museum because it helps me to improve
knowledge and learn about many things.
Anna: What do you prefer History Museum or Sport Museum?
I prefer History museum to sport museum. I like visiting the museum because it
helps me to improve knowledge and learn about many things. Furthermore, It
helps me to discover other cultures and customs.
Zo: A lot of museums technology screens and videos in their exhibitions. Why
they are so successful?

Part 4: You are the member of museum club.

From next year, all museums will charge an entrance fee. Some people think that if
they have to pay fee, they will stop going. Please give your
opinion/suggestions/view/thought and tell the effect that may happen?
1. Write to friend – Informal 50 từ, tối đa 75
Dear Mary,
How have you been? We haven’t talked to each other for a while. I hope
everything goes well with you. I received a letter from the club that from next year,
all museums will charge an entrance fee. Some people think that if they have to
pay fee, they will stop going.
I was excited about this situation. I would like to suggest that our club should
display technology screens and videos in their exhibitions. Moreover, I also
appreciate that we should distribute leaflets to let people know more about the
museum. I think I should send an email to the manager about my ideas. What do
you think?
See you soon!
Best regards,
2. Write to the manager – Formal 120-150 từ, tối đa 225 từ
Dear the manager,
My name is Lan and I have been a member of our club for five months. I hope you
are still doing well. Thank you for contacting us.
I am writing with regard to the letter I received from the museum club last night.
The purpose of this letter is to express my opinion and suggest some suggestions
for the given situation.
As far as I am concerned, from next year, all museums will charge an entrance fee.
Some people think that if they have to pay fee, they will stop going.
I am satisfied with this situation. I would like to suggest that our club should
display technology screens and videos in their exhibitions. Moreover, I also
appreciate that we should distribute leaflets to let people know more about the
museum. From my perspective, it would be better if the club could post the
information about this notice on the club’s forum so that people can give their
suggestions to fix this problem.
Please take my suggestions into consideration. I look forward to receiving your
response soon.
Your sincerely,

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