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1. In how many different ways can the number 1998 be
represented as a sum of two or more consecutive positive
integers? (For example, 9 can be represented in two different
ways: 4 + 5, and 2+ 3+ 4.)
2. What are the last two digit of the greatest integer less than
1031 +3

3. Number of natural numbers such that p = greatest integer less

than is prime.
4. If all positive integers relatively prime to 105 are arranged in
ascending order, determine the 1000th term.
5. Find number of integers n for which (𝑛3 + 8)/ (𝑛2 - 4) is an
6. Call a number overweight if it has at least three positive integer
divisors (including 1 and the number), and call a number obese
if it has at least four positive integer divisors (including 1 and
the number). How many positive integers between 1 and 200 are
overweight, but not obese?
7. The number whose base-b representation is 91b is divisible by
the number whose base-b representation is 19b How many
possible values of b are there?
8. Given that 1A345678B0 is a multiple of 2020, compute 10A +
9. Find the number of positive integers x less than 100 for which
3𝑥 + 5𝑥 + 7𝑥 + 11𝑥 + 13𝑥 + 17𝑥 + 19𝑥 is prime.
10. What is the smallest integer x larger than 1 such that 𝑥 2
ends in the same three digits as x does?
11. Find the remainder when 1111 ^ 2019 is divided by
12. Find the number of integers between 1 and 200 inclusive
whose distinct prime divisors sum to 16. (For example, the sum
of the distinct prime divisors of 12 is 2 + 3 = 5)
13. If n be the least integer, such that n does not divide 2𝑛 − 2
but n divides 3𝑛 − 3 . Find sum of digits of n.
14. Find {(2009!)/2011} where{x} is a fractional part of
number x
15. Determine the last two digits of 17 ^ 17 written in base 10.
16. The number of pairs of relatively prime positive integers
(a, b) such that a/b + (15b)/(4a) is an integer is:
17. The four-digit number 8ab9 is a perfect square. The value
of 𝑎 2 + 𝑏 2 is:
18. The number of 6-digit numbers of the form "ABCABC",
which are divisible by 13, where A, B, and C are distinct digits,
A and C being even.
19. Given three cubes with integer side lengths, if the sum of
the surface areas of the three cubes is 498 sq. cm, then the sum
of the volumes of the cubes in all possible solutions is:
20. Determine number of positive integers d such that
whenever d divides a positive integer n, d will also divide any
integer obtained by rearranging the digits of n.
21. How many factors of 2020 are greater than 2020?
22. Find the largest prime number p such that when 2012! is
written in base p, it has at least p trailing zeroes
23. Let n be a natural number. A cube of side length n can be
divided into 1996 cubes whose side lengths are also natural
numbers. Determine the smallest possible value of n.
24. If n + 1 is prime, find the greatest common divisor of n! +
1 and (n + 1)!.
25. Let a, b, c, d and e be positive integers with
a+b+c+d+e=2010 and let M be the largest of the sum a + b, b+c,
c+d and d+e. What is the smallest value of M?
26. How many positive integers have the property that each of
their digits is either or 3 and the sum of their digits is 10?
1. What is the smallest positive integer n, where n ≠ 11, such that
the highest common factor of n-11 and 3n+ 20 is greater than 1?
2. There is an integer N > 100 such that N is a square, the last digit
of N (in base ten) is not 0, and when the last two digits are
deleted, the result is still a square. What is the sum of digits of
largest N with this property?
3. Let a be any integer. Define x0, x1, ….., xn by x0 = a, x1 = 3, xn =
2xn-1 – 4xn-2 + 3 for all n > 1. Determine the largest integer ka for
which there exists a prime p(k)a dividing x2011 – 1.
4. Given a positive integer n, let p(n) be the product of the nonzero
digits of n. (If n has only one digit, then p(n) is equal to that
digit.) Let S= p(1) + p(2) +.......+p(999) What is the largest
prime factor of S?
5. Given a positive integer n, let p(n) be the product of the nonzero
digits of n. (If n has only one digit, then p(n) is equal to that
digit.) Let S= p(1) + p(2) +.......+p(999) What is the largest
prime factor of S?
6. Number of integer solutions of x3 - 2y3 - 4z3 = 0
7. A student did not notice the multiplication sign between two 7-
digit numbers and wrote one 14-digit number which turned out
to be 3 times the would be product. What are the initial
8. A number is called 6-composite if it has exactly 6 composite
factor. What is the 6th smallest 6-composite number? (A
number is composite if it has a factor not equal to 1 or itself. In
particular, 1 is not composite.)
9. Given that a, b, c, and d are positive integers such that a!.b!.c! =
d! and a + b + c + d = 37 compute the product abcd.
10. Find all pairs of positive integers n,m that satisfy the
equation 3 * 2𝑚 + 1 = n2
11. Different positive 3-digit integers are formed from the five
digits 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and repetitions of the digits are allowed. As
an example, such positive 3-digit integers include 352, 577, 111,
etc. Find the sum of the distinct positive 3-digit integers formed
in this way.
12. Suppose x and y are integers such that (x-2004) (x-
2006)=2. Find the largest possible value of x + y.
13. If n is a positive integer, let s(n) denote the sum of the
digits of n. We say that n is zesty if there exist positive integers
x and y greater than I such that xy=n and s(x)s(y) = s(n). How
many zesty two- digit numbers are there?
14. Suppose f(x) = √𝑥 2 − 102𝑥 + 2008. Let A and B be the
smallest integer values of the function that can be derived from
integer inputs. Given A <B, find A and B.
15. Determine the number of integers D such that whenever a
and b are both real numbers with -1/4<a, b<1/4, then a²-Db² <1.
16. How many positive integers, at most 420 leaves different
remainder when divided by each of 5, 6, and 7?
17. For how many ordered triples (a, b, c) of positive integers
are the equations abc +9 = ab + bc +ca and a+b+c= 10 satisfied?
18. Find the greatest integer n < 1000 for which 4n3 - 3n is the
product of two consecutive odd integers
19. Suppose N is an n-digit positive number such that all the n
digits are distinct and sum of any three consecutive digits is
divisible by 5. Prove that n is atmost 6. Further show that
starting with any digit one can find a six digit number with these
properties. Also find the number of such six digit numbers.
1 1 5
20. Find all integer solutions to log 𝑛 + 1 = − .
8 log𝑛4 2
𝑝 1 1
21. Let p and q be positive integers such that 𝑞 = 1 − 2 + 3 −
1 1 1
+ ⋯ − 54 + 55. Prove that 83 divides p.
22. If ‘n’ is a natural number greater than 1: Prove that (n8 + n7
+ 1) is always composite.
23. Find the sum of all the positive integers less than 2009 and
relatively prime to 2009.
24. If a and b are positive integers with a > b. Find all pairs of
a, b such that the sum of their sum, difference, product and
quotient is 36.
25. A three-digit number in base 7 when expressed in base 9
has its digits reversed in order. Find the number in base 7 and
base 10.
1. A number is called 6-composite if it has exactly 6 composite
factors. What is the 6th smallest 6-composite number? (A
number is composite if it has a factor not equal to 1 or itself. In
particular, 1 is not composite.)
2. Compute the third least positive integer n such that each of n+1,
and n + 2 is a product of exactly two (not necessarily distinct)
3. Give an example of 11 consecutive positive integers the sum of
whose squares is a perfect square.
4. Given a sequence of six strictly increasing positive integers such
that each number (besides the first) is a multiple of the one
before it and the sum of all six numbers is 79) what is the largest
number in the sequence?
5. Compute sum of the greatest odd divisor of each of the numbers
2006, 2007, ......., 4012.
6. A 10-digit number is said to be interesting if its digits are all
distinct and it is a multiple of 11111. How many interesting
integers are there?
7. a, b are two relatively prime positive integers. Prove that the
equation ax + by = ab – a – b has no non-negative integer
8. Compute the remainder when N is divided by 2020 where N is

9. How many sets consist of distinct composite numbers that add

up to 23?
10. Let S be a set of consecutive positive integers such that for
any integer n in S, the sum of the digits of n is not a multiple of
11. Determine the largest possible number of elements of S.
11. Given than 2017 is prime. Find the smallest positive
integer n such that

12. Let a, b, c, b+c-a, c+a-b, a+b-c and a+b+c be seven distinct

prime numbers such that a+b= 800. Determine the maximum
value of the difference between the largest and the smallest of
these seven numbers.
13. Find all the four-digit numbers so that when decomposed
in prime factors have the sum of the prime factors equal to the
sum of the exponents.
14. four positive integers a, b, c, and d have a product of 8!
and satisfy
ab + a + b = 524
bc + b + c=146
cd + c + d=104
What is ad?
15. Let S = [√1] + [√2] + ⋯ + [√1988] Find [𝑆].
16. Prove that the infinite sequence 1, 31, 331, 3331, ...
contains infinitely many composite numbers.
1. ABC is a triangle such that BC = 10 CA = 12 Let M be the
midpoint of side AC. Given that BM is parallel to the external
bisector of angle A find area of triangle ABC. (Lines AB and
AC form two angles, one of which is angle BAC The external
bisector of angle A is the line that bisects the other angle.)
2. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon. Let P be the circle inscribed
in ABDF. Find the ratio of the area of circle P to the area of
rectangle ABDE.
3. Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB || CD and angle D = 90 deg .
Suppose that there is a point E on CD such that AE = BE and
that triangle AED and CEB are similar, but not congruent.
Given that CD / AB = 2014 find BC / AD.
4. In quadrilateral ABCD, angle DAC = 98 deg angle DBC = 82
deg angle BCD = 70 deg , and BC = AD Find angle ACD .
5. In quadrilateral ABCD we have AB = 5 BC = 6 CD = 5 DA = 4
, and angle ABC = 90 deg and BD meet at E. Compute BE / ED
6. Let ABC be a triangle with sides AB = 6, BC = 10, and CA = 8.
Let M and N be the midpoint of BA and BC, respectively.
Choose the point Y on ray CM so that circumcircle of triangle
AMY is tangent to AN. Find the area of triangle NAY.
7. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side length 1.
Tangents to the circle are drawn that cut off equilateral triangles
at each corner. Circles are inscribed in each of these equilateral
triangles. If this process is repeated infinitely many times, what
is the sum of the areas of all the circles?
8. In triangle ABC, AC = 3AB. Let AD bisect angle A with D
lying on BC, and let E be the foot of the perpendicular from C to
AD. Find [ABD]/[CDE]. (Here, [XYZ] denotes the area of
triangle XYZ).
9. Triangle A0B0C0 has side lengths 13, 14 and 15 in that order.
Triangle A1B1C1 is inscribed in the incircle of triangle A0B0C0
such that it is similar to first triangle. Beginning with Triangle
A1B1C1, the same steps are repeated to construct Triangle
A2B2C2 , and so on infinitely many times. What is the value of

10. Let BC be a diameter of a circle with center O and radius

4. Point A is on the circle such that angle AOB = 45°. Point D is
on the circle such that line segment OD intersects line segment
AC at E and OD bisects angle AOC. Compute the area of ADE,
which is enclosed by line segments AE and ED and minor arc
AD .
11. Three circles of radius 1 are drawn, whose centers form
the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side length 1. Find the
area of the region common to at least two of the circles.
12. Quadrilateral ARML is a kite with AR = RM = 5, AM = 8,
and RL = 11. Compute AL.
13. In the following figure BKLGNM, CMNHPO and
DOPIRQ are regular hexagons (all six sides of each hexagon are
equal and so are the angels). BKLGNM has an area of 24 square
units. What is the area of the rectangle AFJE?

14. Trapezoid ABCD has sides AB = 92, BC= 50, CD = 19,

AD = 70. The side AB is parallel to CD. A circle with center P
on AB is drawn tangent to BC and AD. Given that AP = m/n
where m and n are coprime positive integers. Find m + n?
15. The following diagram shows equilateral triangle AABC
and three other triangles congruent to it. The other three
triangles are obtained by sliding copies of triangle ABC a
distance AB along a side of AABC in the directions from A to
B, from B to C, and from C to A. The shaded region inside all
four of the triangle has area 300. Find the area of ABC.
16. Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with positive integer
side lengths, AB = 120°, IAD - BCI = 42, and CD 98. Find the -
maximum possible value of AB.
17. In triangle FAN, point R lines on AN so that RA = 2. RN
and point L lies on = AF so that LA= 3. LF. Point M is the
intersection of FR and NL. Given that [ARML] = 1974,
compute [FAN].
18. In triangle ABC, D and E are points on AB and AC
respectively. If AB = 33, AC = 21, BC= m and AD = DE = EC
= n where m, n are integers, find the value of m.
19. Let ABXC be a parallelogram. Point K, P, Q lie on BC in
this order such that BK = KC/3 and BP = PQ=QC=BC/3. Rays
XP and XQ meet AB and AC at D and E, respectively. Suppose
that AK is perpendicular to BC, EK-DK=9 and BC = 60. Find
20. One-inch squares are cut from the corners of this 5 inch
square. What is the area in square inches of the largest square
that can be fitted into the remaining space?
1. Rays OL and OM emanate from point O forming angle x, Start
at O and take stops of length 1, stepping alternately from one
ray to the other, and never stepping back to the preceding spot.
Suppose we arrive back at O after 5 steps. What are possible
values for the angle x?
2. Let ABCD be an isosceles trapezoid will AD = BC= 15 such
that the distance its bases AB and CD is 7. Suppose further that
the circles with diameters AD and BC are tangent to each other.
What is the area of the trapezoid?
3. In the rhombus ABCD the measure of angle B = 40°, E is the
midpoint of BC, F is the base of the perpendicular dropped from
A on DE. Find the measure of DFC.
4. Let ABCD be a rectangle. Circles with diameters AB and CD
meet at points P and Q inside the rectangle such that P is closer
to segment BC than Q. Let M and N be the midpoints of
segments AB and CD. If angle MPN = 40°, find the degree
measure of BPC.
5. Let ABC be a triangle with AB = 4024 AC = 4024, and BC =
2012. The reflection of line AC over line AB meets the
circumcircle of Triangle ABC at a point D. Find the length of
segment CD.
6. In the corners of a square PQRS with side length 6 cm four
smaller squares are placed with side lengths 2 cm. Let us denote
their vertices by W, X, Y, Z like in the picture. A square ABCD
is constructed in such a way, that points W, X, Y, Z lie inside
the sides AB, DC, CD, DA respectively. Find the square of the
largest possible distance between points P and D.
7. Suppose ABCD is a convex quadrilateral satisfying AB = BC,
AC = BD, ABD = 80°, and CBD = 20°. What is BCD in
8. Two circles w1 and w2 have radii of 5 and 12 respectively, and
their centers are 13 units apart. The circles intersect at two
different points P and Q. A line drawn through P intersects the
circle w1, at X ≠ P and w2, at Y ≠ P. Find the maximum value
of PX. PY.
9. Cyclic quadrilateral ABCD satisfies ABD = 70°, ABD = 50
degrees, and BC = CD. Suppose AB intersects CD at point P,
while AD intersect BC at point Q. Compute angle APQ- angle
AQP in degrees.
10. Let w1, and w2, be intersecting circles in the plane with
radii 12 and 15, respectively. Suppose I is a circle such that w1
and w2 are internally tangent to I at X1, and X2, respectively.
Similarly, l is a line that is tangent to w1 and w2 at Y1 and Y2
respectively. If X1X2 = 18 and Y1Y2 = 9, what is the radius of I?
11. Let ABC be a triangle, and I be its incenter. Let the
incircle of ABC touch side BC at D, and let lines BI and CI
meet the circle with diameter Al at points P and Q respectively.
Given BI = 6, CI = 5, DI = 3, find the sum of the numerator and
denominator of (DP/DQ)2 when written in lowest terms.
12. ABC is a right-angled triangle with angle ABC = 90°. A
circle C1 is drawn with AB as diameter, and another circle C2 is
drawn with BC as diameter. The circles C1 and C2 meet at the
points B and P. If AB = 5 cm, BC = 12 cm and BP = x cm, find
the value of 2400/x.
13. In the following diagram, angle ACB = 90 degree , DE ⊥
BC, BE = AC, BD = ½ cm, and DE + BC = 1 cm. Suppose
angle ABC = x degrees. Find the value of x.
14. The sides of a regular hexagon are trisected, resulting in 18
points, including vertices. These points, starting with a vertex,
are numbered clockwise as A1, A2,..., A18. The line segment
AkAk+4 is drawn for k = 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, where indices are
taken modulo 18. These segments define a region containing the
center of the hexagon. Find the ratio of the area of this region to
the area of the large hexagon.
15. A cube with side length 2 is inscribed in a sphere. A
second cube, with faces parallel to the first, is inscribed between
the sphere and one face of the first cube. What is the length of a
side of tin-smaller cube?
16. Triangle ABC has AB = 1, BC = √7, CA = √3. Let the
line through A perpendicular to AB and the line through B
perpendicular to AC intersect at a point P. Find PC.
17. Scalene triangle ABC has perimeter 2019 and integer side
lengths. The angle bisector from C meets AB at D such that AD
= 229. Given that AC and AD are relatively prime, compute BC.
18. Let ABC be a triangle with AB = 5, AC = 8, and BC= 7.
Let D be on side AC such that AD = 5 and CD = Let I be the
incenter of triangle ABC and E be the intersection of the
perpendicular bisectors ID and BC. Suppose DE = a√𝑏/c where
a and c are relatively prime positive integers, and b is a positive
integer not divisible by the square of any prime. Find a+b+c.
19. In triangle ABC, AB = 1 and AC = 2. Suppose there exists
a point P in the interior of triangle ABC such that PBC = 70°,
and that there are points E and D on segments AB and AC, such
that BPE = /EPA = 75° and LAPD = DPC = 60°. Let BD meet
CE at Q, and let AQ meet BC at F. If M is the midpoint of BC,
compute the degree measure of MPF.
20. Consider an isosceles triangle T with base 10 and height
12. Define a sequence w1,w2 .... Of circles such that w1 is the
incircle of T and wi+1 is tangent to wi and both legs of the
isosceles triangle for i > 1. Find the radius of w1.
21. Consider an isosceles triangle T with base 10 and height
12. Define a sequence w1,w2 .... Of circles such that w1 is the
incircle of T and wi+1 is tangent to wi and both legs of the
isosceles triangle for i > 1. Find the total area contained in these
22. ABCD is a square and K and L are points on BC and DC.
AM is perpendicular to LK. Angle AKM = angle AKB. Find the
measure of angle LAK.
23. ABCD is a convex, pentagon with angle A = angle B =
angle D = 90°. Angle C = angle E. Sides AB, BC, CD, DE and
EA are extended to K, L, M, N and O respectively. The exterior
angles OAB, KBC, LCD, MDE and NEA are bisected to form
the pentagon, PQRST. Find the angles of this pentagon.
1. An interior point P is chosen in the rectangle ABCD such that
angle APD + angle BPC = 180°. Find the sum of the angles
DAP and BCP.
2. Let X be a point inside convex quadrilateral ABCD with AXB +
CXD = 180°. If AX = 14, BX = 11, CX = 5, DX= 10, and AB =
CD, find the sum of the area of triangles AXB and CXD.
3. In triangle ABC, AB = 425, BC = 450 and AC = 510. An
interior point P is then drawn, and segments are drawn through
P parallel to the sides of the triangle. If these three segments are
of an equal length d, find d.
4. Let ABC be a triangle with AB = 13, BC= 14, and CA = 15. Let
D be the foot of the altitude from A to The inscribed circles of
triangles ABD and ACD are tangent to AD at P and Q,
respectively, and are tangent to BC at X and Y, respectively. Let
PX and QY meet at Z. Determine the area of triangle XYZ.
5. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with a right angle at A and
suppose that the diameter of its circumcircle is 40. Let D and E
be points on the arc BC not containing A such that D lies
between B and E, and AD and AE trisect BAC. Let I1, and I2, be
the incenters of AABE and AACD respectively. The length of
I1I2, can be expressed in the form a + b√2+ c√3+ d√6, where a,
b, c and d are integers. Find a + b + c+d.
6. Cyclic pentagon. ABCDE has a right angle ABC = 90° and side
lengths AB = 15 and BC = 20. Supposing that AB = DE = EA,
find CD.
7. Let ABC be a triangle, and I its incenter. Let the incircle of
ABC touch side BC at D, and let lines BI and CI meet the circle
with diameter Al at points P and Q, respectively. Given Bl =
6,CI = 5, DI = 3, determine the value of (DP/DQ)².
8. On the plane there are two triangle, with side lengths 18, 24 and
30. If the two triangle do not completely overlap, but share the
same circumcircle as well as the same inscribed circle, find the
area of the region common to both triangles.
9. A circle w through the incentre I of a triangle ABC and tangent
to AB at A, intersects the segment BC at D and the extension of
BC at E. Prove that the line IC intersects w at a point M such
that MD = ME.
10. Let ABC be a triangle with BC = 2007, CA = 2008, AB =
2009. Let w be an excircle of ABC that touches the line segment
BC at D, and touches extensions of lines AC and AB at E and F,
respectively (so that C lies on segment AE and B lies on
segment AF). Let O he the center of w Let l be the line through
O perpendicular to AD. Let l meet line EF at G. If the length DG
= x, find sum of digits of x.
11. Let ABCD be n trapezoid with bases AB = 50 and CD =
125, and legs AD = 45 mid BC = 60.
12. Find the area of the intersection between the circle
centered at B with radius BD and the circle centered at D with
radius BD. Express your answer as a common fraction in
simplest radical form and in terms of 𝜋.
13. Three cities that are located on the vertices of an
equilateral triangle with side length 100 units. A missile flies in
a straight line in the same plane as the equilateral triangle
formed by the three cities. The radar from City A reported that
the closest approach of the missile was 20 units. The radar from
City B reported that the closest approach of the missile was 60
units. However, the radar for city C malfunctioned and did not
report a distance. Find the minimum possible distance for the
closest approach of the missile to city C.
14. Let ABC be a triangle with unequal sides. The medians of
△ABC, when extended, intersect its circumcircle in points L,
M, N. If L lies on the median through A and LM = LN, prove
that 2BC2 = CA2 + AB2.
15. In triangle ABC, F is on segment AB such that CF bisects
angle ACB . Points D and E are on line CF such that lines AD,
BE are perpendicular to CF, M is the midpoint of AB. ME = 13,
AD = 15 and BE = 25 find AC + CB.
16. In trapezoid ABCD, AB < CD, AB ⊥ BC, AB || CD, and
the diagonals AC, BD are perpendicular
17. at point P. There is a point Q on ray CA past A such that
𝑄𝑃 𝐴𝑃 51 4 𝐵𝑃 𝐴𝑃
QD ⊥ DC. If 𝐴𝑃 + 𝑄𝑃 = (14) − 2, then 𝐴𝑃 −𝐵𝑃 can be expressed
in the form m/n for relatively prime positive integers m, n.
Compute m + n.
1. Find a nonzero monic polynomial P(x) with integer coefficients
and minimal degree such that P (1 – 21/3 + 22/3) = 0 (A
polynomial is called monic if its leading coefficient is 1.)
2. Suppose that x and y are positive real numbers such that x² - xy
+ 2y2 = 8. Find the maximum possible value of x² + xy + 2y².
3. The function f satisfies f(x)+ f(2x + y) + 5xy = f(3x-y) + 2x²+1
for all real numbers x, y. Determine the value of f(10).
4. Let P(x) be a polynomial with degree 2008 and leading
coefficient such that P(0)= 2007, P(1) = 2006, P(2) = 2005, ......,
P(2007) = 0. Determine the value of P(2008). You may use
factorials in your answer.
5. Find the number of real solutions(s) to the equation
6. Find the minimum value of positive real numbers. 18/(a + b) +
12/(ab) + 8a + 5b where a and b are positive real numbers.
7. Determine the set of all real numbers p for which the
polynomial Q(x) = x3 + px2 - px - 1 has three distinct real roots.
8. Define a sequence of integers by T1 = 2 and for n >= 2 , T n
=2(T)n-1 Find the remainder when T_{1} + T_{2}
+.......+T_{256} is divided by 255.
9. Let p, q, r be real numbers satisfying ((p + q)(q + r)(r + p))/(pqr)
=24 ((p - 2q)(q - 2r)(r - 2p))/(pqr) = 10 Given that p/q + q/r + r/p
can be expressed in the form m / n where m, n are relatively
prime positive integers, compute m + n .
10. Let x, y and z be real numbers such that 12x - 9y2 = 7. 6y -
9z2 = - 2. 12z - 9x2 = 4. Find 6x2 + 9y2 + 12z2.
11. Find the product of the minimum and maximum values of
(3x + 1)/(9x2 + 6x + 2)
12. Let a{1},a{2},… be a sequence defined by a{1} = 1 and
for n >= 1 , a{n + 1} = √𝑎{𝑛2 } − 2𝑎 {𝑛} + 3 + 1 . Find
13. Let a, b, c be the roots of the cubic x3 + 3x2+5x+7. Given
that P is a cubic polynomial such that P(a) = b+c, P(b) =c+a,
P(c) = a + b, and P(a+b+c)=-16, find P(0).
14. Find no. of all solution in positive real numbers a, b, c, d to
the following system of equations
a+b+c+d=12, abcd = 27+ ab + ac + ad + bc + bd + cd.
15. Find a9, If all non negative real numbers a1≤ a2≤…..≤an

16. Find no. of all real solutions (x, y, z) to the following
4𝑥 2 4𝑦 2 4𝑧 2
system of equations:1+4𝑥 2 = 𝑦 =𝑧 = 𝑥.
1+4𝑦 2 1+4𝑧 2
17. Let x, y, z be real numbers such that x3 - xyz = - 16 y3 -
xyz = 3and z3 - xyz = 40 Find the smallest possible value of x2 +
y2 + z2.
18. a, b real numbers. The least value of a2 + ab + b2 – a – 2b
19. Let x, y, and z be distinct real number that sum to 0. Find

the maximum possible value of

20. Let a0, a1, ….. be a sequence such that a0 = 3, a1 = 2, and

an+2 = an+1 + an for all n ≥ 0. Find ∑8𝑛=0 𝑎 𝑛𝑎 .
𝑛+1 𝑛+2

21. Let f(x) = x2 + 2x + 1. Let g(x) = f(f(....f(x))), where there

are 2009 fs in the expression for g(x). Then g(x) can be written
22. Let P(x) = x4 + 2x3 - 13x2 - 14x + 24 be a polynomial with
roots r1, r2, r3, r4. Let Q be the quartic polynomial with roots
r12, r22, r32, r42, such that the coefficient of the x4 term of Q is 1.
Simplify the quotient Q(x2)/P(x), leaving your answer in terms
of x. (You may assume that x is not equal to any of r1,r2, r3, r4).
23. Let p = 224036583 – 1, is the largest prime currently known.
For how many positive integers c do the quadratics ±𝑥 2 ±
𝑝𝑥 ± 𝑐 = 0 all have rational roots.
24. Find the value of a + b where
1 1 3 4 22
− = + + ⋯…..+
𝑎! 𝑏! 1! + 2! + 3! 2! + 3! + 4! 20! + 21! + 22!
25. If positive numbers, a, b, c satisfy abc = 1, solve the
equation in x. (2ax)/(ab + a + 1) + (2bx)/(bc + b + 1) + (2cx)/(ca
+ c + 1) = 1
26. There are exactly N distinct rational numbers k such that
|k| < 200 and 5x² + kx + 12 = 0 has at least one integer solution
for x. What is N?

1. X1, X2,…. is a sequence for all real numbers satisfying x1 = 1, x2

= 2 and xn+1 = 2xn – xn-1 + 2n for all n ≥ 2. Find x2012.
2. Given that a + b + c = 5 and that 1 ≤ a,b,c ≤ 2 what is the
minimum possible value of 1/(a + b) + 1/(b + c)
3. Let a, b and c be real numbers satisfying the equations a3 + abc
= 26, b3 + abc = 78 c3 - abc = 104. Find a3 + b3 + c3.
4. Let a, b, c be real numbers with c ≠1 It is known that the two
equations x2 + ax + 1 = 0 and x2 + bx + c = 0 have a common
real root, and so do the two equations x 2 + x + a = 0 and x2 + cx
+ b = 0 Find the value of a + b + c .
5. The number 205 + 21 has two prime factors which are three -
digit numbers. Find the sum of these numbers.
6. Let P(x) be a polynomial with integral coefficients such that P(-
4) = 5 and P(5) = - 4 What is the maximum possible remainder
when P(0) is divided by 60?
7. Let {a{n}} be a sequence of real numbers defined by the
recursion an+2 = an+1 - an for all positive integers n. If a{2013} =
2015 find the value of a{2017} - a{2019} + a{2021}.
8. Let f(x) = x2 + 4x + 2 Let r be the difference between the largest
and smallest real solutions of the equation f(f(f(f(x)))) = 0 Then
r = a ^ (p / q) for some positive integers a, p, q so a is square-
free and p, q are relatively prime positive integers. Compute a +
p + q.
9. Let x and y be complex numbers such that x2 + y2 = 31 and x3 +
y3 = 154 Find the maximum possible real value of x + y.
10. Suppose that the polynomial x2 + ax + b has the property
such that if s is a root, then s2 - 6 is a root. What is the largest
possible value of a + b.
11. Let x be a positive real number. Find the maximum
possible value of (𝑥 2 + 2 − √𝑥 4 + 4)/(𝑥)
12. Let be the largest real solution to the equation

There are positive

integers , , and such that . Find .
13. The repeating decimals and satisfy
where , , and are (not necessarily
distinct) digits. Find the three digit number .
14. Let be the product of the nonreal roots
of Find
15. For how many real numbers does the quadratic equation
have only integer roots for ?
16. Suppose that a, b, x and y are real numbers such that ax +
by = 3, ax2 + by2 = 7, ax3 + by3 = 16 and ax4 + by4 = 42. Find
the value of ax5 + by5.
17. Suppose x and y are integers such that (x – 2004)(x –
2006) = 2y. Find the largest possible value of x and y.
18. If f(x) = 3 2 3 2 3 2 for all positive
√𝑥 +2𝑥+1+ √𝑥 −1+ √𝑥 −2𝑥+1
integers x. Find the value of f(1) + f(3) + f(5) + ….. + f(997) +
19. Let a and b be two integers. Suppose x2– x – 1 is a factor
of the polynomial ax5 + bx4 + 1. Find the value of a.
20. The polynomial 1 – 2x + 4x2 – 8x3 + ….. + 220x20 – 221x21
can be expressed as c0 + c1y +….. + c20y20 + c21y21 where y = x
+ 2. Find c2.
1 1 1
21. What is the length of range x such that 𝑥 − |𝑥−1| > 𝑥−2
22. Let A = (x | x2 + (m-1)x-2(m + 1) = 0, x ∈ R) B = (x | (m-
1)x² + mx + 1 = 0, x ∈ R} Number of values of m such that A U
B has exactly 3 distinct elements, is.
23. What is the sum of all the roots of the equation: 5|x| + 8 =
√𝑥 2 − 16 .
24. Find [x + y + z] if x + [y] + {z} = 1.1, y + [z] + {x} = 2.2
and z + [x] + {y} = 3.3 .
𝑥 2𝑥
25. Determine the number of real solutions to [2 ] + [ 3 ] = 𝑥.
26. Find (13 + 3.12 + 3.1) + (23 + 3.22 + 3.2) + ...... + (993 +
3.992 + 3.99).
27. Find the sum of the real values of x satisfying (x + 1)(2x +
1)(3x + 1)(4x + 1) = 16x4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
28. + 𝑏 + 𝑎+𝑥 = 0, 𝑎 + 𝑐 + 𝑎+𝑦 = 0, 𝑎 + 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 0. Find a +
b +c.
1 2 2017 𝑥2
29. If 𝑥+1 + 𝑦+2 + 𝑧+2017 = 1. Find the value of 𝑥2 +𝑥 +
𝑦2 𝑧2
+ 𝑧2 +2017𝑧.
𝑦 2 +2𝑦
30. Positive numbers x and y satisfy xy = 1. Find the
1 1
minimum possible value of 𝑥2 + 4𝑦2 .

1. Let [x] denote the greatest integer not exceeding x. Given f(0) =
0 and f(n) = f([n/2]) + n - 2[n/2] for any positive integer n. If m
is a positive integer not exceeding 2010 find the greatest
possible value of f(m).
2 1 1
2. Find the largest positive real number x such that 𝑥 = [𝑥] + [2𝑥]
where [x] denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x.
3. Let f(n) denote the number of positive integral solutions of the
equation 4x + 3y + 2z = n Find f(2009) - f(2000).
4. Monic quadratic polynomial P(x) and Q(x) with leading
coefficient 1 have the property that P(Q(x)) has zeros at x = - 23,
- 21, - 17 and -15, and Q(P(x)) has zeros at x = - 59, - 57 -51 and
-49. What is the sum of the minimum values of P(x) and Q(x) ?
5. Find all possible real values for the equation 𝑥 3 − 3𝑥 =
√𝑥 + 2 .
6. Find all functions f : R → R for which xf(x) - yf(y) = (x – y)f(x
+ y), for all x, y ∈ R.
7. Determine- the number of quadratic polynomials P(x) = p1x2 +
p2x – p3, where p1, p2, p3 are not necessarily distinct (positive)
prime numbers less than 50, whose roots are distinct rational
8. Given that a, b and c are positive real numbers such that 𝑎 2 +
𝑏2 𝑏2
𝑎𝑏 + ( 3 ) = 25, + 𝑐 2 = 9, 𝑐 2 + 𝑐𝑎 + 𝑎 2 = 16. If ab + 2bc +
3ca = m√3. Find m.
9. Find the set of all possible values that can be attained by the
𝑎𝑏+𝑏 2
expression 𝑎2 +𝑏2 where a, b are positive real numbers. Express
your answer in interval notation.
10. If a, b, c are the sides of the triangle, then find the interval
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
for 𝑏+𝑐−𝑎 + 𝑐+𝑎−𝑏 + 𝑎+𝑏−𝑐.
11. Let a > 0, and let P(x) be a polynomial with integer
coefficients such
that P(1) = P(3) = P(5) = P(7) = a, and P(2) = P(4) = P(6) =
P(8) = -a.
What is the smallest possible value of a?
12. Let a and b be two integers. Suppose x2– x – 1 is a factor
of the polynomial ax5 + bx4 + 1. Find the value of a.
13. Suppose that x, y, z are real positive numbers such that (1
+ x4y4)ez + (1 + 81e4z)x4 e-3z = 12x3y. Find all possible values of
x + y + z.
1. Find the number of ordered 2012-tuples of integers (x1, x2,…..
x2012), with each integer between 0 and 2011 inclusive, such that
the sum x1+2x2+3x3+...+2012x2012 is divisible by 2012.
2. An auditorium has two rows of seats, with 50 seats in each row.
100 indistinguishable people sit in the seats one at a time,
subject to the condition that each person, except for the first
person to sit in each row, must sit immediate to the left or right
of an occupied seat, and no two people can sit in the same seat.
In how many ways can this process occur?
3. Find the number of ordered quadruples of positive integers (a, b,
c, d) such that a, b, c and d are all (not necessarily distinct)
factors of 30 and abcd > 900.
4. In how many ways can the positive integers from 1 to 100 be
arranged in a circle such that the sum of every two integers
placed opposite each other is same? (arrangements that are
rotations of each other count as the same.) Express your answer
in the form a!. b.
5. How many ways can you color the squares of a 2 × 2008 grid in
3 colors such that no two squares of the same color share an
6. How many ordered triples of positive integers (x, y, z) are there
such that x + y + z = 20 and exactly two of x, y, z are odd?
7. Suppose that n identical promo coupons are to be distributed to
a group of people, with no assurance that everyone will get a
coupon. If there are 165 more ways to distribute these to four
people than are ways to distribute these to three people, what is
8. There are 20 geese numbered 1 through 20 standing in a line.
The even numbered geese are standing at the front in the order
2, 4 $20. where 2 is at the front of the line. Then the odd
numbered geese are standing behind them in the order, 1, 3, 5,
19, where 19 is at the end of the line. The geese want to
rearrange themselves in order, so that they are ordered 1, 2,....,
20 (1 is at the front), and they do this by successively swapping
two adjacent geese. What is the minimum number of swaps
required to achieve this formation?
9. In a picnic, there be 12 student from Class One, 22 students
from Class Two, 32 students from Class Three, 42 students from
Class Four and 52 students from Class Five. A teacher is picking
students for a game at random. How many students must he pick
to make sure that the there are at least 10 students from the same
10. In how many ways can 4 purple balls and 4 green balls be
placed into a 4 x 4 grid such that every row and column contains
one purple ball and one green ball? Only one ball may be placed
in each box, and rotations and reflections of a single
configuration are considered different.
11. 4 couples are sitting in a row. However, two particular
couples are fighting, so they are not allowed to sit next to each
other. How many ways can these 8 people be seated?
12. There are 9 cards, and the numbers 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
are written on them respectively. Cards on which an odd number
is written are then coloured red and the rest are coloured green.
How many ways are there to arrange the 9 cards in a row, so
that the number on each red card is less than or equal to those on
every red card to its right?
13. How many five-digit positive integers are divisible by 36
and have their tens digit and unit digit equal?
14. Find the number of integers between 1 and 200 inclusive
whose distinct prime divisors sum to 16. (For example, the sum
of the distinct prime divisors of 12 is 2+3=5.)
15. Find the number of permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 that
have no odd number in the correct position.
16. How many of the triangle whose vertices are chosen from
the vertices of a cube are equilateral?
17. Find the sum of the digits of all numerals in the sequence
1, 2, 3, 4,…., 10000.
18. How many of the numbers a151 + a252 + … + a656 are
negative if a1, a2, …., a6 ∈ {-1, 0, 1}
19. The increasing sequence 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11,.....consists of
all positive integers that are neither the square nor the cube of a
positive integer. Find the 500 term of this sequence.
20. Nine chairs in a row are to be occupied by six students and
Professors A, B and C. These three professors arrive before the
six students and decide to choose their chairs so that each
professor will be between two students. In how many ways can
Professors A, B and C choose their chairs?
21. The number of 6-digit numbers of the form “ABCABC”,
which are divisible by 13, where A, B, and C are distinct digits,
A and C being even digits is.
22. In how many ways can 8 people be arranged in a line if
Alice and Bob must be next to each other, and Carol must be
somewhere behind Dan?
23. For how many integers n between 1 and 2005, inclusive, is
2 • 6 • 10 • • • (4n - 2) divisible by n!?
24. An ant starts at the point (1, 1). It can travel along the
integer lattice, only moving in the positive x and y directions.
What is the number of ways it can reach (5, 5) without passing
through (3, 3)?
25. How many ways are there to color every square of an eight
by eight grid black or white such that for every pair of rows r
and s, we have that either ri = si, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ 8 or ri ≠ si for all
1 ≤ i ≤ 8.
26. Leo the fox has a 5 by 5 checkerboard grid with alternating
red and black squares. He fills in the grid with the numbers 1, 2,
3,...., 25 such that any two consecutive numbers are in adjacent
squares (sharing a side) and each number is used exactly once.
He then computes the sum of the numbers in the 13 squares that
are the same color as the center square. Compute the maximum
possible sum Leo can obtain.
27. How many ways can the vertices of a cube be colored red
or blue so that the color of each vertex is the color of the
majority of the three vertices adjacent to it?
1. A true false test has ten questions. If you answer five questions
"true" and five "false," your score is guaranteed to be at least
four. How many answer keys are there for which true?
2. How many subsets A of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] have the
property that no two elements of A sum to 11?
3. There are 15 stones placed in a line. In how many ways can you
mark 5 of these stones so that there are an odd number of stones
between any two of the stones you marked?
4. Find the number of triples of nonnegative integers (x, y, z) such
that 15x+21y + 35z = 525.
5. Let a, b, c, d be positive integers such that the least common
multiple (L.C.M.) of any three of them is 3375 How many
different sets of (a, b, c, d) are possible if the order of the
numbers is taken into consideration?
6. Let s be a set with six elements. In how many different ways can
one select two not necessarily distinct subsets of S so that the
union of the two subsets is S? The order of the selection does
not matter; for example the pair of subsets {a, c}, {b, c, d, e, f}
represent the same selection as the pair (b, c, d, e, f}, {a, c}.
7. Eli, Joy Paul and Sam want to form a company; the company
will have 16 shares to split among the 4 people. The following
constraints are imposed:
• Every person must get a positive integer number of shares, and all
16 shares must be given out.
• No one person can have more shares than the other three people
Assuming that shares are indistinguishable, but people are
distinguishable, in how many ways can the shares be given out?
8. Determine the number of rectangles whose edges lie completely
on the grid lines of the following figure.

9. A teacher asked each student of a class to write down the

number of classmates with the same surname as his, as well as
the number of classmates whose birthday is same as his. Among
received, each of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 10 has appeared. Find the
minimum number of student in the class.
10. Joe has written 5 questions of different difficulties for a
test with problems numbered 1 through 5. He wants to make
sure that problem i is harder than problem j whenever i-j≥ 3. In
how many ways can he order the problems for his test?
11. Carla has 100 stacks of pennies. The stacks have 1 penny,
2 pennies, 3 pennies up to 100 pennies. Carla makes a move by
adding one penny to each of any 99 stacks. What is the least of
moves Carla can make such that all 100 stacks have the same
amount of pennies?
12. Different positive 3-digit integers are formed from the five
digits 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and repetitions of the digits are allowed. As
an example, such positive 3-digit integers include 352, 577, 111,
etc. Find the sum of all the distinct positive 3-digit integers
formed in this way.
13. Let n > 0 be an integer. Each face of a regular tetrahedron
is painted in one of n colors (the faces are
14. not necessarily painted different colors.) Suppose there are
n possible colorings, where rotations, but not reflections, of the
same coloring are considered the same. Find possible values of
15. In the upcoming pep rally, there will be two dodgeball
games, one between the freshmen and sophomores, and the
other between the juniors and seniors. Five students have
volunteered from each grade. How many ways are there to pick
the teams if the only requirements are that there is at least one
person on each team and that the teams playing against each
other have the same number of people?
16. Emma has the five letters: A, B, C, D, E. How many ways
can she rearrange the letters into words? Note that the order of
words matter, ie ABC DE and DE ABC are different.
17. Given an arbitrary finite sequence of letters (represented as
a word), a subsequence is a sequence of one or more letters that
appear in the same order as in the original sequence. For
Example, N, CT, OTT, and CONTEST are subsequences of the
word NTEST, but NOT, ONSET, and TESS are not. Assuming
the standard English alphabet {A, B, ....., Z), compute the
number of distinct four-letter "words" for which EE is a
18. Adam has a box with 15 pool balls in it, numbered from 1
to 15 and picks out 5 of them. He then sorts them in increasing
order, takes the four difference between each pair of adjacent
balls, and finds exactly two of these differences are equal to 1.
How many selections of 5 balls could he have drawn from the
19. Each unit square of a 4 x 4 square grid is colored either
red, green, or blue. Over all possible colorings of the grid, what
is the maximum possible number of L-trominos that contain
exactly one square of each color? (L-trominos are made up of
three unit squares sharing a corner, as shown below.)
20. How many distinct permutations of the letters of the word
REDDER are there that do not contain a palindromic substring
of length at least two? (A substring is a contiguous block of
letters that is part of the string. A String is palindromic if it is
the same when read backwards).
21. How many ways are there to insert + 's between the digits
of 111111111111111 (fifteen 1's) so that the result will be a
multiple of 30?
1. Determine the number of ways to select a sequence of 8 sets A 1
,A2 ...,A8 prime such that each is a subset (possibly empty) of
{1, 2} and Am contains An if m divides n.
2. There are 111 balls in a box, each being red, green, blue or
white. It is known that if 100 balls are drawn, we can ensure
getting balls of all four colours. Find the smallest integer N such
that if N balls are drawn, we can ensure getting balls of at least
three different colours.
3. Using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, we can form 7!= 5040
7- digit numbers in which the 7 digits are all distinct. If these
numbers are listed in increasing order, find the 2016th number
in the list
4. The numbers, 1, 2,..., 2012 are written on a blackboard. Each
minute, a student goes up to the board, choose two numbers x
and y, erases them and writes the number 2x + 2y on the board.
This continues until only one number N remains. Find the
remainder when the maximum possible value of N is divided by
5. Four couples, including my partner and me, met for lunch.
Several handshakes took place. No one shook hands with
himself (or herself) or his (or her) partner, and no one shook
hands with the same person more than once. After all the
handshaking was completed I asked each person, including my
partner, how many hands he or she had shaken. Each of these
seven persons gave a different answer. How many hands did I
6. In chess tournaments players get 1 point for a win, ½ point for a
draw and 0 for a loss. In a recent round-robin tournament each
pair of players met exactly once, and the top four scores were 4
½ , 3 ½ , 3 and 1/2. The lowest score at that tournament was.
7. Find the number of 11-digit positive integers such that the digits
from left to right are non-decreasing (for example 1234567899,
555555555555, 23345557889).
8. For a positive integer n, define s(n) to be the sum of n and its
digits. For example, s(2009) = 2009 +2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 2020.
Compute the number of elements in the set {s(0), s(1), s(2), ......,
9. Three not necessarily distinct positive integers between 1 and
99, inclusive, are written in a row on a blackboard. Then, the
numbers, without including any leading zeros, are concatenated
to form a new integer N. For example, if the integers written, in
order, are 25, 6 and 12, then N = 25612 (and not N = 250612).
Determine the number of possible values of N.
10. Consider pentagon ABCDE. How many paths are there
from vertex A to vertex E where no edge is repeated and does
not go through E.
11. A deck of 8056 cards has 2014 ranks numbered 1-2014.
Each rank has four suits-hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.
Each card has a rank and a suit, and no two cards have the same
rank and the same suit. How many subsets of the set of cards in
this deck have cards from an odd number of distinct ranks?
12. Find the number of integers x such that the following three
conditions all hold:
• x is a multiple of 5
• 121 < x < 1331
• When x is written as an integer in base 11 with no leading 0s (i.e.
no 0s at the very left), its rightmost digit is strictly greater than its
leftmost digit.
13. Three not necessarily distinct positive integers between 1
and 99, inclusive, are written in a row on a blackboard. Then,
the numbers, without including any leading zeros, are
concatenated to form a new integer N. For example, if the
integers written, in order, are 25, 6 and 12, then N = 25612 (and
not N= 250612). Determine the number of possible values of N.
14. On the circumference of a circle are 24 points which
divide it into 24 arcs of length 1. In how many ways can we
choose 8 of these points such that neither arc determined by any
two chosen points has length 3 or 8?
15. Find the number of 10 tuples ( a_{1}, a_{2} ,.....,a 10 ) of
integers such that la <= 1 and a{1}2 + a{2}2 + .....+ a{10}2 -
a{1}a{2} - a{2}a{3} -.........-a{10}a{1} = 2.

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