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15 Common

Miskate In
Avoid These Common Mistake

Md Anamul Haque
Not Analysis Competitor

Competitor analysis is your key to unlocking their

secrets. By examining what your competitors are doing,
you can uncover ranking gaps and the strategies they
use to dominate online.

What we found from competitor analysis:

Keyword Opportunities
Content Gaps
On-Page & Technical SEO
Backlink Analysis

*Analysis your competitor before starting SEO

Not optimization speed

Speed optimization is the key point of ranking. The

search bot strictly follows and analyzes the page
speed and mobile friendliness.

Slow and non-responsive sites can lead to higher

bounce rates and lower rankings.

* Optimize your website issue by using or tools
Missing Important Pages

Ranking in doing SEO is a total optimization for both

the user and the search bot.

Your website's essential pages like about us, terms &

conditions, contact us & refunds/returns are often
overlooked but crucial for SEO and user trust.

* Make sure essential page are available on the

Poor Content Strategy

Today, creating content is easier than ever, but quality

over quantity is crucial. Recent research shows that while
Google often ranks AI-generated content, relying too
heavily on it can harm your business in the long run, as
Google is working to identify and penalize AI-generated

Key Elements of a Strong Content Strategy:

1. Audience Research: Understand your target
audience's needs and preferences.
2. EEAT Factor: Ensure your content Experience,
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.
3. Semantic Content: Create content that is contextually
rich and meaningful.

* Before writing content, conduct thorough

research and ensure it is semantically rich and
Not Maintaining
Informational &
Content Ratio

Balancing informational and commercial content is

crucial for effective SEO. Maintaining an informational
and commercial content ratio is a sound strategy,
providing valuable information to your audience
while also promoting your products or services.

* My strategy is 70% Informational Content &

20% commercial Content.
Only Focus on Creating
Blog Content or

Only creating content or backlinks is the best

dump strategy in SEO. Focus on existing posts,
optimize the whole website then move to the
new content & backlink as well as keep tracking
the performing kw.

* rather
Focus on tracking ranking kw & optimization
than creating new content or Backlink.
Not Using Analytics

Neglecting tools like Google Search Console, and

analytics means missing out on crucial data for SEO.
These tools help you track site performance, identify
issues, user behavior, and more. Without them, you’re
flying blind and missing opportunities for

*Always utilize analytics tools like Search

Console and Analytics to enhance your site’s
performance and SEO strategy.
Not Checking Blocked

Sometimes developers unconsciously store your image

or other files in a folder that is blocked by robots.txt.


robots.txt like:
disallow: /assest/

* Make sure your image or js is not blocked in

Not Tracking
Commercial Keywords

It's not like creating high-quality commercial

content and leaving it for ranking! Tracking
commercial keywords helps you to understand your
market position and identify growth opportunities.
as well as help you to your competitor's strategy.

* Keep track ofcompetitor

your commercial KW and analyze
Not Tracking Duplicate

Ensure unique and valuable content across

pages. Duplicate content harms your SEO efforts
by confusing search engines and splitting ranking

* Keep updated about your site & use canonical

tags if any duplicate pages are found.
Not Paying Attention
Broken Link

Recent data leaks reveal that Google considers clicks

and the time users spend on a page for ranking. When
users click on a link that leads to a 404 page instead of
useful information, they leave the site quickly. This hurts
your ranking metrics, and broken links can negatively
impact your overall search rankings.

* Keep track of broken links and fix them

immediately. You can use Semrush or screaming
frog to find your broken link.
Not Updating Old

Fresh, relevant content keeps users engaged and

signals to search engines that your site is active
and valuable.
Set up a monthly schedule to analyze and update
your old content to keep it current and effective.

*Keep yourandcontent current to stay competitive

relevant in search results.
Not Monitoring Ranking

Analyzing bounce rates and click metrics offers

valuable insights into user behavior and the
effectiveness of your content.

By identifying pages with high bounce rates, you can

pinpoint where users are losing interest and optimize
content to enhance engagement.

* Examining click data helps you understand

what captures user interest, allowing you to
adjust your strategies for better results.
Not Checking Schema

Schema markup helps search engines understand your

content better, which can boost your visibility and
click-through rates.

If you don't use schema markup, you're missing

opportunities for your content to stand out with
enhanced features in search results.

* Make sure your all page have properly schema

Not Optimized For
Featured Snippets

Featured snippets provide quick answers, boosting

your visibility, credibility, and click-through rates.

To rank in featured snippets, optimize content by

clearly answering common questions, using schema
markup, and creating high-quality, informative
material. This strategy helps you secure top positions
and attract more visitors.

*Cover your content by answering user-mind

questions, using schema markup, and creating
high-quality content.
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MD Anamul Haque

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