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Depositional Environment of the (Albian–Cenomanian) Bentiu formation of

Heglig oil field Muglad Basin Sudan

Article · June 2017


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1 author:

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Salim

Red Sea University


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Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Depositional Environment of the (Albian – Cenomanian)

Bentiu formation of Heglig oil field Muglad Basin Sudan

Ahmed Ali Hassan Taha1 *, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman 2, Ahmed Salim 2, Yassir Ibrahim Ali 3
1.2 Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, department of Petroleum geosciences

3. Red Sea University, Earth Science College, portsudan


This paper discusses the application of wireline logs in the determination of depositional
environment of the reservoir interval of Bentiu formation (Albian – Cenomanian) Muglad
Basin Sudan. A suite of a wire line logs from the Well A38 in Heglig field is collected
from the Ministry of petroleum in Sudan, consist of GR, SP, RD, RS, RMSL, CNC, ZDEN
and DT, which comprise the materials for this study. Petrel software was used to display
these logs. Bentiu formation which is a main reservoir interval in the well A38 is the main
target of this study; it is divided into Bentiu, I, Bentiu 2 and Bentiu 3 formations. Wire line
logs signatures, and lithology log shows that these intervals composed mainly of sandstone
intercalated with mudstone and siltstone. The sandstones rang in grain size from fine to
coarse predominantly medium grains, GR signatures show coarsen up and fining up patterns
indicating fluvial deposit. GR pattern, Neutron-Density separation, Resistivity, sonic and
lithology logs indicate the intervals were deposited in a fluvial environment, mainly crevasse
splay, floodplain, channel fill and point bars.

Keywords: Bentiu formation, wireline log, Muglad basin, fluvial deposits.

Introduction part of it is situated in south of Sudan

Bentiu formation is the main reser- Republic and the other half situated
voir interval within the Muglad basin in the North of the South Sudan Re-
of the Sudan Schull;1988. Muglad public, it extends for about 1200 km
basin is largest among the central Af- in its length and more than 300 km in
rican rift system members (CARS), its width, it trends north west – south
Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

east. Figure (1) shows the location of ration borehole. These give informa-
the Muglad basin. Bentiu formation tion on lithology, porosity, oil and
whose depositional environment was water saturation Cant;1992, Allen
interpreted as fluvial environment P. A. and Allen J. R.;1990 , Emery
represents the main reservoir inter- & Myers;2009 . Depositional envi-
val of the Muglad basin, and it con- ronment and facies could also be in-
sists mainly of sandstones interbed- ferred from certain suites of wireline
ded with claystone and mudstones. logs Miall;2013. Geophysical logs
The interpretation of wireline logs as not only provide a complete vertical
subsurface techniques is now widely profile of the borehole, but also rap-
used in sedimentology. A wide range idly yield to the trained interpreter
of physical parameters can be mea- curve shapes and feature representa-
sured using different suites of tools tive of depositional facies.
lowered down a hydrocarbon explo-

Figure 1: Map shows location of the study area within block two in the Heglig oil field in
south of the Sudan. The map also shows the location of the Sudan within continent Africa
red line border; new Sudan map light brown background, block two where the Heglig oil
field is located yellow color area, red square indicates the location of the selected well with-
in the field highlighted in the blue background area in the lower-right corner of the map.

Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Some of these features include fin- a suite of well logs form well A 38
ing upward sequences, coarsening in Heglig field one of the largest oil
upward sequences, and uniform se- fields in Muglad basin in Sudan. The
quences, which result from unique log suite consists of Gamma ray, Re-
depositional processes. For example, sistivity, Neutron, Density and Sonic
gamma-ray log shapes are often used logs. The purpose of this study is to
by geologists to determine sandstone infer the different facies and to in-
grain size, trends and hence deposi- terpret the depositional environment
tional environment and facies Rid- along the reservoir interval of Bentiu
er;1990, figure (2). This study uses formation of the Muglad basin.

Figure 2: Environmental interpretations of gamma log patterns (after Sanchez & Le

Roux;2003) (base on Cant;1992).
Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Material and Methods tively, the density log is used to cal-

A Gamma ray, Resistivity, Neutron, culate porosity and indirectly, hydro-
Density and Sonic are the principal carbon density. When combine with
logs collected from the Ministry of neutron log gives a good lithology
Petroleum in Sudan in form of LAS indicator. Finally sonic log measure
files comprise the core materials for travel transit time of a formation.
this study. The LAS files are import- Quantitatively, the sonic log is used
ed on selection into Petrel software to evaluate porosity in a liquid-filled
for the display of the logs on Petrel hole. For geologists, the sonic log is
first explorer window, after inserting sensitive to subtle textural variations
a new well folder where LAS files are in both sands and shales. It can help
imported on selection. Gamma ray is to identify lithology, and help to in-
the record of a formation’s radioac- dicate source rocks.
tivity, in its simple form Gamma ray Results and Discussion
can be used to correlate, to suggest The Bentiu Formation comprises the
facies and sequences and definitely main reservoir interval in the study
to identify lithology (shalliness). Re- area and is characterized by stacking
sistivity is the measurement of a for- successions of thick, amalgamated
mation’s resistivity. Resistivity log cross-bedded sandstones and inter-
is mainly used to find hydrocarbon, vening extensive laterally, thinner
and it can also contribute to lithol- Murdock intervals, M.Yagoub;2010.
ogy, texture, facies, over pressure In the well A38, Bentiu formation
and source rock’s aspects. Neutron considered to be the principal reser-
log principally a measure of forma- voir horizon, it consists of about 302
tion water content; it is an important meters thick pile of non-marine sedi-
porosity indicator and also is a very ments, mainly sandstone interbed-
good lithology indicator when com- ded with siltstones and claystone.
panied with Density log. The Den- Well tops Bentiu 1, Bentiu 2, and
sity log is the continuous record of Bentiu 3 are well documented on the
formation’s bulk density. Quantita- well figure (3).
Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Figure 3: section shows well logs of the well A38 indicating well tops of Bentiu 1, Bentiu 2
and Bentiu 3.

Bentiu 1 consists of about 96 meters jority is medium grained. The in-

thick sandstone with minor interca- tercalation of shale is mainly con-
lation of siltstone and claystone, the centrated in the lower part having a
sandstone range in grain size from thickness of about fourteen meters
coarse, medium to fine grained ma- this clearly manifested in high GR

Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

readings and very large separation of large separation of Neutron-Density

Neutron-Density logs and low resis- log and constant resistivity log. GR
tivity readings. Generally, GR shows shapes show coarsening upward se-
low to medium readings indicat- quences as well as fining upward
ing the presence of clean sandstone sequences indicating crevasse splay
that conformed by Neutron-Density and point bars fluvial environment,
curve falling close to each other, but respectively; figure (4) shows Bentiu
at some intervals high GR readings 1 section with a suite of logs com-
are recorded indicating the pres- prise GR, SP, RD, RS, RMSL, CNC,
ence of shale that conformed with ZDEN, DT and lithology logs.

Figure (4) section shows Bentiu 1 interval

Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Bentiu 2 consists of about 146 me- wide separation of Neutron-Density

ters thick sandstone interbedded with logs and low resistivity readings, GR
shale, the sandstone range in grain shows fining upward pattern in the
size from fine to medium occasional- most parts of the section indicating
ly coarse grained and predominantly deposition in crevasse splay or flood
medium grained; the shale interca- plain environment. Figure (5) shows
lation is predominant in different Bentiu 2 section with a suite of logs
parts of the section which indicated comprise GR, SP, RD, RS, RMSL,
by the high GR value conformed by CNC, ZDEN,DT and lithology logs.

Figure (5) section shows Bentiu 2 interval

Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Bentiu 3 consists of about 60 me- falling close to each other and high
ters thick sandstone interval, mostly resistivity readings this indicates
medium grained occasionally coarse depositional environment along a
grained intercalated with minor channel as a channel fill or point bar,
shales. GR signature mostly shows figure (6) shows Bentiu 3 section
coarsening up pattern that is clear with a suite of logs comprise GR,
from the low GR readings and con- SP, RD, RS, RMSL, CNC, ZDEN,
formed by Neutron-Density curves DT and lithology logs.

Figure (6) section shows Bentiu 3 interval

Conclusion dium to fine grained sandstone oc-

Bentiu formation is a main reservoir casionally coarse grained, predomi-
interval in the well A38; it has a thick- nantly medium grain. GR shapes
ness of 302 meters, and it consists of show coarsening upward sequences
Bentiu 1, Bentiu 2 and Bentiu 3 all as well as fining upward sequences.
of them deposited in a fluvial envi- GR, Neutron-Density and resistivity
ronment. Bentiu 1 has a thickness of signatures indicate crevasse splay or
96 meters, mainly consist of a me- point bar fluvial environment.
Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

Bentiu 2 comprises about 146 meters mostly medium grained occasion-

of thick sandstone interbedded with ally coarse grained intercalated with
shale. The sandstone range in grain minor shales. GR signature mostly
size from fine to medium occasion- shows coarsening upward pattern
ally coarse grained and predominate- that is clear from the low GR read-
ly medium grained, the shale inter- ings and conformed by Neutron-
calation is predominant in different Density curves falling close to each
parts of the section. High GR values other and high resistivity readings
conformed by wide separation of this indicates depositional environ-
Neutron-Density logs and low re- ment along a channel as a channel
sistivity readings, GR shows fining fill or point bar.
upward pattern in the most parts of Recommendations
the section indicating deposition in Incorporating this results with seis-
crevasse splay or flood plain envi- mic data a static model can be con-
ronment. Bentiu 3 consists of about structed to help in feature explora-
60 meters thick sandstone interval, tion and development in the field.

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basin analysis, and petroleum geology: Springer.
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Red sea university Journal of Basic and Applied Science ISSN: 1858 -7690 (Online)
Vol. 1 Issue 1 - April 2016 ISSN: 1858 -7658 (Print)

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analysis of an oversimplified methodology. Geological Society, London, Spe-
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