4th Periodical Exam FINAL

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Colegio San Nicolas de Tolentino-Recoletos, Inc.

(formerly University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos-Talisay, Inc.)

Lizares Street, Talisay City 6115 Negros Occidental, Philippines
High School Department 2023-2024
4th Periodical Exam
Computer 10
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Grade and Section: ___________________________________________ Score:_______________

General Instructions for Distance Learner:

1. You are required to comply with the directions given in each part of the examination.
2. If anything in the examination question paper is unclear, you can ask your teacher for clarifications.
3. Your paper must be written with a black or blue ballpoint pen. You may not use a gel pen, roller pen,
pencil or other writing instruments.

“Be HONEST; Even if others are not, even if others will not, even if others cannot. He who walks honestly
walks securely.” (Proverbs 10:9)
DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the
number. (1 POINT EACH)

_______1. The Visual Basic Code Editor will automatically detect certain types of errors as you are entering code.
A. True B. False C. Both A ans B D. None of the above

_______2. Keywords are also referred to as reserved words.

A. True B. False C. Both A ans B D. None of the above

_______3. The divide-and-conquer-method of problem solving breaks a problem into large, general pieces first,
then refines each piece until the problem is manageable.
A. True B. False C. Both A ans B D. None of the above

_______4. Visual Basic responds to events using which of the following?

A. a code procedure B. an event procedure C. a form procedure D. a property

_______5. When the user clicks a button, _________ is triggered.

A. an event B. a method C. a setting D. a property

_______6. What property of controls tells the order they receive the focus when the tab key is pressed during run
A. Focus order B. Focus number C. Tab index D. Control order

_______7. Sizing Handles make it very easy to resize virtually any control when developing applications with
Visual Basic. When working in the Form Designer, how are these sizing handles displayed?
A. A rectangle with 4 arrows, one in each corner, around your control.
B. A 3-D outline around your control.
C. A rectangle with small squares around your control.
D. None of the above.

_______8. The Properties window plays an important role in the development of Visual Basic applications. It is
mainly used ______________________
A. to change how objects look and feel.
B. when opening programs stored on a hard drive.
C. to allow the developer to graphically design program components.
D. to set program related options like Program Name, Program Location, etc.

_______9. When creating a new application in Visual Basic, you are asked to supply a name for the program. If
you do not specify a name, a default name is XXXXX XXXXX is this default name?
A. Wapplication followed by a number.
B. Application followed by a number.
C. WindowsApplication.
D. WindowsApplication followed by a number.

_______10. Which of the properties in a control’s list of properties is used to give the control a meaningful name?
A. Text B. ContextMenu C. ControlName D. Name
Direction: Identify the following statement and write your answer on the space provided before the number. All
answers must be in a CAPITAL LETTERS. (2 POINTS EACH.)

________________1. Determines whether a menu will respond to events.

________________2. Used to set the name of a menu control.
________________3. Sets the name used in the code to refer to the menu control.
________________4. Used to give a numeric value to a context ID.
________________5. Removes the selected menu item.
________________6. Determines whether a menu item will appear in the menu.
________________7. Used in assigning a number to a control to determine its position in a control array.
________________8. Determines whether the menu will appear in a container form.
________________9. Moves the selected menu up, one level for every click.
________________10. Moves the selected menu down, one level for every click.
________________11. Determines if a menu control will contain a list of open MDI child forms


Direction: Arrange the following steps. Write your answers on the space provided before the number. (1 POINT

33-35. How to Set the Events for Each Menu Item? (USE LETTER A-C FOR YOUR ANSWERS)
______Click on the menu.
______Type the syntax or code for the menu item. For opening common dialog boxes, the common Dialog Box
control should be inserted into the Toolbox.
______ Double-click a sub-menu or menu item.

36-40. How to Open the Common Dialog Control? (USE NUMBER 1-5 FOR YOUR ANSWERS)
______Right-click on a space in the Toolbox.
______Click Components.
______Check Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0.
______Click OK.
______Draw a Common Dialog Control icon in your form.

41-50. How to create toolbars? (USE LETTER A-K FOR YOUR ANSWERS)
______Click OK.
______Click the Insert button according to the number of toolbars that you want to insert. See the numbers
opposite to the button.
______Draw the Image List icon in your form. Right-click the icon and then click Properties.
______Draw the Toolbar icon in your form.
______Draw an Image List Control icon in your form.
______Right-click the Toolbar in your form and then click Properties.
______Right-click on the Toolbox.
______The Property Pages window of the Toolbar will appear. Click the Buttons tab.
______Click Components.
______Check Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP3).
______ The Property Pages window will appear again. Click the Images tab.

“Study now, be proud later.”

Prepared by:
Fidel T. Sardonidos Jr., LPT

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