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NAME: ______________________________________________________ DATE: ______________


At the end of the day, I will be able to:
a. explain what visual basic is
b. open and close the Visual Basic program

Key Concepts:

Visual Basic Operating System

Programming Language Visual Basic.NET
Microsoft VB 6.0 Windows Program
Standard EXE Data Base

Fuel – Up:
Draw your own design of your desired game application and make a 3-5 sentences about its

Visual Basic is a high-level programming language. It is a programming language that basically

allows you to create programs or applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Visual
Basic runs specifically on Windows 95 or higher versions of Windows. The programs you create in
Visual Basic, however, can run other operating systems as well, depending on the language it was
created in.

High-level programming language is a language that is relatively easy to learn, using the codes
that are similar to English words. In comparison, low-level language mainly involves assembly
language. Visual Basic, Java, C++, Pascal and nearly all programming language nowadays are high-
level languages.

Visual Basic has it’s a language called BASIC that can be traced back to the days of Amstrads,
and when Bill gates was still running Microsoft from his garage in the 1970s. BASIC stands for
Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
BASIC was used to code instructions on a computer using lots of text and some graphics. As
people grew fond of programs that helped make their lives simpler, hey wanted more improved
presentation of the programs. They wanted more graphics, pictures, and even videos. This prompted
BASIC to be improved into Visual Basic. Today, Visual Basic is one of the most popular
programming languages. Fortunately for you, it is also one of the easiest, programs to learn, and it is
ideal for beginners.

What Does Visual Basic Do and Where Is It Used?

Over the last few years, the selection of options available for making programs has grown
rapidly. The following is a list of applications that can be done using Visual Basic:
 file editors/word processing
 database programs
 internet applications
 web browser
 custom applications
 data manipulation
 file management
 games
 spreadsheets
 and a lot of other applications!
The applications listed above indicate that Visual Basic programs are widely used everywhere.
You can see them in the following places:
 schools
 homes and offices
 malls, department stores
 groceries
 corporations
 resorts
 museums
 and many other locations
How to Open Visual Basic?
1. Click START
2. Point to All Programs
3. Point to Microsoft Visual Studio
4. Click Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Instead of doing the first four steps, you may simply double click the Visual Basic icon on the

5. The New Project dialog box will appear.

6. Choose Standard EXE, and then click Open to start a new project.
or click the Existing tab and then choose from the list of the projects that you want to open.
7. The Visual Basic IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will appear. This is the working
area. The Visual Basic IDE is where you will do things to create a Visual basic program.

How to Close Visual Basic?

1. Click File in the menu bar, then click Exit as shown below.
2. When you are asked to save the file, click the No since this is just a practice activity on
opening and closing Visual Basic. In the succeeding exercises, however, be sure to choose
Yes to save all changes you make on a file.

3. After clicking No, the computer screen will return to the desktop. This means that you have
successfully exited Visual Basic.
What Does Visual Basic Do and Where Is It Used?
It’s more. Visual basic was one of the first systems that made it practical to write programs for
the windows operating system. This was possible because VB included software tools to
automatically create the detailed programming required by the windows. These software tools not
only create Windows programs, they also take full advantage of the graphical way that Windows
works by letting programmers “draw” their systems with a mouse on the computer. This is why it’s
called “Visual” basic.
Is Visual basic just a programming language or is it more than that?
It’s more. Visual basic was one of the first systems that made it practical to write programs for
the windows operating system. This was possible because VB included software tools to automatically
create the detailed programming required by Windows.
Comparison of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET)
The first six versions were all called Visual Basic starting from 2002. Many programmers still use
Visual Basic 6.0 though Microsoft has stopped supporting this program as a business decision to
encourage users to purchase their newer programs. The .NET was dropped last 2005 and henceforth use
only Visual Basic to reference this programming language.
“VB6 targets the COM infrastructure: a way to communicate with reusable components in Windows.
VB6 is simple to use because it contains many powerful functions and features in a runtime library that
must be shipped with the programs you compile in VB6. You can create Window applications or
reusable ActiveX libraries with VB6. You can either compile VB6 code to native code or to an
interpreted P-Code.
VB.NET is the next generation of VB. It targets the .NET Runtime and Framework. The .NET
Runtime manages the execution of the program and memory, and the .NET Framework represents
reusable components, but incorporates a much broader set of Windows features than the VB6 runtime.
Additionally, .NET allows you to have a framework that is usable by many languages, including C#, C+
+, and Ruby, etc. VB.NET gives you a number of new project choices, including ASP.NET web sites,
WPF applications, and console applications, and Windows services (VB Express just supplies the
following project types: Windows Form application, Console, WPF application, Class library and WPF
Browser application). VB.NET compiles the code to IL, an intermediate byte code used by the .NET
Runtime, but .NET will execute this code in native format by running it through a Just-In-Time compiler
(it is never run in an interpreted mode).


What are the different types of computers?

What is Visual Basic?
Where is Visual Basic used?
How to start and close the visual basic?

Activity 1 Identification
Instruction: Write your answers on the space provided below.
1. What is Visual Basic?

2. Write at least 5 applications of Visual Basic.

3. Write at least 5 locations where Visual Basic applications are commonly found.

4. In your own words, write the steps to start and close visual basic.

5. What is the use of Visual Basic IDE?

Activity 2: Connections 1
Instruction: Write at least 5 words that you can associate with Visual Basic.

Activity 3: Sequence 1
Instruction: Write 1-5 on the space provided before the pic based on the process of starting
and closing of Visual Basic.





Thought of the Day/ Reflection:

Instructions: In your own words, write what you think Visual Basic can help you to do as a
learner. Write it with a minimum of five (5) sentences. Use the space below.

A program is a series of instructions put together to do certain functions. Sometimes, people tend
to blame the computer for things that come out which are not what they expected or what they
planned as the program’s output based on the inputted series of instructions.

GIGO stands for “Garbage In, Garbage out.” This is a term in this input computing which reminds
us that whatever we put into the computer, will return to us the way it was placed. So, if we put in
a correct program, we will have a correct output of function. If we put in a detective or “garbage”
program, then surely, we will have a detective or “garbage” output.

So, next time you try to blame the computer for giving a wrong output or function, check again; it
may be you who are to blame for it. Go over the series of instructions, and maybe you will find the
cause of the wrong output by the computer. Luckily, the computer does not answer back to point
out that you are the one to be blamed.

I.T Programming Book, Laura M. Cruz p.1-11

Prepared by:
Mr. Fidel T. Sardonidos Jr.

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