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Foremost, I am thankful to makaburi ward officials for allowing me to conduct the my field
practical trainng . Therefore, I would like to say thanks for the help of many people who gave
me suggestions, materials, advice and any kind assistance in producing this report. As far as this
report was difficult to prepare, I would like to thank God who made everything possible for me
to complete this report, including taking care of my health throughout the field attachment period
and during the preparation of FA report praise and to his name now and forever.

I would like to thank ward Executive officer for the support he gives during the field my sincere
thanks should go to the staff members of the makaburi ward for their support that they gave me
when I was doing my field attachment.

I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor ............ for his constructive guidance,
proper instruction, encouragement and extensive comment; I really appreciate his supervision,
effort and support.

Moreover, I would like to thank my parents Mr. and Mrs............... and my family in their in
general for their financial support and non-financial support to facilitate my study during the
whole period of field report

The purpose of this study was to make an assessment on the people's perception on the
working environment of among workers in Ubungo district at makaburi ward. This concern has
been studied within several working areas. The objectives of this study was assessing the
perception of employee at the study area, to identify the perception of employee on the physical
working environment at the work place and to determine the challenges facing spouse at the
working environment in an organization. In this study qualitative data was utilized to collect data
and then analyzed. Working environment is a problem in most of the organization surrounding
the government authorities especially in the local government authorizes in Tanzania. Working
environment it need time and money for the preparation in order to ensure the improving of
employee in their organization, most of human recourses professionals are not consider the
working environment among worker consequently come up with the suggestions on how to
reduce or deal with the problem. The study has found that employer they get to know how this
work environment impact on the greatly on employee motivation and morale as well as making
the favorable condition to the employee. Hence, the management should take necessary steps to
ensure that areas where employee work and fulfill the needs to workers which will enhance their
satisfaction and motivation and thereby improve commitment, relationship and collaboration of
the employees so as to provide quality care and services to the ward.

The structure of makaburi ward


UDOM...............................University Of Dodoma

WEO... Word Executive Officer

TASAF Tanzania Social Action Funds

NGO Non – Government Organization

DAC.................................District Aids Coordinator

CDO.................................. Community Development Officer

CHAC.................................. Council HIV and AIDS Coordinator

CMT.................................... Council Management Team

HIV................................... Human Immune Deficient Virus

NACOPHA....................................... National Council of People Living HIV/AIDS



The field activity was conducted at makaburini ward in Ubungo district. The aim of conducting
the field attachment is to link the theory aspects approved in the class and training it in the field.

It allow to understand the linkage between theory aspects learnt in classroom and applied aspect
in the field and also to obtain various skills and professional experience in carrying out activities
related in different development programs. During the field study, work was remained collected
in different ways, firstly data was collected in the meeting of ward Government Office and
formerly data was collected to the people around the area.

1.1 Historical background of Makuburii ward

An administrative ward in Ubungo District of the Dar es Salaam Region in Tanzania. Ubungo

Borders the ward on its northern side. The ward is bordered by Mabibo to the east. Kimanga and
Tabata of Ilala MC are to the south. Kimara ward is to the west. The ward is home to the

Benjamin Mkapa Export Processing Zone and the largest Tanzanian Army Base in Ubungo

District.Makaburi Ward started in 2001, and the origin of this name is Makaburi which were
transferred to External areas near EPZA from Buguruni.

1.2 Historical background of field programs

The program I have been signed to conduct my practical training period in Dar-es-salaam in
ubungo City Council is human resources management .Human resources according to (Johnson,

2009) defined that is a function in organization designed to maximize employee performance in

service of their employer’s strategic objectives. Area and administration

The area of Ubungo districts approximately to 7.6 square kilometers in which 57408 Km2 Island
the City has 4 divisions which are Kajima Kibangu Makoka Makuburi Kibangu Mwongozo
which are administrative wards.

1.3 Geographical Location

This ward is located in the South East of Ubungo Municipality, bordering Mabibo ward on the
East, Ubungo ward on the North, Kimara ward on the West and Ilala ward on the South.
Makuburi Ward has a size of 23 square kilometers (23sq km) with a total population of 73,269 of
which there are 35,763 men and 37,506 women. Makuburi Ward has five (5) streets which are
Makoka with 9,126 people, Kajima with 7,322 people, Kibangu with 15,610 people, Makuburi
Kibangu with 11,156 people and Mungwozi with 14,194 people. Household $384. House
NUMBER OF STAFF 2 Health 6 (WEO 1 MEOS 5) 3 4 Education 2 1 Community
Development 5 Agriculture 1. 1 6 Livestock 7 Social Welfare 1 1 TOTAL 13


1 Administration 6

2 Health 2
3 Education 1

4 Community development 1

5 Agriculture 1

6 livestock 1

7 Social welfare 1


Table no, 1 showing the analyzes of employees located in the ward



To have a community with better living standards to all people by the year 2025

To provide professional consulting services at high standards and quality to Councils and other
stakeholders with the aim of promoting and improving economic and social development in
accordance with Government Policies, Laws and Guidelines.


To use available resources in a sustainable manner in order to provide efficient basic service to
its community. To work for community through the formation of policies guidelines and
programmers and follow up the implementation to facilitate and empowerment of women and
children rights in collaboration with NGO'S, CBO'S and FBO's development partners and
communities. Also to collaborate with different organization to accelerate the development of the
ward examples of organizations is EPZA and TFDA

1.5 Objectives

A. Local Governance: To ensure effective and efficient governance at the grassroots level,
addressing the specific needs and concerns of the residents within the ward.
B. Service Delivery: To provide essential public services such as water supply, sanitation,
healthcare, and education to residents within the ward.
C. Infrastructure Development: To plan and oversee the development and maintenance of
local infrastructure, including roads, parks, and public buildings, within the ward.
D. Community Engagement: To engage with the community, gather their input, and involve
them in decision-making processes related to local development and welfare.
E. Resource Management: To manage and allocate local resources, including finances and
personnel, in a transparent and accountable manner.

1.6 organization structure of makaburi ward








This chapter shows the activities and duties that I performed during my field practical training
within six week as explained below;

i. Introduction and orientation ; during my field practical training period at the first day I
got a chance to be introduced to the ward staff including ward executive officer ,
healthcare officer , education office , and other professionals .I received an orientation to
the ward layout ,equipment’s and procedures also I got a chance to spend time on
observing the daily routine and activities on ward to get a sense of how things work , and
in documentation I had a chance shown how to maintain patient records including noting
vital signs , and other relevant information
ii. Community Engagement: During previous assessments, I gained valuable insights into
conducting community engagement surveys to pinpoint key concerns among local
residents. For instance, one project involved surveying residents in a specific ward,
revealing a high demand for enhanced public transportation services due to extended
waiting times and inconsistent service quality. Subsequently, I presented this feedback to
local representatives to catalyze action.

iii. Reviewing employee’s information during my practical training period, I was involved
much in reviewing employees information. I was able to learn how to review information
specifically new employees information and retired employees information as well as
reviewing employees information for promotion and categorization, I was able to review
different employees listing report by observing employees check number, job
code ,grade, scale, data, promotion and age. Also I managed to know how to deal with
employee that have been passed away in term of his or her claim and demand, also
reviewing retired employees information concerning with claim and demand

iv. Observation of Ward Meetings: During my practical training period, I attended a ward
council session where I observed how council members debated and voted on the
allocation of funds for their important part within the ward, gaining insights into the
budgeting process.

v. Procedural Understanding: During my practical training period, I gained a

comprehensive understanding of how administrative tasks were carried out within the
ward office. This included how documents were processed, how decisions were made,
and how resources were allocated.

vi. Budgeting and Financial Management: During my practical training period, l learned
about the budgeting process at the ward level. I understood how funds were allocated for
various projects and services. This might have involved studying budget documents,
attending budget meetings, or assisting in budget preparation.

vii. Record Keeping: During my practical training period, I familiarized myself with record-
keeping practices. This could have involved maintaining records of meetings, decisions,
and financial transactions. It was crucial to learn how information was documented and

viii. Resource Allocation: During my practical training period, I understood how resources
such as staff, equipment, and infrastructure were allocated to different projects or
departments within the ward administration.

ix. Administrative Tasks: During my practical training period, Depending on the

opportunities provided, I might have been involved in administrative tasks like drafting
reports, preparing agendas for meetings, or assisting in organizing events or public

x. Policy Implementation: During my practical training period, I observed how

administrative processes related to the implementation of policies and programs at the
local level. I saw how policies were put into action and monitored for effectiveness.

xi. Compliance and Regulations: During my practical training period, I learned about the
legal and regulatory framework governing local administration. I understood the rules
and regulations that guided administrative processes and ensured compliance with them.

xii. Coordination and Collaboration: During my practical training period, I understood

how different departments or units within the ward administration coordinated their
efforts. I explored how collaboration occurred to address community needs and concerns.

xiii. Stakeholder Engagement: During my practical training period, I observed how the ward
administration engaged with various stakeholders, including community members, local
businesses, and nonprofit organizations, to achieve its goals.

Xiv Learning to register group of entrepreneurs that requesting loan from TCC

Under the local government finance Acts of 2019 need each council to return 10/: of revenue to
the groups of women ,youth, and people with disabilities as an attempt to empower them
economically .The whole exercise of assigning loan to the group of women youth and people
with disabilities coordinated under the community development department. So that for the
groups to be considered in the provision of loans must fulfill the following criteria:
Must have a group name

There should be group leadership

There should be a group constitution

There should have started a business

There should be names of group members

They must have at least 5-10 members


During my field practical training. I managed to acquire many different skills and competence in
human resources management .Also I managed to learn many things which have helped me to
expand my knowledge and experience at the working place .After my practical training I became
more competent to perform various activities such as operating various system, computer
application, customers cares services and others as explained below:-

i. Stakeholder Management: I gained experience in building relationships with various

stakeholders, such as community leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and
local businesses, to fostered collaboration and addressed public needs. Example: They
collaborated with local NGOs to organize a health awareness camp, involving medical
professionals and volunteers

ii. Ethics and Accountability: during my field practical training I gained several Skill like
Upholding ethical standards in governance, as well as Knowledge like Understanding
codes of conduct and transparency measures. Example: Advocating for the establishment
of an ethics commission within the ward to ensure transparency and accountability in
local government

iii. Stakeholder Engagement: during my field practical training I gained Skill like Building
relationships with key stakeholders. Knowledge: Identifying and mapping local
stakeholders. Example: Collaborating with local nonprofits and businesses to fund and
implement community development projects.
iv. Data Analysis and Research: during my field practical training I gained Skill like
Collecting and analyzing data to inform decision-making. Knowledge: Familiarity with
research methods. Example: Compiling and analyzing crime statistics to propose targeted
law enforcement strategies within the ward.

v. Public Speaking and Communication: during my field practical training I gained Skill
like effectively conveying information and ideas to the public. Knowledge:
Understanding communication strategies. Example: Delivering a persuasive speech at a
public forum to garner support for a community initiative, such as a recycling program.

vi. Budgeting and Financial Management: during my field practical training I gained
Skill like Managing and allocating financial resources effectively. Knowledge:
Understanding the local budgeting process. Example: Developing a ward-level budget
proposal that prioritizes infrastructure improvements based on community needs and
available funds.

vii. Conflict solving skills: during my field practical training I gained Skill like Resolving
disputes and conflicts within the community. Knowledge: Familiarity with conflict
resolution techniques. Example: Mediating a disagreement between two community
groups regarding the use of a shared public space


2.2.1 Introduction

Despite of strength of the organization has internal weakness the challenges include iequent
system downtime. During my practical training period I faced some problems that affected
implementation of a number of initiatives. The following are the administrative, organizational
and systematic problem I encountered during my practical training at makaburin ward as
stipulated below:

i. Lack of office equipment’s ; challenge facing makaburini ward was shortage of office
equipment such as computer this affects the storage of information also the office does
not have adequate document storage facilities so it causes many documents to be lost
ii. Low participation level by the villagers to development activities, this challenge slows
down effort of leader and those citizens who always volunteers, in development agendas.
example there was financial contribution for office and classroom construction, few
contributed on time some contributed after being forced and other have not contribute, so
this affect the construction of buildings in a planned time.

iii. Many citizens do not have health insurance so it leads to delayed access to services in the
different wards. Insurance education does not exist by a large percentage

iv. office infrastructure, during my field training were facing with the problem of poor
office infrastructure, the office not have good and enough room to accommodate the
number of the office member and also clients.

v. Assigned tasks that I have never learned in the class but they are important in my
career. These tasks were not easy to perform but the good supervision from my field
Supervisor helped me catch them up and became expert.

vi. Possible solution

vii. Lack of Equipment in the Office: Seek partnerships with local businesses or
organizations to provide necessary equipment. Apply for grants or funding opportunities
to purchase the required equipment. Explore shared resources with nearby offices to
borrow or rent equipment as needed.

viii. Low Participation Level by Villagers in Development Activities: Conduct community

meetings to understand their needs and involve them in the decision-making process.
Raise awareness about the benefits of participation through campaigns, workshops, and
demonstrations. Offer incentives such as skill training, access to resources, or recognition
for active participants.

ix. Citizens without Health Insurance: Collaborate with government agencies or NGOs to
provide affordable health insurance options. Organize health camps and workshops to
educate citizens about the importance of health insurance. Develop a community-based
insurance scheme that pools resources to provide coverage for all members.
x. Office Infrastructure Challenges During Practice Training:

xi. Prioritize routine maintenance and repairs to ensure a functional training environment.
Arrange for backup facilities in case of infrastructure issues during training sessions,
Implement a feedback system to identify and address infrastructure concerns promptly.

3.1. Introduction

This chapter explain general conclusion regarding overall field studies as well as
recommendations and suggestions in relations of what student experienced during the whole
field time.

3.2. Conclusion

Practical training course is an enhancing program designed for student to learn and understand
the challenges necessary for their career. Most things taught theoretically are Putin real world
situation during field attachment. It enable student to experience working environment for being
exposed to work after completion of their study. As public administrator I managed to learn
many things within the organization which enable me to expand my knowledge and experience
at the workplace. During my practical training also I managed to expand my self-confidence and
awareness, I learn to my practical training on how worker at the organization are cooperative and
how work as team work. Also through practical training has enabled us student to see their
relationship between the theories of our studies.

3.3 Recommendations and suggestions

3.3.1 Recommendation for the Government:

i. Infrastructure Improvement: Invest in basic infrastructure in wards to create a

conducive environment for practical training, including well-equipped facilities and
reliable internet connectivity.
ii. Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local authorities, NGOs, and community
organizations to ensure the practical training aligns with the needs and priorities of the

iii. Funding Support: Allocate dedicated funds to support practical training programs,
covering transportation costs, materials, and resources needed for effective training.

iv. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a monitoring and evaluation system to track the
impact of practical training on community development and the learning outcomes of

3.3.2 Recommendation to University of Dodoma

i. Curriculum Design: Design a curriculum that integrates theory with practical skills
relevant to the challenges faced at the ward level, fostering real-world problem-solving

ii. Faculty Training: Provide training and resources for faculty members involved in
supervising and mentoring students during practical training, ensuring they are well-

iii. Community Engagement: Encourage students and faculty to engage with the
community early on, involving them in the planning and execution of projects to address
local needs.

iv. Feedback Loop: Establish a mechanism for continuous feedback from students, faculty,
and the community to identify strengths and areas for improvement in the practical
training program.

3.3.3 Recommendation for Students:

i. Preparation: Research and understand the specific needs, culture, and challenges of the
ward you will be working in, allowing you to approach your training with context and
ii. Collaboration: Work collaboratively with community members, local authorities, and
fellow students to ensure that your projects are meaningful and address genuine needs.

iii. Innovation: Apply innovative thinking to solve problems creatively, utilizing both your
academic knowledge and the practical experience gained during training.

iv. Communication Skills: Develop strong communication skills to effectively convey

ideas, work with diverse groups, and bridge the gap between academic concepts and real-
world application.

v. Ethical Considerations: Maintain ethical standards throughout your practical training,

respecting local customs, privacy, and the well-being of community members.

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