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Response letter to Jake Brown

I can not understand how kids are so ignorant these days. When I went to
school, I wasn’t complaining about starting times like this boy, Jake Brown.
He has no idea what he is talking about. I am a father of 3 kids in primary
school and they can not just get themselves ready for school and then catch
public transport, of all things, while I am at work!
Public transport is just not suitable for kids that age and a 10am start
would make it impossible for us parents to get them to school. Just because
he can’t handle crowded transport, doesn't mean that everyone can’t
either. That’s just the way of the world and he better get used to it.
Mr Brown’s urge to start school later is just laziness too. He just wants to
sleep while all us adults still have to get up at early hours for our jobs. A
later start would just encourage this laziness and teach the future
generations bad habits for when they grow up! How do you want our kids
to grow up?! His opinion about being fresher when waking up later is
nonsense as well! Just go to bed an hour earlier if you want more sleep,
Another thing that this boy mentions is the grumpy moods of students at
school. This is absurd! The school starting time cannot be the cause of this!
Kids just need to respect their elders and be good for the people teaching
them everything they will ever know. I can’t imagine what would have
happened if I was grumpy at my teachers. Oh wait, yes, I can. Straight to
the principle for me! Kids these days need to get over themselves and learn
what the real world is like!
Also, how dare this young man call our generation old! We had to go
through early starts, so did our parents, and so did theirs. I think that Mr
Brown is very insulting in his attitude towards how things have been
running for DECADES and he needs to harden up! To Jake’s parents, this
boy needs to be taught how to behave and how to respect his teachers by
the way so please educate him and maybe reconsider who he is spending his
time with. Thank you.

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