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Assignment 2

Part 1: Vocabulary
 Match the words on the left with the correct synonyms or definitions on the right.

1. Thus a. new; different.

2. Stimulus b. the fulfillment of one person’s potential capacities.
3. Material c. essential; necessary.
4. Aware d. consequently.
5. Morale e. put together.
6. Fundamental f. conscious
7. Self-realization g. physical rather than spiritual or intellectual.
8. Assemble h. the mental condition of an individual or group
9. Rotate i. something that causes a response.
10. Innovative j. systematically alternate.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Part 2: Word substitution

 Substitute appropriate terms for the italicized words or phrases in the following sentences.

established functions guide team positions

phases allocate attained move on overall

1. Often a group of managers, rather than an individual, work on a particular project. Attained.
2. Plans set up in the first stage are subject to revision throughout the duration of the project. Phases.
3. Managers should periodically check to see how well comprehensive company goals detailed in the planning
phase are being met. Overall.
4. Organizational goals generally are achieved by successfully combining the functions of planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling. Established.
5. It is possible to divide the organizing function into two stages: determining position and their associated
duties and then staffing those positions. Move on.
6. In order to apportion human resources properly, managers compare objectives with available resources.
7. Classified advertisements in newspaper and professional journals provides a list of jobs that are available, a
brief discussion of each job, and a telephone number or an address. Functions.
8. One of the roles of a supervisor is to direct workers in order to maximize their talent and increase their
efficiency. Positions.
Part 3: Gap filling
 Complete the sentences below with the noun and verb forms provided.
1. maintenance / to maintain
a. The maintenance services will be provided for every customers who buy our product.
b. Our teamwork will teach you how to maintain your machines so that you can use them for a long time.
2. assumption / assume
a. Some people assume Maria is the wife of the president of the USA.
b. Do not make an assumption if you haven’t seen that with your own eyes.
3. rotation / rotate
a. Work rotation is the example of job enlargement.
b. In some hotels they allow their staff to rotate positions from one place to another.
4. utilization / utilize
a. Finance is the controlling and utilization of fund to operate the business.
b. A good manager utilize different techniques to motivate their employees.
5. adoption / adopted
a. The government adopted a new law to prevent drug users from coming into our country.
b. The adoption of someone’s idea must be done with a careful analysis.

Part 4: True / False questions

 Are the sentences below true or false?
1. In our book the management functions are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. true
2. Staffing, choosing the right person for the job, may be included as part of the organizing function. true
3. The four management functions work together to achieve the goals of the company. true
4. Interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills are the most important skills for the managers. true
5. The overall organizational objectives are established at the planning stage true
6. There are two types of worker need- fundamental need and personal need. false
7. Fundamental need refers to good salary, safe working condition, job security, and promotion. true
8. Personal need is the most important for workers in highly industrialized societies. false
9. An essential component of good management is keeping employees motivated and achieve the goals of
the company. true
10. The business may effectively achieve the objectives when they satisfy both the fundamental and personal
needs of the workers. true
Part 5: Comprehension questions
 Answer the following questions below.
1. What are the four management functions?
2. In the workplace, how do the managers keep the workers motivated?
3. What are some examples of personal need?
4. What is job enrichment?
5. What is job enlargement?
6. What is autocratic leadership?
7. What is participative leadership?
8. What laissez-faire leadership?
9. Which manager spent the most time and effort at the planning stage?
10. What are the qualities of a good manager?
 Answer

1. The four management functions are:

o Planning: Establishing organizational goals and creating a course of action to achieve them.
o Organizing: Structuring resources and delegating responsibilities according to the plan.
o Leading: Guiding and motivating employees to efficiently carry out the plan.
o Controlling: Evaluating the plan’s effectiveness and making necessary adjustments.
2. In the workplace, managers keep workers motivated through various strategies:
o Empowering individuals: Developing personal goals and fostering autonomy.
o Encouraging teamwork: Creating accountability and promoting collaboration.
o Scheduling team-building activities: Strengthening relationships among team members.
o Maintaining a positive work environment: Prioritizing well-being and work-life balance2.
3. Examples of personal needs include:
o Belonging: Feeling accepted and wanted within a community.
o Affection: Experiencing physical closeness with others.
o Understanding: Knowing and connecting deeply with close relationships.
o Authenticity: Feeling deeply known and understood.
4. Job enrichment involves motivating employees by giving them increased responsibility and variety in their
jobs. It taps into their desire to contribute meaningfully to organizational goals. Managers focus on creating
jobs with purpose, autonomy, and satisfaction.
5. Job enlargement combines tasks at the same level within a company, broadening individual responsibilities.
It increases interest and engagement by minimizing monotonous tasks and enhancing team members’ skills.
6. Autocratic leadership is characterized by centralized decision-making, where the leader holds authority and
makes decisions without much input from others.
7. Participative leadership involves collaboration and seeking input from team members before making
decisions. It fosters engagement and ownership.
8. Laissez-faire leadership allows team members significant autonomy, with minimal interference from the
leader. It works well when team members are self-motivated and skilled1.
9. The manager who spends the most time and effort at the planning stage is crucial for setting organizational
goals and direction.
10. Qualities of a good manager include effective communication, adaptability, empathy, and the ability to
motivate and support their team.

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