Unit 8 انجلشاوي (1)

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2nd secondary

‫عافر هتوصل لحلمك‬

Unit 8
Unit 8 Lesson 1-2


High – tech ‫ذو تقنية عالية‬ Forms of transport ‫انواع المواصالت‬

Transport ‫ ينقل‬/‫ المواصالت‬/‫النقل‬ Passengers ‫مسافرين‬/‫ركاب‬

1. …………. means using a lot of technology .

a - friendly b - High – tech c - significant d - convenient
2. You don’t need a …………… camera to take good photos .
a - high- tech b - native c - public d - biodiversity
3. Ships …………. passengers and goods between Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
a - connect b - transport c - respond d - involve
4. Using forms of public ………… will help to solve the traffic problem.
a - translation b - transport c - transplant d - health care
5. ………….. aren’t allowed to smoke on means of transport.
a - Issues b - Transports c - Expansions d - Passengers

Connect (v) ‫ يوصل‬/ ‫يربط‬ Connected (adj) ‫متصل‬

Connection (n) ‫ اتصال‬/ ‫رابط‬ Connect …. to ‫يربط ب‬

1. The internet ……….. needs to be fixed.

a - connection b - connects c - transport d - transports

Facilities ‫مواهب‬/ ‫ مرافق‬/ ‫تسهيالت‬ Facilitate (v) ‫يسهل‬

Facility = talent

1. The new hotel has a lot of modern ………… to attract more lodgers.
a - facilities b - discoverers c - inventors d - difficulties
2. “Rodayna has a wonderful facility for Maths.” The word ‘facility’ in this sentence is the
synonym of ………… .
a - easy b - difficulty c - talent d - a and c

2 2nd Secondary
Lesson 1-2 Unit 8

Expand (v) ‫يتمدد‬/ ‫يمدد‬

Expansion (n) ‫تضخم‬/‫تمدد‬/‫توسع‬

Expandable (adj) ‫قابل للتمدد‬

Synonym Expansion = Growth


1. There has been a big …………. in the number of people using mobile phones in recent years.
a - invitation b - grow c - expansion d - upload
2. This exercise ………….. the arm muscles.
a - expands b - expansion c - facilitate d - facilities
3. ‘Expansion’ is to …………. as “ connect” is to “associate”.
a - contraction b - growth c - reaction d - significance

Public ‫مرموق‬/‫ شعبي‬/ ‫عام‬

Public transport ‫المواصالت العامة‬

Public figure ‫شخصية معروفة او مرموقة‬

Public = Prominent / well-known


Obscure / unknown
‫غير معروف‬

1. -The government encourages people to use ………… transport.

a - public b - general c - private d - careful
2. When we say that someone is a public figure , we mean they are not …………
a - prominent b - obscure c - famous d - well-known

2024 3
Unit 8 Lesson 1-2

Affordable ‫مواهب‬/ ‫ مرافق‬/ ‫تسهيالت‬ Available ‫يسهل‬

Synonym Cheap / Inexpensive

Antonym Expensive / Costly

1. Smartphones are now available at ………… prices.

a - facilitated b - affordable c - current d - grateful
2. The antonym of affordable is …………. .
a - cheap b - inexpensive c - high d - expensive

Add ‫يضيف‬ Check ‫يراجع‬/ ‫يفحص‬

Authority ‫السلطة‬ Check in ‫يسجل وصول‬

1. Quick! We must …………… in before the flight .

a - shake b - check c - apply d - lock

Interrupt ‫يقاطع‬ Involve ‫يتضمن‬

Introduce ‫يعرض‬/ ‫يقدم‬ Instead of ‫بدال من ذلك‬

1. When someone is talking , it is impolite to ………… them.

a - interrupt b - introduce c - emphasise d - operate

Including ‫بما في ذلك‬ Improved ‫محسن‬

Improve ‫يحسن او يتحسن‬

1. The project involves 1000 workers ………… engineers.

a - containing b - consisting c - content d - including

4 2nd Secondary
Lesson 1-2 Unit 8

System ‫نظام‬ Go down ‫يقل‬/‫ينخفض‬

Give up (on) ‫يفقد االمل في‬/ ‫يتوقف عن‬

1. Not all people like it when prices …………. . Producers hate it .

a - give up b - give up on c - go up d - go down
2. Although he is over seventy years old. He hasn’t ………… doing sports.
a - given up b - given up on c - a and b d - gone down

The underground ‫مترو االنفاق‬ Doubt ‫شك‬

Underground ‫تحت االرض‬ Show doubt ‫يبدي الشك‬

1. He hadn’t made up his mind . He …………. doubt.

a - built b - showed c - took d - got

Debate ‫مناقشة‬/ ‫يناقش‬ Tunnels ‫انفاق‬

Monorail ‫قطار احادي القضبان‬ Precise ‫دقيق‬/ ‫محكم‬

New administrative ‫العاصمة االدارية‬

Schedule ‫جدول مواعيد‬
city ‫الجديدة‬

Railway ‫سكك حديدية‬ Length ‫طول‬

Emphasise ‫يؤكد علي‬ Production ‫انتاج‬

Operate ‫يشغل‬ Replace ‫يحل محل – يستبدل‬

Persuade ‫يقنع‬ First-aid ‫اسعافات اولية‬

Suburb ‫حارة‬/ ‫ضاحية‬ Driverless ‫دون سائق‬

Create ‫يخلق‬/ ‫ينشئ‬

1. I have a flexible job ……………. , so I can meet you at any time.

a - column b - seminar c - speech d - schedule
2. I can’t assure anything. We don’t have a/an ………….. schedule for the final exams.
a - exact b - accurate c - precise d - nearby

2024 5
Unit 8 Lesson 1-2

3. The Underground moves in ……………… under the surface of the earth.

a - schedules b - tunnels c - research d - farm
4. The company…………… a new site for its products.
a - spoke b - stuck c - created d - rescued
5. A …………… is usually quieter than the city centre.
a - suburb b - pollution c - debate d - market
6. I want my mother to …………… my father to let me join the school trip.
a - interrupt b - persuade c - consider d - create
7. The user guide tells you how to ................ a device.
a - interrupt b - introduce c - emphasise d - operate
8. The research ………….. the importance of planting trees.
a - interrupts b - creates c - emphasises d - operates
9. The committee are …………….. the possible solutions to the problem.
a - cycling b - debating c - creating d - leading to
10. While a traditional train moves on two rails, a/an …………. moves on one rail.
a - railway b - Underground c - construction d - monorail

Construction ‫تركيب‬/ ‫إنشاء‬ Equipment ‫ادوات‬/ ‫معدات‬

Coast ‫ساحل‬ Pollution ‫تلوث‬

Disagreement ‫نزاع‬/ ‫خالف‬ Create /do pollution ‫يسبب تلوث‬

Plan to ‫يخطط ل‬ Get to ‫يصل الي‬

1. The company plans ........... a new branch in Aswan.

a - open b - to open c - opening d - to opening
2. The streets were crowded, so I got ………… the office late.
a - to b - up c - off d - from

6 2nd Secondary
‫‪Lesson‬‬ ‫‪1-2‬‬ ‫‪Unit 8‬‬

‫اكتب هنا الجرامر من فيديو اليوتيوب‬


‫‪2024‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
Unit 8 Lesson 3-4


Alternative ‫بديل‬

1. Hydroelectric energy is one of the best ………. Sources of energy.

a - Fossil b - alternative c - replaced d - pollutant
2. Something you do or use instead of something else is called a/ an ……
a - Alternative b - agreement c - facility d - network

Convenient ‫ مناسب‬/ ‫مالئم‬ Appropriate ‫ مناسب‬/ ‫مالئم‬

Suitable / Appropriate / Comfortable
Inconvenient / Awkward

1. I don’t think tomorrow is a /an ………. time for the meeting.

a - Inexpensive b - driverless c - earlier d - convenient
2. This suit is ………….. for your job interview.
a - Present b - appropriate c - crowded d - possible
3. The word “ convenient “ means the same as the word ……………
a - Comfortable b - difficult c - complex d - uncomfortable

Environmentally friendly ‫صديق للبيئة‬

Synonym Eco-friendly

1. Modern trains are …………… friendly . they don’t cause pollution

a - Environment b - environmental c - environmentalist d - environmentally

On / in behalf of ‫ لمصلحه‬/ ‫بالنيابه عن‬

Synonym As a representative of

1. I will talk in ………….. of my classmates at the meeting .

a - Half b - halves c - hoof d - behalf

8 2nd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 8

Earlier ‫من قبل‬ Later ‫ فيما بعد‬/ ‫بعد ذلك‬

Before / Before that time

1. The secretary told me that the manger had left an hour ………..
a - Cheaper b - earlier c - safer d - further
2. please , leave me alone . let’s discuss the matter ……………
a - early b - earlier c - latter d - later

Significant ‫ ذو مغزى‬/ ‫ مؤثر‬/ ‫هام‬ Significance ‫ مغزى‬/ ‫اهميه‬

Notable / Remarkable / Outstanding / Important

1. fish is a ………. Part of the diet of the inhabitants of coastal cities

a - brilliant b - significant c - participant d - negligent
2. “There is a significant difference between distance learning and face – to- face one “
significant in this context is the antonym of ………….
a - Meaningful b - insignificant c - remarkable d - a and c
3. Every word in this poem has its ……………
a - Signify b - significance c - significant d - significantly

Current ‫ جارى – التيار‬/ ‫حالى‬

1. He enjoys his …………….. job because it’s profitable

a - Public b - affordable c - current d - grateful

2024 9
Unit 8 Lesson 3-4

Respond ‫ يستجيب‬/ ‫يرد‬ In response to ‫ردا على‬

(Respond) ‫يستجيب‬ React

synonym ‫يرد‬ Answer / reply to

(Respond) ‫يستجيب‬ Ignore

antonym ‫يرد‬ Ask / inquire / wonder

1. Mr Ali has not …………. to my request yet .

a - connected b - responded c - transported d - involved
2. “ I expect him to respond to the injection “ which of the following gives the same meaning of
“ respond “ ?
a - reply b - reply to c - ignore d - react
3. “I expect him to respond to my complaint “ which of the following can replace “ respond “ ?
a - reply b - repeat c - ignore d - ask

Satisfactory ‫ كافى‬/ ‫مرضى‬

Adequate / Acceptable / Sufficient
Unsatisfactory / Inadequate / Unacceptable

1. We are working on a / an ………………. solution to the problem

a - crowded b - imprecise c - grateful d - satisfactory
2. “your exam results are satisfactory “ The synonym of “satisfactory “ is ………….
a - important b - acceptable c - reliable d - variable

Argument ‫ خالف‬/ ‫جدال‬ Make the argument ‫يبرهن‬

1. There was a big ………………… about whether they should build the new factory near the park
or not .
a - argument b - replacement c - involvement d - alternative
2. I’d like to …………… the argument that we will all have stopped driving cars in fifty years’ time
a - save b - cause c - make d - do

10 2nd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 8

Consider ‫ يعتبر‬/ ‫يفكر فى‬ Issue ‫ مشكلة‬/ ‫قضيه‬

Effect ‫ تأثير‬/ ‫اثر‬ Have an effect on ‫له تأثير على‬

1. I need some time to …………. your offer before taking decision .

a - think b - imagine c - consider d - believe
2. pollution is a global ……………. that needs more cars from all governments .
a - issue b - tissue c - ratio d - solution

Inexpensive = affordable ‫رخيص‬ Governorate ‫محافظة‬

Do research ‫يقوم بإجراء بحث‬ Pause ‫ صمت‬/ ‫ وقفه‬/ ‫ يصمت‬/ ‫يوقف‬

Research ‫بحث‬

1. one of the advantages of the underground is that is …………… to travel on .

a - inexpensive b - inconvenient c - local d - expensive
2. Luxor is a small ………….. which is very popular with tourists .
a - governorate b - vehicle c - speech d - disability
3. she ………….. for a moment before she continued singing .
a - provided b - decreased c - paused d - stressed

People with disabilities ‫ذوى اإلعاقة‬ Get paid ‫يحصل على اجر‬

Emphasise a point ‫يؤكد وجهه النظر‬ Make a point ‫يطرح وجهه نظر‬

1. I need to …………… my points .

a - emphasise b - make c - deal d - a and b
2. People …………….. disabilities need special care .
a - with b - for c - about d - who’s

2024 11
Unit 8 Lesson 3-4

Lead to ‫يؤدى الى‬ Stress ‫ يؤثر على‬/ ‫ يضغط‬/ ‫ضغط‬

Cycle ‫يركب دراجه‬ Grateful ‫ ممتن‬/ ‫شاكر‬

Further ‫ ابعد‬/ ‫اكثر‬ Present ‫ حاضر‬/ ‫حالى‬

Speech ‫ كلمه‬/ ‫خطبه‬ Vehicles ‫مركبات‬

Crowded ‫مزدحم‬

1. Doing enough physical exercise ............ to getting fit.

a - cycles b - debates c - creates d - leads
2. I ............to school. This way, I keep fit and, help the environment.
a - cycle b - debate c - create d - lead
3. I have no ............comments. That’s all.
a - inexpensive b - safe c - along d - further
4. I am giving a ............ at the meeting tomorrow.
a - governorate b - vehicle c - speech d - d disability
5. When production ............there are economic crises .
a - provides b - decreases c - stresses d - expects
6. I am really ............ to my mother. She did her best to educate me.
a - public b - affordable c - current d - grateful
7. Sama was not ............at the meeting. I wonder why she didn’t come.
a - appropriate b - present c - crowded d - possible
8. Do you think flying ............ will be popular in the future ?
a - governorates b - vehicles c - speeches d - disabilities
9. . Too much work without breaks ............ me a lot.
a - provides b - decreases c - stresses d - pauses
10. You need to be very careful when you drive in a/an ............ street.
a - present b - appropriate c - crowded d - possible

12 2nd Secondary
‫‪Lesson‬‬ ‫‪3-4‬‬ ‫‪Unit 8‬‬

‫اكتب هنا الجرامر من فيديو اليوتيوب‬


‫‪2024‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬

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