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Foremost, I am thankful to makaburi ward officials for allowing me to conduct the field
attachment. Therefore, I would like to thank the help of many people who gave me suggestions,
materials, advice and any kind assistance in producing this report.

As far as this report was difficult to prepare, I would like to thank God who made everything
possible for me to complete this report, including taking care of my health throughout the field
attachment period and during the preparation of FA report praise and to his name
now and forever.

I would like to thank ward Executive officer for the support he gives during the field My sincere
thanks should go to the staff members of the makaburi ward for their support that they gave me
when I was doing my field attachment.

I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor ............ for his constructive guidance,
proper instruction, encouragement and extensive comment; I really appreciate his supervision,
effort and support.

Moreover, I would like to thank my parents Mr. and Mrs............

and my family in their in general for their financial support and non-financial support to
facilitate my study during the whole period of field report

The purpose of this study was to make and assessment on the people's perception on the working
environment of among workers in Ubungo district at makaburi ward. This concern has been
studied within several working areas. The objectives of this study was assessing the perception
of employee at the study area, to identify the perception of employee on the physical working
environment at the work place and to determine the challenges facing spouse at the working
environment in an organization. In this study qualitative data was utilized to collect data and then
analyzed. Working environment is a problem in most of the organization surrounding the
government authorities especially in the local government authorizes in Tanzania. Working
environment it need time and money for the preparation in order to ensure the improving of
employee in their organization, most of human recourses professionals are not consider the
working environment among worker consequently come up with the suggestions an how to
reduce or deal with the problem. The study has found that employer they get to know how this
work environment impact on the greatly on employee motivation and morale as well as making
the favorable condition to the employee. Hence, the management should take necessary steps to
ensure that areas where employee work and fulfill the needs to workers which will enhance their
satisfaction and motivation and thereby improve commitment, relationship and collaboration of
the employees so as to provide quality care and services to the ward.


The field activity was conducted at makaburini ward in Ubungo district. The aim of conducting
the field attachment is to link the theory aspects approved in the class and training it in the

It allow to understand the linkage between theory aspects learnt in classroom and applied
aspect in the field and also to obtain various skills and professional experience in carrying out
activities related in different development programs. During the field study, work was remained
collected in different ways, firstly data was collected in the meeting of ward Government Office
and formerly data was collected to the people around the area.

Historical background of Makuburi Kibangu Ward

An administrative ward in Ubungo District of the Dar es Salaam Region in Tanzania. Ubungo
borders the ward on its northern side. The ward is bordered by Mabibo to the east. Kimanga and
Tabata of Ilala MC are to the south. Kimara ward is to the west. The ward is home to the
Benjamin Mkapa Export Processing Zone and the largest Tanzanian Army Base in Ubungo
District.Makaburi Ward started in 2001, and the origin of this name is Makaburi which were
transferred to External areas near EPZA from Buguruni.

Historical background of field programs

The program I have been signed to conduct my practical training period in Dar-es-salaam in
ubungo City Council is human resources management .Human resources according to (Johnson,
2009) defined that is a function in organization designed to maximize employee performance in
service of their employer’s strategic objectives. Area and administration

The area of Ubungo districtis approximately to 7.6 square kilometres in which 57408 km2
islandThe City has 4 divisions which are KajimaKibangu Makoka Makuburi Kibangu Mwongozo
which are administrative wards.The ward serves as the Zaramo's ancestral home along with a
sizable chunk of the district. The ward changed over time into a cosmopolitan ward as the city

i. Local Governance:To ensure effective and efficient governance at the grassroots level, addressing the
specific needs and concerns of the residents within the ward.

ii. Service Delivery:To provide essential public services such as water supply, sanitation, healthcare, and
education to residents within the ward.

iii. Infrastructure Development: To plan and oversee the development and maintenance of local
infrastructure, including roads, parks, and public buildings, within the ward.

iv. Community Engagement: To engage with the community, gather their input, and involve them in
decision-making processes related to local development and welfare.

v. Resource Management: To manage and allocate local resources, including finances and personnel, in
a transparent and accountable manner.

vi. Conflict Resolution:To mediate and resolve local disputes and conflicts, promoting harmony and
social cohesion within the ward.

vii. Representation:To represent the interests and concerns of the ward's residents at higher levels of
government and advocate for their needs.

viii.Budgeting and Planning:To formulate and execute budgets and development plans that align with
the priorities of the ward and contribute to its overall development.

ix. Environmental Conservation:To promote environmentally sustainable practices and protect natural
resources within the ward.

x.Emergency Response:To coordinate and respond to emergencies and disasters that affect the ward,
ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents.
Organizational structual
1.2.1 Geographical Location

This ward is located in the South East of Ubungo Municipality, bordering Mabibo ward on the
East, Ubungo ward on the North, Kimara ward on the West and Ilala ward on the South.
Makuburi Ward has a size of 23 square kilometers (23sq km) with a total population of 73,269 of
which there are 35,763 men and 37,506 women. Makuburi Ward has five (5) streets which are
Makoka with 9,126 people, Kajima with 7,322 people, Kibangu with 15,610 people, Makuburi
Kibangu with 11,156 people and Mungwozi with 14,194 people. Household $384. House
NUMBER OF STAFF 2 Health 6 (WEO 1 MEOS 5) 3 4 Education 2 1 Community
Development 5 Agriculture 1. 1 6 Livestock 7 Social Welfare 1 1 TOTAL 13


01 Administration 6(WEO 1 MEOS 5)

02 Health 2

03 Education 1

04 Community Development 1

05 Agriculture 1

06 Livestock 1

07 Social welfare 1


table no,1 showing the analyzes of employees located in the ward



To have a community with better living standards to all people by the year 2025

To provide professional consulting services at high standards and quality to Councils and other
stakeholders with the aim of promoting and improving economic and social development in
accordance with Government Policies, Laws and Guidelines.


To use available resources in a sustainable manner in order to provide efficient basic service to
its community.To work for community through the formation of policies guidelines and
programmes and follow up the implementation to facilitate and empowerment of women and
children rights in collaboration with NGO'S, CBO'S and FBO's development partners and
communities. Also to collaborate with different organization to accelerate the development of the
ward examples of organisations is EPZA and TFDA

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