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" CaMnDae | Activity Book Niki Joseph How can we make a difference? ning up her By helping sick people ond preventing diseases rk, Fae ate | Mae Powell. Green Team conservation club —_By inspiring people to play sports bos i “conservation disease environment inspire society talent vaccinotion volunteers { Many people want ta make a difference ins @ You have ay 30 that you dent get ad. b Peeple who give their time for free are v ¢ There ore many groups that srk iS prt the e d_ Everyone has a special t What is yours? © Some people i ut and moke us want to do things better. Qo (CELE Motch the sentence halves. cs 1 Adeveloper ——__ 8 you give it instructions, 2 An innovation ~~ b creates new things, for example, 3 When you code a computer new phone opps. ae 4 Computers, tablets, and smart phones © isa new way of doing something. 5 Anambassodor represents on organization oF o country, t 4 When you get poid far daing a job © you cre a professional. aes | or a sport, f ore all electronic. | @2 Choose the correct words to somplast the sentences. F iewent, reacts. “successful skill | © Deepika's photocatalyst with sunlight, b Let's something to take the salt out of seawater. € Thotgirlis overy ‘tennis ployer—she wins every competition! @ Whatcon you do well? What is your special ? electronic ‘skill successful invent react innovation ambassador code =~ je] =[o [= |=[=| je J |=|<|=[3| Asking questions obout a text helps you to understand and remember it. You con think of questions te ask before, during, and after reading o text, 1) Look at the photo and the title of the article. Why do you think the gil is sitting alone? Mark v. She doesn’t want to talk. (_) She doesn’t have any friends. (_] She's waiting for her friends. (_] ¢ Why did she do that? about where fo sit? Natalie Hampton used to worry every day, Thon, she developed ‘on app te help people who, like her, often sat alone at © lunentime. This is ner story! [tr eegan witty me words, “You ‘con't sit with us.” One day a Natalie wanted to sit with some © classmates at lunchtime, but & they were mean and uniriencdiy F. ‘ond wouldn't let hier. Every day (Where Can | Sit?, 2 Read the text and answer the questions. Who is Natalie Hampton? ‘Whot hos she invented? wos the tame. Sho had no fiends, ond she chways had! to it by herself. Natalie became 0d, anxious, and unhappy. Inthe end, she totked to her Parents. and they decided that she should change schools. Gn Netalie's frst day at her ew school, o complete stranger y asked hor, "Do you need haip?” That question changed her lilo, wos the firs! time thal someone at echeal had spoken kinally to her fora very long time. Later that gill became one of Natalie's best friends. Natalie started to enjoy school. She made new: friends, ond she falt happy. Every day she hod lunch with het new iriends, but, from the frsl clay, she noticed a git who iways ae lunch alone, Natalie knew exoctty what that fet ike 50 one day sha invited the gir to oin her for hunch. That gi also became ene of her best fiands. Natale decided todo semething more. She invented ‘NApp. It's Collen Sit with US ‘Gnd if fells you bout lunch fobles where people wil ‘wolcome you. Here's how ‘works, You download ond install the app onto your cal phone, ‘ond then you can find “open lunches.” An open lunch means that there is atoble where you ‘can sil and where people will talk Joyou. lal happens on your cell Phone. soit’s private, No ane will sy, "You can't sf with us” You con also become a Sit with Us ambassecier. You take the Ambassador's Pledge and promise to be kind to everyone, ‘especially people on their own, Then, you can invite stucients 10 join you at your own ‘open lunch’ event. By developing this opp, Natalie has changed many people's lives, \ th Expl (3) Circle the correct answer. @ Notolie changed schools because her parents moved / she was unhappy. & A complete stranger offered to help her / was mean to her, ‘© Notolie made / downloaded an app. The opp tells you where there ore tables where no ene is sitting / open lunches. @ An ambassador has to moke a wish /a promise. f Notolie hos changed a few / a lot of people’s lives. @ (4) Here are some ideas for the Ambassador's Pledge. Can you add more ideas? be friendly to people talk ta new people in a nice way ‘We use quantifiers to talk about amounts. Most children brought lunch from home. Mo houses had electricity. Some charities are international, All the children sat ot the tables. A feve volunteers work on Saturdays. @® Motch the underlined quantifiers with the words thet have the same meaning. Most people didn’t understand the invention, We hove na fruit te eat, 1 Vd like some batteries, please. e 2 All the children wanted tte partite cay, 3. Lhave o fewideas, but not many. & 5 e@ang Write the words in the correct order. © ours to /few/ gave / A / people / money f charity A few people gave money to our charity, volunteers / Most / wrk / their / enjoy a to trowel / car / Some / by / people / like a germs / water [this / There #no are / in children / enjoy / classes / the / the / All, @® Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. AL! A few people are goad at recycling, but mony people are not. Afew/ All doctors con vaccinate against diseases, ~e@ansce ‘There are some / most drinking fountains around the school. none lots ‘two or three ‘one or two everyone AlL/ Some children joined the Canservotion Club, and others joined the Art Club, No/ Some developers have invented an app that will do my homework yet! Most / A few people hove a special telent. but perhaps you don't know whot yours is! Oo Complete the sentences using some. all, most. o few. or no. ‘9 [bought this convas recently—only afew _ days ago. think. > ‘the batteries in our home can be charged with sunlight. We don't have to buy batteries anymore. ‘© Atthe exhibition, people just wanted to look ot the paintings. Only 1% of the people who come actually bought anything d [hove plans for the weekend. There's nothing in my calendar. What are you doing? Shauld we go to the beach? @ It's really hard to get inte that school Only kids ore successful, Q® Look ot the picture, Write sentences using these phrases and the quantifiers most, some, . all, a few, or no. Ces ‘Complete these sentences so that they ore true for you. ALL ry Only.a few of Thove some No Most w ceiling eight CF) field C) Write the words in the correct row according to the sound. Which Oracy Time! topic did your group discuss? Marky. You should olways tell the truth, [_) Talking is more important thon listening, (2) did you agree or disagree with the Oracy Time! topic? Why? Togreed becouse I disogreed becouse (3) Which ground rute is most difficult for you to use or follow? Why? I think isthe most difficult ground rule to use or follow because . We use porentheses to add extra information ta a sentence or to explain the meaning of something. There ore always two parentheses ( }. oo ‘Add the missing parentheses. © WWF the Werld Wildlife Fund is olso known as the World Wide Fund for Nature, b The bus will pick the children up or their parents can take them to school. ¢ Twant to donate same money to the ASPCA the American Society for the Prevention ‘of Cruelty to Animals, @ You can do your homework now or you con do it at home. @ We're organizing a three-hour workshop juice and cookies included on Saturday, January 20. f My sister goes to QES Queen Elizabeth School, 9. The doctor a specialist in children’s diseases took care of my cousins after the fire. hn The twins 10 years old spent three hours playing computer games last night, @ (Z) Motch each picture with one of the sentences in Activity | itials for their names? What do the initials ials, Use parentheses, O® Do you know any organizations with ‘stand for? Write sentences thet explain the o b © Ready to Read: Read the letter on page IS in the Student's Book. Answer the questions. Qo (CLIED) complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. a Who is the letter to? " b Whatis the event? announcement curious get lost hang out with interrupt realize ¢ Why ore the students organizing it? . a Tove my friends on the weekend. @ Whotis KIDS? ; b Young onimals ore often really - They spend a lot of time exploring new things. © Whot do the students want people to do? ¢ Did you read the on the website? Our art teacher is leaving at the end of the yeor, d Idon't like the first day at @ new school because I always Ooaxe You are going to write a letter - : to friends ond neighbors about an r [was looking for the moth classroom. But when I heard event to raise funds for a charity. music, 1 Iwas in the wrong place. Choose a charity. Think of an event. as Make notes in the graphic organizer. f tote it when I'm talking and someone t's so rude. About the Event | (@ @ Motch the words with the definitions. _ 1 ignore —_ @ when you tell someone another person's nome when, aorrer i they meet for the first time: diate 5 strange, odd About the Charity 4 immediately & when you ask someone if they would like something 5 obviously @ now: (6 dttrodise e@ when you don't tolk. listen, or pay attention to someone f ino way that is eosy to see or understand (QW Use your notes to write How Can Feople Helpt? - your letter, Remember ta start and end correctly. Read your work and mark v’. Did you: ude © greeting and closing? [) @ include practical information about the event? ® ty to persuade your readers? [_) © use porentheses? oO Event: Details (Date, Time, Place) oo Read the story. Put the pictures in the correct order. ‘ow and her older brother Jack were bored, so they decided re walk home frem school a different way. They didn't immediately notice that Mrs, Beliour had come ont of hier feomt door because they were too: busy looking at the seven letdle puppics running and playing in her front nord, “Oh, hello, Mrs. Belfour” they both said when they moticed her standing om her frome porch “Hello, Low and Jack, Look at all these puppies! My dog bod them a month ago!” Lou said,"“They'te very cute.” “Do you think Would your family like to adope ove when they are old enough to leave their nother?” “Really? We'll have to ask our mom and dad “But [know they will say yes!” Lou interrupted. ‘hat would be wonderful,” said Mrs. Belfour, sill need to find homes for the others, though. I don't know how Um going to do that. There are too many puppies for me to keep all of them, Obviously, taking care of that many dogs is alot of work!” Jack said, “We'll exk our parents about adopting ‘one, Mrs, Belfour, But 1 don't think they'll let © us have more. Come on, Lau, they saul” hs go see what As soon an they got home, they asked their mon She said dhe'd be hoppy to adopt one puppy, cand their dad agreed when he came home that evening. “Poor Mrs, Belfour,” their mom sai can find homes for all those puppies! T hope she Lou had a weird book on her face, like she was i have an idea, ‘The next day. Jack and Lou went to school dresed up as dogs! They told their classinates about Mes. Belfoa he needs to find homes for six of them. 16 you know anyone who'd like eo adopt a puppy?” Hy noon, some of the teachers knew about the puppics, too, and the principal made an announcement to the entire school, ‘Over the next few weeks, a lot of Jack's and Low's clasmates went to Mrs, Helfour’s house to we the puppies. Not only were all the puppies adopted, bur Mrs. Helfour was intwoduced to the chikiren’s parents. And Jack ond Lou continued 0 visit Mrs, Belfour, too. They even took their puppy, Biscuits, with them so that it could hang our wit its mom! SB pages 1-22 Reading Strategy: Couse and Effect A cause is the reason something happens, The effect is what happens because af this cause, A cause can hove more than one effect Oe Match th Couses une 7 Lou ond Jack were bored, “ They walked hame a different way. Lou said the puppies were cute, Their mom hoped Mrs. Belfour could find homes for all the puppies, Lou had an idea, They told their classmates about the puppies. Lou ond Jack took their puppy. Biscuits. to Mrs, Belfour's house. uses and effects. Remember the order of events. Effects © so they saw the puppies in Mrs. Belfour's yard. b $0 some of their classmotes adopted them, © soit could hang out with its mother. @ $0 they walked home o different way. @ so she and Jack went to school dressed as dogs f so Mrs. Belfour asked if they'd like to adapt one. g so Lou thought of a way to help get the puppies adopted. O® Read the questions and circle the correct answers. 1 Why did Lou ond Jack go to school dressed os dogs? 2 What did some of the children in the school do? a Twas dress-up day. & They wanted people to listen to them. cc They love dags. a They dressed up as dogs. b They made an announcement to the whole school © They adopted the puppies, Mrs. Belfour found homes for ©. all the puppies and the mother dog. b the mother dog and some of the puppies, all the puppies oo What do you think is the best title for the story? Mork v/. Lou and Jack Take a New Way Home (1) Happy Dogs (1) Lou and Jack Help Out!) @ ‘We use causative verbs to describe actions that we ask someone else to-do for us. We use have and the past participle of the verb. Marcia had her hair cut. (This sentence doesn’t tell us who cut Marcia’s hair.) @® Match the sentence halves. = 1 She has all her meals: a polished once o week, 2 She hos her nails b cooked for her, a My house wos very dirty. 301 (clean) | had it cleaned. 3. She hos her emails washed every day. bb My yord was full of leaves, so (cleon) 4 She hes her hoir dread to her. ¢ My phone didn’t work. so I (fixed) d My hair wos long and messy, so I {eut and wash} @2 Write the words in the correct order, a cleaned /her/ hos / house / The rich lady / every day @® Rewrite the sentences. © Someone cuts the grass in their yard. b cell phone hod / fined / my/1 They ‘ b The window cleaners clean our windows every month. © cuth month ‘hos hair / every / Mom / her We ¢ The man in the store repaired my computer last week. 1 d The photographer takes our photo every year, We @ lost year F painted f house! their / had / Our neighbors @® Someone did these things fer you! ~ 8 Did your mom clean the windows herself? No, she had them cleaned, ® Did you point the house yourselves? No, we € Did you wash the clothes yourself? No.1 What did you or your fomily have done lost month? We IT My brotherisister My mom, Did you cut your hair yourself? No.1 © Did you take the photos yourselves? No, we @o Complete the table about respecting others with these phrases. Some can go in o : > more thon one place. not being mean to your classmates —_not littering in the streets not playing very loud video games keeping your yard clean —_ playing nicely putting your hand up before you speak listening to family members 1 My qroup followed the ground rules for discussion, pee ene Manor ease! ing still 2 Were ony graund rules broken? Tf so, which rules? Tn the Clossroom ~ On the Playground ‘Are there ony ground rules you think need to be added or changed? Rene etd @ What community project did you plan? In the Community b How well did you do? Color the stars to give yourself a score.* [researched the problems in my community. tidied | Tworked with my clossmates on planning our project. | rer sy Ty Tr I practiced my presentation befare I presented it. iris Tgove my presentation to the class. wri wy @d Add one more idea to each category. Complete the sentences. I respect my parents by Trespect my friends by Irespect my teachers by Irespect the community by Irespect the world by *(5 = Awesome! 4 = Pretty good, 3 = OK, Which other project did you like best? = Could be better, | = Needs more werk!) What could you do better next time? The Big Question and Because of the things I have learned in this unit. O° B® Choose the correct words to complete sentences. @ (4) Choose the correct quanti nnouncement code get lost inspire to complete the sentences. internotional ski call most some afew no @ T'mleaning languages because I want to work for an company. Tina I'm so happy it’s Thursday—nearly the weekend! What are you doing an b Did you read the principal's ? He's going to work in New Zealand next yeor. Saturday? : : Hoyley I don't know, Ihave ! plans. ¢ T'mgoing to speak more in class because I want to improve my speaking . fd Some( pele usto try harder Tina ? the volunteers are going to hang out ot Emily’s—like, everyone's . going to be there! The whole class! Do you want to come? @ Tm teaming how to and [understand more about websites ond opps now, Hoyley Surel That sounds Uke funt f Tolways in this shopping mall—it’s so big! tine. Veubiwseesbeaieal® of us have ‘oo completed our conservation tasks. * people. sponser wane te . . = three or four, I think, haven't finished yet. though. P : I Hayley I know, I think there are about five, including Steve ' cade conservotion disease | | ‘and Maddie, who need ta do some more work. But there germs gree. inert 7 F a days ta go. We hove to finish by society tolent iW I volunteer weird i | Tina That's true and everyone can help them. pe = Hayley Let's do that at Emily'st 2. Whien you wate onrputer | I Tina That's a great ideo! See you there! programs. you. 3. When something is strange or bg ] | Qe (S) Rewrite the sentences. Use causative verbs. : ane a marcia) oan The man fixed my bike for me. [had my bike fixed, fr i wildlife. | Someone who works, but doesn’t get paid is @ > The painters pointed my grandparents’ house. My grandparents 9 When you get sick becouse you 4 When you don't listen to someone. you __ them, ear ca a re es SA is aharge group of people who live in the same ¢ The hair stylist cut my hair for me. 1 - country and have the same laws, traditions. etc. Sree cre : 10 Hyou speck when someone elie 6 yf there ore _incrnking water, you shouldn't ink it xe prateeeipams:phiotee: Spec Fe : 7 ifyouhavea for something, you are very good @ Dod put up some bookshelves in my room. 1 otit, 3 DE) took at ne pictures. write the words, @ (©) Add porentheses in the correct places, @ The volunteers will meet you at 10 a.m. or you can drop in the day before. 'b SAHA Sove o Horse Austrolia is a charity for horses. ‘¢ The children who were very excited couldn't wait for summer vacation. d The ombulance which had its siren and lights on moved quickly through the traffic. @ The teacher who was new at the school asked the children to find out about a charity. LSPEA (1) Mateh the words with the definitions. 1 donation a when you collect money for a charity 2 fundraising b promise 3 help out tocchieve your goals 4 participate d to toke port 5 pledge e an objective. or goal 6 sponsor f to do something for someone 7 succeed 9 money or things given te help an organization of people ® target h to give money to semecne who is doing something to rise money for a charity What does Corlos say to Dan? Put the dialogue in the correct order. Dan Hello, Carlos! a Atom. Carlos‘ c b Bring some good walking shoes, Dan Which charity are you supporting? ‘a hat. and same water. Carlos? © Hi, would you like to join our Den Yes, I would. It sounds good. fundraising event? How much money do you want to raise? @ It's an intemational charity, It’s called cores » FMN (Forgetmenct). It's for chifdren in = India, Nepal, and Uganda, Would you Don What time does the walk start? The 7ojoin us? anes Near the bridge in the center of town. Dan Cool! Where do we meet? 5 i : ‘We're nat sure. We're going to do Carles walk, and we want people to- Den [know it. What do we need to bring? Sponsor us, Carlos * SB pages 26-27 Wrap-up €)) which wos not a question on page 6 in the Student's Book? @ How con we help other people? b Whot can we do to help animals? © Whot con we do to improve our neighborhood? Which person did you read about on page 4 of the Student's Book? @ a girl who invented a way of making clean drinking water b a boy who created ‘an app for babies © @ female ortist from New Zealand How did Courtney “read peaple’s minds” in the story on pages |8-21 in the Student's Book? 4 © She was a really nice gir, b She could read things very quickly. © She looked at the people carefully. When are ground rules important? @ when we are warking on our awn b when we are working with others © when we ore reading See ek 1? Do the quiz. © Look at the picture 9 ‘Write the word, © choose the correct quontifier to complete the sentence, Help! What can I do? I don't know, Thave idea! (@ whieh word do the undertines letters sound like? Circle niece or rein, ‘2 beige b neighbor c weigh d eight 6 Look at the picture, ‘Write the word. ~ (©) do we use parentheses to ’ ‘2 end o letter? b make some information more important? © give extra information in ‘sentence? @ comptete the sentence with the verb in parentheses. (My Mom went to the hair stylist yesterday. She hair Check your answers in the Student's Book. How did you How can we ma ke our Oo (CSTE Look at the pictures, Write the jobs, dreams come true? | sculpter composer veterina: has to be creative has to bein good shape is @ digital artist is ina troining progrom solves problems all day wonts to be o video game designer wants to design ratlercoasters ‘wonts to play in the World Cup was good at math in school = Their arya Come True be /- ber Oo » len 4 = Q) = ‘Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. creative soreer Qe Choose the comect words to complete the crewed, astronaut biology compaser emotion inspiration “instructor sculptor specialize undergraduote veterinarion Across mT T 1 o person who makes sculptures 5 odoctor whe works with sick animals 7 * 10. to spend time studying or E T + 7 leaming about one subject Dewn 2 a student studying fora degree | * the scientific study of living r things. i Se ee 4 someone or something thet J | @_Twont to be a famous singer. That's my in tite. gives you ideas for doing b Mackenzie is going to next yeor to study nursing. something I © Mysisteris She always mokes the presents she gives. Sy biten Sie are ne eee , ee 2 my Pr q 7 someone who teaches © sport I Cl 4 My brother got his from Harvard. orccthdty © The tennis is three weeks long. 3 someone who writes music | { What do you need ta stucly if you want a san engineer? ‘8 strong feeling, (0.9. bows, 9 If you wont to be reolly good at something, you have to be th Expl (3) Read the text. why didn't the principal let the students come to school dressed as celebrities? Circle the correct onswer, ‘a because few people became celebrities @® What is the main purpose of these texts? Complete the table. One can go in more than 6 becouse she thought dressing up os o celebrity would be difficult one place. © because celebrities don't work hard “story textbook advertisement poem encyclopedia magazine article @® Read the text again and answer the questions. Circle the correct answers. To Inform To Persuode To Entertain 1 What did the students wear on the World of Work Day? @ their parents" clothes b the clothes of the job they want to do. © any sports clothes they had 2 What does Jack Green think? It’s nat difficult to become o professional athlete. Parents should support children’s dreams. € Education is more important than a good job. 3 What is the 10.000 hour theory? @ Professional athletes need to practice for 10,000 hours, b A professional athlete's career lasts 10.000 hours. © It tokes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at any skill. & Why does the outhor show that it would toke 20 yeors to reach 10.000 hours of practice if you practiced two hours per cay? @ to show how long 10.000 hours is b to show how easy becoming an expert is € to show that only people with natural tolent succeed 5 What is the cuthor’s purpose in wmiting this article? \1@® Look at the text. Whot sort of text is it? they would weorforthairdream Bu : u : se lngorr JB. She knew mat ait of thom ' b toentertain © to persuade @® ‘What is your dream job? What skills will you need to became an expert at the job? claimed afew yoors ogo that it | if youre Ie most of us. youte fook 10.000 hours of practice to. | golhg to have to work hard! Past Ten: \We use the past tense with ago to say how long before the present mament something happened. Ago is always used with a length of time. Several weeks ago, the principal of a U.K. elementary school wrote to the parents... One popular theary claimed o few years ago that it took 10,000 hours of practice ... These phrases con all be used with ago. Put them in order from the shortest to the longest length af time. amonth (1) three days (7) twoweeks (() acouple of minutes (1) afewyeors (_) an hour Write the words in the correct order. © 0 weeks Maggie / my mom / age / called Maggie called my mom a week ago. b We/ago/ years / three / Brazil / visited I/ games | friends /ago, / video ! my/ An hour / was playing / with ¢ Aweek J Tianna / this ago, / was reoding f book e fifteen / email / his / checked / man / The Fogo / minutes Write questions with you. Then, answer the questions. Use aga if necessary. 1 A Have / ever/ see /a whale ? 2 A Have /ever/ visit / New York City? B Yes, 1 1 A When/ see one? 8 Yes.1 ! A When / go? B L/see/one/ofew months B 1/go/ there / six weeks oe ‘The story is in the wrong order! Read it and write ‘the events in the correct order on the time line, Three days ago, he shawed his new car to his best frend, A week ago, he drave his new car to the mountains. Twa weeks ond six days ago. he drove his new car to the supermarket. Yesterday. Mr. Fredericks took his daughter to school in his new car Three weeks ago, Mr, Fredericks bought o new cor, @ Three weeks ago, Me. Fredericks bought a new car the past ° 6 o® Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in porentheses Add ago if necessary. @ Cathy b The instructor {design} her new website yesterday {explain} how to poss the ball quickly co We (go) on o family vocation o year d My parents (fly) to London two days * el (see) your friend ot the training program this morning ft (meet) the scuba-diving instructor a couple of days Pir ‘Complete these sentences so that they are true for yeu. Jan hour ogo. 1 I ‘Six months ogo. 1 three days ago. ® e ¥ 5 @® Complete the sentences with a word ending in -eer, -ier, -ere, or -ear. & My mom hos © good ¢ in barking. & Next y _ my family ond I are going on vacation in the U.S.A. © Our school isn the center af town, © This isn't your business! Don't ! eu you are! This is your book. isn't it? { Uke this bonk. Thee is really friendly. ea (4) Which Oracy Timet topic did you and your partner tolk about mast? Mark \. ©) oracy Time! In school. we should only study the subjects we like, Kids have more fun than odults. [_} (2) Write three probing questions thot you asked or heard, neta aera Some adjectives are followed by prepositions. Remember the prepositions that follow these adjectives: good at interested in bored with Qo (1) Read the sentences and write the missing prepositions. a Mydad is good leoming new languages. Some people are interested how we show our emotions. © Tget bored video games really easily, d What are you good ? @ The children were interested finding out more about music, f We never get bored going to the beach, @® Write full sentences to answer these questions for yourself. Say why! lO b T'minterested becouse ¢ I'mnever bored because Ready to Read: Look at the interview on page 37 in the Student's Book. Answer the questions. @o (CSD Motch the words with the pictures. z Who is Jackson Miller? When did he first try skateboarding? What is the name of his newr trick? When dees he practice? What does he say about the Tompa Procompetition? QOeum You are going to write an interview with a famous person who is. good at something. Write his or her name on the graphic organizer. Use the nates to write your questions, Then, make notes for the answers, {beat edo crowd gother areund top. doppolned | e@oanga INTERVIEW WITH _ | What / good fat? When f start / ..? © How long / toke /leam? @ How often / practice? @ What / dream / future? @ @® ‘Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. ‘routine foscinoting imitate mokesure rhythm fransport Oomp Use your notes to write your interview. Think about how you will begin and © [think hip-hop music is . Tm really interested in it, end it. Add a photo if you have one. ® Jock clopped his hands to the of the music. Read your work and mark c you hove everything you need. Hove you checked? “ creel di Idon't like people who ‘others. They should have their own ideas. ® introduce who you're interviewing? (_] write appropriate answers? Oo ‘@ There was 0 bus to us from the airpart ta the hotel. # ask interesting questions? OH * tatiana Gl F Some people like to hove a daily . They do the same things at the some time every do Look at the picture. What do you think the story @ is obout? Mark v’, Then, read ond check, @ girl playing the piana with her grandmother bo girl taking piano lessons & 9 girl teaching a woman to play the piano Piano Keys ssnon as Roberta got off the bus, she ized she was going to be late, She ran down the strect and knocked on the door of 11 Preston Drive. She was our of breath! “Hello! I'm Roberta," she said tthe woman who opened the door, “Please come in!" said the wom Mrs, Lang, Did you run all the war ifing “Tin “Hmm, yess” said Roberta, the wrong stop!” got off the bus at “Don't worry.” Mrs. Lang said,” Roberta was very excited. She and her grandmother visited one of her grandmother’ friends on Preston Drive every mouth, and they often heand someone phaying the piano ar number 11, Roberta was fascinated. She thought ie sounded beautiful, Let's get started.” “1d love to play the piano,” Roberta said to her grandmother. “Then, | could play im the next schoo! concert. Could I take piano lessons?” “Piano leswons are expensive,” her grandmother ut have an idea, Help me with my housework for three months, and | might pay for some lessons” Se every day for three months, Roberta cooked, cleaned, and helped her grandmother. After three months, her grandmother said, “You've worked very hard. Lean see you! © learning the piano, Here’ the money for your fist lesan, Mrs. Lang, the piano teacher who number 11 Preston Drive, will give yout your first lesson at 4 o'clock tomorrow” And now Roberta was sisting at Mrs. Lang's piano. * Mrs. Lan “How well can pou play, Roberta? asked, “Not at all” Roberta replied. “But my dream is to play in our schoal concert next s1 “That will take o lot of hard werk, You proctice every aay.” In their first lesion, Mrs, Lang played a tune, Roberta hod to beat the rhythm with her hand, She did it well—she could fee! the ehythm. . Lang playjed another tune, and Bobew cual vell” Mis, Lang said at the end ou again next week. Remember to practice! And thar is exacily what Robert did. She practiced every day. By the end of the yeor, she could play beauntully! At the school concert, she wu the star of the show: After the concert, Roberta hugged her grandmother. “Thank you for making my dream come true!” SB pages 39-45 @ (Z) Read the story again, Put the sentences in the correct order. @® wi Roberta wonted to take piano Lessons. Roberta practiced until the end of the yeor. Roberta and her grandmother heard someone playing the piano. Raberta thanked her grandmother, Roberto helped her grandmother with her housework for three months, Roberta was the stor of the school concert. Roberta did well in her first piano lesson. Reading Strotegy: Literory Elements There ore four elements in every story: the theme, the plot. the setting. and the choracters, enmeanogea ooo08e800 ‘Complete the sentences about the theme, the plot. the setting. and the characters in the story. @ The theme of the story is how importont it is to practice if you want te do something well. like play the : o Roberta is the main of the story. ‘¢ Other characters help her. They are. ond d The of the story is how Roberta gets to toke lessons with Mrs. Long and becomes the stor of the next school concert, © The story is set mainly ot (4) Why do you think Roberto’s grandmather made her wait for three months before she gave her money for the piano lessons? Mark v’. © She didn’t have the money at first. 0 ib She wonted Roberta to learn about the value of money. o ¢ She wanted to make sure Roberta was seriaus about leaming the piano. (_) He d for Possib (3) What are the children thinking? Write sentences. ‘We can never be certain what will happen in the future, but, when we use will, we are more certain than when we use might end could. athlete astronaut teacher pilot ‘Tmight pay for some piono lessons. ‘Then, I could play in the next school concert. Mrs. Long will give you your first lesson at 4 o'clock tomorrow. 0 50 80 100 might will could Qo Freddie has just joined 0 very good soccer #—" seom. Look ot the sentences below. Label them AC (almost certain to happen} ar P (only possible). @ He'll be a good soccer player. Oo b. He might play for his country. o ¢ He could become fomous, Qo Write the words in the correct order, Then, label the sentences AC (almost certain to happen) or P (only possible). oe What will you do? What might or could you do? Write twa sentences for each situation. © later / You / could / study @_... when you have finished your homework? 5 b finish | homework / dinner / might / my / before /1 0 b ... next weekend? be/at/ My fwill/home /6 p.m. J sister @ really / be / could! book / This /interesting oO ® tomorrow / rain / might / It Write o werse for the poem Ieould bea o “I Could Be Anything” that yg is true for you. f next will brother / go f My /- college / to / yeor Or might be o And But am sure af ane thing Vell How Did I Do? * story on poge 32 and answer the questions. © Whot skill does Roberta wont to keep improving? b How does she do this? ¢ Can you give her advice? Tosked probing questions. Many / Some / None 2 Tused the phrases on the cue cords. All of them / Most of them / Some of them 3 My questions thot got the longest @® Which of these stalls would you Like te improve? Merk v. Can you think of two mora? onswers were: [ spelling] | hondwriting() | English) | math (_} FELLING | a 42s | The Big Challenge ¢ y a What skill ore you going to learn? swimming [] | skateboarding |) | singing) | drawing) | fo | | fe A a 4 | I brainstormed new skills to learn. 3 | soubebe ie aan de —_ : 2012—c) Jules's mom gets © an a job at a design } college s a teacher, » 2013—c) Jules’s dad gees mod his degree in > Choose the correct words to complete the toble. Sa Lsnieal ‘engineering. _ ombitions crective dedicoted disappointed emotions é 20172) Jules receives a mecr Peopl ukulele asa = — | wae 2018 —f) Jules wins a prize f at school: “Best a) Ukulele Player.” @2 Choose the correct words to complete the text. @ (5) Jules is talking to his friend cbout the things he might, could, or will do in the future, Write his words in the correct order. Then, label the sentences AC (almost certain to college curious fascinating potients Poison “routine ‘specialize happen) or P (only possible). @ Mexico / might / next (We / go/ summer ite Hil Frm Lianne, and I'm studying fo be a veterinary nutse. | go to oO closes ct my! thvoe doyt a wask, ond Lstudy b could /we / go/ But /the US.A./to online ot home, | aise work parttime af a vat clinic. Ihave a o busy life. so a? is very important, © Soturdey / and /help/ stay /home / mom /1'tL/ my /on hon gate werk. ho fr thing os chockon tho oe ipieay a Mary pet owners ara very # O abou Grima, ond they sk as ef questions, | want fs Tobi ic aie nl eee : @ @ Mswve ison preposons fimcieesl Ihave to be careful because: 1 ith Hae STi lene © My friends ond I ore interested horseback riding b We never get bored practicing. © I think we're good it becouse we win competitions! TTT Ve em eee (1) ‘Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, suggestion technology = 2 When you want to know or learn about something, you're about it, 'D My friend Zoe asked for my . I said she should talk to her mom: advice curious drome enjoy options recommende about the problem. © There are two . You can go to the mavies or ta the baseball game. 4 Jessica was in a play at hae high school last week. It was a fantastic When you like doing something. you it. The word * * refers to knowledge, equipment, and methods that ‘ore used in science and industry. g [havea . Let’s all go to the beach today. hh Jack the movie, “It's excellent, You should see it.” he said, Match the camp adviser's questions with the girl's enswers, What grade are you in? @ Tloveit! 1 2 What are you interested in? I would love to learn that sport! 3 So, do you like swimming? ¢ I'minthe fifth grade. 4 Are you good at biology? I'minterested in all water sports. % Would you like to learn to scuba dive? © Yes, thank yout! I'm excited! Trecommend the adventure camp. f Yes. I'm good ot all science subjects. Do you like thot ideo? SB pages 48-07 i Wrap-up [ly * 7 a" Pr LT . What can you remember about Unit 2? Ro'the quiz. jobs was on page 28 in the Student's Book? Which is your favorite job? What mokes each of these jobs. difficult? Which jab do you want to do when you leave school? { Bl (@ which of these questions about (© which of these jobs did you not reod obout in Unit 2 in the Student's Book? Mark v'. astronaut (7) artist (7) composer (_] firefighter (—) professional soccer player (_) travel writer (7) 200 veterinarion (_) (© Sophia, the reporter. interviewed Jackson Miller. What was the interview about? @ scuba diving © skateboarding © art o Gamelan music is from (© wat is avo very good at? @ science b math © spelling (© This womon is an (@ Wiite the words in the correct order, a shark / saw// two years /1 fan aquarium / visited f ago f when o How many literary elements cre there in every story? (©) what oracy skill did you learn to use in Unit 2? (@ comptete the sentence with the correct preposition. My friend Momie lowes books. She never gets bored reading! Check your answers in the Student's Book. How did you do? 10 (_) Wow! 6-7(_] Good job! How can we deal with natural disasters? (GB*) Watch the video. Complete the grophic organizer. droughts earthquakes floods hurricanes give national and international aid build better ond stronger buildings predict when a disaster is going to happen find other ways ta help tomadoes volcanic enuptions What can we do to prepare for natural disasters? vile mc rupt n oe the ke a Ohorricin Oar er @ (CSTE Lobel the diagrams. | crater lava magma crust mantle core - Inside the Eorth Inside a Volcano 2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. | continental plates friction prevent survivers ‘As you know, there wos an earthquake last yeor. There were many | but it wos o disaster. Let's think about how eorthquakes hoppen. There are two 2 When they move egainst eoch other, there is 1 - When that is released, on earthquake hoppens. A disaster! We must build stronger, safer buildings. Reading Strategy: Using Graphic Sources Puma & @Q® Read the article again. Match the numbers with their meanings. Remember to loak at mops. charts, dingrams and their labels and captions 175 the number of major continental plates an Earth inden you recd. They con help you understand andl remember tents better, 2 1989 the approximate number of volcanic eruptions on Earth each yeor 350 © the percentage of the Earth’s valconoes in the “Pacific Ring of Fire” Match the questions with the graphic sources you need to answer them, : 2 2 4 500 d_ the number of active volcanoes on the plonet 1} Where are there the fewest historically active volcanoes? = gs mop 3 57 e the last time Mount St. Helens erupted 2 What are the different types of volcanoes inthe USA? —b_ bar graph 3. Where is the Ring of Fire? pie chart Q® Circle the correct words. 4 © There ore many / 9 few volcanoes in the “Pacific Ring of Fire,” b The text mentions two / five main types of volcanoes. ¢ Mount Vesuvius will / will not erupt again. d The osh from the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980 went nearly 30 / 50 km into the air. @ Maouns Log means Long / Big Mountain, f Mount St, Helens / Vesuvius erupted more recently thon Mount St. Helens / Wesuvius, im tnnclcaroes abled kanes mOier @ Potific Ring of Fire Active Volcanoes in the USA, © US. Volcanoes by Type @® Choose the best title for the article, Mark .’, Mexico, Canade, and Chile é ‘ Different Types of Volcanoes [) Let's Find Qut About ... Voleanoes ([] 2) Read the article. Where ore Mount Vesuvius, Mount St, Helens, and Mauna Loa? Is Th ino Near You? and Earth Mesum: St Helens Moune tee! ez aveloone Mor NT “Meleenoss ond Spnnavones Ea] ree ca cM slime bs ings What do a) about them? ‘erupted violently. Ith olko 0 idaho ond over 1.000 km away | of Howall. ttis one of the most stratovelcane. The eruption sont in the state of Montana, ‘active volcanoes on Earth, There: Voltaren: Are ere | cole Paces | votoncengzon. | end heve mare valor eruptions leva dounhemeurion steer | the woksteges!velcanoly | Me been 33 onsors shoo in the Werla? Ring ot Fie.” They can sendath high upinta 460kph At he same fime;a3h made upete chain at volcanic | 1843 is 86kmiong and 48 km ‘Shield Volcano at jie ines ‘went 26 kminie the oi. People islands Maunaloa. ashield | wide. fs nome means “Leng: Thote ore aout 809 How Are Volsana8s Siaiovoleano? phase. fell me eruption in tha stale. st yeicano, scr the Big isan! Mountain’ in Hewaiisn cetavlccncey Foes? || Theta tort Tree FemeutWeeanoss every yeormecs ere | fre seve types otvolconoss. | Mount Vesuvius, in aly, erupted SoaeadrONn os seven maior | Twocommenanes | bn79-CE. It covered the cites of copes ee ffo snieie volecnoes | Pompei and Herculaneum with ond statavolcanoes. hot ash. There were no sunevars. volcanic eruptions. | one many mere Where are Mest minorones:Thesa | shield volcanoes esunius it stralowoloane and is of the Werlcrs Piotes Foot en EP S| Cre wide, ond ihe active teday, It ast erupted in Tak Voleanoes? the magma, which: fave comes out Mil erupt opain Smoke comes. ‘Aboul 78¥olina | SOMEUPSR IE SUE) Srna sicty out of the-crater owry doy. However, when thew ie ‘when may ecuy . L : Earth's volcanoes ore | ico craes in ine crust they erupt In 1980, Mount St. Halen, in found around the. Strakivoleanods are meg state-of WaHnington in Pacite Ocean. This hamogma shaped lke cones: the northwest of the USA. Mae es We use the passive voice when we don’t know. or it isn't important, who did an action ‘We use is/are and the past participle, Always check the verb, Should it be is (singular) or ‘ore (plural)? Passive Active Volcanoes are studied in elementary The students study volcanoes in school. elementary school. ‘At Woodside Elementary School. the ‘The students at Woodside Elementary Mount St. Helens volcano is studied School study the Mount St. Helens volcano in Sth grade. in 5th grade. @® Circle the correct verb, French, Italian, and German is / are spoken in Switzerland, © Children is /.ore educated in schools. ¢ Soccer is / ore ployed in many countries. d Posto is/are made with flour. Write the past porticiple of these verbs. Then, camplete the school rules. clean give speak wear @® Wite sentences in the present simple pessive. a The worksheets / print / in the office The worksheets are printed in the office The car / wash / every weekend & The horse f ride / every doy @ The store / open /at 8:30am. every day The house / clean / every week @o Write these present simple sentences in the passive. a. The school children practice fire drills every semester. Fire drills ore practiced every semester. ‘o The teachers take the children outside the building. ¢ The teachers take attendance. © Teachers check the building "This week, Appxpert Annie writes about some great apps that — (design) for emergencies, Noone wants to bein a disaster, but there are some great apps ‘ifyou are: in EmergApp is an opp where information about disasters in your ‘orca? (share) Posts? {moke) by people when they see or experience something bod or dangerous. Design an emergency app for @ flood, an carthqueke. « tsunami, ‘ar a fire, Describe your app, Then, design an icon for it. My opp is called Ttis used to . Ithas a special feature that is used for tere RCL Quototion morks ore used to show that the words are spoken. You put marks like these ~ at the beginning and like these * at the end of someone's actual words, Put © capital letter at the beginning of the first word inside quotation marks. Remember the punctuation (exclamation marks, periods, etc.) goes inside the quotation marks. Carol said, “That's « really great idea! “Come ont shouted Jake, its a really sunny dy. Lets play soccer” "Great Wea’ sald Beatriz. “Mom? 1 ea peelaias o_o" cirele the letters that make the or sound. Where. sre my shoos?” 1 “Where you left thet” laughed Mom. Then, Beatriz remembered her shoes were Inher room She ran upstairs And quickly put them on. "Coming, Jake!" she shouted. our oar ore oor ‘our oGr ore oor our oar ore oor ‘our oar ore oor (2) Write these sentences with quotation marks and co necessary. a Joke shouted that was a goal! Creed (B) Which one object did yau talk about in Oracy Time? Why? Ttalked about my - L want to take it becouse: Beatriz replied no, it wasn't. ‘Markus soidl this is the best movie I'v 7 (2) Which one object did your portner talk about? Why? SR te St eae eee none eter ree My partner tatked ataut histher «He/She wants ta take it because dT can't find my books anywhere cried Maria. (3) Were you on ective listener? Whot did you say? Whot did you do? © T'm so tired said Mom, There was a fload in June /September last year, The school lost chairs and tables / the roof. © The floodwater took tera weeks / many months to go away. @ Ithos taken a long / short time to clean up ofter the flood @ The school has a new library / classroom. £ Only local people / People from many places gave money te help the school. Qoumm You are going to write a news story. Make notes in the graphic organizer. HEADLINE (Make it interesting!) WHERE? WHAT? WHO? WHEN? WHO SAW IT HAPPEN, AND WHAT DID THEY SAY? @ im ve your notes torte your artic. Read your work and mark’. Did you: © write on interesting headline? (J @ onswer all the questions? © write a summary sentence to open? [_) ® use quotation morks? 00 @®2 ‘Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. ~eacga debris hail howding shottered shelter stripped During the storm, everyone went into the Balls of ice that fall from the sky are called The wind wos around the house during the storm, During o big weather event. windows are sometimes There was a lot of Trees lose their leaves in the fall—they are and storms. @® Circle the correct words. © A tornedo is o spinning / shattered column of air, > © d Itis funnel- / debris-shoped. In on emergency, try to ponic stay calm, After a naturol disaster, there is often a lot of shelter / debris to clean up. The people in the shelter heard the wind howling / hailing. During a tornado, trees are stripped / spinning of their leaves. in the streets after the tomado. by winds Qo Read the story. The children watched two TV programs. What were the programs about? Remi the Bear Goes on a Long Trip aggi¢ ran into the family room “Good maraing, Jackson!"*she shouted to her older brother.""What are we going to dor today? Let's qo outside and play” “No, its soo euld co play outside," Jackson replied."Let’ watch TV” OK-"said Maggie She sat down on the sofa next to her brother. She was holding her favorite toy. a very old teddy bear called Remi. The chikinen watched a TV program about animals. They both loved animals. Then, the progcam changed, and there was a news report "OK." said Jackson, getting up from the sofa, “This is really boring.” But Maggie wos interested. “Wait!” “Look at those children, What happened Jockson sat down again. They watched the news together. It was about a natural disaster “A deadky torsade hie this beautifial Pacific island yestentay and destroyed everything in ies path. Many people didn’t reach the shelters in time. There is debris everywhere,” said the reporter. Jackson said,“Those children look scaved "Yes." Maggie said. “We have to do something Bue what can we do ‘The reporter continued,"*Clothes, toy, and books are needed here. Please help. The supermarket Food will deliver evergehing to the island.Go online to find your nearest FoodsU, Anything you can give will be welcome” ‘The children ran up to their bedrooms. They collected lots of clothes, toys. and books for the children on the island, Mom heard them. “What's happening up there?” she asked. Jackson explained, and Maggie said, “We have too many clothes and toys. We wane to give some @) to those children, Mom Fooxl4U in town, please? The supermarket was very busy-A tall, friendly man came up to them “Di ae 19 things for she survavars af the disaster?” he asked, “Ves, we diel” said Jackson, “That's great,” the man said. much, Please put them over there: you have enough things for the children Maggie asked. se are enough things for older but we don’t have enough toys for younger childeen;” the man replied. Maggie looked at Remi.Goodbye, Remi,"she you take us to the hank you very eddy bear and sab, tw help the children. Jackson looked at his ssn , generous, Maggie." he said quictly- s ed and said,“T really want co help those 58 pages 41-66 @® Read the story again. Put the events in order. a —meang @® Visualize the Food4U supermarket and answer the questions. Then, add more The children wrent up to their bedrooms. Moggie gave the mon at the supermarket her favorite tay, Remi the Bear. ‘The reporter on the news talked about « natural disaster. The children watched « progrom abaut animals. It wos a very cold day. The children’s mom drove them to the supermarket ‘When yau visualize. you see 0 picture in your head, This helps you to understand, remember, and enjoy the story. information to the story. 2 What do you think Maggie and Jackson can: a hear? b smell? © see? How do you think they feel? MAGGIE AND JACKSON AT THE SUPERMARKET There are lots of people ot the Food4U supermarket. They are giving clothes, books, toys, and food. 000000 (B) Why do you think Maggle gave her teddy bear to the man at the supermarket? @® Choose the correct words to complete ‘the sentences, Some are used more ‘We use foo and enough to suggest comparative amounts, It’s too cold to play outside. haniones. It wos warm enough in the classroom. | top enough too much too mony - Before nouns, we use enough, too much, or too many. ‘We have too many clothes and toys. gens toys. There are enough things for older kids, but there aren't enough teys for younger kids, b Hegot sents, Wher will he play with then alt © There's food. @o Look at the pictures, Cirele the correct words. a tatotea ball much cors on the roods| : d There ore drinks. He can't drink them alll @ The bag is heovy. Econ't lit it. Can we do this loter? I don’t have time to finish it now. @® ‘Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses. 0. Why can’t the horse jump over the gate? (too) The gate 6 b Why can't the boy lift 200 kg? (enough) @>2. Write the words in the correct order. ie 7 too J It's fhot/ outside © Why con't the cat catch the mouse? (enough) b money / have / We / enough / don't It € I food / enough J have d too/ There / mony /ore / people Why can’t the boy wake up? (too) © coke! L/ sugars much / in J this / too / put He . f chairs f The f enough / room f has (QE moter the pais of sentences ‘Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 It’s too derk in here, © It costs foo much money, 2 It’s too cald outside. b There isn’t enough light to see. Thave too many 3. This wotch is very expensive. ¢ She isn’t old enough to go on the rollercoaster. Thove too much & She is very young. @ There are too many things broken on it. Thave enough . 5. My bicycle can’t be fixed. @ ur clothes aren't warm enough. Tdon't have enough ‘All the time / Most of the time / Sometimes 1 lcoked at my partner white we were talking I showed interest by asking questions, ‘Yes, a Lot. / Yes. sometimes. All of them / Most of them / 3 Lused the phrases on the cue cards. | i water plonts in ee the dishes? O} ? | 2 ear @d~ How ore the people helping? Write five sentences, 2 -~ i is people ofter a : i natural "collect / shopping carts sell / hat dogs to help earthquake survivors eoll/ombulance pick up {baby's toy buy / hot dog to help earthquake survivors: “Treseorched different devices. I brainstormed new ideas Ldesi device, Tpresented my disoster aid device to the class. “(5 5 Awesome! 4 = Pretty good, 3 = OK, 2 = Could be better, | = Needs more work!) « Which other device did you like best? What could you do better next time? is calling for an.ambulance, Another mon Agirl Two girls Jen e@ange Because of the things I have learned in this unit. Twill @® Wher vras the lost time you helped eomeone? What did you de? write o sentence. rer See © © (4) Complete the paragraphs with the present simple passive of the verbs in parentheses. In some parts of the world. when a 2 earthquoke tornado or a hurricane is coming, Se UE One ; (ring). In schools, 4 tomode children * (teach) 5. tsunami ‘emergency drills, Storm shelters & volcanic eruption a {build) in the backyards of houses to protect people. ‘When there i¢ o natural disaster, many emergency services * (involve). Here, a doctor * 2) Unscramble these words. Then, label the diagrams. (need) to treat people who are injured. Survivors a comgm ¢ alo @ suter x (find) by the fire department. b ocrwe @ ero f atemin Q (5) Complete the sentences with too or enough. ‘© Tdon’t understand. You're speaking quickly. We don't need to buy ony mare food. There's food here. © Let's stay inside. It's hot outside. © Tdon't hove time now. Can we talk about this loter? @ There are many people here. Let's go home, f Tecan buy this. have money. @ () Put quotation morks in the correct places in these sentences. : We're ready to tolk about our emergency device, said the children. ‘What do you think? asked Janice. ‘What o great presentation! said the teacher. Well done! Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. architect demolish drill resistant o An is. person who designs buildings. b Insome places, buildings have to be earthquake- : © You hove to damaged buildings when you con't rebuild them. d Many schools have o fire soveral times a semester. ®) Unit 3? Do the CE a Oracy Performance Task I: Colle eat) SS roe ae ea radiance Qo ‘What were the five most important items your group chose for your emergency kit? i Write the miss rd, Which was the most important of all? Say why. (© wot three grophic sources did you 6 SS ee use when you read the text about The information used to volcanoes? help us understand natural disasters. @ Rewrite this sentence using the present simple passive. (© wwnatis tnis? ™ ; People design mony earthquoke- resistant buildings these doys. think, is the most important of all becouse What i in WP esti enters Soe This picture shows the Tcan't buy that phone, core, the mantle. end : It's too f enough expensive. the (© wot oracy skill did you learn in Uni 3? ee ‘What is the second speaker (8) doing in these dialogues? Mark ¥’. 1 @ She's asking a probing question. [_] b She's giving her opinion. oO (© what are the missing words? When there is an earthquoke. the 2 @ She's asking a probing question. (] b She's listening actively. Qa @ Put the quotation marks in the @® ‘Write the words in the correct order. move. correct place. - © becouse... / this / think /1 Hey! I'm here! Help me! shouted Olivia. = (© What notural disaster was Fluffy T can’t see the door. It's very dark ‘the hamster involved in? b repeat /Can/ that / you © about... / think / you fda / What Check your answers in the Student’s Book, How did you do? d questions / any / have /yau / Da 8-10[] Wow! 6-7(_] Goodjob! 0-5{_) Try harder! @® Write your favorite ... ground rule. probing question. phrase to show you are octively listening, el What makes going toa QO CME wine me vin he core poe, show so exciting? pappat heute audionss anal opura_poppetea age (GQ+: Watch the video. Complete the grophic organizer with the characteristics of ‘our of the shows. wear 3D glasses and seat belts live actars andactresses physical sensations listen to your favorite artists gigantic video screens acrobats lots of makeup on a stage in a theater Quideor concen, 2) (REEDED Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, props actors costume show fireworks makeup live performances special effects @ 2) Ciecle the correct words to complete the poregraph, |@ This woman — b These | ¢ She's wearing |dLookatthe | Wor I saw a new ploy at the theater last week. It wos really good, but it was very sed. It wos a x pe on aa ogreot ae | Lookorie: trogedy / comedy. At times. no one spoke. Thot's ?mime / stage. When the people were | Sailer | The j speaking, the ‘stage / dialogue was interesting! Next week we're gaing to see a different shows, It’s 0 ‘comedy / musical, so there will be lots of singing! My friend hos seen it, It ‘are good, too. is starting! storts with on empty “stage / opera, and then lots of peaple come on and do “acrobatics / oudience, My friend said the "stage / audience clapped for a long time when she saw it! © IES SIS Ce , Dia you knew that thore ar cave paintings in Inciia that are aver 9.000 years old, and they show people dancing? ‘Over the centusies, there have been many different types ef dance. Dancing Around Ihe: Werke wall show yes foe exciting kinds that may be new fo you: Capoeira, tap. Bollywood, ond Cossack daneing, ‘Capoeira is trom Brazil tt began in the 1th century, ‘ond it mines acrobatics. donee, martial arts, and muse, The dancers nave 16. be in very good shope. They fe mote lke athletes than dancers. Thay “ight” each other, The audience stands in a circle around the dancers, Ofd poopie clap out the ihythm of the dance. Have you seen the flm Hoppy. Fort wit penguins? Top dancing become popular inthe: 19th Probably began tong before that. tn the middle ofthe 20th century there wes alot of fap dancing in mevies, ao What types of dancing can you see in the photos? Read the article and write the names, Ra @ 2) Read the text again and write the answers a. Which doncers wear special shoes? What do these shoes do? Which dance gets quicker ond quicker? Which dance is from Indio? Who first did Cossack doncing? In which two donces de the doncers “fight” each other? oa) ~oaaog ‘A summary is o short description. When you summarize a nonfiction text. you should: underline the main ideas and important words in the text. retell U eas in your own words, and only include important details, 3) You read about Dancing Around the World on yout phone. Your teacher asked you to write a summary ‘of the part about Bollywood dancing, Circle the correct words. Bollywood dancing Is from ‘Indla / Ukraine. ‘You can See It in many “operas / movies. It mixes traditional and modem Indian dancing with dances from othar countries, such as ‘Jaxx / ballet. The dancers wear “gray ‘beautiful costumes. It's "boring /fun to watch. butitient so popular now. ke Capoeira dancers, toy dancers often used to dar in pairs to “Eghi” each other. Top dancers wear special shoes with melal "taps" on Them lo make. noise on thio floor. Tap dancers can meve their feat really fast! Bollyweod dancing comes from India. Yeu ean sea it in many Bollywood im it mixes traditional ane meciom Indian dances and sometimes dances fom other countries, ® 4) Complete the sentence so that e T would like to see is true for you, dancing because to walch. Uke Capoeira perfomers and top dancers the people who: do Cossack dancing have to be in very good shape. Perhaps you've son Cessack dancing in ano ‘ol the Indiana Jones movies. I Bollywood dancing is lot of fun fo watch. and the: costumes are always beautiful nd colorful they celebrated by dancing ‘and jumping high in the cir. Some of them played musical instruments, and offers danced. The music has avery long Beat, whien gots festor ‘and foster. t's very exciting ‘Cossack daneing began in Ute a 16th century vinen sokdiors iON a Battie, Fil Present Simple for Future Events ‘We use the present simple to talk about future events that have ¢ timetable, We are very certoin that they will happen, Dancing Around The World starts at 12:20 on Wednesday. Write the words in the correct order, @ Chicago! The/ at/ train / 5:28 p.m. / leaves to b comes / bus /next/ The J minutes / ten / in & day /tomorrove / Whot / is /it? inf starts / party / Harry's minutes / five @ new class / the fend of January /at/ storts {The @2 Complete the sentences about the future. Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses, The music festival {end) next Sunday. & The ploy (Start) in two minutes. © My sister's birthday (be) on Friday. @ The train Yorrive} in London et 10:38 tomorrow morning, e What doy {open / the newr show} next week? f What time fapen / the library) tomorrow? @® Which sentences cre cbout the future? Mark @ I'mreading an interesting book at the moment. © The bus leaves at 10 a.m. tomorrow. My math closs finishes at 3:30 this afternoon, dT studied all day. 2 Our field trip was to the city museum. ft 000000 The exam starts at 4 a.m.on Friday. @® Read the diclogue and complete the poster. Mom What doy is your play on? Ed On Saturdoy. Mom What time does it start? Ed até pm. Mom And what time does itend? ay Ed At obout 7:30 p.m. AR? Mom I'm really looking forward to it! March 3 in the school theater Running Time: | (5) Read the email, Write questions and onswers in the dialogue. eco Dear Parents, Hore is the information about the Field trip ta see the musicel Aloddin next Tuesday, # The bus leoves school ot 10 a.m, © We orrive at the park for lunch at 12 o'clock. © The show starts at 2 p.m. # The bus leoves the theoter ot :30 pm. © We arrive back ot school at 30 p.m. Hyou have ony questions, please email me, Sincerely, Shella Jones Principal ¢ Whot time / musical / stort? d When/ bus / leave the theoter? @ What time, they / arrive back at school? Find out about a show or movie in your town, What time does it start? ‘When does it finish? What day is it on? @® Look at the pictures and write the words, They oll have the same sound. | shadow piano shoul ier roo @® Look at the pictures, Circle the correct spelling pattern for rer >, ow ce ov Oo oo ¢ Yow wc wo oo ow oe ou Oo oo (4) Which Oracy Time! topic did your group discuss? Mork v“ond write the name. movie [_) musical group [_] singer (_) athlete (7) oetar 1 dttress () (2) What reasons did you give when you expressed your point of view? (3) what did you say when you agreed or disegreed with the people in your group? Mark the phrases you used and write complete sentences. (J Inmy opinion. z () Lagree becouse “ (1 Idisagree becouse 4 eo Match the conjunctions with their meanings. Is. I lave operas. = I like musicals, anc I love operas. ls, E don’t like plays, = I Uke musicals, but don’t like plays, ‘like musicals, I'm going to see a musical. = 1 like musicals, so I'm going to see a musical, 1 36 8 adds information 2 ond b contrasts information 3 but © shows the consequence of something Read the diclogue and circle the correct conjunction, Bavid What ore you doing this weekand? Juliane | don't have any fun plans. howe alot of homework, “and / se! havea test newt waek. ? but J 301 hawe to study. Bevid Look at this! It's a new play: I'm going on Soturdoy night, and / but my parents have invited you to come along with us. Juliane That's great I'd love tol lean come it! woik hard during the day on Saturclay. David OK, It will be my parents, you. ane me, "80 J and miy cousin, Bille, is coming. toc. Juliane Sounds geed. Thanks, Daviel. Now its time for my bus, * 80. but I have to go, Bye! David See you on Saturday! (3) write the best conjunction. © Lenjoy watching movies, I prefer playing video games. » Tenjoy operon, Tenjey ballet, ¢ Twos hungry, Tote a big sandwich! My sister is great at soccer ond basketball, she isn't gaod at tennis, there weren't any left! we hod to run to cotch the train, © We wanted to buy some tickets, f We were very lote, Ready to Read: Fiction Look at the movie review on page 81 in the Student's Book. Answer the questions. @ (1) CEERED choose the correct words ta complete the sentences. @ What is the ttle of the movie? J > Who are the main characters? ee : : . Se & What does the author like about the movie? 2 Look ot this ‘on the table! Who dl it? * b The up to Mr, Bartlett's house is very lang, 4 Whot does the author dislike about it? c Some wear masks sa that you con't see their faces. Qe ‘You are going to write a movie review, Make nates in the graphic organizer, @ The part of the house under the roof is called the : & @ “I know you took the chocolates! You look very " a. OR f Which police officer solved the ? My! Movie Review ee ay p Qe Complete the puzzle. Whot is | down? Across 2. Three people born on the some day whe have the seme mother, ‘This proves that a person wos not in the ploce where © rime happened, $0 he er she eannet a be guilty of thot crime, 4 This it @ piece of information that helps you salve @ problem or aniwer a question. 5 Amarkona smooth. flot surface that makes it look bod. Ba 6 The mark you make with your foot, 7) When something or someone is messy or doesn’t moke good plans, Read your work and mark v’. # You can wear these on your * feet P Did you: aS 7 i = Down f @ describe the movie and characters? C) © give your opinion? ES © say what's good and bad about it? ("] © use conjunctions? ae’ a 4 oo Qo Read the story. Put the pictures in the correct order. Learning Your Lines Miter tite: Matt, the Mills triplets, were talking about the last fhearsal of This Is Our Time. ie play tarts tomacrow. Do you think Jake thas learned his lines yet?" Mo hed her brothers on the way so the theater. “He said he knew them yesterday ‘Michael bat he didn’t,” Matt added. Mact always finished Michael's sentences.”"Ms, Black won't be happy if he hasr’e learned the When they got to the theater, all the actors and actresses were on stage warming up The beginning of the rhearsal was going wel Everyone seemed wo know their lines. But snddenly, there was silence. Everyone loaked at Jake, and Jake looked embarrased, “Jake, you have co learn your lines!” Ms, Block wasn't bappy."Evergone neadk to Know their for tomorrow!" Joke stared ot the floor, E know." he sat quicily. “T've tried to learn them, bur I just can’s.” [As everyone was leaving, the triplets ran Up to Jake, “Joke! Medison said, “we can help you. We'll come aver to your house, OK?" ‘Uh, sures" said Jake. jon’ worry ...” Michael said, we have a trick. It works every tim continued, Matt Soon after, Jake met the triplets in his driveway, canal they all headed up to his roam in the attic, “OK. what's the trick?” “First, we need some paper—three sheets,” Madivon said, Joke looked surprised, but he took three pieces ‘of paper out of bis desk. “OK, here’ the paper. What do | do with “You niake a foosprint with your meakerson cach sheet..." directed Michael ond write yout lines on the foorp rt hen, read each se¢ of lines and step on them when you finish” said Madisc sail Jake procticed all night long: left four, right Foor, ff foot .... And, what ‘The next day, he die THack even said he wus 0 show. Thrilled, he ran youse much! Bue 2 you know? It worked! ‘tasingle word! Ms, caf the best in the to the criplecs."Th ie. How does the imple.” said Michael."*You connect cach you make...” with each set of lines,” Matt interrupted, Jake wos glowing with pride when saw his parents after the shew. They congratulated hin Vell clone, Joke, yoru were SB pages 63-88 Qo (2) Read the story again, Put the events in order. @ Joke remembered oll his lines. The triplets went to Jake's house. Ms. Block was angry with Joke. The beginning of the rehearsal went well, Joke wrote his lines on the footprints. The triplets tatked about Jake's problem before the rehearsal. Joke made three footprints on the paper with his sneakers. so mean ooo000000 Joke was silent on the stage. Asummary of a fiction text is a short description of the story. It tells us about the main characters, the problem, ond haw the problem is solved. @® Complete the table for the story. Summary Chart: Learning Your Lines Somebody Who is the main character? But What wos the problem? So How was the problem solved? Then How did the story end? n, add one of your own ideas. @ (&) How do you remember new words? Mark Wyo Do you drow a picture? (-) soy the words lots of times? (_) write the words ino boak? (_] Tsametimes

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