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Astronomy Lab Lesson Plan

Topic: Origin of Universe Grade: 5th to 7th Grade

Lesson: Where did our universe came from?

Learning Targets/ I can

• Origin of Universe
• Big bang theory
• Universe formation stages

Performance Objectives
Pre-Requisite Objective (s) of the Lesson
• Obtain and evaluate information about universe by
Access and login to Navars Astronomy Lab looking at the internet
• Collect, analyze and share the collected information
with the class
Access Link: To be added post LMS

Essential Vocabulary Material and Resources (for Educator)

• Big Bang
• Radiation • Computer, Projector and Sound
• Recombination • Navars Astronomy Lab exhibit and kits
• Reionization • Internet resources and access
• Dark age

Lesson Process
(Pre-Class Engagement)
Learners will be given an observation activity by the
Engage Pique student interest and get teacher/educator. Then learners will fill in the data of the
them personally involved in the lesson, observation on a Navars Astronomy Lab observation sheet
while pre-assessing prior understanding available on the LMS. Guidance to be offered by Educator
Explore Involve students in the topic;
activities providing them with a chance to Link:.
build understanding.
Show the video in the class to broaden learner’s perspective
and ask them to write the diverse components of planet earth

Video to be shown in class

(Actual class) Use complete digital lesson and deliver the presentation in
the class in accordance with the teacher training.
Explain 1. What information is needed for
the students to gain the knowledge or Focus on the engagement via critical thinking question and
skill? effective connection from the beginning of the lesson to final
2. How will the teacher demonstrate to the artifact.
students what is to be learned?
Elaborate/ Extend Allow students to use Note: Presentation is available in teacher resources of LMS.
their new knowledge and continue to Please feel free to adapt the presentation as per the level of
explore its implications in new and understanding of the participants.
unfamiliar situations, independently.
Allow student to explore big bang poster given in the
Astronomy Lab setup

At each level of the lesson, learners be asked independently
Evaluate How will the teacher determine and cooperatively to repeat, give examples, demonstrate, and
whether the students have “gotten it” answer questions at higher-order thinking levels (Refer
before proceeding? Assess both students Teacher Training). Special attention will be given to the
and teachers to determine how much “language of science” through use of pertinent vocabulary in
learning and understanding has taken context.
Closure What activity will be used to Learners are expected to complete the quiz available in LMS
summarize the major points or big ideas of to complete the session.
the lesson? How will you check for
understanding after each lesson/activity Run a group reflection on the topic post quiz as taught in the
Teacher training and submit the reflection report on LMS to
finish the class delivery.

Homework Create an artifact and upload in LMS for assessment:

What at-home practice opportunities will
you provide your students prior to Learners Artifact on,” How will the continuous expansion of
demonstrating mastery? universe affect the Earth?”
● Students be given opportunities to advance knowledge of concepts by completing activities that require
higher-order thinking skills.
● Students be encouraged to seek real-world applications and relevance of topics by conducting at-home
research via the internet and media.

Additional Information (If any)

1. Use the rubric cube assessment from Teacher training to assess learners’ projects
2. Students with a solid understanding of topics will be given more challenging examples and problems to
solve, with links to more real-world applications. They may also be asked to explain topics to other
3. Students struggling with the topics will be separated into small groups and offered step-by-step
assistance in solving problems, with frequent references to prior knowledge and understanding.
4. Students may be given additional instruction and assignments.

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