Detection of Crime 1

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• Crime detection is a process that is comprised

of three phases. The three stages of detecting
crime include the discovery of a committed
crime, identification of suspects, and the
gathering of evidence sufficient to charge the
suspects in a court of law.
1:Committed Crime
• • During this process, incidences of crime
might either be reported by members of the
community, by a close relative of the victims,
by a friend or by the victim may report the
occurrence of crime to law enforcement agen
cies. Detectives and other law enforcement
officers are supposed to show up at the crime
scene to interview witnesses, collect evidence,
and additional relevant information that may
lead to arresting and charging the criminal
2:Identification of Suspect
• • The police and other law enforcement detectives
have first to identify the criminal suspect. Certain
instances require law enforcement agencies to do
in other cases, the suspects are either caught
indepth investigations to identify the suspect. In
the act of crime or are reported by potential
witnesses. • Advanced forensic techniques such as
DNA and fingerprint scanning are used to identify
suspects thoroughly. Upon the identification of a
suspect, it is the role of the law enforcement
agencies to warranty of arrest and track down the
suspect with the help of the community.
3:Gathering of Evidence
• • Evidence in a crime scene is any physical or
argument proof that establishes legal
interpretation facts that justify that a crime was
committed. Evidence can include; material
objects, DNA, fingerprints, oral statements,
written documents, and other relevant
information. Gathering of proof in a crime
scene is vital as it allows law enforcement
agencies to charge suspects in a court of law.
• • the prevention and detection of crime depend
on the communication between the community
and law enforcement agencies. • Community
awareness of crime is necessary for reducing
criminal activity because they are supposed to
help law enforcement agencie s by reporting

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