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Proctored Online Roll No.

42015540 Photograph

Student’s Name Harsh Nagaraj Arikatti

Date of Birth 15/06/2010
Gender M
Present Class (2024-25) Class IX

Test Date Sunday,13 October 2024

Test Time 04:00 PM

Test Fee ₹ 150.00/- (inclusive of taxes)

Transaction Date & Time 29 Jun 2024 18:33:59:880
PGI Ref. No. 5017196856405627455

1. All communication regarding the Exam will be through email and SMS so please check that you have entered all
the details correctly. All the announcements will be updated regularly on our website i.e. .
2. Once registration with payment is complete, test fee will not be refunded.
3. Without realization of test fee of ₹ 150.00/- in full, the student will not be allowed to appear in Tallentex 2025.
4. ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. solely reserves all rights to change test format and any other benefits thereof
from Tallentex 2025, without any prior information, if required.
5. Jurisdiction for any disputes related to Tallentex 2025 or ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. will be under courts of
Kota (Rajasthan) only.
6. Once registration is complete, only proctored online exam slot can be changed (upto 3 days before the exam).
Offline test and any other test details can not be changed

I/We have read and understood details and terms and conditions provided in all online and offline literatures and
documents of TALLENTEX 2025, which are agreed by us and will be abide by us. I/We understand that ALLEN Career
Institute Pvt. Ltd. is sole owner and organizer of TALLENTEX 2025.

Signature of Candidate Date : ___________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian

No ce: The informa on contained in this document is confiden al, privileged and only for the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior consent of
ALLEN Career Ins tute Pvt. Ltd. | 29/06/2024 18:35:13

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