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NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 ‘Original Title Poas AIRLINE TARIFF PUBLISHING COMPANY, AGENT INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND’ FARES TARIFF NO. HU-1 CONTAINING LOCAL AND JOINT RULES» FARES) ‘AND CHARGES ON BEHALF OF WAINAN AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED APPLICABLE TO THE ‘TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND GAGGAGE BETWEEN POINTS IN THE ‘UNITED STATES/TWICANADA ‘ano porns 16 AREAS FOR LIST OF PARTICIPATING CARRIERS, SEE TNTERIATIONAL PASSENGER GOVERUING TARIFF WO, IPGT-I> C.A.B. WO. 58> NTACA) NO, 373, PAGES 5 THROUGH 9. Departure from the torne of Sections 221 221d), 201,38) C21. Alle) and 221.200 of ite Economie Regulations ‘authorized by tho Dopartnont of Transportation’ (9754). Departure from the tore of Section 221.116 of its Econonio Regulations authorized by the Department of ‘Transportation (9757)- Departure from tho terms of Sections 221.120 and 221-113 of its Economic Rogulations authorized by the Dopartnont of Transportation (9728). Departure from the terme of Section 221.59 of its Economic Regulations authorized by tho Department of ‘Transportation (9673). Departure fron the terme of Section 221.35 of ite Economic Rogulations authorized by the Department of ‘Transportation (9700). ‘This tariff Ie governed, excopt os otherwise provided herein, by Hacimum Porsitted Wileage Tariff No. WPT. CIA.B. No. 424, NTA(A) No, 239, Aircraft Type Seating Configuration Tariff No. TS-2, C.A.B. No. 220) NTACA) No. it, and International Passenger Governing Tariff No. IPGT-1, C.A.B. No. S8L, NTA(A) No. 375 istued by Airline Tariff Publishing Companys Agent, Supplononts thereto and reissues thereof. Tesued by: ISSUED: WILLIAM J. ANDRES, EFFECTIVE: PRESTOENT ‘SEPTEGER 30, 2010 ‘AUOUST 16, 2010 ATRLINE TARIFF PUBLISHING COMPANY, AGENT DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT P.0. BOX 17415 RASHINGTOR, D.C. 20082 Trinted tn 0.5.47 warez NTACAD No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU-1 Original Pago HU-1| RULE HAINAN AIRLINES TABLE OF CONTENTS INISECTION T ~ GENERAL RULES RESERVATIONS ont tact fieviseo Rovtzies, ‘rhxiue'1b aie nd SCHEDULES, Geiafs’ alo’ ciuéeit iil or’rLxavis: STArpano, Fort or ELecmnaue HOLES. piihs maak aseanscumnesses.. For unexplained sbbreviations, reference marks and symbols see IPGT-1, C.A.D. NO. 581, NTA(A) NO. 575. ISSUE! August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 457% NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Pago HU-2| No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION T - GENERAL RULES ca firopeemorzons las used herein: ladd-on-Fore: Seo "Arbitrary" sane = persen sho has reached his/her 12th birthdoy as of the dato of comencenent of travel. neang the area conprised of all the count cyte ate of Africa, other than Algoriay Foceoy peTunftisy and Egypt, but. including the. fol fands! “Cope Verdes Comaroy Pet Poo, seh Houritiug, Rounicn, ‘Sao Tomo tre ft eLiqunge, fee Soosena nese the baggege which may be carried without pamant of « charge Jn addition animale in addition to the ueusl connotation, include reptiles, birds» poultry and fish, an spout published for uso oply in cenbination with other fares for the construction FSPERSES,Paraes” ETE aEve faterrad” to's SPhoportionalFard'y “basing Fares and *Aad°On-Fore* lestncd mem gt own a gh i re Mr ht a ef Geeta rdarus foiiar patented arianard teas" Fess eee at ewe Hl of py Sphiicg het porto the Rung eration ip Erg) ante esa cceant of ony Creag et at ft eae rae SPS lAscansion dsionds thet part of Asia lying west of and including perp gh of in op te ita pinot ire cnt at gotin — speablna doen els a nen ad tr "Gealand, ard tho. Selene ‘ Gh Puello Beau encopt Whose inéluded“tn Aron As Is'Russian Fodretion East of the Urals lnazace» sich in emuivalant to luggage, nea, wich article, affeote and other pereonal property sf Jari onan tates’ apecdRinde AE Shall Tcl Bos chatd' ot tron Bsns of The hace portions of the ticket which provide forthe, corniape of passenger lee Sess desert Ta eLat ae SRaSAISE RE presen hocked Begpede gage hepa mae boro of which the crrir tates sale cuttody and for which cariar has issued oor oho. agama Excans thet part of boouepe which is in excess of the bagonon which my bn carried fon of noang_» docprent by carrier solely for identification of checked beso the 7 oi ae ‘thtch Ye\stinched by cerrier to a particular article Teoosbe (27588) R25 Soren’ of which is piven to the passenger Daal we on ie ero ti checked is voc au tet wots pens te sewy oo banking nstronente}y’ "bork sell s6it-=, given ocr of fersign currency tn’ Tperigefor oe nt Por unite SP USPRSEE SAP Bark MF the cSartry in taich the eschange,transsotion fakor: place. leasing Fara: See “Arbitrary = Period of tino starting with any day in a month, identified by numbers and end Sea tata SF thoCfoligeing mente. then tho sane day dove not occur in’ the following momeh HES period” ends’ on tho Last day" ot"that month = For unexplained abbreviations, reference warks and symbols see IPOT- No. 581) NTA(A) NO. 375. 2 Co August 16, 2010 [EFFECTIVE: Septenber 30, 2010 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 ‘Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent 7 INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Stoeet eo: =) NO. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES rcipeemrrzoNs (Continued) eacriaga, hich fs ogyivolat to transportation, neane carriage of pasengurs and/or besos by airy lgarriar moana tn oir, earpion Sesying the ticket and all sir canriers thet carry or undertake to carry Desconger and/or his, ‘thoteunder or arfors any other services ortuch air joarraege child means » person wo hae reached hischer gooond birthday but not hither 12th birthay (2-12 is = meee toppl fn o tht Gel ra eae 3 eae, cinguitous ar route, furtaje comprising eo fare components but which do not mest the sonditions of ie rand tp alain = speci oane travel. from a point and,refurn theceto by a continua, circuitous iy pot aat the eo lao ‘dhe round tes ule cireot scheduled: n§r rovte ip avafiabie betioen to, Mion withoat projelise to the sircis trips any other cil Aarnestice toard mane Dopartaent of Tranaporttion, rete eve, rr a eal fares are used and shown, 2 eneloatis Won obinetiong ape’ ody parattipa mtn {arog cep by toir wn Yarns ore combinable Fase acd a cong sect teeth chat asparstaly on the ticket.” ‘i cket reans. tip or more tickets concurrently issued to a patconger and which together ERE STEEAGE contract of Sareiage- : = ond which al reans damages which are reasonable, out of pockat expences, and other provable ansecut ie) Cag Bascangor os’ tie contemuense of tha loss, damage, oF ealay in the aalivery ef such perstnel property. ean orpvs oF tran von specified Ahrouch forge crested by the ure of acon anantes or too or more 2PSount ig’ fare cnlculstion 3 Soha Soa thal on Jover which the fare tas constructed. oan ey 7 ited roan the District of Columbia and all stetes of Canvention for, the, Unification of Certain Rules_relating te. Interpational ‘25 ananded by" the. Hague magne the Bir ped st karte osteuer 2ey 1289) or that Conver sB8; oF The Hantreal Convention whichover: my be applicable to carriage hereunder raceme panera ore yf wo tk ao ane the country share,poymant, is made by the purchaser to the girline or ite Spates tars rag a. uh etn PRGA ES Seah HS San Sa Se Bee Soehheg Be Mainline ot Hes Seen ountry of Unit Oriain the country in which the unit origin ie eitvated, cee of ih-Camira ct Pont sere the carrey in ohich intorticnforat fron that contry Date of Transaction means the date of issuance of the ticket, HCO or PTA, cane full calender dover including Sundave and legal, holideves prgyideg that for the purgocee of Pe Ses SP Bo day tors sh tod ideys BOTY ‘aot Soneountedh afd that for Een tte Ease ei potioe ie dispatched oF anloreinina guration of vay th balance oF th dy toon thich the Tackett losimd eer eTighe somenced shai! not bo ” ov PES RetaPrttone: Tho Jimmy mater of days/monthe before the dey of departure by which (2) Payment: nie ees 34 Riycimnte before the day of departure by sbich full (3) Ticketing: “Pimms aber of dey of iro fico oat bo compos tatu dag’ of a Gta constitutes to, Catalin Pee re chelate or Pama pont Sah ae eek lames: See Wig eesti Sater de cies omc For unexplained abbreviation» reference narks and synbols see IPGT-1, ¢. Tan ESRuGT OW TERE POST No, 581, NTAIA) NO._373. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 457m NTACA) No. 536 qC.A.B. No. 834 ‘Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page 0-4 No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES | InapEEMIETIONS (Continued i 4 a11 year gute eparated by a carrier in both directions between eiseetadete tence ARRLAMET Sch Shed traffie eign. i memes the fore over the direct rout betwen, to points. shan ro girsct noutp fare pete etaiateg SSieee“s othe dicet.rovig peter MeamBinstionNOem's oe apse Ess ony carr jexcept as otherwiiee specified) carriage in which, acgording to the contract Sarviegey_ tha plang of apertura, thw-pigce of destination ar stopovers and the entire ec ‘aro within the soversign 3 soaps travel which is essentially of = round trip nature except thatthe, outward point arrival and thy Ywerd-point of doparture andthe cubtard point’ of departure end the imward pot travel from 9 point in Area No.1 to a point in Angas No. |§Sszboum4 revel irae points infares fo, 2'er'3 to a point an Area Noe 1 vi ‘ wpe pincer eatin ernie tering 20 an erica ‘industrial or iebiichmont or a hospital at which: foot pole a aerate Sates for | Reg ET cheer esata Scemylieenir runt, -iee Secon te orate gad-oncopbingtian vans a couination of two pr more fare which emul be Sisketed separately at « fare construction point not *Sppl cable. to combina ion of fares between the same points). 7 is jrohase round trip fare, shercby reservation for all sognonts are not [REESE aa oF ticketing ° ad es soa comprised of Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Armonia, Austriay Azerbai any Azores» isrtsy a Bosnia and Herzegovina, bulgeriar ‘Canary Telondsy Croatia; Czech Fstoniar,Finfand, Frances feorgia» carsary» OSpral tary areeoe,, Hungary, Tealaey Tpetand te Eatvia iy [lthentay xcebatra Mogeires, Ratay tance, tet itt tn tein, Sorbie Ste Syics: ie pein, adeny oi ora sy Turkey ih Europe and Asiay Ukraine, Ee mxbor tats yeti, ploy Dmg, finad Genpanys Oreace Toelandy Ireland Ttalys Einosbetra’ isthertandey noraay, Portogsls’ spans "seedany United Kingdon a mene he gent naps yf arin for, crop of «eet caging cnrmd baat fre cere ohn ramen a a Fe pray beaters We yess par Ge pBiiy wv bnng wltauie thn aca mania ~ sn fare ontrton Pointe arcane meget eine autos, cadets cei point cProragin and the’ point of f oeination Br tho journey are fare construction points. Fare, is moans the terminal points of a fare component (these are also termed fare ox ish gen moe 12 portion of the passenger ticket that indicates particular places between which SB good for" earrings. leoraign Air Trgnsportation means transportation between a point in the United states and » point French fold Eranga moans the france consisting of 65.50 milligrane of gold with a fineness of nine Gaismay neane the passenger's first point of arrival or last point of daparture in Areas Wo. 1» 2 or oF 5 via, the Atlantic he Pacific Oosan = the louardien means guardian or @ person acting in Liou of parents in tho event of death or legal SeaebeD cP penenta pe ino For unexplained sbbraviations, reference marks and symbols soo IPGT-Ly CA. Ta EIET OF TARE POT No. 581, NTA(A) NO. 373. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE September 30, 2010 4577 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A-B. No. 83: Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page HU-5| NO. HU-1 a HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES 1 | opeemmrzous (Continued) Jn fore moans half of a specified or cone trip normal or special fare. bf toneteted roands trip ove are ig ony tore tore sensed fg ett nur Cine fg" 9s Stone hd tal tore iced, fa Pe esha tara fea tn Mes, Mee SS SSO Te SEES STS w terecabs cciar i = a ee |RAYA Gate, pf fxshanae means tho rate of exchange issued by IATA from tine to time and published in edn et rt net a tare ite, eet rpm try rs Tare site ety Sepach Gen ine Ninh anohtarecihe Grotareririan chetaro- te tae is int means, int at which the passenger transfers from the services of one aateeddng.Tepastee pesos FPancthay Carriers Pes interline Transportation means transportation on the services of nore than one carrier. st whan the Convention is applicable) carriage in which, renter 2g peeienstn) aepians Saitoh noses an ies Par Ga geting the tare Satan alt toreftory”byoct tothe ‘hereot rie, s,dafined Tiateaaee oF Thowgh that power is ‘nots perky e ptereatoua Laren troversial & Tae feat py geri: een ta Gu aka oer ntsc apc epee bir ohne ne EP PUD toe alatting te feerares ot alta setters Gal this peoviston shell rot Entei a) anclucive definition of transportation wich i= Foparded by @ aatraline Tranasration teane transportation solely by the services of single carrer, Sched in the IATA quarterly to convert local currency fares to 2 ERO TATA. RATE OF SNE eeRicD hd to convert total We ardent othe currency ef the country of JSomoncomont of transportation. roang 2 docunont or documonts forming part of the electronic ticket which contains eeinsrseeReesiet crotises roared ne Pa Journey neans the origin to destination of the entire ticket. Local Curcapey, fares goons fare and ralnted charg expressod in the currency of tha ountry of Jcommencenent of travel, as defined in Rule 145 (A) * ide Linea i ‘the sum of the greatest outside Longth plus the greatest seeing. gubsi, Linens Diuansse's. fords hota °* “me oem Zensth plus She @ tor snnpainad srviationy referee mks and sybase TC GA. Ny MAY NO. 37 ISSUED: Avouet 16, 2010 [EFFECTIVE: Soptenbor 30, 2010 Ta GH HR OSST 4577 NTACA) No. 536 {1C.A.B. No. 834 ‘Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent Original Page HU-6| INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES ex [onacemmramss continved) "s fete {208d by a, doctor on lettarheed or iB} Th the ence furrte mete aqdeaeyacu det eta res BeaptfaPallnittration involved. ronpset ve sdader JRecerve Officer Training Corpe’ ie not eae ilitery porsonmel.of the U.S. militar ace on aetiye, it toa or"ahe Rave Boon Liters parse” eekive etiifery arview'ailhin saver days of Shs date ot sean» desman issued by o,carrier on ite sounte roqunating jue of ieee Seraae ESE ar sos Sako povian of catices TOS pean tat nthe eee pgiad of tin fron «given date Sn ero mth tothe correpending date Sn 9 smeanovriete mea “er tC Fabruary 2 Efesti Sunes tte Aer a. ss deen gory the eoxremanigg date i : sis) alba Tse Rte sth MBaeaaaaaay Se Sth esety 2 Haha to Gort shorter, sub: pnts the, sontht riyy Navy Ar Force, and Coast ‘eds an qn "a i Iiational means © percon who has the citizenship of a country, either by birth or by naturalization. Uidren’s Fares Scteba isto sresrtsbs7" hs Jalas"raterred t6'ahoveafo' ales Sonaldarod to be noreal fares. hecShoy moans = pactonger sno foils to wee reserved accomodation for reason other than missed reason of the fafluro,of 9 pastenger to vse tpoerved a {hago Gata resords_(geset forth in Sections 221,285 and, [Stetody of, and maintained by ho Department of iransportation. ingle pricing unit using = che way Fare. Tea TRSE OR HERE BaBT No. 581, NTACA) NO. 373. tor nmlinad strevintionsrotrenoe mrs wd onbole eee TAT © TSSUED: August 16, 2010 [EFFEGTIVE: Sentonber 30, 200 457% tS iesued by the ns oars, doptnogte ofthe Army Aig Foren» tho serine Garp, the, Cet Snr ‘Yast tate of such shorter subsoquant for First, Intermediate or Shas service ang apy other ioral" Bates ros and Snfant igh are Sa Shame tan tet ee fart Mel stoee ae a fae ess eSier, or Biecageoactieing erp docananied or cthctulse not it UNE) npora the unit valun egulvalent of Iopal currency fares, addone ere WU rting Sine Ualag the BEA Pata of chanoe: porlipe Toei ft Date pee remotely accessible, ochine, version, maintained by the filers of De Tope past focl?) hs cutter tHsesak b.O;4."taratt detaase” aod (2) perinatal pyro Use tle or all oe biennial rotate a, ‘other setiones soncgrnang, 07h SPP ao’ attey tenth We dattasees” fhe fore sefticiel bro Rehace™ thos bi a zel(48e of the Hilo) which seald be an tho lng tav_Subiourney part of = jury whenever trevel fron one coumiry does nat rotunn to sich enimtry nt means any point at wh rranefers, from one service of 2 carrion gating Arenas baink” ees “teteing w'diFferane slight nanbery: and 2 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 ‘Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU-1 Original Page HU-7| RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES a travel which is essentially of = err pean of srrival srd/or B paren relies Dips conte STR EE eerie ore Eetrata este sac saneue es ea Hkh hg cy Erman Pomel Be loriain seane the initial starting place of the journey as shown on the ticket, guns ‘means charges such as taxes, feos) otc not to be shown in the fare construction box of ‘Secluding excess chargos: eon meg 2 condition which exists when more seats have been booked on a flight than soats poane ‘son; except nenbers of the crew» carried or to be carried in an aircraft with [ERS COASint of arvior’ fed a leassanaer Coypan manne. that portion of the passonger ticket constituting the passenger's written ‘contract ef Sorriaga. the docurent entitled “paecongor ticket and chock “or the electronic ect weenie a oe een ene Pate terres and Tnclides notice of contract forse [Sorperated by reference and’ notices and the flight and passenger coupone contained therein. Rnd trip foret. shareby rosorvationg and ticketing must be complated at the sane tina. | PRSERESE.OE hoa” SEeSeveticne sex Whavowtare Sourmaye ne fibers the farthest geographical fare break (between two fare components) fros the icing Unit oragan. er won offices of a carrior comersial wire or mail that = the oeks'aeatacr peteaen Gifacecetad”iseumce 6 prapsldteanoportation fo s person in another city. esisiog. tbls. pera meaner 2 coparate entity, i Jbronortional Fare: Sea “Arbitrary” lRcbooking means change of reservation or other changes which do not require ticket reissuance. moans the repayment to the purchaser of all or @ portion of a fare rate or charge for unused iis copable of fer wanna sivvitions, referers mks and eile see ETE YOSUED! August 16, 2010 [errecrvv TCS BH RARE PGST No, 581» NACA) NO. 373. September 30, 2010 457th NTACA) No. 536 41C.A.B. No. 834 Rirline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent - INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page Wu-e) No. HU-2 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES ftunpeemurgous (Continued) epfsnd, involuntary neane s,rafund of. nused ticket or. portion thers of orem unused N00 reaced, ripen oh safety or legal requiranarts or the condition or conduct of th passsraer cSrriage tx pefunds voluntary moons 8 refund of an nuced ticket or portion thereof or an uminad HCO other then ickot that camot be done through revalidation and requires, issuance niet tt caer eravieusly ieusd tisket in aosordsnce wtih the S"rerouting. for party tsad pricing units: felted. dncana meee thse chargos t be stm in the fore conatrstion box of the tskat and exeee page charges: such ps cancellation panalties, non-refundable angunts, rebocking and eae ear ansch*CRopover chargess wocKend surcharges etc.» and excess baggage. chorse neane to igoun 3, neu ticket covering tpenapertation to the, cane, destination, ut vis = Berga eens fe, finae that sbelsnatod on, te tickets or $0 Nongr: the Tiekot held by the Pacsenger for Egerton @ Bas SOERIS Ble Uae a altterant routings of rguting or ther chnmoos which peaire Hoke. referers os seniors 2 ef eerie ight se Sear» SHHGmeG po iakalTh Sr eperepe Re Reenapartat on docu. al lnesident means « person legally Living in » given coumtry of which he/ehe is/is not « citzan. goint/country and return thereto aod for eesgn ubjny porto. ¢ roy aero tent Safa ces oo. rap ele ional ee arian asta Party Sele Er Sir fs eho cs pl ibls W pn Tre ps coe See eS 14 (gD pears travel from the point of origin and return thereto which involves only one und the- Herta AP remand only one Cronsif oF the PAELTi= Bonar: ’ ud Sein trv, entzay by afr trom apt wot pointer to theo Bou ee nt Sayerntber point po patie to poreel Pate! lind tr eerie act Baer tnt Gl nt tpn ithe sae oe a rang Evel tegoraclitak the deta en ER te eld teal if fos obo iesalasP icc Sass fees tasecenna teleost fone be ed leo ‘inbound fare ‘component for the purpose of soferant ane tap outed fare ion tho cprier(s) anf the oitigs andor clas of srvice andor ype of aircraft (Jet or [Boating ars Uia unich Gensportation it previded batwoon ‘wo points. < = |Scandinavie means the arca comprising Denmark, Norway and Sweden. asian = spacial unjt of curpancys,tha ourranay values of which fluctunte and ore fate sltecy, STi Red weakly By" the fatornatlone! Nanctary funds thang" Be. "a. serio mars» Sumy fron and/or to an eat point of fare comorat. means the conbination of 2 fare which could be ticketed soperatsly from and/or ‘Sr'encroute point of = fare component. iieiosnasiaballjed geemtiglly,of,» round trip natures cent the, the cubard Stag departure ore nthe Cano the aba OF departure and recrd’polnt cf arrival are hot |soscial Fare mons = fare other than a normal fare. fees pecsenoee arrives at en intermediate point and is scheduled to depart ator then 26 hours afer ineane_a,fare applicable for travel between two consacutive fare construction points via fe iaterpointte): For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and synbols soo IPGT-1» C. TOoRETRET a PORE PORT No. 581, NTACA) NO. 373. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 4577 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 INTER No. ‘irline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent RNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page 1-9 HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES Lickat means the Ticket and Beoege 211 fhjghty_passener on other eictekwetarelne icasee? ey carciet, caueh peor apa Fe ar eateae Ss Ea a tanger aad Me boson. gk shin i ‘su for passe action of te pegs iat pln ay tear pete too ttt, soe afer Pasetpe section th ci ear iar ee Te ptestssht Soke oF be care Eaee tat be Rs Oo tetrchinge MRT ME ot bo Recerca tiny ena int none ary point at which the trangfere (rom the sevigns of one carrie 0 ee eee ee at an intareadtate point on the route to,be travelled (nbether or not 8 pansdt point meone ary stapiak ameintermachi te meine Meesneelsatae's Sapavars eons the portion of travel, covered by 2 single flight coupon from the paint of epoeeanitic sectog, momys the poin°cr°Gefivat ss’hros nev & Sd/vfca versar 7 sen in forehand infant ferns this ell san th child/infnt Sx ot ee yr linchacked Baonane which is equivalent to hand Luggees is baggege other than chacked bopoepe- lint Oriain The initial starting point of a pricing unit. si tetntan Te atte stoping lee of rng i. F ‘ 1 or the "United state 1 othertise set Matted Stee’ or teats one Padaren Blekeiet a? Eh moins shay ital Poor Woo . Ssfeprvelass eer sete teal Se Sash Ha ited wmeane the U.S. Deparinonts of the Arey» Mavyy and Air Force and yabiste noone tester or write on the passenger ticket on indication that the sssengor ticket has ‘means travel fron a point in Area No, 2 or 3 to a point in Area No, 1 vie the Atlantic Ocesn e={boval Fon’s\point in'Area Hos 1 to's point in Area Nos. @ or 3 vis the Pacific Oscan. For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and symbols seo IPGT-1, C.A.B. NO, S@Ly NTACA) NO. 375. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 4577 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 Rirline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent ck INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page W-10 No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES fc | INISTANOARD FORNAT OF ELECTRONIC RULES hats ons yor y pay se teal cs) i s ae oon. {fs ean defines the application of the rile, 7 vey Seah sce pateresae rk sepconnal, fare to bo Tt will be used to og th cotictign of thre Tait ee Sey eile, cen joy tare tere ate Er teres rt ih ag ir aplenty at ae the fice Hed in the governing fare rule, the following general rules will sppls 2) "Faroe th no seasonal, dosignetion Sal Spely sh ine _ year. SE ational/trensoccunic flight of esch fore eeotor will determine the ‘to such sector. aid Lional/transocasnic flight will determine the ccasonal fare level to ley ena Ree ae Ge ESE mete ester tn eth rection strain th renting She‘ akand applseations EST ama sage eerie me FEES pecs fie prov ig fare rulge, then be wade a any tin prior te te Se sete te sees a It, Sb hest Go avallasintty oF gesifig fore rey ary advance retarvation requirement any advance, reservation requiresents, hambor’ of dave prior tothe date of of ‘ le Etat’ be confirmed. the eatin}. date of ‘the advance, ign an, ata nymph tpearvotjone must be confirm ne tater ‘ay wont un the rfaervation dosdting purchase,of a Prepaid, Ticket Avion, (PTA) | eretote, Beion Sulithed’ in the fore rule for aseaieniee need ere ee ae that for tthe eam ott 3g ‘count fhore_ is no.ninimm stay requiranent, thon roturn travel my begin at covet 12 Absoartieet dey pes at Sefer Serene "Po" eariiest day the Tea OF PERE BSBT For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and eynbols soe TPGT-1, C.A.B. NO. 581, NTACA) NO, 375. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 [eFFECTIVE: Septenber 30, 2010 457% NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page H-11| NO. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES ce (2) Ef there are Limitations on "Fare designated oO applies ofa Cane "international onrrier. iy both inp gaximm stay Linitation, travel will be pormittod within, the ich Te"one. year from the dato travel commences fron the point of Yom, the date. ef iscue- ~ ‘hee Tote Shopeter point Tanalutin rae at ; ted prs ara Toten Berth 2 ap sed" ay” en che men ay iit fay Seger abe eet ty se tind bale wl bo ported cine fom eh the re fore as. no Peek 9 |e SEES tsliaeice otated in a, specific fare rule, unlinited transfers, ited, "U2 Gander oF stopovers and transfers, each stopover utilizes one of 10 ee TSC ISG GE ane or nore of the follow of journeys ee Ra ema Bay Transpo tat ‘only bo eed in’ combination with othor fares ss a ‘tho fare for RT/CT transportation will be the sun of fe FOES for RI/eT Arenportation will be the 9" the Same’ Solent r “he revting/nticage provisions specified forthe fare. Tf travel, is not iter in both, directions, or if {revel dave not chore tothe ialicage provisions specitied far the fore, 80 Sis Ay fore may Be combined sarcant of another applicable RY fares provided such combination is permitted 3" 3En'For tha ontire Rickot. asiihiainianal is tai nay freer the, fare fr s04/0) traeportation will be the sim socket of fe Journos. Round trip fares» the tare for $0./0) transportation will be 50 re cat See wore cee Nee Sartay asl be “be leipoint in deterdining the minima and maximum stay requirements, co Sh-onends with any other fare, that permits cuch conbinations provided é worst? Fitvel must bo vin’ the fare combination poanttes. fen ipLicable arbitrarves. ong i33 the epuetie® fore rule, £0 percent of 2,8T fare this Mrcehtof ansther HF fore governed by the sane Pule published in 7 rare rule pernits combination of 50 percent of = RT fare with 50 porcont of Hf GeCenother tariff. apd the governing provisions of the, ‘unless Stheriss stated in the applicable fare rules -tyrs,frog the point of origin to,the adn wenthey rokiry wrvel met in necting deper ture wltndeeSS fours of orrival, shell not Unless otherwice ional’ carrion "in both For unexplained abbreviations, reference marke and symbols soo IPGT-1, C.A.B. NO. 581» NTA(A) NO. 373. Tanne oF FEE pageT “877 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. NO. 834 irline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU=1 Original Page WU-12 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES cz | wasTauoanD FoRIAT OF ELECTRONTC RULES lpppaxrten commyyarr0s tcatemnry 10) (Continued? tb provisions of each fare shall apply to the eppropriate sector over which the: wo a eto o vom SE no mt tesla em a mam otay recuicement itt CPA, fo thane Gurney. fae ag iota oy orm seth ely fe seine sr, oh Om ee cat tien areca aN eet boris ict toy peesbye nt ese hich results in the highest fare chall apply to the entire journey. wo four tay be sold in conjupotion with conbined fares provided both fares. are fembingele wath declare {Gur paapeas hen greeks oe Features are roqiireds the. @ Fsroost spout ott fet uinhmin tour” price shall apply othe entire: journeys EEPTyee taro rtoin ow sien of the, ten foetal to the entire. Journey. ab ‘famines grou hee of Sach ‘Fars*chall apply! fo" the spprepriste sector over ‘the fore gs" sesessed: ww i ‘Tickst ne Taeorvation, requirenont will apply to the entire fonger journey: Seer Saree revert Aicketiay recuiroment Aly sppdy, forthe eitire, yourney. ‘previeion requiring. simul tancous ERellg hell apply dn esdition she Tohger advance peymant/ ticketing demain, . FE ee tee nn ctian with advance resorvatione, the Lergost Nranept will apply to’ the entire Journey. Seensad . — rfetive voluntary. rerouting provisions wilt spply to, the entire, journey gluntory tinea ofeach fare shall apply to the appropriate sector "iho fare is sesessed. ? on erat istion penalty that is applicable durit jiven tino period will apply {othe sniire journoy. = ng any 9 Per Savane Pugs oe tory? EPSITE Ags Bre fot permitted but ill be subject to the spocifled'in this category ef the fare rule. see rey Proigions " aaa Sof etiiesion for refund or are i eo med nohsrafindabie and Tl be nade, cert 3 Purchese fare etter a ticket hac boon issued, and the jilure to,use confirmad space ac. ticketed within Aed belews s portion of the: ‘i be. forfeited by the passenger. The applicable TeoETGGT oH FORE PRIRT For unexplained abbreviations» reference marks and sysbols coo IPGT-1» C.A.B. NO. S81» NIACA) NO. 373. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 osm NTACA) No. 536 C.A.B. No. 834, Rirline Tariff Publishing Conpany, Agent ‘oi INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Pago #35 No. HU-2 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES ce fons (continuted) {entinted) (continytod) Me once oE the ticket» schedule changes by, the carrior(s) craate alterations ae Be the Lioksted itinerary which ane unacceptable to the = Setby Beestes he ideal PolStucd"an sosordance with ppiiccblo tarsHtey without w eee eee: LUE. of submission for refund or failure to uso confirmed space as, ticketed Fixe commenced, except ae PID ‘rg bag fee ae Ye? th franeportatin ured Tess the non-reh ‘of death on route of nanbor of a fapily travoll sfeoPS}" $1 be bolas teed rar outing oP the Balance’ ded Below, refund wilt be, the difforencs, cndable r+ the Balance ef the journey without Jt has boon igsued, the non-refundable portion of the fare shall not be used ‘fo Theo aay ane taras, cVaed' th the cop Tlesble rulep widect to alt” Toro, in wll’ cane” the, original, nah fafuniable spout shell 24012 not be fo be ‘carried in the “orn of payment™ ‘snonraf/apax entry. shall. continuo” ("Gry subecluant : eee WY 2. Sento Taal ecto by then ox sero te opp a Hotere ost Sra int Psa cee Green geet tect 7 ¢ than outbound. faved» excapt ahd be made only to or at the direction of the parson responsible for the FP prs ey eee ase a ost te) Figen of °aFfinity/novraffantty?inaentlve/anm use group transportation by (by * Reps Least oe (i gopttitereree nian She be group, refund will be,an secunt ound all- "fare applicable for ‘point Dani BE oes Biel uy gattaley SESS poeta ee te a gram of tes far" ep itabta are calculated fron the point” of origin (oth any’ aP thy Sirens tances Bpscribed abovey the ing mgabore of the trav Wignetof Ghost numbers shall coomence’ Gr continuo withthe Tinsrary, subject forall other condi ae ions of the rules TeanERTST on Te Pa For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and symbols soo TPGT-1, C.A.B. NO. 58ly NTAIA) NO. 375. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 457% NTACA) No. 536 {1C.A.B. No. 834 ‘Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF concede oRey ined pegs HUIS No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES ther avant confirmed spaces ies Boron of he, fore mi, te'eeowed ta gill be for totbed gee The, opp sc3b Fe opm rate eta esha ‘of the prospective, passenger 8 RalS"in the. ovent of death or {11 % by°ah spproprist® ‘passenger's immediato Yanily (attest SRE of mentation by hos ae yn tired open Csi eat at aa An SATE, Sesame lar af Wines toe ct et aitifas Shee an RUSS Eimer Te i iceing fom te reno SO cel Eepechdals senda OPUS oR ~ gabled ear ie i Pagleseti an seat tgs ay ioe rat ope wit am hats aa ™ Si, ARS Sy Sie rricaaes sie eames Sa en LAN Re Dee ost tes Sific fare rule, provisions of Rule 25 (REFUSAL TO TRANSPORT), as RR ett tc Oe a Oe Raises Sa a ear mnt 2 ore of ee of EE ceria te ay ens aS tt WP rgee ger, ° £ ititled to 9, ig nosetved prior ‘Wravel’ing atan infant maces i ic not enti patlure.” if seat 2 reserved prior to dpparturey the infant Sait tari His ony tor etre cute sma eo ee ne yeaa of nn it tog Sen 32 rare of panto th tof comment EO ae aim ait ea pt AP a ae ae Sy ih Roerg era tia seanitoe Forge, gooy ort cpmit children's discounts, then the accompanied c | sexes SERRE et ATL Ge ve the dana sted fo icon ah ot sooty te 48 gv -charge 95 sufcarge end to" any cancellation or refed von ‘wich would c tinicer Gages ethermise stated ane fle’ fare cules the dissaunt Listed for_ infants will iy evi ich mares d laste te aly ana Aecaned to the (Catecory 21 Intentionally sk RETO tte et AREAS aca ToT aA HERE PSGET For unexplained abbreviations» reference marks and symbols soe IPGT-1y C.A.B. NO. 58> NTACA) NO. 375. ISSUED: September 23, 2010 [errectzve: November 7, 2010 erty Effective, Septeaber, 50; 2010 and issund not lose than one (2) day's 457 IATA) special Permission No. B7i23. NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 Birline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent fot INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Pago HU-15| No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES Jee | INISTANDARD EORAT OF ELECTRONIC RULES leseRSRRS NSE avaitabio Ee size ro tinimun rugbor of adult fore Jn, ordor to arcs STasr SHEE SEIT ie, mill be ‘determine She ai ‘fear child’and”‘nfent paying the applic cay Semted te he Paying’ passenger group ts required to ‘together on the sano flight(=). ices sled in it's published price pd SUT eEGs Mitton te: air transportations. the cost" of aleeping or hotel seen lus sy ether facili tios op attractions such se thet ‘runclersy Spremaloasch ay ele amen tb) Bdtpt'as elhorvice noted the inelusive tour met inelude in 3 patties ico Siproeriate hericg motes tng Siow eat venaportetiony tho fort 2 sree panetere od gy motel _pecomedations for, the total dur foul he Sie, “puue 2 ties, i Se Tagt bot pald for in full praor to comenoanant of trav ome ico of tour features rong i i Ga Serco aaa tas At ce) ini vinings Tartine ee ae rise of the inclusive tours normally eressod as the applicable Inclusive tour plus a epecttic amount. Spereosg in the einen rice due to extra days of stay on route, co) By inorpaeg. in’ the einamim coLLI09. (arb) ahall Bavderstoad £0 tenn tho winimm selling Price ef the tour per peseonger tor unwplainad evitiones reference marks ed stl en IPL G8. Os 8b, MAY HO 5 ISSUED: August 16, 2010 ~[EFFECTIVE: Septenbor 30, 2010 457% NTACA) No. 536 f1C.A.B. No. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES 5 |apeuacarion of TaRIEE ia tariff hall opply, to carrgge of passengers and bagonoe (ond services related, to sich is tft obatt ooply fy Can” Ung*achvEcae cP'HG nd etSe°carsders participating in this iene ® sor tind in thief italy ta Aowmnetation of up ¢ eccrine! ne ate nk, ny that a ae Teak lel ees Senior Seiots ite areas SO ety ted Cy perro soba ie nee a cays eatin eaten co Sipeataat thar ce ah aah te i Eki corel tare RRR ar yal let tila ee ite Grier ile fr feud feo aed Fas'Tass. “Gniy ule $5 cuinbility oF Carricre) of Riera iff may state, any Laure Ee NGG (RRO Be ced ope St char phen Eric UES Ee eel ean a ir dece deities & Glatt Monreal We eat Riese a See ete a Rs ar tate ie ot GR Aes God si peta Ta Ca alan Rat SPEEA ASn canting x oferrod onthe oat or i this tei monly rey cneare o ig terareten®chall Yoasin pe share oe othe evtantthat ne isTpot overridign by, such sya dea ee port. wo lore Fe be Ldity of any provision pacatica ie Poprosentative of tho carrion hae authority to alter, modify or waiver Brevistgn of the contract af cerriaga er this tariff: (6) Beebe or menotary guts show in this tariff in doltare or ae ofheriee er “eae Beet ms ciate in tones of tS. argos’ or monetary janounts ore als geteatip Corer of cal GhnadiSn currancy’ thonior co" indicated directly in connection int fares, includ ” Bere oot previ ‘ts, ibe. tr ‘eaeaft bofabues saprtatned by a “Tori#? Publishing Rompers sgont on behal? of I difed" to Bo"part sf ti o> gamurrous cammzace ith respon! ‘Wuitoue carriege, HU reserves the right to exclude tho spplication of all or Sry part of this tara. = ae Ko oS ul ntions, and conditions of carriage sre gubject to,change without titlort nolses rules, regulations one of carriage are subeo! wa 120 oxo Spb ieebfe Lee, erdere on governement regulations. “Homaver> pptice groupt og regisnet ty feos wlll nat appli 17 such carriage hes aiready" commenced: o oe. steven affect’ on tho da Seal eee Severed ty ye Seen thre is 9 difference between the ee. origi a SF comercomant of travel (fram the eet tf ay over-calTected snout oF Pa she are pL fli epee of tho, ticket eeaiged ne, Tera pestt yey fon stamped or imprinted on the inretoal a weluntaril enti, ight ghomaet torAlccP ste atte of ony” eet Je ty (2) ere wh net ly to isha Aes = No, 58, NTACAD NO. 373. For unexplained abbreviations, reference marke snd syebole soo IPOT-Ls CA ISSUED: September 253, 2010 EFFECTIVE: November 7, 2010 s©%c%Su + = Effective 30; 2010 and issued on not less than one (1) day's “57% SEIS Uhaef RERTAY spoctal Peralesion tos 27223. ow NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 original Page HH-17| ‘Birline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU=1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES co | twiguasses oF SERVICE ry SERVICE . Facies sry service, is oroyided to possenoure paving the Firgt Close, foros, f sce ang Egonony Clase oe Bret lect tu Eooncgy Claes Wh carrier's aera (2) Tharbsrat gee Peston want be Rue! “nthe Psi irost partion off the ai onposes heres ble sit Tlte’ axial anal soparate checkin fash itieay wo Sted inthe First Clase service ection will (shen flight tines permit) be sfigedad fight apentioe ter eases ‘ch as compl ier rand ‘and compl mentary use SHIRES AY dak sual tear tterfaimnint thors Tach festure fe provided inflighe co vice is provided to passengers, paying the Dusinoss Class fares for y eee Invi oeahaee Oger cevtenecelce of Jah dcionaed a= Flr=¥ cass, ana Boones Class in corr lar'e gupeeat. schedila. czy WRSIOREE SIaPE S08 ESET Glllhe ioevtody inbediately behind the First Class caction of Scebinat len olace,airerait operated with First Class, Business Class ard Eoonony Clas Seating conf’ Cees core eere Lo For Businoss Class service will be afforded seperate check-in facilities ai sora stat fina pergits- w eerie ssl "ho Rosina Claee cory. ction it be pfforded in-flight amenities aun Septine a Seng 9a wane uit Seto ctaeant tee oleh fen provid cy HILL toe ie provied to goteonrs payin mony Cle fete for Tear ier ot Spon be emery" tying reacts fa feted with Hspelace aaies Eloi eooaey ele cra eles nd eon ber fac th lls aaa ce Ebr tty tin Pt latin =e ts) Rabe See ye Eg tata wy te ie Sea bir REO celles ah sb greenery. sest aa Serta ts parted inthe er eae tea age bSpanse are oussest to Soper Passengers are EESGHRE ., with an electrenie detector with or without the Jpassenger's consent edge. For unexplained shbreviations, reference marks and sysbole coo IPOT-1, C.A.B. NO. S81, NTACA) NO._375. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 457 NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 ‘irline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF cancels of fgisel page HS No. HU-1 1st Revised Page Ht RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES a) om w o @w Sa eS EE Pagsanger ith coring tne eairment Yes ‘Wo Limit Tecteette melee Ye teat Sa Bsa wee to tint Beptioanr eeplitty No No Linit. rit ger in moe Yient Yes. «Wo Limit ERO sd bn cenit. aus mrss reguiced by 9 = pp gies tatiana te tla tig Be Ca AE ris oe ral net etion end mich Sv hornossed in erent as epi of flt-are ipa 2 ah haere etG Bi Seyi ge pete ae eijile Brak gaara ay mae personal 2s tet ere SSultlone) attostion foe airline employes [ih'ag aesistence ith eatingy using the, achroow ‘hich are Wath Saka"Se ores iat ore 1 Wiandant) = an able-bodied ically capable, of nest ‘ Stee Eat" ef fn enoroutcy ant sho wil i to esas HOR a a er lop EGR MI Sr hse Selo evel abn st plain oh mterOf, Int tert wl iting geen ‘or near the end of an evacuation Line ‘she asslonmont of pastenger seats $R*senorals wil be floor lovel exit. od by Transport capedey WY wi socept the argh bcakt ots parcen ths aisablitly'ae"fo eif-retiane. or uit sgeore a ay zo ay pssenoe shoe cata o Lor eth aareydarhasaneeinh tot Borage tase erselt Palate Sates iy an attendant who will be responsible for caring for hinvhor en toy feet "the care of such attendant, he/she will not require unreasonable attention or stance from employees carriers tengo {HONLSTeS wll bo accepted for tranoportation as outlined in the DISABILITY Requinep| Pe Lic anger ED VISOR pay 7 For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and symbols sea IPGT-2y C.A. TCoRETTIGT oF TERE paDST No, 581, MTALA) NO. 373. ISSUED: September 23, 2010 EFFECTIVE! Novenber 7, 2010 SRR 4577 Effective 30; 4010 ond Sesyod gn not Loss than one (2) day's Fotics under HTACA) Special Permission No. 5/125. = NTACA) No. 536 ‘1C.A.B. NO. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF No. HU-1 Original Page HU-18-A RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES can |+CCTTRANSPORT OF PASSENGERS MITH DISABLILITIES (Continued) fesse a. Contin) Lett tt rasa ele ler ne Sav pt Asthorities {f fravel, knvolves ory" una ‘ot hazsrd tothe pestenger’ or to other Ae Ne edetst pregnant petzengarer urborn children) © ug ere re pice anita inet reault from fault gr pogligonce of the carriers the carrier Mi fe provid onal feel pond at Yte onn expense, for ey wilh Sd ie ay a " SSHTESY’ cars, and 37 necessary re o> ‘2 AG akg Seema ty «paseo with sey. iia Garant air Breeding at ee ae Ee Requested, the carrier may require @ person to preboard the Pe ae © Seeredcontetavac of another air carrier within tho sano terminal for a chango of Petrie Research tet ae tr By dvi by Eat ea sir erin pre ae gel gk iil go mh seg rouceo ik medeui i ciety aa Gee ae SUR SS rere ae Renata re onty wen the peesengor pred ee eeTeaeeed Nigh ePlar chon oF fe bn transit between {lity is entiled to recoive the following services while on board an ft atsistance to and rofriv (if assistance is requested; the ir aay reiuire Me reboardl the. awed neues hott on other pebility aid Seeks inte ao" Beaneror? tp and from © uheokchad se te rarer odo Carri may reanire © person to fetence ~ boing carried - tp move to and froman aizepaft washrooms Trelising os stmt heres of an on-board uhealchedr Lf avail Speckal jrailsblog snd'coom help with meals sich w= opening Packegess Sent fiying. tote apd oul ‘on-board NPs, 9, ons ona JES APS poriodically to eee if a pasconger requires assistence. Ey i rion should be made at least 48. sects ecviging th the carrier as to the fature of disebility and gesietonce required, 00 ars ore Beles “The carrier will 2 Is c¥rort {o'accomsdate passengers ho "ako reservations 46 hours an ey - SINE on ote so seg sets none emmy wt Eecens triste deviated sxeve rs a at nn fn ets acta nti ant rules sh EG ts sey ee For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and eypbols see IPGT-iy CxAsB. NO. S8Ly NAIA) NO. 375. ISSUED: September 23, 2010 EFFECTIVE: November 7, 2010 eet += Effective Septonber_ 30; 2010 and issued on not less than one (1) day’ “577m fatics under NIAUA) Spacial Permission No. B7IE3. NTACA) No. 536 f1C.A.B. No. 83: Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent 1st Revieed Poge 1-19] INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF canal Oevised Page 133 No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES 2 ‘tho precent rule, 9 minor means a person who has not reached his/her 16th BirenisyPssPoF" the’ date of connenconant oF travel eee STAGE, cceptad for trenportstion hon soompaniod on the sume {Light nd in these Couperin py a pageenoor gt feact 18 te oF ape ey ene Infant wall by accapted fon SrETngn iy gal faeypuylna poseonor at Towet 16 yours ST 008 ‘Seoupying tho sane or adjacent fate: "the nf Eiccos in on eppeoved infant satay ena. ee isa He ee Dcanpaniod on, the sano flight an aye corpartuont by 2 passongor 18 yoars of op over arg Bese) fon 0" Fetloving conditions: c 335 OF Sinan at Tact birthday under HUB ye S £1 Glaetes of sarvice not accepted BBs oly Sond tons GASES Ee corvice is mandatory, ion on HU-operates SE TUt aa” cStncletads ST ORIeiog fHERaPaesOl ae nol parsitted: “ nonstop ABtacAsancaraateae patios enat Rated, Bc rte et men ttn a ie en re ctempenied children 5, through 11, years cable adult, fare. Unaccompanied minors 12, sa aaah ee tare ofa Best eo teert u Infante ogeunying 9 coats nants coe U9 WRote'GS no children’ = io» oF, 1S Oe APPLICA Ip racvcnpaniad minor service must be rade at least 1 hour prior to SF mtb troche the ror ef dpe by 8 parent ox cepa il Teaser meh behest ht Ses BSrPonS 26 SGsE iTS fleertafan, ue wo sumt forish the Seri Si See Stra Rome Waa otha ptt or sible adult, showing photo, ‘identification, upon deplaning at hi ation. Ghilidren of goes 5 te arg. net apcopted the ‘flight on val ‘he’ chtia holds 3 agp aataped erage hort st toes Stine Pie cleo, ee, Fog ino So chek ee ep superego, forts THe san by ie pepent or a rasponeibie Sul showing ‘Aisi fitationy talent flo hth hoes part a, P eSp TRG Re cathe Out Sngitraaric ae nok pe AGATE contre. sty travel is not permitted, ong may tb, sented for tray ax an unecempniad gin, ny ges see te ty accep espe To fulony including guetonare,sith disabilities. ‘aot travel unaccompanied.” A-child with severe allergy will fs sgyt will be 1002 of the applicable children fare or adult fore @ o wo ~ w vf unaccompanied minors) on, V3E Limited to the reraft and ‘ er AR tho, Sar ‘scogdance AS fogiiations te 1. whore, bres! S. "Releaamnt oP alloca tet bp daters c ttc) At prone DE oe ee seat on bosrd. +e) pSPOMSTBIL ID OF cABRIER, Enited responsibilities of carrion with th ion of the service specific /ided to on Sp or with the, rosption of specifically ope ror in this Fulgy conrier will met accuse any, financial: gr, “tnatconpanted minor beyond those applicable to an adil pas responsibilities for NO. 581, NTACA) NO. 373. For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and synbols see IPGT-1» €. ; Ex ISSUED: September 23, 2010 [EFFECTIVE: Novenber 7, 2010 sPicteu = Effective, opleer, 5 [040 ard sindgn not lees than nw (1 ds arm EofasttusSRARTRS opSblaf pee sieeion Nes Sr125+ NTACA) No. 536 _1C.A.B. No. 834 Tirline Tari¥¥ Publishing Company, heent a INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF canoadS*ofayisad Page IS Noe AUS RULE HAINAN AZRLINES SECTION 1 ~ GENERAL RULES - = LINTTATIONS 0 a cave ‘TLL refuse to Since, the rocarvod epage of, or remove en raute any pestengers sof fon fe Hecedeery” for reasons Sblee e Pececcary 45" prevent vilstion” Whey ygpplicable late, regulations fon of the passenger is such 9= sages status oF wental oF phy’ Require cpocial, assistance of carrier) or ‘Giscorfort to, or make, the jectionable to other es ‘e M ith stein ees on Possenoe c rete her persone or to property. ipatinanietins of Wa" caPear pete he te i ‘or an hey or’ tae le have not becn paid, or credit ee tee et Tet Ayo nino the a ee fet ea worm tn rent B at Sia eee pe EaPaldey ht coms « ES Res on or ren repo oot si'se'being set or ot or is counterfeit, B oe Fee eset tect Le anton of hae the Carraro Gee face oly Oph clubs ban mailed sdf w feyot ein SE tei %e or sha is the person narod in Sagat rece OB ostomy ilneae Rab O e sti ean fly lind win te nriw's tiled ebook ufone c stg) eater ae oe 1d raft boing overloaded; HY shall. decide which passengers or aepllgs ahha cots coy Eee rt corre. oF mute 87 (Denied Boarding Compensation) herein, the sole ear ym brass rtrd Seana nue Sy Tall fo ane soit fe toroghig so oterea earssane of Kameven ct este eh unacad portion of He AeroUea Par Beats, Fae rp ed le, thafnd hore co) Betton cf fraf tm” 1 wal ate th detrustlan of «prs wth» fscbittty ee c | tm) fies Spear Ta ne carriacg of the pemsongar a nie/par bagoage tefural gf the tavern afar de dash ribet pay fara Sarton timo Brendeds or. ht olesceBl® with respect’ to the bonuage of the ead Goede o BO Tabs Center shape Were nyreaesos fereth ae ee te Fale atl Ragbapechargats) seaviowly pay iT ane fe a ee 1 condition is such a, to Hele any e Ea Wee ee Nish fatal so ara HERE te eace conte Hacer ast ety Reis he Geeaeilteee ees arecet ion at ene Caen ees ah mete SSP TE ted (NOTE: escort ‘to the extent in fle 66 Oh if eit rule fore Serueee see it c ATLA, Wastes Uh hae 2 Ge ote Stee “iy mae of itasetcrtone AF darvtoey Se eutlad boron aries CRSUo gt mrscLPoe eee Pas te ‘ath govern cy Rhidten Suite Rischor 5 For unexplained abbreviations, reference marke and synbols oo TPGT-1, C.A.B. NO. SOL, NTACA) NO. 373, ISSUED: Septenber 25, 2010 EFFECTIVE: Novenber 7, 2010 Wisin fective 10 and iecyed on not loss than one ssrm + > Etech ies SRERTAS spostal Persuasion ho- S7i25- 1 gar ‘Airline Tariff Publishing Company, ‘Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 et Rovisod Pago M21 Cancels original Page WU-2i an etved collected for worldeide Hicable to sli Originating from China to USA: No. HU-2 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES Jco7—_frneven_suncumnes grypefore dotober 31, 20104, an interpational fuel surcharge will be Povel ae folore an the pride below 2 ig) Richie (St rete fies, iting ntti tsa (6) the angunt 38 gollected atthe paint of f eploia t,he tino of {icket issuance, and ig, shaun HE sieny beets bk ot te ee at ios ernest SUIT ae UE can to chige! 48. ,gr sxe ‘ Siig een OSCE! RMT SPI originting fron a oes 2 8p eg, ‘Ginating Per sector For unexplained abbreviations» reference marks and symbols see IPGT-15 C.A. No. 581, NACA) ND. 375. ISSUED: September 3, 2010 4570h [EFRECTIVE: october 16, 2010 NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 Birline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent 7 INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF réaiinal Page 18-22) No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES | ese |tvgmouno TeansteR SERVICE carrier dows not maintain» operate or provide transfor gorvige betuogn airpert or botwcen Isirports and elty"ganters; “Ahora rou by Carper at a Thaglany uch service de! performed by i bes See emer CPS Carrier maintains” and operatan for ite erviceay thy tore, condftioney provisioney rules and repplations of et tion) those stated or. relepreg to. an fheie Tecate, Pepe SP ths ae, si SE SSE chant of coeh local” transfor services are not used: for 1s who have purchased @ normal, business sonal carrier) pa (2) Hotel expenses, ‘Ground, Transfer eorvice meals port bervice charges and Araneit tavse sre not included 4m passenger ce) pore, request 1 garnion's representa Far hotel resarvetlonss But” tha availability, treo? Perret ithe eh be chargs Tepeseecrey srcaph ae ofhernica pre ay Eizart se prided lon otal, sess re hat ae apneger ars ‘SkebunodSEon may Bo'bare by’ carriers” senrlnep escent ot ces BY Enieckane qrimmoeneyie for gta ther, brung and ord spciteratopt fo SsetoP ec Searle Fre of ara auricle ot fo fe ceo = See ee Ee ary eines tate Sere ee salt of er icoatien nea "Ua pate oh Eg artolttien or SISTED at eae BScot" Sha pasoenoat Myrany othr pebsonr Somsry a easy )- NO. 58, NTACAD NO. 373. fer wmrlained shvevintone referena srk and sb see TPs © TSSUED: August 16, 2010 [EFFECTIVE: Septenber 30, 2010 95784 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 Original Page H-25] No. HU-2 RULE HAINAN AZRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES coo fines or other, charge. Sepazed by government. cuthor collectable from = passenger Wi eo) ary Sar ce cae Seared 2 Seurarpa mttertty and col = Th be (5) Refund of unused taxes and fees available where permitted by inposing legislation or authority. 05 [tnsamemusTRATIVE FORMALITZES ~ PASSPORTS, VESAS AND TOURIST CARDS a SRR TRE AR old tay raglan orders demas trove, rentpmente ceen ce foe Hg fron ih pyoprs aid aire ree: Segat pe, sod angtet ions oe Freie ey catia ties ie seen Basra, Sieh Tints rogilatfoney orders, domandey remiranontgy ac a wher eaten >in EES Sone eS cowly with each Im Pogtistiones Orders, denaner Foqurenentsy or SP at poet glk ty try tae demon rected Wp ietetr one cth te tg dtr oe ned aa ee, Sees ret ee eet aT Sh eave ears arenes Raat me no fgale to fh’ psceonoer for loee'ov spares "Yo" Ue passangor's'feilure to comply tay HSER lice ie we otis tm neg srs tory ewe ‘ebb tle te acd coarse erage ars oN an 2 SS coat eb te Seale ae Bie egal, Steet ayo a ie of 2 fey fee bese arise tag ar cere wu of ar chit a be Sha ae cr pe must attend inspection of his baggage, checked or unchecked» eter ather Sovecimene Gelicin: gcarriny seepes oe cesar Ny Sonar he pipe if Paklure {0°tbverwe thie Gonditiony the pasesnger shall” indemnify carrier therafor. BURT ST ein if gerrag ined Sith trips et at St ptetinde : sett i aes erin tee ih deboon oste ha sind iae gee pk shrines For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and sysbols soe IPGT-2) C.A.B. ND. 581, NTA(A) NO. 375. TSOUED: August 16, 2010 [errscriv 4570 September 30, 2010 NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 ‘irline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF cancelt‘ofiginel Pope Mi-&s No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES 5 ERS " under one ticket or under a ticket and conjunction ticket issued in ‘Single operation. SSinaction therewith by several’ successive carriers is regarded Protocol ‘tor ail ‘eraetional er fgtlon ge. defined in eaidl convention saint ae origin nk vette | rake: the. My fa ke fickel "of te eerwentien a fo story ioriaet ar ret eleva 2 riven tion. Eifay a coryier*s-akiress shall “bhroviation of carrer ahd for any’ conhution Lacket testa. to mee w cra ree erie eat ine Te eicte torment oe cea eet ee el rete © +17) incorporated heresn descending the sireraft sonogr gs heghth ‘the ca) Wait be sci exrrison, in Bho pa re & arent ol ce Ee et SS ee 2 at im Lt ee aeons eas meer s c | mens Rhee rehs Ee at wy sty tet esl ot he aoa ‘: ups Sopteaber 25, 1958 (tho Protocol"), i @) EE BPSBIOMeiee ifr hrtacte 2212), of convention for. the Unification of cartain, nutes relating Air aipred of hope Oskar 12,22 pon ears some bye ‘ho fo wo Mgirne ipraata ortieee Hef ecstasy rnpect eee al ae a tit st co) Bea lie Boh ee Pa ciated ern oll tes Sem Quer Eee’ aay St the Ally Tour tot Pan Fates Piatt gaat my tie psn elstn weet oy RS Gore at ear ta bible ar ee a ee ret id gratis alte ; Het ein ct amie ene tet ae (5) copra mnt erga into, tcaty the tome apd He reign ora ion the. guroed etoppin ie alter ed ty oa Pre i =n or ities, anctpt the piecesof Le St lace: of dostinatfon set en ferent or nooner epeire race o> Se RETIN peated ot Heredaw ae tie st not in conflict with the shove convention or said convention 28 anended by epeyather sprviogs potforged by WU are cubsact 0%, Shell supersedo Noh aay? Bo" inconsietant with those’ rules. ee secrinage te teeth htmin tp eoret ASE E Fee the Seskh oe passenger totally caus oF said, a sy tial sedated in aig or For unexplained sbbreviations, reference marks and eysbols soo IPGT-1, C.A.B. NO. 581» NTACA) NO. 373 TSGUED: Septenber 25, 2010 TT EFFECTIVE: Novenber 7, 2010 Ercort feted) + = Effective 30; 2010 ond issued on not less than one (2) day's 4570h EXEISE hace RIRTAY spoclal’Poratesion No. 87203. = NTACA) No. 536_11C.A.B. NO. 834 Birline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF cancels original Page W025 ee ls original Page MO RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES 55 |uapmuxry oF canenens (Continued) te a I1y | {Cantinued) caused or facilitated by the faults of the elas ening right walt Sere op {lati geet 7 ‘degree of h have. cauted oF Seu tat fate ey fon Sn aate 2 caused Fe cam Faulty iA wo se foop ability pst bor fng'"to the dogree of auch faults which have caused = ent Foultey i Rediced (ioe sqsordi wey eejetele the ‘or death. eee are SE detigad in tho 1999 Hontralcanvantion» is subject to the snkeres lol cote ho 192 on and 1955 Haquo Protocol, APabfac ho the Tisbitiey rules o vaste ro snot subject to the Lisbility rules of the convention, eer reomant ofvcivil gvistion law of the Repwbiic of rovatizna she sppisentle Lm» goverment regulations ov order: 6 of the Eee aroun a © hrs te el ett sss on ¢ ieee aio Seamless ap 7 ‘bas TT ding checked 1» unchecked Eo an Soa eer ae an are 7 ie 28 at (Arita 92h 9 shall be thin Pevvalie, a ie — Ph ag epee atte Ue eral carota seh te en ae Sse" ASS &8 daittany of mepility sia Sr ee tess ele fn cel iverycd EATHY sitet Shey Sark titty side Tock ot domaed Segal Heo bo bared n't ee siya (7) To.the oxtct AAD sheen etict with the foregoing,and whether or not the convention appli We ETLLTs ony Yor 1 area gee Gun Line, “HU issuing a ticket oF oor Pe oe uF fe carver dss eo only e=vegent for such other (by Best Liable for any danoge arising from ite compliance with any Iss or governpent Bare Res diets foray Sereteents 08 fron FafiGesP oF the passenger to comfy with a el ec an at tre i LOE Tarr oes neers ee si dtr eer ae a na Wher it ee Bae ee hp amr clea are cay Par ne PELE Scatter gly rion reelection Then eam eile ita or roe coy ROR es cere tata neler A ph to ; it Pia a ot oe Ta fee For math ly Wo fy bt af hig of tray en eae teh te bel resentatives. fo amount recoverable {rom opestentatives 3 Parsing aint pot exeod tho He SE aoe i Sig aN SSE ET eee STG uP mae te Son or applicable laws. ‘s TSR TTST GF TERE pawST For unavplained abbreviations» reference norks and synbols seo I9GT-Iy C.A.B- NO. Séhy NIAUAD NO. 375. ISSUED: Septenber 25, 2010 [EFFECTIVE: Novenber 7, 2010 SevictSn += fgetinn, September, 54,4090 ond. ined gn pet Lees than ore (2) dy “s70h ES(seE haar RIRTAS special Permission No. S7123. = NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page HU-26} No. HU-2 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES css | ° Te f jo teavege unless, the witlod to, deli x fe heavege uness, the por aera y ivory ho‘istests si slaint | @ Soe toes io dno, oninat corn hal} bo. extingthed an action i in oped ton the date ot enrival St te sctinations er drow the, deta on Mhich ‘the afreraft ought to have arrived, or frow tho date on which the carriage stopped. ce) poor ft Popresentative of carrier hae authority to alters modify» or waive PeovGehsne oF the conteee oF cartloge of this terse” fy ~ © SERGEY provision in, this toriff or,in, the ticket be dgterwined to be invalid, i2}oye2 or o bya, court ofvconpalent juriadiction, ail other provisions shall nevertheless sorters Bagcapti hacer For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and symbols see IPGT-1, €.A.B. NO. 5dly NTAIA) NO. 575. TSSUED: August 16, 2010 [EsrECTIVEs sontonber $0, 2010 4578h NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 Rirline Tariff Publishing Company, Roent ee INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF conoekStohtyity Boge EF NO. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I~ GENERAL RULES css | +tcxgeaTurrous canRxAce ity caegget te Gpgtuttaue carioge, HW recervos the right fo exclude the aplisntion of all or any For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and synbols seo IPGT-1, C.A.B. ND. S@ly NTAA) NO. 375. EFFECTIVE: November 7, 2010 sS*Reféay ISSUED: September 25, 2010 1+ = Effgotive, soptenber. 304 2010 and issued on not loss than one (2) day's 4576h netics FATA) ‘Special Permission Ho. S722 NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 83! ‘irline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent = INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page Hit) No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES coo |twpeseavarzons (0 ee EBL it yy any for fight) for eich rpergtionle) cb hve bean pean EEE pit ena ty fe Ugh Sharman ne tear Bebe tha ol eee ite ct eit ae OS Soke Wak ne iat che Harel omnis USE that cena lel aae atts Tone isan e B omtitl ith respect to the obtaining of reservations. SE ASERATION, | given fhe yj She vette atoation of Sages spl 9 ratio Ae parle attr ee a gee* sell Boao arcs heats lsat 7 ance with ie payeant,provistone? 8 ‘he, ‘agent of the carrier’ indleating euch confirmed space, provided Spelice 79r'such, Heket prior te the ompirats ‘sich " ‘hae. not {he coerier oF agent of the carrion for a validated ticket pep tyis en caer Vian da adeenen oF the oehedaod Nparlre ofthe Tig te whlch th gervtion sgh (a) get pet RS le A oth peratin Sel me racrationa va ern SN ef Broo roentgen ce Boe AP Bul Pa ES ein SAP cveele ese Ss tot scleaedad wll © corepentie SESS orcad for pry commnication oxpengo, paid or ,ingnped by carrier for Wleflony Tatcraoe rod ot BTS Teg" Wr a aaciay "ret of Wa elesnget concerning OI ree Gate not guarantee 05 AECOIOIATIONS,, ws tocetion of any particluar space in the aireratt. © a PL ercalt at ‘ Tia gespeler (erie ecnouale dopertara: ties Bosse! npegeiy-docmented tert ready frre Sa fread" to Becconplated wofore shadated BBR hee 'oy iPT.ce Sone, ME PPRELT Pleburloe) psonone canta Caras Saat, pe’ the Tarp rant mls tie RS wiles tafe doin sd stops chk noe SESE ae REE rnaseot Ba MF are tnare hala Intando Pontn Blsther 59- co sccept eer AN srarvstione raqmented fron any carrior or authorized will be accepted MeesEee ESMne Hckoline providion of the"rule governing the fore weeds For unexplained abbreviations, reference marke and symbols seo IPGT-1» C.A.B. NO. 581s NTA(A) NO. 373. 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 ISSUED: August 16, as7eh NTACA) No. 536 {1C.A.B. No. 834 Airline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Pegs WH-29] cos | (NIHU_CYBER TICKET OFFICE stseranscontfe sab, the Lectin of a'recaretocetor NO. HU-1 ms HAINAN AIRLINES sec REE Ges cel J(NICAPACITY LINETATIONS ere ta ca en ih fe vl sly tn te eae end llction of DT eg re ee cxlimtt tes gare Er Lh Pete pnts rent oh ere AN, had by oorrier's best jdpent as valid shen it i, entered in HU electronia reservation stor number. = For unewplained sbbreviations, reference marks and symbols sec IPGT-1» C.A.B. NO. 581, NTACA) NO. 375 ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: Septenber 30, 2010 “578m NTACA) No. 536 1C.A.B. No. 834 ‘Airline Tarif¥ Publishing Company, Agent . INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF Original Page 1-50 No. HU-1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES 6 | racKers PIE esckat wit1 not be Lesuod end in ery case corrior will pot be obligated to carry, until, the ket oh nol Sosea oh Sard Sr has caaplied with cnet aangonants oxen @ on hall be entitled to transportation except presentation of a valid ticket. ‘Rupevien eatin tezear ts ansr than Sly Baieon pinto orf ind ‘Place of departure gg sho on the “nd eeemess erred tie dove mesrceen oe Pacer cee fe satan irr ry pel Feable portion to carrier. "or whieh bes bocn aftereds mutilated or improperly See Ie vit fap ov tng peg poe Il neff i, tin inate, ieate bedkipgs: carrier. pornit a,paceonger to hold more than one confit Fepervation/ticSt on the ‘sone “Highorigin and destination for the sane. travel ie Jts, gro valid for travel only when, used in EDR patees are mabjork Yo opel igeble rise the? right {0 apply’ the ferpination feay % “ppliceble Tees, there applicable, 2s, e ‘ ‘contract snd cancel bookings made outside’ the Fivoription period. “Terms and conditions of enig. inolude but are not 1 ) ihe paccsnger's itinerary» ss stated on tho Picket or in tho. 23 dry Pequirament, that thes passenger gta over 2, cpoot fad Graplsy or wockend) atthe denfunation spocifiog en, the tickets ‘fear sBiEes* Range an’ the: cane of a afitary fare offi wnt Bu the:eace'of a ‘fares or ait grrcarvention fare) that entities the peccanger to 2 faultcent assoc hated id = ‘with the passunger"s fore dovel. Keo oR dated, the ticket for carriage, froa the airport at the place of departure port at the plsce of Sestine{ on vig the reute ham therein td for the ° ‘lacs of scfvige and fe valid for the porsog of tine specified or raferrad,to in (2) balou. Each f i be Secoptes ‘on the’ date, and cai td an iis aot eae Ha ot eet te rites. en ctu fees sey Senate owe Hits SS Ee BN ape. Pea se sue ympertat ip wh mo yey frye te eth Fen ee a OEE th es STA LEE, 1 Ee ttisher ne Gee Raton ote olocel ae ce et nats th San, Panel atti ibe tery Were fr etc ett eae Ee NN pa Spa Sth PHS od Bets ab eit ble abate coy Belen pea fe get” Ugh sen oh oe Eris setts enact e don ibaa Sree GaP eaten. Fie sie LS RSE out dette date of eee Sarees eg natant eso a UT ESSE ISS RA ot ferred, = » Eod os w et AES at or exchange order will be accepted for refund in socordance with Rule fa by REELS) Soren, (VOLUN ae a ye HOY validity, roturn Limits and all other calendar periods specified a 1'be' the day" fallewing’ that upon which the ticket is rs om he date gf pete ts Lavatonet st GUY poe ee Ce hae a [oat ETH tere os oF ROTM espn ahem on cock #ftght ‘Coupon. TeonT or Ha PaGRT -_ NO. SL, NTACA) NO. 373. For unexplained abbreviations, reference marks and syrbole sea IPGT-1, C. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 EFFECTIVE: September 30, 2010 457% NTACA) No. 536 11C.A.B. No. 834 ‘irline Tariff Publishing Company, Agent ; INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER RULES AND FARES TARIFF (Redginel, Pops. 25) HU=1 RULE HAINAN AIRLINES SECTION I - GENERAL RULES io» ce) w @ JTECKETS (Continued) eS STS ONS ted from travelling within the period of validity of his ticket Fei he it som wi vols cotired e GBP Si Se tia aaa meron cree ih Sen ig et get cy ‘of coryioe, 0 ‘of doparture, place of deta centred Head the validly of sch passenger's teehee Sw chat ee ed GeTae ave” the First "seryie of ext tory gh the 3 pessenger in possassion,of « eae ie fe Sereee vatiatiyn' perme fore foe m SELIGNY 9f ch pessengor'a ticket rer Le aetna mesh ue Tick Hight Cot” the same MELISASY SENeR BStd°VSS ton which space Sc avetlable, but not for nore then seven days. me intro ety roquiroront with regard to soy fore wil}, be ae ovary fare Will be extended in, the event Gmmadjata Fnily 2" dofinod inte 2 a ea fe ae Caeamecltey te iat ofc Speak Sard eB Mest ua ie of rte Sie eee eer ee aes becomes, the oi tee, the valiaity oh em MELE o'ectnded for net'more than Gre your roe the oI faectmart cor “cori p_iseped by the sdninistrative guthority of the fosestal whore. see , se its on physic festa Slt Ring thglctrostance Hf tho,dosth curtifjcate or medical corti fjcate £6 ermine st the ting the eascenger aL cath Sartatis "eile accomodated any’ upon ‘Fare applicable othe Sanpete SPURTTY eed ol reget Yor "refund ay bo, filed with the carrion, i fin forw and all 9: documante ahd after detarei Teruihit alo" Sirior will refund "the pazeongor the, ditforence betaun the total ‘the, valid otal For unexplained abbreviations, reference marke and symbols sea IPGT-1) ©. - NO. B81, NTACA) NO. 373. ISSUED: August 16, 2010 [ssrtcriver sentonber 80, 2010 45794

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