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I. \VhenFerrous sulphate Crystnls are hcoted the residue left behind is:-

a) Feo ,,·ith Black Colour

% Fe2O1 ,vith reddish bro,vn colour
c) FelO• ,vithredcolour
d) AmLx of all .the above
2. ,Vhen quick line is added to \vater,vhich oftl1e folJowing does not happen:
a) Heat is evolved b) Hissing sound is produced
c) Achemical reaction occurs jlfC02 gas is produced
Assertion-Reason type question.
The questions given belo,v consist of Assertion (A) and reason (R). Use the
follo,ving key to select the correct answer.
a) If the assertion and reason are correct and reason is correct explanation for
b) If both assertion and reason are correct but reason is not correct explanation for
c) Ifassertion is correct but reason is incorrect.
d) Ifassertion is incorrect but reason is correct
3. Assertion: Copper can displace silver from aqueous silver nitrate solution.
Reason: Silver is placed above copper in the reactivity series.
4. Assertion: Quick line reacts \Vith water to fonn slaked line
Reason: It is a slow Chemical reaction. G

L Wh} du y."' ncctl to bttla ~ chc-inicaJ equauons ·1

2 ~lo\\· ~-Ht) uu lndu:J&ti! lhe tolll',1\\ ing in a ch.tmical equation'?

at Aaotutlon1n~ in Y.ater

b~ Pr«ipitBt~

J~... \Vbal is a skc~m.l chemical equation?

4.. Qi\~ i e.g.. ~'ho fa c~c .al reaction characterized

a) E\~ Qfa g3S b) Change in ten1perJlur~
cl.,.. Cl~.ang~ msasre d) Change in colour
e) Fmmatioo of~ip it. . te

a) Chemie:! equation

b) Cbemr"--:!'- reaction
6_ Balance me fol!o~ing equations :

a) .I-NO: +CatOHJ: Ca{NOJ1 +~O

b'\ NaJ--:-Az..._,.1XO,.. AgCI+NaNO1
7_ \\"riteilieirdanced chemjcaJ equations for the follov1ingreactions:

a.J ff!'& !oa~ g ; Chlorine(gJ Hydrogen Chloride (g)

b) ~im :n s)+ Hydrogen acid(g) Magnesiun1 Chloride(
3.. 9,1Ja.1 type ofchemical reaztion taf.r..e place when:

a) Mz~ umw ireis bum tina iI?

bJ Lfmgstaz1e iSJ ~le d?

c.J Silver Bt<m1ide istxpor.,ed to Sunlig)lt?
4, Whal happen9 when Silver Chloride i~ crpo!)e<l lo Sunlight'? Write
n balanced
t~a J~u af;, ,r

5. W he n Hy dr og en bu m s in Ox yg en , W ate r is fo rm ed an d wh en wa ter is
ele ctr oly ze d, th en Hy dr og en an d Ox yg en ar e pr od uc ed . W ha t ty pe of rea cti on
talces pl ac e in ea ch ca se ?
6. A co lou rle ss lea d sa lt, wh en he ate d pr od uc ,es a ye llo w re sid ue an d br ow n
fu me s.?
a) Na me th e Le ad Sa lt
b) Na m e the brown fu m es
c) Write a ch em ica l equation fo r th
e reaction involved
W ha t ar e ex ot he rm ic an d en do th er •\
m ic re ac tions ? Gi ve I e.g. ofeac·h.

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