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UNIT 8: BECOMING INDEPENDENT TEST 3 A. PHAN TRAC NGHIEM Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. trust B. instruct C. subject Dz duty A. trast! B. /n'strakt/ C. /'sabdgukt/ D. idjusti Question 2: A. diary B. certificate C. academic D. advice A. dasati B. /ss:r'tufiket/ C. / we ‘keedemik/ D. ad’vars! Mark the letter 4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. advantage B. specific C. curious D. decision A. /ad'veentads! B. /spa'stfik/ C. /'kjuarias/ D. idr' sigan! Question 4: KURGEESEREY B. identify C. reliable D. development A. ina'sesori! B. /ar'dentafat/ C. Ar'larabal/ D. idr'velapmant/ Mark the letter 4, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 5: Itwas during the quiet hours of the moming she finally found the inspiration to finish Cc hernovel D Cau ché THAT Question 6: Her happiness is independent on her material possessions: she finds jov in the simpler things in A B Cc D life INDEPENDENT OF = BOC LAP > OF Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct an questions. ver 10 each of the following Question 7: Becoming independent requires you to get into the__ of making decisions for yourself and standing by them. AL habit B. routine C. action D. schedule Dé 6 nén déc Lap, ban can hin thanh théi quen wr quyét dinh cho ban than va kién diah véi ching. A thoi quen B. nghi thie C. hank dong D. lich tein Question 8: In the workplace, skills enable employees to meet deadlines and showcase their independence and reliability. A. decision-making B. communication C. problem-solving D/HMEAnASERIERE Tai noi Lim viée, ky ning gitp nhin vién hoaa thinh céng viéc diing han va thé hién sv déc lap va dang tin cay cia ho. A 1a quyét dink B. giao tiép C. giai quyét vin 48 D. quan ly théi gian Question 9: Don't forget your alarm before you go to sleep to ensure you wake up on time for your meeting Av set B. to set C. setting D. sets DON’T FORGET + TO VO = QUEN PHAI Question 10: Twill every effort to complete the project before the deadline, even if it means working late. B. make C. take D. get MAKE AN EFFORT = NOLUC Question 11: Financial__ on others can limit personal freedom ané the ability to make decisions, A. depend B. dependence C. dependent D. independence Dung danh tir sau tinh tis: Su phu thuéc vé mit tai chinh vao ngwdi kchéc cé thé han ché tudo cé nhan va kha nang ra quyét dinh, A. phu thuée B. sw phu thuée. C. duoc phs thude D. d6c lap Question 12: Moving to a new country requires you to get used to the of adapting to a different culture and possibly learning a new language A. challenges: B. benefits C. routines D. experiences Chuyén dén mét quéc gia méi déi hoi baa phai quen véi vé khac biét van héa va cé thé hoc mét ngén ngit moi A thach thie B.loi ich C. thoi quen D. trai aghiém: Question 13: Teachers should __ students to ask questions and be curious, fostering a love for leaming. limit B. ignore C. control D. encourage Gio vin nén hoc sinh dat cau héi va t6 mé 48 nuéi duéag tink aiém say mé hoc hii A. han ché B. be qua C. kigm soat D. khuyén hich Question 14: To become more independent, she decided to make of her savings to start her own small business. tum, Bouse C. success D. question MAKE USE OF = SU DUNG, TAN DUNG Question 15: It was in the summer of 2010 I first leamed to swim, A. which, B. who C. that D. whea (SEE eer TTT Question 16: To become financially independent. one nmst leam to their expenses effectively A. increase B. ignore C. manage D. accumulate Dé tr nén déc lap vé mat tai chinh, mdi agwdi cin hoc céch chi tig mét cach higu qua A tang B. bé qua C. quan ly D. tich kay Question 17: Achieving independence often involves setting and pursuing personal A. obstacles B. goals C. fears D. distractions Dat duoc sw déc lép throng lign quan dén vide dat ra va theo duéi nhimg muc tiéu ca nha A. tre ngai B. mc tiéu C.ndi so D. xao lang Question 18: Financial literacy is crucial for independence and includes understanding how to and invest money. ‘A. spend B. save Cuwaste D. borrow Hida biét vé tii chinh la rét quan trong cho sw dc lip va bao gm viéc hiéu cach é&_va du nertién bac. A teu B tet kiém C.Bngphi D. vay mien Question 19: An independent individual often takes responsibility for their A. excuses B. actions C. subjects D. surroundings Mét ca nhan déc lap thrdmg chiu trach nhiém cho, cia minh A bién hd B. hank déag C. chit te D. méi trréng sung quanh Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The joumey to financial independence is a crucial aspect of adult life, encompassing the dual skills of earning and managing money effectively. Mastering these skills not only secures one's financial fature but also imparts a sense of confidence and autonomy Eaming money is the first step toward financial independence. This can be achieved through waditional employment, where individuals work for companies or organizations in exchange for a salary Entrepreneurship is another avenue, where individuals start their own businesses, turning their pa:sioas and ideas into profitable ventures. In the digital age. freelancing and online businesses offer flexible and diverse opportunities to generate income from virtually anywhere in the world. However, earning money is just part of the equation: managing it wisely is equally important. Effective money management begins with budgeting, a process that involves tracking income and expenses to ensure that spending does not exceed eamings. Saving is another cnucial component, involving setting aside a portion of one’s income for future needs, emergencies, or investments. Investing wisely in stocks, real estate, or other assets can further grow one’s wealth and provide financial security. Despite the myriad ways to carn money. the principles of financial management remain constant Understanding the value of money. the importance of living within one's means, and the power of compound interest can transform financial habits and lead to a more secure and prosperous life Question 20: What is the main focus of the passage? A. The importance of budgeting and savit C. The benefits of traditional employment over freelancing. D. Investment strategies for growing wealth. Néi dung chinh cia doan van la gi? A. Tam quan trong ciia viée lép ngan sach va tiét kiém, B. Cc cach kiém tién va quan Iyné mét cach hig qua. C. Lot ich cia vide lam truyén thong so véi lim aghé ne do. D. Cac chién luge dau te dé phat tién cua cai, Doan vin néi vé hanh trinh dén sw dc lap vé tai chinh, bao gém ca key nang kiém tién va quan If tién mat cach higu qua. Ca hai kY nang nay déa quan trong dé bao dam twong lai tai chiah va mang lai cam gifc tw tin va tu chi. Bini word phdl hinds cuits Unie toGn website Taitieuduuc vn Question 21: According to the passage, why is managing moncy as important as carning it? A. It ensures that one can travel and explore different cultures. B. It prevents spending more than what is eamed and promotes saving. C. It allows one to start a business with minimal investment. D. Iris the only way to become financially independent. Theo doan van, tai sao viée quan ly tién lai quan trong nb viée kiém tién? A. N6 dam bao rang mot ngwéi cé the di du lich va kham pha cac nén van ha khéc nhau. B_Né ngan chin viée chi tiéu mhiéu hon sé tién kiém duoc va thi day vide tiét Iiém. C.N6 cho phép mét nzwéi bat dan kinh doanh v6i ange dau ne t6i thiéu. D. Do la céch duy nat dé tro nén dc lap vé tai chinh, "Effective money management begins with budgeting, a process that involves tacking income and expenses to easure that spending does not exceed carnings.” Doan nay giai thich quan Ly tien hiéu qua bat dau tir vide ap ngan sich, dam bao khéng chi tiéu qué sé tién kidm duoc, Lim néi bat tim quan trong ctia vide quan Iy tien Question 22: Which of the following is NOT mentioned asa method of earning money? Working for a company B. Investing in real estate CC. Starting an online business D. Winning a lottery Phuong phip nao sau day KHONG duoc nhac dén nh mét cach kiém tién? A. Lim viée cho mét céng ty B. Dau tu vao bat dong saa. C. Bat dau mét doanh nghiép truc tuyén, D. Tring xd 36 Earning money is the first step toward financial independence. This can be achieved through traditional employment, where individuals a is another avenue, where individuals ventures In the digital age, freelancing and online businesses offer flexible and diverse opportunities to generate income from vistually anywhere in the world Investing wisely in stocks) real @stat@, or other assets can further grow one’s wealth and provide financial security Question 23: The phrase "living within one's means" most likely means A. investing in expensive assets B. spending more than one earns C. spending money only on necessities D. spending less than or equal to what one earns Cum tit" living within one's means " cé nghia la gi? A. Dau tu vao tai san dat tien B. Chi tiéu nhiéu hon sé tin kiém duoc _ C. Chi tiéu tién cho ning nbn cu thiét yu D. Chitiéu it hon hode bang s6 tién kiém doc Question 24: Whst role does investing play in achieving financial independence according to the passage? A. It is less important than eaming and saving B. It is not necessary if one has saved enough money C. It can further grow one's wealth and provide financial security. D. It should be avoided until one has substantial savings. Vai trd ctia vige dau te trong viée dat duoc st déc Lip tai chinh theo doan van li gi? A. No kém quan trong hon so vei viée kiém tien va nét em. B_ No khéng can thiét néu ngwoi ta da tiét kiém dit tién, C.N6 cé the gitip tang tradmg tai san va mang lai an ninh tai chin. . D. Né nén duoc tran cho dén khi ngwai ta c6 mit khoaa tiét kigm dang ké “Investing wisely in stocks, real estate, or other assets can further grow one's wealth and provide financial security." Doan nay cho thay viée déu tu théng minh vo cé phiéu, bat dng sin hoae cae tai san khac c6 thé gifip ting tmadng tii sn va mang lai an ninh ti chink, lim nOi bat vai trd cha vie Au tw trong vise dat diroe su déc lap vé tai chinh Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. In the age of information, self-study has emerged as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth With the vast array of (25 at our fingertips, from online courses to digital libraries, acquiring new knowledge has never been more accessible. (26) traditional classroom settings, self-study allows learners to tailor their educational journey to their own pace and preferences. This method not only enhances one's ability to learn indepeadeatly but also fosters a (27) for lifelong learning However, self-study requires a significant amount of self-discipline and motivation, as learners must set their own goals and deadlines The challenge of staying (28) withont external pressures can be daunting for some. Effective self-study strategies, such as setting clear objectives and utilizing a variety of Ieaming materials, can make the process more manageable and rewarding. Ultimately, the success of self study depends on the individual's commitment to their (29) and their ability to navigate the wealth of information available. Question 25: Mivesourees: B. obstacles C. schedules D. restrictions In the age of information, self-study has emerged as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth With the vast array of (25) at our fingertips Trong ky nguyén théng tin. tu hoc da tro thanh mét céng cu manh mé cho sy phat trién ca nhén va chuyéa nghiép. Véi v6 sé (25) ngay tai dau ngén tay cia ching ta A. nguén Ine B. tro ngai C. lich trinh D. han ché Question 26: A. Like B. Unlike C. Despite D. As 26) traditional classroom settings, self-study allows learners to tailor their educational joumey to their own pace and preferences. Khéng giéng nhw méi téng hoc tip truyén théng, tu hoc cho phép agudi hoc tiy chiah hinh trish gido duc thea tac 48 A Gidag nhu B. Khéng giéng C. Mac dit D. Nhu 486 thich cA nhan cita ho. Question 27: A. requirement B. pressure C. behaviour D. habit This method not oaly enhances one's ability to learn independently but also fosters a (27) for lifelong learning. Phuong phip nay khéng chi cai thién kha nang ty hoc cua ban than ma cén khuyén khich mét (27) cho viée hoc suét dé A yéeucau B. ap lve C. hank vi D thoi quen Question 28: Mfoeused B. informed Cu limited D. social This method not oaly enhances one's ability to learn independently but also fosters a (27) for lifelong learning. Phuong phip nay khéng chi cai thién kha nang ty hoc cua ban than ma cén khuyén khich mét (27) cho vige hoc sudt 43. A yéuciu B. ap luc C hank vi D. théi quen Question 29: A. educate B. education, C. educational D. educated Tinh tit s@hitu + danh tie Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 30: Leah and Sara are talking about moving to a new city for college. Leah: "I'ma bit nervous about living in a new city all by myself." Sara" It'sa big step, but it will help you grow in so many ways." A. You should reconsider B. Just stay close to home C. That's completely understandable D. It’s not as good as it sounds Leah va Sara dang noi vé viée chuyén déa mét thanh ph6 méi dé hoc dai hoc Leah: "Téi hoi lo ling vé riée séng mét minh 6 métthiah phé méi.” . Sara: “ Dé la mét buréc lén, nhung nd sé gitip ban phat trién theo nhieu cach.” A. Bannén xem xét lai B. Chi can é gin nha . C. Diéu do hoa toan dé hiéu D. Né khéag tét abu tan aghi Question 31: Chris and Jordaa are talking about managing finances for the first time. Chuis: "Do you think it's a good idea to start budgeting and saving as soon as we start earning” Jordan I's the first step towards financial independence.” That's unnecessary at our age B. Absolutely, I coulda’t agree more C. Td rather spend what Team D. Idon't understand Chris va Jordan dang adi vé vige quan Iy di chin Lin dau tien Chis: “Ban cé nghi rang bat dau lap agan sach va tiét kiém ngay khi ching ta bat dau kiém tidn 1A mét ¥ tuéng tit khéng?” Jordan: * D6 la buéc dau tién hwdng t6i st ddc lap tai chink.” A. O tdi ching ta, diéu a6 khong can thiet B. Chae chan 10i, t6i rit dong y C. Téi thich tiéu hét 56 tida t8i kiém D. Téi khéag biéu Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 32: Leaming to navigate public transportation systems can be a significant step towards achieving autonomy in a new city AL independence B. dependence C. confusion D. familiarity Hoc cach sit dung hé théng giao théng céng céng c6 thé 1a mét bixée quan trong hwéng ti viée dat doe se tu chi & mét thanh pho méi. A. sr dic lip B. sw phu thude C. swabam lin D. si quen thude Question 33: As young adults transition to living on their own, they often encount personal finances for the first time Pence t 4 B.own C.solve D. prefer Khi nhing ngudi tré tudi chuyén sang séag déc lap. ho thudng gap phai viéc quan ly tii chinh cA nha ctia minh lén dau tién. A trai qua B.sohin C. giai quyét D. wa thich managing their Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 34: Saving money srom a part-time job teaches valuable lessons about financial responsibility A. spending B. earning C. managing Dz learning Tiét kigm tién ni mét céng viée lam thém gitp day bai hoc qui gid vé teach nhiém tai chink. A chi tiéu B. kiém duoc C. quan ly D. hoc héi Question 35 growth ‘A. stimulate B. inspire CUBS. encouraze Finding activities that motivate you significantly to learn new skills and pursue personal Tim kiém nbimg hoat déng ma tao déng luc cho ban hoc ky nang méi va theo dui su phét trién cé nhén. A. kich thich B. tuyén cam hing. C. fam nan long D. khuyén khich B. PHAN TU LUAN: Complete the answers to these questions using clefi sentences focusing on the word or phrases in brackets. Question 1: Did you learn to play the piano as a child? (as an adult) Question 2: Was the award won by the science department? (by the mathematics department) Question 3: Did the storm cause the power outage last night? (this moming) Question 4: Were you impressed by the movie's special effects? (by the storyline) Question 5: Did she buy the dress for her birthday party? (for her graduation) Rewrite the sentences using cleft sentences focusing on the underlined parts. Question Alice received a scholarship because of her outstanding essay. Question 7: The science club won the competition with their innovative project. — It was with their innovative project that the science club won the competition. Question 8: Mark gets his love for literature from his grandfather — Itis from his grandfather that Mark gets his love for literature. Question 9: The community garden was started by 2 group of enthusiastic neighbors — It was the community garden that was started by a group of enthusiastic neighbors. Question 10: She can solve complex math problems in her head very quickly. THE END.

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