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DRILL Writing and Language Practice Test 5 4 L ‘Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. Prehistoric Printing Paeontoloiss are using moder technology gxin a greater understanding ofthe stant past. With thea ‘of computed tomography (CT) seaning and 3-D ‘rating researchers are ableto crete secure mods of rehisionc fos. I These model have expanded researcher knowledge of ancient specie and swear to advance the feld of paleontology in the years to come. (CT scanners se X-rays to map the surface ofa fossil fn minute deta, recording at many ss one milion data points to crestea digital blueprint. A3-D printer then brulds polymer model based on this blueprint much s regular computer printer reproduces digital documents on paper [EB Whereas the head ofan ordinary computer brinter moves back and forth while printing ink onto paper, the corresponding pat of 3D printer moves in tulip dimensions while sqiing out thin yer of red palbmer past, The lati ardes quickly EB aos the printer to build the ayers ofthe final ‘model. Compared wth older way of modeling ols scanning and pining inthis ways extemey versa [1] One siguiicant bene of printing techaoogy sit ability to creat see reproductions of fos [2] But now -D scale model canbe rearranged with ease, which sa huge bon to sles. [3] A tara led by Drexel Univers profesor Kenneth Lacovaa i shin model of dinosaur bones one-tenth the bones ciginalsines inorder to earn how they together when the animals were alive. 4} the past uch research was limited by the weight and bulk of toss) 45 wel as Bs preciousness nd agi (5) In many cases, scents had to rearrange Bone italy, sing antag renderings. Page 1 of 8 Io CONTINOPTY ? MLONTERT ste rer hemes ap Fouls provide paleontologists witha convenient /Z22~ srayof xing tage te oc nc Theor ound Should he water make his dion ere? |A) Yes, because it supports the paragraphs srgument with an important deta, B) Yes, because it provides a logical trastion from the preceding sentence. (G) No, because it isnot drecty related tothe main point ofthe paragraph 1D) No, because it undermines the main claim of the paregraph, EE YEAD WW CONTEXT 1A) NOCHANGE 72 *74T= TRUTH 3B) subsctbe To ore APRBOV AT ©) wow SAceeD REEPOVEBIC ITY Crome 450042 Te 2e somemunc ECON TINNTY /VEONTEXT ‘The writers considering deleting the underlined sentence, Should the sentence be kp or deleted? A) Kept beauseithelps explain why X-rays are sed in CT scanners. 3B)) Kep, because it provides detals to illustrate how 30D printer works Dylete, because it contradicts the passage's Information sbost eprint AP) Deleted, because it creates confusion about how searchers guher da EE Seekew comn4 BOCES A) NOGHANGE Beowen poe A Seocew i) cael tel ee Bhs es Coon (Ewe 2 £ con®! wi 1091 Sin 2. 5 5 CEN Ste D) tha Boe CP ERUZSEHST oar ta.1s 62. Caney inorder for learning AF 50 that oneislearning A) sorolearn TE Peowvcen JaviecedaT A) NOCHANGE B) its their D) there [HTC AL EOT ET ‘To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 2 thould be pled — A) where te now. BY before sentence ster estence 4 afer sentence 5 "yeh ye DRILL Writing and Language Practice Test 5 Because CT scanners can map objects that are Impossible to excavate, CT scanning and 3-D printing canals be sed to reproduce oss that scientists J, cannot observe fir from the National Museum of Breil Raz eled oo this technique to study a feasized skin that was Aiscovered ig from a rockat an old Sto Paulo railroad site, II} The fos was oo delat tobe removed from the ook. Because ofthe fos’ eiate ature, the eam dagup a lock of tone around he os end bought ito telah, With the ald of «CT scanner anda 3D printer, they were able to produce a resin modelo the fos he model the. etermined that ET on hed found anew species « 75-milion-year-old raced. While no every covery wil bea dramatic as this one paleontologists anticipate further expanding their nowlege of ancient Me forms 5 CT seanning nd 3-D printing continue to make fos more accesible. contrast eters 20 Eh Faws:70w woeos, -AY NO CHANGE | BY Nonetheless, ei es Bede AF Forexample, wetD VERB TERSE A) NOCHANGE gue B)) relied (eed, OF willrely BD) isreying — Lieve Nn ane Rent We ‘Which choice most effectively combines the und Page 2 of 8 THE te ALE eee aera, ano, Fre Tian 1T 712) PMY TH These Teel “Shel 6 Tees 4 “oureest ? Fes, ene TERE eerTeties , Gawacwer | eB THAT WERE > ete ne; UT AV The fossil could not be removed from the rock “Yy,aorwe ‘ 4 a scourge delicate; moreover the “ope e™/0ORe NE: ‘eam dug up a Block of stone around it and ‘brought it to their lab, PI The team thought the fossil was too delicate to remove from the rock, and their next decision as to dig up a block of sone around the fossil and bring it to their ab. (©) The fossil vas too a block of hero g theta sandieat iio tela 2 In removing the foal from the rock, the eam twas oo delat: then they dug up a block of stone arbind the foal and brought ito theirab, tobe removed from BD Peencon /ANTECED OST -*) NO CHANGE BE beorshe they reces Gest hee 70 CesT Come ine THEM ‘Questions 1222 are baredon thefolowing passage. Se DRILL Writing and Language Practice Test 5 Page 3 of 8 | BA 7RaNS TION 1 NocuNG 4956028 see Re Fon NOTES “Thomas Ns the Craig Carton “Sup hen peed hat ce apt olin Wil “Don” Tet once ed hte wore wen dering ota ta be Thora, smart whoa became aout for con tat aed foerdorm eo option FE sae, Tweed sempto ens thai fied and Neston pobtaelamapne ie Harpers Wy cy ye yee bing Bos Ted and coies, ‘phase Wil Thee peal nial ioc 1860 andthe 18s. The onanizatons ware known Spl mudine” eer whogcontlofsty soe Thee politcal mctner were abe tock egies nd court th and picked pot by urcaig Et fom of cet fan neog tbe excang mney or ves for ot. Once otal mchae bad cond of enoxgh ingot oso tember werent pb fd cet heme te fds Bo Teds Tasany al gop, whch cones New York {HBS City in the 1860s—scole more than $30 milion, ‘he eae of are than 865 mon oy iS Tweet bad tea dee oa ig wo erie ia ‘Cogret i 1852. Taran Hal wat 0 power and Wid ssrottht he Now York Time, commented “Thee ise moh. nthe iy whch s ‘yond the rach of the naa gang” (Given the ees of Tweed s power, ematabe ‘Pata ng canoois cold ave layed sah significant roe in ringing bouts wlll Nas’ xno depicted Ted a peat bigoted tie One the att on EE frou image showed Tent with tag of money a plac ois Had, Anoter etre Tween ost blot bo withthe ‘apt Alongs coun. she ot bat you gig ‘2 dhabouti-Theecanoons were ete in part because many ofthe ites who supported Tweed mee ested thas cold nt ed the newpaper scouts fis criminal actvites Nas? cacons hough widely exposed th publ tothe injuseofTwet pla rach, 3) Thenfore, Cane ©) Fanhernoce, We Cony we ATION PETE the nderned portion, | rconcrmmerepemmnican Tt ‘Which hice sont feces he F ndsined sentence? see QNi0 NOTES 1 Powe pole orguitin i the 18 and ‘tice ng conf Se pp BOOS, eae AE el 1) Koo apo machines” nthe 86nd aes wetrte Se mel aeicnae Soe OES CAST eran ©) Gay goverment meron conten he arr COES oN A ‘i si Dr Sacrece ne Ser ie Pree: echoes ae red BS ce A Ae omping Bow exe Be we ” a Gt wt @aewen ames PAE |] Go meaaien wecaay HR CONIA ROLE VNHEL | BY CONTI NOITY 3 1M CONTEXT J aroun 50 1 mmc ncsisnn tg mins Fonicee ‘oc Sl bese et rc? Po ayia te aso, 441 DDEE T) Ciy.inshe 18605, OF 1) Kepbecause it intoduces the quate from iin Fj Ait Yok Tein en ence 3 ) Cryinwenam PENTOSE oe See seas aval deal abot Td | SRA THEIALNULABEEDS, ‘2-0 peer EB The en netrteetreey mtn, be | )NO CHANGE ee VOTES Foe demetelcieeteneeneiae | a 278 to many with ite epenee Within week, the projet | | C}-tmetiec, ee Brians eas 61 percent fund a conta on the se page smatrskiaperormancevenocsatemptngiorsie | EMM ANTR AES SIIN ER. NEO AT mone fr cunt san. The venue tare work of 2) NOCHANGE END OF FETE ican anihoncndinaortonvndon. ||) Wak ety anterodand epee “Those who have sen the ace conser Wis © Work eaty nde and appt i once top may note eg nag why {bier eee "D) Worth eu andesiod and ‘ut Soarteen days top in the fund-eistng period the { T°" sppretiied—ie supported, wo cain oper fade ‘Arisssuches dee Bokim peoonesfndthar | | EI CREWREPALOUT YL ANCOIT EX ‘romdfunding exacerbates problems ht already exist. ‘ech poo hn cr oerng og ie, PL meres (ied a ey ended nd reins “Coming nde stint cottiniam SEE nono, idee compler wk pe eet. ‘eaten a row wor et PilTinetntcnddbewedcresinganispentdeiing | Souder mae hs dd beet re parce | ‘Yacecae res mee formation ht the ever pers to dew the tention of potential os. eee oe soba Ei nein mince macnn A 3 ease strc he we po oak soy “ee Een” hy itt ak contbonn ‘efi ate procs ———————e © Nesbecme fot azn pot i fending eed om publ ane | @ssrcsetrbeetepngs ny ee ome )NO CHANGE eee VOTES Foe ar overt, ete Ter Howes, 1D) Thuy, we Cae ferret Bl comms Rece : pewes NEO [A prcouss BEE ar ewe oF S ‘iéery" not making PE omnes it ones DRILL Writing and Language Practice Test 5 ron, thence of cromiunding may weaken vel funding forthe rif people eg to fel at paying fo that loved bythe someone e's sesponty. (1) One inovative layright has woven the eicacis of essen no bar crowunding model {21 Though the pice ore tikes was higher thas that of ket for comparbl shows twa el alodsbeto sow thetrppery—and reflected tee om fhe pfomnance [3] She prose the ttl cs for producing her lyon crowding ste. 4} Then she vied he ol cosy the umber of people se pected to aed he performance (5) The esl of he elton wa he simu donot prc, and ony donors a pdt et the ini hh ple were sowed tend the performance 6] By xbverting the presumption that mone sed fo he rojeie a sles danation te playwnight cowed ht EE od vorkchas monty valet those who enoy EBL Page 6 of 8 Eh PRevoun “awrecenac A NOGHNGE Panera VoTeE er loved ima, D) beoesheloves “APNO CHANGE 4 ‘te S a 3) The project exer wh he highest avenge edge amount hemo ccey a ala © eeprom cegar th belo ere | el own eateries apy tt Biethcamtmiegy NOPE 1) Theproes ey ih ehh ge | T ptcamenm vara tape poh hhemost mone aie ope) DRILL Writing and Language Practice Test 5 4 L Page 7 of 8 ‘Questions 34-44 are based on the following passage. [ER CONTI MONTY AC EONTEX T Fert shih logcandcbnione oe / Investig Journal An Eoin Armen memset “peo Leeepd | Tradition | A. aor Foced whereitisnow. oF PX [u) Te een precipitous deine of pint joule } ced belo sence sale protenion bs cca! long hel concras cede see , about the state of investigative reporting in the United era ‘Stes: [2] Fag lower oie eatin and diminished Bi AfesiromHte Bus , stversing revenue may major newpaper bare * oa NOCHANGE wa APBSTROR CE vc oc inated vestige res [a] Nensppes the adondl string rund Sor j onan Rowe comers RUE { investigative Journalism, have been it especlly hard by P) mponets wo apesTmorite ! ‘the wideprend saleby offre ne one To serine vege jour mux contine to adapt MER uae TPATLS tothe dil ose ayers ‘ict dita © ndetad why OE Ovens scathtrapped,undertied pubcason might fel |! 5) Takings fom ramet cates ofiveigve : (Bi ceporers— thie work s expensive and ae = necnnig EViaondericiams, |, 0 NOGANGE wer mero EO investigative involves original, often = = * ae trl nec 1} giceapemies patreress eSaata vind Jong farm reporting on ech pis a Eile | | (oper te mdetned ocin. cites, suet rime, corporate wroagdoing, ed lil eoerpson. An investive story tvs one ‘rime experienced journalists dedicating thei fill ‘energy andthe rssarees ofthe pubberto ec fora prong period oft. Expensive lea es oy ‘xs The sls of this work hough cant, have eige Cap dee foe osveahe is esas ;[Scamcmntemnnyantco' TEX 7 Wasp Ps pene Bob Wonbnat wd Cat oe ‘erat gone conduct in te Water eeaet esis 10 9. Edward Maw ad Fred Fly Sateen reeneeemcaees ‘roced pose ofthe CBS tein show Fouee eet ‘ion in 174 Mone eat Sermour enh port Set Now harconttedt thea of p tra Mensa i US sera joseph McCarthy ator ee forthe New Yerkeria 204 hbped pb the Sascha” perce CHRO: risretmen of tal pesener by US pean at Should he wee ake is btn eet ‘Ab Gea rng the ag Wa ET os uote PT ech cla tat he pss ‘la oes on avesiatns eis exposure ram porta teed 438 emanate Import Ebesadess casingcfemince, | AF Ja bce oie an tnporon coaneoint "othe eber aes prevouly elbed inthe | ez orceeemecste cee cn an ome 1) No, becuse st ronda ease hat esa ath eee ‘pstmt, BA V0CAe x ComTeT Ay NocuANGE AF igure gor ondemnaton of DRILL Writing and Language Practice Test 5 Page 8 of 8 ‘Whe worm th din ef rion pit edi [oad wot xa he eo ofteiptie ours EI Although many newooms hve rede th tl sore "goes Nop EE enterprises ach athe rgunue Come and Goran Reporting Project ne Seguro hyo cet by salou ot remap and mplas Erin tne epee neny “ania y nonrs aleeenrweoi edi Indigo and Tater fosters pee corventn sou st The He Me ort oe Efrem ated ders sbi {4 keen atl ong soo tne er foe singh ed ol vie paral, saxon among eras and eriuy cess “has been facilitated by the advent of the digital age thst anoint ube oont ‘ovation, Cen Ta mente s1Al Con er ox fit ext lis "Ware gosiy | see A ROGUNG Too A aBE line Vere foo poe Le nan T02 Poet ihersageeestaeaees peed cokes moss ec oso te ees Se pr Sy 9 gtaramtn intel é ©) Aezortingo the Few Reseach Cater, more People attrac roca eee ed rca! yas ve wie nnovaine sdisentsto canging nes | VEDMBOLLAS. .- {Groce INO CHANGE etepriessiches even coven werTH SucH AS (©) eserpries suchas D) enenricguchas wor sv ToS eace . ConriweTy xis 75 - CO CHANCE eae a in Me canst famniy/O7E™ OF inane, | MS Pence MODIFY A) NOCHANGE NSPE % » Seachcaamalionsaess! PE / “aluar 1s i ‘ing othe asaton of cooperation soe, poser, [meen mai enere dou Yor maps a 6) hearent ate Ty pao reais ies ee Spemttonyounienoimey SG per ENO OT oe nore! WIVESTIOATION 24 > hlatatagcpeistisowmany © OES nr sen. © ce erro J Srintcted matdpenaat Sepa

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