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Final Exam


Reading and Writing



The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing
skills. Each question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or
graph. Read each passage and question carefully, and then choose the best
answer to the question based on the passage(s).

All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices. Each
question has a single best answer.

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1 1
The prosecutor termed the defendants' 1

actions ________ because there was no Which choice completes the text with the
justification for their intentional disregard for most logical and precise word or phrase?
the law.
A) indefatigable
B) indefensible
C) comprehensive
D) corrective

Predictably, detail-oriented workers are 2

________ keeping track of the myriad
Which choice completes the text with the
particulars of a situation.
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) humorous about
B) contemptuous of
C) adept at
D) hesitant about

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1 1
Ancient cloth makers probably could not 3

twist flax fibers until they had dipped the Which choice completes the text with the
fibers into water to make them ________. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) solvent
B) immutable
C) supple
D) invisible

I hold that this policy is our chief danger at 4

the present moment; that it practically enslaves
Which choice completes the text with the
the Negro, and makes the Emancipation most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line Proclamation of 1863 a mockery and delusion.
5 What is freedom? It is the right to choose one’s A) effectively
own employment. Certainly it means that, if it B) reasonably
means anything; and when any individual or
C) cleverly
combination of individuals undertakes to
decide for any man when he shall work, where D) partially
10 he shall work, at what he shall work, and for
what he shall work, he or they ______ reduce
him to slavery. He is a slave. It is absolute
slavery. It defeats the beneficent intention of
the Government, if it has beneficent intentions,
15 in regards to the freedom of our people.

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1 1
When Dr. Mae C. Jemison blasted into 5

orbit aboard the space shuttle Endeavour on Which choice best states the main purpose of
September 12, 1992, she also blasted into the text?
Line history as the first woman of color to go into
5 space. A chemical engineer, scientist, A) To explain how Jemison fosters interest in
physician, teacher, and astronaut, Jemison has science.
been undaunted by a lack of role models or by B) To discuss how Jemison rose to fame.
roadblocks to women and minority people. “I C) To provide a sketch of Jemison and her
had to learn very early not to limit myself due goals.
10 to others’ limited imagination,” says Dr.
D) To describe Jemison’s introduction to
Jemison. An advocate for science and
technology, Jemison maintains, “we need to
change the image of who does science. That’s
important not only for folks who want to go
15 into science, but for the folks who fund

If a supernova (the explosion of a massive 6

star) triggered star formation from dense
Which choice best states the main purpose of
clouds of gas and dust, and if the most massive
the text?
Line star to be formed from the cloud evolved into a
5 supernova and triggered a new round of star A) To describe what results when a
formation, and so on, then a chain of star- supernova triggers the creation of chains
forming regions would result. If many such of star-forming regions.
chains were created in a differentially rotating B) To compare and contrast the roles of
galaxy, the distribution of stars would clouds of gas and dust in two theories of
10 resemble the observed distribution in a spiral spiral-galaxy structure.
C) To describe a new theory of spiral-galaxy
This line of reasoning underlies an exciting
structure and contrast it with the most
new theory of spiral-galaxy structure. A
widely accepted theory.
computer simulation based on this theory has
15 reproduced the appearance of many spiral D) To describe a new theory of spiral-galaxy
galaxies without assuming an underlying structure and discuss a reason why it is
density wave, the hallmark of the most widely inferior to the most widely accepted
accepted theory of the large-scale structure of theory.
spiral galaxies. That theory maintains that a
20 density wave of spiral form sweeps through the
central plane of a galaxy, compressing clouds
of gas and dust, which collapse into stars that
form a spiral pattern.

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1 1
The massive influx of women cyclists— 7

making up at least a third of the total market— Which choice best describes the function of
was perhaps the most striking and profound the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line social consequence of the mid-1890s cycling
5 boom. Although the new, improved bicycle A) To correct a common misconception
had appealed immediately to a few privileged regarding the use of the bicycle in the
women, its impact would have been modest mid-1890s.
had it not attracted a greater cross section of B) To elaborate on a claim made in the
the female population. It soon became previous sentence regarding a social
10 apparent that many of these pioneer women consequence of the cycling boom.
bicyclists had not taken up the sport as an idle C) To provide a context in which to
pastime. Rather, they saw cycling as a noble understand the increased popularity of
cause to be promoted among all women as a bicycle riding among privileged women.
means to improve the general female
D) To explain why cycling attracted such a
15 condition. Not only would cycling encourage
significant cross section of women.
healthy outdoor exercise, they reasoned, it
would also hasten long-overdue dress reform.
To feminists, the bicycle affirmed nothing less
than the dignity and equality of women.

Friction is a ubiquitous feature of everyday 8

life. To move a solid object from rest on top of According to the text, what is the current
a solid surface, a minimum force has to be state of scientists’ understanding of friction?
Line applied to overcome the force of friction. This
5 force is proportional to the compressive force A) Friction’s strength can be calculated by
pushing the two surfaces together, in this case computer programs based on the
the weight of the object. Intriguingly, this standard theory of friction.
minimum force is independent of the area of B) Friction between rough surfaces is better
contact between the body and the surface. So understood than friction between smooth
10 the friction force on a rectangular solid resting surfaces.
on a table is the same whichever face is in C) Friction between clean surfaces is better
contact with the surface. These laws have been understood than friction between dirty
known since the mid 1700s. It is one of the surfaces.
dirty little secrets of physics that while we D) Friction’s properties are familiar, but its
15 physicists can tell you a lot about quarks, explanation remains elusive.
quasars and other exotica, there is still no
universally accepted explanation of the basic
laws of friction.

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1 1
“Mabel Osborne” is a 1915 poem by Edgar 9

Lee Masters. In the poem, the narrator Which quotation from “Mabel Osborne”
expresses her sorrow at being ignored by other most effectively illustrates the claim?
people, writing ______
A) “But you do not ask for water. / You
cannot speak!”
B) “Everyone knows that you are dying of
thirst, / Yet they do not bring water!”
C) “And I, who had happiness to share, /
And longed to share your happiness;”
D) “I who loved you, Spoon River, / And
craved your love,”

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1 1
Text 1 10

Text 1 and Text 2 both support which of the
What accounts for the inexorable advance of following generalizations about buyers of
the giant sports utility vehicle (SUV) into our SUVs?
lives? Why do we want high-clearance trucks
Line with four-wheel drive and front bumpers as big A) They intend to drive them on rough
5 as battering rams? A large part of the answer terrain.
lies in the fake Western names so many of B) They wish to live in mountainous
them carry. No one much cares about what regions.
those names denote (lakes, frontier towns, C) They are influenced by marketing
mountain ranges); what matters is their strategies.
10 connotations of rugged individualism, mastery
over the wilderness, cowboy endurance. The D) They are insecure about their social
names simply magnify the appeal of these status.
vehicles that are the Frankensteinian
concoctions of our private anxieties and
15 desires.

Text 2

When a major manufacturer launched an

SUV named for an Alaskan mountain, an auto-
trade publication discussed the subtleties of its
name. It proposed that even though most
20 buyers will never venture into territory any less
trampled than the parking lot of the local
shopping mall, the important goal of the
marketing hype is to plant the image in
customers’ minds that they can conquer
25 rugged terrain. Perhaps we’re trying to tame a
different kind of wilderness. Indeed, in an age
when many who can afford to do so live in
limited-access communities in houses guarded
by sophisticated surveillance systems, the SUV
30 is the perfect transportation shelter to protect
us from fears both real and imagined.

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1 1

Which choice best describes data from the
graph that support the researchers’

A) The average numbers of managers and

department leaders reporting directly to
their CEO didn’t fluctuate from the
1991–1995 period to the 2001–2008
B) The average number of managers
reporting directly to their CEO was
highest in the 1996–2001 period.
C) The average number of department
leaders reporting directly to their CEO
was greater than the average number of
managers reporting directly to their CEO
in each of the three periods studied.
D) The average number of department
leaders reporting directly to their CEO
rose over the three periods studied.

Considering a large sample of companies,

economics experts Maria Guadalupe, Julie
Wulf, and Raghuram Rajan assessed the
number of managers and leaders from different
departments who reported directly to a chief
executive officer (CEO). According to the
researchers, the findings suggest that across the
years analyzed, there was a growing interest
among CEOs in connecting with more
departments in their companies.

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1 1

Electric companies that use wind turbines 12


rely on weather forecasts to predict the Which choice most effectively uses data from
maximum amount of power, in the graph to complete the example?
Line megawatthours (MWh), they can generate
5 using wind so that they can determine how A) so weak that the electricity from wind
much they’ll need to generate from other turbines was about 175 thousand MWh
sources. When winds are stronger than they less than predicted.
were forecast to be, however, the predicted B) strong enough to generate about 150
maximum amount of electricity wind turbines thousand more MWh of electricity from
10 could generate will be too low. For example, wind turbines.
the graph shows that for the West region, the C) so weak that the electricity from wind
winds were ________ turbines was about 150 thousand MWh
less than predicted.
D) strong enough to generate about 175
thousand more MWh of electricity from
wind turbines.

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1 1
Roasted green chiles are a popular ingredient 13

in Southwestern cuisine, but the traditional Which finding, if true, would most directly
roasting method of burning propane is not support Armijo’s hypothesis?
Line environmentally friendly. To see if solar power
5 could provide a better alternative, engineer A) Attempts to roast green chiles using 50
Kenneth Armijo and his team roasted batches heliostats yields results in fewer than six
of green chiles using between 38 and 42 minutes.
heliostats, which are devices that concentrate
B) The temperature inside the roasting drum
sunlight. The team was successful in reaching
is distributed more evenly when roasting
10 the same roasting temperature used in
green chiles with solar power than with
traditional propane roasting, but they found
that propane yielded faster results. While the propane.
fastest solar-roasted green chiles took six C) Green chile connoisseurs prefer the flavor
minutes, batches using propane took only four. of solar-roasted green chiles over the
15 Armijo hypothesizes that they can reduce the flavor of propane-roasted green chiles.
roasting time for solar-roasted green chiles by D) The skins of solar-roasted green chiles are
using more heliostats. easier to peel than the skins of propane-
roasted green chiles.

Public education suffers from what can be 14

diagnosed as the sickness of an overgoverned Which of the following, if true, would weaken
society. This sickness denies many parents the claim that there is continuing erosion of
Line control over the kind of education their parents’ control over their children’s
5 children receive. The power once held by
parents has gravitated to professional
educators. The sickness has been aggravated by A) As a result of community pressure,
increasing centralization and bureaucratization growing numbers of school administrators
of schools. follow recommendations made by parents.
B) The number of professional educators has
risen sharply over the last decade even
though the number of students has
C) Parents’ organizations that lobby for
changes in school curriculums are
generally ineffectual.
D) More members of school boards are
appointed by school administrators than
are elected by the public.

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1 1
Microbes that live in shallow lakes and ponds 15

produce methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. Which choice most logically completes the text?
Ecologist Ralf Aben and his team wanted to see
Line how different types of shallow-water plants A) shallow lakes and ponds release more
5 might affect the amount of methane that methane than deeper bodies of water
escapes into the atmosphere. Aben’s team set up because shallow bodies of water usually
some water tanks with soil and microbes from have more plants than deep bodies of water
local ponds. Some tanks had a type of do.
underwater plant that grows in the soil called B) the presence of some kinds of underwater
10 watermilfoil. Other tanks had either duckweed, plants like watermilfoil helps prevent
a type of plant that floats on the water’s surface, methane from escaping shallow lakes and
or algae. Aben and his team found that tanks
with duckweed and algae released higher levels
of methane than tanks with watermilfoil did. C) shallow lakes and ponds are more likely to
15 This finding suggests that ________ contain algae than to contain either
watermilfoil or duckweed.
D) having a mix of algae, underwater plants,
and floating plants is the best way to reduce
the amount of methane in shallow lakes
and ponds.

Under the Antiquities Act of 1906, the 16

Organic Act of 1916, and other federal laws, the Which choice completes the text so that it
US government has the power to take custody conforms to the conventions of Standard
of land ______ historical significance or great English?
natural beauty.
A) when having
B) for its having
C) that has
D) for it has

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1 1
Where protection does have a major 17

economic impact is in local ______ to Which choice completes the text so that it
protected lands need food, fuel, and lodging, conforms to the conventions of Standard
and businesses that cater to these needs
provide job opportunities in the surrounding
communities. A) communities visitors
B) communities; while visitors
C) communities, visitors
D) communities. Visitors

Examination of fulgurites around buried 18

power systems ______ scientists determine the Which choice completes the text so that it
most effective shielding materials for power conforms to the conventions of Standard
lines. Florida averages about twenty-five to English?
forty lightning strikes per square mile each
year, so the scientists hope their work can help A) help
mitigate the damage caused by so many strikes. B) have helped
C) are helping
D) is helping

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1 1
A study examined differences between 19

gentoo penguins at a tourist site and those at a Which choice completes the text so that it
rarely visited area. The penguins at the tourist conforms to the conventions of Standard
site showed higher levels of contaminants in
their ______ the presence of pollution as well
as decreased immune functioning. A) blood, indicating
B) blood, this indicates
C) blood: indicating
D) blood, thus is indicated

In 1904 the Olympic Marathon competition, 20

held during the Saint Louis World’s Fair, had Which choice completes the text so that it
an astonishing outcome. The 26.2-mile race conforms to the conventions of Standard
had not one but three winners: the first winner, English?
the true winner, and the man who should have
won. Held on an August afternoon with A) the course was beyond strange.
temperatures well into the 90s, ______ B) the racers ran on a course that was
beyond strange.
C) the race took place on a course that was
beyond strange.
D) it was a course that was strange beyond

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1 1
If it is improperly introduced into the 21

environment, acid-whey runoff can pollute Which choice completes the text so that it
waterways, depleting the oxygen content of conforms to the conventions of Standard
streams and rivers as it decomposes. Yogurt
manufacturers, food ______ government
officials are also working together to develop A) scientists; and
additional solutions for reusing whey.
B) scientists: and
C) scientists, and
D) scientists, and,

Nutritionists consider Greek yogurt to be a 22

healthy food: it is an excellent source of Which choice completes the text so that it
calcium and protein, serves to be a digestive conforms to the conventions of Standard
aid, and ______ few calories in its English?
unsweetened low- and non-fat forms. Greek
yogurt is slightly lower in sugar and A) it contains
carbohydrates than conventional yogurt is. B) containing
C) contains
D) will contain

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1 1
Long viewed by many as the stereotypical 23

useless major, philosophy is now being seen Which choice completes the text with the
by many students and prospective employers most logical transition?
as in fact a very useful and practical major,
offering students a host of transferable skills A) In broad terms,
with relevance to the modern workplace.
B) For example,
______ philosophy is the study of meaning
and the values underlying thought and C) In contrast,
behavior. But more pragmatically, the D) Nevertheless,
discipline encourages students to analyze
complex material, question conventional
beliefs, and express thoughts in a concise

Philosophy offers consistently useful tools 24

for academic and professional achievement.
However, despite its many utilitarian benefits, Which choice completes the text with the
colleges have not always supported the study most logical transition?
of philosophy. 1994 survey concluded that A) Therefore,
only 18 percent of American colleges required
at least one philosophy course. ______ B) Accordingly,
between 1992 and 1996, more than 400 C) Moreover,
independent philosophy departments were D) However,
eliminated from institutions.

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1 1
In recent years, public libraries in the United 25

States have experienced reductions in their Which choice completes the text with the
operating funds due to cuts imposed at the
most logical transition?
federal, state, and local government levels.
______ library staffing has been cut by almost A) However,
four percent, and the demand for librarians
B) Consequently,
continues to decrease, even though half of
public libraries report that they have an C) Nevertheless,
insufficient number of staff to meet their D) Previously,
patrons’ needs.

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26 27

While researching a topic, a student has taken While researching a topic, a student has taken
the following notes: the following notes:
• The Heliocentric Model has the Earth and • Miles Davis was a famous jazz musician who
other planets revolving around the sun. was born in 1926 in Illinois and died in 1991
• Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was a in California.
proponent of the Heliocentric Model. • Davis studied for a time at the Julliard School,
• The Geocentric Model has the sun and other a music conservatory in New York City.
planetary bodies revolving around the Earth. • Davis is best known for his trumpet playing.
• Ancient Greek philosopher Ptolemy was a • Louis Armstrong was also a famous jazz
proponent of the Geocentric Model. musician, who was born in 1901 in Louisiana
• The Heliocentric Model eventually became and died in 1971 in New York.
dominant after Copernicus demonstrated that • Armstrong learned much of his musical skill,
it better utilized mathematics to explain including reading music, by playing on
astronomical observations. riverboats.

The student wants to emphasize a similarity • Armstrong is well known for both trumpet
between the Heliocentric and Geocentric playing and vocal skill.
theories. Which choice most effectively uses
The student wants to emphasize a difference
relevant information from the notes to
between the two musicians. Which choice most
accomplish this goal?
effectively uses relevant information from the
notes to accomplish this goal?
A) The Heliocentric and Geocentric models are
both widely accepted by scientists today. A) Davis and Armstrong both were excellent
B) Both the Heliocentric and Geocentric trumpet players.
models incorporate rotational movement. B) Davis and Armstrong were both born in the
C) The Geocentric and Heliocentric models United States.
were both widely known by the citizens of C) Armstrong’s education was less formal than
ancient Greece. Davis’s.
D) Aristotle and Copernicus were both D) Davis was born several years earlier than
eminent scientists who lived in ancient Armstrong.

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Reading and Writing



The questions in this section address a number of important reading and

writing skills. Each question includes one or more passages, which may include a
table or graph. Read each passage and question carefully, and then choose the
best answer to the question based on the passage(s).

All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices. Each
question has a single best answer.

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1 1
Dance choreographer Jawole Willa Jo 1

Zollar aims to give people the opportunity to Which choice completes the text with the
be ______ her creative process. For example, most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line live performances of her dance Hair Stories,
5 which debuted in 2001, featured videos of A) involved in
people across the United States talking about B) nervous about
their hair and audience members sharing
C) completed by
pictures of their interesting hairstyles.
D) delayed by

When you encounter real characters, even 2

if you have never met them, they will integrate
Which choice completes the text with the
into a wide, comprehensive and intricately
most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line connected structure in the conceptual storage
5 of your mind. You are familiar with their basic A) inconsistent
behavioural features as human beings. You
B) foreign
know more or less how they think, what kind
of opinions they may produce. By contrast, C) extraterrestrial
your mind is not equally familiar with D) complex
10 fictional characters. No matter how much we
know about the world of a fictional character
there will still be something ______ and
inscrutable to us about that world. You may
have read all the books about a fictional
15 character, but the amount of information you
have gathered about that character is still
definitely limited.

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1 1
A musician and member of the Quechua of 3

Peru, Renata Flores Rivera was eager to Which choice completes the text with the
promote the Quechua language in her music, most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line but she was ______ speaking it. She met this
5 challenge by asking her grandmother, a native A) inexperienced with
speaker of Quechua, to help her pronounce B) prepared for
words in her song lyrics and also by taking C) skilled in
classes in the language.
D) excited about

Unable to decide between a career in 4

biology and one in philosophy, Gwen Which choice completes the text with the
________ her two interests and became a most logical and precise word or phrase?
medical ethicist.
A) defined
B) abandoned
C) conveyed
D) merged

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1 1
Voters need to understand the prosaic 5

details of complex policies. Most have staked Which choice completes the text with the
out positions on these issues, but they are not most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line often reasoned positions, which take hard
5 intellectual work. Most citizens opt instead for A) misconception
simplistic explanations, assuming wrongly B) dream
that they comprehend the nuances of issues.
C) charade
Psychological scientists have a name for
this easy, automatic, simplistic thinking: the D) phantom
10 ______ of explanatory depth. We strongly
believe that we understand complex matters,
when in fact we are clueless, and these false
and extreme beliefs shape our preferences,
judgments, and actions— including our votes.

The Venus flytrap [Dionaea muscipula] 6

needs to know when an ideal meal is crawling Based on the passage, a significant advantage
across its leaves. Closing its trap requires a of the Venus flytrap’s requirement for
Line huge expense of energy, and reopening the multiple triggers is that it
5 trap can take several hours, so Dionaea only
wants to spring closed when it’s sure that the A) enables the plant to identify the species of
dawdling insect visiting its surface is large its prey.
enough to be worth its time. The large black B) conserves the plant’s calcium reserves.
hairs on their lobes allow the Venus flytraps to C) safeguards the plant’s energy supply.
10 literally feel their prey, and they act as triggers
D) prevents the plant from closing before
that spring the trap closed when the proper
capturing its prey.
prey makes its way across the trap. If the insect
touches just one hair, the trap will not spring
shut; but a large enough bug will likely touch
15 two hairs within about twenty seconds, and
that signal springs the Venus flytrap into

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1 1
The recent change to all-volunteer armed forces 7

in the United States will eventually produce a
Which choice best states the main purpose of the
gradual increase in the proportion of women in the
Line armed forces and in the variety of women’s
5 assignments, but probably not the dramatic gains A) To present an overview of the different types
for women that might have been expected. This is of assignments available to women in the
so even though the armed forces operate in an new United States all-volunteer armed forces.
ethos of institutional change oriented toward
B) To present a reasoned prognosis of the status
occupational equality and under the federal
of women in the new United States all-
10 sanction of equal pay for equal work. The difficulty
volunteer armed forces.
is that women are unlikely to be trained for any
direct combat operations. A significant portion of C) To analyze reforms in the new United States
the larger society remains uncomfortable as yet all-volunteer armed forces necessitated by
with extending equality in this direction. the increasing number of women in the
15 Therefore, for women in the military, the search military.
for equality will still be based on functional D) To analyze the use of functional equivalence
equivalence, not identity or even similarity of task. as a substitute for occupational equality in
Opportunities seem certain to arise. The growing the new United States all-volunteer armed
emphasis on deterrence is bound to offer forces.
20 increasing scope for women to become involved in
novel types of noncombat military assignments.

Tocqueville, apparently, was wrong. Jacksonian 8

America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where
individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral What is the main idea of the text?
Line conditions. At least so argues E. Pessen in his A) Pessen’s study has overturned the previously
5 iconoclastic study of the very rich in the United established view of the social and economic
States between 1825 and 1850. structure of early-nineteenth-century
Pessen does present a quantity of examples, America.
together with some refreshingly intelligible
statistics, to establish the existence of an B) Pessen’s study is valuable primarily because it
10 inordinately wealthy class. Though active in shows the continuity of the social system in
the United States throughout the nineteenth
commerce or the professions, most of the wealthy
were not self-made but had inherited family
fortunes. In no sense mercurial, these great C) The social patterns and political power of the
fortunes survived the financial panics that extremely wealthy in the United States
15 destroyed lesser ones. Indeed, in several cities the between 1825 and 1850 are well documented.
wealthiest one percent constantly increased its D) Pessen challenges a view of the social and
share until by 1850 it owned half of the economic systems in the United States from
community’s wealth. Although these observations 1825 to 1850, but he draws conclusions that
are true, Pessen overestimates their importance by are incorrect.
20 concluding from them that the undoubted progress
toward inequality in the late eighteenth century
continued in the Jacksonian period and that the
United States was a class-ridden, plutocratic
society even before industrialization.
1 1
A portrait type that appeared with relentless 9

frequency in eighteenth-century England is the Which choice best describes the function of
familiar image of a gentleman poised with one the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line hand inside his partially unbuttoned waistcoat.
5 Standard interpretations of this portrait A) To account for the origin of a particular
posture offer observations of correspondence— type of behavior frequently represented
demonstrating either that it mirrors actual in eighteenth-century English portraiture.
social behavior or that it borrows from classical B) To acknowledge a historical basis for two
statuary. Such explanations, however, competing hypotheses about a particular
10 illuminate neither the source of this curious portrait type.
convention nor the reason for its popularity. It C) To emphasize the influence of a
is true that in real life the “hand-in” was a particular social class on the conventions
common stance for elite men. Still, there were of eighteenth-century English portraiture.
other ways of comporting the body that did not
15 become winning portrait formulas. And even if D) To concede that one explanation for the
the “hand-in” portrait does resemble certain prevalence of a particular portrait type
classical statues, what accounts for the has a basis in fact.
adoption of this particular pose?

The following text is from Charlotte Perkins 10

Gilman's 1910 poem "The Earth's Entail".
Which choice best describes the overall
structure of the text?
No matter how we cultivate the land,
Taming the forest and the prairie free; A) The speaker provides examples of an
No matter how we irrigate the sand, admirable way of approaching nature and
Making the desert blossom at command, then challenges that approach.
We must always leave the borders of the sea; B) The speaker describes attempts to control
The immeasureable reaches nature and then offers a reminder that not
Of the windy wave-wet beaches, all nature is controllable.
The million-mile-long margin of the sea.
C) The speaker argues against interfering
with nature and then gives evidence
supporting this interference.
D) The speaker presents an account of efforts
to dominate nature and then cautions that
such efforts are only temporary.

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1 1


To investigate the effect of lizard predation 11

on spider populations, a student in a biology Which choice best describes data from the
class placed spiders in two enclosures, one with graph that weaken the student’s conclusion?
Line lizards and one without, and tracked the
5 number of spiders in the enclosures for 30 A) The spider population count was the
days. The student concluded that the reduction same in both enclosures on day 1.
in the spider population count in the enclosure B) The spider population count also
with lizards by day 30 was entirely attributable substantially declined by day 30 in the
to the presence of the lizards. enclosure without lizards.
C) The largest decline in spider population
count in the enclosure with lizards
occurred from day 1 to day 10.
D) The spider population count on day 30
was lower in the enclosure with lizards
than in the enclosure without lizards.

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1 1
Text 1 12

Both texts are concerned with the
When children are first born, they know
nothing of the world beyond themselves. A) distinction between play and reality.
Almost immediately they are presented with B) role of toys in children's lives.
rattles, dolls, or other playthings that will
C) validity of expert opinions.
5 become their constant companions and, in
some sense, their mentors. In nearly every D) different ways that toys reflect human
imaginable situation, children are accompanied culture.
by toys that perform the vital role of reducing a
complex universe of human culture to terms
10 that they can readily apprehend. It is not that
children are unable to grasp such things on
their own. Rather, toys furnish a playground
where rehearsals for reality can proceed without
constraint or self-consciousness, allowing
15 children an opportunity to exercise their
inherent capacities for learning and

Text 2

I can’t dispute that children might learn

something from their toys. What I do dispute,
20 however, are the grandiose conclusions that the
so-called “experts" have drawn from that simple
fact. Some have gone so far as to claim that toys
are critical to teaching children about their
cultures, maintaining that, without toys,
25 children would have difficulty adjusting to the
ways of the world. Hogwash! Children play with
toys to have fun, not to create some sort of
cultural microcosm. Perhaps those who
speculate about the profound significance of
30 childhood recreation should spend more time
playing with toys and less time writing about

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1 1
Being an only child has little to do with a 13

child’s social development. A recent study that Which of the following, if true, most weakens
followed thirty only children and thirty-five
the conclusion of the passage?
Line first-born children to the age of three found
5 that the two groups of children behaved very A) The groups being compared did not
similarly to each other toward their peers, their contain the same number of children.
parents, and other adults.
B) More time was spent observing the
interactions of children with their
mothers than with their fathers.
C) The first-born children were, on the
average, nearly three when their parents
had second children.
D) The “other adults” described in the study
consisted mainly of members of the
research team.

In their book Smart Pricing, Jagmohan Raju 14

and Z. John Zhang consider musicians’ use of Which choice most logically completes the
the nontraditional “pay as you wish” pricing text?
Line model. This model generally offers listeners the
5 choice to pay more or less than a suggested A) cause most musicians who use the model
price for a song or album—or even to pay to lower the suggested prices of their
nothing at all. As the authors note, that’s the songs and albums over time.
option most listeners chose for an album by the B) hold greater financial appeal for bands
band Harvey Danger. Only about 1% opted to than for individual musicians.
10 pay for the album, resulting in earnings below
the band’s expectations. But the authors also C) prove financially successful for some
discuss musician Jane Siberry, who saw musicians but disappointing for others.
significant earnings from her “pay as you wish” D) more strongly reflect differences in
online music store as a result of many listeners certain musicians’ popularity than
15 choosing to pay more than the store’s suggested traditional pricing models do.
prices. Hence, the “pay as you wish” model may

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1 1
As a monthly newsletter formed in 1969 by a 15

group of Asian American students at the Which finding, if true, would most directly
University of California, Los Angeles, Gidra
support the student’s hypothesis?
Line helped raise awareness about social and political
5 issues concerning the Asian American A) The students who initially formed Gidra
community on campus and at large. The each contributed financially to its
newsletter had an expansive reach for a creation.
publication of its kind: around 4,000 copies
were published each month. A student writing a B) In addition to covering current events,
10 history paper, however, hypothesizes that Gidra also featured works of art and
Gidra’s influence cannot be measured by the literature.
number of newsletters published monthly C) People would often give their copies of
alone. Gidra to others once they had finished
reading an issue.
D) Gidra was initially based out of the Asian
American Studies Center at UCLA.

The designation of a territory as a national 16

park, national monument, or other ______ can Which choice completes the text so that it
limit activities such as oil drilling and logging conforms to the conventions of Standard
and provide funding for staff to work on English?
preservation, maintenance, and visitor
assistance. A) types of protected area
B) type of protected area
C) type of protected areas
D) protected area types

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1 1
Because consumers reap the nutritional 17

benefits of Greek yogurt and support those Which choice completes the text so that it
who make and sell ______ and businesses conforms to the conventions of Standard
should continue finding safe and effective
methods of producing the food.
A) it, therefore farmers
B) it, farmers
C) it, so farmers
D) it: farmers

Most scientists looking for the causes of 18

the Great Melt of 2012 have focused
exclusively on rising temperatures. The Which choice completes the text so that it
summer of 2012 was the warmest in 170 conforms to the conventions of Standard
years, records show. But Jason ______ English?
believes that another factor added to the early
A) Box, an associate professor of geology at
thaw: the “dark snow” problem.
Ohio State
B) Box an associate professor of geology at
Ohio State,
C) Box, an associate professor of geology at
Ohio State,
D) Box, an associate professor of geology, at
Ohio State

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1 1
When I left my office job as a website 19

developer at a small company for a position Which choice completes the text so that it
that allowed me to work full-time from home, I
conforms to the conventions of Standard
thought I had it made: I gleefully traded in my
suits and dress shoes for sweatpants and
slippers, my frantic early-morning bagged A) no colleagues were nearby to share ideas.
lunch packing for a leisurely midday trip to my
B) colleagues were important for sharing
refrigerator. However, within a month, I found
myself feeling isolated despite having frequent ideas.
email and instant messaging contact with my C) ideas couldn’t be shared with colleagues.
colleagues. Having become frustrated trying to D) I missed having colleagues nearby to
solve difficult problems, ______ consult.

The article, published by Forbes magazine, 20

explained that coworking spaces are Which choice completes the text so that it
designated locations that, for a fee, individuals conforms to the conventions of Standard
can use to conduct their work. The spaces are English?
usually stocked with standard office ______
photocopiers, printers, and fax machines. A) equipment, such as
B) equipment, such as:
C) equipment such as:
D) equipment, such as,

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1 1
Studies have found that those students who 21

major in philosophy often do better than Which choice completes the text so that it
students from other majors in both verbal
conforms to the conventions of Standard
reasoning and analytical ______ measured by
standardized test scores.
A) writing as
B) writing, and these results can be
C) writing, which can also be
D) writing when the results are

These days, many ______ in philosophy 22

have no intention of becoming philosophers; Which choice completes the text so that it
instead they plan to apply those skills to other conforms to the conventions of Standard
disciplines. Law and business specifically English?
benefit from the complicated theoretical issues
raised in the study of philosophy, but A) student’s majoring
philosophy can be just as useful in engineering B) students majoring
or any field requiring complex analytic skills.
C) students major
D) student’s majors

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1 1
It has long been known that the sea otters 23

living along the West Coast of North America Which choice completes the text with the
help keep kelp forests in their habitat healthy
most logical transition?
and vital. They do this by feeding on sea
urchins and other herbivorous invertebrates A) nevertheless,
that graze voraciously on kelp. With sea otters
B) however,
to keep the population of sea urchins in check,
kelp forests can flourish. In fact, even two years C) hence,
or less of sea otter presence can reduce the sea D) likewise,
urchin threat in a coastal area. Without sea
otters present, ______ kelp forests run the
danger of becoming barren stretches of coastal
wasteland known as urchin barrens.

Among the possibilities to reconfigure a 24

building’s lighting is the installation of full- ane
windows to allow the greatest degree of Which choice completes the text with the
sunlight to reach office interiors. ______ most logical transition?
businesses can install light tubes, which are A) Thus,
pipes placed in workplace roofs to capture and
funnel sunlight down into a building’s interior. B) Nevertheless,
Glass walls and dividers can also be used to C) Alternatively,
replace solid walls as a means of distributing D) Finally,
natural light more freely.

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1 1
The first time I visited the Art Institute of 25

Chicago, I expected to be impressed by its Which choice completes the text with the
famous large paintings. ______ I couldn’t
most logical transition?
wait to view painter Georges Seurat’s 10-foot-
wide A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La A) On one hand,
Grande Jatte in its full size. It took me by
B) For instance,
surprise, then, when my favorite exhibit at the
museum was one of its tiniest: the Thorne C) However,
Miniature Rooms. D) Similarly,

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26 27

While researching a topic, a student has taken While researching a topic, a student has taken
the following notes: the following notes:
• A wok is a cooking pan that originated in • In 2013, paleontology professor Hesham
China during the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 Sallam and his students from Mansoura
CE). University in Egypt made a discovery.
• The wok's round, wide base helps to cook • The team found a partial dinosaur skeleton at
food evenly. a site in Egypt's Dakhla Oasis.
• The wok's high, angled sides help to contain • The skeleton belonged to a dinosaur species
oil splatters. that lived approximately 80 million years ago.
• Grace Young is a cook and culinary historian. • The new species was named Mansourasaurus
• Her book The Breath of a Wok (2004) traces to recognize the team that discovered it.
the history of the wok.
The student wants to explain the origin of the
The student wants to describe the wok's shape. species' name. Which choice most effectively
Which choice most effectively uses relevant uses relevant information from the notes to
information from the notes to accomplish this accomplish this goal?
A) The new species was named
A) Grace Young's 2004 book, The Breath of a Mansourasaurus to recognize the team that
Wok, traces the history of the cooking pan. discovered it, a professor and students from
B) A wok is a cooking pan with a round, wide Mansoura University.
base and high, angled sides. B) Mansourasaurus, a species that lived
C) The design of a wok, a type of cooking pan approximately 80 million years ago, was
that originated in China during the Han discovered in 2013 by Egyptian
dynasty, helps the pan cook food evenly and paleontologist Hesham Sallam and a team
contain oil splatters. of university students.
D) Able to cook food evenly and contain oil C) Mansourasaurus, a new species discovered
splatters, the wok is the subject of Grace in Egypt in 2013, lived approximately 80
Young's 2004 book. million years ago.
D) A partial dinosaur skeleton found in Egypt's
Dakhla Oasis belonged to a species named

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The questions in this section address a number of important math skills.
Use of a calculator is permitted for all questions.


Unless otherwise indicated:

• All variables and expressions represent real numbers.
• Figures provided are drawn to scale.
• All figures lie in a plane.
• The domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for which f(x)
is a real number.


A =nr 2
A= l w ½
A = bh c2 = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles

V= l wh V= nr 2 h π
V =4/3 r3 ⅓
V= nr 2 h ⅓
V = l wh

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2n.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

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answer from the choices provided, and then circle your answer in this book.
Circle only one answer for each question. If you change your mind, completely
erase the circle. You will not get credit for questions with more than one
answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.

For student-produced response questions, solve each problem and write

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• Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly. You will not receive credit
for anything written outside the circle, or for any questions with more than
one circled answer.
• If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one answer.
• Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to
6 characters (including the negative sign) for a negative answer, but no more.
• If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over 5 characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), write the decimal equivalent.
• If your answer is a decimal that is too long (over 5 characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), truncate it or round at the fourth digit.

• If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3 ), write it as an improper

fraction (7/2) or its decimal equivalent (3.5). 2
• Don't include symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in
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1 4

5x 2 − 3(1 − x) − 2x(x + 5) x + 2y = 16
Which of the following polynomials is equivalent to 0.5x − y = 10
the expression above?
The solution to the system of equations above is
A) 3x − 7x − 3 (x, y). What is the value of x ?

B) 3x 2 + 7x − 3 A) −2

C) 5x 2 − 5x − 3 B) 2

D) 5x 2 − 9x − 3 C) 18
D) 36

C = 10x + 4y
The formula above gives the monthly cost C, in B C
dollars, of operating a delivery truck when the driver 115°
works a total of x hours and when y gallons of
gasoline are used. If, in a particular month, it cost no
more than $2,000 to operate the truck and at least A D
150 gallons of gas were used, what is the maximum E
number of hours the driver could have worked? Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
A) 125
B) 140 In the figure above, BC and AD are parallel, AB
and EC are parallel, CD = CE , and the measure of
C) 500
∠ABC is 115°. What is the measure of ∠BCD ?
D) 1,400
A) 85°
B) 115°
C) 125°
D) 140°

x(x + 2) = 8
Which of the following lists all solutions to the 6
quadratic equation above?
The graph of x 2 − 4x + y 2 + 6y − 24 = 0 in the
A) 8 and 6 xy-plane is a circle. What is the radius of the circle?
B) 4 and −2
A) 2 6
C) −4 and 2
B) 37
D) 6
C) 11
D) 76

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7 10

Last year, 800 students attended the career fair at Which of the following is an equivalent form of
West High School. This year, the number of students
who attended the career fair increased by 5%. How
3 f 6a k 2 , where f > 0 and k > 0 ?
many students attended the career fair at 1
West High School this year? A) f 3a k−1
A) 804 1 3
B) 805 B) f 2a k 2
C) 840
D) 1,200 C) f 3a k−1
D) f 2a k 3

At a snack bar, each medium drink costs $1.85 and

each large drink costs c more dollars than a medium
drink. If 5 medium drinks and 5 large drinks cost a
total of $20.50, what is the value of c ?
A) 0.45
B) 0.40 The boiling point of water at sea level is 212 degrees
C) 0.30 Fahrenheit (°F). For every increase of 1,000 feet
above sea level, the boiling point of water drops
D) 0.25
approximately 1.84oF. Which of the following
equations gives the approximate boiling point B, in
°F, at h feet above sea level?
A) B = 212 − 1.84h
B) B = 212h
To determine whether residents of a community
would vote in favor of a ballot proposal to use C) B = 212 − (0.00184) h
$100,000 of local taxes for additional playground
D) B = 1.84(212) − 1,000h
equipment at a community park, Jennifer surveyed
60 adults visiting the park with their children during
one week in June. She found that 45 of those
surveyed reported that they would vote in favor of
the proposal. Which of the following statements
must be true?
A) When the actual vote is taken, 75 percent of the
votes will be in favor of the proposal.
B) No prediction should be made about the vote on
the proposal because the sample size is too small.
C) The sampling method is flawed and may
produce biased results.
D) The sampling method is not flawed and is likely
to produce unbiased results.

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12 14

Ryan has 1,500 yards of yarn. He wants to knit at If x 4 − y 4 = −15 and x 2 − y 2 = −3, what is the value
least 2 scarves and at least 3 hats. Each scarf requires
of x 2 + y 2 ?
300 yards of yarn, and each hat requires 120 yards of
yarn. If s represents the number of scarves and A) 5
h represents the number of hats, which of the B) 4
following systems of inequalities represents this
situation? C) 2
D) 1
A) s + h ≤ 1,500
B) 2s + 3h ≤ 1,500
s≥2 During a storm, the atmospheric pressure in a
h≥3 certain location fell at a constant rate of
3.4 millibars (mb) per hour over a 24-hour time
C) 2s + 3h ≤ 1,500 period. Which of the following is closest to the total
s ≥ 300 drop in atmospheric pressure, in millimeters of
h ≥ 120 mercury (mm Hg), over the course of 5 hours
during the 24-hour time period?
D) 300s + 120h ≤ 1,500
(Note: 1,013 mb = 760 mm Hg)
h≥3 A) 2.6
B) 10.2
C) 12.8
D) 22.7

13 16

Kate bought a bus pass that had an initial value of On its opening day, a car dealership had an inventory
$90. For every bus ride Kate takes, $1.80, the cost of of 29 cars. During the first 6 months, 18 additional
one bus ride, is subtracted from the value of the pass. cars were purchased by the dealership each week, and
What percent of the initial value of Kate’s bus pass is the sales team sold an average of 15 cars per week.
the cost of one bus ride? During the first six months, which of the following
equations best models the car inventory, c, at the
A) 1.8% dealership t weeks after opening day?
B) 2%
C) 5% A) c = −t + 29
D) 98%
B) c = t + 29

C) c = t + 29

D) c = 3t + 29

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17 18


An angle with a measure of radians has a
measure of d degrees, where 0 ≤ d < 360. What is the
Arrangement I
value of d ?

Arrangement II

Arrangement III 19

seat table The function f is defined by f (r ) = ( r − 4)( r + 1)2. If

f ( h − 3) = 0, what is h if h is less than 5 ?
A project coordinator at a banquet hall is given the
task of arranging seating for an awards ceremony.
The figure above shows the first three possible
arrangements of tables and the maximum number of
seats in each arrangement. If the number of seats in
each successive arrangement is increased by 6 over
the preceding arrangement, which of the following
represents the maximum number of seats around 20
n tables?
If f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 10 and c is a positive integer less
A) 6n
than 5, what is one possible value of f(c) given that
B) 6 (n + 1) f(c) is an odd number?
C) 6 (n + 3)

D) 2(3n + 1)

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21 22

Students in a science lab are working in groups When 19 is increased by 3x , the result is greater
to build both a small and a large electrical circuit. than 36. What is the least possible integer
A large circuit uses 4 resistors and 2 capacitors, value for x ?
and a small circuit uses 3 resistors and 1 capacitor.
There are 200 resistors and 80 capacitors available,
and each group must have enough resistors and
capacitors to make one large and one small circuit.
What is the maximum number of groups that could
work on this lab project?

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The questions in this section address a number of important math skills.
Use of a calculator is permitted for all questions.

Unless otherwise indicated:
• All variables and expressions represent real numbers.
• Figures provided are drawn to scale.
• All figures lie in a plane.
• The domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for which f(x)
is a real number.


A =nr 2
A= l w ½
A = bh c2 = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles

V= l wh V= nr 2 h V= 4/3πr3 V= ⅓πr h
V = 3 l wh

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2n.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

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answer from the choices provided, and then circle your answer in this book.
Circle only one answer for each question. If you change your mind, completely
erase the circle. You will not get credit for questions with more than one
answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.

For student-produced response questions, solve each problem and write

your answer next to or under the question in the test book as described below.

• Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly. You will not receive credit
for anything written outside the circle, or for any questions with more than
one circled answer.
• If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one answer.
• Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to
6 characters (including the negative sign) for a negative answer, but no more.
• If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over 5 characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), write the decimal equivalent.
• If your answer is a decimal that is too long (over 5 characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), truncate it or round at the fourth digit.

• If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3 ), write it as an improper
fraction (7/2) or its decimal equivalent (3.5). 2
• Don't include symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in
your circled answer.

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1 3

If m = 3, how much greater is 10m than 6m ? 0.8p = t

A) 3 At a store, a coat originally priced at p dollars is on

sale for t dollars, and the relationship between p and
B) 4 t is given in the equation above. What is p in terms
C) 12 of t ?
D) 30
A) p = t − 0.8

B) p = 0.8t

C) p =
D) p =

2 4

x − 2 = x + 10 5 8
x − 1 2 ( x − 1)
Which of the following values of x is a solution to the
equation above? Which of the following expressions is equivalent to
the one above, where x ≠ 1 ?
A) −1
B) 1 9
C) 4 x−1

D) 6 14
2x − 2
2x − 2

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5 7

For a positive real number x, where x8 = 2, what is A pool initially contains 1,385 cubic feet of water. A
the value of x 24 ? pump begins emptying the water at a constant rate of
20 cubic feet per minute. Which of the following
A) 3
24 functions best approximates the volume v(t ), in
B) 4 cubic feet, of water in the pool t minutes after
C) 6 pumping begins, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 69 ?
D) 8 A) v(t ) = 1,385 − 20t
B) v(t ) = 1,385 − 69t
C) v(t ) = 1,385 + 20t
Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
D) v(t ) = 1,385 + 69t

6 8

If 2 2x = a , what is 2x in terms of a ?




D) 4a2
Lionel purchases 1-pound bags of each of the
five seeds and nuts shown in the table. Of the
following, which best approximates the average
(arithmetic mean) number of calories per bag?
(1 pound = 16 ounces)
A) 150
B) 250
C) 1,500
D) 2,500

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9 11

Michael performed an experiment where he tossed A farmer sold 108 pounds of produce that consisted
two coins, one dime and one nickel, at the same time of z pounds of zucchini and c pounds of cucumbers.
and recorded whether each one landed on heads or The farmer sold the zucchini for $1.69 per pound
tails. His results are shown in the table below. and the cucumbers for $0.99 per pound and collected
a total of $150.32. Which of the following systems of
Nickel equations can be used to find the number of pounds
Heads Tails of zucchini that were sold?
Heads 27 26 z + c = 150.32
Dime A)
Tails 24 23 1.69z + 0.99c = 108

For what percent of the tosses did the dime Michael z + c = 108
tossed land on heads? 1.69z + 0.99c = 150.32

A) 49% z + c = 108
0.99z + 1.69c = 150.32
B) 51%
C) 53% z + c = 150.32
0.99z + 1.69c = 108
D) 55%

10 12

The polynomial p4 + 4p3 + 3p2 − 4p − 4 can be Which of the following describes an exponential
relationship between the pair of variables listed?
written as (p2 − 1)(p + 2)2 . What are all of the roots
of the polynomial? A) Each second s, a car’s speed C decreases at a
constant rate of 10 meters per second.
A) −2 and 1 B) For every 3-millimeter increase m in the
B) −2, 1, and 4 thickness of a piece of glass, the intensity of light
I traveling through the glass decreases by 20%.
C) −2, −1, and 1
C) With every 33-foot increase in depth d below the
D) −1, 1, and 2 surface of water, the pressure p on an object
increases by 14.7 pounds per square inch.
D) The depth d of water remaining in a reservoir
decreases by 15 inches each minute m as the
water is being pumped out at a constant rate.

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13 15

The graphs in the xy-plane of the following quadratic
equations each have x-intercepts of −2 and 4. The 5
graph of which equation has its vertex farthest from
the x-axis? y
A) y = − 7(x + 2)(x − 4) 30°
B) y = Note:
(x + 2Figure
)(x − 4not
) drawn to scale. The figure above shows that the shaded triangular
region with a hypotenuse of 5 centimeters (cm) has
1 been removed from a rectangular tile with
C) y = − (x + 2)(x − 4)
2 dimensions x cm by y cm. Of the following, which
best approximates the area, in square centimeters, of
D) y = 5(x + 2)(x − 4) the tile before the piece was removed?
A) 15
B) 43
C) 65
D) 85
Distance from Tara’s Home
Dis tance from home (miles)

3 16

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Tara rode her bicycle along a straight road from Thomas is making a sign in the shape of a regular
her home to a restaurant and ate lunch. She then hexagon with 4-inch sides, which he will cut out
continued along the same road to a movie theater from a rectangular sheet of metal, as shown in the
to see a movie. Finally, she returned home on the figure above. What is the sum of the areas of the
same road after the movie. Tara’s distance from four triangles that will be removed from the
home during the 4 hours she was out is shown in the rectangle?
graph above. How many total miles did she ride her
bicycle? A) 8 2

A) 5 B) 8 3
B) 10 C) 4 2
C) 16 D) 16
D) 20

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17 19

Which of the following equations describes a circle ⎛ 1 ⎞
with radius 10 that passes through the origin when If x ≠ −1, what is the value of ⎜⎜ ⎟(2 + 2x) ?
⎜⎝ x + 1 ⎟⎟⎠
graphed in the xy-plane?

A) (x − 5)2 + ( y + 5)2 = 10

B) (x − 5)2 + ( y + 5)2 = 100

C) (x − 10)2 + ( y − 10)2 = 100

2 2
D) (x − 5 2 ) + ( y + 5 2 ) = 100

18 20

In the xy-plane, the graph of y = (x − 6)2 + 3 is the A fashion buyer for a large retail store purchased
2 315 items directly from the manufacturer for a total
image of the graph of y = (x + 5) + 3 after a
of $6000. Some of the items were dresses purchased
translation of how many units to the right? for $25 each, and the rest were shirts purchased for
$10 each. How many more dresses than shirts did the
buyer purchase?

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21 22

Ticket Prices by Row Number Century and Region of United States
Presidents’ Births as of 2014
Row number Ticket price
1–2 $25 Century
3–10 $20 18th 19th 20th
11–20 $15 Northeast 5 6 3
South 9 4 9
The price of a ticket to a play is based on the row the Midwest 0 9 2
seat is in, as shown in the table above. A group wants West 0 0 2
to purchase 10 tickets for the play.
The table above shows the distribution of
They will purchase 3 tickets for seats in row 1. 37 United States presidents according to the century
They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 3. and the region of the country in which they were
born. Based on the information in the table, what
They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 4. percent of presidents who were not born in the
They will purchase 3 tickets for seats in row 12. nineteenth century were born in the South?
(Ignore the % symbol when gridding your
What is the average (arithmetic mean) ticket price, in response)
dollars, for the 10 tickets? (Disregard the $ sign when
gridding your answer.)

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this module only.
Do not turn to any other module in the test.

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