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Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities

ISSN (Online): 2583-1712

Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

Emerging Technology in Business and Finance

Dr. Priya Satsangi1, Ms. Kanika2, Shashwat Chaudhary3, and Sneha Dewakar4
Associate Professor, HOD MBA, Department of Master in Business Administration, Dronacharya Group of Institution,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201306, INDIA.
Assistant Professor, Department of Master in Business Administration, Dronacharya Group of Institution, Greater Noida,
Uttar Pradesh-201306, INDIA.
MBA Student, Department of Master in Business Administration, Dronacharya Group of Institution, Greater Noida, Uttar
Pradesh-201306, INDIA.
MBA Student, Department of Master in Business Administration, Dronacharya Group of Institution, Greater Noida, Uttar
Pradesh-201306, INDIA.
Corresponding Author: || Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): March Issue

Date of Submission: 07-03-2023 Date of Acceptance: 28-03-2023 Date of Publication: 07-04-2023


In the globalized scenario where technologies are developing continuously with time, these novelmethods are affecting the
business and finance in the significant way. In this chapter we are going to discuss about the major emerging technologies in the
field of entrepreneurship, application development, finance, and business.
The authors are going to start with the introduction about the business, finance, entrepreneurship and application
development, and the effect of the emerging technologies on these fields and theway in which technologies are developing from
time to time, about adoption of these technologies by industries. The changes in the technologies with special reference to developed
and developing country will also be the part of this chapter.
Moving ahead we are discussing about these technologies in prevailing businesses as well as upcoming business. Some of
the technologies we are going to discuss are Embedded Business Intelligence, Amplified Visual Presentation, Augmented Analytics,
Cloud Management.
Beside these technologies, we are going to cover about the growing automation in the finance sector such as Cloud
banking, Robotic process automation, Blockchain, Internet of things, etc.
This chapter will cover all the technologies while getting the complete knowledge about what, why, where, when and how
it is changing in the present finance and business scenario. Just like the two opposite faces of the coin, one side these emerging
technologies are boon for the business and finances then on the other side there are certain risks involved in these technologies,
which can be a great threat to our business as well as in our routine life. So, we also discuss about the potential risks associated
with these technologies.
We will end our chapter by giving our conclusion, precautions, and suggestions on these technologies.

Keywords- Business Process, Finance, Automation, Digitalization, Emerging technologies, Technical Advancement.

I. INTRODUCTION operate and interact with customer. There is no skepticism

that automation is the key of success for the modern
The continuous research and development in business. From idea validation, finding name for our
technologies, and the introduction of technology has business, branding the business, or managing the business
reconstructed the ways of doing business and financial with help of advance technologies we can do it easily and
activities. Now, Corporate houses do not rely on in effective way.
conventional methods and technologies. The fast-moving These technologies include Generative Artificial
technologies has revolutionized the way companies Intelligence, Embedded business intelligence, Amplified

93 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

Visual Presentation, Augmented Analytics, Cloud Team in the forecasting and through this accuracy is increased
Management, Artificial Intelligence. by 85% to match the balance in supply and demand with
When we talk about financial firms, the data directed decision making demand prediction and
financial service firms adopted new technologies for dependent on data design to value. Statistical quality
better consumer interaction, increased efficiency, and control, multi variable predictive control and cloud based
improved customer experience. Innovating technologies digital quality management have helped to reduce the cost
in information technology has giving rise to digitalization of quality by 10 to 20%. The cost of stockpile is decreased
and transformation of financial service through customer by 20 to 50% in situ 3-D printing, Real-time supply-chain
experience management. Innovative technologies like optimization and assortment. A significant growth of 45
Blockchain have providing secure and transparent to 55% by technical professions uplifts in productivity
environment to do the transaction. Major technologies in through cybernation of knowledge work by human
the field of finance are Cloud banking, Robotic process machine collaboration, remote surveillance and control,
automation, Blockchain, Internet of things, Autonomous digital performance management and automation of
finance. knowledge work.
The history of industry has been since ages it
started from 1800 at is has experienced three industrial Industry 4.0 Bar
revolution. Now we are in the fourth industrial revolution Value Drivers
era. The automations in keeping the track and analysis of
supply chain through smart technologies is the part of
forth industrial revolution. This is powered by Industrial
Internet of Things (IIOT) and self-governed system that
uses algorithms based on electronic devices. The digital
transformation interconnects with the back end systems
like enterprise resource planning which make everything
smart right from the manufacturing to the supply the chain
followed by monitoring and controlling. In order to
understand the innovative technologies, we need to know
what are the business and financial processes.
1.1 Industry 4.0
The revolutionary ways to improve the
distribution and manufacturing of the global business is
defiantly through technologies. This is only possible by a
set of system of business, operation and management
process. Various resources and processes to improve the
mechanism of industry 4.0 which is the base of global
business environment, lies in the managing of the assets,
improving the labor productivity, inventory optimization,
improving quality, supply demand match, services and
after sales and time to market. The technology and trends
in market is directly related to the effective use of
In the circle if value drivers, resource and
processes helps in increase of production by 3 to 5% with
Smart energy consumption, intelligent lots and real- time
yield optimization. As the concept of societal market has
increased in the present scenario it has a huge impact on 1.2 Business Process
services and aftersales services through forecasting A set of activities with specified organizational
followed by remote maintenance and virtually guided purposeful goal for a consistent outcome called as
self- service. With this a significant reduction in the business process. Business management process (BMP)
maintenance cost is seen by 10 to 40%. Customer works on a systematic approach to manage the cost and
concretion, concurrent engineering and rapid also outsourcing business processes for the desired goals.
experimentation have significantly helped in reduction in The visibility and the mapping plays a vital role defined
time to market by 20 to 50% under time to market in value the set of business processes.
drivers in technology.30 to 50% reduction in breather Business process is the systematic processing of
time of machine is seen under asset utilization with important task performed by the personals in the
Routing flexibility, machine flexibility, Remote organization in order to achieve the organizational goals
surveillance and administer, digital performance that can be either product or service. There are number of
management and programming of knowledge work, acts interlinked processes involved in the day-to-day

94 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

functioning of the organization which should be done There is no amazement that the pandemic has
properly in order to achieve the desire output. provoked business leaders to progressively migrate
Business process is directly linked with the towards digital platforms, preferring online services
output of the organization so the organization should have over traditional ones as well as to makeabove activities
clearly defined goals and objectives of the organization. more accurate, easy to perform and cost effective. This
This goal should be supported by various other processes has motivated financial firms to make swift adoptions,
like management process, organizational process and incorporate cutting-edge technologies into their services,
supporting process. and improve customer service constantly. Technologies
1.2.1 Management Process continue to contribute to the progress of the finance
Management process involve functions sector. There are various new technologies which are
planning, organizing, leading, controlling, basically all reshaping the financial world suchas security of our data
theimportant function that is necessary for the stability of in modern digital word is a great cause of concern
the organization in the long run. These processes are the everywhere especially infinance sector due to increased
routine activities of the organization. data breaching incidents at meta and other platform so
1.2.2 Operational Process Advance Cyber security and Blockchain is crucial for
These are the group of activities that must be transparency and security of user’s data. Cloud based
performed in the business in a commendable manner to Banking architecture eased the banking process more
maintain the company’s competitiveness in the market by convenient and accurate. It is the ideal solution for smooth
doing the value addition in both business and result. This functioning of global payments, Peer to Peer (P2P)
process consists of activities like sales, marketing, transfers, and contactless Payments. Neo Bank or Neo
customer support, operations etc. Banking is the new change in the banking industry which
1.2.3 Support Process broke the monopoly of large banks by making banking
The main aim of this set of process is to aid the convenient and accessible of all. Because in thistype of
operational process and ensure the proper functioning of Banking infrastructure cost is less because most of the
operational activities. These processes do the value banking activities done online and physical branches
addition in the internal activities. plays a minor role in it.
Business Process Management (BPM) is the
important tool to ensure the proper functioning of II. ADAPTATION OF EMERGING
businesses. In simple world BPM deals with the TECHNOLOGIES IN BUSINESS
productivity of theorganization. Technical advancement
is adding aspect in BPM like increased transparency, The mounting rate at which Technological
customer’s orientation, and knowledge work. Artificial advancement and automation is going in society and in
Intelligence is helping companiesto validate their ideas business environment it is just like a huge tidal wave of
more quickly than before, with Cloud team management progress. If anyone canimagine the world 10 years back
companies can automate the process, enhance the in time, they may observe that.
security, assist in governance and compliances,
performance monitoring and cost management. This is the • There was no such Internet of Things (INTERNET
only two of the many technologies that we are going to OF THINGS) or voice enabled searching deviceswhere
discuss. people can search for product and information.
1.3 Finance • There was lac of centralized channel where all
Finance is significant to any business; it refers to personal can work with efficiency irrespective of their
the management of money. although the process of location.
finance management includes various activities such as • There are no existing of new type of marketing
forecasting, saving, lending, borrowing, and investing platform and strategy likeInstagram and short videos.
money. As finance is the ingredient of any business, it is
nearly impossible to succeed without strong finances in So, maintain the same pace with the innovative
place. User uses finance to purchase assets, goods, and technologies’ companies is adapting this new expertise to
raw materials, essentially anything that will give enhance their existing working environment. This is about
momentum to user business. That conclude finance and the full potential adaptation of technology to increase the
funds are the major part of an organization. If businesses efficiency of business in all aspects.
finances are mishandled or poorly managed then business Different companies treat the same innovation in
might suffer heavy losses. That is why getting a grip on completely different way. One company can
business finance is a top priority and its importance should enthusiastically embrace the technology another might
never be underestimated. Business cannot function not find it significant enough for adaptation.
appropriately unless it has an adequate amount of money 2.1 Importance of adaptation of new technologies
to run user business. Business finance can be used for Maintaining the pace with the latest automation
numerous important purposes such as Strategic planning, and technical innovation it can play the key role in the
financial management, Promotion, and so on. success of the business. The right technological adoptions

95 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

can increase the flexibility, stream line operations, and Traditionally, Business Intelligence work as an
help the organization to cope up with continuously autonomous application where user must switch from
changing market place. In the competitive business their business application to separate BI tools for
environment company had to remain on top of the analyzing the data. Thisdecreases the work efficiency and
adaptation of ever-changing technologies world. makes it difficult of user adaptation. Now the thing has
Other prominent features of adaptation of technologies changed with the introduction to implanted intellectual
are. occupation denoted by EBI (Embedded Business
• Increased efficiency Intelligence).
Embedded Business Intelligence or Embedded
• Competitive edge BI is the combination of self-service BItools
• Remote work Challenge and business applications. It supports real-time Analytics,
• Robust workflows interactive reporting and visualization which causes the
enhanced user experience. Embedded BI also extends its
• Position for the future growth functionality to smartphones to guarantee that a scattered
workforce can have access to the same BI for
2.2 Present Scenario of Technological Adaptation collaborative projects in real time.
In upcoming times, we can expect that some Unlike traditional BI which works on narrow
more new technology can hit the market more defined set of data variables from a single source, it
prominently like Metaverse, Augmented reality and many allows the user to do the significant customization that
more. Graph is the comparative analysis of various factors allow to combine data from multiple data source to full
due to which company is going to adapt new technology. fill their need.
2.3 Why do company invest in new technologies Now business user uses BI tools as part of their
Here are some of the key reasons why companies decision-making process because they can do assigned
are investing in new technologies. task more efficiently, accurately in less amount of time.
• To replace EOL Hardware When user move on to advance level, it can be a part of
• To refresh cycle Workflow automation, as certain task will automatically
• To reinforce business growth be triggered based on parameter set by decision maker.
• To support end user need 3.1.1 Application of Embedded BI
• To meet project requirement Embedded BI can be helpful for businesses in
• To leverage new tech features. many ways, here are few of them.
Embedded BI in Human Resource
2.4 Top technologies on adaptation list by business HR department deal with the some of the key
• Artificial Intelligence roles of business like hiring, training organizing corporate
• Internet of things event. HR role is multifaceted which require unique
• Robotic Process Automation solutions.
• Cloud Native development By integrating Business Intelligence with HR
• API brokerage technique can enable:
• Block chain • Reliable body of workers making plans and expertise
• Serverless Computing control with the aid of using combining modern worker
records with turnover costs to set up effective, green, and
well-timed expertise acquisition strategies and mastering
III. MAJOR EMERGING and improvement programs.
TECHNOLOGY IN THE FIELD OF • Using strategic alignment, one may make sure that all
BUSINESS business endeavors and departmental goals are in line
with those of the corporation.
3.1 Embedded Business Intelligence and Application
• the analysis and comparison of the effectiveness of
In the present world of digitalization every
recruiting methods with employee characteristics, skill
company is a data company, and their ability to store that
sets, and factors contributing to employee voluntary
data and analyze them can differentiate the industry leader
departure in order to maximize employee recruitment and
from rest of others. Companies want actionable insights
retention goals.
after analyzing of those data.
Business Intelligence (BI) is the technical and • Measurement and benchmarking of workforce
procedural infrastructure used for the collection, storing performance to pinpoint areas, roles, or people in need of
and analysis of data originated from the business development.
activities. It is the wide collection of activities like data
mining, process analyzing, benchmarking and descriptive Embedded BI in Logistic and Supply chain Management
analytics. BI analyzes all the data and present reports Currently Logistics and supply chain
which help the management to take better decision. Management Company uses Global Positioning System

96 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

(GPS) to track the vessels or vehicles during the performed by data scientist. The process of hiring these
transportation of stocks. Embedded Analytics combines data scientist is too expensive due to shortage of data
the location-based data with other relevant data to professional worldwide.
enhance the efficiencies of operation. Augmented Analytic cannot replace these
Adding embedded BI capacity helps in professional but reduce the dependency on them by
• Understanding and leveraging the customer automating some of the processes like data collection,
profitability. preparation, cleansing and analysis. It also helps to save
• Providing better customer service. the time of data scientist for other important activities
• Increasing capacity planning, human resource like interpreting results. Augmented Analytics improve
allocation, and supply chain prominence. the values of these analyst bring to the company.
• Analyzing the driver and carrier performance fairly Make data analysis much easier for untrained persons.
and effectively. It is also one of the important features of
Augmented Analytics is that untrained professionals can
Embedded BI in Sales and Services. also use this tool efficiently. Because augmented analytics
Embedded analytics allows staff to see how the automates all complex analytics process and allowing
consumer they are now speaking to buys and uses user to find data by simply asking some questions,
products and services, which helps them spot the best professional without prier training in data science skill
cross- or up-sell chances. can leverage advance analytics. ML guides the user by
3.2 Augmented Analytics suggesting what to ask, answer to these questions is come
As we discussed the importance of data in in the form of data visuals like graphs, chart, and map so
modern economy, the amount of data is so hugethat it the user do not have to prepare these visuals, and can be
is difficult for Human being to analyze and interpret investigated by simple command.
it. Here Augmented Analyticsplays a major role. Natural Language Interaction
Augmented Analytics is the branch of data Natural Language processing in augmented
analysis which “Augment” the data with the help of analytics enables user to use the plain language to type
combination of technologies like Artificial Intelligence the question to query the desired data instead of using
(AI), Machine Learning (ML) and natural language a data query code. This system gives user a guided
processing (NLP). Machine Learning brings the experience. First it translates the user’s text into a query
Automation in the complex Analytical process like data and makes suggestion to uses to fill the gaps to understand
preparation, analyzing of data and generating the the intent and context of user’s question. This helps the
meaningful insight from it. NLP make interaction with users to get the detailed insight of their data without
these data easy. User can easily ask question in their having proper understanding datamodel.
natural language and get required answer for it. It also generates the textual descriptions of
Businesses which use augmented analytics get insights from the data, which can also have the
phenomenal value from it, as this technology help them to explanation of visual data. This helps the user to
get their valuable data much faster without the need of understand the insights properly without any deep
deep technical knowledge and expertise in dealing with expertise of interpreting visualizations.
big data. It helps the business user to get relevant data 3.2.2 Benefits and uses of augmented analytics in
much easily, by asking the best possible question, and Business
immediately finding the insights related to their Some of the benefits of augmented analytics
business. include Agility, Accuracy, Efficiency and Confidence.
3.2.1 Importance of Augmented Analytics The uses of Augmented Analytics in business are related
Prospecting the opportunity of Big Data to finance, account receivable, sales, marketing,
Businesses can take some crucial decision such manufacturing, human resource, etc.
as what to produce when, from whom to produce, and 3.2.3 Use of Augmented Analytics in Business
how to market and many more after analyzing the set of Finance
data but in present scenario due to huge volume of data A financial analyst can easily forecast and
companies find it difficult to interpret them without any control the expenses across different line ofbusiness with
biasness, if there is a requirement of immediate answer the help of augmented analytics.
then it completely impossible. Account receivable
Technologies like Artificial intelligence and Financial managers can use the ML for the
machine learning are needed to discover theinsight from prediction of future cash flow in the business or topredict
big data. That is why augmented analytics is important late payments, or to make right strategy for recover of
because they combine the data analysis and artificial debt.
intelligence to analyze the huge volume of data. Sales and Marketing
Reducing the dependency on Data Scientist Sales and Marketing teams can be entitled with
Data analytics process consists of time- the better customer lead – and quick identification of
consuming and complicated steps that can only be cross and up-sell opportunities.

97 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

Manufacturing forecast and plan their requirement while improving

Manufacturer can use augmented analytics to resource acquisition, utilization, and work load
predict the future demand of product and strategies the placement.
spending through different department. Compliance and Governance
Human Resource Transforming into the cloud-based infrastructure
Human Resource Manager can predict employee relinquish a certain amount of control over a physical
performance, analyze their perform and take corrective infrastructure and applications, but company still need to
measures. track over access to maintain the compliance. Cloud
3.3 Cloud Management management ensure the users to configure align with
Cloud management refers to the process of regulator’s policies by alerting them.
controlling and maintaining the public, private, hybrid Monitoring and Logging
(both public and private) or multi cloud environments. It It enables observability with logging and
consists of processes, strategies, policies, and technology monitoring of every event that occur in the business.It
for management of cloud computing technologies that helps to inspect and understand what is going in the
operate in the cloud. business environments. It enables to collect, analyze, and
Cloud Management is very efficient and correlate log files which help to identify error and
effective for IT firm to get complete control over automate the risk management and optimize performance.
expandable and dynamic cloud computing environment. Performance and Cost reporting
It combines different types of technologies to deliver a Cloud computing costs can easily exceed the
cohesive and consistent strategic process. Management organizations budget if the cost is not closely monitored
can coordinate delivery and management of cloud from the start. It provides capacity for cost management,
computing infrastructure, application, data, and access forecasting and reportingto help the mangers to imagine
control. Business houses are increasingly deploying it an accurate figure of what and when resources are being
enterprise software and tools to the cloud to reduce the used. It allows effective allocation of resources,
upfront investment as compared to on installing on-site understanding the flow of money in the resources and
infrastructure. With the help of cloud management, eliminates unnecessary costs.
administrators can track the wide variety of cloud Security
activities ranging from application deployment and its Machine-learning capabilities with cloud
utilization, managing the lifecycle of the resources, data management tool provide robust threat intelligence and
integration and risk management. detection and helps in streamline security monitoring
3.3.1 How cloud management work processes.
Companies generally installed cloud 3.4 Artificial Intelligence
management system on the target cloud infrastructure. AI is the imitation of human rational function
After installation management system monitor and record especially by electronic devices it is governed by systems
the activity and performance then send the analysis to the and managed by the team of experts who work on NLP
web-based management dashboard where user can see (natural language processing), recognition of speech, and
and act accordingly. If any issue is arisen, then electronic devices with the vision specifically using AI.
administrators can give command to the cloud with the Learning Processes
help of cloud management platform, which work as a In learning process of AI programming is
combined point of control. attentive by data collection and the development of
3.3.2 Benefits of Cloud Management structure that convert the data in to authentic knowledge.
Here are some of the common cloud The rules or structure, also known asalgorithms, deliver
management benefits. explicit commands to computer equipment to do a
Prevalent Automation particular function.
Managing the different application is a repetitive Reasoning Processes
and complex task, especially if the cloud environment is In reasoning branch of AI software design is
huge and complex. It enables the program for the focused by determining the optimum algorithm to fulfil a
management of resources, providing automating capacity certain goal.
management, continuous integration and managing to Self-correction Processes
reduce burden. In self-correction AI software design capability
Capacity Management has always been focusing on continually enhance
Procurement of intangible virtual infrastructure algorithms and ensure they provide the most exact results.
is much easy as compare to tangible assets. So, there is 3.4.1 Current scenario of artificial intelligence in
always a risk for an organization can lose track of the businesses.
requirement of those technologies and availability of Organizations may employ AI in a variety of
those services. ways, but the bulk of applications focus on boosting
Cloud management’s granular reporting and growth. AI and machine learning are being used by
detailed analytics, help the organization to do better businesses in creative ways to boost corporate

98 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

performance. AI has the following business benefits: of computerization technologies has propelled
• Enhance competence through process mechanization development to entirely new heights. Robotic Process
Automation or RPA is one such contribution to the fast-
• Steadfast by increased speed in service
growing automation industry. Robotic Process
• Using consumer insights to make decisions Automation is a form of business process automation
• finding new product and service opportunities technology based on allegorical software robot or on
artificial intelligence (AI) digital workers. It is mainly the
3.4.2 Application of Artificial Intelligence in use of software with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
businesses. machine learning (ML) capabilities to knob high-volume,
Some of the most frequent uses of AI include repeatable tasks that previously required humans to
machine learning, cyber security, customer relationship perform. Lecturing inquiries, performing calculations,
management, internet searches, and personal assistants. keeping records, and carrying out connections are a few
Machine learning of these duties. When user overhear the term automation,
Machine learning is widely used in systems that they might think of a robot performing task without any
collect massive amounts of data. Smart energy human interference. And yes, they are somewhat correct.
management systems, for example, collect data from Though, user could have a few fallacies, such as:
sensors linked to various assets. Machine learning
algorithms contextualize huge volumes of data before • RPA is not a humanoid robot and does not exist
presenting it to users, company's decision-makers, physically.
allowing them to better understand energy use and • RPA bots cannot completely swap humans.
maintenance needs. • RPA bots do not possess logical thinking or
Cyber Security decision-making skills, which is why theycannot imitate
Even when it comes to identifying human intellectual functions.
vulnerabilities in computer network defenses, artificial
intelligence is a valuable ally. AI systems may identify RPA Features
cyberattacks and other cyberthreats by detecting trends in
data intake. When a threat is found, it may search user • Rich Analytical Speed
data to find the source and help avoid future threats. • Creation of bots
Because they are as alert and consistent as AI, the • Security
additional pair of eyes will be very beneficial in managing • Debugging
user infrastructure. • Script Less Automation
Customer Relationship Management
Artificial intelligence is also influencing Benefits of RPA
customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
Zoho and Sales force require a lot of human input to be • Improved Customer Satisfaction
accurate and up to date. When artificial intelligence (AI)
• Increase Speed
is added to these platforms, a normal CRM system
• Improve Quality and Scalability
transforms into an auto- updating, self-correcting system
• Reduced Cost and Operational Risk
that handles user connections for you.
Internet and data research • Accuracy and Consistency
Artificial intelligence analyses huge amounts of
data in order to identify trends in users' search behaviors Types of RPA:
and present them with more relevant information about
their condition. As users use their devices more frequently ➢ Unattended/Autonomous RPA: This type of RPA
and AI technology develops, they will enjoy a more is Idyllic for reducing work like completing data
personalized experience. This has significant processing tasks in the background. They do not require
consequences for user small businesses since it will make any human intrusion. It combines AI, machine learning,
iteasier for you to target a very specialized market. cognitive automation, computer vision, and other
➢ Attended RPA: Attended automation allows
IV. MAJOR EMERGING u s e r to focus on more high-value workwithin user
TECHNOLOGY IN FINANCE organization. This can be done by automating repetitive,
manual, front-office activities and imitates actions
4.1 Robotics process automation (RPA) perform on user desktop or browser, like mouse clicks, by
The term “automation” is one of the most recording and playing back these actions in real time.
extensively used term in current world. It is not only a ➢ Hybrid RPA: This is a combination of attended and
widely used term but also enhance mechanism is a core unattended RPA. These bots address front- and back-
part of nearly every sector today. In essence, the adoption office tasks in the enterprise.

99 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

Use of RPA: and food tracking firms like Swiggy, Zomato etc.
• Banking and finance Blockchain technology is currently used by Axis
• Human resource Bank, ICICI Bank etc.
• Marketing and sales 4.3 Autonomous finance
• Insurance agencies Autonomous technology is type of technology
• Customer relation management that can be function without human involvementunder
• IT integration process different types of circumstances. Artificial intelligence
continuously learns from them environment to make
4.2 Blockchain better decisions, just like humans learn and grow.
Blockchain first appeared in the year 2008 by Artificial intelligence (AI) is a best example of
‘Satoshi Nakamoto’. autonomous technology. Advanced versions of AI can
Blockchain can be describe as the collection of perform decision making function and acting on their own
records called blocks, linked with each other, strongly without human interference. Self-driving cars, functional
resistant to alteration and protected using robots, humanoids, chatbots, and drones are some
cryptographic hashes as a unique Id’s. Blockchain is examples of autonomous technology. As AI is continue to
decentralized data ledger that is securely exchanged. It revolution every industry and business, corporate finance
allows a restricted number of people to share data. The teams cannot afford to stay behind. Autonomous finance
Blockchain provides remarkable advancements in and accounting capabilities can change the way you
security, decentralization, transparency, and unaltered prepare annual reports, close books, and collect
data. This makes it the ideal tool for upcoming apps. outstanding invoices.Autonomous finance can be defined
There are numerous benefits of using Blockchain as the ability to perform day-to-day financial functions
technology such as transparency, lower transaction cost, with minimal human intervention. Autonomous finance is
faster transaction etc. underpinned by technologies such as the cloud, robotic
Types of Blockchain: process automation (RPA), advanced analytics, natural
There are four types of Blockchain such as: language processing (NLP), and AI. Autonomous finance
offers various advantages to companies such as:
• Public Blockchain
• Time saver: labor-intensive tasks such as payment
• Private Blockchain
aggregation and reconciliation are time-consuming. It can
• Hybrid Blockchain
save user employees time and effort by automating such
• Consortium Blockchain
• Reduces human mistake: Performing financial and
Public Blockchain: Public Blockchain is completely
accounting functions manually often causes to human
open to everyone and anybody can join the system. Every
error. With the help of finance automation tools, you can
authorized member has a copy of digital ledger. As a
reduce human intervention and the possibility of such
result, Data is entirely open and transparent. It is
decentralized and secured hence; Data cannot be altered
or manipulated once it is placed on the block. Public • Improves consistency: Automating financial
processes based on industry-specific best practices. Each
Blockchain are also known as permission less
employee has their way of working, and standardization
Blockchain. It is trustable and secure. It can be used for
may cause inconsistencies in collecting data or sharing
voting and fundraising.
Private Blockchain: Private Blockchain is a network that
operates in a restricted context as a closed network or is • Data security. Storing sensitive financial data in
managed by sole entity. This network is considerably spreadsheets and other formats often leads to data
small and often run on small network within a firm. It is misplacement. This often results in data breaches that
faster, as transaction per second (TPS) is higher. It is used can prove disastrous for an organization. An ideal
to managed supply chain management, asset ownership, automation solution can restrict data access to only
internal voting etc. authorized users
Hybrid Blockchain: When organization that desire best • Intelligent analytics. Autonomous finance solutions
of both private and public will sometimesemploy a hybrid provide robust analytics and reporting capabilities for
Blockchain. This type of Blockchain includes the greater insight into an organization's finance functions.
characteristics of both private and public Blockchain This improves decision-making and risk assessment.
systems. It allows business to create a private • Scalability. Automation solutions enable companies
permission-based system. Itis secure and cost effective. It to scale without additional employeesand keep up with
is used by real estate, retail, highly regulated market like their growth. This, in turn, reduces overhead and increases
banking etc. working capital.
Consortium Blockchain: Consortium Blockchain is also • Optimized resource utilization. You can free up
known as federated Blockchain. It is like hybrid user employees' time to focus more on value-adding tasks.
Blockchain system. It is more secure as compare to public This also allows finance leaders to focus on pressing
Blockchain. It is used by banking & payments, research, business challenges.
100 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

4.4 Internet of Things (I O T) responsive mobile services are some of the recent
The Internet of Things describes the network developments due to advancing technologies. Here are
of physical objects “things”—that are embedded with some examples of Internet of Things:
sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose • Smart ATM,
of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and • Contact less payment,
systems over the internet. Internet of Things application • Smart Contracts
use machine learning algorithms to analyze the massive
amounts of data in the cloud. Machine learning–based V. RISK ASSOCIATED WITH
algorithms can identify equipment irregularities and send
alerts to users. Cloud-based Internet of Things
applications in business can help the users to rapidly
enhance existing processes for supply chains, customer The corporate environment is rapidly changing,
service, human resources, and financial services. There providing new challenges for organizations to address.
isno need to recreate complete business processes. Companies must deal with shifting stakeholder
One example of this is the use of Internet of expectations, unstable economic conditions, stricter rules,
Things to increase efficiency and safety in connected and a variety of other unanticipated occurrences, such as
logistics for fleet management. Companies can use a global epidemic.
Internet of Things fleet monitoring to direct trucks, in real To remain competitive, many firms are turning
time, to improve efficiency. Internet of Things has been to developing technologies. According to ISACA's "The
influencing the financial sector in various ways Pulse: Emerging Technology 2021" study found that
emerging technologies can disrupt incumbents by solving
• Internet of Things enables financial organizations to
current challenges and problems However, the benefits of
provide better services to their customers as it helps in
emerging technologies must be carefully balanced against
analyzing their critical data to make them understand
their disadvantages.
customers’ needs and suggest customized products as per
Businesses must consider the risks and benefits
their preferences.
of adopting new technologies simultaneously. In order to
• Banks and financial institutions take the help of an
get a better understanding of how people view the
Internet of Things development company to reduce risks,
technology, respondents to the ISACA survey were
block hacked accounts and analyze suspicious user data.
asked to discuss the risks associated with its use. The
• Banking transactions have also become shades more majority (30%) and majority (33%), respectively, rated
convenient with superlative contactless payment services. the risks associated with AI as low or medium, while
• Internet of Things provides real-time data that banks only 9% of respondents deemed AI to be high risk.
can use to update customers about offers that best suit Businesses must consider the maturity and complexity of
their needs and speed up their decision-making. AI-enabled business processes in order to determine the
true risk to the company.
Application of Internet of Things in financial service
1. Internet of Things can Improved data security and
fraud recognition
There is a possibility that these new
2. Internet of Things can help personalize the
technologies will not meet the expectations of
customer’s experience.
businesses. To combat this risk, a clear vision must be
3. Banks can better control their customers' assets and
established, supported by clearly defined goals with
monitor them remotely using Internet of Things
attainable targets. Due diligence involves extensive
research to identify the requirements for newprojects that
4. Firms can benefit from the real-time data visibility
have a significant impact on the business. IT governance
offered by Internet of Things-powered systems.
ought to play a significant role in the business's
5. Internet of Things has the potential to transform
integration of new technologies. IT groups like
traditional banking by allowing users to access their funds
application development, infrastructure, and security
from anywhere at any time. Wearables-Internet of Things
ought to be represented during the governance process.
integration uses advanced technology to provide offer
The project's execution will be streamlined, additional
convenient payment functionality.
requirements will be helped to be determined, and
6. It ensures the assets at a branch are used optimally to
communication with various parts of the company will be
improve its efficiency and reduce operational overheads.
easier as a result of this. Monitoring and regular status
7. It also helpful for security purposes and builds
updates should be provided to senior leadership
customer trust.
throughout the project andafter the launch to determine
whether ROI was achieved or miscalculated.
Organizations in the banking and financial
There are also risks associated with changing
services industry, has improved their operations dueto
regulations, which may limit an emerging technology's
move to open banking, faster payments, and more

101 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
ISSN (Online): 2583-1712
Volume-3 Issue-2 || March 2023 || PP. 93-102

success. Privacy laws pertaining to the collection of [5]

consumer data may hinder a business's ability to insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-Blockchain
successfully utilize certain emerging technologies by [6]
disrupting the production of existing goods and services. process-automation
Soon will be new laws, particularly on algorithmic bias in [7]
technologies that affect customers. Through agile [8] What Is Autonomous Finance? The Future of The
development processes and continuous monitoring of new Corporate Back Office (
regulations, models must be able to adapt to changing and [9]
new regulations. s/definition/embedded-BI-embedded-business-
Finally, there is a chance that an issue with the intelligence
technology could cause an error in the algorithm. This [10]
would affect the quality of the data and put the data's d-business-intelligence/
security in jeopardy. These dangers can be reduced [11]
using efficient procedures for change management. embedded-bi
Changes to models and source code repositories are [12]
appropriately logged by version controls, peer reviews for embedded-bi
coding and model changes are carried out, and these [13]
procedures effectively design and execute test cases. management
Additionally, in order to spot potential biases and ethical [14]
quandaries, it is essential to pay attention to the data set management
during the planning and building phases. [15]
Emerging technologies may offer advantages computing/what-is-cloud-management
over rivals, but they naturally come with risks. Process [16]
owners can take a proactive approach to identifying risks analytics
by collaborating with internal audit or enterprise risk [17]
management. Early discussions about risks and controls digital/our-insights/digital-in-industry-from-buzzword-
will help identify any unresolved issues and process to-value-creation
enhancements and ensure that emerging technologies are [18]
successfully integrated into the business. augmented-analytics
REFERENCES analytics/augmented-analytics-guide/
[1] Internet of Things security: How we are keeping intelligence-tutorial/what-is-artificial-intelligence
consumers safe from cyber threats | World Economic [21]
Forum ( nition/AI-
[2] ArtificialIntelligence#:~:text=Artificial%20intelligence%
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[3] How are emerging technologies transforming ognition%20and%20machine%20vision.
financial services? | World Economic Forum [22]
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[4] manufacturing/
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102 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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