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Animal (2019), 13:5, pp 1020–1029 © The Animal Consortium 2018


Effects of feeding treatment on growth rates, metabolic profiles

and age at puberty, and their relationships in dairy heifers
F. Abeni1, F. Petrera1 and Y. Le Cozler2†
CREA – Research Centre for Animal production and Aquaculture, Via A. Lombardo, 11, 26900 Lodi, Italy; 2PEGASE, AGROCAMPUS OUEST, INRA, 35000 Rennes, France

(Received 24 December 2017; Accepted 17 August 2018; First published online 10 October 2018)

Puberty attainment in dairy heifers has been widely studied from a hormonal point of view, but few studies have focussed on
puberty–blood profile relationships during growth. We led experiments to determine the effects of feeding treatments on growth
parameters, age at puberty and plasma biochemical profiles, and the relationships between age at puberty and metabolic profiles
at 6, 9, 12 and 15 months (mo) of age. Blood samples were collected from 67 Holstein heifers, born between September 2011 and
February 2012, every 10 days from 5.5 mo of age until heifers were considered pubertal (plasma progesterone concentration
greater than 1.0 ng/ml) or oestrus synchronisation (November 2012; 11 to 15 mo of age). Heifers born before 30 November were
fed either a standard diet (SD, n = 27) or an intensive-plane diet (ID1, n = 27) from 0 to 6 mo of age. This strategy aimed to reach
190 to 200 kg (SD) or 220 to 230 kg (ID1) BW at 6 mo of age. All heifers born after 1 December received an intensive-plane diet
(ID2, n = 13) from birth until oestrus synchronisation, in order to reach a similar BW at first insemination as heifers born before
1 December. Only 56 heifers reached puberty before oestrus synchronisation, at an average age of 10.3 ± 2.2 mo (6.2 to 14.4 mo)
and a BW of 296 ± 40 kg (224 to 369 kg). There was no difference among the three feeding treatments until 6 mo, but at 9, 12 and
15 mo of age, ID2 (n = 11) heifers weighed 37, 52 and 30 kg more than SD (n = 22) and ID1 (n = 23) heifers (P < 0.001),
respectively. Glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant
acid phosphatase, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron decreased with age, whereas β-hydroxybutyric acid, total cholesterol,
creatinine, the creatinine : albumin ratio, alanine aminotransferase and chloride increased. The feeding treatment significantly
affected creatinine, the creatinine : albumin ratio, and phosphorus and sodium levels, which were higher for ID2 heifers compared
with SD and ID1. A logistic regression based on plasma metabolites at 6 mo of age to explain puberty attainment before or at
12 mo of age showed a positive relationship with plasma cholesterol (odds ratio = 9.05). In conclusion, the feeding treatment had
minor consequences on plasma metabolites, but it did affect growth performance.

Keywords: rearing, metabolites, Holstein, female, oestrus

Implications Introduction
Increasing the growth rate of dairy heifers decreased their In seasonal calving systems where heifers first calve at a
age at puberty, potentially reducing age at first calving young age (around 24 mo), the moment of 1st insemination
and ultimately shortening the non-productive rearing per- may be delayed for those born at the end of the calving
iod. Combined monitoring of the growth rates and blood period if an adequate BW is not reached (i.e. 360 to 380 kg
levels of selected metabolites at a young age (6 months for Holstein heifers in French dairy herds; Le Cozler et al.,
(mo) of age or earlier) could be a way to better predict 2008). To solve this problem, one strategy is to increase the
oestrus onset in dairy heifers, rather than regular proges- feeding intensity and thus the growth rate for late-born
terone analysis (every 10 days or less). This information heifers. A high growth rate usually results in a decreased age
could be of interest for optimal reproduction (number at puberty and, consequently, 1st calving may occur as early
of oestrus cycles before insemination for improved as 20 mo of age. Puberty onset is generally a consequence of
fertility) and/or for oocyte/embryo production in peripu- an early attainment of a standard BW associated, within
bertal donors. breeds, to a target body condition (Le Cozler et al., 2008).
However, reaching this standard BW alone is probably not
sufficient to attain puberty, and specific metabolic signals

E-mail: yannick.lecozler@agrocampus-ouest.fr likely act to support this phase of reproductive development

Blood profiles during growth in Holstein heifers

(Chelikani et al., 2003). There are many studies published on Here, we designed and led an experiment to determine the
the effect of nutrition during the rearing-phase on profiles of effects of feeding treatments on growth parameters, age at
reproductive (progesterone, oestradiol, LH, FSH, etc.) and/or puberty and plasma biochemical profiles, and to study the
metabolic (IGF, growth hormone, leptin, etc.) hormones possible relationships between age at puberty and metabolic
during pre- or post-pubertal phases (Bergfeld et al., 1994; profiles at 6, 9, 12 and 15 mo of age in dairy heifers.
Evans et al., 1994; Melvin et al., 1999). Other authors have
documented the metabolic, endocrine and/or reproductive
responses with respect to growth or puberty onset in dairy
(Taylor et al., 2004; Brickell et al., 2009), beef (Hall et al., Material and methods
1995; Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., 2015) or mixed (Samadi General design
et al., 2014) heifers. All these studies provide additional Sixty-seven Holstein heifers, born during the 2011–12 cal-
information on the complex interplay among nutrition, ving season (September to February), were reared and fol-
growth and reproduction in growing cattle, but information lowed until oestrus synchronisation (11 to 15 mo of age) at
on circulating enzymes or minerals involved in metabolism is the INRA’s experimental farm in Le Rheu, France. Calves born
scarce. Indeed, when accelerated heifer growth is diet- between 1 September and 30 November were alternately
induced, it is also necessary to consider the possible outcome allocated to one of two nutritional treatments (according to
of these elements on metabolic profiles in terms of potential birth order) and fed either a standard diet (SD; n = 27) or an
implications for puberty attainment. The relationship intensive-plane diet (ID1; n = 27) from 0 to 6 mo of age. It
between plasma metabolites and late puberty attainment was expected that, thanks to the feeding intensity chosen,
may stem from two factors: nutrient supply inadequately heifers fed SD and ID1 diets would reach 190 to 200 and 220
supporting the heifer’s growth potential, and nutritional or to 230 kg at 6 mo of age, respectively. Heifers born after
environmental stressors influencing heifer growth. The first 1 December (ID2; n = 13) received the same intensive-plane
case would likely involve a metabolic profile characterised by diet as ID1 heifers from 0 to 6 mo of age, to limit the possible
signals of low energy and/or protein supply, such as low confusion effect between age and treatment during this
plasma glucose or urea levels (Abeni et al., 2000). The sec- period. Thereafter, a complementary diet was formulated for
ond case would likely involve increased signals of tissue ID2 heifers in order to reach 380 kg at 1 year of age. The
damage, notably to the liver, as suggested by higher enzyme main objective of this latest procedure was to study the
activities (Abeni et al., 2014). The fact that rearing proce- possibility for late-born heifers to catch up with the rest of
dures can alter hormonal profiles in both dairy (Chelikani the heifers at 1st artificial insemination (AI) at a minimum BW
et al., 2003) and beef (Gasser et al., 2006) heifers points to of 370 to 380 kg. It was expected that this corresponded to
the hypothesis that modifying both diet composition and 15 and 12 mo of age for (SD and ID1) and ID2 heifers,
feeding management may also modify plasma profiles and respectively. The diets (Table 1) were formulated for the
thus affect puberty onset. If puberty onset is affected by different stages of growth: birth to weaning, weaning to
plasma biochemical parameters, then some metabolites 4 mo, 4 to 6 mo, 6 to 9 mo, 9 to 12 mo and 12 to 15 mo,
could serve as indicators of potential early puberty onset and according to the recommendations and procedures pre-
thus be used to select these heifers. sented by Agabriel and Meschy (2007). These diets were also

Table 1 Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets

Items TMR1 TMR2 TMR3a TMR3b

Stage of growth (age) (7 days to 4 months) (4 to 6/8 months) (9 to 11 months) (6 to 11 months)

Group of heifers All (SD, ID1, ID2) All (SD, ID1, ID2) SD, ID1 ID2
Ingredient (%)
Corn silage 47.5 72.0 80 80
Soya bean meal – 8.0 20 20
18% CP alfafa pellets 5 –
Concentrate 11 47.5 20.0
Concentrate 22 (kg/head per day) 1 2
Estimated chemical composition
DM (%) 61.5 47.7 44.7 45.6
CP (g/kg DM) 118.3 123.4 161.8 163.9
PDIE (g/kg DM) 89.9 921.2 128.4 124.9
PDIN (g/kg DM) 47.0 82.4 116.7 116.7
UFL(per kg DM) 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0
TMR = total mixed ration; SD, ID1, ID2: animals fed either on a standard (SD) or increased-plane (ID1 and ID2) feeding rearing programme;
DM = dry matter; PDIE = metabolisable protein supply; PDIN = rumen-degradable nitrogen; UFL = unit of feed for lactation.
Chemical composition: DM 88.7%; CP 168 g/kg; PDIE 118 g; PDIN 114 g; UFL 1.05.
Chemical composition: DM 87.9%; CP 131 g/kg; PDIE 81 g; PDIN 90 g; UFL 0.96.

Abeni, Petrera and Le Cozler

formulated to reach a targeted average daily gain (ADG) per ID2 group received 1 kg of corn silage and 2 kg of con-
period, with respect to the initial BW and feeding treatment centrate 2 per DM/heifer per day. Grass availability and/or
used. quality were insufficient to maintain the desired growth rates
during summer (heat stress). Standard diet and ID1 heifers
Heifer management then received, per DM/heifer per day, up to 2.5 kg of addi-
The milk-feeding phase (year 1). At the end of the pre- tional TMR3a, plus 1 kg of concentrate 2; ID2 heifers received
experimental phase (0 to 10 days), calves were fed recon- up to 3 kg of TMR3b, plus 2 kg of concentrate 2. To achieve
stituted milk replacer (135 g milk power + 865 g water per 380 kg at the end of outdoor season (when oestrus syn-
litre) until weaning. The CP and fat content of the milk chronisation started), the expected ADG for SD and ID1
powder averaged 23.9% and 19.0%, respectively. Heifers heifers was estimated to be around 600 g/day during this
were group-housed indoors on cumulated straw bedding. period, with a feeding regime based on pasture plus 1 kg of
They were reared in dynamic groups, fed with automatic milk concentrate 2, and 800 g/day when receiving grass plus
feeding systems (AMFS), with free access to fresh water, TMR3a. For ID2 heifers, it was estimated that grass alone
straw and hay. Dynamic group strategy meant that calves was not sufficient to reach 900 g/day during the same period
entered the group every week while others left it at weaning and TMR3b was used (Table 1). This procedure, based on the
(70 to 77 days). Group size thus varied from 8 to 24 calves feed intake of the heifers, grass composition and expected
per AMFS. Milk was distributed according to either a stan- growth, was successfully tested during the previous 2010
dard (SD) or an increased-plane (ID1 and ID2) milk-feeding and 2011 grazing seasons on similar heifers reared on the
programme (Figure 1). The SD ration was routinely used in same paddocks. During the entire experiment, BW records
the experimental herd and (ID1 and ID2) rations consisted of (every 2 or 3 weeks) were compared with data collected
15% more milk. As a supplement to the milk, all calves were during 2011 and 2012. If necessary, feed allowance was
fed ad libitum total mixed ration 1 (TMR1; Table 1). adjusted.
In the pasture area, a permanent headlock barrier (80
From weaning until turning out to pasture (year 1). From places on concrete floor) was used daily to feed SD and ID1
weaning to 6/8 mo of age, groups of calves were housed in heifers with their concentrate. Heifers were locked for 1 h
separate pens on deep straw bedding with ad libitum access while eating. The SD2 group had free access to its ration, but
to fresh water and straw. Until 4 mo of age, the SD group was not locked, since it usually took several hours to eat the
received TMR1 ad libitum until the concentrate reached 2 kg ration. At the end of the pasture season (6 November),
DM/head per day, no restriction was applied to ID1 and ID2 heifers were group-housed (eight heifers per pen) on deep
heifers. From 4 to 6/8 mo of age (turning out to pasture), straw bedding and received 3.8 kg DM/head per day of a diet
TMR2 (Table 1) was distributed ad libitum until the maximum containing 79% corn silage and 21% soya bean meal. They
daily allowance of concentrate reached 2 and 2.5 kg DM/ had free access to fresh water, straw and mineral
head for SD and (ID1 and ID2) heifers, respectively, that is, a complements. After a 2-week adaptation period, oestrous
total daily allowance of 10 and 12.5 kg/head of TMR2 for SD cycles were synchronised in heifers, and the experiment
and (ID1 and ID2) heifers, respectively. These amounts did ended (22 November).
not change until turn out to pasture.
Measurements and registration
Turning out to pasture. Starting from mid-May 2012 for SD Heifers were weighed every 14 days from birth to weaning,
and ID1 heifers and mid-June for ID2 heifers, heifers were every 21 days from weaning until turning out to pasture, and
turned out to pasture and rotationally grazed on a perennial every 28 days until the end of the experiment. BW of ID2
ryegrass sward. After a 5-day transition phase and through- heifers at 12 and 15 mo of age was additionally retrieved and
out the pasture season, SD and ID1 groups received a daily compared to SD and ID1 heifers BW at these stages. BW was
supplement of 1 kg DM/head of concentrate 2, whereas the corrected according to age, and daily gains were calculated.
Daily feed allowances and refusals were also registered, on
10 SD either an individual or a group basis. Heifer health and
9 ID1 & ID2 treatment information was recorded during the experiment;
however, heifers were reared under strict control conditions
Milk, kg/d/heifer

6 and the results are not presented in detail in the

5 present paper.
3 Blood samples
From 5.5 mo of age (on average), one 5 ml lithium-heparin
tube was collected from the jugular vein at 10-day intervals
1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 to determine plasma progesterone. A second 5 ml lithium-
Age, d heparin tube was collected at 6, 9, 12 and 15 mo of age for
Figure 1 Standard (SD) or increased-plane (ID1 and ID2) milk feeding the plasma biochemical profile. Metabolite concentrations
programme according to age of Holstein heifers. such as glucose or non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) vary

Blood profiles during growth in Holstein heifers

based on the time of feeding (Taylor et al., 2004). To limit experimental period (SD, ID1 and ID2), age at time of sam-
such an effect, samples were performed at 1000 h, just pling (6, 9, 12 and 15 mo of age) and their interaction as
before feed distribution. Plasma was separated by cen- fixed effects, with time of sampling as a repeated measure,
trifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 min and stored at − 20°C until and heifer within diet treatment (random effect) as an error
analysis. Laboratory progesterone analysis was performed term. A second analysis was performed on plasma data from
every 2 to 3 weeks, when enough samples were available to heifers reaching puberty before oestrus synchronisation
run assays. Heifers were considered pubertal once plasma (n = 56) to assess within-group differences obtained by
progesterone concentrations were greater than 1.0 ng/ml stratification of the heifers according to age at reaching
and puberty attainment was declared. Age at puberty cor- puberty. Three classes of age at reaching puberty were cre-
responded to the difference between the date of sample ated: <9 mo of age (Gr1); 9 to 12 mo of age (Gr2); >12 mo of
and birth date. When analysis showed progesterone level age until start of oestrus synchronisation (Gr3). The model
<1 ng/ml, samplings went on until the start of oestrus included the three classes of age at puberty (Gr1, Gr2 and
synchronisation. Gr3), age at time of sampling (6, 9, 12 and 15 mo of age),
and their interaction as fixed effects, with time of sampling
Laboratory analysis as a repeated measure, and heifer within diet treatment
Blood samples were analysed to detect puberty based on (random effect) as an error term. Block diagonal structure of
changes in progesterone levels. Plasma samples were first the residual covariance matrix used in the analyses was deter-
thawed at 20°C and mixed, then progesterone analyses were mined by repeated measures on the same subjects. For each
performed with an AIA-360 Automated Immunoassay Ana- variable, different covariance structures were tested (simple,
lyzer (Tososh Bioscience Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA). Compound Symmetry, Autoregressive, Ante-Dependence,
Intra- and inter-assay variability were 12.3% and 7.5%, unstructured), and the best was chosen by Akaike’s Infor-
respectively. Blood samples collected at 6, 9, 12 and 15 mo of mation Criteria (Littell et al., 1998). Least squares means
age were analysed to study metabolite changes and enzyme were computed and pairwise-tested for each effect in each
activities. Samples were thawed for metabolite analysis as model. Simple Pearson correlation coefficients between age
above, but reaching 37°C. Analyses were performed on at puberty and the other dependent variables at the different
plasma metabolites (glucose, NEFA, β-hydroxybutyric acid times were calculated.
(BHBA), total cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, total protein, To identify which main plasma metabolites were able to
albumin, creatinine, calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphorus (P), predict the probability to be puberal before or at 1 year of
magnesium (Mg) sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlorine (Cl) age at 6 mo of age, a logistic regression was performed using
and iron (Fe), and enzymatic activities (aspartate amino- R software (R Core Team, 2016). This way, considering the
transferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline statistical significance of each factor within the regression,
phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and the relative odds ratio (OR) was evidenced to be discussed.
tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase). An automated bio-
clinical chemistry analyser (ILAB Aries, Instrumentation
Laboratory, Lexington, MA, USA) using dedicated
manufacturer-supplied kits was used, except for NEFA Results
(NEFA-HR(2), Wako Chemicals GmbH, Neuss, Germany) and Growth performance and puberty attainment
BHBA (Randox Laboratories Ltd, County Antrim, UK). Analysis on growth performances according to feeding
treatment or class of age at puberty from birth to 15 mo of
Calculations and statistical analysis age showed no significant difference among treatments or
BW changes and puberty. Data on growth and puberty groups until 6 mo of age (Table 2). At 9 mo of age, ID2
attainment were tested by ANOVA (SAS Institute Inc., 2009) (n = 11) heifers were heavier than SD (n = 22) and ID1
in a randomised block design that included feeding treat- (n = 23) heifers (P < 0.001), at 301.2 v. 264.8 and 265.2 kg,
ments (three levels), age at reaching puberty (three classes) respectively. The difference remained at 12 and 15 mo of age
and their interaction as fixed effects. In these analyses, only (+50 and +30 kg, respectively). Regardless of puberty onset
heifers reaching puberty before oestrus synchronisation were (n = 67; data not presented), no difference among treat-
used (n = 56). Results are reported as least squares means ments emerged until 6 mo of age. Thereafter, feeding treat-
and residual standard deviation with effects declared highly ment had an effect on growth, with ID2 (n = 13) heifers
significant at P < 0.001, significant at P < 0.05 and as a having higher BW compared to SD (n = 27) and ID1 (n = 27)
trend at 0.05 < P < 0.10. heifers at 9 mo (287 ± 42 v. 262 ± 21 and 263 ± 24 kg;
P < 0.05), 12 mo (366 ± 55 v. 312 ± 24 and 313 ± 28 kg;
Blood and metabolites. Data on plasma metabolites were P < 0.01) and 15 mo (405 ± 56 v. 382 ± 35 and 384 ± 37 kg;
evaluated by repeated-measures ANOVA using the MIXED P < 0.01).
procedure of SAS/STAT software in SAS System for Windows The ADG calculated during these three different periods
v.9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., 2008). A first analysis was per- (Table 2) were higher for ID2 heifers, which consequently
formed on data from all heifers (n = 67) to assess the effect reached puberty 1 mo earlier than SD and ID1 heifers (9.2 v. 10.5
of dietary treatment. The main effects were diet during the

Abeni, Petrera and Le Cozler

Table 2 Main characteristics of Holstein heifers groups according to feeding treatment and class of age at puberty (least squares means, n = 56)
Feeding treatment (T)1 Class of age at puberty (Gr)2 P-value

Items SD1 ID1 ID2 Gr1 Gr2 Gr3 rSD T Gr T × Gr

BW (kg)
Birth (0 day) 40.4 42.4 38.9 38.8 41.7 42.1 5.2 ns ns ns
Weaning (77 days) 91.0 93.9 94.4 92.9 94.9 90.2 9.0 ns ns ns
3 months of age (91 days) 106 110 111 108 111 107 11 ns ns ns
4 months of age (122 days)3 142 149 153 145 150 146 14 t ns ns
6 months of age (182 days) 3 213 218 222 218 218 214 19 ns ns ns
9 months of age (274 days) 265b 265b 301a 279a 259b 257b 23 *** * *
12 months of age (364 days) 315b 316b 377a 336a 339a 307b 39 *** * *
15 months of age (455 days) 386b 385b 416a 405 390 381 41 *** ns ns
Average daily gain (g/days)
Birth to weaning 657 668 720 702a 691ab 625b 96 ns * ns
Birth to 4 months 832b 871ab 935a 868 882 855 108 * ns ns
Weaning to puberty 879b 862b 1075a 1 067a 907b 762c 150 * *** *
Weaning to 4 months 1139b 1227ab 1310a 1157a 1216b 1249b 197 ** * ns
Age (month) 10.5a 10.8a 9.2b 7.9a 10.3b 12.9c 0.83 *** *** ns
BW (kg) 292 296 306 258a 305b 325b 28 ns *** ns
ns = not significant; rSD = residual standard deviation.
Within feeding treatment or class of age at puberty, values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at P < 0.05.
SD, ID1, ID2: animals fed either on a standard (SD, n = 22) or increased-plane (ID1, n = 23 and ID2, n = 13) feeding rearing programme.
Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 correspond to the three classes of age at puberty attainment before oestrus synchronisation: <9 months of age (Gr1, n = 18), 9 to 12 months of age (Gr2,
n = 21), >12 months of age (Gr3, n = 17).
4 months: total mixed ration 1 (TMR1) switched to TMR2; 6 months: turn out to pasture.
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, t: P < 0.1.

and 10.7 mo of age, respectively; P < 0.001) but without a dif- ID1 heifers. Plasma Fe was lower in ID1 compared with SD
ference in BW (306 v. 292 and 296 kg, respectively). heifers. A trend was observed for plasma urea, with lower
By stratifying heifers on three classes of age at puberty, values (P < 0.05) in ID2 compared with SD and ID1. There
puberty was detected in 18 heifers before 9 mo (Gr1), 21 was an age × feeding treatment interaction on many plasma
heifers between 9 and 12 mo (Gr2) and 17 after 12 mo and parameters; some data are available in Supplementary Figure S1.
until oestrus synchronisation (Gr3) at an average age of 7.9, This shows higher cholesterol and creatinine at 12 and 15 mo
10.3 and 12.9 mo, respectively (Table 2). Gr1, Gr2 and Gr3 (b, d), ALP at 9 mo (e), and BHBA at 15 mo (a), but lower
groups of heifers were composed of 8, 7 and 3; 5, 8 and 8; cholesterol at 9 mo (b), urea at 9 and 12 mo (c) and BHBA at
and 9, 8 and 0 heifers of the SD, ID1 and ID2 feeding treat- 6 mo (a) in ID2 heifers in comparison with ID1 and SD heifers.
ment groups, respectively. Within each group of age at Comparison of groups classed by age at puberty revealed
puberty, age at cycling was always lower for ID2 heifers. As significant differences on some plasma metabolites and
shown above, on average, ID2 heifers reached puberty at a mineral concentrations (Table 4). Gr3 heifers showed lower
lower age (Table 2) and in accordance with this, the three ID2 levels of plasma BHBA, total cholesterol, albumin and K, and
heifers in Gr1 were the youngest to show cyclicity (at 6.2 mo higher levels of NEFA and ALP compared with Gr1 and Gr2
for the youngest). Gr1 heifers had a lower BW at puberty heifers. There was a class × age interaction on many plasma
than Gr2 and Gr3 heifers (258 v. 305 and 325 kg, respec- parameters; some data are available in Supplementary Figure S2.
tively; P < 0.001). ADG from weaning to puberty significantly This shows lower glucose at 9 mo (a), but higher NEFA at
differed among treatments, by 1 067, 907 and 762 g/day on 12 mo (b) and ALP activity at 6 and 15 mo (d) in Gr3 heifers in
average for Gr1, Gr2 and Gr3 heifers, respectively. comparison with Gr1 and Gr2 heifers. Urea was lower at
9 and 12 mo (c), but creatinine was higher at 12 mo (c) in Gr2
Metabolic profiles heifers in comparison with Gr1 and Gr3 heifers.
Except for plasma urea, total protein and GGT, all the other
parameters showed an age effect (Table 3). Glucose, NEFA, Pearson correlations and logistic regression on puberty
albumin, AST, ALP, Ca, P, K and Fe levels decreased with age, attainment
whereas BHBA, total cholesterol, creatinine, the creatinine: As expected, age at puberty correlated with BW at puberty
albumin ratio, ALT and Cl levels increased from 6 to 15 mo. (r = 0.68; P < 0.001, data not shown). The correlation
Feeding treatment (67 heifers, Table 3) only affected between age at puberty with BW and plasma parameters
plasma creatinine, the creatinine:albumin ratio, and P and (Table 5) was negative at 6 mo with glucose and cholesterol;
Na levels, which were higher in ID2 compared with SD and at 9 mo with BW, glucose and albumin; at 12 mo with BW

Blood profiles during growth in Holstein heifers

Table 3 Plasma parameters in each group of Holstein heifers according to age and feeding treatment during the rearing period (least squares means;
all animals, n = 67)
Feeding treatment (T)1 Age (A) (month) P-value

Items Unit/l SD ID1 ID2 6 9 12 15 rSD T A T×A

Glucose mmol 4.37 4.29 4.40 4.94a 4.30ab 4.04c 4.03c 0.03 ns *** ns
NEFA mmol 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.13a 0.12a 0.09b 0.08b 0.01 ns ** ns
BHBA mmol 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.50c 0.55bc 0.78a 0.61b 0.03 ns *** *
Total cholesterol mmol 2.13 2.06 2.17 1.93c 2.11b 2.05bc 2.38a 0.03 ns *** ***
Triglycerides mmol 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.23b 0.27a 0.23b 0.22b 0.01 ns *** ***
Urea mmol 3.63 3.57 3.16 3.44 3.33 3.44 3.61 0.06 t ns ***
Creatinine µmol 84.5b 82.8b 93.7a 78.1c 80.8c 89.1b 100.0a 0.74 ** *** ***
Total protein g 69.3 68.8 68.2 68.8 69.0 68.5 68.6 0.42 ns ns *
Albumin g 33.3 32.3 33.3 35.25a 31.8c 31.6c 33.3b5 0.208 ns *** ns
Globulins g 35.9 36.4 34.8 33.6c 37.2a 36.8ab 35.2b 0.33 ns *** *
Creatinine:albumin µmol/g 2.55b 2.59b 2.83a 2.22d 2.56c 2.82b 3.03a 0.02 ** *** *
ALT U 19.8 19.9 20.2 19.0b 19.77b 19.8b 21.2a 0.21 ns ** ns
AST U 76.6 76.3 75.6 88.1a 81.78ab 71.9bc 65.9c 1.49 ns *** ns
GGT U 19.1 18.2 17.9 18.0 18.3 18.8 18.5 0.27 ns ns **
ALP U 111.7 111.2 114.8 140.4a 98.2b 104.8b 106.8b 2.12 ns *** ***
TRAP U 2.98 2.97 3.13 3.18a 3.00ab 2.9b 3.06ab 0.04 ns *** ns
Ca mmol 2.51 2.47 2.56 2.62a 2.52b 2.48bc 2.45c 0.014 ns *** ns
P mmol 2.54b 2.56b 2.78a 2.83a 2.55b 2.61b 2.53b 0.02 * *** t
Mg mmol 0.98 0.979 1.00 1.00a 0.97bc 0.93c 0.98ab 0.01 ns ** *
Na mmol 143.9ab 141.7c 144.4a 144.1a 141.5c 143.6ab 144.1ab 0.36 * * ns
K mmol 4.19 4.28 4.35 4.51a 4.21b 4.16b 4.22b 0.03 ns *** **
Cl mmol 102.2 100.9 101.8 100.6b 100.9b 101.9ab 103.0a 0.28 ns * ns
Fe µmol 28.5 25.9 26.1 31.2a 25.0b 25.3b 25.8b 0.44 t *** **
rSD = residual standard deviation; NEFA = non-esterified fatty acids; BHBA = β-hydroxybutyric acid; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase;
GGT = γ-glutamyltransferase; ALP = alkaline phosphatase; TRAP = tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase; Ca = Calcium; P = inorganic phosphorus; Mg = Magnesium;
Na = Sodium; K = potassium; Cl = Chlorine; Fe = iron.
Within feeding treatment or age, values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at P < 0.05.
SD, ID1, ID2: animals fed either on a standard (SD, n = 27) or an increased-plane (ID1, n = 27 and ID2, n = 13) feeding rearing programme.
Significant differences: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, t: P < 0.1; ns: not significant.

and BHBA, and at 15 mo with BW, albumin and BHBA. On a huge variation in BW, as expressed by its standard varia-
the contrary, positive correlations were observed at 6 mo for tion, was noted. This is not uncommon in most studies
ALP, at 12 mo for glucose, NEFA, Ca and Mg, and at 15 mo dealing with animal growth, and often originates from indi-
for ALP. vidual variation in ADG during the growing period (Brickell
The logistic regression analysis used to estimate the et al., 2009). This may compromise the targeted BW for 1st AI
probability that heifers reached puberty before or after 12 at 15 mo or less and 1st calving at around 24 mo of age,
mo based on BW and plasma parameters at 6 mo of age which is around 360 kg in United States (Hoffman, 1997) or
(Supplementary Table S1) indicated positive coefficients 360 to 380 kg in France (Le Cozler et al., 2008) for Holstein
for NEFA and cholesterol (P < 0.05), but negative coeffi- cows. A high growth rate from birth to 1st AI at 15 mo of age
cients for Fe concentrations (P < 0.05). A trend was found is generally recommended for first calving at 24 mo of age,
for BHBA (P = 0.052), urea (P = 0.07), ALT (P = 0.09) and and ADG is close to 750 g/day (Wattiaux, 1997). When first
Ca (P = 0.09). The most significant predictor measured at inseminated at 12 mo of age and for a similar BW, ADG
6 mo of age for puberty attainment at 12 mo, with an should then be around 950 g/day. In the present study, hei-
OR = 9.05 for each unit of increase in plasma, was fers reached the target BW at the start of the reproductive
cholesterol. period, even those born late during the previous calving
season (ID2). In this study, the ADG from birth to weaning
was higher in heifers reaching puberty at an early age (Gr1),
but without any effect due to the feeding treatment. As feed
Feeding treatment: growth performance and plasma profile availability was not limited in any groups, it is suggested that
BW at the different stages of growth was considered ade- genetic and/or feed efficiency components are probably
quate for a first calving at 24 mo of age or less, as a result of involved in such variations and differences (Pryce et al.,
feeding treatments used to reach targeted weights. However, 2014). However, the results indicate that for an early age at

Abeni, Petrera and Le Cozler

Table 4 Plasma parameters in each group of Holstein heifers according to age and class of age at puberty attainment (least squares means; n = 56)
Class of age at puberty (Gr)1 Age (A) P-value

Items Unit/L Gr1 Gr2 Gr3 6 9 12 15 rSD Gr Age Gr × A

Glucose mmol 4.37 4.34 4.34 5.04a 4.24b 4.11bc 4.01c 0.031 ns *** **
NEFA mmol 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.13a 0.12a 0.09b 0.08b 0.005 t *** *
BHBA mmol 0.68 0.61 0.57 0.53c 0.54bc 0.80a 0.61b 0.020 t *** ns
Total cholesterol mmol 2.12 2.25 2.05 1.99d 2.22ab 1.98cd 2.36a 0.036 t *** ns
Triglycerides mmol 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.22b 0.29a 0.24b 0.21bc 0.006 ns *** *
Urea mmol 3.80 3.35 3.56 3.41 3.54 3.81 3.52 0.070 t ns *
Creatinine µmol 87.23 88.12 82.32 78.0c 81.2c 85.6b 98.8a 0.896 ns *** **
Total protein g 68.24 69.76 68.27 68.7 69.3 68.9 68.2 0.493 ns ns ns
Albumin g 33.7 33.3 32.2 35.7a 32.0bc 31.5c 33.1b 0.218 t *** ns
Globulins g 34.61 36.48 36.07 33.1c 37.4a 37.4a 35.1b 0.373 ns *** ns
Creatinine : albumin µmol/g 2.60 2.67 2.59 2.19d 2.55c 2.72b 3.02a 0.028 ns *** **
ALT U 19.98 19.15 20.54 18.9b 19.9b 19.4b 21.4a 0.233 ns *** ns
AST U 72.30 73.89 75.24 79.5a 78.6ab 71.2c 66.0c 1.161 ns *** ns
GGT U 19.61 17.83 18.36 18.3 18.3 18.9 18.9 0.279 ns ns ns
ALP U 99.2b 114.1ab 124.9a 147.4a 93.9c 104.0bc 105.6b 2.294 ** *** **
TRAP U 3.07 3.09 2.91 3.18a 2.99abc 2.83c 3.08ab 0.042 ns *** ns
Ca mmol 2.49 2.52 2.47 2.60a 2.50b 2.46bc 2.42c 0.016 ns *** ns
P mmol 2.56b 2.76a 2.51ab 2.86a 2.50b 2.60b 2.49b 0.027 * *** ns
Mg mmol 0.96 1.00 0.99 1.01a 0.99ab 0.95b 1.00a 0.007 ns * *
Na mmol 142.6 144.4 141.9 144.4a 140.9c 143.3ab 143.4ab 0.426 t *** ns
K mmol 4.23ab 4.35a 4.14b 4.49a 4.19b 4.07b 4.21b 0.032 * *** t
Cl mmol 101.1 102.1 101.2 100.6 100.9 101.6 102.8 0.331 ns t ns
Fe µmol 26.88 26.37 27.54 31.8a 23.7c 26.9b 25.3bc 0.495 ns *** *
rSD = residual standard deviation; NEFA = non-esterified fatty acids; BHBA = β-hydroxybutyric acid; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase;
GGT = γ-glutamyltransferase; ALP = alkaline phosphatase; TRAP = tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase; Ca = Calcium; P = inorganic phosphorus; Mg = Magnesium;
Na = Sodium; K = potassium; Cl = Chlorine; Fe = iron.
Within class of age at puberty or age, values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at P < 0.05.
Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 correspond to the three classes of age at puberty attainment before oestrus synchronisation: < 9 months of age (Gr1, n = 18), 9 to 12 months of age (Gr2,
n = 21), >12 months of age (Gr3, n = 17).
Significant differences: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; t: P < 0.1; ns: not significant.

Table 5 Pearson’s correlations between age at puberty with BW and selected plasma parameters at different stages of growth in Holstein heifers
(based on the 56 animals presenting oestrous cyclicity before hormonal synchronisation)
BW Glucose Cholesterol Albumin ALP BHBA NEFA Ca Mg

6 months of age – − 0.24t − 0.49* – 0.35** – – –

9 months of age − 0.43** − 0.31* – − 0.31* – – – –
12 months of age − 0.44** 0.27* – – – − 0.26t 0.42** 0.32* 0.41**
15 months of age − 0.34* – – − 0.35** 0.38** − 0.30* – − 0.27*
ALP = alkaline phosphatase; BHBA = β-hydroxybutyric acid; NEFA = non-esterified fatty acids; Ca = Calcium; Mg = Magnesium.
Significant differences: **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; tP <0.1.

puberty and consequently, at first insemination, the ADG age or less meant that three or four oestrous cycles occurred
during the milk-feeding phase is of crucial importance. In before insemination, which is generally consistent with good
complement to optimal development, puberty was also fertility results in many species (Lin et al., 1986; Byerley et al.,
reached at an early age for most heifers. The concept of 1987; Robinson, 1990; Le Cozler et al., 1998). Regardless of
puberty attainment as a function of reaching a specific fixed calving strategy, lowering the age at puberty and, conse-
proportion, not only of a mature BW but also of a mature quently, the age at first insemination is an efficient way to
body size (height), has been stressed by several authors (Fox shorten the non-productive period before calving. However,
et al., 1999; Duplessis et al., 2015). Mature BW and mature as suggested by Meyer et al. (2006), it might reduce pre-
body height can be estimated by random regression within pubertal mammary gland development by shortening the
each breed (Cue et al., 2012). Puberty onset at 9 to 10 mo of allometric phase of mammary gland growth and, in some

Blood profiles during growth in Holstein heifers

cases, impair further milk production. Investigations on these plasma urea mirrors the level of nitrogen availability, both
aspects are still ongoing and not presented or discussed here. quantitatively and qualitatively (solubility). The higher
Until 6 mo of age, BW was not affected by the feeding plasma creatinine values of ID2 heifers at 12 and 15 mo of
treatment. Indeed, during the milk-feeding phase, all heifers age were likely due to their higher body mass. If an increase
had free access to TMR1 and thus, SD heifers probably in plasma creatinine-to-albumin ratio is read as a sign of
compensated for the lower milk allowance (−15% compared body mass development (as confirmed by the trend in time
with ID1 and ID2) by feeding higher TMR1. The level of during growth), then ID2 heifers evidently showed body mass
feeding (milk and/or TMR) due to feeding treatments in this growth earlier on than the other groups. These results con-
experiment was higher than those observed in many com- firmed how the supplementation in this trial supported early
mercial farms and certainly could partially explain the lack of development in ID2 group.
difference. After 6 mo of age, only ID2 heifers were fed an The mean plasma P values were outside of the range
intensive diet; as a result, they presented better growth, not reported for adult animals (Kaneko et al., 1997; Boudon
only reflected by BW and/or ADG changes, but also by higher et al., 2018) but consistent for young heifers (Abeni et al.,
plasma levels of ALP and P (at 9 mo) and total cholesterol 2000; Klinkon and Ježek, 2012). The higher plasma levels of
and creatinine (at 12 mo). The possible anabolic effect of the inorganic P in ID2 heifers at 9 mo of age are likely attribu-
season (Tucker et al., 1984) due to photoperiod exposure in table to the higher supplementation during pasture com-
the 1st mo of life was limited in the present study. It is sug- pared to SD and ID1. Similarly, plasma Mg and other mineral
gested that a limited effect of photoperiod exposure during concentrations were also higher in ID2 heifers at 9 mo, and
the 0 to 6 mo of age stage, when heifers were fed a high level were within the physiological range reported by Boudon
of nutrients and/or that the effect of a photoperiod at this et al. (2018). To our knowledge, there are no papers speci-
time of year, might be limited. fically describing how to interpret Mg levels in heifers.
Glucose, NEFA and urea levels were within the range of
those in most published papers (Taylor et al., 2004; Brickell Growth performance and class of age at puberty
et al., 2009). When comparing plasma parameters according The stratification according to class of age at puberty evi-
to age, in many cases, the highest differences were observed denced that heifers showing puberty at a late age (>1 year)
at 6 mo, confirming that most biochemical variables are age- had poor energy status (higher NEFA), probably due to a
dependent in dairy (Abeni et al., 2000; Abeni et al., 2012) lower feed intake (lower total cholesterol and albumin),
and beef (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., 2015) heifers, with the resulting in lower ADG until puberty, and higher ALP activity.
same timing schedule. Throughout the trial, a marked dif- As the main factors that can alter plasma ALP activity are
ferentiation in plasma metabolite concentrations resulting age, puberty and BW, and the bone isoenzyme is mainly
from the higher supplementation to ID2 after 6 mo of age responsible for this variation, it can be hypothesised that the
was noted. In fact, where SD and ID1 showed similar values higher values observed were a consequence of the delayed
and globally similar changes in energy (BHBA and total puberty. Even if plasma cholesterol changes are tricky to
cholesterol) and protein-related metabolites (urea and crea- interpret, the results of this present study would suggest that
tinine), ID2 heifers differed on either plasma values or its level at 6 mo of age could be a good predictor of pre-
changes in time. Plasma glucose and NEFA did not differ cocious puberty onset. If this result was masked at group
among experimental groups, thus evidencing the lack of level in the ANOVA, it was clearer when evaluated at the
significant difference in energy availability during the mon- individual level in the logistic regression. In fact, the OR =
itored period. The decline of glucose levels from 6 to 15 mo 9.05 (P = 0.015) for plasma cholesterol suggests an impor-
of age, also noted by Samadi et al. (2014), was not affected tant effect of this metabolite at the individual level as a
by the feeding treatment. Increasing the level of feed during marker of a favourable metabolism for puberty attainment.
rearing, which resulted in higher BW and body condition At the start of metabolic profiling (6 mo), plasma cholesterol
score, improved metabolite homeostasis for these heifers concentration was similar among the three feeding treat-
and also resulted in a decreasing age at puberty. Many ment groups, but overall it was tendentially lower in heifers
hormonal changes occurred in this case (insulin, IGF1, Leptin), with delayed puberty onset. Thus, lower levels of BHBA and
in favour of earlier puberty attainment (Samadi et al., 2014). cholesterol for progesterone synthesis at 6 mo in these hei-
Urea mean levels (3.4 to 3.6 mmol/l) from 6 to 15 mo of fers indicates that cholesterol levels, rather than glucose
age were considered to be a moderate value suitable for concentration, could be considered an interesting indicator
dairy heifers (Brickell et al., 2009). According to previous to predict early puberty attainment. Anderson et al. (2015)
authors, a higher level would have reflected either too high also noted that a high level of cholesterol during early stages
an intake or too high a catabolism of the proteins, which of growth, due to feeding strategy, was related to the pre-
would reflect non-optimal feeding strategies. The lower cocity of puberty attainment, in agreement with Rodriguez-
plasma urea in ID2 at 9 and 12 mo of age is probably attri- Sanchez et al. (2015). For heifers reaching puberty at an early
butable to the limited shift from pasture to TMR intake that age, the higher uptake of circulating cholesterol to produce
decreased the impact of a generally highly degradable source progesterone (Yart et al., 2014) explains the difference in
of protein (the pasture). Previous papers (Abeni et al., 2000; circulating cholesterol. Results of odd-ratios obtained from
Abeni et al., 2012) on growing heifers also reported how the logistic regression on puberty onset confirmed that the

Abeni, Petrera and Le Cozler

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