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Energy is the ability of an object to do work.
Unit used to measure energy is called Joule.
Definition of joule
I joule of work is done when a force of 1 Newton moves an object through a distance of 1
Work done (Joules) = force (in Newtons) x distance in metres
Force is a push, pull or a twist. It is measured in unit called NEWTON.
1 Newton = 100 gf 1 Kgf = 1000 gf = 10N
Force of 1N if force is said to be applied if it makes an object of mass 1Kg to
accelerate at 1ms-2
Force applied in Newton (N) = mass (1 Kg) x acceleration (1 ms-2)
Calculate the force applied to an object of mass 14 Kg accelerating at 2.5
ms-2. Calculate the work done in Joules if the object moved through a
distance of 8 metres.
Calculate the force needed to do 340J of work if an object of mass 23 Kg
is accelerating at 4 ms-2. How far the object would have moved?
How much energy is needed to make an object of 23 Kg mass move
through 5 metres. The object has an acceleration of 2 ms-2.
To do work, energy is needed. Amount of energy spent is equal to the amount
of work done, if there is no any wastage of energy (energy lost in unwanted
forms of wasted energy)
Same amount of energy is needed to do a certain amount of work. However, amount of
energy used may not same as the total amount of energy supplied. This is because there is
always some energy which is wasted as it converts into unwanted forms of energy.
There are bigger and smaller units of energy e.g
1 GigaJoule (GJ) = 1 billion joules = 1000 Mega joules
1 megajoule = 1 million joules
1 Kilojoule = 1000 joules
1 microjoule = 1/1000000th of joule etc or 1 Joule = 1000000 ( 1 million, 106) microjoules
1 Joule = 1000 millijoules or 1 millijoule = 1/1000th of a joule (10-3 Joule)
100gf =1 Newton force 1000 gf = 10 Newtons =1Kgf
Fill in the following table
Force Distance Work Energy Total Amount % loss %
applied moved by done in used to amount of of efficiency
an object joules do this of energy energy energy
work (J) supplied Wasted
(J) (J)
300 gf 1220 cm 400
1 Kgf 250 200
20 N 30 metre 18.5
25.5 metre 600J 200
30N 600 200
0.01km 300J 185

Power is the rate of doing work.

Power = work done/time taken
Remember work done = energy used (units for work and energy are joules)
Unit for power is watt 1 Kilowatt = 1000 watts
1 Mega Watt =1 million watts
1GegaWatt = 1 billion watts
Calculate the power when a force of 450N moved an object through a distance of 300 cm
in 7 seconds.
Calculate the power in watts, when a force of 2450N moved an object through
12 metres in 23 seconds. (Hint: Power in Watts = Energy used in Joules/ time
taken in seconds).
Power used by an appliance is 1000 kilowatts. How much energy is used by this appliance.
Hint: 1 watt of power means 1 joule of energy is used in 1 second. 1000 kilowatt =
1000x1000 watts. It means 1000x1000 Joules of energy is used in 1 second.
An appliance is marked 1000Watts power. The appliance used energy for 2 hours.
Calculate the total energy used by this appliance in 2 hours.
Research and define:
The law of conservation of energy. Use suitable examples of energy transfer to justify the
law definition.
Use the law of conservation of energy to justify the energy conversions when:
● A torch is lit to find a missing coin.
● Electrical energy production in a coal power station.
● Electrical energy is used to make a water pump draw water from a well.
● A swing is made to move up and down using a diesel engine.
There are different forms of energy.
Use Pearson book page 180-182 to
Fill in information in the following table
Type of energy Describe the form Identify sources of Applications of this
this energy energy

Potential energy

potential energy

Elastic potential

Chemical potential

Nuclear energy

Sound energy

Heat energy

Light energy

Electrical energy
Outline the energy conversions that occurred in above flow charts A and B in the space
Use a ruler to measure the width of each arrow in energy conversions shown in fig 33
above. Considering that 1 cm width of each arrow equal to 3 megajoule of energy. Work
out how much energy in Joules is available from the sun (solar energy), how much energy
is stored in chemicals made by photosynthesis, how much energy is stored in coal, how
much heat energy is produced by the burning of coal and how much energy is available as
electrical energy.
How much energy was wasted as heat energy when coal was formed buried plant trees in
Make energy chains to show the following energy conversions and state possible forms of
energy wastage in each case in the space below.
How do you explain energy transfer?
Energy transfer takes place when same form of energy moves from one place to another or one
object to another. Energy can move from one object to another, like when the energy from your
moving foot is transferred to a soccer ball. In this case same type energy (kinetic energy) and
same amount of kinetic energy is transferred from one object (foot) to another which is soccer ball,
if there is no any other form of energy formed and wasted).

What are the 4 main energy transfers?

There are 4 ways energy can be transferred.
● Mechanically - By the action of a force.
● Electrically - By an electrical current.
● By radiation - By Light waves or Sound waves.
● By heating - By conduction, convection, or radiation.

Describe the energy movements.

● from the gears in a car engine to gears in crank shaft and then
to the wheel.
● From the radiant heater to the body of a person sitting in front
of heater.
● Light is shown on a crystal, and it starts to glow.
● A Bunsen burner flame is used to heat 250 mL of water in a
● A speaker speaks in the speaker of a telephone and another
person at the other end hears the speech.
Give three examples of energy transfer explain using a real-world example?

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