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The graph demonstrates the quantity of people partcipated in four types of sports,

namely tennie, rugby, basketball and badminton in a particular place over a period
of 20 years, starting from 1985. In genrall, the basketball and badminton witnessed
a small decrease in the number of people joining, while that for tennis increase
significantly and the rugby fell considerably.

In 1985, the badminton was the lowest, around 50 people, which was moderately
smaller than that of basketball (approximately 70 peple). Over the next 5 years,
both of the two sports experienced an unconsiderable downward trend before
flutuating for 10 years until the end of the period and the participants for basketball
reached 70, which was the same to the first year of the period while this for
badminton reached 50.

In the beginning of the period, the number of participants joining tennies and rugby
were 150 and about 240 people respectively. 10 years later, the quantity of people
taking part in tennis begin to soared remarkably and reached 200 participants in
1995. In contrast, that for rugby witnessed a significant drop and was surpassed by
the tennies also in a decade later. In the last 10 years of the preriod, the tennies
continued to rose in the number of people join in and reach nearly 230 people in
2005 while the reverse was true for that of rugby when this fell remarkably and
met the number of people joining badminton with 50 people at the end.

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