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Interview Questionnaires

Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)

Contacting Person: Neha Bhola
Family Background:
Please describe who is in your family, the name of your parents, what they are doing etc.
3. Academic Background:
Please give details of your schooling, degree/ and other qualifications you have completed along with the
details of when you completed and what your percentage etc. Please give a brief history of your education.
4. Work Experience: Where do you work? Which field? Designation? Job Responsibilities? Duration? Your
Colleagues? Why you have left that job? Etc.
5. Additional Information (if it is supporting your application)
Please give details of any extra curriculum activity you did and which is related to your prospective course.

Other Related Questions:

1. Name of the proposed course and the rationale for undertaking this course.
Full name of your course and you have to describe the reason for choosing this course.

1. Why did you choose this university and how did you find it?
Tip: You should go through the website and handbook of your university carefully. Pen down
some highlighted features such as World ranking, the research facility, the faculty profile, Alumni profile
etc. Visa officer wants to know the reason behind joining the particular University. You should also
mention the reason how you learned about the university.
This University is ranked highly especially in my field of study. I learned about this university while surfing
on the net and then visited their official website to get more information about the university. I really got
impressed with their Faculty profile and the course curriculum. The curriculum was very much similar to
what I want to study.
2. Why did you select the Australia for higher studies? Isn't this course offered by any university
or college in your country? OR Why did you choose Australia as a destination to study?
Tip: You should mention the quality of education in Australia. If the course is not available in your home
country, you can tell the VO that it is not offered in your country. If the same course is available in your
country, highlight the differences in the quality of education and the course structure in your country and
Australia. You should convince the VO that doing this course from Australia will add value to your profile.
Talk about a few researches being conducted in that field. Technical words work out when other things
Australia has always been the center of excellence especially in my field and provides quality education by
making students practically gain knowledge as much as possible, so it is quite an obvious choice for me. The
standard and recognition that Australia has in terms of their education was definitely, my made reason of
choice Australia. Study in Australia promotes innovative, creative and independent thinking.
I’ll learn to work as part of a team, to communicate effectively with others and to
develop the practical skills and intellectual abilities, I need for global success. It is a young, vibrant and
friendly country in where I can live, learn and grow. The benefits of living and learning in Australia are both
personal and academic. Study time spent in Australia will give me the best platform to succeed in my career
and prepare me for the challenges of the workplace. I will get international exposure.
Cheaper study and living expenses compared to many other countries
Dynamic and progressive education programs with a reputation for excellence
Globally-recognized courses and qualifications
International Reputation
: Australia's universities have long enjoyed an international reputation for excellence in teaching and
research. Academic staff in Australian universities is recruited both internationally and locally. There is No
discrimination between boys and girls.
Interview Questionnaires
Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)
Contacting Person: Neha Bhola
Strong International Links: Australian universities have strong international links across the entire range of
their activities, from individual research collaborations through to joint ventures with universities in other
countries. In particular, Australia works to develop strong education relationships with its neighbors in the
Asia Pacific region.
Study Method
: Students at Australian universities and colleges attend lectures, tutorials, seminars, as well as conducting
independent research in libraries or laboratories. Students are encouraged to collect and analyze data
yourself or in teams, to ask questions, to develop an argument in a logical form and to participate in
discussion and debate with other students and lecturers. This means students are active learners in
Australia, and don't just passively listen and rote learn. Most colleges and universities can help you with
study skills so you can adapt to this way of learning. a. Australian qualifications are backed by the Australian
government bodies b. Fully recognized qualifications all over the world by professional bodies for public
and private sector jobs c. All institutions are registered with Australian government d. Course outlines are
designed by Australian government bodies to maintain uniformity within the entire education system and
to facilitate group studies
3. Why did you select this course? Is it relevant to your previous studies?
Tip: You should be very clear about your future plans after doing this course. Prepare a good
statement mentioning about: How course is relevant to your previous degree, how this course adds value
to you profile, why you are interested in doing this course etc.
This course is related to my previous studies and I have got a strong interest in this field.
4. Can you tell me the location of the university/college?
Tip: You should do some research on your university before visa interview. You should know its
exact location and the location of different campus as well (if any). Location might be one of the reasons
that you selected this particular university, so make sure that you know its exact location.
Yes. You should do some research on your university before visa interview. You should know its
exact location and the location of different campus as well (if any).
5. What if you get Australia degree here, would you like to go to Australia again for higher Studies?
Tip: You should be able to convince the Visa Officer that you are interested to do higher studies
from Australia because of high quality of education. Highlight the differences between doing education
from Australia and your home country. Tell VO that how doing education from Australia will add value to
your profile.
Yes, I would like to go to Australia again for higher studies because of high quality of education and ample
research facilities. And more over the quality of faculty is far better in Australia.
1. Study methods used in India are not good. They do not encourage students’ overall growth.
2. Poor infrastructure at Indian universities and colleges.
3. In India syllabus is not updated timely.
4. Teachers are not that experienced.
5. Indian study system is more theoretical than practical. 6. Indian universities do not offer the course
of the same caliber.
7. Not many options in subjects are available in Indian universities.
8. Now days MNC’s prefer foreign degree holders rather than Indian degrees. 6. What is the scope of
your course?
Tip: Prepare a good statement mentioning about: How this course adds value to your profile and how this
course will benefit you when you return to home country after completing your studies.
Interview Questionnaires
Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)
Contacting Person: Neha Bhola
The course will open new horizons for me and there are excellent job prospects for me in India
after completion of my course. Indian government is planning to open more research prospect in this
field and a formal degree and education will help me in contributing in that.
7. Why are you taking this course?
Tip: You should be very clear about your future plans after doing this course. You should mention how this
course is relevant to your previous degree, how this course adds value to you profile, why you
are interested in doing this course etc.
I have got a very strong interest in this field and doing this course will provide me a specialization in
my field of interest.
8. What is the course structure?
Tip: Visa Officer wants to know if you are well aware about the course. Go to the graduate school website
and find out the course structure (Semesters and subjects) of your program. Tell about your subjects
and duration of the course
9. Do you intend to work in Australia after completion of your studies?
Tip: Visa officer wants to know your intentions weather you have plans to return to your home
country after completing your studies or not.. You should read the immigration policies carefully
on Embassy website.
Yes, If would be eligible and will get work permit then I would like to work in Australia after completion of
my studies. Because study in Australia will provide me International Experience which would be very
helpful to build a successful career.
10. What do you intend to do after completion of your studies?
Tip: Visa Officer wants to know your future plans and your approach towards our career and
seriousness towards it. Most of the students in interview show strong ties to home country and family.
After educating myself in the latest technologies, I plan to return back to my home country and contribute
in my family business. I also try to start up something of my own in future.
11. What are your future plans?
Tip: Your answers should reflect clarity of thought, clarity of your intentions and strong ties to your
home country. What is the job profile you are looking for. if you want to work in some big organization then
you can name few of them, what is package you can expect after completion of this course and you should
be clear on every single point.
12. What benefit will this course bring to you?
Tip: You should be clear about the benefits that the course would give you, mention that your profile
will be good enough to get you a good opportunities in home country once you do your course. Mention
how your home country is growing and how you want to be a part of that growth. State some technical
words expressing the advancements in your field.
This is the challenging course for the developing country and will provide me with the latest developments
in the telecom industry and therefore would open a Plethora of job opportunities. As my country is now
growing and every foreign company is investing here so after my study, I will have be a part of this
growth. OR
The ……………………………... (Course name) suite provides me with the general skills and knowledge necessary
to pursue a successful career in …………………….. This course will give me benefits as it gives me expertise in
this field l. I can apply this expertise in any industry to help grow and prosper
13. How much money can you earn after your completion of studies?
Tip: Since you intend to return to home country, so you should mention the amount in your local currency.
Be authentic and realistic and don't mention any unrealistic figure.
14. Where will you stay in Australia?
Tip: You should remember the exact address. This shows that you are sincere regarding your studies
and have planned for accommodation in advance. So make arrangement of this entire process in
advance. Take Universities help on this.
Interview Questionnaires
Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)
Contacting Person: Neha Bhola
Rental Accommodation / Hostel
15. Who is your sponsor?
My father and relatives.( As per Visa documents & Funds. You should have everything on your
tips whatever you have supplied in Visa Documents.)
16. What is annual income of your sponsor? 17. What is the source of income of your sponsor?
Tip: Again this is another way of checking your income source. Answer specifically what your father
does. Never show him to be idle, because that means your income has drastically reduced and works as
a negative point. Mentioning that your father is retired may prove to be a negative point. You can
mention that he worked for 30 years in ABC Company and now has his own consultancy dealing with
(related to his past experience)
18. How are you related to him?
Tip: Basically this question is asked in context to other relatives apart from Parents.
19. Why are they sponsoring you? (if not father)
Tip: You should have list of all your sponsors along with the sponsorship documents.
20. Do you have any relative or friend in Australia?
No, I have not got any friends in Australia.
21. What funds do you have to sponsor your studies ?
Tip: This is again another example of question to verify your financial documents..Tell about loan you
are taking or savings you have in Bank.
22. Who all are earning members in your Family?
Tip: Visa officer wants to know if you have a strong financial background. Mention your Father,
Mother, brother who all are earning
23. What is the course commencement date?
Tip: You should remember the exact dates. Please read your offer letter and broacher carefully before Visa
24. What will be the total tuition fees / Annual fee ?
Tip: You should be well aware of your tuition fees and other expenses and how they will be met.
Mention the tuition fees and the living expenses.
25. What will you do during the off period/semester?
Tip: You should mention about your strong ties to home country. You can say that you plan go back to your
home country to meet your family and friends. You should not say that you plan to work in Australia as that
shows you are not financially strong and you are going there to earn money. This will make the Visa Officer
believe that even after completing your education, you would like to do job and settle there. These kind of
questions are asked to check your intentions.
I plan to go back to meet my family and friends in my country
26. How much money is available for your stay in Australia?
Tip: Mention the amount as per financial documents. Visa Officer wants to know if you have
sufficient money to pay for your education.
27. Have you researched your career prospects?
Tip: Your answer should reflect clarity of thought, clarity of your intentions and strong ties to your
28. Who is your Consultant?
29. If Visa officer asks why should I grant you VISA what should I answer?
Well my only purpose to get this visa is to get education and come back to India. I will try help my nation
through the skills and education gained from Australia.
30. What will you do if your visa is rejected?
Interview Questionnaires
Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)
Contacting Person: Neha Bhola

Well if my visa is rejected due to some reason then I will try to resolve it and if it will not be resolved
I would try to use my second option to look for something positive in my own country.
31. What is your fee structure?
Whichever is your course
Elicos –
Bachelor –
OSHC fee also

32. Did you short list any other Universities / Colleges before choosing this university?
Name few universities in the same city
Tip : Search on the internet for other universities and compare with any 2 other universities

33. How do you know that studies in Australia are more practical than India?
Since the course is based on assignments and projects, it is going to be practical.
34. What do you understand by practical knowledge?
Practical knowledge means that we gain skills which can be used in our jobs in a workplace. It is important
to gain practical skills as these are important to make a good career
35. Why are you not doing this course in India?
I want to do an international course that is focused on practical skill development rather than a theoretical
course in India. Also, I want to study in Australia so I can get international exposure and learn better skills.
In India infrastructure (facilities are not good). The syllabus is not updated timely, faculty is not helpful. In
Australia, new modes and methods are used to teach students and help them understand things better. On-
campus placements and training sessions are provided to the students. That is why I have chosen to do this
master course from Australia. OR As All My previous studies are from India, I do not want to limit my career.
I want to gain international exposure because nowadays many multinational companies are demanding
international degree holders which is why I want to do my further studies in Australia.
36. What’s your passport no.?

37. What’s your Date of birth?

38. Education Related
Your Last qualification:- Your Last education provider:- When you complete you Last studies:-
39. IELTS Band in each module:-
Listening - Reading- Writing – Speaking- Overall-
40. When you appeared for IELTS Exam and where?

41. Any Job Experience:

42. Address of your College/ University?
43. What mode of transport will you be using to travel to your University/ College?
Public Transport.
44. Are you planning to apply for PR?
45. How did your agent help you for lodging the visa file?
Not much He just told me the papers & eligibility criteria that are required for entering this course after
seeing my academic docs & discussed with me about my interest & future carrier.
46. Who has advised you for this course?
Interview Questionnaires
Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)
Contacting Person: Neha Bhola
I have an interest in …………………………………. I searched on the internet, discussed with my parents, friends
in Australia and education agent & then zeroed upon this course and college. I also checked the detail on its
47. Do you have any travel history?
48. What are VISA rules and regulations
Attendance required is of 80% Passing percentage is 50% Work allowed is 40 hrs per fortnight and full time
during Semester break Student has to be covered under OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) for full
duration Provider should know the address all the time..
SSVF: - Simplified student Visa Framework Visa Subclass:- 500
PSW Visa
Post-study work Visa. (It is that student will get a work permit for 2 years in Australia after completion of a
bachelor's Degree or Master's degree)
Living cost per year in Australia
– 21,041 AUD
Travelling expenses- 2500 AUD TUITION FEES- Variable
49. 10 other reasons to study in Australia
Australia has the 3rd highest number of international students in the world behind only the
United Kingdom and the United States despite having a population of only 23 million.
Australia has 7 of the top 100 universities in the world!
In fact, with over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions, Australia sits above the likes of Germany,
the Netherlands and Japan, ranking eighth in the Universities 2012 U21 Ranking of National
Higher Education Systems.
These are strong academic credentials, but our institutions are just as highly rated as the cities that house
them around the country.
Australia has five of the 30 best cities in the world for students based on student mix, affordability, quality
of life, and employer activity – all important elements for students when choosing the best
study destination.
And with more than A$200 million provided by the Australian Government each year in
international scholarships, we’re making it easier for you to come and experience the difference between
an Australian education and your future career opportunities.
There is every chance Australia has you covered, with at least one Australian university in the top
50 worldwide across the study areas of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Life & Agricultural
Sciences, Clinical Medicine & Pharmacy, and Physics.
Given this impressive education pedigree, it’s not surprising there are now more than 2.5 million
former international students who have gone on to make a difference after studying in Australia.
Some of these students are among the world’s finest minds. Australia has produced 15 Nobel prize
laureates and every day over 1 billion people around the world rely on Australian discoveries
and innovations – including penicillin, IVF, ultrasound, Wi-Fi, the Bionic Ear, cervical cancer vaccine and
Black Box Flight Recorders – to make their lives, and the lives of others, better.
Did you research about any other university/ Institutions in (Your city) and why you opted for this one?
You have to search about some universities in the city where your university is located. For example: if your
university is located in Melbourne, you have to give the details of other universities which are located in
Melbourne and providing similar course. What is the reason for choosing this university and why this
university is better than other according to you?

Interview Questionnaires
Contact Number: +971 50 790 7825 (Dubai)
Contacting Person: Neha Bhola
What are the course contents/ Subjects?
Go through the website and check the contents you have to complete during this course. How many
subjects you have to complete in First Semester, what are those subjects and what you are expecting in
these subjects, if all these are new to you or you have already studied basics of few of the subjects in your
previous studies etc.
Did you considered any other countries?
Provide the details if you compared Australian studies with any other country i.e. If you were interested to
study in Canada, UK or any other country and reason for choosing Australia.
Do you intend to work in Australia after completion of your studies?
Please be specific. Be clear if you are intended to work in Australia. You can say that yes you would like to
work there just for six to seven months to get some international experience. If your intention is to work
there for a long time then the chances of getting Student visa will be decrease because student visa is for
them who are genuinely going with the intention of studies only. If you are applying for Australia for any
other purpose, you’ll not get student visa.
Do you intend to apply for permanent residence after completing your course?
If your intention is to apply for Permanent Residency after completion of this program, you’ll not get
student visa. Student visa is for them only who’s genuine intention is to do complete the study only not any
other intention.
Why are you not doing a similar program in India and are there any similar programs available in India?
And if yes why are you then choosing this program and have you compared these costs.
You have to provide the reason for not choosing India for your higher education. Please check if any of the
University in India is providing a similar course or not. If such course is available in India then reason of
choosing Australia. Some of reasons chould be:
- Indian studies are theoretical based and Australian Studies Practical Based
- The ranking of University
- The Subjects which Australian unis are offering is not available in India
- International exposure and international degree
- Recognition of getting Degree from Australia
The case officer can even ask that if you compared the Tuition cost of Australia and India because you can
complete the program in India in very low cost comparatively to Australia then why are you spending such
money in Australia and do you really think it is worth. You have to provide a solid reason for not choosing
India with lower cost and choosing Australia with high Fees.

Other In case if applicant is Married:

1. What is the Full Name and Date of Birth of your Spouse?
2. When did you got married?
3. What is the current activity of your spouse?
4. Your Spouse is accompanying you or not?
5. If he/ she is accompanying you then please advise what he/ she will do there?
6. If spouse is working in India then why he/ she is living their job and are you aware with the working
rights of spouse while you will be studying?
7. Just to check whether your relationship is genuine or not: 1. When did you met first? 2. What was the
place of marriage? 3. Date of Marriage etc.
8. Is there any Immigration history of spouse?
9. Are there any community ties of spouse in Australia?
10. Who is going to sponsor your spouse’s trip to Australia?

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