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Parts of Speech


 Everything that is existing around us is a Noun.
Proper Noun
Common Noun
Abstract Noun
Collective Noun
Material Noun

 Proper Noun: A Proper Noun is a naming word for a

particular animal, place, person or a thing.
E.g. - Lucknow, Agra, Nile etc...
 Common Noun: A Common Noun is the naming of
common person, place, animal or thing.
E.g. - Boy, City, Cow etc…

 Collective Noun: A Collective Noun is the naming word

of a collection or group of persons, places or things.
E.g. – A Bunch of keys, A Herd of Sheep’s.

 Material Noun: A Material Noun is the name of a

material existing in nature.
E.g. – Silver, Copper, Gold etc…

 Abstract Noun: An Abstract Noun is the name of a

quality, action, state, thinking, and feeling.
E.g. – Kindness, Happiness, Poverty etc…
Lists of Nouns:
Collective Noun:
Abstract Nouns:

 A word that is used in place of a Noun is called a

Types of Pronouns:
Personal Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun
Emphatic Pronoun
Demonstrative Pronoun
Distributive Pronoun
Indefinite Pronoun
Interrogative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun

 Personal Pronoun: A Pronoun that indicates a

particular person or group is called Personal
E.g. – I, we, you, he/she, and we etc…
 Reflexive Pronoun: When an action done by subject
turns back (reflects) upon the subject is called a
Reflexive Pronoun.
E.g. – Myself, himself, yourself, itself and themselves

 Emphatic Pronoun: A Pronoun which is used for

emphasis is called an Emphatic Pronoun.
E.g. – Myself, Itself etc…

 Demonstrative Pronoun: A Pronoun which

demonstrates a Noun an object, a complement etc.
is called a Demonstrative Pronoun.
E.g. – This, That, These and Those.

 Distributive Pronoun: A Pronoun which distributes

a group or a particular pair is called a Distributive
E.g. – Each of, Neither, None of etc…

 Indefinite Pronoun: A Pronoun which refers to a

person who is not definite and someone whom we
don’t know.
E.g. – Someone, Many, Others etc…
 Interrogative Pronoun: A Pronoun which is used
for asking questions is called an Interrogative
E.g. – Who, Whose etc…

 Relative Pronoun: A Pronoun which shows the

relation between the person and the object is called
Relative Pronoun.
E.g. – Which, Whom etc…

 Possessive Pronoun: A Pronoun which shows the

possession or the belonging of a person is called
Possessive Pronoun.
E.g. – Mine, Yours etc…

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