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Telecom Policies

• Why Regulate Telecommunications ?

– Rules implementation
– Standards enforcement
– Transparency
– Market Competition
Overall create healthy competition between competitors.
Widely accepted regulatory objectives
• The Trend today is of Deregulation , Why ?
The role of national government
Regulatory bodies around the
Overview of ITU
Structure of ITU
• The Council: discuss broad telecommunication policies issues
• World Conferences: purpose=> review & revise the international
telecommunication regulations
• Radio Communication Sector ITU-R:
– radio frequency kisi bhe device ki ho, yeh allocate krta…
– management of radio spectrum in 3 regions so no interference.
– ‘Master International Frequency Register’ contains record of whole terrestrial

• Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T:

main purpose is to coordinate the international standards setting activities
which result in the ITU-T recommendations
• Telecommunication Development Sector ITU-D:
Human rights – UNO – right of every country to have telecom
• The General Secretariat:
These are managers => deals with administrative & financial aspects of ITU
Asia Pacific Telecommunity
The Principal Organs of APT
• (a) The General Assembly;
• (b) The Management Committee;
– All members/associate members
– Pursue the policies & principles of General Assembly
– Supervise secretariat functions
(review approve work progress / annual budgets /
accounts and draw up regulations )
• (c) The Secretariat
– Secretary General is chief administrative officer
• The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) was
founded on the joint initiatives of the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
• Established in Bangkok in July 1979, the APT is
an intergovernmental organization that
operates in conjunction with telecom service
providers, manufacturers of communications
equipment, and research and development
organizations active in the field of
communication, information and innovation
• APT serves as the focal organization for ICT in
the region. Currently, the APT has a strength
of 38 Members, 4 Associate Members and 134
Affiliate Members. Through its various
programmes and activities, the APT has made
a significant contribution to the development
and growth in the ICT sector.
• Throughout the past years, the APT has been able to
assist members in the preparation of Global
conferences such as ITU Plenipotentiary Conference
(PP), World Telecommunication Development
Conference (WTDC), World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC), World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS), World Telecommunication
Standardization Assembly (WTSA) and the ITU
meetings. The APT also involves in promoting regional
harmonization of their programmes and activities in
the region.
Objectives of APT
• The objective of the Telecommunity shall be
to foster the development of
telecommunication services and information
infrastructure throughout the region with a
particular focus on the expansion thereof in
less developed areas
• Promote the expansion of telecommunication
services and information infrastructure and
the maximization of the benefits of
information and telecommunications
technology for the welfare of the people in
the region;
• Develop regional cooperation in areas of
common interest, including radio
communications and standards development;

• Undertake studies relating to developments in

telecommunication and information
infrastructure technology and policy and
regulation in coordination with other
international organizations, where pertinent;
• Encourage technology transfer, human resource
development and the exchange of information for
the balanced development of telecommunication
services and information infrastructure within the
region; and
• Facilitate coordination within the region with
regard to major issues pertaining to
telecommunication services and information
infrastructure with a view to strengthening the
region’s international position
Pakistan Telecommunication
• Under Telecom Reorganization Act 1996, Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was
established to regulate the establishment,
operation and maintenance of
telecommunication systems, and the provision of
telecom services.
• PTA has its headquarters at Islamabad and zonal
offices located at Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar,
Quetta, Rawalpindi and Muzaffarabad.
PTA Functions
• To regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems
and provision of telecommunication services in Pakistan

• To receive and expeditiously dispose of applications for the use of radio-frequency spectrum.

• To promote and protect the interests of users of telecommunication services in Pakistan.

• To promote the availability of a wide range of high quality, efficient, cost effective and
competitive telecommunication services throughout Pakistan.

• To promote rapid modernization of telecommunication systems and telecommunication


• To investigate and adjudicate on complaints and other claims made against licensees arising
out of alleged contraventions of the provisions of this Act, the rules made and licenses issued there
under and take action accordingly.

• To make recommendations to the Federal Government on policies with respect to international

telecommunications, provision of support for participation in international meetings and
agreements to be executed in relation to the routing of international traffic and accounting
Responsibilities of Authority
Responsibilities of Authority
• In exercising its functions and powers under the Act, the authority
shall ensure that?
• Rights of licensees are duly protected;
• All of its decisions and determinations are made promptly, in an
open equitable, non discriminatory, consistent and transparent
• All applications made to it are disposed of expeditiously;
• The persons affected by its decisions or determination are given a
due notice thereof and provided with an opportunity of being
• It encourages, except subject to the exclusive right of the company
in basic telephone service, fair competition in the
telecommunication sector; and
• The interest of users of telecommunication services are duly
safeguarded and protected.
• The Ministry of Information Technology and
Telecommunication (MoITT) is the national
focal Ministry and enabling arm of the
Government of Pakistan for planning,
coordinating and directing efforts to initiate
and launch Information Technology and
Telecommunications programs and projects
aimed at economic development of the
• Vision:
Empowering the People of Pakistan through seamless
access to accurate information and reliable services
by means of ICT applications & Telecom platforms;
and establishing a knowledge based economy
To create an enabling environment through
formulation and implementation of policies and legal
framework; providing ICT infrastructure for enhancing
productivity; facilitating good governance; improving
delivery of public services and contributing towards
the overall socio economic growth of the country.
• Since 2014 , with the help of International
Consultation Companies various new
elements are added in the draft of policies
relevant to Satellite Communication ,
spectrum strategy, spectrum sharing ,
spectrum trading, Voice over IP, Competition
framework, Wifi hotspots, local manufacturing
for smart phones and telecom infrastructure.
Pakistan Table of Frequency Allocation
• Pakistan Table of Frequency Allocations is the broadest
level technical document showing the allocation policy
of bands to various types of services. This Table is
intended to:
– Provide a basis for management of the radiofrequency
spectrum in Pakistan
– Inform radio-communication users about the various types
of services that can be operated in each frequency band
– Reflect Pakistan's obligations as a member of the ITU and
provide details of international frequency allocations
agreed by the ITU for the three world Regions.
• Band Plans and Channel Plans are necessary
for effective spectrum management. Band
Plans provide detailed allocation of the
spectrum between types of services and
contain detailed frequency channeling
arrangements build in a number of specific
interference avoidance measures based on
ITU-R Recommendations.
• This Table of Allocations is drawn from and
kept updated with the ITU-R Radio
Regulations which are revised at World Radio-
communication Conferences and the changes
occurred in government policies in order to
promote Telecom industry.
Regulatory and Standards
Making Process
Principles for Proper Decision Making
Standard Setting Process
Benefits for Businesses and Society
Complexity in Standard Setting
Broader Telecom Environment
Potential Opportunities and
Benefits of broader ICT
Global Industry Key Trends
Internet of Things
What is IoT
• Network of Physical Objects
• embedded systems with electronics, software,
• enable objects to exchange data with
manufacturer, operator, other devices through
network infrastructure
• allow remote control
• direct integration computer + physical world
• Result: automation in all fields
• Media
• Environmental monitoring
• Infrastructure management
• Manufacturing
• Energy management
• Medical and health care systems
• Building and home automation
• Transportation
A bit of history

• The term "Internet of Things" is coined by

Kevin Ashton 1999.
• Early example, 1982, Coke machine at
Carnegie Mellon University was connected to
internet: report its inventory and temperature
More “Things” are being connected
Home/daily-life devices
Business and
Public infrastructure

Sensor devices are becoming widely available
- Programmable devices
- Off-the-shelf gadgets/tools

People Connecting to Things

ECG sensor


Motion sensor

Motion sensor
Motion sensor

Things Connecting to Things

- Complex and heterogeneous

resources and networks

Future Networks

“Thing” connected to the internet

Image Courtesy: : CISCO

IoT Is Here Now – and Growing!

50 Billion

40 “Smart Objects”

Rapid Adoption
30 Rate of Digital
5X Faster Than
Electricity and
20 25
7.2 7.6
2010 2015 2020

Source: Cisco IBSG, 2011

Internet of Things (IoT)
• Extending the current Internet and providing
connection, communication, and inter-
networking between devices and physical objects,
or "Things," is a growing trend that is often
referred to as the Internet of Things.

• “The technologies and solutions that enable

integration of real world data and services into
the current information networking technologies
are often described under the umbrella term of
the Internet of Things (IoT)”


Source: http://blog.trentonsystems.com/internet-of-things-crosses-business-personal-boundaries/
IoT Delivers Extraordinary Benefits
Connected Rail Operations
 In-station and onboard safety
 Visibility into key events

 Enhanced Customer Service
 Increased efficiency
 Collision avoidance
 Fuel savings

 Transform “data” to “actionable intelligence”
 Proactive maintenance
 Accident avoidance

Cost savings, improved safety, superior service

Smart City
 Reduced congestion
 Improved emergency services response times
 Lower fuel usage


 Increased efficiency
 Power and cost savings
 New revenue opportunities

 Efficient service delivery
 Increased revenues
 Enhanced environmental monitoring capabilities

Safety, financial, and environmental benefits

Sendai Smart Village in Japan

• Tago-Nishi is build as a smart city, including town management and health

• Offering personalize and context aware services, considering the data
from energy-consumption of each of the house, weather, wearable, etc.
Madrid City-Environmental Health

• Environmental health use case focusing on pollutants, pollen, airborne

contaminants, precise detection to offer improve accuracy of information to
• Install number of environment city sensors on-board public transportation, to
correlated with historical environment health data
The Connected Car
 Online entertainment
 Mapping, dynamic re-routing, safety and security

 Transform “data” to “actionable intelligence”
 Enable proactive maintenance
 Collision avoidance
 Fuel efficiency

 Reduced congestion
 Increased efficiency
 Safety (hazard avoidance)

Actionable intelligence, enhanced comfort, unprecedented convenience

What Comprises IoT Networks?

Information Operational
Technology Technology Smart
Resource Allocation in IoT
research topics
1. Cloud computing is going to act as
a front end for IoT. Hence in order
to increase the profit of the
service provider different
resource allocation techniques are
2. Utilization of cooperative game
theory to find a way out for
overload condition in the cellular
network due to immense M2M
uplink connections to the Base
Stations (BS).
3. Scheduling schemes for the
management of the internet’s
channel’s traffic of H2H and
M2M communications
4. Dynamic resource
allocation for devices for
M2M communication.
Spectrum Management
What is a satellite?
• A communications satellite is an orbiting artificial
earth satellite that
– receives a communications signal from a transmitting
ground station,
– amplifies and possibly processes it, then
– transmits it back to the earth for reception by one or more
receiving ground stations.
• Communications information neither originates nor
terminates at the satellite itself.
Some Basics

 Three components of a Satellite Communications System

 Transmit Earth Station

 Satellite
 Receive Earth Station

Transmit earth station Receive earth station

Some of the advantages of satellite
communications are:
• • Distance Independent Costs. The cost of satellite transmission is basically the
same, regardless of the distance between the transmitting and receiving earth

• • Fixed Broadcast Costs. The cost of satellite broadcast transmission, that is,
transmission from one transmit ground terminal to a number of receiving ground
terminals, is independent of the number of ground terminals receiving the

• • High Capacity. Satellite communications links involve high carrier frequencies,

with large information bandwidths. Capacities of typical communications satellites
range from 10s to 100s of Mbps (Mega-bits per second), and can provide services
for several hundred video channels or several tens of thousands of voice or data

• • Low Error Rates. Bit errors on a digital satellite link tend to be random, allowing
statistical detection and error correction techniques to be used.

• • Diverse User Networks. Large areas of the earth are visible from the typical
communications satellite, allowing the satellite to link together many users
simultaneously. Satellites are particularly useful for accessing remote areas on land
or sea or air.
How it All Started

 Arthur C. Clarke published a

paper in “Wireless World” in
October 1945 that talked
about objects that are placed
in space at a distance of 35,800
Km above the equator have
the same period of rotation as
the earth.

 It further stated that three

such objects can cover the
entire surface of the earth
Clarke’s concept
Satellite System Elements

Space Segment

Satellite Coverage Region

Earth SCC
TT&C Ground Station

Ground (Earth) Segment

Space Segment
• The space segment includes the
– satellite (or satellites) in orbit in the system,
– and the ground station that provides the operational control of the satellite(s) in orbit.
• The ground station is variously referred to as the Tracking, Telemetry, Command
(TT&C) or the Tracking, Telemetry, Command and Monitoring (TTC&M) station.
• The TTC&M station provides essential spacecraft management and control
functions to keep the satellite operating safely in orbit.
• The TTC&M links between the spacecraft and the ground are usually separate from
the user communications links.
• TTC&M links may operate in the same frequency bands or in other bands.
• TTC&M is most often accomplished through a separate earth terminal facility
specifically designed for the complex operations required to maintain a spacecraft
in orbit.
Space Segment
Ground Segment
• The ground segment of the communications satellite system
consists of the earth surface area
based terminals that utilize the communications capabilities
of the Space Segment.
 TTC&M ground stations are not included in the ground
segment. The ground segment terminals consist
of three basic types:
• fixed (in-place) terminals;
• transportable terminals;
• mobile terminals.
Ground Segment
• Fixed terminals are designed to access the satellite while fixed
in-place on the ground.
– They may be providing different types of services, but they are defined by the
fact that they are not moving while communicating with the satellite.
– Examples of fixed terminals are small terminals used in private networks
(VSATs), or terminals mounted on residence buildings used to receive
broadcast satellite signals.
• Transportable terminals are designed to be movable, but once
on location remain fixed during transmissions to the satellite.
– Examples of the transportable terminal are satellite news gathering (SGN)
trucks, which move to locations, stop in place, and then deploy an antenna to
establish links to the satellite.
• Mobile terminals are designed to communicate with the
satellite while in motion.
– They are further defined as land mobile, aeronautical mobile, or maritime
mobile, depending on their locations on or near the earth surface.
Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)

• These satellites are in orbit 35,863 km above

the earth’s surface along the equator.
• The figure is rounded off to 36,000km for use
in mathematical equations
• Objects in Geostationary orbit revolve around
the earth at the same speed as the earth
rotates. This means GEO satellites remain in
the same position relative to the surface of

GEO (cont.)
• Advantages
 A GEO satellite’s distance from earth gives it a
large coverage area, almost a fourth of the earth’s
 GEO satellites have a 24 hour view of a particular
 These factors make it ideal for satellite broadcast
and other multipoint applications

GEO (cont.)
• A GEO satellite’s distance also cause it to have both a comparatively weak
signal and a time delay in the signal 260ms, which is bad for point-to-point
• GEO satellites, centered above the equator, have difficulty broadcasting
signals to near polar regions
• The standard GEO orbit is perfectly circular and lies in the plane of the
equator; other 24-hour orbits are inclined and/or elliptical rather than
• Standard GEO orbit is very hard to maintain due to various factors apart
from earths gravity. It would require enormous amount of fuel to maintain
0 eccentricity and 0 inclination.
• To differentiate from a standard GEO orbit scientist uses the term GSO
(geo synchronous orbit) which has slight inclination and non circular orbit
but it has 24 hrs time period (23 hrs and 56 min, si-dereal time)

GEO (cont.)
• Disadvantages
 The number of satellite that can operate in GSO is
limited due to one single equatorial plane
 The satellite must be spaced to avoid interference
 The slots are regulated by international
telecommunication union ITU
 Current allocations place satellite in GSO 2-5 deg apart
that means a total of 72-180 slots are available for
global use
 Satellites in GSO orbit sees one third of earth, so three
satellites 120 deg apart over equatorial plane could
provide global coverage except the pole areas

Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

• LEO satellites are much closer to the earth than

GEO satellites, ranging from 160 to 2,500 km
above the surface and are in near circular orbits.
• LEO satellites don’t stay in fixed position relative
to the surface, and are only visible for 15 to 20
minutes each pass.
• A network of LEO satellites is necessary for LEO
satellites to be useful

LEO (cont.)
• Advantages
 A LEO satellite’s proximity to earth compared to a GEO
satellite gives it a better signal strength and less of a
time delay, which makes it better for point to point
 It requires low energy and low cost in launching to the
 Operated at low power and smaller antenna system
 A LEO satellite’s smaller area of coverage is less of a
waste of bandwidth
 With inclination it can cover polar regions which are
not reachable with GSO

LEO (cont.)
• Disadvantages
 A major disadvantage of LEO is limited operation
period as the satellite is not fixed in sky
 A network of LEO satellites is needed, which can be
costly and a network of as much as 66 satellites are
required for global coverage with line of sight
 Atmospheric drag effects LEO satellites, causing
gradual orbital deterioration.

Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

• A MEO satellite is in orbit somewhere between 10,000

km and 20,000 km above the earth’s surface.
• MEO satellites are similar to LEO satellites in
• MEO satellites are visible for much longer periods of
time than LEO satellites, usually between 2 to 8 hours.
• MEO satellites have a larger coverage area than LEO

MEO (cont.)
• Advantage
 A MEO satellite’s longer duration of visibility and
wider footprint means fewer satellites are needed
in a MEO network than a LEO network.
• Disadvantage
 A MEO satellite’s distance gives it a longer time
delay and weaker signal than a LEO satellite,
though not as bad as a GSO satellite

Highly elliptical orbit

• Satellites operating in high elliptical (high eccentricity)

orbits (HEO) are used to provide coverage to high
latitude areas not reachable by GSO, and those that
require longer contact periods than available with LEO
• It is given more time in apogee(distant point) and less
time in perigee(closest point) so variable sweep time
• the most popular HEO orbit used for communications
satellites is the Molniya orbit

Comparison - Height

A commercial airliner only achieves a height of 1 Km

35,786 km

20,000 km

10,000 km

1,000 km


Types of Satellite Orbits
• Based on the inclination, i, over the equatorial plane:
– Equatorial Orbits above Earth’s equator (i=0°)
– Polar Orbits pass over both poles (i=90°)
– Other orbits called inclined orbits (0°<i<90°)

• Based on Eccentricity
– Circular with centre at the earth’s centre
– Elliptical with one foci at earth’s centre

Regulatory Process for Satellite
• Satellite operators and owners must operate within constraints of
regulations related to fundamental parameters and characteristics of the
satellite communications system.
• The satellite communications system parameters that fall under the
regulatory umbrella include:
• choice of radiating frequency;
• maximum allowable radiated power;
• orbit locations (slots) for GSO.
• The purpose of the regulation is to minimize radio frequency interference
and, to a lesser degree, physical interference between systems.
• Potential radio interference includes not only other operating satellite
systems, but also terrestrial communications systems, and other systems
emitting energy in the same frequency bands.
Frequency planning
To facilitate frequency planning, the world is divided into
three regions:
• Region 1: Europe, Africa, what was formerly the Soviet
Union, and Mongolia
• Region 2: North and South America and Greenland
• Region 3: Asia (excluding region 1 areas), Australia, and
the southwest Pacific
• Within these regions, frequency bands are allocated to
various satellite services, although a given service may
be allocated different frequency bands in different
Frequency planning map

Frequency Bands
• Different kinds of satellites use different frequency bands.
 L–Band: 1 to 2 GHz, used by MSS
 S-Band: 2 to 4 GHz, used by MSS, NASA, deep space research
 C-Band: 4 to 8 GHz, used by FSS
 X-Band: 8 to 12.5 GHz, used by FSS and in terrestrial imaging, ex: military and
meteorological satellites
 Ku-Band: 12.5 to 18 GHz: used by FSS and BSS (DBS)
 K-Band: 18 to 26.5 GHz: used by FSS and BSS
 Ka-Band: 26.5 to 40 GHz: used by FSS

MSS=mobile service satellite

FSS=fixed service satellite
BSS= broadcasting service satellite
DBS=direct broadcasting satellite
• Satellite frequency is already broken into
bands, and is broken in to smaller channels in
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA).
• Overall bandwidth within a frequency band is
increased due to frequency reuse (a frequency
is used by two carriers with orthogonal

FDMA (cont.)
• The number of sub-channels is limited by
three factors:
 Thermal noise (too weak a signal will be effected
by background noise).
 Inter-modulation noise (too strong a signal will
cause noise).
 Crosstalk (cause by excessive frequency reusing).

FDMA (cont.)
• FDMA can be performed in two ways:
 Fixed-assignment multiple access (FAMA): The
sub-channel assignments are of a fixed allotment.
Ideal for broadcast satellite communication.
 Demand-assignment multiple access (DAMA):The
sub-channel allotment changes based on demand.
Ideal for point to point communication

• TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) breaks
a transmission into multiple time slots, each
one dedicated to a different transmitter.
• TDMA is increasingly becoming more
widespread in satellite communication.
• TDMA uses the same techniques (FAMA and
DAMA) as FDMA does.

TDMA (cont.)
• Advantages of TDMA over FDMA.
 Digital equipment used in time division multiple
access is increasingly becoming cheaper.
 There are advantages in digital transmission
techniques. Ex: error correction.
 Lack of inter-modulation noise means increased

Definition of Interconnection
Importance of Interconnection
• To provide a service that is not economically feasible without
interconnection, e.g., calls to customers on another operator‘s

• To increase profitability. Where interconnection increases the

value of telecommunications services, or the range of services
operators can provide, it can be in the mutual interest of the
operators to interconnect.

• To expand or improve services that are valuable to customers.

Scope of Interconnection Issues
Competition Policy
General Principles
• Rationale for Competition Policy
• Imperfect Competition
• Monopoly
Government Intervention to
implement Competition Policy
Types of Government Interventions
Interplay of Competition and
Telecommunication Policies(read it
your self)
Section 3.8

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