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Application of sustainable smart

manufacturing technologies and toolkits in

the automotive industry

Victoria Inyang1, *, Grace M Kanakana1 and OT Laseinde2

Department of Industrial Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, 0183

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South Africa; 2 MIET Department, University of Johannesburg, DFC Campus,
Johannesburg, 2028, South Africa
A more rapid development of smart manufacturing system (SMS) within the automotive industry will
significantly promote its competitiveness, which is essential to the economic sustainable development of
South Africa. From recent research studies, the automotive sector contributes >7% to the annual gross
domestic product of South Africa, and its sustainability is important to the segment through SMS. Thus,
SMS deserves greater focus from the government and the industry. Smart manufacturing technology uses
machines and tools that are interconnected for the improvement of the manufacturing system and energy
optimization. The benefits of SMS include cost reduction, increased productivity, product customization,
resources efficiency and minimization of negative environmental impacts. Globally, the automotive industry
puts significant emphasis on SMS, considering the ongoing substantial initiatives. To achieve SMS, ultra-
modern technologies in different areas, varying from cyber-physical systems, smart sensors, complex and
large data analytics, Internet of Things, cloud manufacturing, additive manufacturing, energy reduction
and hologram are being established and used in manufacturing locations. Therefore, this study is aimed
at technologies and toolkits development that will increase the implementation and responsiveness of SMS
among automotive manufacturers and support decision makers in planning better SMS capabilities.

Keywords: automotive industry; smart toolkits; e-manufacturing; industry 4.0; digitisation; digital manu-
*Corresponding author: Received 4 December 2022; revised 19 February 2023

1 INTRODUCTION the nascent fourth industrial revolution—often referred to as SM

or more commonly, industry 4.0 (4IR)—the overall industrial
The amalgamation of operational technologies with data in ambience and setting have undergone a dramatic, significant
various manufacturing technologies, operations, processes and transformation in recent times [29]. The fourth sector of the
resources is otherwise known as smart manufacturing (SM) [41]. so-called industrial revolution, known as I4.0, is being driven
Small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) are integral factors by intelligent/SM. To achieve an intelligent and digital factory
in the evolution and advancement of economies worldwide, espe- and encourage production to become digitalized, sustainable,
cially in relevant developing and emerging economies of the world information driven and custom made, the concept of 4IR is
[50, 52]. This new thrust in manufacturing is currently accounting based on the incorporation of advanced industrial technology
for almost 100% of all business enterprises in Europe especially and information and communication technologies [13, 79]. SM
within the European Union. They have engineered and created focuses on integrating industry, information technology (IT),
a whopping >80% of new jobs in the past half-decade, which and the Internet while also connecting people, machines and
also gives rise to two-thirds of all private sector participation goods with the environment. To sustain the existing competitive
in the subcontinent [23]. With the dawn of new conjectural, edge over the long term, industry must implement these types
predictive and practical models and technologies derivable from of production techniques [57]. Lead times, adaptability, and the

International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2023, 18, 412–422

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Smart manufacturing technologies and toolkits

capacity to produce several product variations in small batches 2 STUDY BACKGROUND

must all increase to remain competitive [43].
The client is given greater functionality and customization To comprehend and deploy the idea of a data-driven, connected
options, and the supply chain is given more flexibility, trans- supply network, SM incorporates a number of technologies that
parency and internationalization [57]. It is difficult to enable include but are not constrained to Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-
a business to swiftly respond to consumer expectations and physical production systems, robotics/automation, cloud com-
demands; this requires agile, flexible production systems with puting and large data analytics [20, 46]. The particular emphasis
rapid design [76]. I4.0 development addresses global concerns placed on human innovation within the framework distinguishes
including improvement in resource and energy efficiency to SM from many other initiatives in a significant way. On the work
increase high-wage countries’ competitiveness [57]. Companies, floor, automation and artificial intelligence are not intended to
especially SMEs, struggle to put I4.0’s concepts into practice simply replace people; rather, they are meant to improve human

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and capitalize on its promise to boost shop floor efficiency [42]. capabilities by cleverly creating a solution that is tailored to a
Many businesses are now faced with the task of applying 4IR particular situation. It is widely acknowledged that product and
processes and technologies due to the growing trend of the process information and data are essential for enabling technol-
fourth industrial revolution, often known as 4IR or SM. SMEs ogy and (human- or machine-intrinsic) knowledge. The three
in particular face difficulties with this because they lack the major goals of SM are plant-wide optimization, sustainable pro-
personnel and financial resources needed to adequately address duction, and agile supply networks, underscoring its large and
the issue. But because SMEs are the backbone of the economy, it all-encompassing scope [67].
is crucial to support them in implementing 4IR and creating the Another important element in the context of SM and 4IR
necessary tools. is technology. Use of cutting-edge manufacturing technology
Manufacturing is always progressing from the level of the (AMTs). AMTs can be used improve quite an array of related man-
development of concept to processes and tools that are accessible ufacturing strategic sections, including Human Resources (HR)
for the manufacturing of items for use or sale, according to practices and quality assurance [14]. However, an SME with inad-
Esmaeilian, Behdad and Wang [18]. The concept of manufactur- equate resources may not easily be upgraded or implement AMTs
ing is classically used to depict an industrial production process and therefore lack the required available technical support. In the
wherein raw materials are transformed into finished products same vein, SMEs also perform abysmally in research and develop-
that are thereafter sold to the market. Today, manufacturing is ment. Moreso, they do not have the capacity for IT integration of
often considered as an integrated concept at all levels, from the multinational enterprises, and so the data analytics tools and sim-
machines themselves to the production processes and the overall ilar software used in keeping the data of SMEs are directed toward
company activity. The definition of ‘manufacturing’ has evolved, tackling the relevant and particular problem faced by the SMEs.
and as a result, new guidelines for the creation of manufacturing Research and development domains of SMEs are not particularly
toolkits have been established ([18]. Over time, many manufac- advanced due to the limited technological and financial resources
turing initiatives, including lean manufacturing [8] and digital available, but their diligent effort results in highly specialized
manufacturing [28], have created their own toolkits that may aid goods that can set SMEs apart from their rivals [27].
manufacturing companies as they transition to more productive The survival of SMEs is daunting because of their lack of
production processes. Computer-aided technologies (CAx) knowledge and resources compared with multinational enter-
technologies, working tools, managerial principles, instruction prises (MNEs) [34]. Standards like International Organization
techniques, organizational procedures, etc., are all included in for Standardization (ISO) and others are closely adhered to
these toolkits. However, when it comes to the latest SM initiative by MNEs, even though SMEs penultimately adhere to them.
[31, 46], there aren’t any toolkits available, or there are just a few The resources needed to prepare for and pass the certifications
of them. are somewhat to blame [45]. As a result, SMEs must take
These toolkits are meant to help manufacturing firms, or SMEs, into account industry norms. SMEs are eager in acquiring the
embrace the new ‘smart’ techniques of conducting production expertise amassed by MNEs, according to a study done in German
operations. For SMEs to create small manufacturing capabilities electrical engineering and machinery microenterprises, but they
in their own unique manufacturing systems, it is necessary to fear that standardization may reveal their crucial information
systematize the already available small-scale medium methodolo- to rivals [10]. The organizational culture is another essential
gies, tools and practices into a modular toolkit that offers a step- component of a business. Compared with MNEs, SMEs have a
by-step and building-block approach. In the context of the fourth less formal and complex organizational structure. Organizational
industrial revolution, or 4IR, and the accessible toolkits in the cultures are frequently too rigid to allow for experimentation
corpus of scientific knowledge, this study analyses the significance and consideration of implementation initiatives for cutting-edge
of SM toolkits for SMEs. Thus, the purpose of this research was technology. As a result, SMEs are unable to invest similarly in
to analyse how the development of SM toolkits could promote market research and analysis (Van [69]). Therefore, it is possible
automotive industries and smart manufacturing systems (SMS) that SME decision making is occasionally not as well informed
in general. and is instead mostly reliant on the manager’s or decision maker’s

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‘gut feeling’ [61]. Because decisions based on gut instinct perhaps to explore new opportunities outside of their core skills. Most of
necessitate a great deal of ambiguities, managers and decision the time, this is because they are afraid of investing in the wrong
makers in SMEs seldom have the needed confidence in their made technology or adopting bad habits, which prevents them from
choices. Contrarily, choices made by MNEs are reinforced by being ‘early adopters.’
in-depth study and discourses among higher authorities like To compete with MNEs who have already started their SM
boards of advisers and consultants [68]. journey, SMEs must quickly learn about upcoming technologies
Employees in SMEs and MNEs experience opportunity and and digital processes [19]. Veza, Mladineo and Peko [70] eval-
exposure in very different ways. For instance, SMEs’ staff mem- uated the 4IR maturity level of Croatian enterprises as part of
bers are more likely to be, because they have daily duties in a the project INSENT using a nine-question survey questionnaire
range of areas, a ‘jack of all trades’ [11] and most unlikely to based on a scale from 1 to 4. (an acronym for Croatian Model
develop skills of high-level ranking in any specific discipline or of Innovative Smart Enterprise). The survey’s findings indicate

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profession [16]. Paradoxically, MNE employees are gauged with a that Croatian businesses currently have an 4IR maturity level of
more likelihood of being highly specialized, recognized as author- ‘2.15’, indicating that they have not yet begun to implement 4IR
ities in their fields of endeavours such as in the technology of technology. Currently, they are adopting electrically driven mass
automation, and knowledgeable in the most nascent technological manufacturing techniques in the second wave of industrialization
developments in their industry. Furthermore, it is perhaps more [47]. One hundred fifty-nine businesses participated in the survey,
predictable that SME employees will not be able to have access to and 69% of them were SMEs [70]. During the literature review,
mentorships, training workshops, supervised industrial exposure only 2 of the studies, Veza, Mladineo and Peko [70] and Nieuwen-
and so on [44]. huize [51] were found to have at least a partial focus on the unique
For this reason, the involvements of employees in SMEs are demands of SMEs.
quite sparse. In addition, cross-disciplinary, multidisciplinary and This dearth of SME-based research on SM/4IR points to
international networking possibilities may therefore not be avail- a research vacuum in the field’s current body of knowledge.
able or practically lacking in SMEs. As a result, they are unable to Although there are many comprehensive studies on holistic
maintain connections with universities and research institutions models that take into account organizational, commercial,
and keep up with ongoing, cutting-edge research. The success and technological elements accessible, most are only tangen-
of an organization also depends on its collaborative techniques. tially assisting SMEs in implementing SM and 4IR. In their
SME partnerships with universities and other research institutes, evolutionary route toward SM or 4IR, most academic and
on the other hand, are scarce. Because of the absence of access consulting studies that are currently accessible concentrate
to collective knowledge, it is possible that the partnership will be on MNEs and treat SMEs similarly. This may be difficult,
limited because they may only be able to draw inferences from though, given the various features and requirements of SMEs.
their direct and close-knitted experiences. The literature research also reveals that SMEs are frequently
When compared with MNEs, SMEs recurrently possess overburdened with operational and strategic decisions on
insights into what is disseminated throughout a variety of different how to integrate various SM or 4IR technologies into their
industries. For that reason, a lot of operational tasks are contracted manufacturing and/or service business and operational models.
out to lessen the workload. SMEs typically have fewer items to [46, 59].
handle and a weaker collaborative network; as a result, they rely
heavily on a limited number of suppliers and vendors [64] On
the other hand, MNEs typically have a wide range of options for 4 TOOLKITS FOR 4.0 SMART
suppliers and vendors; therefore, their dependence on a certain MANUFACTURING
supplier or vendor is considerably smaller.
Toolkits can be thought of as a collection of organized operational
procedures, hardware and software resources and management
3 INDUSTRY 4.0 AND SM IN SMES techniques [53]. Each toolbox has a specific goal. There are a few
manufacturing toolkits on the market that might be viewed as
The complexity of modern manufacturing is inherent [18]. models for the creation of SM toolkits. To create a modular toolkit,
Numerous research on how manufacturing SMEs deal with this various methods and lean tools were arranged into five categories
complexity are already available in the literature. Nieuwenhuize vis a vis: (1) automation (poka-yoke and on and full work sys-
[51] examined six different Dutch SMEs from the following tems); (2) Value stream mapping (VSM) (future state map, current
industries to determine their strategic orientation toward a switch state map and flow diagrams); (3) Just in time (JIT) (takt-time,
to ‘SM’: (a) sheet metal production, (b) railroad manufacturing, pull system and Kanban systems); (4) Kaizen (continuous flow,
(c) machine packaging, (d) profile and tube cutting, (e) steel Pareto chart, brainstorming, five whys and Gantt chart) and (5)
processing and (f) copper separation. Nieuwenhuize [51] divided Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) (Single-Minute Exchange
SMEs into three segment profiles based on their level of intention of Die (SMED), Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Sort,
and adoption of SM technology and practices: (1) inactive, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain (5S)) according to
(2) prisoners and (3) adopters. SMEs frequently lack the funding Belekoukias, Garza-Reyes and Kumar [8]. The literature has also

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Smart manufacturing technologies and toolkits

examined how to choose the best lean toolkits for manufacturing and process concepts, lowering design risks and ultimately, costs.
SMEs, focusing on the qualities of the toolkits that are unique to SM will enable SMEs to connect all of their production resources
SMEs [3]. to their products and to each other to streamline operations. A
Accordingly, there are three other groups of tools that specific SM toolbox for manufacturing SMEs is therefore required
should be included in the target tool retinue of digitalized but is currently lacking in the literature. A collection of toolboxes
manufacturing. These include: (i) production automation tools that integrate and adhere to the suggested modular SM toolkit for
vis a vis: remote monitoring systems, machine vision systems, SMEs is shown in Figure 1. The proposed SM toolkit was created
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming systems, with the aid of a literature research, conversations with academic
computer numerical control (CNC) machining operations and experts and additional revisions with SME management. This
barcoding technologies; (ii) robotics in manufacturing and led to the improvement of various toolboxes that were already
(iii) simulation, manufacturing and design tools focusing on partially available in the literature. Various technologies, meth-

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waste reduction and value addition within the framework ods, tools and practices that are taken into consideration for the
of overall production planning, process simulation, layouting proposed SM toolkit are shown in Figure 1 along with a list of
and lean manufacturing [3]. The following toolkits for e- toolboxes and their respective features, as well as the corporate
manufacturing were mentioned as being relevant by Lee [32] functions that each toolbox supports.
in his studies. They include: (i) dynamic decision making
system for synchronization; (ii) predictive intelligence sys-
tem wherein algorithms, agent and software are involved; 4.2 SM technology models and applications
(iii) data-to-information-to-knowledge transformation tools; Intelligent technologies are always evolving. For instance, a new
(iv) scalable system platform; (v) tether-free communication 5G cellular network is not necessary for SM, but 5G connectivity
systems; (vi) information compatibility between businesses and can ease setups, offer more capacity than 4G, and lessen reliance
devices; (vii) flexible enterprise and (viii) education and training on hardware and Wi-Fi.
for employee system. The principles of high-tech SM comprise the following tech-
Similar to what was previously mentioned, a new set of nologies; however, they are not discrete. Quite frequently, a tool,
toolkits was proposed at a small-scale intelligent manufacturing machine, or system will combine multiples of them.
system level [25]. The new toolkits were defined in three broad For instance, an IoT gadget might contain sensors that are
categories vis a vis: (1) the application of the modern artificial wirelessly linked to the cloud and processors with AI built in that
intelligence (AI) methods in manufacturing, which involved can independently issue alerts or take action.
smart conventional manufacturing technologies such as CNC
machining, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer-
4.2.1 Machine learning and AI
aided design (CAD), use of robots and most recent virtual
Data analysis for SM is closely related to AI/machine learning
reality (VR) techniques; (2) the deployment of information and
because of how quickly it can process data and spot trends. Cobots
communication technology (ICT) in production operation and
and other robotics systems used in smart factories frequently
production management with examples such as cloud comput-
have some amount of AI. AI is also being included into the
ing, agent system technology, remote monitoring and mobile
microprocessors of edge computing, IoT, and SM machines as
technologies and (3) related and ancillary technologies such as:
its cost continues to decline. Video of the production floor can
3D printing, measurements and inspection, rapid prototyping
provide insights using AI-based computer vision. For instance,
reconfigurable machine toolkits and reverse engineering.
Drishti’s AI-powered analysis of manual assembly lines can elim-
Similarly, 4IR toolkits have been made assessable to account
inate product faults, offer worker training, improve procedures
for output product and for level processing [5]. These have been
and more. AI is being adopted in the new generation of manufac-
discretized to include six different toolkits for each of the product
turing systems to increase human–robot collaboration, decrease
and process levels. At the product level, they are: (i) business
the human workforce in danger areas, improve the production
models, (ii) product-related IT services, (iii) actuator and sen-
system’s maintenance system and detect any product or machin-
sor integration, (iv) data functionality of information exchange
ery faults. The AI system is capable of making decisions on its
and storage, (v) monitoring and (vi) connectivity. At the process
own, optimizing its performance and responding automatically to
level, the toolkits include: (i) ICT facilities, (ii) processing of data
physical changes like altering production schedules, stopping or
tools, (iii) machine human interfaces, (iv) communication within
running any machining units, replacing machine tools automati-
machines, (v) production networking within companies and (vi)
cally and forewarning of any uncontrollable situations in advance
efficiency of batch operations.
[17, 22, 33].

4.1 SME toolkit for SM 4.2.2 Virtual and augmented reality

A toolbox for SMEs called digital manufacturing (DM) was pro- Applications for augmented reality (AR) and VR have diverse use
posed by Kaartinen, Pieskä and Vähäsöyrinki [28]. With the help cases for SM. They are currently especially pertinent for on-the-
of DM, SMEs can digitally test and prototype a variety of product job training to assist workers in closing the growing skills gap.

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Figure 1. Features, illustrations and associated SME functions of the SM toolbox. Adapted from Mittal et al. [46 ]

Since the start of the epidemic, the SM industry has increased its to handle industrial processes are introduced to production pro-
use of AR and VR for training and remote assistance with repairs cesses, mechanization processes, troubleshooting processes and
and other tasks. For instance, a production worker can receive maintenance systems through the use of VR, which has proven
instructions from a distant expert using Microsoft’s mixed-reality to be more effective than theoretical learning. By imagining the
HoloLens 2 goggles while the expert is literally looking through idea without actually producing it, you can also lower the cost
the worker’s eyes. of designing and testing any product. In addition, the ability to
VR offers the ability to interact with computer-generated im- view and test items for clients in a virtual setting aids in the digital
agery and movies that simulate real-world events. VR is a wearable manufacturing process, opening up more possibilities for product
technology that enables users to feel as though they are physically customization, refurbishment and quick testing of product design
present in the virtual world that has been generated through simu- [9, 30, 40, 48, 60].
lation. It includes a video device, an audio device, location systems Wearables and mobile devices can be used to actualize an
like GPS, external communication to other devices and hardware. artificial environment that is built through computer simulation
Young engineers and technical graduates who are ill-equipped throughout the real world. Before moving forward with actual

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Smart manufacturing technologies and toolkits

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Figure 2. Application of SM technologies in SMEs (Adapted from Mittal, Romero, and Wuest [45], [71])

manufacturing, they use technology that combines a real physical especially the car, sector by embedding and introducing lighter
environment with computer-generated graphics to see artificially and more complex constructions within the shortest amount of
added components to an already existing real-world scenario for time. An illustration is the fact that Local Motors produced the
training, simulation or validation purposes. Real-world scenarios first electric vehicle, which was printed in 3D, in 2014. They also
and computer-simulated images are combined to assist actualize produced a 3D-printed bus called OLLI. Local Motors thereafter
the product in an existing setting. The use of an augmented expanded the spectrum of the application and uses of 3D printing
environment for product testing and training new personnel has technology, which has now escalated beyond just automobiles.
been found to be more effective and time saving [21, 54, 59]. The OLLI bus is a 3D-printed, electric, recyclable and incredibly
intelligent bus. In addition, Ford is a pioneer in the application
of 3D printing technology in automobiles and uses it to create
4.2.3 Automation/robotics
prototypes and engine parts [65]. BMW also uses 3D printing
The usage of robotics in SM is expanding in both diversity and col-
technology to create hand tools for the testing and assembling of
laboration as robots become more and more common as a result of
social distancing regulations. The levels of AI, autonomous deci-
In contrast, Audi and SLM Solution Group AG worked together
sion making, sensing, communication and mobility that robots
in 2017 to create prototypes and replacement parts [62]. As a
and automated machines possess vary. However, robot systems in
result, the application of 3D printing technology or introduction
SM typically collect a lot of data and are well connected to the
thereof in the automobile industry permits empirical business
cloud and the entire smart factory.
experimentation using varied and differentiated ideas that are
more focused early enough in the development process, thus
4.2.4 Hybrid and additive manufacturing leading to the conceptualization and evolution of efficient and
Rapid prototyping has been transformed by additive manufac- optimal car designs and inventions. In addition, 3D printing
turing, often known as 3D printing, which now supports con- technology helps cut down on resource use and waste. In addition,
ventional production with finished goods or even infrastructure 3D printing technology and approach will save time and cost, thus
like small-scale buildings and bridges. It is anticipated that it will enabling the possibility of testing new and/or novel designs with
eventually be used in mass production. To further reduce mate- dispatch and immediacy [39].
rial waste and create parts fast, hybrid manufacturing combines
metal additive manufacturing with subtractive manufacturing on
a single machine. 4.2.5 Big data analysis
Today’s 3D printing technology has significantly and holisti- Every facet of SM is impacted by big data, and in some circum-
cally transformed the ability of most industries to create, develop stances, data is what makes a system ‘smart.’ Machine learning
and produce new products as intended. The 3D printing expe- is fed by data-driven SM, which uses the cloud for processing
rience has invented new climes especially to the automotive, and storage. In addition to the factory floor, big data analysis is

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essential for SM in areas such as: assessment of risks; logistics; analysis. Low-cost central processing units are becoming more
costing of structures, quality control mechanisms and improve- common in IoT devices due to the falling cost of sensors, which
ment; strategies for growth; build to order; other sales patterns enables local computation before uploading to the cloud. That is
and services after sales. what edge computing is. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) refers
Real-time decision making for SM is aided by gathering and to IoT equipment in a production line that can typically make
analysis of data from multiple sources, including production predictions based on input data to cut costs and waste [7, 29].
units, businesses, consumer feedback systems and product IIoT is focused on the industrial application of IoT, which con-
request systems. Manufacturers today want their customers to nects all physical entities with one another through the internet.
provide feedback and personal opinions about the items they have IoT is used in everyday domestic applications including smart
used or plan to use. With this information, manufacturers hope to homes, transportation, logistics, health care, agriculture, human
better target their product designs to appeal to a broad spectrum pets and vehicle tracking applications in the industry. The IoT

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of consumers. Big data analysis will help the manufacturer links physical objects like sensors, actuators and the full process
identify the current situation and reasons for product failures monitoring and control system to the cloud, enabling commu-
in real time as well as encourage customers to buy their items by nication and collaboration across all objects to achieve a com-
comprehending their purchasing patterns and needs and also mon purpose. Each component’s interactions with the others aid
learn how data-driven marketing may be used for predictive in defect localization, preventive maintenance and production
production [38, 48, 49, 58]. planning, improved human–machine interaction and intelligent
process control for the most efficient use of tools, materials and
resources. In addition, IIoT permits customers to view visual
4.2.6 Cloud computing
displays of products, processes and factories for marketing and
IoT sensor data is saved in the cloud and processed by AI/machine
educational purposes [2, 26, 37, 56, 72].
learning algorithms on remote servers. The Volkswagen Indus-
trial Cloud, which aggregates data from 122 Volkswagen Group
sites and processes it in real time to make changes, is an illustra- 4.2.10 Digital twins and simulation
tion of what the cloud can accomplish for SM. Volkswagen’s long- To produce digital twins of physical components and goods that
term objective is to link >30 000 locations from 1500 suppliers can be tested, validated and optimized digitally before manufac-
globally to the industrial cloud and perhaps develop a market ture, SM uses simulation software. The more accurate the digital
for SM software. The supply of scalable, on-demand computer twin is compared with an exact physical depiction, the more useful
resources, such as data storage and processing power, that are simulation becomes. Saving time and money on testing the pro-
accessed remotely by a user through a network is known as duction system would be achieved by simulating plant operations
cloud computing [35, 73, 77]. It has made it possible for cloud to optimize the machine settings for the previous production line
manufacturing, a service-oriented manufacturing paradigm that in a virtual environment.
aims to maximize resource usage while minimizing resource con- In a virtual model that may be used for production planning
sumption [66, 75]. and scheduling based on simulation findings, simulations are used
to reflect the physical world. Moreover, these days, simulation
4.2.7 CNC machining has been integrated into SMS systems, which has made it
Precision multiaxis milling, lathing, cutting, drilling and other easier to prepare cost estimates and examine design mistakes,
operations are carried out by sophisticated CNC machines using manufacturing time, labor and energy requirements for the entire
the designs and models of CAM software. CNC machines fre- production. Before beginning the actual production process,
quently have wireless sensors as part of the IoT in SM. profit–loss analysis and bill of quantities preparation should be
done [6, 12, 22].
Smart Manufacturing Technology models and applications as
4.2.8 Manufacturing design discussed in the just concluded sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.10 is summa-
Design for manufacturing (DFM), sometimes known as design for rized in Figure 2.
manufacturing and assembly (DfMA), is a design process that, via
a series of design decisions and guiding principles, enables and
optimizes prefabrication. Products and components are created
expressly for production to streamline and improve manufac- 5 RESEARCH ISSUES
turing operations. Designing and manufacturing are done using
This section presents the most recent study findings on I4.0
sophisticated CAD and CAM software.
adoption and SM. The three main types of the identified research
issues are technological, methodological and business case
4.2.9 Edge computing, IoT and IIoT research issues. Some of the concerns surrounding the studies
Robots, equipment and other items used in SM are frequently that have been discussed could fall under more than one of these
a component of the IoT, which means that they involve wire- headings. In these situations, the classification is based on what
less networks that are connected to sensors that submit data for the authors believe to be the most important factor.

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5.1 Problems with technological research this instance. Data security concerns are more concerned with the
Standards/interfaces: In the global economy, a variety of het- technological capacity to safeguard and preserve sensitive (man-
erogeneous enterprises frequently come together to build supply ufacturing) data, whereas privacy concerns are more concerned
networks. with issues relating to the sharing of data, information and/or
In this context, heterogeneous refers to various factors, such as expertise within the firm and its supplier chain. Advanced analyt-
the size of the organization, the location and the software solu- ics can now access specific industrial data thanks to the develop-
tions used. Although some businesses might opt for the market’s ment of SM and connected businesses. Even worse, competitors
proprietary solutions, others might prefer or be compelled by can ‘reverse engineer’ the products to determine the underlying
financial constraints to adopt internally produced or open-access knowledge and capabilities by getting useful data. On the other
alternatives. hand, businesses that compete with one another in a separate mar-
Interoperability is a significant problem that needs to be ket niche may cooperate within supply networks. For instance, the

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addressed to enable SM when businesses with various systems service provider stores airline-owned video footage from aircraft
desire to collaborate. This is demonstrated by the cyber-physical surveillance, which is subject to passenger privacy rules that vary
logistics system, or CPLS, use case, where equipment from by country. Information exchange within the supply chain is
many vendors, including machines, transport systems and advantageous for many reasons, including quality improvements
human interface devices, must cooperate. A unique integration [74]. It takes interdisciplinary study including professionals in
will not work due to the dynamic and complicated nature of politics, law, commerce, computer science and engineering to
manufacturing; instead, widely accepted standards are required to develop the systems that guarantee that data are used exclusively
make the creation and operation of effective SM supply networks for the reason for which they are provided.

5.2 Issues with methodological research 6 APPLICATION OF INTELLIGENT

Reference models: Reference models are necessary for a precise
explanation of complicated ideas. This is especially true for smart
systems because they are subject to a wide range of technical
Industry 4.0, where actual businesses can profit from cutting-
standards from different disciplines [1]. These standards begin to
edge technologies, is crucial for intelligent manufacturing appli-
interact in new ways that did not previously exist, necessitating
cations for entire organizations or industries. Because manu-
coordinating efforts [24]. There are currently no standards for
facturing companies may involve many different parts, such as
evaluating production system capabilities and connecting the
manufacturing process planning and scheduling, workshop mon-
findings to earlier stages of the life cycle [36]. This led to the
itoring and control and warehouse management, an agent-based
identification of several research issues, including the need for
framework for Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMSs) will be
common definitions of fundamental concepts and modelling
an appropriate solution to the problem of production planning
formalisms [15, 24, 55]; i). the need for common definitions
and scheduling. Agent-based implementation can design work-
of fundamental concepts and modelling formalisms (Da vis et
flows and adhere to manufacturing logics, effectively facilitating
al. 2015, Ho and O’Sullivan 2017, Papazoglou, van den Heuvel,
the decision making pertaining to these elements [63]. To make
and Mascolo 2015); ii) methods for the structured description
the deployment of intelligent manufacturing simpler, multiagent
of comparable use cases [1, 24]; iii) advanced knowledge
technologies can be used to concurrently control robots that are
representation mechanisms, supporting stakeholder commu-
made possible by an agent-based architecture with distributed
nications and strategic standardization across manufacturing
[24, 55]; iv) dynamic orchestration of decision/action workflows
Cloud-based solutions, which exchange or circulate manufac-
in heterogeneous environments [15] and v) a sociotechnical
turing resources using Service- oriented Architecture (SOA) and
evolution process for the reference model [4].
cloud computing, are another future use of intelligent manufac-
For I4.0, a sample of such a reference model that Deutsches
turing. To fully use IMSs, a number of different cloud platforms
Institut für Normung (DIN) intends to standardize has been
will be developed, allowing industrial resources and capabilities
developed Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI
to offer end users on-demand services. Because typical resources
4.0). It comprises both horizontal networking outside of the single
with modern sensors are endowed with intelligence and can react,
factory toward the creation of dynamic value networks as well as
detect and even ‘think’ given diverse manufacturing requirements
vertical networking of the means of production, workpiece and
or scenarios, modeling manufacturing resources in the 4IR era is
associated data. The core components of I4.0 are present in the
an important area for future research. It can be difficult to figure
final model.
out how to turn these resources into services and integrate them
into a cloud-based platform.
5.3 Business plan problems New-generation intelligent manufacturing is an enormous sys-
Privacy issues: Data security concerns are closely tied to privacy tem that essentially comprises three efficient subsystems: intelli-
concerns. However, it was decided to divide the two sections in gent products, production and services. In addition, it embraces

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applicable in improvement and optimization across the value
chain of the manufacturing process; this includes but is not lim-
ited to product innovations, production and services in discrete
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