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Course: MCG 613 Climate Change and Semester School Year

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management First Semester 2023-2024
Class Schedule: Days/Time Thursday 5:00- Instructor: DR. NOBA F. HILVANO
8:00 PM
Course Description
Climate change exacerbates disaster impacts and frequency by aggravating hazards and
the factors determining the vulnerability of the environment, inhabiting communities, and their
resources. The course integrates climate change mitigation, adaptation, sustainability
concerns, and DRR into the developmental process. This course introduces the concepts,
tools, and methods in disaster risk reduction and management, specifically for climate and
weather-related disasters, and the role of policies and frameworks in international, national,
and sub-national contexts, with a focus on emerging issues and recent developments

Course Outline
Week 1-2 Introduction to Climate Change Science
1. Introduction to Climate Change Science
2. Anthropogenic Drivers of Climate Change
3. Observed Trends and Impacts of Climate Change
4. Projected Trends and Impacts of Climate Change
Week 2-4 Introduction to Disaster Science
1. Disaster typology and classification
2. Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability, and Resilience
3. DRR and its evolution
4. Hydrometeorological and related disaster
5. Disaster vulnerability of the region/country
Week 5-6 Institutional and Legal Framework for CCMA-DRRM
1. Hyogo Framework
2. Sendai Framework
3. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and
Kyoto Protocol
4. COP26
5. Sustainable Development Goals
6. RA 10121 Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act of 2010
7. RA 9729 Climate Change Act of 2009
Week 7-8 Climate Change Mitigation
1. Introduction to Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Development
2. Strategic Frameworks and Policy Approaches for Mitigation and Low Carbon
3. Sectors with High Mitigation Potential
4. National and International Initiatives to Support Climate Change Mitigation
Week 8-9 Climate Change Adaptation
1. Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation
2. Conducting a Vulnerability Assessment
3. Identifying and Selecting Adaptation Options
4. Linking Adaptation and Development Planning
5. National and International Initiatives to Support Climate Change Adaptation
Week 10-14 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
1. Disaster Mitigation

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2. Disaster Preparedness
3. Disaster Response
4. Disaster Recovery
Week 15-18 Case study
Course Requirements
Course Learning Outcomes Required Output
1. Understand how climate change can 1. 4 Critique Papers
affect socio-ecological systems. 2. 1 Research paper
2. Analyze how climate change 3. 2 Individual Reporting (also submit the
exacerbates disaster. materials used) (1 for the midterms and
3. Describe, analyze, and evaluate the 1 for the finals)
environmental, social, cultural, 4. Midterm and Final Exams
economic, legal, and organizational
aspects influencing vulnerabilities and
capacities to face disasters.
4. Analyze the nexus of climate change
mitigation and DRRM.
5. Analyze the nexus of climate change
adaptation and DRRM.
6. Apply the elements of disaster risk
reduction and management in daily life
and the workplace.
7. Conduct research on climate change
mitigation and adaptation and disaster
risk reduction and management that
could serve as a basis for crafting
science-based development policies,
programs, and projects to improve
disaster resilience.
Course Policies Grading System
1. All students are required to attend the 1. There will be 2 rating periods: Midterm and
class regularly. They are expected to arrive Finals
for class on time and remain in class until 2. The grades for each period shall be
the end of the class session. computed as follows:
2. All students are expected to behave with
academic honesty. It is not academically Major Exams: 40%
honest to misrepresent another person’s Student output: 60%
work as your own, to take credit for 100%
someone else’s work, or harm another
student’s chances for academic success. 3. Average Grade (Midterm Grade + Final
These students will automatically have a Grade)/2
grade of 5.0 after three (3) offenses of
academic dishonesty.
3. All students are expected to submit the
class requirements and take the major
exams on the specified day. In general, no
special exams will be given except when
circumstances warrant but with valid

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supporting documents to be presented.
4. Group activities will be part of the class
participation. Students should participate
actively during the group discussion and
other group assignments.
5. Other course policies will be based on
the student’s handbook.

Consultation Schedule
MWF: 11:00 – 12:00
CP Number: 09685499742

Prepared by: Approved:


Faculty Program Head, MAEd

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Effective June 10, 2021 Page 3of3

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