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Started on Sunday, 16 June 2024, 11:56 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 17 June 2024, 12:02 AM
Time taken 6 mins 5 secs
Marks 20.00/20.00
Grade 100.00 out of 100.00

Question 1 What is the advantage of the Naive Bayes classifier over other classifiers?

Mark 1.00 out of a. It is able to handle large amounts of data

b. It is more flexible
c. It is faster to train and predict 
d. It is more accurate

Question 2 What is supervised learning used for?


Mark 1.00 out of a. Both classification and regression tasks 

b. Classification tasks
c. Unsupervised learning tasks
d. Regression tasks
Question 3 What is the learning rule for a perceptron called?

Mark 1.00 out of a. The Delta Rule

b. The Hebbian Rule 
c. The Perceptron Learning Algorithm
d. The Backpropagation Algorithm

Question 4 What is the EM algorithm used to optimize in the "M" step?


Mark 1.00 out of a. The likelihood of the model 

b. The model parameters
c. The latent variables
d. The prediction accuracy of the model

Question 5 What is the EM algorithm used for?


Mark 1.00 out of a. Regression

b. Clustering
c. All of the above 
d. Classification
Question 6 What is the "E" step in the EM algorithm?

Mark 1.00 out of a. The step where the likelihood of the model is maximized
b. The step where the model parameters are updated
c. The step where the prediction accuracy of the model is calculated
d. The step where the expectation of the latent variables is calculated 

Question 7 What is the advantage of using the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier over other types of Naive
Correct Bayes classifiers?
Mark 1.00 out of
a. It is able to handle continuous features 
b. It is more accurate
c. It is faster to train and predict
d. It is able to handle categorical features

Question 8 What is the "M" step in the EM algorithm?


Mark 1.00 out of a. The step where the prediction accuracy of the model is calculated
b. The step where the likelihood of the model is maximized
c. The step where the model parameters are updated 
d. The step where the expectation of the latent variables is calculated
Question 9 What is the main advantage of using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) over other types of
Correct graphs?
Mark 1.00 out of
a. DAGs are more efficient for storing and processing data
b. DAGs can represent more complex relationships between data 
c. All of the above
d. DAGs are easier to understand and visualize

Question 10 What is the assumption made by the Naive Bayes classifier?


Mark 1.00 out of a. That the features in the data are dependent on each other
b. That the features in the data are normally distributed
c. That the features in the data are independent of each other 
d. That the features in the data are uniformly distributed

Question 11 What is the least squares method used for?


Mark 1.00 out of a. To find the line of best fit for a set of data 
b. To calculate the variance of a data set
c. To calculate the mean of a data set
d. To solve systems of linear equations
Question 12 What is the EM algorithm used to estimate in the "E" step?

Mark 1.00 out of a. The latent variables 

b. The prediction accuracy of the model
c. The model parameters
d. The likelihood of the model

Question 13 What is the Naive Bayes classifier used for?


Mark 1.00 out of a. To classify data into different categories based on certain features 
b. To predict the probability of an event occurring
c. To predict the value of a continuous variable
d. All of the above

Question 14 What is the disadvantage of the Naive Bayes classifier?


Mark 1.00 out of a. It is unable to handle large amounts of data

b. It is inflexible
c. It is slower to train and predict
d. It is less accurate 
Question 15 What is the main goal of the EM algorithm?

Mark 1.00 out of a. To maximize the likelihood of a model given the data 
b. To minimize the cost or loss function of a model
c. To maximize the prediction accuracy of the model
d. To minimize the error between the predicted and actual values of the data

Question 16 What is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance used for?


Mark 1.00 out of a. To measure the uncertainty of a probability distribution

b. To measure the dissimilarity between two probability distributions 
c. To measure the predictability of a probability distribution
d. To measure the similarity between two probability distributions

Question 17 What is the Hebb rule?


Mark 1.00 out of a. A rule used to adjust the weights in a neural network 
b. A rule used to calculate the output of a neural network
c. A rule used to determine the structure of a neural network
d. A rule used to determine the input to a neural network
Question 18 What is the equation for the Hebb rule?

Mark 1.00 out of a. w(new) = w(old) + η(input - output)x(target)

b. w(new) = w(old) + η(output - target)x(input)
c. w(new) = w(old) + η(target - output)x(input)
d. w(new) = w(old) + η(output)x(input) 

Question 19 What is the main disadvantage of the Hebb rule?


Mark 1.00 out of a. It is slow to converge

b. It is unable to handle large datasets
c. It is prone to overfitting
d. It is unable to handle nonlinear relationships 

Question 20 What is the main advantage of the Hebb rule?


Mark 1.00 out of a. It is fast to converge 

b. It is easy to implement
c. It is able to handle nonlinear relationships
d. It is able to handle large datasets

◄ Midterm Quiz 2 Jump to... Module 9 ►

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