Ghid de conversatie engle8

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Ghid de conversatie englez-roman

La restaurant

La restaurant

Can you recommend a restaurant close to my hotel? – Puteti sa-mi indicati un restaurant
apropiat de hotelul meu?
I’d like a table for three, please. – As dori o masa pentru trei persoane, va rog.
I’d like a table by the window, please. – As dori o masa langa feresatra, va rog.
This table is free/taken. – Aceasta masa e libera/ocupata.
I’d like to book a table please. – As dori sa rezerv o masa, va rog
I’ve booked a table under the name of John. – Am rezervat o masa pe numele John.
Here’s the menu. – Poftiti meniul.

I would recommend… – As recomanda...

Are you ready to order? – Doriti sa comandati?
We haven’t decided yet. – Nu ne-am hotarat inca.
May I take your order now? – As putea sa va iau comanda acum?
What would you like to start with? – Cu ce ati dori sa incepeti?
Let’s have some starters first. – Pentru inceput as lua niste aperitive.
I’ll have the…, please. – Am sa iau…, va rog.
And for my wife/husband, the… – Si pentru sotia/sotul meu…
I’m a vegetarian. – Sunt vegetarian.
I’m on a diet. – Tin regim.
And for main course? – Si pentru felul principal?
And as a side-dish? – Si pentru garnitura?
And for dessert? – Si pentru desert ?

What would you like to drink? – Ce ati dori sa beti?

Could you bring us a bottle of…? – Ne puteti aduce o sticla de..?
Cheers! – Noroc!
Anything else, Sir/Madam? – Mai dorit ceva d-le/doamna?
That would be all, thank you. – Nu, asta e tot, multumim.
Could we pay, please? – Am putea plati, va rog?
Could we have the bill, please? – Ne puteti aduce nota de palta, va rog?
Did you enjoy your meal? – V-a placut mancarea?
Please keep the change. – Pastrati restul, va rog.
Have you been here before? – Ati mai fost aici?
It’s one of my favourite restaurants. – Este unul dintre restaurantele mele preferate.
Let me order for you. – Lasa-ma sa comand pentru tine.
What would you recommend? – Ce mi-ati recomanda?
Allow me to pay. – Da-mi voie sa paltesc.
Thanks very much for inviting me. – Multumesc foarte mult ca m-ai invitat.
This is not what we ordered. – Ni s-a adus comanda gresita.
Waiter, we have been waiting for a long time. – Chelner, asteptam de mult timp.

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