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What society teaches u, you adopt it

Culture is a way of life that Is taught by the society to individuals.

It is a society’s shared and socially transmitted values, ideas, and perceptions that make a sense of
experience, generate a behavior, and are reflected in that behavior.
== controlling child birth was their cultural norm, even though their tribe was about to extinct, they
didn’t gave up their norm.

== to satisfy needs of man

How the aspects of one culture goes to another culture: Culture Change

Diffusion When a society adopts and diffuse gradually some cultural aspects of another society ==
movement of cultural aspects

Evolution: stone age to iron age to metal age to industrialization, societies go from simple to complex

Acculturation: migration, superordinate and subordinate, all trades of superordinate will be adopted by
subordinate == absolute change in the culture

Transculturation: A == B, due to constant interaction a society A adopts any cultural aspect of society B
and vice versa

Characteristics of culture

Culture is learned rather than transmitted through biological inheritance

Culture is learned through observation. Conscious and
unconscious learning helps

Culture is not an individual phenomenon. It can not

be acquired without social interactions. Socialization
is a necessary part of culture

Culture is all encompassing: it not only deals with big matters of a society, it is also concerned with trivial
details, it is ever expanding and all encompassing.
Structured, interconnected

== adaptable, ever

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