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6th Level English test Nour El maaref School Nom et Prénom |- Reading Comprehension Text Peter Hamilton is a fifteen year old boy, He speaks French and of course English, He likes sports very much and every Saturday he plays handball in his local club. Peter also enjoys watching thriller films in T.V. His hobbies are reading, cycling and he ioves pets, they make him feel happy, but his mother doesn't like them. In summer, he spends a fortnight in the beach with his family and he sometimes go out with his friends, but in winter, when he doesn't have school, he prefers staying at home and plays games with his little sister. |- Comprehension questions (7pts) 1) Complete the table with information from the text (2pts) Name ] ‘Age I Nationality Languages 2) What do the following sentences mean. Circle the right answer (1,5pts) + Peter Hamilton hates going to concerts means : - He doesn't like concerts. - He sometimes go to concerts. - He loves concerts very much. + Peter spends a fortnight in the beach means - He spends a week. - He spends two weeks. - He spends two days. + He sometimes go out with his friends means ~ He go aut so often - He never goes out. - He occasionally goes out 3) Complete the following sentence fram the text (1,5pts) Peter's mother hates pets, but he .. 4) What do the underlined words refer to (2pts) * They (L:7) : * He (L211): .. Il-Language 1) Circle the right function of the underlined sentences (2pts) Mike: | can't go to the cinema with you (request, agreement, inability). Jane: Are you ill, Mike? Mike : No, 'm not, but | have exams tomorrow, Jane | why don’t we play cards then? (suggestion, permission. ability) Mike - I'm sarry, | hate cards (dislike, permission, request), but we can play football after doing my homework (ability, request, permission). 2) Fill in the blanks with words from the box (2pts) favourite - raing Marry is very happy, she goes out with her friends this afternoon. The .... nice and wam. It's sunny and the gardens are full its Mary's... =r S88S0N, It 5... 3) Choose the correct option, Circle it (2pts) Mike (work ~ works = working) in an office near his house. He works from nine o'clock in the moming to six o'clock in the evening. Actually, he works only (fife — fifth — five) days a week. He doesn't go to work (in — on — at) Saturday and Sunday. He spends (at — them — they) with his family. 4) Ask the questions of the following answers (2pls) Q oe not +e oot Sousse? A- Igo to Sousse next saturday. Q- seve. there? A- | stay there tow weeks. Ill- Writing (Spts) You want to have a penfriend you find the following advert in a newspaper. Read it and write a letter to “Suzy” telling her about yourself and your activities Name : Suzy Brown Age: 14 Adresse 4 rue glimare ST England Languages ; English / French Hobbies : Tennis, reading Dear, Date Teacher : 2nd of March School Kairouan English TEST 3 Name : ‘Academic year : 2007/2008 Bs Class 16"... Read the text. bank. There is a beautiful big museum on King Street. I like Greentown: it’s got lots of flowers and trees. Answer the questions, 1) Read and match. Greentown is © aclear 2) Gircle Ce) ‘My favourite town is Greentown, It is a clean and beautiful place. There are lots of parks. There isn't a cinema. Greentown has got a hospital and a in town, © alittle town © a beautiful town. There is a supermarket in Greentown. Yes No There are many parks in Greentown. Yes No 3) Tick the right box. & a hospital. parks a cinema a bank Greentown MY Your town Mu 4) Complete the e-mail with the correct prepositions: at / on / in There's a new film (at) the cinema. Would you like to go and see it with me (....) the weekend? It starts (.....) 8 O'clock, I'm free tonight (....) Saturday, but I have to do my Dear Ahmed! homework (....) Sunday evening, Tarek 5) Look at the picture and write the words. In the basket, there are a potato, a fresh milk packet, 1 kilo of... ‘three tomatoes. sand Mark na Marks R Marks 13 Marks 4 6) Complete with: How many / Where Parks are there in Greentown? sw is the big museum? There are lots of parks. It's inthe king Street. 7) Look at the picture then write sentences about the room. Use: There are or There's Example: There's a computer. 8) Match the sentences with the pictures. He's doing his homework. He's listening to music. She's playing tennis. They're watching TV. GOOD LUCK! Marks 2 ‘Marks 1B Marks 2B 20 English TEST 3 Name: 2nd of March Schoo! Kairouan . Teacher : Semia Jridi ‘Arocemje:yenr= 2000/2008 Bs measene lass 16". Read the text. Repo ww ‘My favourite town is Greentown. It is a clean and beautiful place. There are lots of parks. There isn't a cinema. Greentown has got a hospital and a bank. There is a beautiful big museum on King Street. T like Greentown: it’s got lots of flowers and trees. Answer the questions, 1) Read and match. © aclean town, Mark a beautiful town, ve ©) There is a supermarket in Greentown. Yes Marks fe ‘There are many parks in Greentown. C=) No 3) Tick the right box. e ‘a hospital parks cinema a bank Greentown MY yw _ Your town uw 4 Mw 4) Complete the e-mail with the correct prepositions: at / on / in Dear Ahmed! There's a new film (at) the cinema. Would you like to go and see it with me (in) the jerks weekend? It starts (at) 8 O'clock, I'm free tonight (on) Saturday, but I have to do my ./4 homework (on) Sunday evening. Tarek 5) Look at the picture and write the words. In the basket, there are a potato, a fresh milk packet, 1 kilo of sugar, bananas and three tomatoes. 6) Complete with: How many / Where How many Parks are there in Greentown? There are lots of parks, Where is the big museum? It's in the King Street. 7) Look at the picture then write sentences about the room. Use: There are or There's Example: There's a computer. 1- There are 2 beds. 2- There are three chairs. 3- There's a ball on the bed. / There's a closet/ There's a racquet in the closet? ... 8) Match the sentences with the pictures. He's daing his homework. He's listening to music. She's playing tennis. They're watching TV. @> Lay et GOOD LUCK! Marks 2 Marks 3 Marks 2B 20 6* year English test N°3 Nani. I/ Read the text and answer the following questions: It’s Saturday morning, Andrew gets up early. He washes his face, combs his hair, Then, he brushes his teeth in the bathroom afier he has breakfast. At seven forty, he takes his bag and goes to school with his friend Harry. In the afternoon, the two friends spend two whole hours swimming in the swimming- pool. After that, they go to the restaurant, buy two sandwiches and go to the zoo to see the wild animals in their cages: the lion, the tiger, the bear, the giraffe and the monkey. They eat their sandwiches and two ice-creams and go back home very satisfied. Section 1:Reading (4 marks) A-Tick the right answer ¥ Andrew goes to school alone. Andrew goes to school with his friend Harry. Ce Harry and Andrew eat their sandwiches at the zoo. B- Look at the picture and circle the animals mentioned in the text: C- Complete the sentence with words from the text : Before going to the ... ca Andrew and Harry spend two hours in the then go to the zoo to see the wild animals. Section 2: Language(5 marks) A/ Complete with words from the box: Wash — brush — comb — drink I sees My teeth after breakfast. Fatima .. ..her hair in front of the mirror. Thomas and Peter ...... ww their faces in the bathroom. her milk in the morning Suzan . B/look at the pictures and put the letters in order to make words: Every Sunday, my father takes a and goes to the A skk/blaivle két/m/efa/r He buys .... a wand .... DD) «@ id nla/b/a/s/nla plaip/V/e/s els/cihle/e C/ match the sentence with the picture: The camel és on the right. The camel is between the giraffe and the tiger. d ‘aa Ae The camel is next to the tiger. tion 3: Writit mark: A/ Put the words in order to get good sentences: a TV set—and - there's —a sofa— in the living-room, My brother- a sandwich- eating- in the garden- is. Have — where- lunch- you- do — on Sunday- ? your- what's- sport- favourite- ? Is the police station on the right? Ne Full Term Test n°3 6th form THE TEXT Mrs Smith gets up early every day before her husband and her children. The first thing she does is to prepare tea, eggs and small cheese sandwiches for breakfast. It’s eight o’clock now. Mr Smith and his children are sitting at the breakfast table. They are ready to eat. But where's the mother? She’s in the kitchen, of course. Every day, after breakfast, Mrs Smith cleans the rooms, washes the clothes and after that she prepares lunch for her family. 1/ THE QUESTIONS (6 marks) Read the text and: 1- Tick (-V) in the right box, (2 marks) A> Mrs Smith is in... a- her bedroom. b- The kitchen. e- The living room. B- She gets up... a- before eight o'clock. be at eight o’clock. c- after eight o'clock. 2- circle yes or no. (2 marks) a- | The mother prepares lunch after cleaning the rooms. | Yes | No b- | The father and the children are preparing breakfast. | Yes | No 3- Complete. (2 marks) For breakfast, the children drink ... - And + and eat... cheese sandwiches. Il/ LANGUAGE (8 marks) 1- Complete with} Likes — carrots — is — plays. | (there is an extra Word). (3marks) It’s Sunday afternoon. Jane .-s.afabbits, She usually gives them some going to the zoo with her family. She. . ss ss tO eat. 2- Circle the right word, (3 marks) Today is a holiday. It’s eleven o'clock (in—on) the morning. The weather is (sunny — funny). The children are swimming in the (beach — sea). 3+ write the opposite of the underlined words.(2 marks): .and fat. She likes to (sell Suzan is an English girl. She is (short) ............0000085 ... large clothes, TI/ WRITING (6 marks) 1- Complete the dialogue with the sentences in the box. There is an extra sentence. (3marks) -I'd like two kilos of oranges. -Can I help you? -It’s in the basket, -How much is it? Mts Brown: Good morning, sir. Shopkeeper: Good morning, madam. ... Mrs Brown:. Shopkeeper: Ok. Here you are. Mrs Brown: thank you. ..ssssessserseserserseeeersseseensenee? Shopkeeper: Two dinars. 2-reorder the letters and write the words. (3 marks). surtosre sochu. pealp End ofterm English N°3 | 6% form June 2015 Written test: Oral exam: Name: . Class Full Mark The te: Dear friend, "ma pupil at a school in Manchester and I'm sixteen years old. | goto school by bus. I lave my town. It has got 2 cinemas, a big park with a z00 next to it. It has got many hotels, cafés, restaurants and stadiums. Tourists love my town and visit it a lot in summer. | like listening to music and playing tennis. At weekends, | go out with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema and sometimes we just go for a walk in the park. | speak English and French but | don’t like studying maths. What about you? Please write to me. 1. Reading comprehension (4 marks) 1) Read and circle “yes” or “no”: (0.25 each) > Bill likes all sports. Yes -No > He goes to school on foot. Yes —No > The zoo is near the park. Yes - No © Allthe weekends, Bill stays athome. Yes— No 2)Read and complete the table: (0.25 each) Name ‘Age Occupation | nationality 3)Read and complete with words from the text: (0.25 each) .. town. Tourists visit it a lot to music and playing Bill lives in Manchester. It’s a in... - Bill likes but he doesn’t like studying ... 4)Read and pick up the sentence that describes Bill’s town: (1 mark) i Language (4 marks) 1) Circle the correct alternative (0.25 each) I'm Sandy. I'm (from-on-at) Boston. I (speak-have-go) English and Italian. ’'ve got a (new-old-hot) computer and | write all my letters on it but | don’t like (play-playing-plays) basketball. Y favourite pet is (the tiger-the cat-tha apple). 2) Fill in the blanks with words from the box (be careful there is an extra word) (0.25 each) Bedrooms /house / wearing / garden / combing / he / his Mr. Arnald has got a very large There’s a big living room, a dining room, three ... . and two bathrooms. There’s a modern kitchen. There's also a garage and a nice .» Mr. Arnold is in the bathroom. ... his teeth. His daughter, Julia, is Peter, is in his bedroom. He’s 3) Write the opposite of the underlined words: (0.25 each) © Mary has gota old #. pet. it’s a big osutansneun Ct, She's VEL $M Hassan BECAUSE She doesn’t like animals. today, she gets up late #.. ... to play with her pet. J Writing (4 marks) 1) Look at the pictures, reorder the letters and write the words: (0.25 each) a a-b-r-t-i-b |e-e-h-s-p r-p-a-e 2) Pu the words in the correct order to get a dialogue: ( 0.5 each) A: Good morning! (1 ~can - you - help) B: Good morning! (1—one kilo d like — strawberries — of) A: 0k B : (much - how—it— is) A: 2 dinars. B: Thank you. Good bye. A: Good bye. 3) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences: (0.5 each) He's in the bathroom. In the kitchen, he. He SHS SSS OSS SSSOSOSOO OSHS OOOH OSES OSOESSEDODOESOOOD e Teacher: SPRING FLOWER Ryah Brown is ten years old, He lives in a big house in London with his father, Mr. Brown, his mother, Laura and his little sister, Claire. His father is a bank clerk and his mother is a travel agent. Claire is a baby, Every morning they get up ‘early. At 7.20 Ryan has a quick ‘shower, Then he goes to the (QUESTIONS: ( 11MARKS) ‘True or False?( 1.5 marks) 1, Ryan has got a sister, 2. Ryan lives in Hendon. 3, He does his homework'before'tea, 4, The Browns don't watch TY, 5. The Browns haye'breakfast dt7.30. 6. Claire is a baby a- Rytinhas lunch at the schoo! b--Ryan walks to school c+ _He has a shower. d- Ryan does his homework e- He watches TV with his family. f+ He has breakfast. g- Ryan gets up. h- He has dinner with his family i- Ryan goes to bed. ‘Answer the questions about the ‘text.(Smarks) 1, How old is Ryan? SEOCSSSOSSESOSOS HOSE OSS SHOES ESSE SOS OSOSO OOS OSE SOO OHS OOO OHO OOO OHO OOD Meet Ryan Brown dining room where they have ‘an enormous breakfast. ‘The Browns go to work by car. Mr. Brown drives it. Ryan. ‘goes to school on foot with his best friend Mum and Claire Stays at home with the baby- sitter, ‘At noon Ryan has lunch in ‘the school canteen with his friends, Order Ryan'#"daily routine. (4.5marks) SOOOOOOOOOOSOSO OOOO HO OMOOSO OOOOH OOOOOOO OOD English TEST School year : 2015/2016 SOOOCOOOOOS The Browns go back home after tea. Ryan does hiss homework and Laura works ing the garden. Mr. Brown goes to the library. They have dinner ® at 7.30 pm. They talk a lot® during dinner. Then, they? wotch their favourite TV, programme and they go tos bed_ POPS OOOOOOSOSH OOOO OOO OOO OOCODOOOOOD 2. Where does he live? 3. Does he live with his parents? 4, What's his father's 5, What's his mother's job? 6, What time do the Browns get up? 7. How does Ryan go to school? 8, What time dees he have lunch? 9. Where does he have lunch? 10. What do the Browns do after dinner? -~ TT- LANGUAGE:( 9MARKS) Task One: Complete this is postcard w withthe present progressive (marks) Hi Sandra Susan and I ( stay) here in Spain for 2 weeks. ‘The sun (2. 4o’shine) and it is very hot We (3. 40 sit) on the beach and I (40 fo drink) a fresh orange= juice. The children ( swim) in the sea. ‘Susan (7.t0 read) 1 book and I (8. to write) all the postcards. Love from Susan and Jim POSS SSSOSS SSO SSO SSO OSOSSS OSS HODOSHO HOODOO OOOD ‘We (5. to watch) the boats on the sea at the moment. Task Two : Guess Who I am ? (3marks) SOSSSOOS OES OSOE SOS OOSSE SHOES SESE SOS ODOS OOOO OSE EOD OHO OOD OHS OOO OOO OD You can relax here. There is usually a sofa. ; ececceccccscceescoesoensoens PHOS SOSOOSSOSHOOSHOSSO ODODE SODO OHO OHOOOOOHOOOOOSOOO OOO OHOOHOOOOOD Bee eee ee ee eT eee Tee e eee ee tee ooooe eee¢ ‘Tm a room.People often watc! T'm quite green. You can sit or work in me. (Fee | T have trees and flowers.I'm behind or around the house. I'm in the kitchen. have burners. T use gas or electricity. You cook on me. T have a wardrobe.I have a mattress. Tm a room. You sleep in me. Task Three: Complete the sentences : (2marks) Itis [ «Ineed my ( ( umbrella co cost ~sunglasses) Z™ . Ineed my (skirt -trousers- shoes) SOPOSOOHOSOODEDOOOOSO OHO OSE ODOSODODOOO OOD OOO SOS OHO OOD OHS ODO OOOOD SOOO SOOO O SLOSS HOSS OSO ODO OOES OOOOH OSHOO OOOO OOO OOD OOO OOO OHOOHOOOOOD SHOOOO OHS ODO OOOO OOO SO OMSOOOO HOO OOOOOOOOOO OOD English TEST 3 Teacher : Semia Jridi Academic year = .../ Read the text. My favourite town is Greentown. It is a clean and beautiful place. There are lots of parks. There isn't a cinema. Greentown has got a hospital and a bank. There is a beautiful big museum on King Street. I like Greentown: it’s got lots of flowers and trees. Answer the questions, 1) Read and match. © aclean town, Mark Greentown is © alittle town a ® a beautiful town, 2) Gircle Ces) ‘There is a supermarket in Greentown. Yes No Marks f There are many parks in Greentown. Yes No 3) Tick the right box. e ‘a hospital parks a cinema abank Greentown M4 — Your town 4 4) Complete the e-mail with the correct prepositions: at / on / in Dear Ahmed! There's a new film (at) the cinema. Would you like to go and see it with me (....) the marks weekend? It starts (.....) 8 O'clock. I'm free tonight (....) Saturday, but I have todo my ../4 homework (....) Sunday evening, Tarek 5) Look at the picture and write the words. In the basket, there are a potato, a fresh milk packet, 1 kilo OF y seoeseseneeenand ‘three tomatoes. 6) Complete with: How many / Where Parks are there in Greentown? There are lots of parks. sw is the big museum? Tr's in the King Street. 7) Look at the picture then write sentences about the room. Use: There are or There's Example: There's a computer. 8) Match the sentences with the pictures. He's doing his homework. He's listening to music. She's playing tennis. They're watching TV. GOOD LUCK! Marks 2 Marks 1B Marks B 20 English TEST 3 Academic year : wom Dear deme Hew ere you Bf ‘Thankyou fer your eral Ls very teresting. (Be yeu the Ing in bg to? Etna wal tun ror ne Oy rrr Serine gre Tre ert {end tere erent nay tees) uns ry beaut fal Yousansee act merestng es ‘tirde here es “Un Decenbe, the deys ere very short 2F very cee, but ean ene very often. ig the summer best My fre month i June, becouse Is worm, and becouse my Bithdeysin Tune. A he end of Tune the days ore ery ‘eng tegen con and el ie seu your school dy Answer the questions. 1) Read and match © aletter. Cindy sends Sumer tans © apoer. 2) Circle C=) @) Cindy lives in a big town in Scotland. Yes Ne Cindy lives in @ small town called Orkneys, Yes No nes There are many birds in Stromness Yes No 3) Tick the right box ( @) & Fs cold it's warm In Stromness, in December, mate In Stromness ,in June, 4) Complete with (How, When, Who) and match the questions and answers. e Cindy's birthday > She's 12 years old. © coccsssullves in Orkneys ? It's in dune. ose e old is Cindy 2 Cindy. 5) Gircle the correct word. ¥ T study English (on/ in/ at) Monday. I go to bed (in/ at/ on) nine o'clock. ¥ There are thirty (deys/ years/ weeks) ina month. Friday is (before/ after) Saturday. ¥ Today is Cindy/s birthday. Her mother (is/ are) moking a lovely cake and her brother and sister (is/ are) decorating the house iss is 6) Put the words in the correct order and match / his / doing / He / homework /is foment te 2 are /They/ eating /. / lunch/ midday/ at ae »).. E z A - ns i reading /a/./ is / She/ newspaper ae ae ©)... music /to/ is /He 7. listening 5 20 a. English TEST 3 2nd of March Academic year § ../ Teacher: .. Read the text. My favourite town is Greentown. It is a clean and beautiful place. There are lots of parks. There isn't a cinema. Greentown has got a hospital and a bank. There is a beautiful big museum on King Street. T like Greentown: it’s got lots of flowers and trees. Answer the questions, 1) Read and match. © aclean town, Mark Greentown is <= alittle town a a beautiful town coe © There is a supermarket in Greentown. Yes Marks fe ‘There are many parks in Greentown. C=) No 3) Tick the right box. ge a hospital parks acinema fi a bank Greentown YM 4 y _ Your town Mw 4 Mw 4) Complete the e-mail with the correct prepositions: at / on / in Dear Ahmed! There's a new film (at) the cinema. Would you like to go and see it with me (in) the jparks weekend? It starts (at) 8 O'clock, Im free tonight (on) Saturday, but I have to do my ../4 homework (on) Sunday evening. Tarek 5) Look at the picture and write the words. In the basket, there are a potato, a fresh milk packet, 1 kilo of sugar, bananas and three tomatoes. 6) Complete with: How many / Where How many Parks are there in Greentown? There are lots of parks, Where is the big museum? It's in the King Street. 7) Look at the picture then write sentences about the room. Use: There are or There's Example: There's a computer. 1- There are 2 beds. 2- There are three chairs. 3- There's a ball on the bed. / There's a closet/ There's a racquet in the closet/ ... 8) Match the sentences with the pictures. He's daing his homework. He's listening to music. She's playing tennis. They're watching TV. GOOD LUCK! Marks 2 Marks a Marks 2B 20 Ibn Mandhour school | English Testn’ 3 June ® Today it is Sunday. Alex gets up late. Answer the questions. 3 Where is the family? What are the children doing’ ® Itis midday. Alex and his family are at the restaurant. Alex and his brother are eating some salad and meat. The parents are eating some salad and fish. They like fish very much. Alex is drinking coke. His brother is drinking juice but his mother and his father are drinking mineral water. For dessert, the children are having ice-cream. The parents are having apples because they like fruit very much. a) Write true or false. Alex likes fish The parents drink coke. The children like ice-cream. b) Complete the sentences with words from the text. 3 The parents are drinking. . The parents like. an very much. ® Inthe afternoon, Alex and his brother go to the zoo. They see many animals. Write the name under the pictures. 2.5 ¢ %» fe £ am.u.e a mo...ey a tg. a z..a @! DL. 3 ® Circle the correct word in the sentences. 2 © Rabbits like to eat| fish] / [carrots] ® Lions can |s Monkeys like to eat{ bananas | /{ salad] © Parrots can| repeat words |/| fly. © Classify the following list of words in the table below as indicated. 2.5 (bread / carrots / a dress/ apples / butter/ cheese / jacket / chicken /spaghetti / trousers ) Food clothes. © Look and match 2 % They are watching TV. * He's listening to music. % They are playing football. * Jame is swimming. @ Number the sentences | - 2-3 - 4 2 *% Tgotobed, ae % — Thave lunch at midday... * Igetupearly, heen * I go to school. Please insert pictures ( questions n |- 6) thank you 2 ACA/YEAR : ENGLISH TEST DURATION : 1HOUR 2014/2015 Ne Mrs Smith gets up early every day before her husband and her children. ‘The first thing she does is to prepare tea,eggs and small cheese sandwiches For breakfast. It’s eight o'clock now;Mr Smith and his children are sitting at the breakfast Table .they are ready to eat . but where is the mother? She is in the kitchen. Every day, after breakfast Mrs smith cleans the rooms ,washes the clothes and After that she prepares lunch for her family. The questions (6marks) 1- tick ( )the right box (2marks) A-mrs smith is in... a-her bedroom. b-the kitchen. c-the dining room B-she gets up... a-before eight o’clock beat eight o'clock c-after eight o'clock 2-crcle YES or NO (2marks) a- | The mother prepares lunch after cleaning the house. yes | no b- | The father and the children are preparing breakfast. yes | no 3-complete (2maks) For breakfast ,the children drink. and cheese sandwiches. Langage (8marks) 1- Complete with:| likes-carrots-is -plays|( 3marks ) (there is an extra word) It’s sunday afternoon.Jane .going to the zoo with her rabbits. she usually gives them some ‘o eat. 2-circle the right word(3markes) Today is holiday, It's eleven o'clock (in-on)the morning .the weather Is (sunny-funny).the children are swimming in the(beach-sea), 3-write the opposite of the underlined words (2marks) Suzan is an English girl. She is (short). nd fat. She likes to (sell) .ularge clothes. Writing (6marks) 1-complete the dialogue with the sentences in the box. There is an extra sentence .(3marks) -I'd like two kilos of oranges. -It's in the basket. -how much is it? - good morning sir. Mrs Brown: Shopkeeper: good morning, madam, can | help you? Mrs Brown: Shopkeeper:OKhere you are. Mrs Brown : thank you. Shopkeeper ; two dinars. 2- Reorder the letters and write the words. (marks). ch.nwu.l | | Primary School: F.Hached THIRD TERM ENGLISH TEST | NAME +0... Mm: Ben Amor Nasra JUNE 2014 1 serecemn class 6 form ni. THE TEXT : Dear Jennifer, . I’m very happy to have a pen friend. My name is Tom. I’m English. I'm an eleven years-old pupil. I live in London. | go to a primary school near my house. At school, I study many subjects , maths, history, sciences. ..... My favourite subject is English. I’m good at languages. I can speak French, and of course English but I can’t speak Italian and Chinese. I like drawing but my favourite hobby is listening to music. I also love to play beach ball with my little brother in summer but I hate volleyball, . On Sundays, I go to a fast food restaurant with my friends, I have chicken, salad and fruit for lunch. _ What about you? Please write me soon and tell me about yourself and your family. Your friend Tom I. THE QUESTION: (6marks) Read the text and: 1-Tick the right answer. (1 mark ) The text is a- an e-mail b- a postcard ¢- a newspaper 2-Write YES or NO. (3 marks ) a-Tom loves languages. b-Tom don’t like volleyball. ¢- On Sundays, Tom has lunch with his family 3- Correct the underlined statements. (2 marks a- Tom’s house is near the beach, b- His favourite hobby is drawing. Il. LANGUAGE: (8marks) |- Complete with words from the box. There is an extra word. (3 marks) town — small — school — market ] I live ina .... . in the north of Tunisia. It’s -............c eo and beautiful. Sunday is day, 2- Circle the right word: (3 marks On Sundays morning, the children ( going - go — goes ) to the park. In the afternoon they do their ( read — sleep — homework). In the evening, Mr. Robinson takes ( his — he’s — her ) family to their favourite restaurant. 3- Write the synonym of the underlined words. (2 marks ) Jane: Hello Mary. Mary: Hello Jane, pleased = ato meet you. Jane: can you visit me on Saturday? My house is nextt cesses the post office. Jane: of course | can. ILI. WRITING: ( 6 marks) 1- Reorder the words to make sentences . (3 marks) a+ kitchen ~ mother ~ is — drinking My~in— coffee — the ~ b- is — of - How — pears — much — a kilo c- today — party — is — birthday — It— my —. 2- Look at the pictures and correct the mistakes. (3 acaw acundel bred English Test n° 3 6M: NY a Read this Ain Draham January 16" 2007 Dear Adel IT am in Ain Draham now. It’s a nice place; but it’s very cold, I am wearing heavy clothes because it’s snowy. So Adel when I go out, I usually wear my black 7, Bab Jdid street coat, my brown shoes and my woolen TUNIS scarf. What about you? What are you doing? @ Please write back. ® QUETIONS a) Read and tick the covect word Adelis from Tunis. O Ain Draham. Seif is writing a letter. 0 aposteard O Seif isin Ain Draham. in Sousse O The season in the text is in summer. 0] winter = b) Read and correct the wrong statements. When Seif goes out he wears a brown jacket? Seif doesn’t like Ain Draham. It’s sunny and nice in Ain Draham, @ [LANGUAGE GQ) —_ Write the opposite of the underlined wordo (@ Today is Sarra birthday. She is wearing an old a...... dress. So her mother prepares a small........ cake, and she puts it under......... the table. b) Match the sentence parts My father is in the garden she is watching TV. YT wash my face planting some trees. v My favorite pet in the bathroom. ¥ In my bedroom is the cat v My mother is in the living room there’s a carpet. @ Writing @) — Reorder the letters to. get the words — soheu ckac Se locso 6) Match questions with answers 3 ¥ What are doing? It’s in August. ¥ Who I in the kitchen? There are ten. v¥ When’ your birthday? Mum is preparing lunch. y¥ How many trees are there Tam writing an e-mail. in the garden?

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